“Calamity Jane†is going to be with us again. The place: â€" the Richmond Theatre. The date: -â€" Friday and Saturday, October 28 and 29. The ï¬lm is “calamity Jane and Sam Bass.†Based on the exploits of the two western outlaws who were notor- ious about the 1870’s, the ï¬lm combines historical characters and romance to good advantage to movie. Two old favourites â€" Joan Fontaine and Jimmy Stewart â€" are coming to the Richmond The- atre on October 31 and November 1. They will appear in “You Gotta Stay Happy.†The story was taken from Rob- ert Carson’s Saturday Evening Post serial. It deals with an es- cépade in the career of Dee Dee Dillwood, the world’s wealthiest and most unpredictable orphan. Dee Dee can never decide what to do about men until she encounters Marvin Payne. Marvin, portray- ed by Stewart, is a. good aviator but a ï¬nancial failure. The gay adventure begins on Dee Dee’s wedding night. She abandons her bridegroom in New York and starts for Los Angeles in Mar- vin’s cargo plane. Later, Kathy urges Sam to give himself lup and stand trial. He and his men turn themselves in to her brother, Sheriff Will Egan, played by Willard Parker, before realiz- ing the trial is framed to hang them all. Calamity rescues them from the jail, and the gang starts a series of hold-ups climaxed by the robbery of the Round Rock Bank. Walking into an ambush, the men escape, but are followed and urrounded at their mountain ‘Tdeout. All of the gang are kill- Duff, as Sam Bass, goes from Indiana to Texas where he meets Calamity Jane, played by Miss De Carlo, and Kathy Egan, portrayed by Dorothy Hart. A short time later Sam’s horse is poisoned in a race, and he shoots the killer, then flees with some pals to the hills. ed except Sam, who is critically wounded. Qalamity then uses all her wiles and cunning in a reck- less attempt to help Sam escape, providing a dramatic and thrilling climax to the ï¬lm. ‘ How the scrupulous Marvin, who refuses to accept unearned riches, ï¬nally Wilts under Dee Dee’s magic spell, has been enacted wit‘n Evastating effect. Comical scenes as oard the plane and the fGrCed landing in an Oklahoma wilder- ness are vastly entertaining. Crosby croons,.yodels and whis- tles his way into Joan’s heart with a delightful combination of Strauss, folk music and popular melody. coâ€"starring in Paramount’ Technicolor musical produc tion, “The Emperor Waltz.‘ The Paramount picture tells of the’ rollicking romance of one Virgil Smith (Jersey City, NJ.) and the Countess Von Stolzen- berg-Stolzenberg (Austria). They meet through their dogs, Buttons (Jersey City N.J.), and Scheher- azade. a French poodle of disting- uished ancestry. Scheherazade is fascinated by Buttons, who can chew gum; the countess is swept off her feet by the phonograph salesman with the glib tongue and the melodious voice. Both affairs make Ioveiy prog- ress until the Emperor intervenes. But, in the case of the dogs, not even royal command can alter the course of true love. Buttons and Scherherazade settle the issue be- tween the commoner and the countess with an issue of their own, a ï¬ne melting pot litter which proves that red and blue blood can mix. Here are JOAN FON- TAINE and BING CROSBY, Miss Fontaine comes through with one of the ï¬nest perfor- mances of her career in this pic- ture. Although she has special- ized in dramatic roles, Joan proves in this ï¬lm that she is an accom- plished comedienne. And she ;ooks as charming as a. doll, espec'ally when she‘s wearing Stewart’s fly- _ing togs. Nothing if not versatile, Joan Fontaine plays an entirely differâ€" ent type when she stars in “The Emperor Waltz†with Bing Cros- by at the Richmond Theatre on Wednesday and Thursday, Nov- ember 2 and 3. A synopsis of pictures to be Shown locally in the near future, for the information of movie-goers. The art and photography con- ‘tesï¬land edulfeeehibétjnonsweï¬ by King Memorial Eibrary Board at Open Library Night on October 19 proved successful both in en- tries and appreciationof parents, friends and teachers. The com- petition held for grades 1 to 4 in the junior class and 2 to 8 for the seniors comprised some 90 entries in art and nearly 30 in photo- graphy from local and district arâ€" tists, on a non-competitive basis, interested, both children and others. The event was the ï¬rst of its kind held here, and was the result of months of planning by the library board, of which Mr. J. L. Grew is chairman. With the assistance of the teachers of these three schools, Mr. Grew and the board feel well repaid for their effort to make this initial project what it was created for, namely to extend and deve10p appreciation of art and to acquaint more per- sons With the character and at. mosphere of King Associate Lib- rary. Primarily, said Mr. Grew, introducing the various judges, the project grew from a desire to pubâ€" licize the library which will one day become a 0‘public library.†In the ï¬eld of photography there Was likewise imagination and good sub- ject matter. Through the co-operation of certain local merchants and radio station CHUM 3. Richmond Hill program will be heard every Thursday for the next six weeks at 1.15 to 1.45 p.m. Doubts as to whether there will be an election for councillors in Richmbnd Hill this year have proâ€" bably been removed by the declar- ation by Councillor Cec. Mabley that he does not intend to run for office for 1950. VOLUME LXXI. NUMBER 17. Area “Housekeeping†May Improve Through Three-Council Coâ€"operation Following the popular trend of the day the broadcasts will be of the “Quiz contest†variety. Baclr of them will be “radio nights†at the Richmond Theatre, the ï¬rst of which is scheduled for Friday, 0c- tober 28. Audience To Participate As explained by Miss M. Jarvis, chief librarian, the posters for ad- vertising purposes so often done by students of the school had proven good in the past, it was After serving three years Counâ€" cillor Mahley says that his change of business (he has recently joined the Jones Coal Company) prevents him from devoting the necessary time to municipal af. Richmond Hill is to go “on the air.†The nights at the theatre will be of the “audience participation†character, with those attending the show taking part. Those called to the microphone will be given the chance to‘ answer certain ques- tions, with prizes going to those who answer them correctly. Free theatre tickets and souyenirs will be given to those who are lucky enough to be called to the mike. Parts of the theatre night pro- grams will go out over the air as Will Not Be Candidate For Council Says Mabley-Other Members Stand necessary time fairs. Discuss Disposal oh the basis of originality and color. They felt there were too few prizes to allow for adequate distribution of their opinions over the number of exhibitors. Ran- dolph Lockhart and James Snel- g'rove judged the snapshots for imagination content which Mr. Snelgrove termed excellent. Chief Librarian Speaks Richmond Hill To Go On Air Merchants Sponsor Broadcasts Art And Photography Contest Held By King Library Board Produces Many Fine Displays Mr. Frank Fogg and Mr. OScar Cahen, commercial artists living near King judged the art studies Reeve Percy Hill has stated to The Liberal that he will ofl’er his services for a further term and Councillors Ken. Tomlin, “’es. Middleton and Tom Taylor have delayed broadcasts on each week- 1y presentation on Thursdays, un- til the whole of each theatre night program has been heard. Initial step in the six-week pro- gram took place at Lawrence Fol- liott’s Summit View Drive-In on October 26, when a number of local citizens were “quizzed†for the preliminary broadcast on October The broadcasts and the theatre nights are being sponsored by the Richmond Theatre, Summit View Driveâ€"In; Bob Craigie’s Men’s Wear; Richmond Hill Hardware; Harold M-ortson, Massey Harris dealer; Richmond Hill Taxi; Yer- ex Electric. agreed by 3he_ Iflfrary ‘boal’d some fonm of creative expressibn'should be allowed. One teacher took her class for out-door sketching. The adult display was loaned by Mrs. J. Ogilvy in water colour flower studies; MiSs Janet Walk- ington of Maple, oils and flower studies in water colours; Mrs. Morley Kinnee of Maple, oil land- scape; Miss M. Jarvis, water col- our landscapes; and Mr. Gordon Wells, still life in oils, and a large photography display of unusual character, formerly exhibited in Canadian Camera Shows, and sev- eral of them prize winners in out. standing shows. 27. Future programs, as stated, will be based on the theatre nights, the ï¬rst on October 28 and the second on November 18. To Publicize District Tied in to the Thursday broad- casts will be comments on Rich- mond Hill and its progress which through radio station CHUM (1050 on the dial) will cover Southern Ontario. Junior Art: 1, Ruth Baker, Ev- ersley, grade 2; 2, Ronald Will- iams, King, grade 4. Hon. men- tion: Susan Ogilvy, King, aged 6 years, grade 1; Roderick Crossley, grade 3; Caroline Ogilvy, King, grade 4. Photography: 1‘ Bertie Archiâ€" bald, King, grade 6; 2, Eric Wells, King, grade 5. Hon. mention, Carol Hately, Eversley, grade 7; Audrey Brown, King, grade 8. To the art prize winners were given art books, and to the hon- orable mention Winners, packets of art paper. Prize Winners in snap. shots were given snapshot books and the others, post card size books. The board, teachers and others gave considerable effort and time to hang pictures in Memor- ial Hall; to arrange library apâ€" pointments and prepare the lunch served to everyone. Mr. Fogg‘ and Mr. Cahen joined the library membership. Prize winners of the contest: Seniors Art: 1, Suzanne Grew, King School; 2, Kay Campbell, Kinghorn school, grade 5. Hon- able mention in order of merit: Patsy Simpson, King school, grade 8; Julia Bell, King, grade 7; June Peck, King, grade 6; Maureen Wellesley Eversley, grade 6; Helen Peck, King, grade 8. also intimated thatthey will stand for re-election. have a parking Avenue. Discussing the sit‘pztion on the street, members of the Richmond Hill council expressed the thought that parking on both Sides of the thoroughfare created a somewhat dangerous situation in connection with trafl’ic to and from the park. Council To Prohibit Lorne Ave. Parking Instructions have been given to Village Clerk Russell Lynett to have a by-law prepared banning parking on the north side of Lorne WAR “In Essentials, Unity; In Non-Essentials, Liberty RICHMOND HILL, ONT., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1949 Veterans Plan Remembrance Get-Together - vvvvv a ""‘w , K ‘ , _ " St'ecia'l sgeaker for the occasmn will be Lieut ~Col. F. J. Picking, managing eiiï¬or of he Liberal. Alterations to the Brathwaite Hardware store have progressed to such an extent that the official “re-opening†is slated for Nov- ember 12. Special announcements regarding the event are to be an- nounced at an early date. They will be of interest to all citizens. Members of the Vaughan and Richmond Hill branch of the York County Veterans are planning to mark the Remembrance Day per- iod with a special meeting to be held in Richmond Hil‘. Municipal Hall on the evening of Tuesday, November 1. They are inviting all veterans in the area, irrespec- tive of whatever unit they served with, to join in the doings on that eVoning. Besides making arrangements for participation in the Municipal Remembrance Day ceremonies on Sunday, November 6, the veterans intend to have an ind-fashioned get-together and to mix rlans for the future with reï¬ollections of the past. Refreshments will be served du’ii‘ng'_the¢gvening. _ ‘ BrathWaite Store Re-Opens Nov. 12 “It couldn’t possibly travel more than 10 miles per hour, and if we hit '3 bit of heavy sand we just stayed there,†H. B. Stirling, one of Richmond Hill's “old timers,†turned the pages back some odd 46 years, with these words, to the photograph shown above. Mr. Stirling, known to local residents as the former manager of the W3. ter Works of the Village of Rich- mond Hill, and as the installer of the village’s ï¬rst electric light system, is pictured above in his ï¬rst automobile. The picture was taken about 1903 at the spot where the old Toronto Junction used to be lo- cated, at the corner of Annette and Keele Streets, in the Humber dis- trict. Take note of the coal oil lamps on each side of the auto, the crank used to start it, the solid tires, the awkward handle used as a steering gear. Mr. Stir- ling isn’t just quite sure what mo- del the car was, but knows that it was one of the ï¬rst. To Hill In 1906 ' he was engaged 1n the photog- raphy business with A. W. Gal- Born in Charlottetown, P,E.I he came to Toronto in 1902 wher The freak is in the pos- session of Mrs. O. Boyle and is a wanderer which, a short time ago, decided that the meals in the Boyle home looked good to it. Not to be outdone by El- gin Mills, which recently reported a cat with seven claws on each front foot, Oak Ridges has come up with a cat with,two sets of paws on each front leg. Four Fore Paws “Speed Artist†Of 1903 .vhere 1mm "Establishment of an incinerator which would serve the townships of Vaughan and Markhammnd the village of Richmond Hill was dis- missed at a meeting- at the Mun- icipal Hall, Richmond Hill, on Oc- tober 24, when reeves and counâ€" cillors of three municipalities met for the purpose of exploring poss- Determination to really put curling “on the map†in Richmond Hill this year was the key-note of the annual meeting of the Rich- mond Hill Curling Club â€"- a determination which was immed- iately translated into action. ible action along these lines. " “We can build an incinerator that will dispose of our garbage to_day, but we must also think of the future,†said Reeve Vern Grif- ï¬n of Markham Township “and bii’iid such a one as will make an addition later on possible.†Rich- mond Hill, too, is facing a gar- bage disposal problem, ï¬nding it necessary to dispose of 9 tons of garbage a week, which would be approximately 500 tons a year. All the available land in Richmond Hill has been used up. Vaughan Township has at present only one “dump†and ï¬nds it quite inad- equate to handle the needs of res- idents. o It was suggested that the man- icipalities of Richmond Hill, Vaughan and Markham should share the cost of the building of Curlers To Encourage Novices flecLBerL Barber President, Inducement to younger citizens to join in the grand old sport was selected as the method by which interest in curling would be strengthened in the Hill. As a means to that end novice’s fees braith, now of Gonmley. They did work for The Globe,'races, wed- dings, outdoor sports, and even had the honour of photographing the Prince of Wales. In 1906 Mr. Stirling and his wife came to Richmond Hill where they com- menced to build the home they now occupy on Yonge St. They purâ€" chased the land from Mr. Crosby. At that time Richmond Hill’s pop- ulation was‘ seven or eight Hunâ€" dred people, a. far cry from her 1954 residents of to-day. The Stirlings have witnessed quite a development during their 45 year sojourn in the village, and ï¬nd the changes almost impossible to re- alize. Mrs. Stirling experienced her ï¬rst automobile ride in Toronto with Sir John Eaton and found it rather a frightening event. “The car was so open and so high I felt as if I were perched up in the air.†Mr. Stirling, whose relation, by the way, was one of the Fathers of Confederation, Col. Gray of Charlottetown by name, has had an automobile ever since his ï¬rst one and “Wouldn't be without one for the world.†â€" which speaks well Three Municipal Councils Meet i0 Discuss Uniï¬ed Action Over Problem Concerning All District for the automobile industry. In All Things, Charity; such an incinerator. The exact cost of such a project is not yet known, but it was decided that the Reeves of the three councils, Reeve P. C. Hill, Richmond Hill, Reeve Vern Griffin, Markham Township, Reeve J. Hawstrawser, Vaughan Township, and any councillors who are able, plus a consulting engineer, would inspect an incinerator at Tonawanda, N. Y. and make a complete report to the combined councils. This in- cinerator would serve approxim- ately 10,000 people, at the present time. U Elmwood Water Supply The Township of Markham put in a. plea to Richmond Hill coun- cil asking for a supply of water for the Elmwood Park division. “If we have the water to give, we’ll give it, said Reeve Hill. Con- dition of the Hill’s water sup- ply is not yet known, but with the operation of the new well the vill- age will get twice as much water as before. Markham Twp. counâ€" cil plans to pay Richmond Hill on a gallonage basis. Nothing def- inite ‘ can be decided .until the spring. Feeling that it was a distinct honour to have one of their num- ber as a member of Grand Lodge, members of Richmond Lodge, A. F. & A.M., expressed their apprec- iation by presenting the popular Duncan Chamney with Grand Lodge regalia at a recent gather- mg. Recognizing his consistent good work and good attendance, broth- er Masons paid their tribute at District Deputy night, when Rt. Wor. Bro. Bertram Smith, Deputy Grand Master of Toronto District were set at $5. for the season, with fees for High School students un- der twenty being placed Aat $2.00. At the well-attended ' meeting curlers chose Bert Barber as pres- ident, with Dunc. Chamney as vice-president. Secretary-treasurer is W. Trench. Wilton Young- was made chairman of the curling committee. The bridge commit- tee is headed by Dr. Young, and the euchre committee by George Fuller. Arrangements for the ice, etc., have all been made and, judging from the enthusiasm shown by members, an outstanding season is in prospect once the present sum- mer weather vacates the premises. C, was present. The presentation was made by an 01'! friend and fellow worker in several ï¬elds, James Poll-ard. Their visit followed complaints about the character of service which Richmond Hill subscribers were getting and both officials spent some time in discusing problems with interested citizens and in outlining plans which it is hoped will lead to a rectiï¬cation of conditions within not too long a. period. Mr. Chamney, just a few months ago, was appointed Junior Stewardf Grand Lodge, A.F. & A.M. Telephone Oï¬icials Visit Richmond Hill Following Complaint Visitors to Richmond Hill last week were Mr. S. R. van Dusen, regional manager of the Bell Tel- ephone Company, whose head- quarters are at Newmarket, and Mr. J. E. Hayne, district manager of the big Central District of the same company, from Toronto. Masons Honour Dunc. Chamney Present Gift Know Your Neighbour His wide experience in the business was turned to the coqntry’s‘ nbeneï¬t dur‘ipg the; _las_t war, when he spent three country's oenem; during the last War, when he spent three and a half years working with the Oil Controller for Canada. Incidentally, that was his second period of 3 ice to the Dominion in time for war for, in the 1914-191 conflict, he spent over three years with the Royal Flying Corps. ' OCTOBER 31 -â€" S. S. 4 Markham and No. 21 Vaughan is planning to hold a Hallowe’en Party on Mon- day, October 31, at 7.30 pm. at the Parish Hall of St. John’s Ang- lican Church. Bus transportation will be provided leaving Elgin Mills at; 7 pm. Parents and friends are cordially invited. The need for relief in Eur- ope is still urgent. The W.M.S. of the United Church (afternom aux- iliary) plans to pack at the close of their Thankofl'ering meeting on November 3, a bale of used cloth- ing to send through World Church Relief. .Contributions of clean used clothing would be welcomed. The Thankoffering meeting that day will have as guest speaker, MiSS S. P. Canara, who recently graduated from Western haspital and who returns in December to her homeland for work with the United Church Mission. 1w16 NOV. 3 â€"â€" The Thankoflering meeting of the afternoon auxiliary Fifteen years, he says, have been spent in the study of the business in which he is now engaged -â€" the bottled gas industry. And if you want to get him started on his favour- ite topic, which happens tube that same industry, he’ll reeI' oï¬' facts and ï¬gures for you by the yard. According to him‘ bottled gas â€" with of course Petrolane leading the ï¬eld â€"- can do everything but talk. He’ll prove that to you by spiel; ing off a terriï¬c list of domestic and industrial uses and by pointing out that in 1922 some 223,000 gallons of liquid pet-5' roleum gasr‘were’ased --» a ï¬gure that increased to the am azing amount of nearly three billion â€" that’s billion -â€" gal~ Ions in 1948. Those ï¬gures, of course, are for the North American continent. - The Petrolane Corporation, which Mr. Sanderson heads, opened in Thornhill in 1947. Reason for that location, he‘ says, was because this district was headed for one of the greatest developments in the history of the Dominion. Events since seem to have done little to shake his faith and an in- teresting statement conï¬rming his belief is to be expected in the near' future. ' The Women’s Auxiliary of the NOV. 1 â€" Woman’s Auxiliary to erans will hold their regular meet- ing on November 1, in the mun- icipal Hall at 2.30 pm. Members are urged to be present. NOV. 1 â€"â€" St. Mary's Anglican W. A. will hold their business and devotional meeting on Tuesday afternoon, November 1, at 2.30 p. m. in the Parish Hall. Members are reminded to bring their United Thankoï¬'ering Boxes. NOVEMBER 2 â€" Dr. Willinsky Travelogue ‘Mediterranean Cruise’ sponsored by evening group of the W.A. of the Richmond Hill United Church, Wednesday, November 2, 8 p.m. Tickets 50c and 350. c1w17 The photo of Mr. Sanderson, like all others in this “Know Your Neighbour†series, was taken by Edmund Soame, “The‘ Studio,†1720 Avenue Road. ‘ The Richmond Hill Girl Guide and Brownie “Cookie Day†will be on October 29, not October 22, as previously stated. Cookies will be delivered omOctober 29. 1w16 of the W.M.S. of the United Church will be held> in the S. S. HOME PAPER OF THE DISTRICT SINCE 1% Coming Events 3 o’clock. Our guest speaker will be Miss Sonu Camera, 3. recent graduate of Western hospital. She is returning in December to her native land to work among her people. Another guest will be Miss Clearehue, a missionary re. cently retired from India. A cor. dial invitation is extended to all ladies to attend. NOV. 3 â€"â€" The W.M.S. of the Presbyterian Church will hold their regular monthly meeting on Thursday, November 3, at 3 pm. at the home of Mrs. Geo. Ball, Arnold St. Mrs. A. R. McMur- rich, vice-president of the Council Executive, Will speak on her visit to the annual meeting held in Cal. gary recently. A bridge and euchre party will be held on Friday, November 4, in the High School Gym at 8 p.m., under the combined sponsorship of the Women’s Institute, the Wom- en's Auxiliary of the Veterans, and the Mothers Auxiliary of the Boy Scouts. This party is being held to raise money to buy chairs and other equipment for their new room in the Municipal Hall. Every. one welcome. Tickets 50c. Good prizes. 2w16 NOVEMBER 6 â€" On Sunday, No_ vember 6, at 11 am, Dr. “Bob†McClure, M.D., F.R.C.S. (Edin.), FI.C.S., Medical Missionary and Field Director of the International Red Cross in China will be guest Church. All are welcome. NOVEMBER 12 â€" Bazaar of the preacher at Richmond Hill United Ladies Guild of Thornhill United Church at 2 pm. at the Sunday School rooms. Baking, handmade goods, afternoon tea. Tum those unwanted items into cash. Dispose of them by tele- phoning Richmond Hill 9 and in. setting a classiï¬ed ad. room Thursday, November 3, at can handle phone Richmond Hill 9‘ Job Printing Depar-zment speedily â€" poster â€" The Liberal’s From a postcard to a smartly. Tele- it for you _