WEDDINGS (candid or formal) INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHY See the Display in ‘The Liberal’ Window L720 AVENUE RD. North York’s Leading Photographersi SATURDAY, October 8th Homemade Baking for Thanksgiving Quality at Cash and Carry Prices ? Made of ï¬ne washable crepes in white and a variety of colours â€" at Elliott’s moderate prices. 1714 Avenue Road TORONTO Leaders in style, workmanship and value, these pretty new blouses will assure you admiring‘glances wherever you go. 1716 Avenue Road (At Fairlawn) Phone Re. 4533 Lingerie â€"â€" Gloves and Hosiery â€" Corsetry Corset Fittin'g' A Specialty Sportswear â€" Novelties Make This Your City Shopping Centre We suggest that you inspect our Station Wagon Coats, Corduroy Overalls, Windbreakers, Sweaters, Suits, Coats Snow Suits, for boys. And, fof girls, we havel Tunics, Socks, Blouses, Skirts, Slacks, Sleepers, Lingerie, and many other lines. ORDERS DELIVERED ANYWHERE “ The Stud 10 9’ “ THE STUDIO †Smartness Plus Economy PHOTOGRAPHS Do Your City Shopping in the Glendale District on Avenue Road 'A'void down-town parking problems â€"â€" save travelling time -â€" enjoy a Wide feelection of goods and services â€"â€" by shopping in The Glendale area â€" north from the Glendale Theatre to Melrose, around St. Germaine _ and Fairlawn. And, more important still, take advantage of less-than-down-toWn prices. ’ NEW BLOUSES THE ELLIOTT LADIES’ SHOP KING CITY BAKERY FIRST ANNIVERSARY Fairyland Fashionettes Distinguish Our Lines Of Clothing For BOYS and‘ GIRLS of ALL AGES .an expression of sentiment to serve every need..,. EDMUND SOAME Beautiful Show-Offs PORTRAITS (home or studio), MABEL and BOB McLEAN CHILDREN’S SPECIALIST E RD. REDFERN 1911 ’. LOBLAW’S AT FAIRLAWN 1732 Avenue Road FOR FINE $3.98 to $6.95 CONSULT Redfern 4144 We Carry Brandram Henderson Painis and _ ‘ A Full Line of Kitchen _ Ware \ At the present time, however, there happens to be. another reason why The Libral is anxious to bring its subscription lists up to date. It hopes to join, shortly, an internationally known organization Which specializes in the auditing of nev'vspaper circulation for the beneï¬t of advertisers, giving them the guarantee thatthe ad- vertisements which they address to a publication’s riaadercs1 are actually reaching the number of readers caime . - e But under the rules of that organization subscrip- tions, in order to qualify, must be upâ€"to-date. Therefore we are asking those of our readers who happen to be a. little behind in their subscriptions to ‘look at that label and to assist us by sending in the remittance which will put them in "good standing. We hardly need to saSr that the co-operation of 'sub- scribers will be greatly appreciated. _ ' A newspaper is/just like any other commodity; Its sellers expect to get paid for what they deliver. 'They must collect“ if they expect to stay in business and to pay wages/paper bills and the thousand and one other costs which are involved in the production of‘a newspaper. Aftér your name on that label appears a date.vThat date indicates the time to Which your_subscription '18 paid. ' ’ ' The label referred to is the one at the top left hand corner of this paper â€" a label which, if you happen to be one of our subscribers who receives his or her copy through ‘the mails, giiies delivery instructions to the Post Office people. Way’s Hardware 1738 Avenue Rd. ' STOP 8, YONGE STREET SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16th at, 9 When You’re Doing Your Other Shopping Don’t Forget Your HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS SIR ERNEST MacMILLAN will be present with a group of choristers from the Mendelssohn Choir. PATSY PARR, Canadian Pianist ANDREW BIacMILLAN, Baritone, will sing Dr. Jessie Macpherson will be chairman FROM A , POSCTARD TO A You Can Get Them At you fast serv The Liberal’s Job Printing Department Can Look After Your Printing Requirements. Telephone Richmond Hill or call â€" and we’ll qi Look At That Labe|,; Please SUNDAY EVENING MUSICALE AT WILLOW THEATRE and we’ll give 1C6. POSTER YEREX ELECTRIC “We Supply The Music You Enjoy†You’re Breaking My Heart A Room Full of Roses Someday That Lucky Old Sun Some Enchanted Evening Maybe It’s Because Jealous Heart Let’s Take An Old-Fashioned Walk The Hucklebuck ‘ Twenty-four Hours of Sunshine Hop Scotch Polka Wedding of Lili Marlené (Just One Way To Say) I Love ' You Fiddle-Dee-Dee Richmond Hill Phone 242 RECORD CENTRE TOP POPULAR TUNES Announces that he has been ap- pointed representative of the NORWICH UNION- INSURANCE ASSOCIATION, specializing in FirerAccident, Auto and Liability Insurance. Sale at 1.3C p.m. sharp Terms cash, ‘nO‘ reserve, as proprietor is quitting the milk business. Auctioneer Markham P.O., phone Mark. 208 Millikan P.O., phone Agincourt 52W3 Straw Approx. 200 bushelf of Oats Approx. 300 bushes of Mixed Grain 8 Acres of Standing Corn and Sayer Grass mixed, if not sold before sale. Hay Quantity of Straw 1 Stack of Last Year’s Wheat 1 DeLaval Magnetic Milking Ma- chine, complete with 3 units, piping and outlets for 31 cows 1 Electric Cooler, 8 can size 1 M-H Pacemaker Tractor on steel 1 Electric Motor, 1 hp. 1 Electric Motor, 1,5 h.p. HAY, STRAW &‘GRAIN Approx. 50 tons of Good Mixed 1949 Above cows 33. Holstein 38. 39. 4‘0. 41. 19, 1949 34. Holstein 22, 1949 35. Holstein 1949 , 36. Holstein 1949’ r 37. Holstein driver Hackney Gelding, thoroughbred, 2 yrs. old, suitable for good light jumper ' 1 Roan Pony Filly, 2 yrs. 1 Real Good Hackney Fillyi l‘yr. 1 Real JGood Half-bred Filly, 1 yr. MACHINERY Clydesdale Mare, 8 yrs. old Clydesdale Mare, 5 yrs. old VAbove is a real good team. General Purpose Mare, 7 yrs. Hackney Mare, good rider and 24. Holstein Cow, full flow, bred August 13, 1949 _25. Brown and White Cow, bred June 1, 1949 26. Holstein Cow, bred May 26, 1949 ‘ 27. Holstein and Jersey Cow, bred June 7, 1949 28. Black and White Cow, bred May 22, 1949 29. Holstein Cow, bred Aug. 27, 1949 \ x 30. Holstein -Cow, bred June 3, 1949 .7 v 31. Holstein Cow, bred July 29, 1949 _ 32. Holstein Cow, bred March 13, 11. Texal Rag Apple Sylvia, born July. 10, 1948 12. Dixie Texal Pickwick, born Jan. 12, 1948 13. Patsy Lonelm Pietje, born Nov. 28, 1947 14. Lonelm Inka Lass, born Nov. 8, 1948 15. Lonelm Russola, born July 26, 1948 16, Texal Pluto Countess, born March 12, 1948 17. Texal Rag Apple Dixie, born MaICh 10, 1949 . 18'. Lonelm Rag Apple Sylvia, born June 9,1949 19. Lonélm Dolly, born June 10, 1949 . ' 20. Lonelm Inks. Emily, born Dec. '29, 1948 21. Korndyke Rag, Apple Bessie, born Dec. 6, 1948 22. Rag Apple Pietje Sylvia, born May 9, 1949 23. Countess Texal Korndyke, born April 2, 1949 KEN & CLARKE PRENTICE, 8. Countess Rag Apple Korn-dyke Pluto No. 619274, born July 6, 1944, bred May 10, 1949 9. Rag Apple Inka Lass Emily, No. 619273, born June 3, 1944, bredApril 23, 1949 10. Dixie Rag Apple Pietje, No. 520112, born Dec. 9, 1941 bred Sept. 9, 1949 Above cattle are all milking good. On Aurora £2 Schomberg Hgy. The property of WM. BLUM SATURDAY, OCTOBER 15 REGISTERED HOLSTEIN CATTLE 1. Bessie Rag- Apple Korndyke, No. 637128, born Feb. 11, 1945, bred July 25, 1949 2. Rag Apple Pietje Sylvia. Girl, No. 619271, born June 28, 1944, bred June 13, 1949 8. Dolly Pietje Rag Apple, No. 519313, born Jan. 4, 1942, bred Sept. 12, 1949 4. Rag- Apple Pietje Sylvia. Korn- .dyke No. 619276, born July 17, 1944, bred July 17, 1949 5. Willow Grove Rag; Apple Piet- je, No. 730860, born Feb. 17, 1945, bred April 20, 1949 6. Inka Lass Josephine No. 619- 272, born July 27, 1943, bred Feb. 15, 1949 7. Patricia Rag. Apple Pluto, No. 470171, born Sept. 16, 1938, bred Sept. 1, 1949 old Brooke St., Thornhill Phone Thornhill 199.1 REGISTERED AND GRADE HOLSTEIN CATTLE HORSES AND TRACTOR LOT 22, CON. 3,'KING TWP. A. O. THORNE Holstein Holstein Holstein Holstein AUCTION SALE REGISTERED HOLSTEIN HEIFERS ; GRADE CATTLE IMPORTANT HORSES Heifer, 16 months old Heifer, 15 mos. old Heifer, 12 mos. 01d Heifer, 6 mos. 01d Heifer, bred Mail} 29, are all milking good. Heifer, bred March Heifer, bred April 7, Heifer, bred April Heifer, ' 18 months Stocks of butter on hand in On- tario on August 1, 1949, amounted to 13,842,000 pounds as against 10,885,000 in 1948. Cheddar cheese on hand on August 1, 1949, total- led 14,906,000 as compared with 23,817,000 pounds a year ago on the same date. In the City of Toronto stocks of butter on hand on August 1 were 8,774,000 pounds compared with 4,200,000 pounds on the same day last year. Ched- dar cheese in the city on August 1, 1949, totalled 1,877,000 pounds as against 6,368,000 pounds a year ago on the same date. Manufacturing plants made 22,- 114,500 gpumï¬ of condensed, ev- apqrated and powdered milk pro- duc‘ts in June this year as com- pared with 28,564,400 pounds in June of 1948. This is a drop of 22.8 per cent. An increase in fluid milk sales by commercial dairies of 3.3 per dent for June, is reported. Figures for July are not yet available"; Whole milk used for production of creamery (butter and Cheddar cheese durinnguly is estimated at 335,520,500 pounds or seven per cent less than July 1948. There was a littlesover two per cent in- crease in 'donsumption of milk for this purpose during the ï¬rst seven months of 1949. Cheddar cheese production dur- ing July showed little change from last year. It totalled 12,- 242,200 pounds as compared with 12,248,100 2. year ago. In the monthly dairy report for_ August, ï¬gures show that produc- tion of creamery butter for July 1949 was 8,499,400 pounds as com- pared with 9,573,800 pounds in the same month of 1948. Cumulative production of creamery butter, up to the end of July, trotals 44,854,- 300 pounds was again‘st 45,344,900 pounds in the corresponding seven months of 1948. Creamery butter production in Ontario was approximately 11.2 per cent lower in July than in the corresponding- month a year ago, the Statistics 'Branch, Ontario De- partment of Agriculture reports. Butter Production Down 11 Per Cent Graded seed, however, can be relied on to produce good crops. Prices approved by the Seed M-ar- keting' Committee, Ontario Crop Improvement Association this year are: Eall‘wheat â€" Commercial No. 1, all approved varieties, $2.25 per bushel; registered No. 1, Daw- son’s Golden Chaï¬â€˜, $2.75 per bus. Due to late frosts last spring, followed by extreme drought, some fall wheat is small and shrunken. Such inferior seed should be discarded. Rye â€"- Commercial No: 1 with premium for registered grades and Horton variety, $2 per bushel. “Under no circumstances should imported fall wheat seed be used principally because of danger of infection from dwarf bunt smut," the department expert said. “Imâ€" ported seed is not likely to meet high speciï¬cations of Canadian standards." “Large lump, \uniform, disease- free see: should be used on well- drained land which is in gbod tilth and high in fertility. “Past experiences have shown time and again that it pays to use only the best seed,†an official of the Crops Branch pointed out. Department of Agriculture of- ï¬cials point out with a need for more home-grown feed grains and rather favorable price prospects for fall wheat as a cash crop, a record number of acres may be seeded this year. It is pointed out that seeding this fall will be of great assistance in easing,off the rush next spring. With 1949 harvest completed earlier than most years, plenty of time is available for preparation of land for such crops as fall wheat and rye. See Large Acreage ' Sown To Fall Wheat Richvale 'As distributors for the famous Hillman cars and Commer trucks, we are prepared to offer all English car owners fast and thorough service on your car. A full stock of Lucas electrical equipment used on all English cars available for your convenience" 14 NOTICE TO Baker’s Sales 8 Service English Car OWners SHELL COURTEOUS SERVICE DRIVE IN TODAY. DAVID McLEAN SELLS REAL ESTATE THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, Oct. 6, 1949 FLOYD R. PERKINS Telephone 21W 1 HNNNH.HHHHHHHNNNH Used Massey-Harris 101 Super New Engine sted W4 Tractor, new rubber, lights and starter 3-furrow McCormick Deering Tractor Plows 2-furrow McCormick Deering Tractor Plows‘ Used McCormick Deering Harrow Plows 15-Marker Tractor Fertilizer Drill, new 13-Marker Drill, McCormick Deering_ new Used 13-Marker Drill, McCormick Deering Used 13-Marker Drill, Massey-Harris McCormick Deering Horse Draw Corn Binder, new Used McCormickâ€"Deering Corn Binder 50-T Pick-up Baler_ new McCormick Deering Fertilizer Sower Mount Vernon Fertilizer Sowers McCormick Deering 81/), ft. Tractor Cultivators Horse Drawn Manure Spreaders McCormick Deering Tractor Manure Spreader We cut down steel wheel tractors, wagons, manure Spreaders, seed drills, etc. Drop in and see us and we will gladly give you a price on the job. J. CARL SAIGEON AGENCY STEEL â€" ALUMINUM â€" WOOD PARK VENETIAN BLINDS PHONES: Thomhill 195123, Toron'to HU.’ 1620 All insurance matters will receive the usual prompt attention and service. Phone Richmond Hill 358-r-13 FOR SALE MAPLE, ONTARIO ERNIE BROCK Telephone Maple 11 “CUSTOM-MADE†Free Estimates Richmond Hill i