ino.oooooooooo¢¢oeoooooooeooooooooooooowoooooo 999: Qoooooooooooovvoowovoooovve 9v9v« "fv' e QVVOOOQOOOV'O oo- 3030.00.AOOOO¢QO¢¢OOOOOO°¢0®006000000060660000006000; féoooooooovuooo000090000090oeooooooooevwoooooooo; 2‘0900099000909¢6090900000900009000000009v0OOOOOOOOQ “COO0000090960600000006000600000OOO¢OOO¢QOOOOO¢09: PH UN E 1209\V PHONE THORNHILL 177W Music by Glenn Smith & the Merrymakers Centre St. Unionville Junior Farmers Association AT UNIONVILLE THUYAEEAY, August 11th J emny’s Drew $13013 In case of rain dance wiIl be held in Rainbow ‘ilrdens THORNHILL. ONTARIO Ladies’ and Children’s W ear ALL SUMMER DRESSES OFFERED AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES The Selection Is Still Good And The Prices Jr‘l “.ig'ht TELEI’HCNE THORNHILL 16‘2‘I SAND, GRAVEL, CRï¬SHEfl STGNE, [DAM & HLL Everything Electrical House and Farm Wiring a Specialty Work done by Licensed Electricians. THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hi Plumbing and Hem-Eng Contractor STREET DANQE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR will protect you from bloworlt haizzrlrds. GOODYEAR ‘Factory Fresh’ BATTERIES for your car, truck or tractor give you fast, sure starts. lITTlE BROS. Extra Value! . . . Extra Mileage! . . . We offer the greatest tire bargain in Canada! Not just MORE mileage . . . but 34% MORE mileage. Millions of miles of road tests proved that the new, improved Goodyear DeLuxe gives 34% more mileage than the big-mileage Goodyear it replaces. In addition it gives you extra blowout protection and super-traction. You can‘t beat that for honest dollar value! Drive in today and see this big mileage builder. GQODYEAR LIFEGUARD SAFETY TUBES HERE'S AGUUD DEM FOR YOUR DflllAR H. JENNENGS CITY AND SUBURBAN LICENSE JACK. BAKE Alterations and Repairs CARNHVAi YONGE ST. Steam 0r Hut Water TIRES THAN ON ANY OTHER KIND L. W. REHD Goonï¬VEAn P H ()N E TH ORNHILI TH ORNH ILL, ONT. BE ST. PHONE: 174 MORE PEOPLE RIDE ON and 27 JOHN ST.. THORNHILL Thursday, August 11. 1949 RESIDENCE 296W Thornhill Described by Reeve Vern. Griffin Is. “the stifl'est in Canada†the coun- c.i passed a new building by-law. Unâ€" der this by-law the minimum ground floor area of any residence must be a minimum of 650 square feet. ' It was emphasized that the by-law would be strictly enforced and that deviations therefrom. or act.on taken ahead of securing necessary permits would be met with instant action. DANCE Registered plans for sub-divisions which have become inactive were dls- cussed by council. A number of these are in existence in the township. It was decided to ask the Provincial De- partment of Planning and Develop- ment to declare these unregistered in crdel- that iutur‘e developments might he nought into line with existing .oun planning regulations. A letter from H. S. Culham, re- cently appointed town planning con- sultant, tendered his resignation. Mr. Culham explained that he had not been officially notiï¬ed of his appoint- ment in time and that he had other townships to consider. l‘ass Building By-Law dealt with by Vaughan Township council. The SL‘hOOl area includes the town- ships of Vaughan and Markham and the villages of Richmond Hill and‘ Woodbridge. Richmond Hill counCil‘ has alr;ady gone on record as approv- ing of the extension. Markham counâ€" ClllCI‘S were of the opinion that, as Vaughan township had the largest ï¬nancial interest in the proposition, it should express an opinion ï¬rst. Markham township’s share of the cost would be around $80,000. | Approached at their regular meet- ing By a deputation from the board of trusiees of the Richmond Hill High School area, in reference to the pro- posed $360,000 extension of the High School, councillors of Markham Township decided to defer expressing an opinion until the matter had been dealt with by Vaughan Township Markham Township Building By-Law Described As “Stiï¬ast In Canada†Lhairman of trustees Richard Ov- eibury reported to the meeting and said that he believed the school area proposition to be basically sound but that he did, not feel that the time fOr establishing it was opportune. He believed that it would have to come when density of population warranted it and he could see that it would be advantageous as sub-divisions grew. 1‘he school trustees, he said, were unanimously opposed to the school .J‘ea at the present time. . . Not Enough Information In the general discussion which followed speaker after speaker reit- erated the fact that they did not have sunicient information, either for 01' against the proposition, to enable them to vote intelligently. T. W. Jackson, who spoke and voted in fa- \our of the school area, said there was so much confusion over the sit- Postponed from July 29 on account of poor attendance on that date, a runner meeting of Union School Sec- tion No. 1 Thornhill, ratepayers was held on August 9, with an even smaller attendance. Purpose of the meeting was to :egister an opinion with regard to the inclusion of the Thornhill school section in the school area including‘ Richvale, Langstaf’f and Thornhill, treated by a by-law of the township of Vaughan which is awaiting ratiï¬- cation by Markham township. Thomhill Ratepayers Vote Against School Area - Confusion Admitted Mr. and Mrs. R. 11. Neil of Yonge trip to Guelph with the Women’s In- Sti'eet while on their holidays in July15t1tute in July which proved to be a were honoured with the attention very interesting trip. their summer home atï¬eorg‘ian Bay ’1he next meeting will be held at received from the Historical Society! the home of Mrs. J. Atkins, Proctor The Neils who are interested in thel Avenue on September 6. ‘ history of the early Canadian pion- The meeting ended with refresh- eers have built their summer home ments being served by Mrs. Lovrock. Mr. Street were their : receiw market price by listing established valuators. We ha-‘ve a large number of waiting clients. some with all cash. Get the full current Member HOUSES ‘vVANTED IMMEDIATELY She â€"â€" and this paper â€" will be very appreciative of the co- opel'ation of Thornhill citizens in connection with the reporting of local news, especially that hav- ing to do with social and personal items. Her telephone number ,we re- peat, is Thornhill 239J. Recognizing the growing- im- portance and population of Thornâ€" hill, the Liberal has made plans for an extension of its news serâ€" vices in that village and the sur- rtunding area. Mrs. C. H. Bolton of Arnold Avenue, whose telephone number is Thornhill 239J, and who has acted as local correspondent for some time, will continue to act in that capacity. hestra Increased Co verage Thornhill District N ews rrespondenl: Mrs. C. H. Bolton. Phone ’l‘hornhill 239.1 , David McLean, Realtor OI go to Bolton Casino Saturday The Merryâ€"Makers 9-piece a is really hot. *2w6 HC Office he Ontario hornh 31‘ with have). Throw plenty of flour or sand an the ï¬re t'o smogher it, or soak a wet towel and throw over it. Do NOT pour watEr on such a ï¬re. If by this time you have not control of the situation, and the kitchen woodwork is on ï¬re, call the ï¬re de- ’lne safest way is to cut the cake of wa'x in small pieces, or use a coarse grater, and put the wax in the top of a double boiler, over boil- ing water and place over a low heat to keep the water just simmering. Another method is to put the cut up wax in a clean, empty corn syrup tin and place it over but water in the top section of the double boiler. (The tall saucepan will prevent the corn syrup tin from overbalancing.) The advantage of the second method ‘5 that the left over wax may be covâ€" ered with a lid and set aside for an- other time. Do not go away from the kitchen while wax is on the stove. On no account put the sauce- pan containing wax over direct heat. If one is careless and the wax cat- ches ï¬re, it is important to know what to do quickly. If another per- Tl is in the~ melting of the wax that danger lies. 'x’Eien wax becomes liquid it is in- flammable, therefore, it islimportant to prevent wax from reaching a high temperature. Meiting Wax Forms Dangerous Hazard- Very lnflammable Now is the time for all good home- makers to make jams and jellies. 'lhis summer many will be doing so 101‘ the ï¬rst time and a word of warning may prevent accidents. Parâ€" altin wax is melted to pour over the' top of jam to exclude the air and it Income from building permits for 1948, it was stated, amounted to $1,045. This year to date the ï¬gure is $1,095, with many more permlts ex- pected to be issued. Consideration V‘as given to the appointment of a full-time building inspector and it was agreed that this would be con- sidered for 1950. __.... “a: v . _...\, .uuuuuvu wasmf-ih-a-llv Let‘tleil~ b se revating .We WiSh to “.390†that the. cpndi‘ Vaughan and Markhalh vogter; Re- “on Of Derry Glles .Who was mJulied sult of the voting. was: I two years ago has 1mp1‘oved conmd- In favour of inclusion in school ar- 6142ny :nd ms famlly are very pleas- ea: Markham voters: 2 for, 3 against. to Mt ms proglesm . Vaughan Voters 4 for, 10 against. Derry sugeyed a broken neCk Whlle fetal vote _ 6 101., 13 against. sw1mmmg and it left hlm completely ‘ Even after the vote was taken Sev- paralyzed from the. Shwlders down' era] latepaye“ expressed doï¬bt as However l'llS condition has Improved to whether they had acted wisely in so much that now he is able to move voting until better illhrmed' his arms and before long it is hoped ("Lp:..“..nn A4: +....~L‘n~ n..,._..u.._l.. he will have the use of his ï¬ngers. Chairman of trustees Overvbury said that plans would be made to go ahead as rapidly as possible with the acquisiton of land-lfor a site for the new school to be built in the Steele’s Avenue area. A plumbing by-law is in the course of preparation and will be introduced shortly, and applications for the apâ€" pointment of a plumbing inspector are to be called for by the council. ' Even after the vote was taken sev- eral late‘payers expressed doubt as to whether they had acted wisely in voting until better i11formed. nation that still another meeting should be held at which the township councils and the school inspector should be present to give information. Chairman Overbury agreed with him, saying “Obviously we don’t know enough abomt it â€" we haven’t enough information." Discussion. as L0 costs formed a major part of the delibera~ tions. Further confusion took place when it was decided to vote on a resolution approving of the inclusion of the school section inra school area. It had been understood that it was the opinion of ratepayers of the section as a whole was required, but a letttr from the Township Clerk of Maikham asked for the opinion of Markham taxpayers. The situation was ï¬nally settled by segregating Vaughan and Markham voters. Re- sult of the voting was: Hans were also made for a corn mast to be held September 17, at 8.30 pm. It is to be held on the grounds of the home of Mrs. Bertas, Henderson Ave., Doncaster. Tickets wlll .be 50c per person. Following: the business meeting Mrs. Mizen gave an account of her trip to Guelph withthe Women’s In- stitute in July which proved to be a very interesting trip. ’lrhe next méétiné‘ will be the home of, Mrs. J. Atkins, Dom-aster Ladies‘ Club The Doncaster Ladies’ Club held its monthly meeting on August 2 at the home of Mrs. Loverick at which time plans were made for ‘a bazaar which is to be held in October, and for which they have been making articles to sell for many months. Plans were also made for a corn rtast to be held September 17, at 8.30 pm. It is to be held on the A member of the York Historical Sm-iety along with Mr. Cranston, Ed- itor and ovmcr of the Midland Free Pres, paid a visit to the Neils in under to iIlSpLCt their home and col- l<-ction of pioneer furnishing all of which they found very interesting. along the lines of the pioneer homes. The house is built of logs and has been furnished with early Canadian furniture inmuding hooked rugs, bear- skin rugs and homespuns, an exact rtplica of pioneer days. ost ï¬rés are due to the carelessâ€" of somebody. Let us not be ty for we, or our loved ones, may humid and burns are painful. s in the hou§e, shout to him to oflthhe gas or electric meter (de- ng on the type of stove you . Throw plenty of flour or on the ï¬re t'o smother it, or g wet towel and throw over it. Classiï¬ed Ad be yOL nexpensive, but a g ours to the Libera e your sales- getter Rich h Mrs. Duncan, wife of the late Dr. jJ. S. Duncan, and a former resident of Thornhil], was here last week visit- ing with her son, Mr. Ken Duncan, Arnold Avenue, and is now visiting with friends in Toronto, but will be back in Thornhill in a few months time. Dr. Duncan was minister of |the Thorn'hill United Church from 1942 until 1947 at which time they moved to Sault Ste. Marie. Dr. Dun- can passed away just one year ago. Although Derry cannot attend school his education is not being over- looked. At the time of the accident he had just completed his ï¬rst year at high school and was passed on his year’s work. The Board of Education are now sending lessons to his home which Derry studies and with his mother to write for him tries.the examinations based on these lessons. Our good wishes are extended to Derry who, although he cannot move about is studying and working so that he can take his place in the bus- iness world when the time comes. Broken Neck Fails To Halt Boy’s Studies Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Neil and fam- ily, Yonge St., have recently returned home from a month’s vacation '4. their summer home on Georgian Bay. They were happy to have their daughter Barbara from Montreal spend part of the holidays with them. Barbara practices Occupational Ther- apy near Montreal. Miss Betty Bone was visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. PerCy Bone, for a few days last week prior to her return to London. Betty has been on a month’s vacation and spent part of her holiday at Geneva Park Lake Couchiching, with the Y.W.C.A. Mrs. J. Perry, Arnold Ave., enter- tained at afternoon tea on Thursday. August 4, in honour of Mrs. E. Snid- er, who recently moved into one of the homes built by Mr. C. Smith on Arnold Ave. r Mr. and Mrs. Herbei't Whyar-d and their two sons are welcomed to Elgin Avenue. The Whyard’s moved into their new home at the beginning of August. 40 Yonge St., Richmond'Hil' Phone 40".} Mr. and Mrs. John Bea] of Arnold Avenue motored to Lindsay last week to pay a visit to Mr. and Mrs. War- ren Fry formerly of Thornhil]. Life, Fire, Automobile. Plate Glass, Hospitilization. John Neil who this year graduated fiom University with a BA. degree is now in New Brunswick where he is conducting expeliments with oysters. Mr. and Mrs. Gill of Toronto are spending the summer months in 'lhornhill with their daughter, MIS. Ken Robertson of Arnold Avenue. What a thnlli Bony limbs all out: ugly hollows an un; neck no longer scrawny: body loses hw- stmed, sickly "bean-pole" look. Thousands of girls women. men, who never could sin before, are now proud 0! sha iy. healthy-loo lng bodies. They thank the specis vigor-building. flesh-building ionic. Ostrex. It! tonles. stimulants invi orators. iron. vitamin B1. cslci In. enrich blood. mpruve anvetlte and ngestlo so food gives you more sctength Ind nourishment: nut flesh on bare bones. Don't. fear setting mo in. Stop when you've gained the 5. 10. 15 or 20 lbs. you need {or normsi weight. Cola lime. New "In Acquainted" size only 0c. T13 lunous Ostrex Tonic Tablets for new visa: to added pounds. this very day. At all druugisu. Skinny men, women gain 5,}0, 15 lbs. Thornhill Social and Personal General Insurance W. SCHURMAN Get New Pep, Vim, Vigor :0060900009 >0000§¢ 0696009¢00060¢6600060000000090060; 2*9â€â€9®90¢@‘300600000‘9Q0¢09000¢000e¢00~900000900900§ OPTICAL REPAIRS BROKEN LENSES REPLACED Prescriptions for Glasses Filied Fur Appoxntment l’hone Richmond Hill 3‘} :00000090 oootooooooo¢eo¢¢oeoo4~¢a«warm-09909909009090» 0W0 :OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO099;?9909999060000009¢0090600000999 RICHMOND HILL Maple, Ont. INCREASE YOUR YIELDS BY PROTECTING YOUR SEED ( Have H‘Treated WM: The Net FERTILIZERS Liquid Seed Disinfectant An Increase In Yield Of One Fifth Of A Per Acre Covers The Cost Of Cleaning And We’ll Glndly Give You Further Informs AUTOMAGE VGEABRON E/MwWW YEREX [ELECYRE PANQQEN Make tea double strength and while still hot pour into glasses filled with cracked ice . . . Add sugar and lemon to taste. Come in and See If Shell Premiumâ€"the most ' powerful gasoline your car can use! CUSTOM CLEANING AND TE C. I: L. DISTRIBUTCE MAPLE ï¬EEEfl ERS â€" INSECTICIDES â€" PE FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS T‘Aeph: PHONE Eyes Examined, [Masses Fitted: I )llh’t“ I F.L. LOWRIE, m. § 9 Wednesday, Aug. 24th EYESEGHT SPECIALIST WILL BE AT AU o'TiN’S DRUG STORE d the Second and Fourth Wednesday of each month FROM 9.30 A.I\I. TO 12.00 IVUON Exclusive, specially designed GLAD- IRON ROLL handles fussy things eas- ier, faster. Irons a shirt beautifully in 41/2 minutes. Single knee levcr controls all operations . . . leaves hands free to guide the work. You can Wheel it where you want to use it and it folds up to the size of a kitchen stool for storing. Try it for Yourself Activated for full mileage. Aciivafed for quicker warm-up! Activated for knockless power! Activated for fast "get away.†av NO STANDING * N0 “mm; ‘ * NO BACKACHE WELL h Of A Bushel ng And, Treating Information iEED GRAIN D 1111 PHONE 242 TICIDES Maple 75 6