Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 8 Sep 1949, p. 8

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3429 YON GE STREET TORONTO “ AT THE TOP OF THE TOWN ” Richmond Hill, 84 Yonge St., Tel. 455W FLOYD R. PERKINS Used Massey-Harris 101 Super New Engine ' Used W4 Tractor, new rubber, lights and starter 3-furrow McCormick Deering Tractor Plows 2-furrow McCormick Deering Tractor Plows Used McCormick Deering Harrow Plows 15-Marker Tractor Fertilizer Drill, new 1 13-Marker Drill, McCormick Deering_ new 1 Used 13â€"Marker Drill, McCormick Deering 1 Used 13-Marker Drill, Massey-Harris 1 McCormick Deering Horse Draw Corn Binder, new 1-Used McCormick-Deering Corn Binder 1 50-T Pick-up‘Baler_ new 1 McCormick Deering Fertilizer Sower 2 Mount Vernon Fertilizer Sowers 2 McCormick Deering 81/2 ft. Tractor Cultivators 2 Horse Drawn Manure Spreaders ' 1 McCormick Deering Tractor Manure Spreader We cut down steel wheel tractors, wagons, manure spreaders, seed drills, etc. Drop in and see- us and we will gladly give you a price on the job. Telephone 21W Charge and Budget Accounts Invited . (NO CHARGE FOR CHARGE ACCOUNTS) Head Office 1172 Bay St., Tel. Pr. 3324 ITHE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, Sept. 8, 1949 Petrolane Corporation Ltd. "ON GE ST. JAY’S LADIES’ WEAR We have all the popular makes of gas ranges, hot water heaters and space heaters in our show rooms. Easy terms can be arranged. Call and see them at Something New MHas Been Added I" FUR coxrs . OUR SUBURBAN OFFICE, RICHMOND HILL, 84 YONGE ST., TEL. 455W. Will gladly assist you in selling or buying By all means, visit Jay’s and compare our quality and prices before you buy that fur coat. PETROLANE BOTTLED GAS Yes â€" Jay’s now are handling a line of beau- tifully styled but moderately priced fur coats. Now is the time to buy your fur coat on the lay away plan and so have a good part paid for when you want to take it out. “EYES TO THE FUTURE” Courtesy and Understanding REAL ESTATE LIMITED F OR SALE Distributors of Bottled Gas “REAL PROPERT?” of any description THORNHILL _1N_ Richmond Hill PHONE 251 HU. 0898 Victoria Square 1* ‘at Elgin Mills girls last Thursday and Tuesday giving them the cup. The score of the first gam_e_ was 10-7. The Tuesday game was very exciting with Elgin Mills leading in the first 5 innings. Score was 13-14. The Stokes-Rees have returned home after spending the summer at their cottage. Miss Shirley Heeley left last Friday for Montreal for a few weeks vacation. Master Douglas Newsom has started to private school in Toronto and Sandra Burns and Master Alex Burns are attending school in Lea- side. Mr. and Mrs.‘ Wm. Gohn of Un- ionville were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tennyson. Good luck to Miss Betty Hamil- ton who starts work as a. teacher on the staff of F011: William schools. Miss Florence Craig has resumed work on the staff of Duf- ferin School, Toronto. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Parker (nee May Tennyson) of Toronto on the arrival of a son. Miss Dorothy Hood, who has been at Miner’s Bay all summer is home to commence school work at Richmond Hill. George Kelly Jr. has returned from Severn, and Miss Frances Baker is home after spending the summer at Lake Sim- coe and intends to start Normal School. Mr. and Mrs. W. Jeffrey Perry, Arnold Avenue, spent the week end visiting at Georgian Bay. Mr. and Mrs. E. Walton, Mr. and‘ Mrs. H. Patterson and Mr. L. A. Hood enjoyed a. week’s trip to points north. . Sunday, September 18 is Rally Day in Brown’s' Corners Sunday School. For the occasion Mr. Nor- man Reid, our assistant superin- tendent has secured Rev. F. F. Fidler of the United Church Of- fives as the special for the Sunday School hour from 10.15 to 11.15 Sunday morning. Try to make this a real rally day and if you have been an absentee from Sunday School for a time plan to start once more on 'nally Sunday. Carol and Verna RisebrOugh of Newtonbrook who have been hol- idaying with their aunt, Mrs. Geo. Kelly, have returned home for school commencement. Correspondent: Mrs. Walter Craig Phone: Agincourt 358J1 Rev. E. Currey was welcomed back after holidaying during Aug- ust. His Sunday sermon was a timely one. Its theme, the fisher- man of Galilee fishing all night without any luck and the change that the coming of Jesus made in the result of their work. Would it not work the same in our lives? Marion and Sylvia Garnett,vtwin daughters of Mrs. W. Garnett of Morgan Avenue are celebrating their 16th birthday on September 8, at a family reunion being held at the home of their brother on Centre Street. Mrs. J. Walker has gone to Ridgetown to live with her son Earl for the winter months. This is an Agricultural and Can- adian Industries meeting and a very interesting program has been planned by the convener. The showing of a technicolor film is one of the high-lights of this meeting. Family It is ‘ tember 1 Church. a good : meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Chapman of St. Catherines spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. R. Elgie. Gordon Middleton and Lloyd Tennyson write that they are working in a survey group with the Imperial Oil near Calgary. Buttonville pupils travelling on the school bus to Richmond Hill High are Geo e Kelly, Dorothy and Isobel Hoo , Ross Baker, JOan Stephenson, Ellen Hooper, George Hooper, Sylvia and Joe Easton, Jessie Boyington, Heather Burns and Bill Clarke. The opening Fall meeting of the Thornhill Women’s Institute for the 1949-50 season will be held on Thursday, September 15, at 2.15 pm. in the Masonic Hall. A cdrdial invitation is extended to all ladies in the community to attend the W. 1. meetings. Wg welcome Miss Audrey Leary of Gm’mley as teacher in Button- ville School for the coming year. Women's Institute Thornlu'll Social and Personal Phone Richmond Hill 1341'3 Correspondent: Barbara Jones SASH GLAZED AND DELIVERED RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE Phone 426 BUTTONVILLE ELGIN MILLS “Family Sunday" on Sep- 11 at Trinity Anglican Sunday It is hoped there will be attendance at this special THORNHILL NEWS Telephone 239J CORRESPONDENT â€" MRS. C. H. BOLTON Telephone Thornhill 239J ers. Rosenthal Instructions were given to Nel- son Kerr, township road superin- tendent, to endeavour to obtain competent people to do the job as soon as possible. Sacrament of Baptism will be administered at 4.30 pm. Sunday, September 11, at Thornhill United Church. Anyone desiring to have their children baptized kindly con- tact the Rev. E. E. Kent. Yonge St. Sidewalk Delayed By Failure To Find Contractor At a recent meeting members of Vaughan Township council were advised that plans and speci- fications for a sidewalk on Yonge Street south of‘Richmond Hill had been completed by Harold Bab- cock, township engineer, but that he had been unable to obtain per- sons to construct the sidewalk. Modern types, expert workman- ship, fast service â€"â€" ensure satis- faction when you give your print- ing jobs to The Liberal’s Job Printing Department. Telephone Richmond Hill 9. The funeral service took place at Stones Funeral Parlour, Church Street, Toronto, on Wednesday, September 7, with interment in Mount Pleasant Cemetery. I PHONE â€" THORNHILL 256W I inlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Sympathy is extended to Mr. Rosenthal of Morgan Avenue at the death of his Wife who passed away Monday, September 5. Mrs. Rosenthal has been ill since taking a stroke in June of this year. She was recovering nicely when she suffered another stroke last Thursday. Mrs. Rosehthal celebrated her 74th birthday on Sunday, August 28. “WWIWDDDMD )4 Member of the Ontario Association Real Estate Board Thornhill Office, tel. 12 - Open evenings -â€" Also â€"- Buflding lots from 1 to 5‘ acres in good residential area. After hours and on holidays call MR. WILLIAM OLIVER â€" Aurora 4291-24 MISS HELEN SANDERSON â€"â€" Richmond Hill 421-W $6,000â€"2 bedroom house on half acre in area from Lansing to Richmond Hill. $10_000â€"3 bedroom, older type brick home on one acre in Thornhill or Richmond Hill area. 310,090â€"2 bedroom, well built house in Aurora district. $13,000â€"3 bedroom solid brick house with dining-room, Thornhill or Bayview area. $15,000â€"Substantia1 5 or 6 room house with 100 ft. frontage_ Richmond Hill or Thornhill. Open Evenings Redfern 1800 A full line of Chesterfield Suites, Bedroom Suites, Occasional Furniture, Draperies. In short, Everything for the Home, at downtown prices. A visit to our Store will be worth your while. Just by presenting this advertisement you will receive a 5% Discount on all purchases. BUDGET TERMS GLENDALE FURNITURE RE - ROOFING DAVID McLEAN OUR CLIENTS HAVE ASKED US TO FIND 10% Down. Balance on Monthly Payments. GLENDALE FURNITURE PRESENTS TO YOU C. RIDDELL THESE PROPERTIES ARE IN DEMAND Town And Country Realtor We specialize in re-roofing, CEDAR AND ASPHALT SHINGLES, 1722 Avenue Road, Toronto INSUL BRICK SIDING- ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY GIVEN. Insulating The group will meet each Wed- nesday evening in the basement of dear old S. S. 24, Richvale school. The first gathering will be Wed- nesday, September 21, with the Brownies starting at seven o’clock on the dot, and the Guides falling in at eight. The Brownies will be in charge of Miss Ruth Lane and Mi5s Joyce Barraclough. The Guides will have as leaders Mrs. E. Smith and Miss Helen Davies. Don’t forget the date, girls â€" Wednesday, September 21, and be on time for much is to be done. The Brownies have a welcome for all girls ranging from eight years to twelve years of age and the Guides take over from twelve on up. The Mothers’ Auxiliary of the Guide and Brownie groups will have a meeting this Thursday, September 8, at the residence of Mrs. R. Paul, 187 Spruce Avenue. A11 mothers in the district are cordially invited to attend. At this meeting final arrange- ments for the bake sale will be made. The sale is scheduled for Saturday afternoon, September 24, and will take place in the Richvale school basement at 2.00 pm. Included in the afternoon's festivities will be a white ele- phant sale and a lucky draw. Pro- ceeds will be for equipment and regalia required by the girls. Canadian Legion Meets To Hold Bake Sale Last Wednesday, August 31, the members of Branch 375, Cana- dian Legion, held a regular meet- ing at the school. At this meet- At last we can tell the girls the date for the opening meeting of the Brownies and Girl Guides. Much has been accomplished to arrive at this point and the same determination will assure the suc- cess of this important phase of training for the future mothers and career girls who will claim Richvale as the scene of their youth. Correspondent: Norm McDermott, Phone Richmond Hill 364113 Brownies and Guides Opposite Loblaws Avenue Road & Fairlawn RICHVALE Local Persian Cats Win Prizes At C.N.E. Hay hauled from out distant A shower was held on Tuesday night, September 6, at the Home of Percy Snider for Miss Mary Apperley, bride of next week. She will live in Vancouver B.C. More victories came to the al- ready considerable number of triumphs scored by district resi- de:.ts when Mrs. John Warwick of Hunt‘s Lane. Richmond Hill won two seconds and one third prize at the Canadian National Ehibixtion with her Persian cats. A. Bagg and Sons won many prizes at the C.N.E. r Mr. Norman Bagg travelled by plane from Malton to Fredericton, New Brunswick to judge at the Fall Fair on Wednesday and Thursday of last week. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Darlington last week were Mrs. J.P. Dnrlington Jr. and Mrs. J. Darlington of Todmorden and Mr. Kelly of Toronto and Mrs. Farley of Detroit. Rev. Turnbull of Toronto re- turned missionary from Bolivia, South America, preached at Elia and Downsview Sunday, August 27 and had dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Snider. Rev. and Mrs. Lynd have re- turned home after their summer vacation. This Friday evening will be the opening session of the Ranger Club. The school grounds are levelled off now and a sizable playing area it is indeed. We have it that for the opening meeting, as daylight is still with us fairly late, the boys will be playing soc- cer with Mr. Harold Ince doing the honors both with the instruc- tions and with the whistle The meeting is called for 7.00 p.m. and the boys are urged to be on time â€"â€" Friday evening, that is, September 9. The many friends of Mrs. L. Fenner, Richvale Postmistress, were indeed sorry to hear of her impending hospitalization. Owing to a series of unfortunate mishaps Mrs. Fenner has been obliged to be confined to the [Toronto Gen- eral Hospital for a rather serious operation on one of her eyes. Mrs. Fenner will be absent fom the post office for at least a month. In her absence a member of the staff of the Richmond Hill office will carry on with the mail. Our best wishes go to Mrs. Fenner for a complete and satisfactory re- covery. Auxiliary President Ill After a lengthy business dis- cussion Mrs. Agnew gave an in- teresting demonstration on spin- ning and weaving. The meeting closed in the usual way after which luncheon was served by the hostess and committee. The Oc- tober meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. E. Phillips, Wood- bridge. Roll call to be answered with something for bazaar. It’s back to school again. Mrs. Rattle of Oakwood and Dufierin district will be the teacher at Edgeley School. We wish her every success. _ Rev. and Mrs. Kippen and son, Jack, of Greenbank visited with Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Darlington on Sunday, August 27th. Mrs. C. Lord of Spruce Avenue who has been summering at New- castle is confined to Brighton Hospital for an operation. Mrs. Lord’s- many friends in Richvale tender their best wishes. Best wishes are also sent by the ladies church auxiliary which was organ- ired just last winter and of which Mrs. Lord is president. ing under the jurisdiction of Mr. W. J. Adams as chairman dis- cusion was indulged in concern- ing the Poppy Fund and a sick committee. Both of these will be under the chairmanship of Mr. Adams aided by members of the branch. There will be a church parade in October â€"â€" the exact date of which will be announced in the near future. This was the first regular meeting of Branch 375 since its reorganization meet- ing last; month and it was very gratifying to introduce four new members to the comrades. The branch is endeavoring to obtain an evening each week at the school for business and entertain- ment. The school is gaing to be a busy place this winter but the school board will do its best to arrange time and space for the men. Rangers Open Season Operation For Postmistress The roll call “Aids to shopping” was answered by the members. The motto “Manners are the hap- py ways of doing things." was given by Mrs. N. Peelar. Correspondent: Mrs. W. Maginn Phone Maple 571-14 The Edgeley Women’s Institute met at the home of Mrs. J. W. Dalziel and Mrs. Chas. Agnew on Thursday afternoon, September 1, with 12 members present. The president presiding, the meeting opened with the Mary Stewart Colleqt and the Lord's Prayer in unison. ATTENTION FARMERS points, reasonable rates. Hay and Straw Bought Phone Thornhill 197r4 EDGELEY. Manufacturers of all types of cabinets, show cases and kitchen cupboards. YONGE STREET All types of rough and dres'sed lumber, mill work, doors, trim, plywood, mason- ite, ten test, sash and frames. WHEN DON - 0 - TEX CLEANING Suits_cleaned and pressed $1.00- Dresses $1.00. Individual attention given to every detail in the care of your garments. THORNHILL 170 VAeuuu rAcxsn'o Atwnu nun ourtesy and Service Guaranteed ANSWELL LIMITED TELEPHONE THORNHILL 214r13 After 6 pm. for pick-up. SNYDER DRY CLEANING TELEPHONE TELEPHONE 170 AGENT FOR IT’S LUMBER THORNHILL

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