Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 6 Oct 1949, p. 5

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NOTICE Richmond Hill Lawn Bowl- Iing Club will hold the an- nual meeting and dinner on . Wednesday, October 12, 1949, at the Uplands Golf Club at 6.30 pm. Bus Passengers Top Two Million The number of passengers carried by the North Yonge buses for the first eight months of 1948 has set an all- time high, going over the two million mark, the report sub- mitted to the municipalities WWW ‘3 . WINNER OF RAFFLE " for “Hillman Minx” Sponsored by East Vaughan Ratepayers’ Association Was MR. H. J. BROWNE Apartment 138 211 College St. Toronto, Ont. . With Ticket Number 7628 which OWn the line by the T. T.C. indicates. Travelling 355,639 revenue miles, as compared to 307,362 in the same period in 1948, the buses have carried 2,020,709 passengers as against 1,671,330 up to the end of August, 1948. A noticeable drop in operat- ing expenses per mile has been effected. For the January- August part of 1948 this amounted to 43.27c. The figure for 1949 has been 39.03c. 9W0...” 3 THOMPSON 8 BROWNLEE Electrical Contractors WOODBRIDGE, ONTARIO House Wiring Appliance Repairs General Maintenance Phone Maple 46r32 Woodbridge 147 l OWW OWW‘O””QW“OWMWWM ST. ANDREW’S PRESEYTERIAN CHURCH, MAPLE 1829 - ANNIVERSARY - 1949 SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16th, 1949 ' Speaker: Rev. J. A. Ross, M.A.,.Ph.D., ' Woodbridge Music by High Park Presbyterian Church, Choir SERVICE â€" 11 est. and 7 PM. â€"â€" HOT IURKEY SUPPER â€" WEDNESDAY, Oct. 19, 1949 in the SUNDAY SCHOOL ROOM 5 To 8 PM." ADULTS $1.25; CHILDREN 75c Followed By Entertainment , A Musical Program in the Church by the “Queen Anne Singers" and other talented artists Minister â€" REV. C. H. BOWMAN Secretary â€"â€" J. M. McDONALD . I ._â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€".â€"â€"â€"_ m You Can’t Hire A Hall v Richmond Hill Social and Personal Telephone Richmond Hill 9 . .1. at Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Hill spent the week end in Montreal. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Mylks hare returned home after a two week holiday at Brockville and Peter- borough. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Folliott have returned home after a two week‘s vacation, spent in New York City. ~Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Moore, Youngstown, Ohio, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. and Mr. their parents, Moore, Roseview Ave., I and ‘Mrs. Stan Ransom, Yonge St. Mission Band will be held in the United Church Friday, Octobâ€" er 7, at 3.30 p.m. This meeting will be a party. All girls from 6 to 8 welcome. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Angle left yesterday morning on a motor trip through the New England States to Washington, where they will visit the National Rose Show. The Teen Age Young People (15 years and over) will meet at Richmond Hill United Church for reorganization Thursday evening, October 6, at 8 pm. Sympathy is extended to Mrs. C. Marsh in the loss of her sister, Mrs. J. Donald, also her bro- ther in law, Mr. J. Donald. A double funeral was held in Rich- mond Hill cemetery last Saturday. Mrs. V. R. Johnson, New Y '. City and Miss Madeline Brown, Reg N. Brooklyn, NY. visited their mother, Mrs. J. G. Laughlin Richmond Hill, for the past two months. Mrs. Albert Rollinson has reâ€" ceived a cable from her father that her mother, Mrs. Baker has arrived safely at her home in Newcastle, England. Mrs. baker spent nearly four months in Richâ€" mond Hill this summer with her daughter Faith (Mrs. Rollinson) and Miss Jean Baker. Mrs. Baker made many friends while on her visit to Canada. ‘ BIRTHS JOHNSON â€" Mr. and Mrs. V. R. Johnson, New York City, wish to announce the birth of a daughter, Jennifer Anne, on September 26, 1949, at the Women’s College Hospital, Tor- onto. TAYLOR â€" Mr. and Mrs. John F. Taylor, Elgin Mills are hap- py to announce the birth of a son on Wednesday, September 28, at Private Patients Pavilion, Toronto General Hospital. Moth- er and son doing well. *1w1! PRATT â€" Gordon and Raymond, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pratt, wish to announce the ar- rival of their baby sister, Lor- raine, Thursday, September 29, 1949, at Mrs. Stanfbrd’s Nurâ€" sing Home, Richmond Hill. “Why does the editor call him- self ‘we’?" “So the fellow who doesn’t like what he says will think there are too many of him to lick.” ' ln Richmond Hill Large enough to hold all the people who regular- ly sit down at home each week and read The Liberal â€"- “Home Paper Of the District Since 1878” â€" from front to back page. But you can, at small cost, reach all those people through the advertising columns of the paper, either in display space or through a classified advertisement. If you want to reach that big audience when you have something to sell -â€" something you want to buy --- just call at the Liberal office or telephone Rich- mond Hill 9. Our advertising stafi will gladly co-operate with you in giving your message the “punch” that brings results. To BUYâ€"TO SELLâ€"SEND YOUR MESSAGE TO THE HOMES OF THIS DISTRICT 1 ‘ and gladioli petals. ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Harry ll Buibei‘. Victoria Square, Ont., announce the engagement of their second daughter, Betty Eleanor. to Wal- ter chirics, Jr.. son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jeff‘ries. loitdon, Ont The wedding will take place in Victoria Square United Church on Saturday. October 22, at 3 o'clOCk. WEDDINGS YAKE-FORREST Maple United Church was the setting on October 1 for the wed- ding of Ina Margaret Forrest, R.N., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Forrest, Maple, 0nt., and Blake Andrew Yake, son of MT. and Mrs. Austin Yake of Ring- wood, Ont. Rev. A. C. Forrest of Pt. Credit, brother of the bride officiated, assisted Rev. P. Lambert of Maple. Given in marriage by her broth- er, the bride wore an ivory satin gown. The high neckline featur- ed a net yoke and the full hooped skirt was caught at the hemline by a bow knot which revealed the lace trimmed underskirt. Her full length embroidered veil was held by a pearl encrusted coronet and she carried a cascade bouquet of gardenias with stephanotis and bouvardia. I‘he matron of hon- our was Mrs. Hugh Todd of Rich- vale, sister of the bride, who wore a yellow taffeta gown and carried a cascade bouquet of yellow roses and mauve gladioli petals with matching flowers in her hair. Ann Forest, niece of the bride in blue taffeta and Carolle Weir, niece of the groom in mauve /taffeta were flower girls carrying nosegays of sweetheart roses and pompom mums with coronet of sweetheart roses in their hair. The wedding music was played by Miss Mar- garet Fockler of Keswick and during the signing of the register, Mrs. Archie McIntyre, cousin of the bride sang “I’ll Walk Beside You.” Mr. Harry Baker was the groomsman and the ushers were Mr. Hugh Todd and Archie Mc- Intyre. At the reception supper held in the Sunday School room, for which the W.A. catered, the bride’s mother wore a wine crepe dress with corsage of yellow roses and pompom mums. The groom’s mother chose a brown crepe dress with corsage of Talisman roses The soloist sang “The' Lord’s Prayer” as a blessing and during the supper a telegram of good wishes was re- ceived from the bride’s nursing as- sociates at the Red Cross Hospital at Beardmore, Ont. For travelling to Northern On- tario, the bride chose a navy crepe suit with matching access- ories and wore a corsage of yel- low roses and white gladioii. On_ their return they will live in Maple. by ROBB-J ONES The marriage of Florence Jones, daughter of Mrs. E. Best and the late Mr. Best, Toronto, to Lorne Robb, son of Mrs. Fisher and the late Mr. Robb, Edgeley, was sol- emnized in Donlands United Church by the Rev. Irvin B. Per- kins on Saturday, October 1. The bride was given in marriage by her uncle, Mr. George Webb. She wore a blue street-length dress with cerise accessories. Mrs. Gv.en Webb was bridesmaid and Mr. Lorne Madill acted as grooms- man. The reception was held at the home of the groom. CARD OF THANKS The family of the late John S. Lawson of King, extend grateful appreciation to friends, relatives and neighbors for acts of kind- ness, sympathy and fine floral tributes rendered during their re- cent bereavement in the loss of a kind and loving father. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Wells F. McDonald and family wish to express to their many friends, 'relatives and neigh- bors, their heartfelt thanks and appreciation for acts of kindness, messages of sympathy and beau- tiful floral tributes extended them in their recent sad bereavement in the loss of a dear husband and father. IN MEMORIAM VALLIERE â€" In loving memory of our mother, Elizabeth Vall- iere, who passed away October 8, 1930. You can only have one mother, Patient, kind and true, No other friend in all the world Will be so true to you. For all her loving kin‘l‘iczs She asus nothing in return, It all the world deserts you To your mother yOI can ti-rn. Nineteen years, and sti‘l we re- member For her love remains with us yet. For she was ours, and we remem- member Though the rest of the world forget. â€"â€"- The family. ’1w14 Burning Grease Causes Damage In Richmond St. Fire Burning grease on a gas stove caused a fire at the home of John I’errie, 40 Richmond Street. On September :29. Paint in the kit- chen was badly scorched but the fire was extin:r ev'l before mat- ISAIAH I. I8 MATT. “.18 RICHMOND HILL « l'NITEL CIII'RCH Thanksgiving Services Sunday, October 9, 1949 and Adult Bible Class. be received. All are welcome. MA RY’S ANGLICAN CHURCH ST. Rev. W. F. Wrixon. L. Th., Rector Trinity 17 Sunday. October 9 National Thanksgiving 8.30 a.mâ€"Holy Communion. 10 a.m. â€"â€" Sunday School. 11 a.m. -- Family Service. Small children cared for in Parish Hall. 7 pm. â€" Evening Prayer. All are welcome. â€"â€"â€"â€"tâ€" RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. S. W. Hirtle, B. A., Minister Sunday, October 9, 1949 Thanksgiving and Rally Day 10:40 a.m. -â€" The Sabbath School meets for Roll Call. 11 a.m. â€"â€" Thanksgiving and Rally Service. Everybody welcome. MAPLE CHURCH NOTICES Sunday, October 9, 1949 Hope United Church Sunday School . . . . . . 10 a.m. Divine Service .......... 11 a.m Edgeley United Church Sunday School .. . . . . . . 1.30 pm. Divine Service . . . . . . . . 2.30 p.m. * >11 * * Maple United Church Sunday School . . . . . . . . 10.30 a.m. Divine Service . . . . . . 7 pm. * * * ll St. Paul's Presbyterian Sunday School . . . . . . . 10.20 a.m. Divine Service . . . . . . . . 11.00 a.m ’5 * ’9 1' St. Andrew's Presbyterian Sunday School . . . . . . .. Divine Service . . . . . . . . 2.30 pm. RM 10 a.m. â€"â€" Infant, Primary, Junâ€" ior, Intermediate Sunday School 11 a.m. â€"â€"- Thanksgiving Service, Dedication of new offering plates. 7 pm. â€" Thanksgiving Service. The annual Thankofl‘ering will Tennis Notes Harry Hill was unanimously ac- claimed president of the Richmond Hill Tennis Club for the second consecutive year at the club’s re- organization meeting Friday even- ing. It was felt that due to his axperience with tennis activities, he was the natural one to hold this position. George McLaren received the office of vice-presi- dent by acclamation. Eleanor Smith, our Junior Champ, was el- ected to be the new Secretary- Trcasurer for the coming year. Rev. C. B. Brethen, B.A., Minister The committees for the year 1950 were drawn up and they are as follows: Grounds Committee: Chairman, Bob Baglow, Tim Saul, Terry Mc- Cauley. Games Committee: Tim Saul, Don Smith. Membership Committee,- Chair- man, Keith Teetzel, Lloyd Grain- ger, George McLaren. Don Wilson was appointed chairman of the committee to or- ganize a party for the tennis members. A financial report of the club was read by this year’s secretary-treasurer, Doreen Horâ€" ner and is listed below. Income Bal. on hand for 1948 Membership Fees Chairman, Wilson, Alvy . . $212.23 120.40 Sale of Tennis Balls ..... 47.10 Cheque from Village . . . . 25.00 Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . 141.97 Total Income . . . . . . . . . $546.70 Expenses Perkins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 11.00 Sheppard and Gill . . . . . . . 2.16 Installation of Lights . . . . 329.28 Hydrd-Electric Bill . . 9.81 Tennis Balls . . . . . . . . . . . . 47.13 Margessons 9.50 Brathwaites . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.09 Total Expenses . . . . . . .$413.97 Balance on hand for 1949 $132.73 ' BOY SCOUT NEWS A meeting of Scout and Cub Mothers’ Auxiliary will be held Thursday, October 13, at the Mun- icipal Hall at 7.30 pm. Mrs. Standing, District Commissioner, will be the guest speaker. Rich- vale and Victoria Square mothers' auxiliaries will be visitors. ' Building Lots Move 1.30 pm Fast, In Thornhill A spurt in the sale of building LANGSTAFF BAPTIST CHURCH lots has taken place in the last Pastor, Rev. A. R. Jones Services Sunday, 11 a.m. â€" Bible .School classes fOr all ages 3.15 pm. â€" Teen-age Bible ’ Study Group 7pm. â€"â€" Gospel Service. Mon. 8 pm. â€"- Girls Missionary Sewing Class. Wed, 8 pm. â€" Prayer Meeting Thurs, 2 pm. â€" Women’s Mis- sionary Meeting. few weeks, says David McLean, realtor of Thornhill. Twelve of. these, all in Thornhill, have been sold by his firm recently. Among other sales made by McLean’s is one of a bungalow on Morgan Avenue, Thornhill. Seller was Bruce McGaw and purchaser W. A. Miller, 62 Auburn Avenue, Toronto. Fri., 8 p.m. â€"â€" Young Peoples soc. _EfiNGEL_ICKL . SERVICES Held in MASONIC HALL RICHMOND HILL 3 pm. â€"- Sunday School Everyone is also invited to lis~ ten" in to “Young Canada Bible morning at Hour” each Saturday 9.30 a.m. over Station CHUM. 8.15 P.M.: After-Church Service Young people and adults are in- vited to this lively hour of singing songs and hymns coupled with up- to-theâ€"minute messages. Paul the Apostle . .id in the Lord always and again I say Rejoice." Phil. 4:4. WW” RICHVALE COMMUNITY CHURCH UNDENOMINATIONAL Services held in the Richvale School House Sunday, October 9 2 pm. â€" Sunday School Family Hour A program for the whole household *0“ 7 pm. â€" Evening Service Song Service begins at 6.45. You are cordially invited. WW Agricultural Society Announces Winners First in the province to hold competitions for improved pastures and Canning pea crops, the Rich- mond Hill Agricultural Society, which this year celebrated its cen- tenary, has announced winners in the Improved Pastures Competi- tion for 1940. They are: 1, Alfred Bagg: 2, ‘Ted Xeedham: 3 Don Head Farms; 4. C. “'inger: 5. Fraser GEe: 6. A. Cameron; T, S. Tyndall; 8, Dalton Rumney. Directors of the Society wish to thank those who entered the con- tes:s and to congratulate the win- ni-r< of the arizes which have been “Rejoice CALIFORNIA K .‘L RED EMPEROR FRESH. CURLv ~£ ' 1 q , I ). "i PASCAL GREEN Celery Hearts . GRAPEFRUIT’ :2.“ . 3m 25c Margarine . . . & Beans 233.2" 29c Pears sun. . . . 23;? 27c Tomato Ketchup i123“ COHOE SALMON . tiiioi‘i‘tliol‘l’TIDE 37c inns . . FANCY STOKLEY'S QUALITY .524 than: 40 PEAS THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill, Thursday, Oct. 6, 1949 Wish to announce that service will be rendered. N O T I C E DRS. LANGSTAFF & THOMPSON Starting on Monday, October 10, 1949 They will see their patients by appointment only. This step is being taken in the belief that improved For appointments telephone Richmond Hill 100. Royal Theatre AURORA Friday & Saturday â€" October 7 & 8 JOEL McCREA, ALEXIS SMITH, ZACH-ARY SCO'I‘I‘ 111 “SOUTH OF ST. LOUIS” Color by Technicolor â€" Plus â€" “DAY AT THE FAIR” Sunday Midnight Show October 9 Doors open 12.05 a.m. Showing “CALAMITY JANE” “Calamity Jane and Sam Bass” /YVONNE DeCARLO, HOWARD DUFF â€" Plus -â€" Movie Memories and Donald Duck I Matinee Monday, October 10, at 2 pm. Showing Monday â€" October 10 At 6.35, 8.26 and 10.16. Showing Tuesday â€" October 11 At 7.35 and 9.35. Wednesday & Thursday â€" Oct. 12 & 13 “LOVES OF CARMEN” ADULT ENTERTAINMENT â€"â€" Starring â€" RITA HAYWORTH, GLENN FORD Color By Technicolor. Showing 7.24 and 9.24. â€" Plus â€" “NORONIC FIRE” News Pictures ONTARIO EATMOR Bundle15c Cranberries . .- TASTY . KING Last show at 9 o’cloék. GRAPES 2n»- 29¢ Spinach . . . 2 29c Turnips . . . 4c v lb. Cello Pkg. lb. Pkg. 20 oz. 'I‘in 13 oz. Btl. Show Starts 12.15 a.m. Sweet Potatoes . 2 25c 270 3 25c 36c 27c 24c I 33c 5 oz. Tin 43c 19c _ ~-RICHMOND_ HILL" ._

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