.I. Carl Saigeon Agency ' MAPLE, ONTARIO ERNIE BROCK Telephone Maple 11 0 t C O D 0 O O C ,All insurance matters will receive ,~ the usual prompt attention and service. l l flanphalnawattubal-“Huiinn-“milDb-l|~u-<r-|i®1rï¬ilfliIV‘Aialvni.aumi.l f FOR FINE ' PHOTOGRAPHS . CONSULT ' EDMUND SOAME .“ â€" of â€"- “5 THE STUDIO †' 2.1 North York’s Leading Photographers " . .. . . , , ‘ O - WEDDINGS (candid or formal) INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHY 0 §See the Display in “THE LIBERAL†window. You may :also make ,jvour appointment at the Liberal Office phone No. E;- 9, or at .4 s‘ " “THE STUDIO†" ,â€" i l .“ I720 AVENUE RD.. RE. 1911 Opp. Loblaw’s at Fairlawn 3‘ laén « o .ygll-0_.‘b-fl.fl-n-i)-U-0- -0.0‘0.0.0-u“1I-u-U-u-ii-n-o- v v ’ ,..,-.,-o- -tic-r-v.-o-._.-4-t-t-t_o-o.n-o..-t-.i-i_._.-- so _..- i:l :r- it angzqiaana up†illflflllflflillfllfllfllalt‘p‘ l 5 In. t I From The HiIItOp .\ C(ILI'NIN OI" VIEWS .XNl) (l'lSlCRYATIONS (My 1‘. .I. Picking) (lilltlllltlrlilll'lit‘ \‘.;I'\ No. 7. west of Movie Street. ;\s you enter the construction aiea :iie producing; a race ot' etixens who can neitliei ieiid. write. spell or add. bie‘ s;e‘i.s ask you to I’LI‘IASIC slow "that's my pelsiltiJl opinion. And, down ai'l dri\e earet'iilly. .»\t the t'i.itheimore. I can back it up by ether sidie ot' the area equally his: plutltlt'lll'l the woik of students to siens say “Thank you for your coui- prove it. \\l:ct1 yen ste a t'oolseap tisy iind eo-operation." tiiee less than halt' l'idl. wiitten by In this day and age. when "please" a sixteen yea,- oid boy. with eleven and “thank you‘ init'ortunuteiy tend eiit.is in spelling" til it. and when to become oxeilooked. and when pub- you see that same suit of thing; reâ€" lie lltllll‘kh' ot'ten assume the "\‘erbot~ plated yezir in and }t“tt' out. you en" attitude of one-time (ierman ot'- may lie t'oi'ejiien [or holding: pretty positiie opinions ‘iii the subject. :\ll.l just in c:i>‘e there is any sits- pieion that I am biased let me repeat stint-thing I quoted in this column s. me months ago. It taken from a repoit oxide by people who should llt'lilltllittt. it's a refreshingr thinsr to see a t‘ill]ll(‘ ol' contracting: tirms 7 llit' t'ait l’aiine; Company of Toronto and Johnson I;ro;:. ol‘ l’irantt‘ord e\liibitiiief such :1 type ol' good public relations, ts It‘s to he hoped that the motoring know what they ate talking; about public reacts titti‘nc'ly. the Ontario Secoudaiy School ' l ’ il‘ 'l‘ezieheis' reiteration. Here's what llniiue' the last few months it has one of their i'llllllllllt‘t’J has to say: been my pinileee to attend a num- “The l‘lt‘iz‘lisli ieacheis ot' the (In- her of meetings regarding education tario Secondary Schools are dissat- and schools. In order to remove any isti'ed with the present setâ€"up in Eng: feeling: that the situation which I lish. Most of them spend a large have in ‘lililltl is only local let me eniâ€" part of their evening's and their phasixe that some of those meetings week-ends markingr the written as- have heeii entirely outside this dis« sig'nments of their students; yet, despite this devotion to the cause of English. they are turning; out gradâ€" trict. During the course of those meet- ings the word “recreation†has been uates who can neither speak nor mentioned scores of times. There write. nor even read their native has been much talk about music * tallfl'llo (‘UIHPUU'UHSU 19mm ll01lt the ii lot about manual training,r w quite uniieisity and the business man they a bit about transportation. MUsie. hear that the English of the average high school graduate is ‘ati'oeiotis."' Pretty plain words, coming; from such people. Where is the solution to he found ‘3 In my opinion by those who have to art and kindred sulifects have come in for their share of consideration. I've heard theorists orate at length on the “development of individuality" and all that sort of thing. But strangely enough I haven't pay our staggering educational bills heaid a thing about that simple word‘ getting up on their hind legs and "spelling." Neither have I heard, at, asking the long-haired theorists ot any time or in any place, the slightâ€" Queen's Park when they are going est, mention about the good, old-fash- to design a curriculum which will ltIIt-‘(l “three R‘s" »4 reading, 'i‘iting‘, deal with fundamentals rather than ‘i‘ithmetic. V frills. There have been lots of questions t * about provision for sports, but not! Richmond Hill council, 1 see, is one about whether the millions we‘gcing‘ to do somethingr next year are soending' on education were pro-lahout the reâ€"nuinlicrina of streets. during" students who could use the Good going! Improvement is long overdue. While they are at it. it is to be hoped that our village fathers also do something about street names. To lthose who tread everv villasre street with the assurance of long familiar- ity the situation is not had, but to King‘s English acceptably. Again. I‘ve heard questions as to whether the instruction in music was adequate â€" but not one as to why our youngsters were not learning to write in such a way that tneirl serawls could be decipliercd. *rHANDSINITRAEHNGonFOR.ONTARH) Learning to Make, Plastics t N Ontario the wheels of industry turn for the beneï¬t of every single one of us. Our latlies. dynamos. drill presses, farm combines. tractors, business machines. etc. are producing goods and senices which earn dollars. These dollars provide food. clothing. medical care and other necessities which contribute to our security and hiin standard of ll\ ing. Every single one of us, therefore. has a very personal interest in the [low ofa steady supply of trained workers to industrial plants. These workers will operate machines which are important to our way of life. \Ve should a preciate. then. the co-operative elTorts of government. industry and abour in the ï¬eld of employee training. In schools and in factories our workers.young and old.are given the opportunity to develop new and speciï¬c skills in every field of business and industrial activity. ictures shown here. every effort of Ontario's new I} -skilled plastics woriers will mean better plastic products fl will help to make Ontario a liner place in which to liv e and work. THE BREWING INDUSTRY (ONTARIO) ‘\ For instance. as in the one...noses-Ionucnlosooaonounoccooocoooou... Our “'ay of Life [Rewards Trained [lauds Ontario workers know they can earn more. have executive responsibility and enjoy a higher standard olli\ iiig in direct ratio to the skills they ac- quire aml the way they make use of them. That‘s always trim in a free economy "IIILII-S why our coili- petitive system will continue to make Canada great and a great place in which to li\c. .auvoooo-n-ucoo-coorocotlotun-.uov-aauovnun-coco o'e-u-III-OOIocclooluooIII-iu- ' DYE ONLY “DIV STYLES Chesterï¬eld Suites by “ Bit EARR‘Y †HARRY" Tilf‘xHSlIAlL CECE-l} Aifl-‘iILABIE OF LONDON. BiRtiI OF ENGLAND. SWED- ISII. MODERN. CON\ FIN'l‘lth » A. 25‘» A -_,,..._- . . PRESENTS i‘liA'l I’iiliéi (iENl'INE “in limb INCLI'ifl-Q: (HARLES 'L Slit'l‘lt’iNAl. . LAWSON .\Ni) ,v\ pill 13". ‘lii' -:t ll ‘1' lil" l‘ iil‘tl-i Thu “[5le llill‘.‘ -‘ ' l' ll '1“: “I†ll.l'l'll!" tiini- \vlie are \\'oti_ 5“.“ Mil ~t'wo'. oni'u'i'm i: » eoi.‘ comâ€"[ the l‘lli‘.t‘l'lt'i‘ll w liicli ‘.\ ill llilllyllt' 'lillâ€" . w nip'e‘uly er.i'/j.‘. \\ the \vot'iyiiig tie :it the irtrisection ot‘ the new 2. t. tit and silt-{:tl:!tg unlit-Uâ€, on highway ant] lliL‘llâ€" ii e wills. .\llil in the process \\|' 'i.i we “strain.†eutiiii. gutes. and his num‘ieis are ei-iwine' t'ast 7 i‘,'s quite a (litl'erent story. I realize that it's so aw t‘ully easy to be erit» ical. that Ilics‘e tliirc's all eost money. and so on. Ntvertiielcss here is one of these many problems forced on Us _ growth and iis solution would .er‘ainly dc much to add to the uni-i elllties oil lil'“. lt's a.n:i'/.iiiv,:' sliiiietltttes how loose- we (Illl des'a'iptye phrase w :ien we want to "knock" somethng of which we do not :ipgiiove. like that word “lied.†t'or i.liistraiion. We run up ilLl'étlll\l a man whose \‘iews may. to our minds at least. be a bit radical or advanced. So right away he litcozites a “Red.†and so we describe him. (in the other side of the picture there's the “reactional'y." That very much overâ€"worked word is used to tab the individual who doesn't want to no all the way with us on whatever pet sclitnie we have. So there you have them “reds†and “reactionaries." It just depends upon which side ot‘ the t'ence you are iis to which unsuitable tag; you use to describe your opponent. Maybe there's a little bit of both in most of its and a little charity might well be used betore we hasten to put the linger on the other t'ellow. “hieh brings to mind another looseâ€" l. i} tl\t‘ it ly used phrase. It's summed up in expressions such as 7 “Oh, it was good enough for his father so it's good enough for him." Well. what's wrong with it being; “good enough for father?" Granted that in this day and age everything" that belonged to yesterday will not lit the conditions of today. II‘ather found that out »â€"- so did grandfather and lil‘ father befOi-e him. But that isn't to say that we need to condemn everything and everybody because the ï¬nger of a past generation touch- ed it. Some of the “old boys†you know, did a pretty fair job. It was our tot-bears who welded disunited prov- inces into a homogenotis nation. It was the men of yesterday who buildâ€" ed the bricks and stones and the mortar into some of the structures we look on with pride today. It. was the pioneers of_ generations now gone who hewed out the forests which stood where our homes now stand Ar it was the men of yesterâ€" year who stood firm au‘ainst OPDI‘ES‘ sion and tyranny and played their part in building; the laws under which we operate today. It was the newspapermeii of yesterday who helped build the “free press" of this age. Yes, we can span a continent in a few hours with our modern methods of transportation. But it was “fa- ther†who played a major part in the earlier days of discoveries and inventions. Perhaps some of the things that were “good enough for father†might well be revived today â€" discipline. self control, sacriï¬ce. True enough we don't want to go back to the stiff- ness and starchiness of the Nineties. Neither do we want to go back to the days of sweated labour, of a low standard of living‘. Nevertheless everything that fath- tr did wasn't bad or unstable. So let's give him a bit of credit for doâ€" ing' some pretty tine thing's and not be in quite so much of a hurry to condemn a man because “the things that his l'atlier did are good enough for him." Anyway. play it safe. Somebody may be saying; the same thing; about YOU some day. †ie KING 84R31 24 HOUR SERVICE Passengers Fully Insured It Pallister. Pr oooooeooo;;oeo®;:$o¢oeoooo KI NG- CITY MOTORS Agents for Chore-Boy Milkers General Farm Implements, Washing Machines, Refrige ‘tllOI‘S â€"- Domestic. Deep-freeze, Walk-ins 8; Counter For Information PHONE -I7\\", KING OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOMOOOOO OOOOOOOOOW 0 mom C: 0 REFRIGERATION REPAIR SERVICE Commercial and Domestic All makes guaranteed. Refrigerators. Domestic. Deep Freezers. Walk-ins and Counters in stock Washing Machines (l. C. “Don†Chalk km; Phone 2611') _ 06. “OOOOOWWQOQâ€OO“6 " i THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill, Thursday. August 11, 1949 7 LEN’S LANDSCAPE SERVICE Hedges Clipped and Shrubs Trimmed L E N R I C E “ 52’. RICHMOND ST. PHONE RICHMOND HILL 497W RICHMOND HILL RICHMOND HILL ELECTRICAL SHOP 82 YONGE â€" PHONE 296W ELECTRIC WIRING and REPAIRS. GILSON HOT AIR FURNACES AND OIL BURNERS Q. RENTALS MORTGAGES MANAGEMENT INSURANCE APPRAISALS DEVELOPMENT Consult 8 Today ERNEST t4 Yonge St. REAL ESTATE LIMITED Phone 455W , Richmond Hill COOKING OUTDOORS This combination barbecue is half the fun! pit and stove with oven is easy to build with CONCRETE BLOCKS. With it your entertaining prob- lems are solved all summer long. You can build it in various sizes.’ Phone Stouï¬ville 381W1 for complete details. We deliver. ALL SIZES OF CONCRETE BLOCKS. SAND AND GRAVEL GORMLEY. ONT. -LSEIG PACKED IIY ‘30 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE â€" COMPLETE l’RiHIl’T SERVICE -â€"â€" FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY. \VHY TAKE A CHANCE ON AMATEURS â€" WHEN CALLING Y O U Tel. Stoufl’ville 381W1 LINE OF ALL FABRICS -â€" CAN HAVE THE BEST BY DYER’S FURNITURE, IBI Main St. NEWMARKET. Phone 747M A .S.