Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 8 Sep 1949, p. 4

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,$975, a good clean car; 1933 oletrpanel, $250, in very ‘ condition. Baker Sales and ice, Richvale. Service is our ness. Phone Richmond HI.” “.3. clwlo E400; 1940 Dodge Custom D USED CARS, 1934 P0 , $250.00; 1936 Chl‘ysle $400; 1940 Dodge Cu , $975, a good clean car; ‘ oletrpanel, $250, in OTHY AND MIXED HAY, quality, loaded on cars, $16.00 n F.0.B. Aulac, John Carter, hand rails, fire dog‘s, fire ns and acetylene welding. Ap- . Elliott, Oak Avenue, Rich- phone Richmond Hill 115. TWOOD Slabs. $12.07) slabs, $17.00; limbs, $18.00; body TIME all metal Venetian 5, aluminum or steel baked el finish any colour of tapes, estimates and installations. e 755 or write box 496, 40 rio St. West, Newmarket. ’ tfc32 limbs, $18.00; body hard- ‘, fireplace logs $21.00 per i All wood clean, dry and cut rngth. Taylor's Sawmill, Rich- 1 Hill phone 463, Aurora 2. tfc9 9rd; Hardwood slabs, $17. . 11 Wood ii dry and clean. r‘on's Wood Supply, phone {mond Hill 441.}. tfclO LENNON: Soft wood slabs. lD WHEAT, Cornell or Daw- ta'eated with the new liquid $2.50 per bushel, bag in- d. Maple Seed Mill, phone a 76. tch ORA rabbits and hutches, woollers; pedigreed stock, p. Apply 222 Oak St, Rich- phone Richmond Hill 3691‘2. *1w10 an O 5’ NT for Mofiat’s New Electric e; also Essotane Gas Ranges Electric Pails; Crossley Shel- r Refrigerators and Hinman era. J. A. Rose, Maple, phone tfc38 e, New Brunswick, or contact Deacon, Unionviile 11w1. tch IGE, coal and wood. white elain, steel top, with boiler lections; also 4 Quebec heat- Apply F. Mitchell, North Lake Wilcox, phone Kins.y 2. ' *1w10 N wheat; 10 ton mixed grain; on baled timothy and mixed timothy and mixed hay; baled wheat straw. Apply a Stoufl’ville 67309. c1w10 DING FOR SALE, approx. t. long and 30 ft. wide and high. Phone Thornhill 148. c1w10 LD’S COT, springs, “Darling” :reas by Simmons; 1 large re- mator, ice, “Barnett,” white rial. Phone Richmond Hill Vu CIWIO 'ALMENTAL PORCH RAIL? BUICK four door sedan, )letely overhauled, with heat- ind defroster, small mileage, Itely owned. Apply Flay-:1 R. ins, phone Richmond Hill . c2w10 i0, DARK OAK Welsh dress- Md with silver drawer and cupboards below. Phone 'nhill 132. c1w10 FORD, 315 ton pick-up, A1 Mon, low mileage, radios and .1. Apply C. C. Mabley, 38 ran \AymfiRichmond Hill. ng away. Phone Thornhill LAN FILL, can be had for 3. cleO ‘ECE dining r001" suite, pol- l oak in excellent condition; ogany dresser, phone Maple ~ ‘1w10 at new, 40" high; Apply 87 ht St., Richmond Hill. *1w10 LIE PUPS, maIE, E. Lambert, b 24 Yonge, Richmond Hill l2. ‘1w10 GE FRAME BUILDING 33 DODGE. pane] body, 1 ton. Post Office, Richmond Hill. *1w9 i, suitable for bungalow with res on Yonge St., phone Rich- 1 Hill 178.]. c1w10 Inond Hill 3681'14 EEK, complete with controls, lent condition, reasonable, e Richmond Hill 339R. c1w10 SH RATES, first insertion, 2c per word, Min. charge .. 35c Second and subsequent; insertions if wording unchanged, 2c per word, min. charge . . . . . . 25c CHARGED, 3c per word, min. charge, all insertions .. 50c R BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of .. 25c ARDS 0F THANKS, IN MEMORIAM, BIRTHS, EATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES, per insertion $1.00 .Iuified advertisements should be in as early in the week as issible but not later than noon on Wednesdays. REAL ESTATE, phone Fenn, lhill 168. tfc46 .â€"â€"__â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" ATOES. Anderson, 92 Rich- St., Richmond Hill, phpng ’LAY Circulatory Heater, P. MOTOR with blower. Ap- 19 Carrville Rd. W., Stop 23. ' *1w9 afE, 12 ft., as new. Phone CLASSIFIED FOR SALE and WANT ADS FOR SALE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, Sept. 8, 1949 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES ‘ontinc c1w10 hard- hardâ€" hard- tfc35 *2w9 c2w9 LITTLE BROTHERS Ford & Monarch Sales & Service PHONE 174. RICHMOND HILL III-IIIIIIIIIIIIII $625.00 1939 FORD STATION WAGON WED., SEPT. 14 â€"â€"- Auction sale of farm stock, implements, 40 head registered and grade Ayr- shire cattle, 60 hogs, 250 chickens, hay and grain straw, horses, W6 IHC tractor on rubber, White threshing- machine and straw shredder, complete with roller bearings, including all tractor equipment of the best; household furniture. Lot 28-30, con. 9, Pickering. Property of Sam Fretz. No reserve as proprietor is giving up farming. This a large sale and will start on time. Terms cash, sale at 12 noon sharp. A. S. Farmer, Auct. c3w8 CORNELL 595 Seed Wheat, pow- er cleaned, $2.25 per bus. F. S. Tyndall, Richmond Hill, phone 149.1. _ *3w9 BOY’S navy blue overcoat with fly front, size 13; boy’s trench coat, size 13, both good as new; boy‘s lined plaid machinaw, size 10-12 years, good; hand knitted sweaters, size 12, good. Phone Maple 77R. c1w10 1937 FORD, 5 passenger coupe, new front end, new paint job, re- upholstered, 3 new tires, extras, $500. Phone Richmond Hill 73W. c1w10 1938 FORD SEDAN, good condi- tion, good tires. Apply Mrs. John Warwick, Hunt’s Lane, Stop 24 Yonge, phone Richmond Hill 363 r12. *1w10 GURNEY kitchen range, all white enamel, modern coal and wood combination, reasonable; McClary Quebec heater, medium size, good condition. Apply phone 160M Thornhill. c2w10 JACKET HEATER; Quebec cook stove; kitchen table. Apply 8 Bak- er Ave., Richmond Hill. *lwlo WINTER BARLEY. If you are having trouble growing Spring Barley, try winter barley. Maple Seed Mill, phone 75. tfclO 30 ROCK PULLETS, 4months. Apply John Zieglar, Garden Ave., Langstafi‘, phone Thornhill 1921‘2. clwl‘O SEED WHEAT, Cornell 595 var- iety for sale at elevators. I. D. Ramer & Son, Richmond Hill, phone 10. , tfc9 '45 INDIAN MOTORCYCle with Sidecar, very good condition, has just. been reserviced, selling cheap- ly for quick sale. Phone Maple 28r13. *1w10 stove and cordwood lengths; also hard body and limb wood. Reason- able rates. Delivered. Apply Tom Smart. Elgin Mills. *2w9 GIRL’S BICYCLE; 7000 ft. laid measure cedar flooring; small rangette. Apply S. McNeice, lot 64 May Ave., Stop 24A Yonge St. *1w10 HARD, SOFT AND MIXED Slabs, $925.00 1941 FORD DELUXE TUDOR SALE REGISTER RELIABLE USED CARS $1,475.00 1947 FORD SL'PERDELL'XE FORDOR Heater, excellent condition HONEY E. CHARLTON DO WE SERVE YOU? IF NOT WHY NOT? RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE Phone 426 FOR SALE CLOVER 30 Arnold Street Richmond Hill Very nice. Apply 'AND FURTHER TAKE NOT- ICE that the said vote shall be taken on Monday the twenty-sixth day of September, 1949, between the hours of 12 o’clock noon and 9 o’clock in the afternoon, D.S.T.l at the following places appointed for the taking of votes: ICE that Monday the Nineteenth day of September, 1949, at the hour of 7.30 o’clock in the after- noon has been appointed the time and place for the appointment of persons to attend at the polling places and at the final summing up of the votes by the Clerk. RUSSELL LYNETT, COULD BE that I’d buy an acre or more of good land, Yonge St. frontage, near Richmond Hill. 01' I’d accept moderate term lease, wiht option to purchase. But I’m not; interested in being “gouged” on speculative proposition. If you have decent offer write Box 49, The Liberal. tfp “Are you in favour of a prepos- ed by-law to authorize an agree- ment between the Corporations of the Townships of North York, Markham, Vaughan and the Vill- age of Richmond Hill and the Tor- onto Transportation Commission to operate buses on Yonge Street?” or two acres on Yonge Street west side prefererd but not necessary, between Thornhill and Bond Lake. Must be level or easily levelled. Write to Box 103, The Liberal, giving location and price. tfp Masonic H; Richmond Hill QUALIFIED persons who would be interested in supply teaching at. Richmond Hill High School. Please leave name and qualifica- tions and subjects with Mrs. W. Dawson, phone Richmond Hill 40€J or school 219. c2w10 It’s embarrassing to find your- self down to that last letterhead. Check your stock now. The Liber- al’s Job Printing Department will gladly bring your supply up to normal quickly. Telephone Rich- mond Hill 9. Work Guaranteed, Free Estimates WOMAN desires work in store or home, will also baby sit evenings. Apply phone Richmond Hill 224R. RESTAURANT HELP WANTED. Apply in person at Battle’s Coffee Shop 102 Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. c1w10 OLD HORSES, $15.06. We will pay you $15.00 for your old horse at: your farm. Campbell Mink, phone Agincourt 18.112 Collect. HOUSEKEEPER for 3 adults, modern country home, convenient to train and bus service, 1 child acceptable, no washing or ironing required. Apply Box 3011, The Liberal. c1w10 REAL ESTATE WANTED â€" One Formerly of Gerrard Heintzman MUNICIPAL VOTE in: is a correct statement of the question to be submitted by the Village of Richmond Hill to the electors (owners) of the Village of Richmond Hill ii the County of York, namely, best market priceé, will call im- mediately upon request. A Magee, King, phone 35114. _ *28w52 TRANSPORTATION to Toronto, arriving Queen and Yonge Sts. at 8.15 a.m., ‘returning 4 20 pm. Ap- ply phone Richmond Hill 228. DEALER for full line of equip~ ment for Richmond Hill and dis- trict. Apply George White and Son, Co. Ltd., LondOn, Ontario. FURNISHED single room for rent. Apply 12 Hall St., Rich- mond Hill. c1w10 EELIABLE woman for house- work. 1 day a week. Apply Box 20, The Liberal. c1w10 MUNICIPAL VOTE “Are you in favour of a prOpos- ed by-law to authorize an agree- ment between the Corporations of the Townships of North York, Markham, Vaughan and the Vill- age of Richmond Hill and the Tor- onto Transportation Commission to operate ,r buses on Yonge Street?” TAKE NOTICE that the follow- mg question will be submitted to the electors (owners) of the Vill- age of Richmond Hill, County of York on the 26th day of Septem- ber, 1949, between the hours of 12 o‘clock noon and 9 o’clock pm. ALL KINDS of poultry wanted, TAKE AND FURTHER TAKE NOT- PIANO TUNING and Repairing Clerk, Village of Richmond Hill Clerk, Village of Richmond Hill Tel. 9, Richmond Hill Phone Liberal Office S. Hoflman WANTED TO RENT NOTICE that the follow- RUSSELL LYNETT, Hall, Yonge Street, *1w10 '2w9 tch Mason Toothbrush To Be Publicized In U. S. Journal LAWN MOWERS sharpened and repaired by experienced workman. Phone Jos. Winger, Maple 62r21. c18w‘14 CUSTOM PLOUGHING, discing, cultivating, tilling. W. H. Gooder- ham, 39 Elmhurst Ave., Lansing, phone Willowdale 2508. *13w7 r Fame of the diagonal tooth- brush designed by Dr. W. J. Ma- son, Richmond Hill dentist, is spreading. The new principle in- volved in the construction of the brush was described in the Liberal a few weeks ago. Now 1949 Year Book Publishers, 3 Chicago house specializing in medical and dental journals. is to publish an article descriptive of Dr. Mason’s brush. SAND AND GRAVEL, crushed stone, loam and fill. E. Charity, Richmond Hill, phone 372r5. tfc42 EXCAVATING, grading, loading manure, etc.; also sand, gravel, loam, fill for sale. Prompt deliv- ery, reasonable rates, phone King 841‘24. c4w8 CEMENT WORK DONE, cisterns, septic tanks installed, side‘ walks made. Apply N. C. Dolson, Head- ford, phone Richmond Hill 481'25. c2w7 Mrs. Helen Henry and Miss Jes- sie Lucas of Toronto are spending two weeks at St. Louis Hotel, Quebec City. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 11 Rev. R. C. Creelman, Weston, will speak at 11 mm. Rev. S. W. Hirtle, Richmond Hill, will speak at 7.30 p.m. Knox Male Choir will supply music at both services. Everybody welcome. PLASTERING, first class work- manship. Will give estimates. Adam Pohl, Elgin Mills, phone Richmond Hill 3462'21. ‘25w41 ALL KINDS FURNITURE re- pairs, upholstering, cabinet work, wood carving. Estimates given. N. S. VanDyke, 33 Hunt Ave., Richmond Hill. tfc IF YOUR WATER SUPPLY is short, phone us immediately. We also haul sand, gravel, loam and fill. For quick. dependable service, phone Orval Jones, Thornhill 217r21. tfc7 CUSTOM ROTARY TILLING. Have your land completely pre- pared by the new scientific one op- eration method. W. Hutchinson. Elgin Mills, phone Richmond Hill 288W. tfc41 BUTTONHOLES made to order, priced according to size; also 1 lady’s dress, black, size 16, sequin trim, like new, reasonable. Apply Mrs. Fred Allen, 227 Oak Ave., Richvale, phone Richmond Hill 3691‘12. tfc5 IT'S HOUSECLEANING Time again and it’s also time to phone and make sure you get that room papered and painted. For depend- able workmanship phone H. For- ster, Victoria Square, Stoufiville 67516. *2w10 Large crowd's attended the Joint Council and Love Feast in the Brethren in Christ Church held last Saturday, Sunday and Mon- day. Approximately 2100 meals were served as folk came from all over Ontario and Clarence Centre, Richard Wilcox entertained a number of his little ffiends last Saturday on his sixth birthday. Miss Jean Widcman began her wqrik in Toronto on Tuesday. Mr. Carl Heise and Mr. Clar- ence Wideman left last Tuesday for California. Clarence plans to attend school there, While Carl will return in several weeks. A number from here attended the service in Carlton St. United Church last Sunday afternoon when Rev. R. P. Ditmer of Spring- field, Ohio, and Miss Edna Prid- ham, missionary returned from Nigeria, were guest speakers. Correspondent: Mrs. Allan Doner Phone Stoufl'ville 67104 Mr. Peter Cober of Vaughan visited his niece, Mrs. J. T. John- son last week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bennett and Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Klinck are enjoying a motor trip through In- diana, Illinois, and Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Hoover of Toronto spent the week end with relatives here. Saturday evening Mr. Hoover showed his film of the recent Hunt-Hunking wedding. Everyone is invited to attend special “Rally Day” services in Gormley Sunday School next Sun- da}, September 11, at 1:45_ pm. M.'. and Mrs. Willis Hunking will speak, Miss Carol Mansbridge will recite, and Mr. Howard and Ken Baker will sing. A special miss- ionary offering will be taken. Miss Margaret BenneEt is hom'e on two weeks’ vacation. MISCELLANEOUS ST. PAUL‘S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ~ 7th Concession, Vaughan will be held on ANNIVERSARY SERVICES GORMLEY I AT THE MOVIES I “Easy Come, Easy Go," a Para- mount production, will be the Richmond Theatre’s main offering on Friday and Saturday, Septem- ber 9 and 10. Starring Barry Fitzgerald. Diana Lynn and Sonny Tufts, the picture tells an hilarious story of life and love in a New York board- ing house owned by: Fitzgerald, 11 conscienceless, lovable scoundrel, and run by his romantic daughter, played by Diana Lynn. Sonny Tufts plays the man Diana wants to marry, an event Fitzgerald tries to prevent by-devious and laugh- packed methods. V The supporting cast features Dick Foran, Frank McHugh, Allen Jenkins and Frank Faylen. One of the most discussed dra- mas of the year, “Johnny Belinda," comes to the Richmond Theatre next week. No film in years has created such a. storm of heated in- terest as the stark, moving drama of the Nova Scotia folk which Jean Negulesco has directed. Recognizing the outstanding in- terest of the picture, the Richmond Theatre will run it for three days, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, September 12, 13 and 14. This is a particularly good wes- tern because its plot is full of un- expected angles and contains a big surprise when the “master mind” of the evil schemes turns out to be the one person no audience would ever susupect. Labelled “Adult Entertainment," the picture is from Elmer Harris’ stage play of the same name which ran on Broadway a few sea- sons ago. It co-stars Jane Wy- man and Lew Ayres. Miss Wy- man's role in particular has stir- red up much comment. She shelves her usual beauty and glamour for the plain, simple role of a country lass, disliked by her widower fath- er until tragedy enters her life. The strong supporting cast in- cludes Charles Bickford, Agnes Moorehead and Stephen McNally, the latter playing the villian in the drama, hitting a new high for this type of screen portrayal. 0n the same bill with “Eyes of ard Crane, Hal Hackett and Lee Texas” is “Campus Honeymoon.” Richard Crane, Hal Hackett, Lee and Lyn Wilde, the pretty blonde twins, star in this up-to-the-min- Of special interest in this film are the photographic effects achieved by veteran cameraman Ted McCord. Scenes of the rug- ged Nova Scotia coastline, a rag- ing storm, and marine sequences are worthy of comment. The movie, photographed in magnificent Trucolor, displays Rogers at his best and is extreme- ly topical in subject matter. Its action revolves about a newly-es- tablished camp for war-orphaned boys. The story gets under way when the founder of the project is tragically killed by a pack of wol- ves. Various details of the attack, however, attract the attention of U. S. Marshal Roy Rogers, who soon discovers that the rancher’s death was not an accident but a carefully planned, cold-blooded murder. Rogers swings into ac- tion to avenge the rancher, prov- ing finally that crime on the range doesn’t pay. The whole world loves Roy Rogers and Trigger, so its good news to hear that his latest pic- ture, “Eyes of Texas" will open a three day run at the Richmond Theatre on Thursday, September 15th. ml! suave! gun DARLING on THE Snow .yom! érffiimwn All Mm magic Marifrn Miller melodies! 'Look 10: me ' / Silver Lining. Who‘ F 'Time On My Hands'-'A KISS in The Dark’ FRIDAY, SATURDAY -â€" SEPTEMBER 9, 10 A fearless gun-totin’ Calamity Jane meets her match in the square-shootin’ Sam Bass. YVONNE DeCARLO HOWARD DUFF _1n_ ‘CALAMITY JANE AND SAM BASS’ “final! !!!I ANOTHER ROXY FIRST EXTENDED ENGAGEMENT 4 GLORIOUS DAYS Mon., Tues., Wed., Thurs. Sept. 12, 13, 14, 15 In Technicolor The ever-popular Art Mooney and his orchestra have recorded Twenty-four Hours of Sunshine and the Hop-Scotch Polka which ‘promises to be a great hit. All the quartet wanted was to get into higher education but what they managed to get into was a confusing comedy of errors. In a maddening search for living quarters the two ex-soldiers and their girl friends finally lease two apartments and their troubles be- gin. Their harmless deception enmeshes the collegians in a wel- ter of confusing and-amusing complications with their friends, landlords, professors and deans. ute parody on a national problem. They play the roles of four home- less students whOSe dire predica- ment precipitates the most mixed- up activity ever to occur on Opa- locka. University’s campus â€" or any other one. There’s {laugh a. minute in this fast-paced movie for anyone who has been apartment hunting re- cently, or for anyone who even knows a house-hunter. A group of catchy new songs adds to the general mood and merriment. Back in AD. 1900, Raff & Gam- men’s penny arcade provided the cradle for the first motion picture, in scenes that performed in se- quence to give the sense of action. The idea was adapted in Thomas Edison’s kinetoscope. One of its feats was to present the comical antics of Charlie Chaplin. The kinetascope is shown in “Let’s Go to the Movies", first in a series of featurettes dealing comprehensively with motion pic- tures and which will be seen at the Richmond Theatre next Mon- day, Tuesday and Wednesday. Covering the progress of the film industry from its cradle. “Let’S‘Go to the Movies” shows examples from early films such as “The Great Train Robbery” and “The Birth of a Nation” until the advent of sound pictures with ‘The Jazz Singer” and the great mod- ernfilms that attract millions of theatregoers and favorably in- fluence the economic welfare of the nation. YEREX ELECTRIC Hank Williams’ Lovesick Blues and Wedding Bells are top Wes- tern tunes. A tune which reached the hit parade shortly after its release, You’re Breaking My Heart, has been recorded in pleasant style by Russ Case and his orchestra. Bill Farrell, featured vocalist on the Bob Hope Show makes his de- but this month on M.G.M. records with his recording of Circus and Through A Long and Sleepless Night â€" a song from the new film Come to the Stable. “We Supply The Music You Enjoy” Richmond Hill Phone 242 Since its beginning the motion picture has grown into a mam- moth thing of arts and sciences. M.G.M. records are suppl'ying some top-notch entertainment these days. Arthur Smith of Guitar Boogie fame continues his solid strum- ming with Cracker Boogie and Banjo Boogie. RECORD CENTRE MARKHAM ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING RADIO & ELECTRICAL REPAIRS FARM WIRING D. 0. Judd, Prop. Phone King 331'22 P. 0. Box 95, KING, ONTARIO “CUSTOM-MADE” STEEL â€"- 'ALUMINUM â€" WOOD J. CARL SAIGEON AGENCY PARK VENETIAN BLINDS J. 8 E. ELECTRIC PHONES: Thomhill 195r23, Toronto HU. 1620 All insurance matters will receive the usual prompt attention and service. For convenience, efficiency and sanitation build your hog liouu 9f CONCRETE BLOCKS. It will provide dry, warm quarters and is easily kept free horn patasites. There's a size to fit your needs. Phone Stouffville 381W1 for complete details We Deliver. GORMLEY, ONT. F ARROWING HOUSE We believe, however, that there is more mutual pleasure and benefit by doing business in a personal, friendly way. This Bank has grown to great size, but it is a human institution, very much interested in giving something more than across-the-counter service. The needs of the individual, and how we can help him to progress, are matters of first importance. You will enjoy banking at any of our branches. The connection of many people with a Bank is only through a pass book and a cheque book. THE CANE-WAN BANK OF COMMERCE GORMLEY BLOCK CO. MAPLE, ONTARIO E R N I E B R O C K for better pork production! . J. HART, Manager What do you ' ask of Your Bank? Telephone Maple 11 RICHMOND HILL, ONT. Free Estimates MEETS ALL A.s'.'TfM. spscmcmons ALL SIZES OF CONCRETE BLOCKS, SAND AND GRAVEL Tel- Stoufiville 381W]

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