Wednesday & Thursday,. October 19 & 20 Telephone Richmond Hill 500 1'11"" Shows Daily at 7 and 9 pm. Doors open at 6.30 pm. Saturday: Matinee at 2' pm. hr. Richmond TOMENSUN, SAUNDERS, SMITH 8: GARFAT LIMITED 12 Wellington St. E., Toronto, Ont. Phone AD. 0467 Our service to you combines expert advice on your insurance problems withla complete engineering service. District Representative Monday & Tuesday, October 17 & 187 YDU'EL EUREVER REMEMBER E 18 Elizabeth _St., Richmond Hill, Ont. Telephone 25R Your Friday & Saturday â€"â€" October 14 & 15 Friday & Sgturday, October 21 & 22 nun lhollml by Kathleen Winsnr 313?; "iaiéii'ï¬g'e “w ., a: ; 413:“ '5 ii? bTï¬'e'YeSr‘i" INQURANCE ALWAYS NEWS AND A CARTOON HERBERT R. BUTT Thursday, October 14th PM“ by DIIIM Dun - Mull Imm- lluml As a lover, he's a laugh...ln the laughingest hit of the year! M3â€! FUREI’ER AMBER! Doors open at 1.30 pm is our business DALEY VIRGINIA CASS EDDIE 09. Richmond Hill Telephone 5-J WWW 0990 Funeral Designs â€" Wedding Bouquets Our Specialty Mixed Bouquets City and Suburban Delivery Flowers Wired anywhere in Canada and U.S.A- Phone Richmond Hill 3441-2 3 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQ090000OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOO00 102 Yonge Street, Richmond Hill Open 8 a.m. to Midnight Closed from 1.30 pm. Tuesdays Sandwiches â€" Light Lunches - Sundaes BETTLES COFFEE SHOP Local Breeders Score Top Honours The Reserve Grand Champion female was Doneddy Northern Barbara, exhibited by Jack Fraser of Concord, while the Reserve Grand Champion ‘bull, Brooknill Romulus Onward, was exhibited\)y W. B, Hanna of Kleinburg. Junior Champion male and Jun- ior Champion female awards went to C. W. F. Burns, Ki'ngï¬eld Farms, King, and Jack Fraser of Concord also captured the Reserve York Cou'nty was well repre- sented by local breeders at; the Ontario Guernsey Championship show held at Simcoe last Friday. To Honour Service Men The full name of the venture is the Thornhill Community and Memorial Centre. The memorial aspect will be indicated by tablets Final cost of the swimming pool unit will be $83,000., officers of the club say, but mest of the mon- ey is already in hand. While the Lie 5 only started fundâ€"gathering in Kpril they have already raised an additional $35,000. Much of it came from local citizens, six hundreld of whom rolled in a con} siderable amount. A street dance, the rafflin‘g of a car at the Can- adian National Exhibition, also brought in a large sum. Progress toward that end is be- ing made as the ï¬rst unit of the ambitious plan â€"â€" the swimming pool â€" nears completion. Before the project reaches ï¬nality a bowling green, athletic ï¬eld, ten- nis court and arena will have been added, all being built on the ten acres of village property which has been allotted to the centre. It had its origin when Gordon Leitch offered to donate $30,000. if the local Lions Club would un- dertake to handle the venture. Other citizensTGeorge McCullough and C. L. Burton, joined with him and, in consequence, the Lions had $40,000. in hand when they 'agreed to take 0n the job. / ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING RADIO & ELECTRICAL REPAIRS FARM WIRING A community centre second to none in the Dominion is the goal of members of the Lions Club, Thornhill, and other citizens. Initial Unit 0f Community Centre At Thornhill Nearing Completion Combines Pleasure And Protection BY ORDER OF MARKHAM TOWNSHIP COUNCIL The Plaée To Go After The Show . O. Judd, Prop. Phone King 33r22 P. 0. Box 95, KING, ONTARIO J. 8 E. ELECTRIC Will Be Open to Residentshof Markham Township; FROM OCTOBER 45m OCTOBERn J / ,.‘ ,oxmu 1'. N0 inflammable, vegetable or animal matter to be},- dumped. JACKS FOR RENT RICHMOND HILL â€" HARDWARE Phone 426 HEADFORD DUMP RICHVALE FLORIST In addition to that‘ he sold a pair of his prizewinning Wyan- dottes to an Oshawa man at the Markham event. Those birds took a ï¬rst and a 2nd at Woodbridge. Father and daughter had a total of twenty-one birds entered in the two fairs and captured altogether fourteen prizes. .But “Daddy†didn’t do so badly, either. He won ï¬ve seconds and two thirds at Markham and, at Woodbridge, captured three 'sec- onds and one third with his Wyar'i- dotte and Buff Orping\ton birds. Young Carol, who looks after the birds with the exception of cleaning out their pens, captured a ï¬rst: and a second at Markham and took a ï¬rst at Woodbridge. Elgin Fanciers Dad & Daughter Capture Prizes “I beat Daddy again,†said three-year-old Carol Smith of Elgin Mills, when she spotted the tags which said “First Prize†on the bantams which were entered in her name at Markham and Woodbridge Fail Fairs. Junior Champion These winners represented high other classes. The main swimming pool is‘tn be 100 feet long, b0 feet wide, and ten feet deep at the diving end. A Low maintenance cost after compl’etion has Been one the goals of the committees in c arge of the work .md for that reason additional money has been spent during construction ‘in order to lessen operating costs later. The swimming pool will be completed shortly and, while it will not be in use as such until next spring, will serv§\ a useful purpose during the coming win- ter. It will contain a reserve of 150,000 gallons of water during the winter months to be used as a reservoir in case of ï¬re. This feature of the pool raised the cost of the project by some $4,500., but wï¬ carried out to provide a summer and winter ï¬re protective measure. There is a likelihood of a system of hydrants being in- stalled throughout the village. in order to give the maximum pro- tection against ï¬re. Stress Low Maintenance Working with the township of Vaughan, which has co-operated to the fullest extent since the out- set, a Township Recreational Committee was formed and the Lions Club has workediclosely with this committee. at the entrance to the swimming pool. donated by the Women’s In- stitute, honouring the men and women who served in the two world wars. female award. also weré well on the lists in Robinson (N), Orr (RH). 440 Relay. 50 110 sec.: Aurora, Richmond Hill and Newmarket tied. Juvenile Boys (RH) (A), Ball (N), Orr (RH). Discus, 107’ 10%": Trivett (N), Harrison (A), Daries (A). 880 Yd., 2 min ing (A), Harrism Standing Broad Jump, 8’ 10%" Wray (A), Ball (N), Millen (RH) (N) Running Broad Jump, 17’ 1%â€: Richards (A), Wray (A), West (N). Shot Put, 39’: Easterbrook (A) VanDyke (RH), Cotton (N). Hop, Skip and Jump, 38’ 2â€: Wray (A), Marstow (A), Robin- son (N). / Half Mile Relay, 1 min., 45.7 sec.: Aurora, Richmond Hill, New- market. Junior Boys (RH) 220 Yd., 25.4 sec.: Ross (A), Hooper (RH), Rank (A). High Jump, 4’ 91/4â€: Marston (A), Easterbrook (A), VanDyke 100 yd., 11 sec.: Ross (A), Mc- Donald (N), Rice (RH). (A). 880 Yd., 2 min. 17 sec.: Mur- chison~(RH), Johnson (RH), Mc- Qualjrie (A). Pole Vault, 8’ 7%.â€, Van Nos- trand (A), Johnson (RM), Bur- bridge (RH). Discus, 117' 2": Tobias (1 Burbridge (RH), McRae (A) Mile, 5 min. 28 sec.: Murchison (RH), Johnson (RH), McQuarrie -.Running Broad Jump, 17’ 11â€: McRae (N), Waterhouse (N), Hugo (N). Standing Broad Jump, 8" 11â€: Anderson (N), Crysdale (A), Lin- ton (A). c New Events The following marks were set in new events: Juvenile Boys Shot Put, L. Grainger, Richmond Hill, 35’ 11%â€. Standing Broad Jump, R. Geddes of Aurora, 8’ 21/2â€. 300 Yd. Relay, Newmar- ket 39.3 sec. Senior Girls Shut- tle Relay, Richmond Hill, 58 sec. Junior Girls, Baseball Throw, L. Wright, Richmond Hill, 173’ 9". Hop, skip and jump: Lintow (A), McRae (A), Hugo (N). High Jump, 5’ 21/4â€: Wynn (RH), Brice (N) ,Melbourne (A). Shot Put, 34’ 41/2â€: Crysd'ale (A), Teetzel (RH), Latimer (RH). VOC Senior Boys The detailed list- of winners fol- lows: Aurora scored high points for the day with 192. Richmond Hill was second with 118 points and Newmarket third with 113. Aur- ora also took away four of the ï¬ve championships, Newmarket cap turing the remaining one. In the juvenile boys group L. Grain-get of Richmond Hill creat- ed a 4’ 71/2†record in the high jump, with R. Geddes of Aurora making a 16’ 10†mark in the run- ning broad jump. Aurora lads scored heavily in the record-breaking section among junior boys, B. Wray making a standing broad jump of 8’ 10%â€. J. Loblaw did the hundred yards in 10 45 seconds and an Aurora team also won the 440 yard relay race with a record time of 50 and 115 seconds. B. Murchison of Richmond Hill set up a new mark in the senior boys 880 yard event with a time of 2 min., 17 se'c'. Aurora High School Athletes Tops At" Inter-School Tourney Two Local Boys Break Records Several records were broken when students of Aurora, Rich- mond Hill and Newmarket High Schools met in the North York In- terschool Track and Field Meet. Qualiï¬ed life guards and in- structors will be on duty and‘the aim of the sponsors is to train local young people, through the co-operation of the Canadian Red Cross Society, in such a way that there will be a continually increas- ing‘ number of instructors avail- able. 100 Yd., 10 45 sec.: Loblaw (A) nckhart (N), Geer (A). wading pool 50 feet long and 30 feet wide, with a depth from one foot to two and a half feet, is also being installed. Both are fed by spring water from a new well on the property and will be puriï¬ed continually by modern ï¬ltration and chlorination methods. A mod- ern bath house with dressing rooms, showers. toilets and check- ing' facilities forms part of the unit. Much Done By Few The Lions Club of Thornhill, which has been handling the pro- ject, is not a large institution. It has only ï¬fty-ï¬ve members but, so great has been local co-operation, this'comparatively small group has been able to accomplish what has been done up to the present time, plus carrying- on other club activities. Thomas Jackson, ’who Pole Vault, 8’ gh Jump ies (A), Dick :65 sec.: Harrison (A) son 37 sec.: Morn- (A), Lockhart Tobias (RH), Grainger Harrison Shuttle Relay: Richmond Hill, Aurora, Newmarket. 50 Yd. Dash, 7 sec.: Stephenson (RH), Epurrth (N), Rogers (N). Basketball Speed: Aurora, New- market, Richmond Hill. 300 Yd. Relay, 41 1|5 sec.: New- market, Aurora, Richmond Hill. Baseball Throw, 173’ 9": Wright (RH), Brown (A), Rogers (N). High Jump, 4’ 5â€: Morning (A) Stephenson (RH), Burns (RH). Standing Broad Jump,‘ 7’ 5â€: Morning (A), Epurrth (N), Ste- phenson (RH). (RH) Shuttle Relay, 58 sec.: Richmond Hill, Newmarket, Aurora. Junior Girls 75 Yd- Dash, 93/4. sec.: Morning (91)) Epm‘rth (N), Stephenson Baseball Throw, 171’ 11": Mash- inter (RH), Crove (N), Thompson (N). . Basketball Speed: Aurora, Aur- ora, Richmond Hill. Basketball Shoot: Widdiï¬eld (N), Sundquist. (RH), Mihorean (RH). 100 Yd. Dash, 13% sec.: Mac- Inhis (N), Shelestowsky (N), Or- chard (A). High Jump, 4’ ‘54â€: Taylor (N), Boulding (A), Tobias (RH). ' Standing Broad Jump, 7’ 51/4†Boulding (A), Boynton (RH), Mc‘ Innis (N). 330 Yd. Relay: b Aurora, Richmond Hill. 75 Yd., 9.4 sec.: Geddes (A), Dick (N), Grainger (RH). 300 Yd. Relay, 39.3 sec.: New- market, Richmond Hill, Aurora. Senior Girls Basket Shot: Taylor (N), Chris- tenson (RH), Flood (RH). 75 Yd. Dash, 10 15 sec.: Calder (A), MacInnis (N), Dunn (N). is now chairman of the Recrea- tional Committee, was president of the Lions at the inception of the project and C. F. Sowdon is now president. When the swimming pool is completed the surrounding area will be landscaped by the local Horticultural Society. Standing Broad Jump, 8’ 21/2†Geddes (A), Grainger (RH) Woods (A). Running Broad Jump, 16’ 10â€: Geddes (A), Dick (N), Forham (N). 75 (RH), Etheridge (A), Worsdvale (RH). (UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT) The Age of Specialists is Here it Let Us be Your Car Specialists After challenging On- tario in a recent issue to produce a. mangel bigger than the 24 lb. 6 oz. mon- ster grown by Al Rice at Endean Nurseries â€" a challenge which was broad- cast by Radio Station CBL in a recent Sunday morning “Neighbourly News†pro- gram â€"- a contender has come from our own district. Mr. Baker’s entry weighs 27 lbs. 9 oz. â€"- three pounds and three ounces heavier than the Endean-Rice en- try. Now it’s up to somebody to beat the Baker entry if possible. Let’s keep the championship in the Rich- mond Hill district. To A. Baker, R. R. 2, Maple, goes the champion- ‘ship for “Mangel of the Year." Shot Put, 35’ 11%â€: Grainger IN TROUBLE - PHONE minimum. 81 ERNEST KETOLA A lifetime of experience. Accurate “trouble-shooting†Modern methods Parts from our stockroom will save you time We have outlawed guess- work and can save you time Cheerful, courteous service THORNHILL GARAGE Granddaddy 0f ’Em All Relay: Newmarket, THE LIBERAL‘, Richmond Hill, Thursday, Oct. 13 How does a HILLMA on the hills? Richvale, Ont. fl a) ROOTES MOTORS lIMITED: 170 Buy Shut, Toronto . . . Monhml Alipor', Dorvul '09-10 Roqou Bldg.. Gvunvillo 51., Vancouver Read what Mrs. Theodore Scarheau, of Cornwall, 0nt., wrote about her trip through the Allegheny Mountains J. CARL SAIGEON AGENC FEAYURES 18 ADVANCED REFINEMENTS FOUND 0N N0 OIHER BRITISH (AR IN ITS PRICE RAN ‘7 THE NEW LOW PRICE. [75.4 BETYER BUY THAN EVER! 'All insurance matters will receive the usual prompt attention and service. BAKER SALES & SERVICE Mr. George Meyer: Hillman dealer in Cornwall, Ont.. received the unsolicited testimonial reproduced above. He writes: "Mrs. Scan-beau is one of the 50 people who have purchased new Hillmans from us. Everybody reports good driving. comfort and mileage (up to 35 miles per gallon). Also lots of speed. pow-l Ind safety." ‘ "We are glad to be pan of the nationwide dealer grganizatibn selling and servicing these wonderful cars." . . and here’s what the dealer has to say! HILLMAN MINX MAPLE, ONTARIO E R N I E B R O C K Repairs to all makes of ca A “tune up†service that ge the most out of your engin O.M.L. road service, wit two tow trucks at your se vice twenty-four hours a da‘ Sunoco gas and oils Tires, batteries, accessories A. ROLLINSCN FIRST CLASS Painting & Decorali Paperhanging a Special Phone Telephone Maple 11 Richmond Hill 41 Phone Richmond Hill 3 273W- [Gill/MI MU ll