9.00000000000000009000OOOOOOOOOOOOOMOOOOOO09009990 ; Lucky Draw on Admission Ticket «kwoooooooooooooooooooo00669000ooooooooowoooooo: qmuoowu00000000000099omowooouonmmog M0000...0.9000000006000000.000000000000MOOOOOOOé ()l’EN AIR DANCE Electric Alarm Clock and other draw prizes Tickets available from Liberal Office, Mansbridge Meat (‘ome and hear St. Andrew’s Girls Scottish Pipe Band just WOODLAND PARK, MARKHAM WEDNESDAY,- August 17th Market, Cooney’s Service Station and Jas. Butler Sr. Adults 50c . Children 250 Busses leave Municipal Hall, Richmond Hill at 1.30 NOBELTON F ROLIC YORK COUNTY VETERANS Vaughan and Richmond Hill Branch FREE (‘ONCERT 8 I’.M. SHARP Introducing Al Berthiaume. Top Hat Entertainer and His Troupe To subscribers in the Richmond Hill Telephone Exchange Area we offer, effective immediately, a new telephone Service from your home to any Department in our Ter- onto Stores. To those living- within our delivery district, this fast and direct service brings EATON quality, values and wide variety of merchandise as close to you as your telephone and delivered daily Eright to your door. When wishing to order from more than one department ask for City Order and glve your entlre order to one person. August 6 to August 22 RICE’S FLOWER SHOP WILL BE CLOSED FOR HOLIDAYS A NEW TELEPHONE SERVICE Direct to EATO N's From Richmond Hill FRIDAY, August 19th ANNUAL PICNIC This Bank we call ours is really yours. We say yours because it was built for your useâ€"a safe and proï¬table place in which to deposit your moneyâ€"a thoroughly dependable and efï¬cient establishment in which to transact all your banking business. You can enter this Bank with assurance. It is conducted on the basis of personal service, and of mutual conï¬dence, under- standing and co-operation. We seek not only new accounts, but the opportunity to prove that this institution has a genuine interest in every customer whatever his station in life. GIRLS‘ SOFTBALL GAME at THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE returned from the Calgary Stampede BINGO WITH $500 IN PRIZES Games and Fun For Everyone C. J. HART, Manager TORONTO ~*â€T. EATON C? Just Ask For 537 (No Toll Charge) RICHMOND HILL. ONT You are Worthy of Our Best to be held at CANADA [um-rm ADMISSION 250 36-9 !Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Cropley and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dale of Rich- mond Hill are entertaining Mrs. W. Martin and her granddaughter from Newport Beach, ‘California. Mrs. Martin is a sister of Mrs. Cropley and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dale. John Rumble The engagement is announced of Evelyn Isobel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Ryce of North Battleford, Sask, to George Benedict Thompson, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Leonard Thompson of Richmond Hill. The marriage will take place on Septem- ber 3, 1949, at 4.30 o’clock in St. Mary’s Anglican Church, Richmond MARTIN â€" Born to MI‘. and Mrs. John D. Martin (nee Margaret Hallawell) Maple, at the Private Patients Pavilion, Toronto General 'Hospital on Sunday, August 7, a baby boy (stillborn). M rs. Marjory M ecred y Miss Barbara Bell has been holi- daying in Buffalo and with her grandâ€" mother in Toronto. Miss Jean Mills, a bride-to-be of this month was entertained at a mis- cellaneous shower held recently at hte home of Miss Margaret Allison, and has also been entertained by a number of friends in Toronto this past _week. ' TRIMBLE â€"â€" At the Southampton Hospital on August 9, 1949, to Mr. and Mrs. David Trimble, a son, a baby brother for Linda. WILSON -â€" To M12, and Mrs. Clair E. Wilson, St. Catharines (nee Margaret Moore) on August 3, at the Private Patients Pavilion, Tor- onto General Hospital, a son, John Clair. Miss Elinor Young and MiSS Gladys Chedzoy are holidaying in Bala this week. 4 Q‘ I" A. Mr. and Mrs. Marwood Cunning- ham, 105 Yonge Street, Marian, Bob- by and Bing have returned home af- ter spending a two weeks holiday at Avoca Lodge, Morrison Lake, Mus- koka. Mrs. Margaret Cudlip, Hamilton and Miss Kathrine Ball, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ball, Arnold St. have been visitors in England and were among these who attended the Royal Garden Party held in Bucking- ham,Palace Wednesday, July 27. One of Richmond Hill’s oldest in- habitants, John Rumble of 7 Arnold Street, was laid to rest on August 9. Mr. Rumble, who was 85 on June 22, was born at Patterson on a farm which is now part of the Don Head Farms. He lived all his life there until 1913 when he moved to Rich- mond Hill, and engaged in carpen- tering. Mrs. Mar‘jory Mecl‘edy, widow of Harold Gordon Mecredy, died sudden- ly at her home on Yonge St. north, Richmond Hill, on Wednesday even- ing. July 27. She was born at Port Stanley in 1888, married at Cranâ€" brook, B.C., in 1915, and came here to live in 1924. She is survived by a sister, Mrs. Arthur Adamson of POrt Credit and foin‘ daughters: Mrs. Richard Sliger of Michigan (Joan), Katherine of Washington DC, Alice and Sylvia, and two grand-daughters, Carolyn and Jodi Sliger. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mortson are holidaying in Algonquin Park this week. Mr. George Weeks of the staff of the Canadian Bank of Commerce is spending his vacation at his cottage at Craig Leigh, Blue Mountains, Colâ€" lingwood. Hill BOYCE Mrs. Rumble predeceased him in September, 1941 and a son, Ray- mond, died in 1945. Surviving is one daughter, Mrs. S. Adams of Richmond Hill. The service was conducted by Rev. J. T. Taylor, M.A., DD, and pall- bearers were Art, Frank and Dave Rumble; Warren and Isaac Reaman and Wm. Neal. ST. MARY’S ANGLlCAN CHURCH Rev. W. F. Wrixon, L. Th., Rector Sunday Services 8.30 21.111. â€" Holy Communion 11 21.111. â€"â€" \Iorning Prayer Mr. and Mrs. G. Irwin, Wright St., and Mr. and Mrs. A. Rutledge, A1- liston, left last week on a motor trip to Victoria, B. C. and Portland, Ore- tron. 8.30 am. â€" H01 11 am. â€"â€" Morn All are invited‘ PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. S. W. Hirtle, B.A.. Minister Sunday, August 7 N0 Sunday School this week. 11 am. â€"â€" Public Worship. Sbeaker Mr. James Butler. J. P. Everybody welcome. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Charles and jaughters Beverley and Mary Adelle are vacationing at Gaspe Bay. Social and Personal DYCE â€" Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Boyce (nee Josephine Nicholson) Lucas 515., Richmond Hill, a son, Murray William on Saturday, Aug- ust 6, 1949, at Mrs. Healey’s Nursâ€" ing Home, Elgin Mills, a brother for Kent. (Telephone Richmond Hill 9) ENGAGEMENT OBITUARIES UNITED CHURCH BIRTHS CARD 0F THANKS The family of the late John W. Rumble wish to thank relatives, friends and neighbours for their acts of kindness, messages of sympathy and beautiful floral tributes extended them during their recent bereave- ment. ‘ *1w6 READ â€" In loving memory of James Read who passed away August 8, 1947. Gone, dear father, gone to rest, Away from sorrow care and pain, Iay you rest in peace dear father, Until we meet again. â€"Sad1y missedv by son William, daughters, Mrs. J. EastIEy and Mrs. A. Cowie. *lwï¬ â€œIt is expected that the rails of the Northern Paciï¬c Railway will be laid into Brandon, Man., by Christ- “It is rumoured that next summer about 10,000 of Canada’s militia will be massed in Kingston as an experi- ment, to see with what despatch a large body of troops can be gathered in one place.†Poor Storage Apples Should Be Used First What is desired for long storage life is a sound well-coloured apple of medium size, harvested at the proper stage of maturity, says W. R. Phillips, Division of Horticulture, Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Ontario. Such apples are usually produced on healthy trees of normal vigour, and not too dense foliage. Orchardists can accomplish such con- d1tions through careful observation OOONMOQOQNOOONOOONOO Western, hillbilly, cowboy, folk 'music, country music â€" call it what you wish this music is always in pop- ular demand. New RCA Victor re- leases of western songs on Bluebird Records promise pleasant summer lis- tening for those who like this type of music. Eddy Arnold with his gui- tar sings “I’m Thowing Rice†coupled with “Show Me The Way Back To Your Heart†and “The Echo of Your Footsteps? backed by “One Kiss Too Many." mas “A circular issued by an Ottawa house indicates that the manufac- turers of clothes pins have formed a trust.†“In a little town of Schleswig- Holstein there is a tax exemption for dogs that sleep with their masters and mistresses and so preserve them from gout, rheumatism and like pains.†' The storage life of apples can be prolonged by good orchard manage- ment. Such things as the application of fertilizer and pruning, for examâ€" ple, may he the determining factors between good keeping and poor keeping fruit. : Yonge St Hank Snow (the Singing Ranger) does “Marriage Vow†and “The Stai‘ Spangled Waltz.†A song- which received attention last winter is “There’s a Bluebird on Your Window Sill." Written by El- izabeth Clarke, a nurse in the Child- ren’s Hospital in Vancouver, all pro- ceeds from the song are being donated by Mrs. Clarke to the Children's Hos- pital. Wilf Carter and the Calgary Stampeders have recorded the cheerâ€" ful dittv coupled with “All I Need Is Some More Lovin’." This record should be popular with \Vilf Carter “The frame work of the Agricul- tural Hall at the Park was raised on Monday and a ï¬ne framework it is. The building is well [braced and will be a credit to the village and the association when ï¬nished. There are nearly ï¬fty windows so it is safe to say it will be well lighted.†EX PRESS ES THANK S Mrs. Neil Malloy of 74 Church St., Richmond Hill wishes to take this opportunity of thanking her many friends during her illness for flow- ers, fruit and cards, also boxes re- ceived from the W1. A. at Hope and W.M.S. Presbyterian Church, Maple. *1w6 izabeth Clarke, l‘en’s Hospital ceeds from the by Mrs. Clarke pita]. Wilf C: Stampeders ha ful dittv coupl‘ Some More I fan 5 “The New York grand jury brought in a presentment last Thursday against the methods addpted by the electric light companies in tearing- up the streets promiscuously.†“The village ï¬re brigade will hold their annual supper and entertain- ment in the Masonic Hall on New Year’s ‘night. The Brigade band will head a torchlight procession, onooooooooowoooooooouua WE SUPPLY THE MUSIC YOL ENJOY" YEREX ELECTRIC Experienced Operators On Blouses, Children’s Dresses RECORD CENTRE HELP WANTED Mayfair Mfg. Co. IN MEMORIAM (Excerpts fr0m the LIBERAL \VES'I‘ERN M L'SI( RICHMOND HILI Phone 495 ’WAY BACK WHEN Richmond Hill when an exhibition of ï¬reworks will be given." “Mr. A. Muldoon of Thm‘nhill in- forms the public t t he has put in a ï¬rst class pair mill stones and is now prepared to grmd all kinds From Victoria Square news: “As New Years is at hand, which is the usual time for the Methodist Church Anniversary, preparations are al- ready being made to make a greater success than usual. T_Iie various committees are sparing no pains to do so and a grand time is anticipated. We hope that this year there will be no trouble regarding good demeanor, as such has always been the case ex- cept last year when a number of roughs from other plaees conducted themselves so ungentlemanly as to mar the pleasantness of the evening. Prompt measures should be taken to prevent a repetition of such conduct and, as Messrs. Brumwell and Hop- per are appointed to look after the same, we hope that such will be the case.†In spite of these uncontrollable factors, a properly managed orchard will usually produce a large propoi- tion of good keeping apples. The important operation at harvest is to segregate the “poor storage†from the “good storage†fruit. The form- er category would include immature fruit low in colour, those grown on young trees, and fruit which is over- mature. The second category would include the remainder â€" the sound, well-coloured, properly matured ap- ples. If the apples in the “poor storage†category are consumed dur- ing the ï¬rst month 01- two of storage life, the better apples can be market- ed in prime condition. “A good time 'may be expected at the Ball and Oyster Supper to be given in the Township Hall, 6th Con- cession, Vaughan, by the Vellore Brass Band on Christmas Eve." is now prepared to grind all kinds of grain for feed. .Mill rates, Sc per cwt., or every 12th bushel, for all kinds of grain.†“The council of the Township of Vaughan authorized the following payments: To Henry Rumble for one lamb killed, $2.65, for one sheep killed, $5.30.†Producing good storage apples is not always within the control of the grower, however. Such things as Weather, the age of the tree, and oth- er' factors may influence storage be- haviour. Young trees because of their normal excessive Vigour, pro- duce poorer keeping fruit than older and more established trees. Irreg- ularities in rainfall and sunlight may also interfere with maturity progress, which, in.turn, shortens storage life. and the application of knowledge gained? through experience. Files of December 19, 1889 353%?“ COHOE RED SALMON ".2: 35¢ Duchess Apples 25c Pancake Flour Tomato Soup D ALTON ' S Peanut Butter MIRACLE WHIP Lemons . . T o M A T o E s 2 :as:.:.:z- 35C Kleenex JL'MBO SIZE ONTARIO Mixed Pickles . 31c (‘AMPBELL’S WHITE FACIAL IDEAL SWEET FREESTONE :\l'NT JEMIMA ° - - "1i:- 54‘3 1 Snacks . . . . 21c Salad Dressing 230 43c PEACHES Size 300's THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday. August 11 WOO69009006099.9909006600099000OOOOOOOOOOOONOONOO QOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOG Q9.OOOQOOOOOOOOOQOOOOO009913.099: omoonouom«coonoooooo9ooooooowowmom P l, 10 oz. Tin l)oz Pkgs 16 oz Jar ' oOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO“OO: Owing to ill health the Drover and Cartage Business owned by George Nuttall, 'l‘hornllill has been transfered to E. H. Willett and Son. Langstal‘f. MON., ’I‘UES.. WED., THURS. â€" AUGUST 15. 16. 17. 18 4 DAYS OF GOOD FUN Plus: Red Ingle and His Orchestra “WATER WONDERLAND†- “SYNCOPATED SIOUX†Doors open 6.16. First Show 7’ pm. Second 5 MONDAY TO FRIDAY SATURDAY, AUGUS’IV 13 ONLY “KIT CARSON†With JON HALL, DANA ANDREWS, LYNN BARI BoxOffice Opens 6.45 Free Parking Royal Theatre AURORA 21c 39c 35c 35c 34c 11c TRANSFER OF BUSINESS Watch out for “Ma and Pa Kettle†THURSDAY. FRIDAY -â€" AUGUST 1]. 12 GARY COOPER. ANN SHERIDAN in “GOOD SAM†For service phone Thornhill GrA Showing at 7.17, 9.19 Cooking Onions 21c Carrots N0. 1 WASHEI) GLACIER Kraft Dinner 29c Shredded Wheat 2 I‘m-27c Corn Syrup Tomato ' Calchup Sardines E. . . KIPI’ER FOR A ’I‘ASTY SNACK BEEHIVE N0. 1 YELLOW LIBBY'S -\ MEAL FOR EOl'R Matinee at Box Office Opens 5.45 Saturday Matinee 1.415 SAT .% HOLIDAYS p. m Jast show 9 121159: Second show 9 pm ATTRAUI‘IVELY PR“ 'I‘Tl) 15c 5 lb. Tin HII Tin 220 59c 17c