Betty Grable and Dm Dailey, that wonderful team of “Mother Wore Tights,†have been brought together in another story about show business that 'for human Warmth, dramatic appeal ‘and aong-and-dance excitement is even grander than its memorable pre- decessor. The picture is “When My Baby Smiles At Me,†which Twentieth Century-Fox has photographed in color by Technicolor. This is the story of show people as they real- ly are, told in the'on-stage, back- stage and off-stage life of a couple who tried to climb the ladder of the “big time†â€"â€" together. Briefly, “When My Baby Smiles At Me†is the love story of the devotion of a beautiful bifllesque aoubrette â€" in the days when burlesque was at its greatest â€" married to a lovable but unde- pendable comic, with talents out- stripping his sobriety. It’s a. story packed with honest emotion, the color and excitement of the flam- boyant world that was the stage. and the give-and-take drama. of show business itself. next week will be the days “he! “Sr-ddenly It's Spring†will b: showing at the Richmond Theatre Macdonald Carey and Arleen Whelan both resume their screen careers in “Suddenly It’s Spring,†the former returning after three years in the Marines, and Miss Whelan coming back after a long and suecessful run in the Broad- way “When My Baby Smiles At Me†is on at the Richmond Theatre on Monday and Tuesday, September 19 and 20; “Suddenly It's Spring†deals with the strained marital relations between MacMurray and Miss Goddard. She plays “Captain Lonelyhearts,†a WAC expert on domestic affairs, who returns from overseas to ï¬nd husband in love with another woman and anxious for Paulette to sign divorce pa- pers. But she embarks upon a campaign to win him back, resist- ing his every attempt, and all his tricks, to get her to sign. Arleen Whelan, as MacMurray’s new love, and Macdonald Carey, who goes for Paulette, serve _to complicate the marital mix-up. A new romantic comedy is Paramount‘s “Suddenly It’s Spring." The film stars Paulette Goddard and Fred MacMurray, withMacdonald Carey and Arleen Wihelan cast in the principal fea- tured roles. The film is the third co-starring venture for Miss Goddard and MacMurray, their last picture to- ‘gether having been the comedy, “Standing Room Only.†Pictured above is DAN BAILEY one of the stars of "When My Baby Smiles At Me," one of the forthcoming features at the Rich- mond Theatre, Richmond Hill. -â€"‘, .. _. .._. “What/é on?†says John to Jane. M. .. .. They look at the title of the picture scheduled to run at the local theatre that evening. And there comes the rub. Is it a “horse opera?†Is it a “Whodunit?†Is it a challenging picture dealing with a vital question of the day? Or is it reasonably certain to contain a dash of comedy that will lighten the load of the day by providing a good laugh? The decision to go to the movies or to‘stay at home is often governed by the pic- ture’s title â€" a title which sometimes reveals its charac- ter â€"â€" and often doesn’t. AS a service to its readers The Liberal is presensing another new feature _â€"- a Page One movie 'column which, every week, will give a “thumb-nail†review of pic- tures to be shown locally so that movie addicts may have some sort of idea of the éhar- aeter of the pictures present- ed; for their entertainment. Naturally, pictures will not be reviewed in the sense of “You should see this one!" Tastes differ so widely that that would be an error. But a general resume of the character and plot will be given as a guide to the would-be moviegoer. And, in the case of “Who- units†we promise not to re- veal the guilty character in advance and spoil the sus- pense for the amateur detec- tives who love to ï¬gure things out for themselves. LET’S GO TO THE MOVIES in coming back after a long :essful run in the Broad g6 hit, “The Doughgirls.‘ ‘sday and Thursday 0: THE EDITOR.‘ the movies.†VOLUME L'XXI. NUMBER 11. N. York Tennis Championship Finds Home In Richmond Hill As Eleanor Smith Tops League Richmond Hill added to its list of champions on Saturday, Sep- tember 12, when Eleanor Smith walked away with an easy victory over all other opponents, winning the ï¬nal match of the North York Junior Tennis League tournament by six games to two. The Hill also produced another winner, Sue Noble, who won the consolation prize by edging out Jackie Mabley, also of Richmond Hill, in a close six to ï¬ve set. Lloyd Grainger only male mem- ber of the local club in the tourna- ment reached the third round but was weeded out by a Mount Albert player, six to two. Other Rich- mond Hill participants in the tournament, which was held at Newmarket under the sponsorship of the tennis club of that town, were Ruth Ann Armstrong and Pat Lewis. Both reached the sec- ond round. FIRST STEP TAKEN IN HYDRO CONVERSION Twenty-ï¬ve entrants took part in the tournament, ages ranging Lions To Entertain Helpers Who Assisted With Carnival Richmond Hill Lions are to play host on Thursday to all those pub- lic-spirited citizens of the district who assisted them in the operation of their Carnival and Horse Show August 1. The Program and En- tertainment Committee under Chairman Lion Bert Barber has a very special evening prepared in order to express in a tangible way the Club’s thanks for their unsel- ï¬sh eflFort and assistance. .- Guest speaker will be Major Morgan Flannigan, PuElic Rela- tions OEicer for Toronto and Dis- trict Salvation Army. He has ser- ved for 25 years as an officer in the Salvation Army and his pres- ent duties include covering thir- teen counties in Mid-Ontario. ‘ Appointments in the Salvation Army have taken-Major Flanni- gan, chiefly in Public Relations work, to such céntres as London, Windsor, Winnipeg, Saskatoon, Isaac Campbe For some years the Richmond Hill group had no connection with any general body or Presbytery but in 1834 the Missionary Presby- tery of the Canadas, in connection with the United Associate Synod of Scotland, was formed, and Mr. Jenkins with his congregation be- came charter members. Later this Synod joined others to form the United Presbyterian Back in 1817. long before the community which is now Rich- mond Hill even had a. corporate name, a group of Presbyterians led by Rev. William Jenkins, a graduate of Edinburgh Univer- sity, formed the ï¬rst congregation in the village-to-be. Research fails to reveal even the name by which the pioneer settlement located on the old Sim- coe trail was known. Best guess is that it was Miles’ Hill, named after a leading family of the day. That, in any event, was one of the earlier names of the area which is now Richmond Hill. Later called Mount Pleasant, it adopted its present name about a century ago. ‘ The little congregation which for'Ihed the Hill’s ï¬rst religious body had no church until 1821. It worshipped in a log meeting house until that year, when the ï¬rst church was built. At that time it was the only Presbyterian or- ganization west of Kingston, with the exception of the Niagara Pen- insula. Now, as Richmond Hill, Home of roses, is rapidly changing from village to town, with a main street which has changed more in the past twelve months thaw it did in the ï¬fty preceding years, that congregation prepares for its hundred and thirty-sec’ond‘ anniv- Met In Log Recall 1817 Log Hut Meeting House As Presbyterians Mark Anniversary ersary services to be held on Sun- day next. The present chi; Building arch was bum; n ministry of Rev the Richmond from nine to fourteen years. The large turnout was encouraging to older league members, who had given much time and effort in coaching the youngsters. Although Richmond Hill did not place ï¬rst in the league this year, opposing clubs consider local enthusiasts a threat because of the number of strong juniors. The executive cémmittee of the locale club would like to engage a coach â€" a “must†for every club â€" but due to shortage of‘ funds that project has to be postponed until next year, Thanks of the club are extended to those citizens who have con- tributed to its support. A can- vass of the village for donations which will help make the tennis club an outstanding part of local sports activities is being made and, in asking for support, say that they will try to show their appreciation by bringing home the trophy next year. Moose Jaw, Regina and Edmonton. The Major served as chaplain with the Canadian Army during World War II and‘saw service on the Wes-t Coast, also in the United Kingdom, and on the Continent, ï¬nishing up in Germany in the Canadian Occupation Zone. He also has had service club experience as well. When stationed in London, Ontario, he was an active member of the London Lions Club. Major Flannigan will show sev- eral motion pictures which outline the great services that the Salva- tion Armywundertakes. He appears as special guest of the Lions Club in connection with the annual dis- trict canvas for funds to be made by members of the Lions Club in the near future. This is just another example of the public ser- vice undertaken by the Lions in their yearâ€"in yearâ€"out programme of assisting all worth-while char- itable ctuses. During the 132 years of the ex- istence of the Richmond Hill con- gregation seventeen ministers have been in charge. Two of them, Rev. William Jenkins and Rev. James Dick, served for a $200 Annual Pension The ï¬rst minister of the Pres- byterian church in Richmond Hill, its founder, Rev. William Jenkins, served for twenty-six years until his death in 1843. The third min- ister, Rev. James Dick, served his charge from 1849 to 1877 when he retired because of ill health. So grateful was his congregation that, on his retirement, they elect- ed him Minister Emeritus, giving him a grant of $200. a year until his death in 1885 and allowing him the use of the Manse, building a second one for his successor. Coming Mondays Important Ones In Civic Life The next two Monday's look like being interesting ones in Richmond Hill’s history. With the growth of population in the village the problem of sew- age is becoming somewhat urgent. On the succeeding Monday prop- erty owners of Richmond Hill, and parts of North York, Vaughan and Markham townships will go to the polls to vote on the question of the retention of the bus system which has been in operation ‘for the past year, or a return to the old radial system which preceded the buses. On Monday, September 19, the village council will meet in spec- ial session to discuss the question of a. system of sewers for the vill- age. Indications are that provid- ing costs are anywhere within the capacity of taxpayers to carry the council will refer the matter to voters at the annual elections. 3%? WWI ME “In Essentials, Unity; In Non-Essentials, Liberty; RICHMOND HILL, ONT., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1949 C.N.E. Exhibit Busy Many Enquiries Says Petrolane President Business at the Canadian Nat- ional Exhibition this year was the “best ever,†says Mr. E. W. San- derson, president and managing director of Petrolane Corporation Ltd., distributors of bottled gas, gas ranges, hot water heaters, space heaters, etc., at Thornhill. The company’s exhibit was very busy, he ‘states, with many good prospects being contacted and ex- cellent sales made. Many new home owners were added to Petro- lane’s prospect and sales lists. Enquiries covered all phases of the business â€" domestic, commer- cial and industrial. Bus Restoration En‘ds Walks For School Children The walk to and from Richmond Hill public school for children of the townships who attend that in- stitution is over. The Public School board,â€"meet- ing on September 8, unanimously decided to restore the service, ef- fective immediately, and gave in- structions for renewal of the bus contr ct. Financial arrangements which make this possible_are in negotiation. The board’s decision was reach- ed prior to the reception of dele- gations from Vaughan and Mark- ham townships, and was based largely on the necessity of ensur- ing safety for the children while proceeding to and from school. As a result of the decision town- sh'ip delegates, apparently ready to give battle, when they came in; went away satisï¬ed and express- ing appreciation of theaaction of the board. ' Besides ratepayers, Councillor Barber of Markham township was present. Representing Vaughan township were Reeve John Hos- trawer, Deputy Reeve Marshall McMurchy, Township Clerk J. M. McDonald. Before their departure township visitors were taken for a tour of the school by the trustees. total of ï¬fty-four years. The ï¬rst Kirk Session consisted of the Minister and Robert Marsh and James Miles. Descendants of Rob- ert Marsh were, until recently, ac- tively connected with the church. The congregation during the past eight years has liquidated \all indebtedness and made ۤuenslve repairs to the church, the manse and the caretaker’s residence, all of which have been paid for in full. Maple Lions Praised By District Official The present minister, Rev. S. W. Hirtle, has been in charge since August lst, 1941, and under his leadership the congregation is in a flourishing condition. The anniversary sermon will be prea‘ched on Sunday by Rev. Neil Gregor Smith, M.A., editor of Presbyterian Publications. He stressed team-work and em- phasized the fact that every mem- ber should have an opportunity to do some constructive work. Twenty-six members were pres- ent, with President Kay Bigford in the\ chair. Lion Mel White gave a report on the street dance, showing that over $800. was cleared. Guest speaker at the ï¬rst meet- ing of Maple Lions Club for the 1949-1950 season was Lion Dis- trict Treasurer Gordon Belyea of Toronto, who spoke on organiza- tion and complimented the Maple Lions on the progress which they had made in their ï¬rst year. A bowling team might be ar. ranged, repdrted Lorne Wells, and he asked anyone interested to get into touch with Mike Miller, who has made arrangements for alleys at Aurora. Mr. Belyea was introduced by Lion Howard Knight and thanked by Lions Andy Snider and Barney Bryan. » - \_ Know Your Neighbour Community pride doesn’t necessarily stem from the fact that one was born in a certain place â€"â€" neither is long residence in a municipality an essential before one can 'own that pride to a marked degree. An outstanding instance of those facts is, CLIVE BET: TLES, pic ured avae, one of Richmond Hill’s newer and younger b siness men and a community “fan†to a marked degree. Proprietor of Bettles’ Coffee Shop and Dining Room, he has evidenced his faith by sinking his money and his work into property in the Hill â€"- property which he has im- proved greatly in appearance Since he took it over. A Torontonian by birth, he engaged in a variety of oc- cupations before deciding that the Hill oï¬eredhfg opportuh’i ities for another restaurant. Educated at Harbord and then at Central Commerce he ï¬rst went to work as a pay clerk for the B. F. Goodrich Rubber Company_ credit man- ager for Logan Motors and salesman for Aubray Agencies. The second World War took him away from business for three years, during which time he served in the Army Pay Corps. The war over, he moved to Richmond Hill in 1946, open- ing a small coffee shop on the east side of Yonge Street and, a year and a half later, buying the larger property which he now operates as coffee shop plus dining room. Since that time he has effected a considerable smartening up of the premises â€"â€"a c1ean-up_ he says, which is only a start to- wards making his place of business one of the most attrac- tive in the Village. Always ready for a bit of fun or a good argument he takes, with complete good nature, the sly digs from his pals that the extra cup of coffee which he is an adept at getting them to buy is to help pay for the new The restaurant business, with him, is almost a matter of heredity for his father is manager of sales for Honey- dew. Mrs. Bettles, too_ the former Bertha Casserly of Tor- onto, has long experience in food and restaurant manage- ment and spends most of her waking hours supervising the kitchen end of the business. Active work on behalf of the community is encompassed by his position as a member of the Library Board. He hopes to do more later, he indicates, but a sixteen hour day in the restaurant is keeping him tied down right now. For that reason his keen interest in sports is, at the present time conï¬ned to reading about them in the sports pages. steps. One of his pet “bugs†is the treatment of the many tourists who make Richmond Hill a temporary stopping place. It’s his job, he says, not only to make them friends of his business but also friends of the town in which that business exists. ' World-Wide Character 0f Organization Stressed At September Meeting of WI. Fall Program For Richmond Hill Named It’s just a year since he mqved to his present quarters and that year, he states, has done a lot to convince him that his judgment in locating in Richmond Hill, with its inï¬nite possibilities. was sound. - The September meeting of the Women’s Institute was held on Thursday afternoon, September 9th, inrthe new meeting room, for- merly the Library. The room has been newly decorated and with the new green and white drapes and flower bouquets, it seemed to add an extra cheerful note to the meeting. After the Opening Ode and Creed, members stood in silent tribute to the memory of the late Mrs. A. E. Plewman, a former president and faithful member. An appeal was made for small tables, pictures, vases, or any- thing that could be used in fur- nishing the new meetiï¬g room. A committee was named to meet ï¬llotogl'aph of Mr. Bettles, like all others in the “Know Your Neighbour†series, was taken by Edmund Soame of The Studio, 1720 Avenue Road. In All Things, Charity.†with the other organizations which will use this room to plan for an evening to raise money with which to purchase chairs. It was thought that one concerted effort, by all these organizations, would result in enough funds being raised for this purpose. Talents Brought To Light The Roll Call which was answer- ed by the turning in of Talent Money earned during the summer by those present, and the telling of how'it was raised brought many talents to light. One member res- ponded in verse thusly, â€" In nineteen hundred and forty-nine A decree went forth As in Caesar’s time. _(Continued on page three) Survey Crews New Plotting Local' Operating District As Preliminary T 0 Change Over The longgheralded change-over from 25-cycle power to 60-cycle has taken a step nearer to be- coming a reality in the Richmond Hill area with the commencement this week of a survey by the Hy- dro Electric Power Commission. Four crews of three men each are engaged in this survey and are working under the direction of H. O. Coish of the Frequency Conversion Division of the Hy- dro's Head Office. They are working in the Rich- mond Hill Rural Operating area which comprises a district run- ning to a point 11/4, miles north of Newmarket; south to Steeles Corners; the area east of Yonge Strete and a long “ï¬nger†running west of Aurora to well beyond Lloydtown. This area does not include Aurora, Newmarket and Richmond Hill, which have their own local commissions. However, work in these towns will be com- pleted at the same time as the rural survey, and it is estimated that the job will take six to eight weeks. I Actually the ï¬rst part of the changeover, which is being per; formed now, is a tabulation job. From the information secured by the crews which are operating at the'present time tables will be set up on which future operations Public School Registration Grade 1 to 8 Increased 10% Kindergarten Age is Altered Complete satisfaction was ex- pressed by Richmond Hill Public School trustees with the interior redecorating which had been done to the school when they passed accounts at the regular monthly meeting on September 8th. Total cost of the work, it was revealed, amounted to $1,774.25. Original tenders for the job rang- ed all the way from $1,200. to $4,700. for the complete job, and trustees expressed the opinion that the contractor chosen had done his work well. Cost of setting up the new room in the basement was reported as $1,550. The room will accommo- date forty pupils. Special commendation was giv- en to caretakers Wade and Bridges‘ for the job of “spring cleaning" which they had done. Even a newly constructed school, it was felt, would hardly attain the degree of cleanliness which they had achieved. Floors had been brought to excellent con- dition and so far had the idea of cleaning up been carried that even It is with a. great deal of pleasure that I. annOunce the ap- pointment of Lt..-Col. F. J. Picking as Managing Editor of the Richmond Hill Liberal. His appointment does not mean that in my way my inter- est in the paper or my connection with it have been lessened. Since the voters of this riding did me the honour of re- turning me to the House of Commons as their representative at the recent federal election I have determined to continue devoting myself to their interests to the fullest. possible de- gree. That means that I have to spend many months of each year in Ottawa and, when home, have to give a considerable amount of time to those same interests. The Liberal, with its 'tradition of seventy-one years of service to this district must, of course, go on and continue to get “bigger and better†in the interests of its readers and this district. Hence the appointment, which I trust will enable both myself and The Liberal to play a worth-while part in'lo- cal and national affairs. Col. Picking, who is well-known to many residents of this district, has had a long experience in editorial and publishing work, and in national affairs. As president of the Canadian Legion for Ontario; as a member of the Dominion executive of that body; as vice-president for Eastern Canada of the Assoc- iation of Canadian Circulation Executives; as a writer of sev- eral books and of articles which have received national circul- ation, as a speaker who has addressed audiences from one coast to another, and as head of a publishing house he has gained an experience which, I believe will help me in making The Liberal one of Ontario's best weeklies, and in rendering to its readers the type of service which they will appreciate. HOME PAPER OF THE DISTRICT SINCE 1878 Announcing An Appointment will be based. In other ‘ district is being plotted. The system under which the work is being done varies slightly between town and country, Hydro officials state In rural areas the members of the crews â€" who are identiï¬ed by H.E.P.C. badges, will have to enter each house in order to secure meter numbers.‘ The work which the survey crews are doing at the present time has nothing to-do, in a direct way, with changing over of actual equipment. That will come at a later date when a second survey will be made. From information which is being secured at the present time the Canadian Com- stock Company, which will do the actual job of conversion will work. It’s unnecessary to ask the Hy- dro man who will call at rural homes w' him the next few weeks as to wh t will happen and whzn the new motor will be put in t e washing machine. As explained, that is a second step in the con; version procedure. While Hydro officials hesitate to name an exact date as to when this will be done it is. estimated roughly that this will not take place until about May next year. The’ tentative date for the change- over in this area is July, 1950. fire extinguishers, door knobs am! curtain-rods shdne like new. Enrollment figures given to the trustees indicated that 423 pupils had been registered to date â€"- an. increase of 21 over last year. Regs istration in grades one to eight indicated an increase of 34 over last year’s figure, 1949’s total be- ing 385 as compared to last year’s 351. Decline in kindergarten reg- istration was attributed to tight- ening olf the minimum age limit, uncertainty as to transportation until the school bus question was settled. Registration Up Finding themselves able to han- dle a few more kindergarten pu-y pils trustees advanced the en- trance age, formerly restricted to ï¬ve years as at September 6th, to include children who will attain that age up to October 315t. In all but one room, it was ï¬ointed out, only one grade was being taught. The exception is room 7 where part of grades two and three are together. A can handle poster Job Printing Department speedily â€" phone Richmond Hill 9. From a. postcard to a In other words, the The Liberal's smartly. Tele- it for you â€"-