Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 22 Sep 1949, p. 8

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The Sunday School will worship with the congregation in the auditorium. 7 p.m. â€"-‘Evening Worship ALL ARE WELCOME Sunday, October 2, 11 a.m. World Communion Service Sunday, October 9, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. commences Sunday, October 2nd, at 7 pm. (Song Service 6.45 pm.) These services are undenominational and Evangelical in character “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting 1ife.”â€"John 3:16 10.30 AM. SUNDAY SCHOOL 11 am. â€" Rally Day Service. Guest Speaker His Honour Judge H. S. 'Mott, Juvenile and Family Court, Toronto 53 RICHMOND ST. Hedges Clipped and Shrubs Trimmed Thanksgiving Day Services YOU ARE INVITED TO ALL OUR SERVICES. LEN’S LANDSCAPE SERVICE PLEASE COME and SUPPORT YOUR SERVICES RICHVALE SCHOOL HOUSE Sunday School “Family Hour” Each Sunday at 2 pm. EVENING SERVICE :f: _ RALLY DAY SERVICES Richvale has its own Church Services held in the ‘OND ST. RICHMOND HILL PHONE RICHMOND HILL 497W ONCE AGAIN! LEN RICE RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH The family of the late Mrs. An- nie Smith wish sincerely to thank all relatives, friends and neigh~ hours, the Victoria Square WA. and Sunday School for kindness and floral tributes shown them in the passing of a loving mother. Especially thanking the Rev. H. J. McKay and the Rev. E. A. Cur- rey for consoling messages in time of bereavement. CARD 0F THANKS St. Mary’s Anglican W. A. will meet on Tuesday, September 27, at 2.30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. W. Hall, Centre St. east. Mem- bers are reminded about bazaar donations. Mrs. Fred A. Clark of Mount Pleasant, who has been looking after the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clark Young for the past two months while they took a trip to the coast and Seattle, is at the home of her dgughter, Mrs. Gur- don Farce, who was taken ill last Tuesday. Mr.’ and Mrs. Charles Summer- feldt and Mr. and Mrs. James Es- pey left; by motor on Saturday last to visit with relatives at Clearwater, Crystal City and Brandon, Manitoba. Mrs. J. E. Smith has returned from Ottawa where she was pres- ent at the opening sessions of Parliament. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Armstrong, Vaughan Rd. left by motor Sat- urday for Montreal and Quebec City. The Mission Circle of the Un- ited Church W.M.S. will meet at the home of Mrs. Charles Phillips, 62 Richmond St., Thursday, Sep- tember 29, at 8 pm. Will mem- bers please bring their knitting. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Taylor and Mr. and Mrs. Allan Clark of Win- nipeg and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Far- rell of Florida and Mr. Auson Mc- Nish were recent guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Espey, Ab- ell Ave., Woodbridge. Mrs. Jas. Butler of Wright St. is progressing favorably after her major operation at Private Pat- ients Pavilion, Toronto General Hospital and wishes to thank her many friends and neighbours for their cards and thoughtful re- membrances. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Anderson are on a holiday motor trip on the Blue Water Highway and in Nor- thern Ontario. The annual bazaar of the Rich- mond Hill Presbyterian Church will be held on Saturday, Novem- ber 26. Richmond Hill Social and Personal Telephone Richmond Hill 9 Held in i MASONIC HALL RICHMOND HILL 3 pm. â€" Sunday School Classes for all ages. Boys and girls not attending Sun- day School are cordially invited to attend this 3 p.111. Bible School. 7 pm. â€" Evening Service Beg-inning October 2 the Sunday night service will be at 8.15 pm. thus not conflicting with other church services. sionary Meeting. Fri, 8 pm. â€" Young Peoples Soc Study Group 7p.m. â€" Gospel Service. Mon. 8 pm. â€" Girls Missionary Sewing Class. Wed., 8 pm. â€" Prayer Meeting Thurs.,- 2 pm. â€" Women’s Mis- Rev. C. B. Brethen, B.A., Minister Rally Day Services 10.30 am. â€"- Sunday School 11 a.m. â€"- Rally Day Service. Guest speaker, His Honor Judge H. S. Mott, Juvenile and Family Court, Toronto.. The Sunday School will worship with the con- gregation in the auditorium. 7 p.m. â€" Evening Worship. All are welcome. Sunday, October 2, 11 am. World Communion Service Sunday, October 9, 11 a.m., '7 pm. Rev. P. J. Lambert, B. A., Hope Sunday School . . . . . . . . 1| Public Worship . . . . . . . . 1 Maple Sunday School . . . . . 1( Sunday School -. . . . . . . . 10 (Note change of time) Public Worship . . . . . . . . 7 Edgeley Sunday School . . .. . . . . 1.3C Public Worship . . . . . . 2.30 LANGSTAFF BAPTIST CHURCH Preacher, Rev. K. D. What- mough, M.A.,_of Aurora. You are invited. Pastor, Rev. A. R. Jones ‘ Services Sunday, 11 am. â€"- Bible School classes for all ages 8.15 pm. â€" Teen-age Bible Mrs. K. Baker Newcastle, Eng- land, would like to thank those 13- dies of Richmond Hill, who by their kind hospitality have helped to make her visit to her daughters, "Mrs. A. C. Rollinson and Jean 3 most enjoyable and happy one. Preacher, Rev. J. A. W. Lang- stone, B.D., of Toronto. 4 pm. â€"â€" Holy Baptism. 7 pm. â€" Harvest Service. Thanksgiving Day Services You are invited to all our services. MAPLE PRESBYTERIAN Rev. C. H. Bowman, B.A., Minister St. Paul’s Sunday School ... ..' . 10.20 am. Public Worship ........ 11 am. St. Andrew’s Sunday School . . . . . . , , 1.30 pm. Public Worship . . . . . . 2.30 pm. Communion Service at St. Paul’s Mrs. Henry Stacey and family of Lansing extend sincere‘ thanks to the kind neighbours and friends in Richvale, especially the resi- dents of Birch Avenue, for their kindness and expressions of sym- pathy during our recent bereave- ment in the loss of a loving hus- band and father. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. S. W. Hirtle, B. A., Minister 10 am. â€" The Sabbath School. 11 a.m. â€" Public Worship. CARD OF THANKS CARD OF THANKS Rev. W. F. Wrixon, L. TIL, Rector Sunday, September 25, 1949 Harvest Festival Services 8.30 a.m.â€"Holy Communion. 10 a.m. â€"â€" Sunday School. 11 a.m. â€"â€" Harvest Service. Preparatory service and recep- tion of members. Everybody welcome. BODDY â€" To Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Boddy (nee Marian Donaldson) Richvale, a. daughter, Vera Lynn, September 14, 1949, at. Mrs. Stanford’s Nursing Home, Richmond Hill. MANSBRIDGE â€" Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Mansbridge (nee Marie Pike) are happy to announce the birth of their son, Paul Douglas, on Saturday, Septem- 'ber 17, 1949, at Wellesley Hos- pital, Toronto. MATTHEWS â€" Mr. and Mrs‘ STEWART â€" Mr. and Mrs. Mark I Stewart, Markham Road, Rich- mond Hill, Wish to announce the birth of a daughter on Tues- day, September 18. Donald W. Matthews (Evelyn Barber) of Victoria Square, are happy to announce the birth of a daughter, a sister for Donny, on September 15, 1949, at Grace Hospital, Toronto. Ovie and baby fine. MAPLE UNITED CHURCH Sunday, October 2, at 11 a.m. EVANGELICAL SERVICES ST. MARY’S ANGLICAN CHURCH RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH BIRTHS “' ‘ 1.30 pm. 2.30 p.m. ISAIAH we MATT. “.18 COMEâ€"- â€"_ Howarth said the precaution of spreading rock dust in passageways of United States coal mines now is in wide use. ' Héw can éoal-dust explosions be avoided? Again Howarth comes up with a. concrete example. He drops a cloud of coal dust onto an open flame by means of a. blast of compressed air. The ensuing explosion can be felt 100 yards away. Then coal dust and rock dust are mixed in a 65-36 ratio and the cloud formed from the mixture iails to explode under the same conditions. _The experimental blast is set off by a. stick of dynamite detonated 200 feet inside the mouth of the mine, which has some two miles of passageways. The blast ignites the 700 pounds of coal dust which has been spread thinly on ovemead shelves and on the floor of the mine between the exploding point and the mouth. The climax of each demonstra- tion is the coal-dust explosion. Through this example Howarth claims he has convinced thousands of miners and operators that coal dust suspended in mines is a deadly danger. He says, however, there are some who still are not convinced. In his most recent test, the ex- plosion Howarth started shot a sheet of flame 50 feet high and 150 feet long from the mine’s mouth. A hand car left just out- side the mine’s mouth was picked up in the blast, splintered into matchwood and hurled 400 feet against the side of a ravine. The demonstration was put on for a. group of scientists, mining experts and administrators who had just completed the three-week United Nations Conference on the Conservation and Utilization of Re- sources, held at Lake Success, N.Y. They visited the experimental staâ€" tion during a. tour of conservation projects in the eastern United States. Among the visitors was Dr. G. C. Monture, chief of the mineral re- sources division of Canada‘s de- partment; of mines. He noted that no experimental work on such a large scale is being done in Can- ada. but many Canadian officials had studied the United States‘ de- velopments at Bruceton. The explosion demolishes every- thing in its path. By NORMAN ALTSTEDTER. Canadian Press Staff Writer Bruceton, Pa. â€"(CP)â€" Barry C. Howarth has touched off about 2,000 mine explosoins. No one has been killed or injured by the blasting he started 39 years ago. In fact he can be credited with helping to save the lives of thousands of miners. Howarth, 58, is superintendent of the experimental coal mine op- erated by the United States Bureau of Mines in the coal-rich area about 13 miles from Pittsburgh. The purpose of the experimental mine is to perfect methods of cut- ting down mine accidents. It was opened in 1919 (allowing 88 major explosions which had killed 3,130 men in US. coal mines in the pre- ceding 10 years. Four days, October 4, 5, 6, 7, will be devoted to the X-ray Clin- ic sponsored by Richmond Hill Lions Club, purpose of which is to aid public health by early dis- covery â€" an important factor in its cure â€" of tuberculosis. GOURLIE â€" In loving memory of a dear son and brother, Sap- per D. J. Gourlie, killed in ac- tion on September 22, 1944. His charming ways and smiling face Are a pleasure to recall He had a kindly word for each And died beloved of all. â€"Ever remembered by mother and sisters, Bernice and Marjory. c1w12 Test Blasts Show Danger Of Coal Dust Lions X-Ray Clinic To Open Four Days Full details as to time, place, etc., will be given in the Septem- ber 29 issue of The Liberal. The clinic will be open both afternoon and evening to enable as many citizens as possible to attend. To Hold Thanksgiving A Harvest Thanksgiving Service with the celebration of the Holy Communion at St. John’s Angli- can Church, Oak Ridges (at Jef- fersOn) will be held on Sunday next, September 25, at 11.15 am. The choir from All Saints Church, King, will unite with St. John’s choir for the occasion. The church will be open on Friday af- ternoon and evening to receive gifts of fruit, flowers, vegetables, etc. MIDDLETON â€"â€" In loving mem- ory of our dear dad, David Middleton, who passed away, September 19, 1947. ‘ Two years have passed since that sad day, W'hen the one we loved was called away. God took him home. It was His will, But in our hearts he’s living still. â€"-Loving1y remembered by daughters, Sadie and Myra and son Bert. *1w12 There’s a remedy for cluttered attics and basements and empty purses . . . Classified Ads. Teleâ€" phone The Liberal at Richmond Hill 9 for speedy service. ST. JOHN’S, OAK RIDGES IF IT’S HARDWARE g“ WE SELL IT RICHMOND HILL ‘ ‘~ HARDWARE IN MEMORIAM Phone 426 ! Beans . " 100 - 500 Gal. Gauges, Accessories, Draft regulators, Service to Space Heaters, etc. All teen age girls of St. Mary’s Anglican Church, Richmond Hill, are invited to attend a meeting in the Parish Hall on Saturday next at 3 pm. for t2; purpose of organizing a Junior Branch of the W.A. Mrs. Hollman the Diocesan Officer for Girls W. A. work will be present. Girls ten years and over are invited. Harvest Home services will be held at Zion Lutheran Church, this Sunday, at 11 am. and 7.30 pm. The‘Rev. U. S. Leupold, professor of New Testament at Waterloo Seminary, will be the guest speaker. The talented gold medallists, the Misses Ann Law- rie and Joanne Johnson of Maple, will contribute solos and duets at both services. The folk of the surrounding district are cordially invited to attend these services. ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH TO HOLD HARVEST HOME SERVICES THIS SUNDAY GIRLS' AUXILIARY FOR ST. MARY’S STORAGE TANKS SUPPLIED 31 Benson Ave., Richmond Hill Phone 399M CLOVER LEAF Cauliflower TENDER Butter Shortening . . . Pastry Flour CLARK’S Baking Powder MONARCH \VAX OR GREEN SNOW WHITE PASTEURIZED MAGIC FIRST GRADE FLUFFO D. GIFFEN Flour . 13:: 44c][ 14c SALMON . . '41? 33c wer . e . 31323 “““““ lHead Lettuce Z 25c PASCAL CELERY 15c auv voun Lusnus HERE Ge! 5 aluminum iellyr moulds as advertised} \ by mailing 2 lushus a box tops and 25c la â€"Shirrifi's: Toronio. WHITE HONEY . 45c 2 17c THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, Sept. 22, 1949 WWWWWW” 16 oz. Tin Pkg. Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church MAPLE, ONTARIO HARVEST - HOME SERVICES Sunday, Sept. 25th â€" 11 am. & 7.30 p.‘m. Speaker â€" THE REV. U. S. LEUPOLD, Ph. D. Professor of New Testament, Waterloo Seminary Soloists â€"- The Misses Joanne Johnson and .Ann Lawrie Talented Maple Singers â€" COME AND WORSHIP â€" 2 Trench St. Box 160 SHOW & DISPLAY CARDS MAKE YOUR WINDOW ‘ T A L K ' 28c 31c 63c 19c RALPH SMITH Dr. Ballard’s 2 11:129‘: Blue Grapes . . Cleaner Tomato Juice 3 (CAME? ONTARIO N0. 1 FIRM CRISP Cleaner . . Javex . . . . MEATIES OR KIBBLE LAVOLINE 0R CHAMP FANCY QUALITY BAB-O CONCENTRATED Richmond Hill Telephone 391-J Evenings -IM-W Pkg. 20 02. Tina 6 Qt. Bskt. Tins 16 oz. BtL 29c 25c 65c 27c 11c

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