Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 20 Oct 1949, p. 6

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MWWMOWO”OOWW f Phone 148 i WNMOOMMONWMOOOOMO”“OO” Q’I‘HOMPSON 8 BROWNLEE iHouse Wiring General Maintenance Phone Maple 46r32 W0 ;. t. b! FRIDAY, OCTOBER let â€"â€" AT LA‘SKAY UNITED CHURCH l For All Year Enjoyment EASYâ€" THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, Oct. 20, 1949 ' OIL BURNING SPACE HEATERS STROMBERG-CARLSON -â€" 6 Elizabetli St. ANNUAL TURKEY SUPPER Sponsored by Women’s Missionary Society Supper served 5.00 pm. to 8.00 pm. Variety Musical Entertainment by Admission: Adults $1.25, Children 75 cents Deer Park United Church Choir, Toronto save as you go with Canada Savinqs / .. "4 V. ‘3' \2/‘E~:‘ NOW ON 52ng IN LASKAY W.I. HALL, AT 8 RM. RADIOS AND COMBINATIONS Supplled and Guaranteed Everyone wants to save but some never seem to get around to it. Buying Canada Savings Bonds through your Company's Payroll Savings Plan makes sav- ing easy but you can also buy them through your banks or investment dealers for cash or Like so many things in lifeâ€"you never know how easy it is until you give it a lry. Electrical Contractors WOODBRIDGE, ONTARIO by FERGU§QN Appliance Repairs Richmond Hill, Woodbridge 147 in instalments. Hundreds of thousands of Canadians in every walk of life are saving part of their income by the regular purchase of Canada Savings Bonds. These savings are always available in enlergeneics because you can cash Canada Savings Bonds at full face value. plus interest, at any time at any bank. Nine hundred pheasants were placed in King township late in the summer months and in Whit- church township 1000 birds have been distributed with a large number in Vaughan township. Pheasants appear to be fairly plentiful this fall, which, accord- ing to the Whitchurch Wild Life and Conservation Club, indicates fewer foxes. The fox cycle lasts for about eight years, the peak running out the eighth year. Open pheasant season starts November Foxes Given Chase On the farm of Mr. J. S. D. Tory, King sideroad west, Toron- to and North York Hunt Club held their week end hunt with more than 50 entering the field. Fences had been carefully panelled by Mr. Tory, Mr. BurtOn, Mr. Harris and others which facilitated the speed and safety of the chase. Mr. and Mrs. Tory were hosts to the large gathering afterward. The lovely pioneer stone house or- iginally built by the Willis fam- ily was the scene of hospitality for the club. Ideal weather and the beauty of the countryside gave added zest to the affair. King and Vaughan Plowmen Tannery Hill, the farm of Henry Borden, west of Kinghorn, on King Sideroad will see the an- nual match sponsored by King and Vaughan Plowmen’s Assoc. totall- ing one of the largest money pri- zes in the Province with an added class this year. Supper will be served in_ Laskay Church base- ment and awards presented in the Laskay W.I. hall. Chalmer Black of Kettleby is association presi« dent. Mrs. Diceman is a sister of Mrs. Ernest Cummins of King. Cath- arine Diceman, a daughter has made several past wins in horse plowing contests. With her chest- nut eam of horses. Catharine is a familiar figure at plowing matches throughout the province. This week, October 19, North York Plowing Match will be held on the farm .of Oliver Diceman, Queensville, a\ former resident of Vaughan township. KING DISTRICT NEWS CORRESPONDENT â€" MRS. LAURA E. ROLLING Telephone King 8 Building Growth King township building inspec- tor, Charles Ross, reports 63 new houses erected during the past year, and three commercial build- ings which does not include con- struction of garages or repair shops. The erection oi a new poul- try plant on the Marshall prem- ises, Kettleby, to augment the present set-up forms an outstand- ing commercial construction pro- ject. Expansion of the poultry industry here gives King town- ship one of its most thriving and extensive industries. First King Cubs of King district covered a wide area on October' 15 in their sale of apples on Boy Scout Apple Day, the annual ap- peal for funds toward Scout or~ ganization. Jack Hambly was in charge of appointments for can- vass. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Archibald and their young daughter, Carolyn, left on Monday for their home at Webb, Saskatchewan, after spend- ing a month or so with parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Archibald, a brother and sister of the King- Nobleton district. The engagement has been an- nounced of Ruth Hoover of Noble- ton by her parents Mr. and Mrs. Melville Hoover. to Lorne H. Sheardowne of Bolton. The mar- riage will be held in Nobleton Un- ited Church on November 5. Miss Hoover is employed as stenog- rapher in King township municipal office under clerk-treasurer, H. G. Rose. She served as a WREN during the last war. Rev. M. R. Jenkinson preached at the 97th anniversary service of Thornhill United Church on Sun‘ day. Several from King district at- tended Maple Presbyterian 120th anniversary services on Sunday and the hot turkey supper on Oc- tober 19 served by the congrega- tion. Branch 438, King Legion, will hold a benefit bingo in McDonald and Wells’ Hall, King, on Friday, October 21. “To help new citizens become Canadians is a vital opportunity" declared Miss Lillian Oliver of King, psychiatric social worker with the provincial department of health, speaking on “New Canaâ€" dians” to King Women’s Institute branch celebrating their 10th an- niversary of organization at Fam- ily Night held in the Masonic Hall, October 11. Master “Rickey” Bellmap of King, seriously hurt_ in a traffic accident recently is doing well and making satisfactory progress. New Canadians “The British immigrant, we un- derstand because he speaks our language and has our traditions. The Dutch immigrant comes to Canada with both possessions and money and is interested in buying land for agricultural purposes, but speaks little or no English. The displaced person, those from the Baltic States of Europe, know no English, nor have they wordly pos- sessions. The name “D.P." bears a stigma in Europe. He has fled with millions of others of his people to seek a home in Canada: Germany did not want him; the Allies did not need him when war was over. The cream of the Baltic civilization is pouring into Canada, rich in traditon, professionals in every branch, skilled mechanics, tradesmen and craftsmen, educa- tionists of high order, endowed with indomitable perserverance, and a will to give Canada the best they have. They are glad, the speaker said, to conform with Canadian government regulations in order to obtain their citizenship. But the English language they must speak before they can fully appreciate the position here and before they are recognized as cit izens. “Let us give them an even break all along the line,” said Miss Oliver. We are more interested in discussing these than in exam- ining our own short comings. We profess to be Christians and Can- adian citizens yet what in ten years will the new citizens think if we now fail to demonstrate and exemplify these principles.” Mrs. E. J. Kyle, W.I. president, was chairman. The speaker was introduced by vice president, Mrs. A. E. Jarvis. Mrs. Ross Walker, the first president of the organ- ization cut the decorated birthday cake made by King City Bakery. Mrs. Colin Stewart and Mrs. D. Rawlings succeeded Mrs. Walker as president. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Toronto, paid a visit to Clark on Sunday. As entertainment a group of charades in costume was effective- ly carried out down to a scene from “Macbeth”. They were ac- tually dramatic playlets and were enacted by a group of W.I. mem- bers. Laskay W. I. heard Mrs. Rex Hilton give a graphic description of European countries at the reg- ular meeting of this branch held at the home of Mrs. Fred O’Brien attended by a large number. Mrs. Bob Riddell gave a vocal solo, and Mrs. Norman Etheridge,‘a read- ing. Describes Parts Of Europe Mrs. Hilton with her husband Dr. Hilton and their children, spent three months during the past sum- mer in Europe. Born in Finland, Mrs. Hilton found special interest there. In that country great plans are being made for the 1952 01â€" ympic games. Communistic ele- ment is not prominent there and democratic principles are strong. To Denmark, many Western Cana- B. White, Mr. Peter dians were returning for visits, taking with them their Canadian- born children. In the British- American Zone in Germany recon- struction is slow. In France they have no milk, little butter and mostly brown bread. In Holland clothes are rationed, cheese is 'short for home consumption. It is mainly exported. Former Missionary Speaks Mrs. Duncan McLeod, wife of Rev. Dr. McLeod, former mission- aries on the Island of Formosa, addressed 100 women at King Un- ited Church on October 13, at the annual thank-offering meeting of the W.M.S. when local church groups from Maple, Teston, Las- kay, Richmond Hill, Thornhill joined to hear the message. Mrs. McLeod served missions for 19 years and her husband for 43 years until 1945. Their daughter is now in South Formosa. “The Christian cause in this not- ed island is strongly entrenched through the 60,000 resident Chris- tians, and will continue to pros- per among the 8 million inhabi- tants, were communist forces to exit all missionaries,” the speaker pointed out. Wherever one looks in the east there is opportunity; the doors are open to Christianity, despite troubles and precarious nature of existing political situa- tions. Mrs. McLeod has confi- dence the work of missions will not diminish, and while it has been curtailed during the last war, the motto of the United to “Ad- vance” is impetus toward strength and advancement. In King, October 28, King Ath- letic Association will sponsor a dance in McDonald and Wells hall. This is an autumn booster toWard the hall fund being built up. Mrs. Burke of Thornhill sang a solo, and a ladies’ quartette from Maple sang. Rev. M. R. Jenkin- son welcomed the gathering, and Mrs. Colin Stewart. president, was chairman. Mrs. W. Carson took the devotions, and her daughter, Mrs. Ewart Patton presided at the organ for the afternoon. The of- fering amounted to $43. Eversley Presbyterian W. A. will hold a bazaar and tea in King Un- ited church basement on Friday, Novemlmr 4. December 3 All Saints congregation is plan- ning a big supper and concert for November 10. A special improve- ment project will take care of profits from the event. The an- nual bazaar given by All Saints Mrs. Alex MacMurchy Mrs. Agnes McCallum Mac- Murchy, aged 84, descendant of a King township pioneer family of the sixth concession, passed away early. Saturday morning, October 15, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Albert Hill of Nobleton. The wife of the late Alexander Mac- Murchy, mother of Norman D. MacMurchy, Deputy Reeve for King township, Mrs. Hill (Ouida) and Mrs. Ross Lymburner (Mar- garet) of Hamilton, she had been in frail health for some years and had been confined to bed for ap‘ proximately five months. A life long resident at Strange, she was the daughter of the late Peter McCallum, and more than 60 years ago she married, settling on her late farm residence near her father’s farm place. Mr. Mac- Murchy died 10 years ago after having played a prominent part in municipal life as a member of council, reeve for some years and the warden of York County. . Deceased was highly esteemed and widely known. She was a member of St. Andrew’s Presby- terian Church, Strange; a member of the Women‘s Missionary Society of the church and a life member of Laskay Women’s Institute branch. As a hostess, her hospitality knew no bounds. William Douglas The death of Mr. William (Bill) Douglas, of New Scotland, son of Mrs. Douglas and the late Fred- erick Douglas occurred at Toronto General Hospital on Monday morn- ing. In ill health for some time, he had been in hospital for about a month and despite skilled medical care failed to respond. The funeral was held on Mon- day, October 17, from the farm residence, with the Rev. M. E. Burch, Mimico officiating, assisted by Rev. W. A. Westcott of Klein- burg. Interment was made in King cemetery and the large numâ€" ber of floral tributes expressed sympathy from a wide circle of friends. Besides her children, Mrs. MacMurchy is survived by a half sister, Mrs. Archie Brownlee of Nashville. Canada’s list of food fishes in- cludes nearly 60 different varieties, chief among which are salmon, cod. herring, lobster, Whitefish, halibut, sardines, mackerel, pick- erel, grayfish and haddock. IF IT’S HARDWARE WE SELL IT RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE will come off on Saturday, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28 McDonald and Wells’ Hall, King LEO PAXTON‘S ORCHESTRA LUNCH COUNTER DANCE Phone 426 Proceds for Memorial Hall Fund REGISTERED HOLSTEIN CATTLE Mâ€"H TRACTOR, FARM STOCK, IM PLE ENTS. FURNITURE, ETC. Lot 24, Con. 3, North York Twp. 2 mile south of Concord on Dufier- in Street Property of TOM REID SATURDAY. OCTOBER 29. 1949 HORSES 1 Clyde Mare, 7 yrs. old 1 Clyde Mare, 8 yrs. old 1 Sow, due time of sale 1 Young Sow, due time of sale Approx. 125 Yearling Hens, Hy- brids 1 Cow, Woodrose Plus Burke, born April 15, 1945, fresh Abbekerk Rag Apple Burke, born Aug. 23, 1945, in full flow Carinbrill Snow Mary Pietje, born Nov. 7. 1945, in full flow Queen Clothilde Abbekerk, born Dec. 31, 1946, in full flow Plus Lonelm Burke, born Oct. 1, 1947, bred March 5, 1949 Queen Abbekerk Burke 3., born March 5,« 1947, bred March 2, 1949 Queen Texal Abbekerk A., born Feb. 11, 1949 Rag Aggle Burke Texal Jean, born Jan. 1, 1949 Texal Snow Lonelm, born April 5, Approx. 85 Pullets All are laying good 1949 1 Grade Cow in full flow 1 Fat Cow 1 Massey-Harris Tractor (81) on rubber Ernest Bros. Threshing Machine, with 24 in. clover attachment 100 Feet of 8 inch Drive Belt Massey Harris Binder, 6 ft. cut Deering Mower, 6 ft. nearly new Sulky Rake, nearly new, Interna- tional 1 Drill, International, 13 disc 1 Massey Harris Hay Loader 1 International Tractor Plow, good, 2 furrows 1 International Scufl'ler, good as new 1 International Spring Tooth Drag, 3 sec. 1 Oliver Stifl’ Tooth Cultivator 1 Massey Harris Manure Spreader 1 Set Diamond Harrows, 4 sec. 1 Set Light Harrows, 4 sec. 1 Steel Land Roller 1 Grinder, 6% in. plate 1 Cutting Box 1 Fanning Mill 1 Grinding Stone 2 Cutters 1 Root Pulper 1 Wheel Barrow 1 Set of Platform Scales, 2000 lbs. 1 Rubber Tired Wagon 1 Steel Wheel Wagon 1 Circular Saw 2 Iron Kettles 11 Cedar Posts A Quantity of Used Plank, 18 ft. long A Quantity of Used Lumber 2 Gas Drums, 40 gals. 1 Ladder, 40 ft. 4 Sheets of New Steel Roofing 2 Bunches of Shingles 1 Whitewash Pump 1 Set of Small Blocks 1 Set of Team Harness and 4 col- lars 1 Roll of New Wire, 40 rods 1 Roll of New Wire, 20 rods 1 Wire Stretcher 1 Set of Horse Clippers 4 Oak Planks Quantity of New Siding Lumber, Manitoba 1 Brooder Stove 1 Post Hole Digger and Spoon 60 lbs. of Twine 85 lbs. of Timothy Seed 35 lbs. of Timothy and Alfalfa Seed 300 lbs. of Alsike Seed 1 Set Dies, cut up to 1 inch Bolt Trimmers Quantity of Hay Numerous Articles Whifiletrees. Neckyokes, Forks, Hoes, Shovels, Rake, Crow~bars, Chains Quantity of Rope, Tools Other articles too numerous to mention K. & C. PRENTICE, auctioneers Markham P.0., ph. Mark. 206 Milliken P.O.. ph. Agincourt 52w3 Ed Kyle, Clerk 1 Bedroom Suite, Simmons bed and Marshal mattress 1 Bedroom Suite, iron bed and Marshal mattress 1 Bedroom Suite, iron bed and mattress Toilet Sets Wicker Rocking Chairs Kitchen Rocking Chairl 1 China. Cabinet, quarter cut oak 1 Kitchen Cupboard, glass 1 Kitchen Cabinet 1 Round Table, quarter cut oak, ex- tension , h 1 Heater 6 Chairs 1 Hall Rack 1 Electric Washer Number of Fruit Jars Dishes 1 Studio Couch 1 Radio, electric 1 Lawn Swing “MN Terms cash sold. AUCTION SALE .__of_. Sale at 1 pm. sharp. IMPLEM ENTS FURNITURE CATTLE HENS PIGS No reserve, farm This ad. now appears in Markham Economist 6; Sun RESIDENCES AND BUSINESS PROPERTIES IN THIS AREA. . . . . . . . . IF YOU ARE CONSIDERING SELLING YOUR PROPERTY GIVE US A CALL, FOR PROMPT EFFICIENT SERVICE. Main St., Markham a Phone 90J IF YOU AR ECONTEMPLATING BUYING PROPERTY IN THIS DISTRICT, GET IN TOUCH WITH OUR OFFICE, WE MAY HAVE JUST WHAT YOU ARE LOOKING FOR. Richmond Hill, 84 Yonge St., Tel. 455W Head Office 1172 Bay St., Tel. Prf‘3324 Greater feed intake is the object of every suc- cessful poultryman. A noon feed of pellets sprink- led on top of the dry mash will encourage extra feed consumption and step up egg production. For feeding instructions see the Master Feeder Lay-Time Edition 1949. Listen to our broadcast every morning from 10 to 11 o’clock, Station CHUM, Dial 1050. OUR SUBURBAN OFFICE, RICHMOND HILL 84 YONGE ST., TEL. 455W. Will gladly assist you in selling or buying Real Estate Ltd. REAL ESTATE LIMITED WE HAVE CLIENTS WANTING FARMS, EYES TO THE FUTURE” THOS. J. WIGNALL ‘ourtesy and Understanding “REAL PROPERTY” Strictly Confidential RffiNfisfir IN RICHMOND HILL of any description. CALL

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