!)WNER’S 4-room cotfage, located .ron lot 50’ x 200' in the village of {Maple. Insulated, plenty of shade, flow taxes. Extras include garage, :small tool shed, some storm screens and blinds. Immediate pos- Esession. Apply to Harry Stephen- i440 dish scale. Phone L. H Clement, Richmond Hill 176.‘ ELECTRIC RANGETTE, 1 ajestic cabinet radio in good Condition. Apply Richmond Hill hone 317.1. c1w14 LOT in King City, $3.50 to $6. foot, hydro and water available: Apply F. J. Dew, R. R. 3, King City., Phone 37R. c3w13 }$EED WHEAT, Cornell 595 var- izety for sale at elevators. I. D. Ramer & Son, Richmond Hill} A NUMBER OF OAK BENCHES, 3‘, to 9 feet long, suitable for lawn 6r club rooms. Apply N. J. Smell- ié, Thornhill, phone 42.}. c1w14 OR THE LADIES: Bone china ups and saucers, 3 sets open tock dinnerware, gifts, novelties. 0 colors in knitting wool. Come n and look around, our prices are right. Durie’s Variety Store, ï¬top 22A Yonge St., Richvale. §LATFO§M SCALE, 2000 lbs.; phone 10 Thornhill phone 58W REBUILT 2 h.p. Century Electric motor, 25 cycle, single phase in- Muding slide base. Guarantee. Apply Bert Thomas Motors, 4578 gouge St. at Lansing. *1w‘.4 APPLES, McIntosh and Delicious, ï¬ne quality, well sprayed, whole- Eale or retail. Apply Clifford ginger, Gormley. Phone Stouï¬- tyille 61509. *4w14 "LIFETIME all metal Venetian 31inds, aluminum or steel baked inamel ï¬nish any ccrour of tapes, tree estimates and installations. home 755 or write box 496, 40 LOntario St. West, Newmarket, Ont. tfc32 iét 33 Yonge St.' by Langstaï¬ School. Apply W. C. L. Ball! REGISTERED American black ï¬nd tan Fox and Coon Hound pups, 2% months, $25.00 each, either ï¬ex. Apply R. Elmes, Box 5, Green Lane, Thornhill. c2w13 FIELD OF CORN, about 7 acres, 300d colours, 3 dozen for $1.00 End up. A limited number at this Drice. Also separate colours and Folumbia Raspberry plants (pur- le). Apply N. J. Smellie, Thorn- gill, phone 42J. tfc14 FEARS, excellent for canning, 35c ï¬asket, also good hand washing machine $15.00; also hand wring- gx. Phone Richmond Hill 346r4. 7." *1w14 :RADIO, Westinghouse, cabinet, model 1942, push button, also bridge lamp and walnut table 45 inches x 18 inches, both in good Condition. Apply Richmond Hill 'phone 122.1. c1w14 .R.C.A. CONSOLE RADIO, with push button, golden throat tones, Wonderful performance, clearance pale Special $29.95. Apply Wally aflodgins, 6002 Yonge, Newton‘ brook, phone Willowdale 8845. 7 TTENTION: Soft wood slabs, 12.00 cord; Hardwood slabs, $17. nerd. All wood is dry and clean. Wilson's Wood Supply, phone Richmond Hill 441.1. tfclo 9RNAMENTAL PORCH RAILS, stair hand rails, ï¬re dogs, ï¬re {creens and acetylene welding. Ap- ghly T. Elliott, Oak Avenue, Rich- ?ale, phone Richmond Hill 115. Ehono combination, 12 inch speak- gr, fully reconditioned and guar- Tï¬nteed. A l‘argain for someone. iCiearance sale $69.50. Terms. Apply Wally Hodgins, 6002 Yonge, '8845. c1w14 DARWIN TULIP BULBS, mixed BOY’S BICYCLE, $16.00, in good audition. Apply Billy Bunker, 49 ill St., Richmond Hill. tfc ELOTTE cream separator, $15. pply R. W. Down, May Ave. GENERAL ELECTRIC radio ,____7, iOALIE’S hockey pads and stick, n gJod condition, reasonable. Ap- Ily Fred Morris, Langstaï¬. *1w14 ________â€"â€" KEDIUM SIZE GURNEY heater, :quipped with Silent Glow oil {burâ€" xer. Phone 349W, 9 Markham M. ‘1w14 WALNUT STAINED STEEL, ‘35; »ed, coil springs. reasonable. Ap- )1y_80 Benson Ave., Richmond Hill. *1w14 ‘hornhill 168. ‘OR REAL ESTATE, phone Eenn, CASH RATES, ï¬rst insertion, 2c per word, Min. charge .. 35c Second and subsequent insertions if wording unchanged, 2c per word, min. charge 25c IF CHARGED, 3c per word, min. charge, all insertions .. 50c FOR BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of .. 25c CARDS 0F,THANKS, IN MEMORIAM, BIRTHS, DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES, per insertion $1.00 Classiï¬ed advertisements should be in as early in the week as possible but not later than noon on Wednesdays. 1 tool shed, some storm HOUSE, barn, chicken house, I’al‘lS :ns and blinds. Immediate pos- sheds, etc., with about 30 acres of on. Apply to Harry Stephen- land, running water, Yonge St. Maple, anytime except Friday Apply J. H. Naughton, Elgin Mills Phone 86 EEASSIFIED FOR SALE and WANT ADS FOR SALE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, “get. 6, 1949 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES *1w14 I"1w14 l“2w13 c1w14 tfc46 tfc14 tfc35 tfc9 COOK RANGE, in good condition, price $15.00. Apply phone 401 Richmond Hill. c2w13 a)’ NEW HAMPSHIRE and Rock Pullets. Apply Arnold Morston, phone Richmond Hill 48r14. c1w14 flew. Phone Richmond Hill 358r14. *1w14 THREEQUARTER Bed, complete. $10.00. Phone Thornhill 160W. c1w14 2 PORTABLE Valor oil heaters, KITéHEN TABLE, buffet and 2 chairs, $16.00. Phone 449 Rich- mond Hill. c1w14 2 PUREBRED HOLSTEIN heifer calfs, 6 weeks old, $80.00 each. Apply A. Bishop, phone Maple 69r21. ‘c1w14 KELVINATOR soft drink cooler, excellent condition. Bradshaw Mo- tors, phone Richmond Hill 488. KITCHEN BUFFET and table natural color with red trim, good condition. Phone Mrs. Dener, Stouffville 62512. *lv MASSEY-HARRIS pony tractor, like new, seldom used. Apply J. E. Teetzel, phone Richmond Hill 96. *1w14 BROWN WOOL Gabardine Dress- maker suit, $20.00, lady’s, size 14. Mrs. Wm. Hudson, Oak Ridges. c1w14 each delivered, all sizes. Apply Gormley Block 00., Gormley, or phone Stouï¬'ville 381W1. c2w41 CLEARANCE SALE odd books about Canada and the U.S.A. Ap- ply McLean Antiques, Thornhill. Phone Thornhill 12. c1w14 CULL CEMENT BLOCKS, 16c 1 QUEBEC HEATER, with pipes, good condition. Apply John W. Ziegler, .Garden Ave., phone Thornhill 192r2. c1w14 6-PIECE Breakfast Suite, white and red trim, like new, not one year old. Apply Maple 66r15. 45 LEGHORN cross Black Ausâ€" tralorp pullets; starting to lay, reasonable. Phone Richmond Hill 269M. c1w14 BASSINETTE and carriage, also lady’s green polo coat; blue coat with red fox fur, and beige §pring coat, good condition. Phone 505 Richmond Hill. c1w14 FOR REAL ESTATE, phone Fenn, Thornhill 168 tfcll Collie, black with white and tan chest, tan spot over each eye, an- swers to Laddie, friendly. Phone Richmond Hill 240M. *1w14 APPLES, fresh fallen Wealthy and McIntosh, $1.25 bushel, hand picked $2.00 per bushel, Wm. Vanâ€" derbent, 1/5 mile south No. 7 Hgy. on 3rd con., Markham, phone Thornhill 190r21. tfc13 male, blind in right eye, answers to the name ‘Lady’, timid, last seen in the vicinity of north Rich- mond Hill and Elgin Mills. Please return to 5 Elizabeth St., Rich- mond Hill or phone 5R. Liberal reward. ‘1w13 50 ACRES of land, suitable for market gardening, etc. Apply J. H. Naughton, Elgin Mills, phone 127 Richmond Hill. c1w14 AN INDUSTRIAL Singer Sewing Machine; also a piano; Quebec heater; Quebec cook stove; kit- chen cabinet; dining-room suite. Apply phone 307W. Richmond Hill evenings and wed: ends. *1w14 GIRL’S BICYCLE, in good condiâ€" tion; also 6 piece kitchen suite, reasonable. Apply E. A. Rad- ford, ï¬rst farm north .of No. 7 Highway on third concession Markham or phone Unionville 30.13. c2w14 SOFTWOOD Slabs, $12.00; hard- wood slabs, $17.00; hard~ wood limbs, $18.00; body hard- wood, ï¬replace logs $21.00 per cord. All wood clean, dry and cut to length. Taylor’s Sawmill, Rich- mond Hill phone 463, Aurora 841-32. tfc9 AT BARGAIN PRICES: Big B BIACK COCKER SPANIEL, fe- Brand overalls, smockst work pants; plaid shirts, work shirts, Penman’s work and dress socks. Durie’s Variety Store, Stop 22A Yonge St., Richvale. Open Tues- Fri., Sat. evenings until 9 p.m. for your convenience. tfc14 TO RENT LOST 35c 25c 50c 25c *1w14 c1w14 c2w14 in Coon HOME wanted for 5 kittens 3 months old, trained. Apply Rich- mond Hill 346r21. c1w14 Class A Mechanics license. Phone Richmond Hill 132.]. *1w14 SERVICE. STATION MAN with Liberal. XPPROX. 2 ACRES, cash. Apply Lloyd. 9981 or write Box 69_The ALL KINDS of poultry wanted, best market prices, will call imi mediater upon request. A Magee, King, phone 35r14. *28w52 FIREMAN at Ontario Hospital, Langstafl‘. Phone Superintendent, Thornhill 300 during office hours for appointment. c1w14 GOOD BROOM HOME for cash, Richmond Hill-Thornhill vicinity. Apply A. Wright, 89 Bond St., Lindsay, Ont. c1w14 X GOOD HOME for wire haired terrier, male dog, phone Richmond Hill 3-07W evenings and all day week-ends. MAN TO WORK in block plant, highest wages. Apply Gormley BTock Co., Gormley or phone Stouffville 381W1. c1w14 TRANSPORTATION from Rich- mond Hill to Toronto to arrive about 9 am. Apply Mrs. R. Butt, 26 Wright St., any time before Monday or phone 276W. c1w14 RELIABLE honest girl for store and light housework, in good Prot- estant home, sleep in. Apply in person to Mrs. Roy Coopen, Tesâ€" ton, Ont. c2w14 TO RENT small house, 5 rooms, in the vicinity of Aurora or Thorn- hill, around the 4th con. of each side of Yonge St. Apply Richmond Hill, phone 3651'22. *2wi3 OLD HORSES, $15.00. We will pay you $15.00 for your old horse at your farm. Campbell Mink, phone Agincourt 18J12 Collect. boy who is mechanically inclined to learn handling cf specialized machine. Apply Flex-O-Loc Pro- ducts, Yonge St., Richmond Hill. TEACHER with $2,500 cash and able to pay $50-$60 per month on balance desires house or small acreage in or about Richmond Hill. Will contact all replies. Box 54, The Liberal. *1w14 SEMI-RETIRED MACHINIST or STENOGRAPHER with at least 2 years High School at Ontario Hospital, Langstaï¬. Phone Sup- erintendent Thornhill 3-00 during office hours for appointment. TRANSPORTATION from Rich- mond Hill to Queen’s Park, arriv- ing 8.30 am. leaving 4.30. both ways or one way. Apply W. G. Brown, Richmond Hill phone 406R in the evenings. tfc 3,,RIDERS to commute daily to Toronto, leaving Richmond Hill 8 a.m., leaving ‘Church and King 5.45 p.m., arriving Richmond Hill 6.30, late model car, phone Rich- mond Hill 137r2 evenings, after 7 'o.m. *1w14 REAL ESTATE WANTED â€"â€" One or two acres on Yonge Street west side prefererd but not necessary, between Thornhill and,Bond Lake. Must be level or easily levelled. Write to Box 103, The Liberal, giving location and pride. tfp COULD BE that I’d buy an acre or more of good land, Yonge St. frontage, near Rithmond Hill. 01‘ I’d accept moderate term lease, wiht option to purchase. But I‘m not interested in being “gouged†on speculative proposition. If you have decent offer write Box 49, The Liberal. tfp Work Guaranteed, Free Estimates Formerly of Gerrard Heintzman Paris Auto Supply ' Ford & MonarCh Bradshaw Motors LIMITED Sales & Service 144 Yonge St., hone 86 Richmond Hill PHONE 174, RICHMOND HILL Richmond Hill, phone 488 PIANO TUNING Vacuum Cleaner Terms Reconditioned Eureka Cleaner $25.00 and Repairing PIPE CUT AND THREADED RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE Tel. 9, Richmond Hill HOOVER Phone Liberal Office WANTED “u .nvvru A L A A n _ D RELIABLE S. Hoï¬man USED CARS Phone 426 Model 501 $104.50 Terms *1w14 *1w14 c1w14 tfc2 CUSTOM PLOUGHING, discing, cultivating, tilling. W. H. Gooder- ham; 39 Elmhurst Ave., Lansing, phone Wiilowdale 2508. *13w7 SAND AND GRAVEL, crushed stone, loam and ï¬ll. E. Charity, Richmond Hill, phone 3722‘5. tfc42 TRY RUSS for sand, loam and gravel or general haulage. Phone Richmond Hill 127W. c3w14 A. O. THORNE, specializing in Fire, Accident, Auto and Liability Insurance. Brooke St. Thornhill, phone Thornhill 199J. tfc14 PLASTERING, ï¬rst class work- manéhip. 'Will give estimates. Adam Pohl, Elgin Mills, phone Richmond Hill 346r21. *25w41 .TRY RUSS for sand, loam and gravel or general haulage. Phone Richmond Hill 427W. c3w14 ALL KINDS FURNITURE re- pairs, upholstering, cabinet work, wood carving. Estimates given. N. S. VanDyke, 33 Hunt Ave., Richmond Hill. tfc FOR TRANSPORTATION of live stock of all kinds, P.C.V. licensed and fully covered by insurance. Call Howard Lund, Maple 46r21. l“1w14 IF YOUR WATER SUPPLY is short, phone us immediately. We also haul sand, gravel, loam and ï¬ll. For quick, dependable service, phune Oyval Jones, Thornhill 2171‘21. tfc7 FLOORS SANDED and ï¬nished, sanding machines for rent. Apply Fitze Wallpaper, .117 Yonge St., Richmond Hill, phone 308W. CUSTOM ROTARY TILLING Have your land completely pre- pared by the new scientiï¬c one op- eration method. W. Hutchinson, Elgin Mills, phone Bichmond Hill 28RW. tfc41 TRY RUSS for sand, loam and gravel or general haulage. Phone Richmond Hill 427W. c3w14 DRESSMAKING and remodelling. Men’s coats and pant cuï¬s repair- ed also new pockets, zippers, ov- ercoats and coats relined, etc., shirts made to measure. Apply Mrs. Metcalf, Garden Ave., Langâ€" staï¬'. *2w13 condition, good tiresi, low mileage. Phone 324W Richmond Hill. >*4w12 MODEL A FORD, good mechan- ically, and tires. Phone Richmond Hill 3661-21 after 5.30. *1w14 1938 PLYMOUTH COACH, good 1935 FORD 2 TON TRUCK, in good running order. Apply S. McNeice, May Ave., Lot 64. *1w14 1941 FORD STATION WAGON, good condition $950. Phone Mapâ€" le 28r13. tfc14 1938 CHRYSLER COACH, owner since new. Apply 2 Oak Ave., Richvale. *1w14 MISCELLANEOUS CARS & TRUCKS 1938 DODGE SEDAN, in good condition, can be seen Saturday afternoon and after. Apply J. B. Topper, Oak Ridges. clw14 1935 FORD COACH, in good con- dition, radio, heater. Apply Aubrey Max-wood, phone Maple 67r23. *2w14 1934 CHEVROLET Standard Coach, tires in excellent condition. Apply Gord. Smith, 188 Sprucg Ave., Richvale. c1w14 There are close to 6,000,000 pub- lic libraries in Canada, serving about 90% of the people in big cities, and about 40% of the peop- le in smaller communities. 1937 STUDEBAKER COACH, good condition, clean inside and out, heater, overdrive. Apply 31 Roseview Ave., Richmond Hill. *1w14 1947 CHEV. FLEETLINE Deluxe Sedan, complete with radio and heater, good tires, excellent con- dition. Apply Aambert Atkinson, phone Richmond Hill 199. c1w14 $195.00 1935 CHEVROLET COACH LITTLE BROTHERS $595.00 1937 DODGE COACH Radio, Heater, very nice $1,195.00 1946 1 TON EXPRESS $1,225.00 1947 3/; TON PANEL $475.00 1936 DODGE SEDAN $195.00 1935 FORD TUDOR 4w11 Whoever designed the large signs which stand on Yonge St. at either end of our village, neg- lected to insert the words “Most beautifulâ€, in the phrase “Tor- onto’s highest and healthiest sub- urb†for, if ever citizens should boast of the beauty of their place of residence, ours certainly have due cause to do so. Richmond Hill is surely a beautiful place at any time of the year, but in this month, October, its streets present a very picturesque appearance. Take a walk, preferably when the sun is shining, along one of our well-treed streets and you will ï¬nd a sight worth seeing, for example, stroll along Church Street its full length â€" the autumn leaves are particularly beautiful â€"â€" the map- les crowned with green, yellow and scarlet, spruce spiralling up- wards bearing myriads of dark green needles, chestnuts with heavy leaves of dark green, pop- lars turning yellow as their foliage ripens, fruit trees, green, their foliage as yet unch‘anged, rhedges of differnt types with leaves of different hues, on many lots beau- tiful swards of well-tended lawns, flowers still untouched by frost, and blooming luxuriantly in front of comfortable homes of pleasing designs, and, unless you are col- our-blind, and cannot discriminate the various shades, your heart cannot but swell with pride that you live in so beautiful a born- munity. ~ Form Auxiliary To Legion Branch A11 veterans’ wives and mothers are cordially invited to poin with us at the ne_xt meeting, the date to be announced in The Liberal later. For information phone Mrs. Adams 137r23 Richmond Hill. Dr. Willinsky Travelogue “Med- iterranean Cruise†will be sponâ€" sored by the evening group of the WA. of the Richmond Hill United Church, Wednesday, November 2, 8 pm. Tickets 50c and 35c. Come and hear the GospeJ_ s‘peaker, E. G. Rockclifl', of St. Mary’s, West Virginia (preacher for Church of Christ), Sunday, October 9, at 3 p.m. in Concord School. Everybody welcome. Tune in CKEY 580 on your dial each Sunday at 9.15 a.m. SAT., OCT. 8 â€" Auction Sale of (102) Mâ€"H Junior Tractor, M-H Pony Tractor complete with plow, cultivator and mower; farm st0ck, implements, furniture, etc., on lot 34, con. 6 Whitby Twp., 2% miles west of Brooklin, lst farm north 01 No. 7 Hgy. on Mr. Rosseau’s farm. Property of Rosseau and Kowall. Sale at 1.30 pm. Terms cash, no reserve. Both farms sold. Ken and Clarke Prentice, aucts. SAT., OCT. 15 â€"- Auction sale of 42 head of registered and grade Holstein cattle, horses, milking machine, milk cooler, Massey- Harris Pacemaker tractor, pigs, hay, grain, etc. Lot 22, con. 3, King Twp. on Aurora and Schom- berg highway. Property of Wm. Blum. Sale at 1.30 pm. Terms cash. No reserve as proprietor is quitting the milk business. Ken and Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. TUES., OCT. 18 â€" Auction Sale of Herd of Dairy Cattle, farm stock, implements, hay, grain, furniture, etc., on lot No. 22, con. 4, Scarboro Twp. Property of W. J. Lloyd. Sale at 2 pm. sharp. Terms cash. No reserve, farm sold. Ken and Clarke Prentice, atctioneers. SAT., OCT 22 â€"â€" Auction Sale of household furniture, etc. on lot 22, con 2, Vaughan Twp. Property of Mrs. A. Savage. Sale at 2 p.m. sharp. Terms cash, no reserve, farm sold. Ken and Clarke Pren- tice, auctioneers. Rates for insertions in this column are 10c per line of type, with a minimum charge of 50¢ per insertion. SALE REGISTER Class A Mechanic, ex- perienced on G.M.C. cars and trucks. Our Beautiful COMING EVENTS WANTED By A Citizen Village clw13 Perhaps the most coveted prize of the big event is the trip to the British Isles. This trip is offered to winning plowmen in both trac- tor and horse-drawn class. Awards include a gold medal and the Trans-Atlantic trip which carries with it a month in the British Isles and participation in several world-famous plowing competi- tions, next winter. ' This year‘s match takes place on the farm of H. W. Amy, near Burford, just west of Brantford, October 11-14. $14,000'In Prizes For Plowmen A total of more than $14,000 in prizes, together with several trips, are‘included in the prize-list of the 1949 International Plowing Match. The program and prize- list has just been issued by the Ontario Plowmen’s Association, sponsors of the big annual event. Another much sought after prize is that offered in the Inter-County class for tractors. Competition is open to teams of two young men, who have not yet reached their 20th birthday, from each county in Ontario. Choice of contestants will be made by the local Agricul- tural Representatives. Chicago Trip Prize Prize in this event is an all-ex- pense trip to the 1949 Internation- al Livestock Exposition at Chi- cago. Then there is the inter-county horse drawn event in which the two tOp-winning teams of four young men will b: awarded a conservation tour to the Tennessee Valley in the United States. Competition on Local Day, which is Tuesday, October 11, will be conï¬ned to the counties of Brant, Oxford, Haldimand, Went- worth, Norfolk and Waterloo. On the remaining three days of the match, entry will be open to the World and there will be from seven to ten classes a day divided into sod and stubble groupings for both tractor and horse. / Qualify Locally Another change this year is conï¬ning certain classes to “tri- cycle-type†tractor. This was deemed advisable owing to the ad- vance of mechanization in culti- vation of inter-tilled crops. This type of tractor is also gaining in popularity and those in charge believe that its efficient use should be encouraged. In each trip a manager or guide will accompany the winners on their travels. ’ Competitors must qualify for en- try to the International Contest through their own local plowing ma ches. They may enter ac- cording to age and previous prize- winning’ experience. They will also have all types of plows. In classes listed as “Utility†contes- tants are not permitted to touch the plowed furrows except with the plow. Incidentally this latter change will assist the Brant County pom- mittee which has responsibility for providing more than 200 trac- tors for competitors. It is also planned to have 100 teams of hor- ses available. 40th Anniversary Marked By Dinner Mr. and Mrs. James Hallowel‘l of “Drumkeen†Concord, were honoured guests of their family at a Dinner Party at “The Queen Elizabeth Lodge.†The occasion marked the 40th anniversary of their wedding. / After dinner the party returned to “Drumkeen†for an evening of music and movies. Coloured mov- ing pictures were also taken of the guests and of Mr. and Mrs. Hallo- well cutting the anniversary cake, which was iced in the form of an open book â€"â€" and suitably inscrib- ed for the occasion. Mr. and Mrs. 'J.. Galbraith of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. George Keyes, Galt and Mr. and Mrs. A. Bagg, Edgeley, were among the guests. Mrs. A. Bagg, cousin of Mrs. Hallowell played the wedding music on October 6, 40 years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Hall- owell at the present time are in Ottawa and will be motoring through Northern Ontario and Quebec next week. , Sealed Tenders, properly mark- ed, will be received by the under- signed up to 12.00 o’clock noon, Daylight Saving Time on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1949 for the furnishing of trucks and drivers (snow plows will be sup- plied and attached by the Com- mission) for the removal of snow from the Commission’s Highways in York County during the season 1949-50. A marked cheque for the sum of $1,000.00 must accompany each tender. Tender forms and Speciï¬cations may be obtained at the office of the undersigned on and after THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1949. W. J. GARDHOUSE, FOR SNOW REMOVAL TORONTO AND YORK ROADS COMMISSION Call For Tenders RENTAL OF TRUCKS H. C. ROSE, Chief Engineer, Adelaide St. East, Toronto 1. Chairman Fisherville United 95th Anniversary To Be Held Oct. 9 While 900 entries are expected for the big plowing match, the 10- cal committee state that there is no danger of over-taxing local facilities. Arrangement has been made for 1,000 acres of level 108- my and otherwise suitable land available for the big event. The 95th anniversary of the Fisherville United Church will be celebrated on Sunday, October 9, with a special service at 7.30 pm. The guest preacher is Rev. D. P. Rowland of York Presbyterian Church, Toronto. Mr. Rowland is the padre of the Toronto Irish and was decorated with the Military Cross during the war. He is an outstanding speaker. Special music will be provided by the Elia United Church Choir. v Badminton Notes WWW W9â€me The election of officers of the Badminton Club for the coming season was held Monday evening in the Municipal Hall. Roy Bick was elected president of the Club; Tim Saul, secretary-treasurer; George Pollard, assistant treas. The games committee consists of Phyllis Angle and George Brown, who was also chosen as Richmond Hill’s representative to the North York Badminton Lea- gue. Membership fees are: ladies $2; men’s 34. New members are al- ways welcome. It’s embarrassing to ï¬nd your- self down to that last letterhead. Check your stock nqw. The Liber- al’s Job Printing Dernrtment will gladly bring your supply up to normal quickly. Telephone Rich- mond Hill 9. g Classes in ballet, national, toe, acrobatic, tap dancing. z WOOOOWWW SEE It’s the biggest value in Cana- dian television -â€" the famous RCA Victor "Onlookerâ€-â€"with powerful 24-TUBE circuit, big 10-inch picture tube, locked-in- tune pictures â€" pre-tested Sta- tion Selectorâ€"“Golden Throat†tone. In walnut, mahogany or blonde. Let us arrange a demonstration. If you ad quickly . . . we can guarantee Installation in lime for the World Series. TELEVISION Enjoy Bigger, Clearer, Steadier Pictures with RCA VICTOR MARY GREEN’S, SCHOOL OF DANCING Re-opens Registration at the Army, Navy, Air Force Veterans’ Club, Newtonbrook, Stop 12C YEREX ELECTRIC MONDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1949 THE WORLD SERIES IN YUUR EWING RflUM 3.30-5 P.M. Wed., Thurs. â€" Oct. 12, 13 Mon., Tues. â€" Oct. 10, 11 New Winter Policy Doors Open 6.45 pm. Show Starts‘7.oo p.m. Mon. to Sat. Matinee Sat at 2.00 pm. Roseanna McCoy FARLEY GRANGER CHARLES BICKFORD Fri, Sat. â€" Oct. 7, 8 DOUBLE BILL Tarzan’s Magic Fountain Gala Midnight Show Sun. Midnight. Oct. 9 DONALD O’CONNOR GLORIA DeHAVEN Yes, Sir That’s My Baby My Dog Rusty MARKHAM GAIL RUSSELL JOHN WAYNE Wake of the Red Witch In Technicolor 3439-00 Ev: mess and (Inxtallalian and Maintenance extra