Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 13 Oct 1949, p. 4

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THE LADIES: Bone china and saucers, 3 sets open dinnerware, gifts. noVelties. 01's in knitting wool. Come look around, our prices are Durie’s Variety Store, 22A Yonge St, Richvale. WIN TULIP BULBS, mixed a 755 or write box 496,40 ;io St. West, Newmarket, 1 ' tfc32 \NY MEN, WOMEN! Gain 5 ner,‘ high speed elements, oven, warming closet, oven )1 find light, first class con- Apply Willowdale 948. D SILO, in good condition, oops. Apply J. H. Naughton, Mills, phone 127 Richmond c1w15 1' sale at elevators. I. D. ' & Son, Richmond Hill, 10. tfc9 ES, McIntosh and Delicious, uslity, well sprayed, whole- r retail. Apply Clifford r, Gormley. Phone Stouff- 1509. *4w14 AL BARGAIN for right par- 3 room rolled brick house, to wed ofl" property, insulated, key, stove, sink and wired. 1 Richmond Hill 470W. c1w15 . Elliott, Oak Avenue phone Richmond Hill colours, 3 dozen for $1.00 p. A limited number at this Also separate colours and this Raspberry plants (pm-- Apply N. J. Smellie, ‘Thorn- uhone 42.1. tfc14 M SIZE GURNEY heuLer, ed with Silent Glow oil bur- Phone 349W, 9 Markham ‘1w14 AL Junior Separator, in ondition. Apply phone 49122. *1w15 ORM SCALE, 2000 lbs. sh scale. Phone L. H. Cle- chmond Hill 176. *1rw15 PACE HEATER, good as hone 2391‘14, Richmond Hill. c2w15 ‘, aluminum or steel baked :1 finish any colour of tapes, sstimates and installations. ‘NTION: Soft wood slabs, cord; Hardwood slabs, $17. All wood is dry and clean. REGISTERED Jersey Heif- freshen in 3 weeks. One [ersey bull, both coming 8 with papers. Apply phone 24r12. c1w15 hand rails, fire dogs, fire .5 and acetylene welding. Ap- D'ROCK laying pullets, 6 old. Apply Willowdale c1w15 ‘ARRED ROCK PULLETS, to lay. Apply Samuel Win- Iaple R. R. 2, phone 62122, . *1w15 tRES, 6-room house with )om; barn 80 x 40 ft; with ‘n equipment. . Hydro ghout. Spring‘ possession. Bill McIntyre, 3 Main St. .arket. Phone 470W. *2w15 » results; new healthy flesh; ‘igor. New “get acquainted” rnly 60c. A11 druggists. BICYCLE, $16.00, in good n. Apply Billy Bunker, 49 ., Richmond Hill. tfc BRID PULLETS, 5 months 34 Pontiac Sedan. Harry King 2 114. c1w15 1’s Wood Sufiply, phone .ond Hill 441.}. mm lbs. New pep, too. Try 5 Ostrex Tonic Tablets for .11 King City, $3.50 to $6. nydro and water available'. F. J. Dew, R. R. 3, King Phone 87R. c3w13 RATES, first insertion, 2c per word, Min. charge .. 35c Second and subsequent insertions if wording unchanged; 2c per word, min. charge 25c HARGED, 3c per word, min. charge, all insertions .. 50c BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of .. 25c S 0F THANKS; IN MEMORIAM, BIRTHS, THSr, ENGAGEMENTS, MARfiIAGES, per insertion $1.00 ified advertisements should be in as early in the week as ble but not later than noon on Wednesdays. }FOR SALE MENTAL PORCH RAILS, ‘RAL ELECTRIC RANGE EAL ESTATE, phone Fenn, 111 168. tfc46 ZEN “’R-ANGE, coal and 'oller‘gravtes, good condition. Maple 65r4. c1w15 ) WHEAT STRAW. Apply Heise, Victoria Square 61' Stoufiville 66112. *1w15 'IME all metal Venetian WHEAT, Cornell 595 vag- or American Portland Ce- pply Richmond Hill 391W. ’1w15 rupri-ght Mason Risch, ov- Phone 101 Richmond *2w15, LIBERAL, Richmond Hillt Thursday, Oct. 13, 1949 LASSlFIED FOR SALE and WANT ADS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES nick Classified Ad. Sgryi Rich- 1r5. tfc35 tfc14 1w15 QUEBEC Cook Stove. Apply Richmond Hill 307W. ‘lwlfi ANGLE IRON, ‘76 inch galvanized pipe, chicken wire, enamel sink 16 x 24. ‘ *1w15 DOUBLE BEDS, springs and mat- tress, rugs, chairs, odds and ends, just moved. Maple 49r21. *1w15 DAVENO-BED, very good condi‘ tion, cost $125 sell for $50 Thorn- hill 2781‘22. c1w15 517113170, ROOM SUITE, oak, 8- piece, good condition. Phone 3571‘21 Richmond Hill. c1w15 ICE BOX, all metal, white enamel, excellent condition, 75 lb. capacity. Phone 333M Richmond Hill. c1w15 KELVINATOR soft drink cooler, excellent condition, $175.00. Brad- shaw Motors, phone Richmond Hill 488. 15th each delivered, all sizes. Apply Gormley Block Co., Gormley, or phone Stoufiville 381W1. c2w41 ELP'IECE Breakfast Suite, white and red trim, like new, not one year old. Apply Maple 66r15. CULL CEMENT BLOCKS, 16c zo’Rocx SUSSEX pullets, hatch- ed March 1949; laying. E. Need- ham, con. 5, 1 mile north Edgeley, phone Maple 79r11. *1w15 45 BARRED ROCK PULLETS, ready to lay, $2 each. Apply Jos- eph Boran, Concord, phone Maple 70r4. c1w15 35 NEW HAMPSHIRE x Barred Rock pullets 3% months old. 2 SPRINGER SPANIELS, 6 mos. HEAVY DUTY 37$ h.p. electric motor, in new condition. Phone Richmond Hill 326J evenings" Phone Richmond Hill 3721‘22 old, females, pure bred, not regis- tered, cheap. Phone Richmond Hill 2261‘3. ‘1w15 GIRLS BICYCLE, good as new. Will sell cheap if sold this week. 2nd house around bend on May Ave., south side. c1w15 1 ARMY BUNK BED with mat- tres; 1 roll of rock face:roofing, red; 2 rolls Rolled Brick, red. Phone 511J Richmond Hill. ‘1w15 COOLERATOR, ice refrigerator; white enamel, 100 lb. capacity, like new. Apply Mrs. Richards, Elgin Mills. *2w15 CHESTERFIELD, slip covered, $75, chair to match $25; both ex~ cellent condition; 200 ft. snow fence. Phone 283r4 Richmond Hill. c1w15 BABY CARRIAGE, dark maroon, chrome trimmed, plastic lining, like new, 4 mos. old, used only a few times, reasonable. Apply Mrs. Williams Thornhill 135r4. c1w15 APPLES, fresh fallen Wealthy and McIntosh, $1.25 bushel, hand picked $2.00 per bushel, Wm. Van- derbent, 37$ mile south No. 7 Hgy. on 3rd con., Markham, phone Thomhill 190r21. tfc13 GIRL’S BICYCLE, in good condi- tion; also 6 piece kitchen suite, reasonable. Apply E. A. Rad- ford, first farm north of No. 7 Highway on third concession Markham or phone Unionville 30J3. c2w14 AT BARGAIN PRICES: Big B SOFTWOOD Slabs, $12.00; hard- wood slabs, $17.00; hard- wood limbs, $18.00; body hard- wood, fireplace log‘s $21.00 per cord. All wood clean, dry and cut to length. Taylor’s Sawmill, Rich- mond Hill phone 463, Aurora 84r32. tfc9 RANGE. coal and wood, large size, white enamel, nickel trim, replac- ed by electric. Apply 20 Rose- view Ave. Saturday or after 6.30 pm. c1w15 FOR REAL ESTATE, phone Fenn, Thornhill 168 RAINCOAT, boy's, black rubber, size 14; also wool mackinaw, lea- ther trim, size 12; youth‘s shower‘ proof coat, size 16; girl’s winter coat, blue, size 12,‘all in good con. dition. Phone 357r21 Richmond Hill. c1w15 Brand overalls, smocks, work pants; plaid shirts, work shirts, Penman’s work and dress socks. Durie’s Variety Store, Stop 22A Yonge St., Richvale. Open Tues- Fri., Sat. evenings until 9 pm. for your convenience. tfcl; QUEBEC HEATER, with auto- matic damper, perfect condition. Solid oak bedroom suite (double bed), reasonable; kitchen sink; settee; 2 beautiful inlaid chairs. Apply 1 Arnold St., Richmond Hill. Phone 273W. ‘1w15 BO] 25c 50c 35c 02w14 *1w15 *1w15 tfcll 50 YEARLING Leghorn hens; still laying. N. Brodie, Richmond Hill 471‘21. COLEMAN~LAMP, coal oil, with shade. Used only 25 hours, in good cbndition. Phone 146 Rich- mond Hill. SMALL OIL SPACE HEATER. Telephone Thornhill 289r3. ROOM, in Richmond Hill, for young busines man. Phone Rich- mond Hill 466W evenings. *1'w15 ALL KINDS of poultry wanted, best market prices, will call im- mediately upon request. A Magee, King, phone 35r14. *28w52 CARETAKER and handyman, cars and stoker furnaces, live in heat- ed apartment. Apply Box 449, Newmarket or phone 13. *lw'15 ESTIMATES for block laying, ap- proximately 2,500 blocks, 8” and 10”. Apply phone Richmond Hill 226x18. c1w15 desires clerical position. Minimum typing. With former employer eight years. Available immediate- ly, Box 40 Thornhill. c1w15 fiUNDRY WANTED to do at home, hand washed, reliable. Phone 309W Richmond Hill. TEACHER wants to rent,house, apartment or rooms, 6 months rent in advance. Apply Box ’75 Diberal. *1w15 g'E‘UDENT VETERAN'S WIFE or near Richmond Hill by teacher who will pay years’ rent in ad- vance. Apply Box 70, The Lib- eral. *1w15 HOUSE, apartment or rooms in RELIABLE honest girl for store and light housework, in good Prot- estant home, sleepin. Apply in person to Mrs. Roy Cooper, Tes-' ton, Ont. \ c2w14 OLD HORSES, $15.00. We will pay you $15.00 for your old horse at your farm. Campbell Mink, phone Agincourg 18J12 Collect. boy\ who is mechanically inclined to learn handling cf specialized machine. Apply Flex-O-Loc Pro- ducts, Yonge St., Richmond Hill. SEMI-RETIRED MACHINI ST or 2 years High School at Ontario Hospital, Langstafi‘. Phone Sup- erintendent Thornhill 300 during office hours for appointment. STENOGRAPHER with at least mond Hill to Queen’s Park, arriv- ing 8.30 am. leaving 4.30. both ways or, one way. Apply W. G. Brown, Richmond Hill phone 406R in the evenings. tfc TRANSPORTATION from Rich- REAL ESTATE WANTED â€" One or two‘acres on Yonge Street west side prefererd but not necessary, between Thornhill and Bond Lake. Must be level or easily levelled. Write to Box 103, The Liberal, giving location and price. tfp COULD BE that I’d buy an acre or more of good land, Yonge St. frontage, near Richmond Hill. 0r I’d accept moderate term lease, wiht option to purchase. But I’m not interested in being “gouged” on.speculative proposition. If you have decent offer write Box 49, The Liberal. tfp condition, good tires, low mileage. Phone 324W Richmond Hill. *4w12 1940 DODGE COUPE, good con- dition. Apply 7 Benson Ave. 1938 PLYMOUTH COACH, good 1933 PONTIAC COACH, recon- ditioned motor, new battery. spark plugs, etc. Bargain. Apply 40 Richmond St. phone 4511'. *1w15 good condition $950. Phone Map. 1e 28113. tfc14 CARS & TRUCKS 1935 FORD COACH, in good con- dition, radio, heater. Apply Aubrey Max-wood, phone Maple 67r23. *2w14 1947 CHEV. SEDAN, grey, small mileage, defroster, radio, one own- er, reasonable. Phone King 661'. c1w15 night north Yonge St., Richmond Hill phone 197M. c1w15 A POLICE-COLLIE DOG. black and tan, vicinity of Maple, on Thursday. Phone Maple 65r4 collect. c1w15 MAN’S WRIST WATCH, on Wil- cox side road. Owner may have same by proving property. Ap- ply P. R. Barley, Gormley R. R. 1. . *1w15 GRAY PERSIAN CAT, Saturday 1941 FORD STATION WAGON, 1933 PONTIAC COACH, WANTED FOUND LOST ‘2w15 *1w15 c1w14 c1w15 tch TRY RUSS for sand, loam and gravel or general haulage. Phone Richmond Hill 127W. c3w14 SAND AND GRAVEL, crushed stone, loam and fill. E. Charity, Richmond Hill; phone 372r5. tfc42 CUSTOM PLOUGHING, discing, cultivating, tilling. W. H. Gooder- ham, 39 Elmhurst Ave., Lansing, phone Willowdale 25u8. *13w7 A. O. THORNE, specializing in Fire, Accident, Auto and Liability Insurance. Brooke St. ThornhiH, phone Thornhill 199J. tfé14 PLASTERING, first class work- manship. Will give estimates. Adam Pohl, Elgin Mills, phone Richmond Hill 346r21. *25w41 Phong Richmond Hill 9 TRYiRUSS for sand, loam and gravel or general haulage. Phone Richmond Hill 427W. c3w14 CUSTOM AND GARDEN Plow- ing with Ford. tractor, satisfactory for small garden let's. Harry Burns, King 2114. . clwlfi TRANSPORTATION available, leave Langstafl" 7.50 a.m., via No. 7 to Weston, pass De Haviland plant, returning 5 pm. Phone Richmond Hill 163W. *1w15 ROOM, unfurnished, single busin- ess girl preferred, vicinity Stop 13 oYong‘e St, Richmond Hill. ALL KINDS FURNITURE re- pairs, upholstering, cabinet work, wood carving. Estimates given. IF YOUR WATER SUPPLY is short, phone us 1mmediately. We also haul sand, gravel, loam and fill. For quick, dependable service, phone! Orval Jones, Thornhill 217r21. tfc7 MISCELLANEOUS N. S. Vanfiyke, 33 Hunt Ave., Richmond Hill. . tfc TRY RUSS for sand, loam and gravel or general haulage. Phone Richmond Hill 427W. c3w14 Formerly of Gerrard Heintzman Worlg Guaranteed, Free Estimates Phone Liberal Oifice Tel. 9, Richmond Hill IIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIHII LITTLE BROTHERS Ford & Monarch Sales & Service PHONE 174, RICHMOND HILL Class A Mechanic, ex- perienced on G.M.C. cars and trucks. Bradshaw Motors 144 Yonge St., Richmond Hill, phone 488 Grading, sodding found- ation and shrub border plantings, flagstone work and retaining vyalls. First class top soil, well rotted manure, delivered. Complete Landscape Service RELIABLE USED CARS PIANO TUNING and Repairing C. L. ,Knappett $195.00 1935 CHEVROLET COACH Phone Richmond Hill 45r25 V 1937 Radio $1,195.00 1946 1 TON EXPRESS $1,225.00 1947 9’; TON PANEL $47 5.00 1936 DODGE SEDAN $195.00 1935 FORD TUDOR TO RENT WANTED . Hoifman‘ $595.00 DODGE COACH Heater, very nice. A collision in the fog at; Benson and Yonge on Monday, October 10, caused damage to car: driven by Herbert Phelps of Richmond Hill and Rev. W. H. Moore of Centre Street West, Richmond Hill. The accident, which was investigated by P. C. Frank Moore, caused about $100. damage to the two cars. Collision In Fog Damages Two Cars Starting this Friday, October 14, St. Mary’s Catholic Church euchre pa. ties will be held every Friday ni ht at St. Mary’s Cath- olic Church. Convenor this week â€"- Mrs. Joseph O’Neill. On Friday evening; October 14, at 8.15 pm. the “Liniment Leap” will be held in the High School gymnasium. The dance is under the sponsorship of the Richmond Hill High School Athletic Society. It is an inter-school dance held for the purpose of paying for the Track and Field Meet. Eaton’s Band Box will be supplying the music. Admission is 25c. Every- one welcome. The annual meeting of the Richmond Hill Curling Club will be held Tuesday, October 18, at 8 pm. sharp at the club room. We urgently request all members to attend. The reulglar meeting of the Ev- ening Auxiliary of the United Church will be held at the home of Miss Marion Ramer, Roseview Ave., on Thursday, October 18. Mr. John Masie of India will be the speaker. Thankofi’ering. Evâ€" eryone welcome. Theme will be a euchre on Wed- nesday, October 19, under the auspices of the Canadian Legion Women’s Auxiliary 375, at the home of Mrs. Bill Adams Sin, Yongehu‘rst Rd., Stop 24, Yonge St., at 8.15 pm... Good prizes. Admission 35c. Everybody wel- come. ” Dr. Willinsky Travelogue “Med- iterranean Cruise” will be spon- sored by the evening group of the WA. of the Richmond Hill United Church, Wednesday, November 2, 8 pm. Tickets 50c and 35c. Rates for insertions in this column are 10c per line of type, with a minimum charge of 50c per inSertion. SAT., OCT. 15 â€" Auction sale of 42 head of registered and grade Holstein cattle, horses, milking machine, milk cooler, Massey- Harris Pacemaker tractor, pigs, hay, grain, etc. Lot 22, con. 3, King Twp. on Aurora and Schomi berg highway. Property of Wm. Blum. Sale at 1.30 pm. Terms cash. No reserve as proprietor is quitting the .milk business. Ken and Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. TUES., OCT. 18 â€" Auction Sale of Herd of Dairy Cattle, farm stock, implements, hay, grain, furniture, etc., on lot No. 22, con. 4, Scarboro Twp. Property of W. J. Lloyd. Sale at 2 p.m. sharp. Terms cash. No reserve, farm sold. Ken and Clarke Prentice, axctioneers. 2 miles south of Conc~rd. Preperty bf Tom Reid. Terms cash, no re- serve, farm sold. Sale at 1 pm. sharp. Ken and Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. SAT., OCT 22 __ Afiction Sale of household furnifure, etc. on lot 22, con 2, VaughanTwp. Property of Mrs. A. Savage. Sale at 2 pm. sharp. Terms cash, no reserve, farm sold. Ken and Clarke Pren- tice, auctioneers. . FRIDAY, OCT. 28 -â€" Auction Sale of fresh dairy cattle, calves by side, heifers, etc., on lot 9, con. 4, Markham Twp., south of No. 7 Highway, property of Jas. Mc- Quay. Terms cash no reserve as ill health causing sale, quitting milk business. Sale at 2 p.m. Ken and Clarke Prentice, auction- SAT., OCT. 22 â€" Auction Sale of Massey Harris Tractor, Farm Stock, Implements, Hay, Grain, etc. The p'roperty of Hunt Bros. Lot 20, rear of 3rd Concession, King Twp. Sale at 1 pm. Terms Cash. No reserve as farm is sold. F. N. Smith, auctioneer. eers SAT., OCT 29 â€" Auction Sale of Registered Holstein Cattle, M H Tractor, farm stock, implements, furniture, etc., on lot 24, Con. 3 North York Twp‘ on Dufl'Frin St., MON., OCT. 31 -â€" Auction sale of Registered Accredited Ayrshire Cattle, threshing machine, tractor, farm stock, implements, hay, grain: etc. on lot 32, con. 1 Vaughan Twp., on Yonge St., at Thornhill. Property of Wilfred Ball. Sale at 1 pm. Terms cash. No re- serve. Ken and Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. WED, NOVEMBER 2 -â€" Auction sale of farm stock, implements, furniture. etc., the property of J. W. St. Denis, Lot 27, Con. 2, Whitchurch, 1 mile south/ of New- market. Terms cash. Sale at 1 o’clock. F. N. Smith, auctioneer. SALE 7 REGISTER COMING EVENTS D. Chamney, Secretary c1w13 Correspondent: Mrs. W. Maginn Phone Maple 57r14 Thirty members and visitors of Edgeley Women’s Institute met at the home of Mrs. E. Phillips, Woodbridge, Thursday afternoon, October 6. The roll call was answered by donating something for the ba- zaar. ' The motto “The best way to kill time is to work it to death” was very ably given by Mrs. Bruce Keffer. After a lengthy busin- ess meeting Mrs. Frank Reeves gave a very interesting talk on the etiquette of flowers, arranging bouquets and a demonstration on making a corsage. After the closing of the meeting luncheon was served by hostess and com- mittee in charge. Free chest X-ray surveys will be conducted by the National San- atorium Association in 'Wood- bridge school, Tuesday, October 25 evening 6 to 9 and Wednesday, October 26 afternoon and evening 1 to 9. Edgeley W. A. Maple Wednesday, hear Mrs. McLeod guest speaker._ 7 The Edgeley'W. A. meeting will be postponed until a Jater date. The Edgeley Farm Forum will commence on October 31, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. RQland Kefier. The Fall Rally for York County Farm Forum will be held,in the Edgeley Hall Monday evening, October 24. Fisherville United Church cel- ebrated the ninety-fifth anniverary Sunday, October 9 and Elia United Church choir supplied music at the evening service. Mr. and Mrs. J. Snider of God- erich and daughter Miss K. Snider of Montreal and daughter and son in law, Mr: and Mrs. D. Whateley of Woodbridge visited with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Snider Sunday. Friends and neighborsyof Miss C. Puterbaug‘h who is confined to the Thornhill nursing home regret to learn of her illness and hope for a speedy recovery. Don’t forget the anniversary services of Edgeley United Church Sunday, October 16. Special music at both services. Rev. P. J. Lam- bert will preach. at the morning service at 11 a.m. and Rev. W. A. Hunnissett will be guest speaker at the evening service at 7.30 pm. PIPE CUT AND THREADED RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE EDGELEY in your bank book Phone 426 YOUR BANK BOOK is a fittle book . . . yet in it you .can just about trace the outlines of your life story. It pictures at a glance how much you’ve spent,. how much you have left. It’s one of your most personal, most private belongings. It gives you a full accounting, figured to the penny by your bank’s trained staff. Clear as' a hen! Multiply your bank book by seven million and you get some idea of the book-keeping job your Canadian chartered banks are doing. There are more, than seven million deposit accounts like yours . . . Your bank book is a limited editionâ€"one copy only. What is in it is known only to your bank and to you. NSORED BY are invited October 19, of Formosa “Your bank book is one of your most personal, \ most privaig belongings.” Doors Open'6.45 p: Show Starts 7.00 p. 'Mon. to Sat. You’ll_love everyone in it . . . and every moment of it! MYRNA LOY ROBERT MITCHUM Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday ANOTHER ROXY FIRST STARTS MONDAY! 4 RIOTOUS DAYS BAZAAR & BAKING SALE SATURDAY, October 15 111 Yonge Street (Old Butcher Shop) Fancy Work, Aprons, Baking of All Kinds. Under the auspices of the Women’s Auxiliary of Vaughan and Richmond Hill Veterans’ Association Friday, Saturday -â€" October 14, 715 MARKHAM October 17, 18, 19, 20 “THE REi) P'ONY" ADULT ENTERTAINMENT In Technicolor AT 2.30 PM. YOUR BANK Show Starts 7.00 p.m. ’Mon. to Sat. Matinee/ Sat at 2.00 pm. New Winter Policy

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