Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 11 Aug 1949, p. 4

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RATESâ€"Five lines or less, 35 cents for first insertion and 25 cents for each subsequent insertion. Over . five lines 7 cents per FOR SALE Machine, phone SINGER Sewing “1w6 Richmond Hill 23712. 1 BEAGLE female. Greyhound pups (registered stock). J. Tinkler, 4 Yongehurst Rd. c1w6 â€"-â€"â€"â€"._____‘. GENERAL PURPOSE HORSE, ex-i Phone Thornhdl c1w6 cellent condition. 212115. T : LIBEP.‘ L, Biphmond gm, ragga-,2 August 11. 12443 line Telephgne Richmond Hill 9. up“ lscmp LUMBER ram; m ii... tulsl Phone Thornhill 94.1. clwd ‘ing away. _ __.__ _._____ “BARGAIN” â€" Large steel calf pen, new. Phone Richmond Hill 55. c1w6 '34 CHEV. COACH. Apply J. Har- 'old Bull, Summit Farms. Phone King 431‘23. ‘1 lw5 METAL ICE BOX, good condition; 2-burner hot plate. Phone Richmond Hill 492M. c1w6 Ml RANGETTE, electric, good condition, reasonable. Phone Richmond Hi1 246. C] W6 â€"_*.______ 1928 FORD 1V2 ton stake, $150 or best offer. Phone Richmond Hill '414M. tfc6 m ICE BOX, 75 lbs. capacity; also plug- in electric rangette. Phone Thornhill 259W. c1w6 GIRLS’ BICYCLE, C.C.M., excellent condition. Phone Thornhill 94R. . clwli Eh..â€" 1936 CHEV., 4 new heavy duty tires and heater, $275. Apply 142 Rich- mond St., Richmond Hill. FOR REAL ESTATE phone Fenn. Thornhill 168. tfc4li QUANTITY baled wheat straw. Ap- ply Harold Heise, Victoria Square. Phone Stoufi‘vilfie 66105. ’i‘2w5 W DANCING ON CLOUDS' will be your tune, if only you use Lloyd's (Torn Salve soon." 50c at Scotchmer's Drug.r Store. 9â€"‘~â€"â€"â€"-‘*â€"___ FORD FERGUSON TRACTOR, tires new last year. Good mechanical con- dition. Little Bros., Richmond Hill. Phone 174. clwfi i 5 KITTENS to be é-iven away to any-' one who will be kind and give them a good home, trained. Phone Rich- ‘mond Hill 346121. cle ~â€"__._....____ SEED WHEAT, Cornell or Dawson, treated with the new liquid Panogcn. $2.50 per bushel, bag- included. Maple Seed Mill, phone Maple 75. tch “a CU’CUMBERS FOR SALE or ex- change for other garden producc. Orval Jones, Doncrcst Rd., Lanestafi', phone Thornhill 217121. clwii GIRL'S HIGH SCHOOL ROMPERS and tunic, size 14; girl's suit size 12; 2 w.‘nter coats, size 12 and 14, all in goo condition. Phone Richmond Hill 13.433. *lwf‘v m . ALMOST NEW Beaver saw and comâ€" plete wood working hobby outfit. Bargain for cash. Phone Richmond Hill‘ 441'12, Doc Duncan, Elgin Mills. “ilwfi MT WALNUT DINING ROOM SUITE, ' apiece, as good as new; Honey Well; Electric janitor, thermastat. Apply 19 Benson Ave., Richmond Hill, phone on. â€"â€"..____ DINETTE SUITE, 6 pieces, natural .With green trim, never used; youth's bed fafid springs, natural color. Apply Mrs. Frank Armstrong, Everslcy, phone King 441'12. clwl‘i GI TROOLWSKIRT,hghtImvv very‘ ‘httractive style, size 16, never worn. Paid 38.00 will sell for $5.00. Phone Stouf’fville 07516 after 6 p.m. i *lwfi I FOR REAL ESTATE, phone I"cnn. Thornhill 16R. tIc46 AT ENTION â€"â€"â€" Soft wood slabs $12.0 cord; Hardwood slabs, $17.00 cord. All wood is dry and clean. Wil son’s Wood Supply. Phone Richmond Hill 4441.1. tfcl M AGENT for Mofi’ats New Electric Ran e; also Essotane Gas Ranges and Elec‘ric Pails; (‘rosslcy Shelvador Refrigerators and Ilinman Mllkei‘s. J. A. Rose, Maple. phone 34.1. tfc:l8 ORNAMENT“. roncn RAILS. stair hand rails, fire doze, fire screens, fire sets and acetylene weld- ing. Apply '1‘. Elliott. Oak Avenue, Richvalo. ' * tfc35‘ RIS. We are overstocked in bull‘- uite good varieties and offer (him. i: $1.00 per dozen, unlabcllcd but all ifl’erenfi. Little‘s Iris Gardens, 88 1 ill St., Richmond Hill. clwl‘. IFETIME illl inctal Venetian linds. aluminum or stool bakcd cn- mel finish any colour of tapes, l'rcc stimates and installations. Phone 55 or write box 496. 40 Ontario LAYING HENS, Hybrids. Apply Mrs. G. Montgomery, Stop 24A, May Ave., Richmond Hill. c1w6 Mâ€" 5 WHITE LEGHORN and 2 Light Sussex hens, $10.00. C. Baker, 70 Edgar Avenue, Richvale. '“1W6 -â€"._ â€"â€"â€"______ ELECTRIC STOVE, Moffatt, 4-burner with annex; 1 ice refrigerator, RCA Victor. Phone Thornhill 151R. clwol ISOW FALL RYE for late fall and lcarly spring: pasture. Plough in for "your corn ground next spring. Maple [Seed Mill, phone Maple 75. tfcii WINDOW SASII and frames, doors ‘i‘1w6 and door frames. trim, 2x 6's, oak hoards, basswood planks, etc. R. Brown, Stele's Corners. *IWG â€"â€"â€"_________‘ 0 ROOM HOUSE, hydro, etc., on 1‘.’ acres. Apply after 7 p.m. and the weck end telephone Richmond Hill 307M. clwii WHITE ENAMEL (‘OAL STOVE with water reservoir; 1 Quebec heat- er; ] 'small utility table; 1 electric radiator; phone Maple 8012 after 6 pm. c1w6 ARE THE FLIES bothering you '? Get rid of them quickly, safely by using Marlate 50 ~â€" a wettable spray powder. We have a small quantity of this new insecticide on hand. Maple Seed Mill, telephone Maple 75. tfcfi WANTED WOMAN to share home, small child welcome. Apply by letter to Box 7.30, The Liberal, Richmond Hill. *ZWG $1000 on first mortgage, business property. Apply by letter to Box 700, The Liberal. *lwfi BOARDERS WANTED for room and board. Apply 80 Mill St., Richmond Hill, phone 325J. ’ clwli W“ FEMALE STENOGRAI‘IIER, 2120 25-35. Air-Lock Log Co., Ltd., 2 Stcclc’s Ave. E. cle YOUNG MARRIED WOMAN wants ,lull or part time office or clcrking job. Phone Richmond Hill 158. ="IwG OPERATORS Wear; pleasant working conditions. 76 Sheppard St. W., Lansing, phone Willowdale 8669. ‘ c2n5 *_____â€"R_ ALL KIN S of poultry wanted. best market prices. will call immediatth upon request. A. Mag‘ce. King, phone 35114. K *28w52 LD HORSES, $15.00. We will pay you $15.00 for your old horse at your farm. Campbell Mink. phone Agin- court 18J12 Collect. tfc'.’ W GIRL WANTS HOUSEWORK by the day. Apply Agnes Bryson, Wood- bridge R. R. 2: phone Maple 601‘5. *lwii R YOUNG WOMAN wantcd for general housework, preferably to live in or from 5-8 p.m. Pony Crest Lodiz'e, Elgin Mills. c1w6 “a FURNISHED FLAT or two or three rooms in Richmond Hill, Thornhill, Lang‘staff or vicinity. Phone during day to Mr. Hills, Thornhill 180. "lwt’i HOW ABOUT THOSE HENS that have stopped laying. Highest prices paid. Bring- them in or phone King~ 51ll‘l4. W. S. Appleton. Oak Ridch Grading Station. tfciifl E 'AN EXPERIENCED. housckccpcr- cook, (ir a youiigzeirl to help mother kccp house and look after cighlccn month old baby girl. Two school ag’c boys also in family. Private room and bath, with radio in Rayview home thrcc milcs roIn North 'l‘oronto. Evâ€" (‘ry second \vcckâ€"ciid free if dcsircd. I‘lcasc state wages and cxpcricncc wlicn answering. Apply Box No. 5, The Liberal. clwli LM_ TlH) OLD .-\T 002’ NONSENSI‘II Il’ extra each in<ertion. If charged to account nine cents per line. I wanted on Children's _ I MISCELLANEOUS SAND AND GRAVEL, crushed stone, loam and fill. E. Charity, Richmond Hill, phone 37216. ifc42 LAWN MOWERS sharpened and repaired by experienced workman. Phone Jos. Winger, Maple 62121. cIXw-II PLASTERING, first class workman- ship. Will give estimatcs. Adam Pohl, Elgin Mills, phone Richmond Hi” 3461'21. *25w-11 LAWN MOWERS and saws sharpen- ed; folding lawn chairs made; inside panel doors. Apply C. B. Stouen~ burg, l1 Richmond 8., Richmond Hill. phone 392W. tf'c42 W‘â€" ('USTOM ROTARY TILLING. Have your land completely preparod_by the new scientific one op-uflm-x n‘clhod. W. Hutchinson Elgx'in l\li"s, pnonc I‘ichmond Ilil] ZXHV. if-4l “w ALL KINDS FURNITURE rcpairs, upliolslcring. cabinet work, wood carving: Estimates given. _ N. S. VanDykc, 3:; Hunt Ave., Richmond Hill. tl‘c N BUTTONHOLES made to order, priced according to size; also 1 lady's dress, black, size 10, sequin trim, like new, reasonable. Apply Mrs. Fred Allen, 227 Oak Ave. Riclivale, phone Richmond Hill 369i‘12. tfcl' T0 RENT i FLOOR POLISHER for rent, heavy duty, $2.00 per day. Pickâ€"up and de- livery $1.00 extra. Modern Kitchens Installations, phone Richmond Hill 443. tfcfi ELGIN MILLS Correspondent: Barbara Jones Phone Richmond Hill 482 Victoria Square girls defeated El- g‘in Mills 9-0 in a lcaa‘ue game played here last Monday. Florrie chnon was the star of the panic, getting- a homer. Lnng‘stafi“ Church team used Rich- mond Hill's diamond for a game with Elgin Mills Tucsday night. The girls went to Goodwond to play the ('larcniont team. Thcre was a (arnival and dance after the game. The married men havc formed a ball team and their first game is played here Thursday, August 11. with the Elein Mills boys team. This should be an exciting game. Elg‘in Mills has just about every- one sie‘nod up on the baseball team. The girls play Langstan Friday, August l2. down there. This is a league game. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Woods have lrclurncd after a three months wed- .ding‘ trip to White Bear, Saskatchewâ€" an. They will reside in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Horne (nee Viola Woods) and son Kenneth have rclurncd after a week’s holiday at Lake Scugrog. Mr. Wm. McKee of Orillia, father of Mrs. Locke. visited with Mr. and Mrs. B. Locke and daughter. \Beverâ€" lcy over the holiday week-end. Mr. and Mrs. F. Cornea, Eleanor and Bobby of Toronto, Mr. aifd Mrs. I). Manchester, Mr. and Mrs. A. Locke. Toronto, were also guests o the Lockes. We are sorry to hear that Beverley Thomas fell and broke her arm. Mr. and Mrs. (". Jones and Marlene lcft last Tuesday for holidays at Has- tinp’s. They will be back Saturday. The Syratts moved last Monday to their new home at Thornhill. Mr. Frank (‘ox has bought the Syratt’s bungalow. SALE REGISTER THURSDAY, AUG. 25 â€" Important Auction Sale of 45 head registered and high grade Guernsey and Jersey (Tattle, fresh and close springers, youngr cattle, horses, milking mach- incs, milk cooler, grain, corn by the acre, etc., on lot 14, con- cession 4, Scarboro Twp. Property of A. I'cppci'. Sale at 2 p.m. sharp. Tcrnis cash. No quitting the milk business. l‘larkc Prentice, auctioneers. gâ€" SATURDAY. AUGI'ST _l Aucâ€" tion Sale of valuablc house and lot, rcscrve, proprietori which he I I - Kcn xk‘ lmnl, hc may you are a rctircd husincss or profess. h"Usolfl'l‘l, liUl'HilUI‘l‘. 0th. in Village ional man. who is too mentally activc “f Kim-'5 Ht)" I‘liol‘m‘t)’ “f Estate "f’ to rcmain idlc, you may be the vcry “‘0 l'i‘i" MIS- “UMP” “ration 'man we want. The succcssful appli- 'l‘i‘l‘mh‘ 0” fl"'nlllll‘o cash, no rcscrvc. cant will rcprcscnt one of the largest l'l'nlu‘l‘ti' Subl Subject to reserve bid. (‘anadiaii Companies, will be his own Sal“ 2” 3 lHII- K0" ‘rmd (‘lul'kt‘ boss. and will do the work in his own l‘l'l‘mil'l'. auctioneers. locality, and pick his own working timc. This position is both diu‘nilicd and plcasant, and will appeal to one t. West, Ncwmarkct, ()nt. tl‘cii‘.’ NINE PIECE Solid Walnut Dining.r oom Suite (excellent condition): ouble Door Wardrobe (nearly new); Large Pressure Cooker: l roll of [hicken Wire. Apply 1. )‘lanlcy, 2‘.’ unt Ave., Richmond Hill. clwii EET HURT? I“l'i‘(‘7.-lill' for ('Ol'll< : . v -~ . . . o iliofiii‘sny“::)tliw mnllxxi'; tml,(:;l“:l; who likes lnL‘t‘tlnL“ pcoplc. Icmuncr- ... 0....0......”........ irections 0" “(wk M. Rm‘tlo You.” ation will dcpcnd on the amount of timc spcnt on the job, and should av- ciag‘c $50.00 pcr \vcck. or more. Reply giving personal background to Box 10:2, The Liberal. cle RELIABLE USED CARS $1,275.00 TON PANEL FORD 'I‘RI'('I\' ‘ amazed how casy your (-oi‘ns have sappeared. Box 380 Richmond Hill. dress, Frccz-OR‘. ‘-‘ ion-3n 1 FORD COACH, radii). hcntcr. cx- ptionally fine condition throughout ith only 0,000 miles on a brand new otor: ’37 Chrysler 0 coach with erdrive, must be soon to ho apprecâ€" ted; ’34 Olds. Sedan. nccds minor pairs, will so“ cheap: pick-up truck. Ililiilillullialllll TAXES Ford LA.) ton. brand new motor. :lgest‘NEif’érmi']TITLES)”(.allivd’iqlfilit, The Second Instalment of the , . .. . . . . ._ , . " 1' tors, Unionvmo. NW“. 13,}. ah“; current years taxes is due on $1,020.00 *‘Q AUGUST lst Pay promptly and avoid the penalty which must be added after AUGUST 20th Richmond Hill. July ‘29. 19-19. 1946 NASH AMBASSADOR SEDAN Radio, heater. new tires LITTLE Romans Ford & Monarch Sales & Service Phone 174 Richmond Hill PIANO TUNING and Repairing S. HIREâ€"man tormerly of Gerrard Heintzman :1: Guaranteed â€"â€" Free Estimates Phone Liberal Office, R. Accnrnte Clocking Eetermines Fate 0f Motorist Suspected 0f Speeding “I wasn't doing ovcr thirty," \\'hcnc\'ci u ii'ntl'ic iniitiul (ll'ch' l_\ on that is Ii steitcinciit wimh 1‘ frequently heard. Coupled with it is a piccc of ad- \‘ice passed from motorist in llllllill'* ist. "Look out my Blank town. All they figure on is making their cx- pinses out of motorists ili‘i\’iuu' through theii Sitâ€"Unll-Sl) town. Their cop lust sits at the side ol' Ihc mud and takes numbers." In a past day there \\'as uiiiloubi. edly sonic truth in those statements. But with today's modern methods 01' speed checking: there isn‘t usually much room for argument, Mr. Mot- ai ist, \vhcn he receives the nnwcl- conic piecc uf pgipci' which bids hiiii explain it to the magistrate, czln us- unlly figure that he has bcl'n given the benefit of the doubt, plus a little liniency on tho part of thc chcckiuc' constable. But there's little doubt that if the constable claims that he was doing 11 miles an hourvin a district where the limit is 230 m.p.h. he was doing it. Modern methods guarantee accuratc calculations. It isn’t a case of the "cop" making- a casual estimate of his spccd bascd on visual observation alone. The method of checking: speed 01‘ Simple But Accurate vehicles in Richmond Hill is the. sanrc as followed practically (‘\'01‘,\'â€": where through Ontario and in most other provinces. ‘ First of all an eighth of a mile on the highway is measured. Then, at one end of this distance, a tube sini- ilar to those used in many for notifying attendants of Iiinl of a \‘;II‘ :it thc pumps >ili"(‘lit'1l iii-ms,» the lilu‘l‘lWZly. LUIS is The puliiciiiuu who l,‘ checkingr ‘lit‘k‘iiS lilhi'i up a position :it thc Lthcr end oi" the inca>urcd disluiicc. aimed with a stop watch. As a \c- hicle pus>cs over il‘u- tube il crcu‘cs an electrical lllllllll>v which is llllll\» initrcrl by wire in .-i I'I-z-urdin in. siiunicn'. beside the constable, who Immedialcly (‘ill‘l'ir his watch. Then. as the vehicle passcs him at t‘.ic upâ€" positc cm] of tho nicasurcd stretch llL' clicks his watch again at tho same timc takingr note of the car's num» ber. Thus recorded. to the exact traction of a second. the cxuct time takcn by the suspcctcrl specder to covcr the onc cigth iiiilc. A simplc formula. alrcady worked out, enables ihc constable to tcll instantaneously the miles pi-r hour thi- car was tram clliiie‘. is Naturally the situation works on the same basis in connection with cars passing the other way. The spcedcr passes the odiccr Lu watch clicks. It passes over the lulu: thc buzzer sounds the watch clicks again and so is decided \vhcthcr Mr. Motorist gels an official llOtilii‘d- lion cnvcrinp; his "'crime." Obviously cvci'y car is not checked only the obvious or suspected his stop spccrlci'. At times, due to the denâ€" sity of tralTic, it is impossible to tell which car “rings the bull" and, of course, the system is not worked Ilicn. Simple yct fool-proof. the com- paratively ncw method of determin- ing~ excessive speed is doing much lo dampen the ardour of drivers who garages delight in bearing; down on the ac- the ar-lcelerator. [Tie Solution Recommended For Milking Machines A weak lyc solution (0.5 per cent) has proved to be most effective in maintaing' milking: machine rubber paits in good sanitary condition. Since its introduction in 1030. this method has spread widely and is probably the one most commonly used on this continent. However. one objection has been that the orig:â€" inal directions requircd the prepara- tion ol'ca “stock solution” by diSsoL vim: the contents of three cans of fiake lye in a gallon of water. This had to be done with care, for not iiiâ€" l'requcntly the heat generated by the dissolving lye broke the glass jar. To avoid this. studies have been conâ€" diluted by the Division of Bacteriolâ€" ogy and Dairy Research, Scicncc Sri'vicc, Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, to determine the feasibility ol' adding: the required amount of lyc directly to water to make the “soak . solution‘. These studies have indicated the lint of cold water importance of thoroughly mixing such solutions before use. Unless was done, different, portions of the solution showed marked varia- tions in strength. An exception was noted in the case of one make of sol- ution rack which uses the chicken fountain principle; here the air bub- blincr in to replace the solution with- drawn mixed the contents adequately. Thc method recommended to make the soak solution is to add two heap- ing: teaspoonfuls of flake lye to a in the supply jar. This is rotated or stirred until dis- solved, whcn it is diluted with cold water to make one gallon of solution. One pint of this is then drained from the supply jar and poured back in. With this method the solution is uni- form in strength and gives excellent results. However, care must be tak- cn to keep the can of" lye tightly closed when not in use; otherwise the lyc will absorb moisture from the air and “cake”. _“â€"\5fi Canning Industry [3 New Big Business 500 factories and More than ning fruit, vegetables (lanada today. duction accounts for an important percentage of the Canadian crop. meat in More than four million cases fruit, clcvui million cases of tables, 100 million pounds of' jams, jellies. ,mai'malades, frozen fruit, Ii'ozcn vegetables and evaporated ap-r plcs are packed and marketed every year. \'\ hen further millions pounds of canned meat and poultry are added to that, the average anâ€" nual iotal becomes impressive. But it is only in recent years that f canning operations in Canada have been on this scale. The first plant to commence canning in Canada did not got started till 1878. By tuin of the ccntury, there were still only 80 cannerics organized. At that time, most of the work was done by hand. After a summer spent hand-shelling peas and preparâ€" ing fruits for canning, plant employâ€" ccs would keep busy during the win- ter handâ€"making cans for the next summer pack. ,- (‘anada was the first country to have special legislation for canned loods and is unique in this respect. This was in HOT. The ('anadian law i'cquircs that everything entering iii- to .the manufacture of canned fruit and vegetables, as well as frozen and dehydrated products, innst be “sound, standing, wholesome and lit tor human food." If an inspector for the Dominion licpaitmcnt of" Agriculture finds any prcdil'ct in the course of preparation considers to be unlit for condemn it and haV‘e it dcslroycd undcr his supervision. (iradc labelling: hccanic nianduioi'y in ('anada in 1015'. Four ycars‘ carcâ€" tul research “cut into the study and sclcction of grading standards and after two years of practical demon- stration in more than ~10 factories bccanic law right across thc country. Canadian law docs not stipulate what grade of product shall be pack- cd, 'but it docs insist that all products must bc sound, wholesome and iii New way lit for human fowl; that (boy must he inanulacturcd undcr sanitary conditions and labcllcd t0 >»ll(l\\' the quality as dcliiicd in the iig'ulations as Fancy Quality, (‘hoice Quality. Standard Quality. or Sub- standard Quality. Similar li‘u‘lll‘dtiulis control frozen fruit and vcgcinblcs. The l‘i'uzsn fuod~ industry airi'ccd to two e'i'allcx'. ll‘;lli'/.lllf.:' ibc advantau'cs of" quality pi‘odi'ction ~r- Fancy and (‘lioicc Quality ~ and any product that faiis to mcct the requirements for ('hoicc :iadin: i> au'oinaiically :i'adcil Sub- staiidaid. (‘unialixcis' for canned fruits and \‘cu'ctziiilcs ucrc standardized in (innâ€" adzi shorii‘y bil'oi'c the o'itiricnk Ht \‘foild \\.ai» ll. Always >llli_lt’=_'f in ('l4t<(‘ inspection, I canning: I'acioiics Illi‘lil>¢"i‘.'t‘< arc in cxcciicli‘. condi'iun. Walls. :ii‘il llimi< iil'L‘ clcilllcd rt“:- iliUril\ llll' xvcll lighted and , :cri. Ailcqua‘tr- rivn'iiuc‘w is ;. iii-zit no of cvcry plant. ('Iiiiuiiiziii puck fiilc \‘ni'ictj. of llt‘ll‘l and 1‘ appics. zipplc infrc. :‘iui.’ i'IIit «alad. penis. peaches. tomzitiics. Iiiiiuio juice. asparagus I'llitillfi‘. pumpkin. succotash. Bruseis sprouts. broccoli. cauliflower. cantaloupe. jams. jellies. maimalades and pie. lllcl‘t‘t‘l- f: - dx: cocktafl. (ill liU'I‘. t‘illll‘t‘l'\’ Tel. 9. Richmond Hill Village Treasurer] lllllljjnll-Inllm ooooooooomomooumooo W“m..“””””. serves. Then there i< a wide varie'y are can- of‘ meat and of. mg: public clean. quality products in \IcgE- good variety. of, thc' l <inan‘ Iinii- \v.?l; inc l‘anzuiiani lilaiii: I ui-IV'Iv 5mm: tiny" .\lcl.w2i'. wizuiixcation. llv 3..» also link-d ' Sn"... .\ii‘.c::c2i. .\li‘.‘l " » tics cfiectcil by David 31câ€" l.t‘iil‘. Ii.i 'Eu- mi»: week :5 that of V “ ' 3' l.t‘l.llt‘_‘.' pi" petty in .‘.li. and III". ll. Da dI l «I. («mine-inn are ..‘.e‘ poultry products. The system has worked well and Their combined pro- the canningr industry has prospered in Canada. Government and packer have teamed Lip to give the consumâ€" l Bus Vote Forecast For Late September Meeting of reeves of in- terested municipalities, which include North York, Vaughan and Markham Townships and the village of Richmond Hill will be arranged during the coming week, states Reeve George Mitchell of North l York. At that time a decision on the date of the vote on the re- tention of the North Yonge diesel busses, or the return to the old radial system. will be reached. The vote is likely to take place between September 20 and 25, says Reeve Mitchell. Wedding Ring Found After 42 Year Loss li‘ortyâ€"two years ago Mrs. Albert Middleton. now (if' Cari-Ville, threw out some cucumber peelings. Acci- dcntally, her wedding,r ring went with them. An extensive search failed to disâ€" coch' the rinpr and when the Middle- icns moved away from Lamarqu in Scarboro. \vhcrc the ring: had been lost. tour ycars ago it seemed cerâ€" tain [lile ii never could in; found. A iicphcw. Mr. Albert (hurts, mov- cd into the house vacated by the )liddlctons. Last week, while digging in his back yard, his spade turned up the liIlL". nonc thc worse for its forty- two ycai's in the around except for a small nick whcrc the spade hit it. iSpeaks Many Tongues Joins McLean Firm A man who spcnks ail Scandinavian ilt‘<.(ll.>' licrinan and Spunâ€" illllfi'llLiLfl'S. Eh. has "won addcd to the gait Hf l‘avid :\li‘l.cuii. icaliur. Th'viiiiiill. III.- i: Nib i..l.'élll(ll,‘l'. a graduate of llcl- sirefnrs l'ni'.'ci~iij,. wherc h 1: {00K inl :wcs‘ ' iitc L‘Iillilvft‘ifl iil(l\ nithidii 2' ~i~fni \\ at fifiii'iiliiillli. (Hi-i» .1: 1o l'unaila a for ago. he Will i iiuq'i‘: Libeiul l'lziséiied Advts. lit-t Results TUESDAY, August 16, 8.30 p.m. â€"â€"ulâ€"- RICHMOND HILL ARENA TEAM MATCH Ernie Hughson and Red Garner H SEMI-FIN AL AL ORLANDO vs. â€"â€" plus â€" One Outstanding Preliminary Red Devil and Ed. Mangotich GLEN YOE Ringside 75c plus tax. General 50c plus tax. East Vaug‘han Ratepayers' Association HOUSES WANTED IMMEDIATELY FOR WAITING CLIENTS Frame or Brick bedrooms Home, Thornhill or Richmond Hill, 4 and conveniences up to $12,000; Frame House possible to remodel, preferably 3 bed- rooms, location not too important; Bungalow, Thornhill district. 5 to 6 rooms, oil heating, must have bedroom & bathroom downstairs, up to $15,000. Farms with good buildings, 50 to 200 acres. Farms with old house possible to remodel for a wind- shield farmer who wants to commute. Bungalow up to $10,000. in Richmond Hill or Thorn- hill district five or six rooms â€" conveniences, preferably on 14;) acre. . Three to five acres and small house with conveniences â€" Thornhill district. .2. DAVID McLEAN REAL ESTATE AND BUSINESS BROKER THORNHILL â€" TELEPHONE 12 New Summer Policy Doors open 7.00 p.m. Show starts 7.30 p.m. Monday â€" Saturday Matinee Saturday 2.00 p.m. M FRIDAY & SATURDAY â€" AUGUST 12 & 13 Adventure flames in the world’s hotspot of danger and intrigue ( I DICK POWELL. MARTA TORENS in “Rogues Regiment” Of the French Foreign Legion 6 RIOTOUS DAYS Mon. to Saturday â€" Aug. 15, 16, 17,18 19, 20 'THAT‘SITTIHG ‘ â€" f‘ PRETTY’MAN Is :57 Balvedere’s sming Preliy won” a campus lull of babes. .. and our girl friend, Shirley! . O9090060“00§OOO“6”Q.66606N600.0000W i i z 3 t z 0 O 3 i I.

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