Formerly of Gerrard Heintzman Woxk Guaranteed â€"â€" Free Estimat 3~PIECE Chesterï¬eld Suite, new; Tctï¬fee table and end table; floor lamp; table lamp; polished table with f6}! chairs to -match; Quebec stove; well water pump. Owner go- ing} to California. Apply to L. Lin- nï¬y, Johnston Ave. off John St.. r‘mnr nUKl' ‘! r'l‘eezâ€"Utf for corns bfllquses. warts, ingrown toe nails really works magic. Follow directions on back of bottle. You’ll be amazed how easy your coms have flis’gippezu'ed. Box 380 Richmond Hill. address, Freez-Oï¬â€˜. *10w50 I‘hbrnhil brand new look. N polishing â€" just dry bing “TARNOFF†on OK. 16 oz..tin 60c: 34 At' Mabley's Garage. HOUSE, 4 rooms in Newmarket, in- sulated, hot air furnace, oak floors, modern bath, built-in cupboards, heavy wiring. Apply 127 Andrews St, Newmarket. S. L. Stephens. FEET HURT? 1:01“, seal beam lights, heater, clean upholstery and newly painted, reas- onable. Apply Roy Lund, 96 Yong‘e St., Richmond Hill. *1w7 LIFETIME all metal 'Venetian ‘B 'ndSe aluminum or steel baked en- amél ï¬nish any colour of tapes, free estimates and installations. Phone 7'5 01' write box 496. 40 Ontarxo Sï¬West, Nowmarket, Ont. tfc322 IRIS. We are overstocked in Svnli quite good varieties and offer them at $1.00 per dozen, unlabelled but all diffl’erent. Little‘s Il‘is Gardens, 88 Mill St., Richmond Hill. c1w6 1946 MERCURY COUPE, in show- room condition, gone around 20,000 miles, Southwind heater, and new radio. Arthur Davis, 164 Spruce Ave., Richvale. . *2w7 $2.50 per bus.,7bags included. Leiicn; croft Farms, Gormley RR. 2, phono Thbrnhill 121.1. ‘ c1w7 1982 CHEV. SEDAN SEED WHEA'R Cornell 595 Seed theat' No: 1, ppwer plepngd, treated, ATTENTION â€" Soft wood slabs $12.00 cord; Hardwood slabs, $17.00 cord. A11 wood is dry and clean. Wil 5911’s _Wo_od Supply. Phone Richmond ORNAMENTAL PORCH RAILS. stair hand rails, fire doge, fire screens, fire sets and acetylene Weld- ing. Apply '1‘. Elliott, Oak Avenue, Richvnle. Lfc35 Hill 441.1. AGENT for Moffats New Electric “Range; also Essotane Gas Ranges and Electric Pails; Crossloy Shelvador Refrigerators and Ilinman Milkers. J. A. Rose, Maple, phone 34J. tfc38 SEED WHEAT, treated with the $2.50 per bushel, Seed Mill, phone FOR REAL ESTATE, phone Fenn, Thornhill 168. tfc46 condition, many new parté recently installed, 3 new tires. Apply phone Richmond Hill 324W. *2w7 motor newly overhauled," body iri qud condition. $200. Phone Rich- mond Hill 328.}. ' - c1w7 19389PLYMOUTH COACH, excellent STEEL BED, Si size, walnut ï¬nish, and_ springs, also spring mattress, 1933 TERRAPLANE SEDAN, good condition, $195 or nearest offer. Apâ€" ply Robt. Harrison, Bathurst and Mill Rd., Stop 2315 Yonge St. *1w7 1934 PONTIAC SEDAN, good tires, bljick .bungalow, 6 large rooms, all cogweniences. Apply Wm. Richards, ‘Elgin Mills. : *1w7 FOLDING BED with mattress; book case, small; boy’s raincoat. size 0; boy’s wagon. Apply phone Richmond Hill 437W. 'r c1w7 good éondrition 2071‘21. TARNOF‘IM“ 150 HYBRID PULLETS, N.H. x B.R., some laying, Kitchener Big-4 Chicks. Milton Savage, Bathurst St., Rich- mgnd Hill, phone Maple 491'5. *1w7 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION, insul- CU'CUMBERS for sale or exchange for other garden produce or fruit. Orval Jones, Doncerst Rd., Lang- ’stafl’, phone Thornhill 2171'21. *1w7 1928 FORD 1 best offer. 1’] FOR REAL ESTATE, phone Fenn, Thornhill 168. tfc46 METAL ICE BOX, good condition; 2 burner hot plate. Phone Richmond Hill 402M. ’ *1w7 414M 1934 INTERNATIONAL TRUCK, 1% ton, godd running condition, $200. Phone Richmond Hill 481‘25. c1w7 Stop SPACE HEATER, used one season L. Watson, Innisfree, Carrville Rd. Apply 222 Call Richmond Hill EI‘JECTMC RANGETTE, good, $225. thOne Thornhill 259W. clw7 PIANO TUNING and Repairing RATESâ€"Five lines ï¬ve lines Telephone Classified Sale 85 Want Ads Phone Liberal Office, 'el. 9', Richmond Hill S. Hoffman THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, August 18, 1949 ARLING Light Sussex hens. 222 Oak Ave., Richvale, phone Yonge St FOR SALE gives your car the )ok. No washing, no just dry clean by rub- Phone Fl‘eez-Off for Cornell or Dawson, new liquid Panogen, bag included. Maple Méple 75 36 ton stake, $150 or 3 Richmond Hill tfc6 '2 '91 Free Estimates 36 oz Phoné Thornhill clw7 with good mp- , heater, clean bfl’ John St†cle and {viping or less, 35 cents for ï¬rst insertion and 25 cents for each subsequent insertion. Over 7'cents per line gxtra each insertion. If charged to account nme cents per line. Richmond Hill 9. tin $1.00 *lw'i tfc6 tfcl c1w7 Pay promptly and avoid the penalty which must be added after Richmond Hill, July 29, 1949 The Second Instalmelnt of the current year’s taxes is due on LADY‘S GOLD WATCH, August 14, in vicinity of Sherwood. Owner may have same by proving property and paying for this advertisement. Ap- ly Stewart Diceman, phone Maple 311‘11. *1w7 ONE TOP OFF a Surge Milking Ma- chine in the vicinity of the 5th con- cession of Vaughan and Vellore. Re- ward. Phone Maple 651.11. *1w7 PART TIME SECRETARY to the Principal of Richmond Hill High School, about 3 hours daily. Applica- tions to Board Secretary, Miss Lola Jones, Richmond Hill, phone 19. c1w7 WIINTERIZED COTTAGE, apartmeni 01- flat to rent for Englishman, Cana- dian wife, daughter 21 months and small baby. Apply Box 84, The Liberal. *2w7 quires unfurnished house or apart- ment. Married, one child, references on request. Reply Box 100, The Liberal or telephone WIA, 0991, Tor- onto. c2w7 TO RENT house or apartment by young medical student, wife and 11 month old daughter in Richmond Hill, Langstaf’f, Thornhill or vicinity. Phone Agincourt 301w2 or write Box No. 15, The Liberal. ’ *1w7 HOW ABOUT THOSE HENS that have stopped laying. Highest prices paid. Bring them in or phone King 59114. W. S. Appleton, Oak Ridges Grading Station. tfc39 CONSULTING GEOLOGISTV re- OLD HORSES, $15.00. We will pay you $15.00 for your old horse at. your farm. Campbell Mink, phone Agin- court 18J12 Collect. tfc2 RELIABLE WOMAN for house- work, daily except Sundays 9 am. to 1 p.m. Apply Box 707,‘The Liberal. c1w7 ALL KINDS of poultry wanted, best market prices, will call immediately upon request. A. Magee, King, phone 35114. *28w52 POSITION WANTED by retired farâ€" mer doing light chores around farm and helping in house. Apply Box 3, The Liberal. *2w7 WANTED URGENTLY unfurnished boqsg ‘or cottage for» rent, couple with 2 children, reaisonable reï¬t, gBod ref- erences. Phone Gerrard 8605. c1w7 WOMAN to share home, small welcome. Apply by letter to 730, The Liberal, Richmond Hill. 2 SINGLE BEDS, suitable for grow- ing; children; also chest of drawers. Phone Richmond Hill 66. c1w7 BABY SITTER, evenings. Apply 155 Yonge St., rear. Richmond Hill *1w7 STEEL BABY .CRIB with springs. Phone Richmond Hill 218J. *1w7 WAITRESS, some experience. Ap- ply Ladies Golf Club, Thornhill. clw7 ARE THE FLIES bothering you? Get rid of them quickly, safely by using Marlate 50 â€" a wettable spray powder. We have a small quantity of this new insecticide on hand. Maple Seed Mill, telephone Maple 75. thG apples. $1.00 per bushel. Apply Wm. Vanderbent, 1/2 mile south No. 7 ngy. 3rd con. Markham, phone Thornhill 1901‘21. c1w7 phone Richmond ‘Hill 425W LARGE QUANTITY DU-CHESS TAXES SOW FALL RYE for late fall and early spring pasture. Plough in for your corn ground next spring. Maple Seed Mill, phone Maple 75. tch BABY’S FOIJDING PLAY PEN 1930 MODEL A FOR-D, good condi- tion. Aply John Cave, Maple. clw7 CHOICE BARTLETT FEARS. Cold- will, end cottage, Centre St. W., Richmond Hill. Phone 450W. clw7 cellent condition. Phone Thoi‘nhill 2121‘15. c1w7 15 WHITE LEGHORNS, one year old. Phone Richmond Hill 372r22. GENERAL_PURPOSE HORSE, ex- SINGLE BED (Simpson’s cottage cot) and mattress, nearly new, $11.00, phone Richmond Hill 494W. c1w7 FURNACE BLOWER and controls; also new dustless ash Sifter. Phone Richmond Hill 514. *1w7 13 PIGS. Apply Geo. Foster, R. R: 2, Maple, phone Maple 62r12. c1w7 28r12 PIGS, 8 weeks Oldï¬t Phone Maple AUGUST 20th R. LYNETT, AUGUST lst WANTED FOUND LOST Village Treasurer child Box *2w6 *1w7 *1w7 c1w7 Phone 174 1939 FORD STATION WAGON $1,275.00 1947 !'2 TON PANEL FORD TRUCK ADDITIONAL ASSESSMENTS INCREASE TAX REVENUES A supplementary assessment for Markham Township, covering build- ings erected after the annual visit of the assessor, is in process. About 236 properties are affected and half of these have been covered. Valuations of the properties a]- ready assessed amount to $112,925. At the present general township tax rate this would bring in an addition- al $1,084. in taxes. This information was reported to Markham Township Council at its last moeting. At the same meeting the council granted $150. to the Rink Board at Unionville, and authorized the in- stallation of a flashing traffic light at Kennedy Road and No. 7 highway. Wu†STORAGE TANKS SUPPLIED 4 ROOMS, available soon, vicinity of Maple. References required. Write Box 805, The Liberal. c1w7 $30 MONTHLY. Need 3 months in advance, frame house, 5 rooms, stove heat, needs decorating, near new Churchill School, Willowdale. Childâ€" ren welcome, no racial objections. Phone Willowdale 2214. c1w7 FLOOR POLISHER for rent, heavy duty, $2.00 per day. Pick-up and de- livery $1.00 extra. Modern Kitchens Installations, phone Richmond Hill 443. tch LOVELY BRIGHT SUNROOM with large picture windows in new home on 114 acres, 1 or 2 business people. Phone Richmond Hill 431r23. *lw7 LITTLE BROTHERS SHOP SPACE or storage space 15 x50 ft. small office, centre of Thorn- hill, Yonge St. Phone Thornhill 2. c1w7 BUTTONHOLES made to order, priced according to size; also 1 lady’s dress, black, size 16, sequin trim, like new, reasonable. Apply Mrs. Fred Alle'n, 227 Oak Ave., Richvale, phone Richmond Hill 3691*12. . - tfc5 upholsterin, cabinet work, wood carving. stimates given. N. S. VanDyke, 33 Hunt Ave., Richmond Hill. tfc your land completely prepared by the new scientiï¬c one oparaï¬ovz method. W. Hutchinson Elzin M1115, phone Pichmond Hi1] 282W. tf::41 CUSTOM ROTARY TILLING. Have ALL. KINDS FURNITURE repairs, 100 - 500 Gal. Gauges, Accessories, Draft Regulators. Service to Space Heaters, etc LAWN MOWERS and saws sharpen- ed; folding lawn chairs made; inside panel doors. Apply C. B. Stouen- burg, 11 Richmond S., Richmond Hill, phone 392W. tfc42 phone us immediately. We also haul sand, gravel, loam and ï¬ll. For quick, dependable service, phone 01'â€" val Jones, Thornhill 2171‘21. tfc7 PLASTERING, ï¬rst class workman- ship.- Will give estimates. Adam Pohl, Elgin Mills, phone Richmond Hill 3461‘21. *25w41 IF YOUR WATER SUPPLY is short, 1940 FORD PICKL’P Thoroughly overhauled, new tires CEMENT WORK DONE, cisterns, septic tanks installed, side walks made. Apply N. C. Dolson, Head- for‘d, phone Richmond Hill 48r25. cultivating, tilling. W. H. Gooder- ham, 39 Elmhurst Ave., Lansing, phone Willowdale 2508. *13w7 LAWN MOWERS sharpened and repaired by experienced workman. Phone Jos. Winger, Maple 62r21. CUSTOM PLOU‘GHING, discing, SAND AND GRAVEL, crushed stone, loam and ï¬ll. E. Charity, Richmond Hill, phone 37216. tfc42 31 Benson Ave., Richmond Hill Phone 399M RELIABLE USED CARS Ford & Monarch Sales & Service MISCELLANEOUS D. GIFFEN TO RENT $625.00 $675.00 Richmond Hill c18w44 c2w7 cattle mostly and 50 feedin are all a goo side. Sale at J. Lunau and I 7, Markham TWp., 5 Terms cash. No reserve. I! Clarke Prentice, auctioneers THURS,. SEPT. 1 WED., AUGUST 31 â€" Auction sale of house hold furniture, garden tools, glassware, dishes, etc., on Main St., Markham village, just south of No. 7 Hgy. Property of Mrs. Feighen. Sale at 2 p.m. sharp. Terms cash. No reserve. AProperty sold. Ken and Clarke Prentice, ‘Aï¬cvt TUES., AUGUST 30 â€"â€" Auction sale of farm stock, implements, 34 head of grade Holstein cattle, including fresh cows, springers and heifers, 40 hogs, horses, poultry, Surge milking machine, new; 30 tons mixed hay and grain, at 101: 6, con. 7 Whitchurc‘n, 11,4, miles north of townline. The Estate of the late Albert Nieghorne. The above cattle are good and all heifers are vaccinated. No reserve, farm sold, terms cash. Sale at 1.30 pm. A. S. Farmer, Auct. c2w7 SATURDAY, AUGUST 27 â€" Auc- tion Sale of valuable house and lot, household furniture, etc., in Village of King City, property of Estate of the Late Mrs. Caroline Watson. Terms on furniture cash, no reserve. Property sold subject to reserve bid. Sale at 2 pm. Ken and Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. THURSDAY, AUG. 25 â€" Important Auction Sale of 45 'head registered and high grade Guernsey and Jersey Cattle, fresh and close springers, young cattle, horses, milking mach- ines, milk cooler, grain, standing corn by the acre, etc., on lot 14, con- cession 4, Scarboro Twp. Property of A. Pepper. Sale at 2 pm. sharp. Terms cash. No reserve, proprietor quitting the milk business. Ken & Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. Richmond Hill Cow Is High Producer Honours in the 36-5 day milking division, mature class, were capture.i by a Richmond Hill animal, the Can- adian Guernsey Breeders’ Associaâ€" tion states in its July report. 'Glenorchy Lavender, owned by D. G. McAllister, R. R. 1, Richmond Hill topped the list with a produc- tion of 13,226 lbs. of milk and 727 lbs. of fat. On behalf of many Langstafl‘ fam- ilies, we would like, through this col- umn, to extend sincere sympathy td Mrs. Nuttall and to Mr. Howard and their families. On Sunday an illness of several months duration was ended for Mr. George Nuttall and a zealous com- munity worker was lost to us all. Our children in particular beneï¬tted from his constant work to give them some added pleasure and they will surely assoeiate him with many happy mem- ories, and their parents will recall numerous occasions when they felt grateful for his efforts. The past week has been saddened by the passing of the father of Mr. Howard, organist and choir master of Trinity Anglican Church. :Langstaf'f’s team in the York Centre Ladies’ Softball League, coached by Norm Bowen, has not had sufficient players or support to maintain a full team this season and so will not'ap- pear in the playoffs. We think the faihtful few deserve a hand for their conscientious efforts and we wish them better luck next year. Please watch The Liberal for the North York Major Softbail League Play-Off Schedule which will probably appear next week. The ball game on the 4th played at Schomberg' with ï¬ve innings overtime lasting until midnight, was particul- arly exciting. Bill Bowen pitched an exceptionally good game and Morty Charles scored the Winning run, the ï¬nal tally being 9 to 8. After playing the ï¬rst two innings of the August 9 game without a full team, the Langstaï¬â€˜ lads lost at Aurâ€" ora by 7 to 4. More and better coverage of local news items is being planned. Mrs. S. W. Wors- dale, Langstafl‘, whose tele- phone number is Thornhill 257112, will continue to act as local correspondent. She and this paper will apprec- iate the co-Operation of Langstaff and district readâ€" ers. Items should be teleâ€" phoned to Mrs. Worsdale at â€" we repeat â€" Thornhill 257r12. And, in keepi'ng with that development, The Lib- eral â€" “Home Paper of the District Since 1878†â€"- has made plans to give Lang- staff its “place in the sun.†Is Langstaff growing? That may sound like a silly question when one looks around the district. New subâ€"divisions, ne houses, are springing up like mushrooms. SALE REGISTER sale of LAN GSTAFF NEWS . SEPT. 1 â€" Important auc- of 25 head of fresh dairy ostly Holsteins, also heifers feeding hogs. These cows 1 good size with calves by 1e at 2 pm. Property of and R. J. Nash, Lot 16, Con. am Twp., Mt. Joy Sideroad. ash. 7N0 reserve. Ken and CORRESPONDENT â€" MRS. S. “'. “'ORSDALE Telephone Thornhill 257112 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gibson of Fairview Avenue spent their two weeks’ vacation with Mr. Gibson's brother at Patricia Gold Mines in north-western Ontario. Accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Gibson Sr., of Joicey Boulevard, North York, they motored through the northern United States to Sioux Lookout, and completed the journey by plane. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Worsdale of Winnipeg have been visiting their son Stan for the last two weeks. They motored with a younger son, Leslie, who is attending a business manage- ment course at the University of Western Ontario, Lon-don. He also spent the last two weekends in Lang- stafl". M1; Wlorsdale, Sh, left last Saturday but Mrs. Worsdale will stay until the beginning of September, when she and Les. will drive home through the northern States. Flight Sergeant Stanley Langille of Yongeview Avenue left last Thurs- day to take up duties at Greenwood Flying Field in Nova Scotia. Mrs. Langille and son, David, are visiting her parents in Montreal before join- ing Flight Sergeant Langille in the Maritimes. Congratulations to Mr. and \Mrs. Bill Pocklington and a welcome to Billy, Junior, born on Friday, August 12. Ditching activities on the Lang- staff Road West, better known as the Langstaff Side Road have raised hopes for improved road Conditions. The increased traffic, particularly at week-ends, makes the dust conditions deplorable. A meeting of the Executive Com- mittee and Conveners of the Home and School Club is to be held at the home of the president, Mrs. R. Cud- more (Stop 18, Yonge St.) Tuesday evening, August 23, to make ï¬nal plans for the Commencement, Sep- tember 13. The Hobbycraft Conven- er, Mrs. Wes Blackburn, and Mrs. Stan Worsdale recently took a six- day course in weaving and woodcarv- ing at the Ontario Department of Ed- ucation Summer School held in Dan- forth Technical School. 4. Mosquitoes breed in anything that will hold water â€" tin cans, rainbarrels, eavestroughs, water~ ing cans, pails, bird baths, lily ponds, etc. 5. Some mosquitoes start breed- ing in water pools soon after the winter ice has melted. 6. A single mosquito can lay 300 eggs at one time. CARL E. HIL,L M.D., M.O.H. DEPARTMENT OF. HEALTH TOWNSHIP OF NOHTH YORK Mosquitoes Are A Nuisance Primary Facts: 1. Nineteen species of biting mosquitoes have been found in the Toronto neighborhood. 2. Only female mosquitoes bite. ‘3. Mosquitoes need standing water in which to breed. They do not breed in damp places or in grass and shrubbel'y. Polly performs the introductions quite graciously and bids you a calm and digniï¬ed good-bye as you depart. glad to welcome them and their three children. John is in 4th year Senior at DeLaSalle College and Donald and Patsy will be attending St. Mary’s School in Richmond Hill. The Bichards have a novel way of getting to know their neighbours. Their twenty-eight- year old parrot sits out in the garden and calls out their names in turn, until you just have to call and ï¬nd out who all these people are and By the time this appears ‘Mr. and Mrs. Tom Insley and 4-year-old Nor- man who had an apartment with the Langilles, will have moved. Friends and neighbours are sorry to see both families leave. The Langilles sold their house to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bichard of Glen- holme Avenue, Toronto, and we are Good going Thursday, Aug. 25 1’0 Saturday, Sept. 10 inclusive; Langstaff Personals CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION (Telephone Thornhill 257r12) Full information from any agent. FARE AND ONE-HALF FOR THE ROUND TRIP Go By Train to the Return Limitâ€"Sept. 14 Aug. 26 to SapL 10 Low Rail Fares AT TORONTO mo...» Monday to Wednesday â€" August 22, 23, 24 THE “CLASS†OF 1949: LORETTA VAN 5099000OMOOOOO60.066009600090996W0000W; :OOMOMNNONONNQMâ€â€OOOONWW Daily Deliveries to Toronto Stock Yards and P_a_cking Plants and 5 Miles of Stoufl'ville For Service (‘all “Collect†Stouffville 63906 All Loads Insured â€" Trucks Fully Insured From Farms Within 9 Miles of Richmond Hill 6 § 0 3 oo«mooo00099990099900.9999wouoouuuomm 09 000090000000600000OO960900009000OOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOQQ 144 YONGE ST RICHMOND HILL PHONE 488 g ngmcourl zml RR. 2 Scarbara Junction g OOOOQOQOOOOOOOQOOOOO006006OQOQOOOOOOâ€OOOOOOOOW 60 09999‘00060009066000990006000OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOO. ANDREW M. HUTCHINSON Agincourt 2481 TOP PRICES FOR LIVE POULTRY “ Mother Is A Freshman †'Ac’rivafed " powerful gasoline your car can use! GET IT TODAY FROM BRADSHAW MOTORS A. . Z . no other brand of gasoline can do more in the ‘engine of your car than ï¬'Activated†Shell Premium! Yes, the most powerful 'I. We have waiting clients for houses in Thornhill and Rh Any Description Any Quantity TWO MORE RIOTOUS DAYS! Last Times Saturday, August 20 THE LAUGH-LEADER OF 1949! CLIFTON SHIRLEY WEBB ° TEMPLE LIVESTOCK AND FARM TRUCK SERVICE - so“) our . HOUSES WANTED YOUNG DAVID McLEAN, Realtor e waltmg clients for 5, 6, 7 and 8 room in Thornhill and Richmond Hill districts. Couege †Thornhill Ofï¬ce Phone 12 Phone or Write to In Technicolor GOES TO Activated for knock- less power! Activated for fast "get away.†Activated for quicker warm-up! Activated for full mileage. Shell Premium- VAN JOHNSON