THE WALLS OF JERICHO n'v Telephone Richmond Hill 500 Shows Daily at 7 and 9 pm. Saturdays and holidays, continuously from 5.30 pm. Saturday: Matinee at 2 pm. Doors open at 1.30 pm Entrance from Church Street. Walkway on north side of Theatre Building mm 11.: Richmond Wednesday & Thursday, November 2 & 3 Monday & Tuesday â€" October 31, Nov. Friday & Saturday â€"â€" November 4 & 5 m WINE ILBEHT. ROLAND YOUNG . ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING RADIO & ELECTRICAL REPAIRS FARM WIRING EDGAR BUCHANAN ' JANE DARWELL - A UNIVERSAL-INTERNATIONAL PICTURE ‘. 0. Judd, Prop. Phone King 33122 P. 0. BOX 95, KING," ONTARIO J. 8 E. ELECTRIC Tonight â€" Thursday â€" October 27 Friday, Saturday, October 28, 29 FREE PARKING AT REAR 0F THEATRE ALWAYS NEWS AND A CARTOON WILLARD PARKER -. PERCY KILBRwE « A RAMPART 1 PRODUCTION An outstanding resume of ac- tivities of the various committees of the Richmond Hill Lions Club was given to the Deputy-District Governor, Lion Fred Campbell, on the occasion of his visit of inspec- tion last Thursday night. All the committees reported either on what they had recently accomp- lished or on their plans for the immediate future. The village was divided into twenty zones and twenty volunteer canvassers have been given their respective areas to work in. It is hoped that the people will live up to their previous outstanding gen- erosity and oversubscribe this very worthwlhile cause. The camaign will begin on Tuesday, November 1, and continue for one week. A carefully prepared plan for canvass'ng the Village of Rich- mond ill for funds in the Sal- vation Army's Red Shield Cam- paign was laid before the Rich- mohd Hill Lions Club by Lion Wyck Trench, who has supervised this effort in previous years. Vaughan Councillors Join In Protest Against Overcrowded Yonge Buses Backing 0f Salvation Army ls Arranged By Local Lions ASK BETTER SEE V ICE Relief may be in sight for those who are complaining of the over- crowding of the North Yonge buses. An informal discussion between Reeve George Mitchell of North York Township, Reeve Vern. Grif- ï¬n of Markham Township, and a senior official of the Toronto Transportation Commission led to the revelation that the Commission is already giving study to the set- ting up of a half hour service on the northern part of the run, re- placing~the forty minute service now in effect. It is said to be like- ly that where necessary two buses will be employed on each run in- The Deputy Governor, in his ad- dress, spoke of the many horizons that were being opened in the world of today. He spoke of the new nations and their efforts to expand and improve the conditions of the people living in them and of the greater areas for establishâ€" ed nations, like our own, to ex- tend a helping hand. Lions Inter- national, he explained, was push- ing‘ its organization as quickly as possible to other countries in the world and he predicted that in a very few years hence this great force for good would be establish- ed in all the free countries of the The Chairman of the Welfare Committee, Lion Herb Butt, told of purchasing a Dunlopillo mat- tress for a. bedridden patient in the community and of providing transportation for an arthritic patient to and from the hospital for treatment. He asked members and other citizens to report to him any other cases of local people in need of assistance so that the work of this committee may be extended to all those in need of it. ing fountain in the park. Lion Stan Ransom of this committee told of the work accomplished in the park during the summer months repairing the swings, etc., and providing sporting instruction for the younger children. The outdoor rink would be put into op- eration again this year and would be supervised by the Lions, he an- nounced. Aid Sick In the meantime overcrowding is continuing to be a serious problem, resulting in much dissatisfaction among patrons of the line. Par- ticularly bad during morning and evening rush hours, the service still seems to be inadequate at other times of the day. For instance, the bus leaving the Toronto City limits at one am. on a recent date had 29 passengers standing at the beginning of its trip. The bus was nearly to Thornhill before the last standee could secure a seat. Vaughan Council Protests stead of one. At a recent meeting Vaughan township council adopted a resol- ution which was moved by Jas. H. of the Welfare Herb Butt, told Dunlopillo mat- It’s hoped that all ex-RCAF per- sonnel as well as preSent members of the regular RCAF will be pres- ent. A cordial inviiation is ex- tended to former members of any of His Majesty’s Air Forces to attend this meeting and join the new, Wing. Watch the “Coming Events" column of this paper Air Vice Marshal Will Be Speaker At RCAF Meeting A highlight of the evening will be the showing of a. 40-minute sound ï¬lvm â€" “Wasp Wings." This is a ï¬lm dealing with RCAF Figh- ter Squadrons overseas. It cov- ers England, Italy, Normandy, France and Germany, and has been exceptionally well received where- ever shown. Election of officers will also take place at this meeting‘ as well as appointing a committee to draw up a constitution and by-laws, a membership committee and pro- gram committee. Robson and seconded by Carl Shaw. it reads “Whereas ratepayers in Vaughan Township have requested additional buses to alleviate crowded conditions on buses and whereas Markham township coun- cil by resolution have requested a revision of the time table. Be it therefore resolved that the Coun- cil of the township of Vaughan re- questvthe Toronto Transportation Commission to revise the time table for the North Yonge Trans- portation system to alleviate crowded conditions on the buses. Air Vice Marshal G. E. Brookes, Ontario provisional president of the RCAF Association will be guest speaker at the organization meeting of a Richmond Hill Wing of the RCAFA, Nov. 18 in the Municipal Hall. Other guests invited are Reeve P. G. Hill, J. E. Smith, M.P. for North York, and Lt. Col. F. J. Picking of The Liberal The resolution of Markham township which is referred to was adopted by the council of that municipality on October 17. Oct. 29-Nov. i The HilltOp Electric RICHMOND HILL PHONE 223J THE LIBERAL‘. Ricï¬mond Hill, THursday, Oct. 27, 1949 TOMENSON, SAUNDERS, SMITH & GARFAT LIMITED 12 Wellington St. E., Toronto, Ont. Phone AD. 0467 -Our service to you combines expert advice on your insurance problems with a complete engineering service District Representative 18 Elizabeth St, Richmond Hill, Ont Your J. CARL SAIGEON AGENCY All insurance matters will receive the usual prompt attention and service. These bonds should be presented for redemp- tion with all coupons of later date attached. No further interest will be paid on these bonds after this date. RBIW HERBERT R. BUTT GOVERNMENT OF CANADA BONDS MAPLE, ONTARIO E R N I E B R O C K 41/2% due November I, 1959 have been called for payment November I, 1949 Telephone Maple 11 RICHMOND HILL is our business Telephone 25R