‘ THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, Oct. 6, 1949 the liberal An Independent Weekly â€" Established 1878 I Subscription Rate, $2.00 per year; To the United States $2.50 ‘ Member Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association J. E. SMITH, M.P., Publisher F. J. PICKING, Managing Editor , he Sewerage Question ‘ The majority decision of the Richmond Hillvillage coun- cil to submit the somewhat controversial question of a sew- erage system for the village to property owners at the forth. coming municipal elections is a Wise nd democratic one. .. During recent months there has been a conSiderable re- yival of interest in the subject. Opinion on either the nec- essity for sewers or the ability to pay for them IS somewhat sharply divided and, in seeking adv1ce from taxpayers as to their wishes, the council is taking a deCidedly sensible step. , It must, we feel, be emphasized that the question which Council proposes to submit to the electors is a “fact-ï¬nding One. Nobody’s hands are tied. But at least the counCil, by authorizing such a plebiscite, will be in a p'os1tion to know how taxpayers in general feel about the subject. 1- It is not our purpose, in this editorial, to express an opâ€" inion either for or against ‘the installation of a sewerage system in the village. But it is deï¬nitely our purpose to commend those members of the council who voted for the holding of a plebiscite on taking a step which Will give tax- payers the opportunity of making their Wishes known. Such a step will at least haye the effect of letting everyâ€" body know where they stand-in connection with a matter which is of major ï¬nancial consequence, and Will ensure that 'whatever line of action taken in the future is one which Will be acceptable to the majority of citizens. . . Of equal importance is the unanimous deciSion of mem- bers of the council that, before the plebiscite is taken, all those entitled to vote shall be provided with the fullest pos- sible information as to costs, method of payment, effect on the taxpayer, and the state of the municipality's ï¬nances. The decision to hold the plebiscite and the attitude of members of council in regard to a fair and proper presenta- tion to taxpayers of the points involved forms a healthy dem- onstration of “democracy at work.†“Freedom Goes Where The Newspaper Goes†Once again, as this issue of the seventy-one year old Richmond Hill Liberal goes to press, National Newspaper ._Week is being observed. ' There isn‘t much of a flourish of trumpets in connection -With it. No public gatherings to celebrate it are being held ',;â€" no flag-waving is being indulged in. To the ordinary reader the observance of another of ’those special “weeks†jwhich have become such a feature of our national life means ittle. ’ 0n the surface, that is, it means little. But deep down there is a meaning which is of the utmost importance to all Canadians â€" to those who pride themselves on being a “free people.†' For '-t has been truly said that “Freedom goes where the .Newspa r goes.†' Let’s look back over the last few years. Adolph Hitler was a smart man. One of the ï¬rst things he did when he took over Germany was to give Goebbels the power to suppress the news. Then when he purged loyal Germans who were unfaithful Nazis, the people heard only his side of the story. And for all the years that Hitler was lrl power all the newspapers under his control printed dnly What he permitted. In this respect Hitler was a smart man. He knew he could never keep his hold on the people if they had access to the truth. It may seem a little far-fetched, perhaps, to talk of the \ arld-shaking actions of a Hitler in one breath and then, in the next, to suggest that a paper such as The Liberal is def- initely allied with such conditions. Nevertheless the fact ems s. . In this scheme of living which we call “democracy†gov- ' ernment begins at home. Decisions as to how they shall live are not made for the people of the nation in a dictator’s chan- cellory. They are made by the people themselves, exercising their fundamental right to determine how “government of the people, by the people, for the people,†shall be carried out. Not in a closely guarded seat of autocratic power but in the little towns, on the back concessions, on the side roads, are the decisions made. ' And it is in the reaching of such decisions that the week- ly press of Canada, of which The Liberal is proud to be a part, forms an important cog by the printing of the facts as they are. They may only concern local government â€" but that Ideal government is the basic foundation of our whole struc- ture of freedom. So, as National Newspaper Week is being observed, this paper re-emphasizes its decades old policy â€" that anyone who has a legitimate story to tell will ï¬nd its pages open for the facts. And, if a dispute arises concerning those facts, the other side of the story will be told too. For editors know, from the experience of others in totalitarian lands, that suppression of the news breeds “smart men" like Adolph Hitler. rDon’t Use .Water' , A recent ï¬re, in which water was thrown on burning grease, has prompted Fire Chief Bert Cook of Richmond Hill to issue a warning â€" “Don’t use water in the case of grease or oil ï¬res.†Many times has that warning been repeated but another repetition seems nceessary, says the chief. Unless the blaze is 'very small water will not extinguish it. Rather, it tends g0 scatter the burning material and in so doing spreads the re. ;; . The best way to handle a grease ï¬re is to smother it :.w1th sand or earth. Failing that it might be smothered with {Whatever is handy. The big points are: â€" do not scatter :the ï¬re â€"â€" prevent it from getting oxygen on which it feeds; .' Naturally the ï¬rst thing to do is to call the ï¬re brigade. ;;But after that is done follow the precautions which will make the ï¬re-ï¬ghtei's’ job that of extinguishing a small blaze grather than a big one. ;. A simple form of insurance. particularly in the countrv 'and 'espeCIally where gas and oil stoves are in use is to have a pail of sand or earth kept in a certain spot and, importantly. constantly ï¬lled and reserved for one purpose. ‘ It may. we hope. never be needed. On the other hand it may save a life or at the least considerable damage and ex- ,pense. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING RADIO ELECTRICAL REPAIRS FARM WIRING J. 8 E. ELECTRIC D. O. Judd, Prop. Phone King 33r22 P. 0. Box 95. KING, ONTARIO Memorial to a Soldier e memory and work of Count Folke Bernadotte, U.N. Mediator in Palestine who was slain in Jerusalem a year ago, is now perma- nently honored at United Nations headquarters by a bronze tablet. Here U.N. Secretary-General Trygve Lie, in a simple ceremony, unveils the tablet. Behind him are Dr. Ralph Bunche, who carried \ on Count Bemadotte’s work .in bringlng peace to the Holy Land; Sir Alexander Cadogan, permanent representative of the United Kingdom to U.N.; and Sven Grafstrom, permanent representative of Sweden, Count Bernadotte’s native land, to the United Nations. From The Hilltop A COLUMN 0F VIEWS A'ND OBSERVATIONS (By F. J. Picking) Recent mention of a desire to collect historical data relatingoto this part of the world, and a re- quest to readers for their help in order that its intimate history might be recorded, has brought some speedy responses. For thoss who didn’t happen to see the article in question the point of it was that I volunteered to consolidate the district’s history, providing readers who had them would help me by supplying in- teresting facts, ï¬gures, records, etc., to assist in compilation. In the same article I asked if many people knew where Puisaye Town was, and stated that it was apparently the district to the north of Richmond Hill, which had been settled by French Royalist refugees. I! t 1‘ i As a result much valuable mat- erial has come to me from Mr. C. M. Chandler of King â€" to whom my thanks. Among the documentary material with which he has supplied me are extracts from the writings of one of Canâ€" ada’s foremost writers and his- torians â€" the late Fred Williams, well-known newspaperman of his day and for years an outstanding columnist on the old Mail and Empire. Says Williams, in part:â€" “erat a parade it would make of the ghosts of the men who during their lives went up or came dOWn Yonge Street! Not only was it the highway. to the west for the Northwest Coin< pany and other fur traders, but over it went Sir John Franklin and his men when they under- took their overland journey to reat Bear Lake. The French Royalist refugees, under Comte de Puisaye, whose aristocratic hands were unï¬tted for the up- per Canada bush, would appear again on Yonge Street; and the Ketchums, with their pluck and their romance, they are ever associated with Yonge Street; while just a century ago its sur- face was tramped by the yeomen of York as they responded to the call to rebellion from Will- iam Lyon Mackenzie.†In the same article mention was made of the “Home District" and a question raised as to what it comprised. Again Mr. Chandler comes to the rescue. My lazy streak again coming to the top, I’m going to let him tell the story from here in. Something of what he has to say is, of course, recorded in the his- tory books. Much is not. In any event I think that a refreshing of memories is of value. So here's Mr. Chandler's explanation of the “Home District†term: â€" The Districts 0f Upper Canada The Canada Act of 1791 divided Canada into two separate prov- inces â€" Lower and Upper Canada â€" so that in the one the French could retain their French laws and customs and their church while in the other the English could have their English laws and customs. Late in 1791 Colonel John Graves Simcoe sailed from England to as- sume the arduous task of Gover- nor of the new Province. He win- tered over at Quebec, and after a tedious journey by boat landed at Niagara-on-the-Lake in July 1792, where he set up the ï¬rst Parliam- ent in Upper Canada. Here were no traditions as at Quebec; every- thing was new. The ï¬rst Session assembled September 17, 1792. With this background in mind, consideration can now be given to that vast tract of land which com- prised Upper Canada â€" northerly to boundaries unknown; westerly to Great Lakes and the limitless prairies extending beyond. Great forests, lakes, rivers and wilder- ness. Roads were trails, rivers were unbridged, distances were great, and settlers scattered. Lapps along the trails were natural y settled ï¬rst, notably Kingston to York, York to Niagara and York to Simcoe. For administrative and judicial purposes the area had been divided into Districts as early as 1788 and from East to West these Districts were defined and named: Lune- burg, Mecklenburg, Nassau and Hesse. Obstinate George III was still King, and it was intended to honour him by selecting German names. Additionally, some of the ï¬rst settlements on the lakefront were named after his wife and daughters. These names were changed in 1792- to be: Eastern, Midland, Home, Western, and in 1800 there were further divisions: Eastern became Eastern and Johnston. Midland became Midland and Newcastle. Home became Niagara and Home. Western became London and Western. This was effected under Statute of 1798538 Geo. III Chap. 5, and the date of Proclamation is imâ€" portant: lst January, 1800. Ex- tracts from this statute are at- tached for purpose of reference, and it will be seen that the “Home District" comprised the counties of Northumberland, Durham, York and Simcoe. There is no mention of Ontario County at this time beâ€" cause it was not until some years later that Ontario County was created out of part of York Coun- ty. By 1821 the Districts were again re-named as follows: Ottawa, Eastern, Johnston, Midland, New- castle, Home, Gore, Niagara, Lon- don, Western. On 30th May 1849, an Act was passed abolishing the Districts and leaving administration to the Counties â€" one hundred years ago. Mâ€" “Know Your Neighbour†(Continued from page ll Since then he has continued with his old occupations of paintâ€" ing. decorating and looking after the Hill. His Majesty’s property at There's another interesting angle to his war service. He and his daughter Jean. now Mrs. Patrick Carle, formed one of the second war's “father and daughter" combinations. something which was rare lobally. While he was serving in the Veterans Guard she was a member 01‘ the Canadian Wo- men's Army Corps. These jobs have been varied by a bit of fishing. woodâ€" working. and an intense interest in Orange Lodge activities. He is a Past Master of Victoria Lodge in Richmond Hill and. in addition Worshipful Preceptor (which to the unitialed is “top dog") of the Royal Black Knights of Ireland. RBP 1061. at Aurora. He is also a County Master of West York I..O.l.. As a veteran of two wars he has always taken a keen in- terest in ex-service men's activities and has been a member of the local velcruns‘ organization for twentyâ€"seven years. The photograph of Mr. Zuefelt. like all others- in the “Know Your Neigrboin'†series. was taken by Edmund Somiie of "The Studio," 1720 Avenue Road. l News Of Our Neighbours Incendiarism is suspected in a ï¬re which gutted the home of Mr. and )ll‘S. Rogers in Bradford. The famiiy had been away from home for several days, and only had small insurance. 30‘ it t ‘ Strong exception has been taken by ’the South Ward Ratepayers Association in Orillia to certain angles of the town's zoning reg- ulations. Pointing out that one section was a mile from the main shopping district the assomation objected to restrictions against the opening of businesscs to which residents had no objections. :0: w it 4- The Orillia Community Centre Association now has $75,000. in cash and pledges and intends to send a deputation to the next meeting of the town council to gr-t a decision on the installation of an artiï¬cial ice rink. #1 o It not Scarboro’s building program for 1949 is nearing the ten mill- ion dollar mark. l‘ermits issued up to the end of August amOunted to $9,794,550. as compared with $7,068,585, in the same period in 1948. ll! it ‘I i' Overcrowding conditions in Scarboro schools have made the board of school area No. 2 decide to add two rooms to each of four public schools. It is hcpel to start work this fall. *t** First sod has been turnol in connection with the building of an $800,000 incinerator to serve York and North York townships. It is located east of Keele Street on the boundary between the two townships. I I It III Lindsay has been suffering from an epidemic of break-ins. ’I‘hrec oil company warehouses and of- ï¬ces were entered. also a house from which a $160. electric steel saw was stolen. 4: t 1! III Three ï¬res were burning at one time in Cannington village recent- ly, with Beaverton and Sutt01 ï¬re brigades responding to calls for help. Starting in the. A. 0. Mix Coal Company otl‘ices, the blaze spread to two barns. Records of tile Cannington School Board were lost in the ï¬re. ill it ‘0‘ 1! Thesite for the new High School buildng at Aurora has been approved by the Ontaro Depart- ment of Education. )II IIK '1 0' The early turnip crop in the Stouffville district was seriously damaged by a small parasite. Late planted turnips escaped the vis- itation fairly well. it i V’I‘ * The assessor’s list discloses that Stouffville has the largest popula- tion recorded since its incorpora- tion in 1877. _It totals 1,571. As- sessment shows a valuation of $843,630. divided as follows: Land, $168,065; Buildings, $630,~ 825; Business, $44,740. A queer quirk revealed by the assessment shows that there are 99 bachelors and widowers over the age of 21, and a similar number of spinsters and widows. “If these two groups of ninety and nine could come to terms there wouldn’t be a person of marriageable age left in the village,†says the Stoucville Trib- une. a n t o Gib. Wright ,postmaster at Bal- lantrae, has been moved to Wes- tern Hospital, Toronto, following a severe heart attack. IO! U i U Renting a. special machine from City of Toronto, the village of Stouifville was able to attach a four inch water line to the main local water supply. ‘Tlie new line is for the purpose of supplying water to the new artiï¬cial ice ar- ena. III 1 t 0 Rev. L. K. Sider, pastor at Ow- en Sound, has been appointed to the Gormley United Church. a- It ii- is Prompt work by North York po- lice resulted in the arrest of four men within ten minutes after they had broken into Jackson‘s Hard- ware Store at Newtonbrook. Awakened by the sound of break- ing glass at 2 a.m., the owner telephoned police, who apprehend- ed the quartette in their speeding car and recovered radios and a sum of money. it as it it Claimant for “biggest potato" honours in the Woodbridge area is William Hollingshead, who has on! weighing 1 pound, 13 ounces. “Dear ,Mr. Editor’,’ May I, through your paper. ex- tend to all the women of Richmond Hill and vicinin a hearty invita- tion to attend our Womens Insti- tute meeting. We meet on the second Thursday of each month at 2.30 pm. in the )li'nicipal Hall. For the information of the newâ€" i-czitcrs and those who have wished they could join We are inter- denoiiiiitatlmtal and a communin organic iin. Our aim: ale to make our meetings interesting and situational, to create a plezi<aitt community atnlfo'VliFlz". Hciice our motto "For Home and Country.†So why no: Come along and nice: acquained at our 0 . He Q 0.0. ...~ ,_c. and is" next n19: ROIiu‘ o. clscw hci c l?) " hic“ appears in this 3‘ (illAt. l‘I S.\Yl£l1S. President. ‘ This is a very quiet and liar- nionious schion of Parliament. The highlight so far has been the constitutional changes brought forward by the government and they are being passed with very little serious opposition. The chariges when brought about will abolish appeals to the Privy Council in London, and give the Canadian Parliament full authority to change our own conâ€" stitution. There has been a consistently growing demand over a long per- iod of years for abolition of ap- peals to the Privy Council. Makâ€" ing our own Canadian Supreme Court the ï¬nal court of appeal will meana saving in time and money to those who have cases in court, as London appeals often have'been drawn out and costly experiences. Canadian courts are second to none in the world and we are satisï¬ed the administration of Justice will not suffer by this long over-due change in our judic- ial system. The opposition sug- gests a six months delay in mak- ing the change effective but does not oppose the bill in principle. Changes in Canadian Constitu- tion have in the past been brought about by an appeal from the Can- adian Parliament to the Parliam- ent at Westminster. For many years the action of Westminster has been a mere formality, as any change asked by the Canadian Government was granted as a mat- ter of form. The change merely does away with this formality and gives the Canadian Parliament the power to do what it has been do- ing in effect for many years. Speech From The Throne The debate on the address in re- ply to the speech from the throne has ended and of course in this Parliament there is no great conâ€" cern of government majorities on divisions. The address was adopt- ed without ‘a. formal vote. In the old days the speech from the throne was the deep speech of early English Kings. Today it is the King’s speech in name only. The King’s representative reads it, but it is prepared by the Prime Minister and members of the Cab- inet. It outlined the busineSs program of the present session. After it is read the Members of the House “of Commons return to their Chamber, but before the speech from the throne was con- sidered the Prime Minister rose to move the ï¬rst reading of a Bill. ,It is only a formality, a Bill res- pecting the oaths of office, but it has a history. Technically, the speech from the throne is business from the Crown. By giving ï¬rst reading to the Bill respecting Oaths of Office the House of Commons asâ€" serts its right to transact busin- ess of its own, before it transacts business from the Crown. Daily Prayers A bell every day during the ses- sion rings at' three o’clock, to summons the members to the sit- tlng of the House. As soon as a quorum (twenty) or more are seated, the Speaker calls “orderâ€, and the members rise for the read- ing of prayers. When prayers are 0TTilllll LETTER "Jack" Smith, MP. North York by ended the Speaker says “Let the doors be opcncd" and the visitors are allowed in the various galler- 105. This wcck Rcv. Dan McIvor the veteran Liberal member from Fort William made a plea for a change in this accustomed routine. Ile suggests visitors be admitted to the galleries before prayers and thcre are many who agree with the Rev. and Honourable member. As it may be some time at least before the suggestion bears fruit, I thought readers might, be inter- ested in knowing the form of the daily prayers. The following prayer is said by the Speaker at the opening of the House every day, one day in English and the next in French. The prayer â€" “O Lord, our Heavenly Father, high and mighty, King of Kings, Lord of lords, and only Ruler of princes, who dost from thy throne behold all the dwellers upon earth; most heartily we beseech Thee with Thy favour to behold His Most Gracious Lvlajesty King George, and so replenish him with the grace of Thy Holy Spirit that he may always incline to Thy will and walk in Thy way; endue him plenteously with Heavenly gifts; grant him in health and wealth long to live; strengthen him that he may vanquish and overcome all his enemies; and ï¬nally after this life, he may attain everlasting joy and felicity, through Jesus Christ our Lord â€" AMEN. Almighty God, the Fountain of all goodness, we humbly beseech Thee to bless our Gracious Queen Elizabeth, Mary the Queen Moth- er, the Princess‘Elizabeth, and all the Royal Family; endue them with Thy Holy Spirit; enrich them with Thy Heavenly Grace; prosâ€" per them with all happiness; and bring them to Thine everlasting Kingdom, through Jesus Christ our Lord â€" AMEN. Most Gracious God, we humbly beseech Thee, as for Great Brit- ain, Ireland and His Majesty’s other Dominions, so especially for Canada, and herein more particul- arly for the Governor-General, the Senate. and the House of Com- mons, in their legislative capacity at this time assembled; that Thou wouldst be pleased to direct and prosper all their consultations, to the advancement of Thy glory, the safety, honour, and welfare of our Sovereign and His Dominions, that all things may be ordered and settled by their endeavours, upon the best and surest founda- tions, that peace and happiness, truth, and justice, religion and piety, may be established among us for all generations. These, and all other necessaries for them, and for us, we humbly beg in the name and through the meditation of Jesus Christ, our most blessed Lord and Saviour. â€" AMEN. Our Father which art in Heaven, Hallowed be Thy name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in Earth. as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our ti'espasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us. And lead us not into tempta- tion; but deliver us from evil. â€" AMEN. . .AFTE DR.AREHEll$}’WALLAEE ltlll00lll THE OVERLOOK ERS A clergyman we know preached anniversary sermons in an On- tario town he had not visited pre- viously. He enjoyed meeting the people and told them so. After the service a lady said: “You like these people?†“I do,†he replied. “That is because you don't know them," she went on. “They are a poor lot; in fact, all the Christians in this town are in the cemetery!†There she was, a. well-meaning lady, but devastating in her judg- ment of others. There are a lot of people like that; ultra-critical and swift in their judgment 'of others. One writer compares them to the monkey whose chief char- acteristic is a mania for pulling things to pieces. That is too harsh an estimate, for these critics are generally decent, sincere peopâ€" le, who have allowed their outlook to become sevcre and ccnsorious. I suppose that is why we don’t like the elder brother in the par- able of the Prodigal Son. He was a decent hardworking fellow bu: he was so relentless and lln~l)£ll" ing in his criticism of his nay-IUԠward brother. The writer of Psalm 713.21 (Moi- fatt translation) that his: heart became sour. That is a per- fect definiti‘ n of what happens to many who>e experiences have he: n bitterly disappointing. Dr. old Luccock s.._'.' it like the tini- L'edy of having a blind 0:30 uh I" is p0\\el‘le>‘= to convey ’ of any landscape no llitti"’l’ ' ' '* :liiill ; " l"..:: 111‘ llClil'C is a c .n(l11' u licsct anyone. m or 'r: . says 5 Illi' Litii'. among the Li." ‘,n \‘.'i.cn Indy;le L:‘ \‘V . llui‘â€"‘ diseased; it is an inward physical condition. There is something akin to this in spiritual affars. We say that those so afflicted have got out of bed on the wrong side. Such an unhappy condition is serious, both for the afflicted and those who are associated with them. The sky is overcast and discontent prevails. We don’t have to think of such people in the third person. It is a spiritual condition about which most of us know something. We have our moods of discontent and sourncss; hope and pray, they don't become chronic. The late Dr. Frank Crane had a warm word of eulogy for those whom he called the “over-lockersâ€. He did not mean that they had an easy tolerance of wrongdoing but that they made allowance for the handicaps and weaknesses and be- setting sins which overtook some wellâ€"moaning people. We are encouraged in this attitude by the example of Jesus himself. When it woman who a sinner was Eiroi'ght to Him by those whose coitdcmzutlon of li(‘l’ was hard and ' .‘ZIILl to them: “Jim: sin among it: him cart the first stone at lu'ILl. hcz'.†And to the woman he said: "Ncithcr «lo I (undemn thee: go, lelll sin no mole." ..~ only lllC to over- ..'i:c.~< of spirit snd that is ' (,'i'i..cizfn;: and nth “.viznt tncj.‘ say ! illl‘iil. uny- ‘ xxm‘hl nocds 1.2.: din not nman in»: «mull inc c'.‘crj.'thir:g ' lia'.'c ‘o rigouki', \klill tolci- as: done let's ‘ Public Business And The Press the (An editorial from Financial Post) Because an editorial of his criti- cizcd the proposal of the town council to hold a series of public- cxcluded committee meetings, a writer on the Cobourg Sentinel- Star \\ as subjected to violent per- sonal abuse by the local mayor. Among other things the mayor suggested that the writer was un- familiar with the Ontario Munic- ipal Act which, under certain co'i- ditons permits holding of closed ‘meetings. The mayor may have been right in that opinion but he showed himself woefully wrong about the responsibilities of the press and the conducting of pub- lic business. In this case a matter of vital importance was to be discussed and one that concerned a substan- tial expenditure of public funds. At such meetings the public ex~ pects that the press will b5; rep- resented and that a fair and full report will be published in the local newspapers. When public officials attempt to conceal public business from the public there is bound to be crit- icism. And there should be. m m GOODS SATISFACTORY OR MONEY REFUNDED RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE Phone 426 [Meg-Ir; CORNS -- CALLOUSES at your druggist 50¢ â€" 75¢ â€" $1-00 or write FREEZ-OFF Box 380. Richmond Hill. Ont. STUART PAXTON Electrician WIRING LINE WORK Phone Richmond Hill 359r11 WW How’s Your Supply Of Counter C ' Books? We have them on hand in out JOB PRINTING DEPARTMENT The Liberal Skinny men, women gain 5, 10, 15 lbs. Get New Pep, Vim, Vigor WIIIS a thrllll Bony limb! all out: “sly MB. on up: neck no longer scrawny; bod lam - starved. sickly "bean-pole" look. T omega: o! 2er women. men. who never could nln era. are now proud of she ely. health -loo Ins bodies. They think the specla visor-bull g. flesh-bulldlnz tonlo. Ostrex. Its tomes. stlmulsnu luvl oracors, lron. vitamin Bi. calcium, enrloh blood. mprovo appetlte and dlaestlon so 1066 Elves you more streu m and nourlahment: out lies on bare bones. Don‘ tear gettan too fat. Stop when you‘ve [lined the 6. 10, 16 or 20 lbs. you need (orInormsl we M. Costa Ilttle. New "(at noquflmed' also only «2. Try famous Ostrox Tonlu Tablets for new vigor and added pounds, this very day. At all drug'th A. DAILY SERVICE TO All CANADIAN AND U.S.A. POINTS .CHARTERED BUSES OFFEI IDEAL SERVICE FOR AN. GROUP TRAVEL ncxns mo momma» A! E. J- Roberts, Radial Station Phone 177 l Don’t wait till the Fall rush to ‘, order Coal. Fill your bin now ‘ with Famous Rem/ing Ant/"acne ' â€"the Red Trademarked coal. ' Phone us for prompt delivery. j mu luv“: JONES COAL CO. Phone 188 Richmond Hill “GOGGOOOOOQOOOMW REFRIGERATION REPAIR SERVICE Domestic "HITS (I Commercial and All makes guaranteed. Refrigerators. Domestic, Deep Freezers. Walk-ins and ('ounters in stock. \I'as‘ning Machines G. C. “Don†Chalk KING Phone 2015 l OOOOMWOOOâ€OOOOONOâ€