Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 11 Aug 1949, p. 2

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2 WWâ€"W-/vwÂ¥v~v~7.irr r , ELECTRICAL CONTR-U‘TING RADIO & ELECTRICAL REPAIRS FARM WIRING J. 8 E. ELEUEREC D. O. Judd, Prop. P. 0. BOX 95. TING. ONTARIO ' P. M. rounan Clean and Fine I‘i’orlr . PAINTER â€" DECORATOR iPhone 438W ' tichmond Hill 0.6.006 ...........O.¢06000.000066006960000.660666g ......... 9.090.....000.00090990060... ’ t MAPLE LIONS CLUB ' (STREET DANCE AND _ OLO'IYME , FOOTBAu. GAMES WEDNESDAY, Aug. 17 O l -. ~ ‘ . t 3 Russ Crelghton’s Orchestra 3 Modern and Oldc Tymc Dancing g 1 § 3 3 3 3 3 Q t 3 § ~Football irrPark, free, beginning 6.39 .p.m. . » ' Lucky gate prize at 9.30 T Other lucky draws â€" Midway â€" Bingo E Admission 25c . ’ .O.‘.OO....¢.OO¢OO¢I:OOO6OOOOOOOOOOrOOOOO s '. However you measure the C.N.E. it's the greatest annual exhibition in the world s . . 350 acres of parkland and buildings, average attendance astound the 2,600,000 mark, more exhibits, more fun and excitement and music events. Come and have the time of your life . . . see the thrilling airshow. the water-sports, horse-show. Hear the music of HM Royal Marines Band. COL K. R. MARSHALL President ELWOOD A. HUGHES GenamlManoger CANAnIAN NA'I'IONAI. ‘ EXHIBITION L ' 1V V \I‘ ‘ l 31.‘ \rl,1‘tl ‘ . V. I).‘¢>"/i‘)‘v" \ ’ i . l’honc Hing 33122 ' THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill Tlnnsdmy. .l.ti;:ti:.t 11. 1949' “'I‘I‘Ilfl LIBERA I.” An Independent Weekly â€" Established 1878 Subscription Rate, $2.00 per year; To the United States $2.50 Mcmbtr t'anadiun Weekly Newspapers .»\.<smiution J. l‘l. SMITH, M.l‘., Publisher Local Traffic Law Enforcement “Look out or the bogey man will get you I" The “bogey man" in this case is Richmond llill‘s constable, l'. C. Frank Moore. Normally the mOst courteous. good-tempered and tactful of policemen, P. (T. Moore is proving that when necessary he can enforce regulations with an iron hand. ofl'cnders who are receiving summonses because of speeding on Yonge Strect within village limits is an indication of that fact. Joining in the all-out drive against speeding which is being carried on on all provincial highways. l’. (7. Moore has recently bccn carrying out ott‘icial and properly conducted speed tests. 'l'hcse. as reported elsewhere, have resulted in a considerable number of summonses being issued. It is noticeable that very few local residents. so far, have found themselves in the clutches of the law. (‘an this mean that our local drivers are above the ‘l\'I‘I'llfJ,t‘ in their observance of traffic laws? Or does it mean that they are lucky enough not to have been caught? Ill any event they had better look out for the “bogey man." as it is inâ€" licaled that the drive against speeding is not a temporary one but will be continuous. i Every one of the many citizens who are aware of the clan gers inherent in speeding will. we feel sure, join with us in ex- pressing appreciation of the move to ensure safe and sane driving .ind the safety of our inhabitantsand visitors. As for the others â€" well, their contributions to municipal finances will be gladly l‘ct‘e.\cd. Richmond Hill‘s narrow main street calls for the exercise of 'nore-than-ordinary precautions. Speeding outside the village is dangerous â€"â€" inside village limits it is hazardous to an extreme degree. While on the subject of traffic regulations, we suggest that attention to those outside truckers who play fast and loose with commonsense rules might well be increased. The habit of park- ing delivery trucks in the centre of the street is a dangerous one. We recall a recent Saturday morning when the heavy flow of traffic was confined to one narrow lane in the centre of the street doc to the parking of large delivery trucks outside the recognized cIOse-to-curb area. The practice of other truckers in parking tacing the wrong direction, meaning that they create an addition- al 1 Iiic hazard while pulling in and out, is one which might well be cured by the application Of a dose of blue paper. Poor Juvenile Sportsmanship a “Can we help you‘?‘ was the question put to a prominent citizen by a couple of teenâ€"agers as he slugged away at his hot a‘nd voluntary job in the ring at the Lions Club Horse Show on the aftcincon of Civic Holiday. - ' They were told that they could help, but that there was no money In it. Their exact answer, given as they walked away. was "To hell with it.” There is something more to this than a regrettable display of bad manners. Apparently these youngsters did not know or did not care that the work being performed by the citizen men- tioned and several score others like him â€"â€" was being done largely for their benefit. _ The record of the Richmond Hill Lions; Club and of all other Lions Clubs in this district in assisting in sports and other activ- .tics for the younger people of this area has been a commendable .nic. Requests for assistance in the provision of playing fields and equipment have met with a generous and willing response. Often the assistance has preceded the request â€" spurred by the generous and sportsman like interests of the business men who l'orm these clubs. It's a mighty poor recompense when men who sacrifice time and effort on behalf of their younger compatriots receive such a :hurlish acknowledgcment. We do not for a minute suggest that this attitude is common to all the younger citizens of Richmond Hill and this district. But unfortunately it is sufficiently in 3videncc to call for comment. Witness the action of a group of youngsters who put in an amusing (‘3) time removing aerials it"lm the cars of people attending the Lions Carnival people The number of traffic ’ ’ T’“ 7' "“ casewowueasé nowsswooooeesnowsest-Nessaoeoosoo to Q Q - . N Of a N F o ews » RlCerALr. FLORIST . o 9 O 0 N hb 3 ' “ III. 3 Funeral Designs â€" Wedding Bouquets Our Specialty 0: . I . ‘ â€"â€"- o ' . . t ' 3 For the third time in two and a 6 MAUI “"lllllwl-H 1' halt" years an application for a beer 3 V. ‘ ~ ‘ ‘14 .znd wine license for the Yorktown o (Ity and Suburban Delivery . lnn. 47:33 Yonge Street. Lansing- l.\ 3 I, V beincr made. It will be heard by the 4, [l‘],,\\~ .y-v \\ :1- .1 4”] W1 .-. ‘ ‘. . - - ' ‘i i Liqqu License Board of Ontario on O l H l '\ h ll m ( ‘m‘l‘l‘l ‘md l _ " August 22. , . E l‘honc Richmond Hill Illlril .‘ A rather unusual combination has " . Come into being in Lindsay Where .“....N0.®06W0.00.900.W..9.Q.m..m..ww the positions of fire chief and chief ’ ' " of police have been combined. ('hiet . .g___¢.: of Police Arthur Webster has betn appointed to the dual position. l’olâ€" Ice constables will be trained in fire fighting and will assist the volun- teer fire brigade. For Mt Year Enioyment I EASY ~ noon rOI.Isnnns. ucuun CLEANERS. wivsunns , ~ ()IL-O-Mitttllt’ ‘ ‘ roaster. on. Iiunnnns QUAKER on. nunnmo smcn HEATERS STROlVIBlilRu-(“AKLSON â€" RADIOS AND (‘OMBINA'I‘IONS Supplied and Guaranteed by FERGUSON 6 Elizabeth Richmond.H,ill, 148 9.: Employees ot‘ the Board of Works in Lindsay have had their pay raised from 65c to The an hour. They will also be paid for wet days and holiâ€" days. i: ‘l= =l= >k Bradford Athletic (Club has shelved its original idea of raising money for tloodlights for the ball field and in» stead will work towards the construcâ€" tion of a swimming pool. a :I: s.- rt: A “mutt show" will be a feature of the Newmarket Lions Club carniâ€" val on August 17. Prizes will be awarded for: the largest; dog, small- est (log, best dressed dog, dOg with the longest tail, dog with the short- est tail. best trick dog, fastest eating 7 , w v dog. l I r ' ' i ' .l' s: >l< , ...6”..°.9.....60.009..G0....0..0.9...”..W4 5 ......i ' For Every Trucking Servme a? Consult Us For Immediate Seitvice Flagstone â€"â€" Cement Blocks; Sand ‘ w Flats Stakes ~7~â€" Dumps â€" Panels . mnan unrivnnv snnvicn Aroused over the condition of N0. 27 Highway, which has been the scene of numerous accidents, includ- ing a recent one when five people met death on Cemetery Hill, resiâ€" dents ot' Schomberg are reported to be preparing a petition asking the Department of Highways to remedy conditions. ‘ . A prominent Aurora business man, William Joseph Sisman, president of' the Sisman Shoe Company of that town, died on July Blst. . He was 59 and had been a prominent Mason, .in active United Church member and a keengolfer, winning many trophies in that sport. A pension plan for employees of Pickering township is under discusâ€" sion. Fourteen employees would be involved. It" i- ‘f'y; ,7:- - up]; SPENCER?" “BROS. Ten persons over eighty years of age were among the three hundred 7 7 7 _ i present at he Cober‘reunion heldat plume W'mcwduk, 2809 ..,. Memorial ark, Stoufl'ville, on Civic p p ‘ p I H°1““a-‘" .4. ' W Contractors amI’Jt)bbéI'§'f l-l “it “'1‘ Three quarters of the $75,000. worth of shares to finance the Stoutfâ€" EFFICIENCY _.-.counrnsr â€",â€" Egt‘ONOMY’, 9 QOOOOOOQ QOMO”.NNNWOW ville Arena and artificial ice ' rink -" I; have been sold; V s , 09090000009”cooooecoocooooooooooooooooooooomooo it; :_< >1: .: >:< : . , _ c Agitation for separation of the V town of Orillia from the County of i‘ " Simcoe has been revived. Dissatis- I, faction with the prestnt setâ€"up is ti based on requests from the county' for more taxes. In llltil Orillia con- tributed $26,000 to' the county. This year the amount was 350.00%. >I< >:: .i * i: ' The biggest fish to be caught in Lake Couchiching in many years â€"â€" a 27â€"pound lunge, was landed at Menoke Beach near Ardtrea recently. Its captor was JOhn Winkworth of Hageisville. The fish measured 52 Inches. 1!: Miles North 7 of \j @«cth/ wooonmnon. ON'I‘. filkagr lHNt‘lNG UNDER . / ‘2 run suns ‘ '(‘ouples ()nly i l l'ric‘rsz‘Tuc‘.‘ Wed. 'I‘hurs. 81.00 peg pe’iison When Lou Miron of Humber Sum- mit, employee of the A. V. Roc‘,,l\rlal- ‘have been more accidents" but this is hardly an explanation for ton plant, broke his neck while, swimming in the Humber River and' was paralyzed fellow workers got 'busy and provided him with the three special nurses he needed. They are now contributing 25c each weekly w both money was supporting the Lions in their activities. There are a couple of good antidotes. One is a good oldâ€" fashioned paddling. The other is the expressed and open con; tempt ot' the youngsters of the Hill who know what good sports- manship means and fortunately we have many of them â€"â€" for those of their number who are lacking in the l'umlamentals ,l' l‘ l w ‘Y, pwjtitude and fair play. I no... Thin... a mighty factor. Here‘s a chance for the :itizcus of tomorrow to make it work today. We believe that a healthy dose of it might go further in curing soâ€"called “juvenile delinquency" than all the theorizing and lecturing of the experts, :o-called, who project cures which, somehow, do not seem to math. .1 fund to help him out. ‘ " IIIIIIIIIIEEIHIIIIIIZ SAVE MONEY On your Lumber Needs Buy Direct from the Mill ROUGH & DRESSED HARDWOOD & SOFTWOOD LUMBER FIREWOOD, POSTS, ‘P-OLES v Speedways Vs. Death-Traps .. A few weeks ago this paper expressed its strong L'Oll\'l(‘~ gions regarding the futility of creating the new highway from l'oronto to Barrie while Highways No. 11 and 27 were so badly u need of attention. It described the project as another of the “cartâ€"bct‘ore-horse" brain waves of a Department of Highways which appeared to be unable to face realities. Further point is given to our contentions by more accidents T l ’ S .H on No. 27 highway â€" accidents which we believe could have been s prevented by some of the dollars and work which have been pourâ€" , . , . . ‘ ad into the "fifth wheel" road-toâ€"be which has swallowed up so 2nd Umcessmn “hitchurch much of the taxpayers‘ money. 1!"; miles north of Lake Wilcox The new clover-leaf which will take care of the intersection of No. 7 highway and the new road will doubtless be a beautiful piece of work. It should be for the money which is being spent on it. llut it won't bring much satisfaction to the five people who lie in their graves as the result of the traffic accident on (‘cmetery Hill at Schomberg an accident which might possibly not have Occurred it' some of the money which has been poured .nto the new speedway had been spent on the cutting down of that illâ€"fated hill. That We are not alone in our opinions is evidenced by the following editorial from the Newmarket Era and Express: "Ancther heatbon collision on the Schomberg road. close to {be sccn: of the dczlths of live travellers from Hamilton. makes it absolutely imperative that the highway be improved. The provâ€" incial police are quoted as having reported the condition of the h‘ghway several times in the past year. but no action has been iIlI\.‘Il. :‘Ilr. .I. ll. Millar. (lcputy minister of highways. remarks that “naturally. as the trat'l'ic on the highway has increased. there Owned and operated by FRED TAYLOR 74 Richmond St. Phone 463 Richmond Hill Auror 841'32 lIIlI-IIIIIIIIIIIIII Go By Train to lhe tn;- ln-avv toll on that str5tch of highway. .\lr. .\1illar says that more than a million dollars has Lecll ‘-]ultl on that highway in llil't‘.‘ years. but the heavy accident l.t‘.t' on highway :7 trom Nobleton to highway 9 just north or" stlmmbtrgv l.\ still an indisputable fact. It" indeed the highway i ll'll.‘ intrrmcd (It spite r‘tlcll expenditures. it would be better to trall'ic than to be maintained at the risk of death and Spirit) 1o the travellers. \\'t- wonder ancv.‘ at the heavy expendâ€" ‘ on the nav; Harrie route it so little has lict‘ll don-u to im- e t>.i:tinL-‘ toutes. “We unclc‘ st \li‘ « titlz‘~ and the l‘c>i<,l‘c‘lll> along the worst part the L113 p ' .3: to petition the gOvei'nment to improve the. :‘l‘iYn'ujf. l‘ei :q now. an outragnd public opinion will forcel "that «monitor :tcnsu has; indicated all along. either reduction of Ilicunh trall‘ic by lat-rims at either cnd. o~ t-le widtniugr and ly \t lIfII1‘ All. lllc‘ Illl‘ll\\ll.\' ill Millie.” l'Iom their pay envelopes to build up ~ Friday. 3I.5II per person Students $1.00) Hat. $12.00 per person ,TUEâ€"S. IIOICDOWN 4 L» “x -ch. 8; Thursuâ€" .lAthv FOWLER 8; "IS? ORCHESTRA Featuring Judy Richards / Fri. Sat. â€" MART KENNEY & HIS WESTERN (IEN’I‘IJCMEN ,_ v , FeatI'n-ing’ Norma Locke ’l it. )1}? l. TORONTO â€" RA. 6102 _ MASTER “FEEDS ‘ Fin RESUtl‘Sii'itlAiTtT t For higher egg prdtlucthbpfihfiiiillfipfiigigfilr use RED HEAD EGG MASH j i f" {Plusi'i 3. GOOD QUALITY St‘Ri'I‘t‘H GRAIN I’lus ,,_. . fllA.",,’l‘ER :L'AYINGZ on LfiZTS Feed the laying pellets as a noun supplement sprinkled on top of the mash at the rate of apâ€" proximately 3 lbs. per 1th) .lIirdSZi signed to increase tch t‘itll\lllll[)llnl'l find thus stimulate egg production, i . . . gag... 9-;~h{,.;,s;b;1.~ mpg. was Mme~§¢bb§§ e 39;. bags. mosWOMaawé-{nfiwyrg a", atynnv'o‘hr‘wg OTTAWA "V" '“ . - .~ W R our.“ M MASTER-i - - 1 -' m EXHIBITION BALANCED . FEEDS " 'I‘cl'cdih'oine {Tl { 1; M Aug. 22 to 27 a All c5752“ or - I 0- . Low Ra” Fares ....:ill2::... - ~' ~ . . M J " i 'run sumac TIIOI‘IIITIII. ()ITI. t FARE AND ONE-HALF g '““”°°S ; M ,- ron THE ROUND TRIP M1. QMMMMME‘E M .' . M? $521M.” “flit-i * r M 1 Good going Saturday, Aug. 20 to ‘ _ a. a :3 Saturday, Aug. 27 inclusive. \Ve Ever M Return Limitâ€"Aug. 29 M ' NAB-.1 .Ngi'NA'IfIQNAE ; :..i " " F‘-"§.7:'9"."1.W‘5'if?‘ ?

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