In co-operation with Mr. Art Gibson of Danforth Radio, we have installed the ï¬rst television set to be used publicly in this area. We invite you to come in and enjoy a program. DIAGONAL ROWS “RICHMOND HILL ON THE AIR †We invite you to attend “Radio Night†at the Richmond Theatre on SGHW CENTRE ST. W. 10 RICHMOND HILL 7’ . mow PHONE 49( Design Rd. 1948 A MORE EFFICIENT DESIGN OF TOOTH BRUSH. â€"MORE CONTINUOUS UNIFORM PRESSURE CO‘NTACT LESS TRAUMATIC “ PHYSICALLY ADAPTABLE AND FUNCTIONALLY MORE EFFICIENT NO OTHER TOOTH BRUSH CAN MAKE THESE CLAIMS 38 Yonge St. We are happy to be numbered among the business men who are sponsoring the broadcast To be heard over Radio Station CHUM (Dial 1050) EVERY THURSDAY AT 1215 PM. Summit View Drive-In BICE’S FLOWER SHOP o 0R NIGHTS AND HOLIDAYS SWEET HEART !‘ 522w “Everything in Good Foods†On the east side of Yonge Street Two Miles North of Richmond Hill The ï¬rst public television receiver in this district JUST_ FRIDAY, Oct. 28 ANNOUNCING FOR BETTER ORAL HYGIENE Mason’s “Diag†Price 75c On Sale Funerals, Weddings and corsages Flowers for all Occasions, Richmond Hill RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. S. W. Hirtle, B. A.. Minister Sunday. October 30, 1949 10 am. â€"â€" The Sabbath School 11 a.m. â€" Public Worship. Speaker: Mr. James Butler, J. P. Everybody welcome. ST. MARY’S ANGLICAN CHURCH Rev. W. F. Wrixon, L. Th., Rector Sunday, October 30 Trinity 20 8.30 a.m.â€"Holy Communion. 10 am. â€" Sunday School. 11 am. â€" Morning Prayer. 7 pm. â€"- Evening Prayer 8.30 pm. â€"- A.Y.P.A. “Rémember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy." Rev. C. B. Brethen, B..\., Minister Sunday, October 30, 1949 10 am. â€" Infant, Primary, Jun- ior, Intermediate Sunday School and Adult Bible Class. 11 am. â€" Morning Worship 7 pm. â€"â€" Evening- Worship. Study Group 7p.m. -â€" Gospel Service. Mon. 8 pm. â€" Girls Missionary Sewing Class. Wed., 8 pm. â€" Prayer Meeting Thurs., 2 pm. â€" Women’s Mis- Maple United Church Divine Service .. . . . . . . . . 7 p.m. Sunday School . . . . . . . . 10.30 va.m. Presbyterian Churches, Rev. C. H. Bowman, B.A., Minister St. Paul's Presbyterian Public Worship . . . . . . . . . . 11 am. Sunday School . . . . . . . . 10.20 am. St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Divine Service . . . . . . . . 2.30 p.m. Sunday School . . . . . . .. 1.30 p.m. Special music by the choir at both services. Sunday, November 6, 11 am. â€" Dr. “Bob†McClure, M.D., F.R.C.S. (Edim.), F.I.C.S., medica mission- ary and ï¬eld director of the Inter- national Red Cross in China. LANGSTAFF BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday, October 30, 1949 United Churches, Rev. P. J. Lam- bert, B.A-, B.D., Minister. Hope United Church Divine Service 11 am. Sunday School . . . . . . . . . . 10 a.m. Edgeley United Church Public Worship . . . . . . 2.30 p.m. Sunday School . . . . .. 1.30 p.m. This Sunday morning the solo- ist will be Miss Jean Rowe, in the evening there will be spepal music by the choir and a tenor solo by Mr. J. Oliver and ladies’ choir. All are welcome. sionary Meeting. Fri., 8 pm. â€"- Young Peoples Soc Yongehurst Rd. Stop 24 Richvale AFTERNOON SERVICE 2.30 SUNDAY, OCTOBER 30 Pastor, Rev. A. R. Jones Serï¬ces Sunday, 11, a.m. â€"â€" Bible School classes for all ages 8.15 pm. -â€" Teen-age Bible Boys, girls and young people are urged and invited to “Remem- her now their Creator in the days of their youth, while the evil days come not, nor 'the years draw nigh . . ." Eccles. 12:1. Parents, won’t you send them? 3.15 PM. â€" GOSPEL SERVICE Hearty welcome to all Rev. and Mrs. Petersqn and Young Pebple’s Group and Quartet of The Nazarene Church, Newmarket Will be in charge Come and worship. Pastor: F. T. .10th New Canadians Night classes will be held for New Canadians in Eng- lish and Citizenship, at the Richmond Hill High School. These classes will be held Monday and Thursday ev- enings at. 7.30, beginning Monday, November 7. Any person interested in joining this class, please com- municate with the Principal, Mr. A. S. Elson, as soon as possible. St. Paul says: “For by Grace are ye saved through faith and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God: not of works lest any man should boast.†Eph. 2: 8, 9 NIGHT CLASSES THE GOSPEL LIGHTHOUSE MASONIC HALL ' RICHMOND HILL 3 RM. â€" SUNDAY SOHOOL MAPLE CHURCH NOTICES EVANGELICAL SERVICES Phones RICHMOND HILL UNITEL CHURCH ENGLISH AND CITIZENSHIP Ies: High School 219 Residence 435W 336L116; Held in for come - - â€"- ISAiAu me MATT. “.28 Mr. and Mrs. T. Taylor, Yonge St., spent the week end in Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Young of Belleville were week end guests with Mr. and Mrs. Wilton Young- James Butler, J.P., of Richmond Hill, member of the Central Exec- utive of the York County Veter- ans and treasurer of that organ- ization, will visit Midland on No- vember 13 and will speak at the joint Remembrance Day service in that town, in which all organiza- tions will be taking part. Dr. Taylor, Sunday morning Adult Bible Class of the United Church, was recently entertained at the home of Mrs. Gee, Centre St. E. Miss Irene McCordick of Clarke Irwin Publishing House gave an interesting talk on books from the author to the buyer. New members welcome. Mr. Wilson Beresford who has been on the sales staff in Toronto of Libby's Products, has been transferred to Ottawa where he will have charge of sales for a large section of Eastern Ontario and Quebec. He took up his new duties Monday and his many friends join in extending congrat- ulations and best wishes for con- tinued success in his new position. Richvale School House Every Sunday 2 pm. â€" Sunday School Family Hour Everyone is cordially invited to this program of childrens hymns and stories. Suedeâ€"graph in color IS used to illustrate the 01d and New Testament scenes. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pullan wish to express their sincere thanks to friends and neighbors for their gifts of fruit and flowers, and al- so to those who donated blood during Mrs. Pullan’s recent illness and special than-ks to Dr. J. P. Wilson who was a great comfort to Mrs. Pullan. *1w17 The view at the Library this week is a nice new entrance door at the south side of the building. Please do not think that the Lib- rary is closed when ï¬nding the old door closed. For your beneï¬t and protection that good and trusty ‘officer of the law’ in Richmond Hill uses the same entrance, as his office is opposite the Library. Come. and see us. BRYANT â€" In loving memory of my dear husband, Henry Bryâ€" ant who passed away, October 26, 1948. We loved him ah! no time can tell How much we loved him and how well, God loved him too and thought it best To take him home with Him to rest. -â€" Lovineg remembered by his wife. c1w17 BRYANT â€"â€" In lovingmemory of a dear father and gTandfather, who passed away October 26, 1948. You’re not forgotten father dear Nor ever shall you be As long as life and memory last We shall remember thee. â€"Lily, Percy and grandchildren. c1w17 DEVINS FAMILY MOVE After seventeen years’ residence in Richmond Hill Mr. and Mrs. David L. Devins have sold their Benson Avenue home to Mrs. A. Savage and have moved to Emery to property which has been in the Devins name since 1792, their children being the sixth generation of the name to live there. Abra. ham Devins and his son Isaac, who came from Pennsylvania, were the original settlers and it is claimed that Isaac’s daughter was the ï¬rst white child to be born in York County. GAMBLE â€" To Mr. and Mrs. Ted Gamble, Elgin Mills, a son, on October 12, at Newmarket Hos- pital, a brother for Sharon. CARD OF THANKS STOVE & FURNACE PIPE Richmond Hill Social and Personal RICHVALE COMMUNITY CHURCH UNDENOMINATIONAL 7 pm. -â€" Evening Service IN MEMORIAMS Telephone Richmond Hill 9 Don’t miss these messages based on St. John's Gospel All denominations welcome +0 attend. Richmond Hill Library Notes Services held in the Get Yours At RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE BIRTHS Phone 426 Your Librarian ‘1w17 Ferguson-Gale Rev. P. Lambert officiated at a quiet wedding- in Maple United Church parsonage on Wednesday, October 19, when Margaret Beat- rice Gale, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Gale, Maple, became the bride of Watson Norman Fer- guson, son of Mr. and Mrs. N. Ferguson, King. The bride who was attired in a pale blue suit with navy accessories and a cor- sage of mauve ’mums, was at- tended by her sister, Louise Gale, in a grey suit with grey access- ories and a corsage of bronze ’mums. Charles Beaton, Oro Sta- tion, was groomsman. After a motor trip the couple will reside at King. Effectively decorated with ferns and Chrysanthemums in tall white standards, Chalmers United Church. Mount Dennis, was the scene on Friday evening, October 21, 1949, of the marriage of And- rey Bettie, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cundiï¬", Mount Dennis, and Archibald Kenneth, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Archi- bald Cameron of Woodbridge. Rev. Arthur Eagle officiated for the double ring ceremony. Cameron-Cundiff Given in marriage by her father, the bride was lovely in her bridal gown of ivory moire, with off-the- shoulder neckline, encircled by a bertha, and ï¬tted bodice with but- ton trim. Her ï¬nger-tip veil fell from a matching headâ€"dress, and she carried Lester Herbert roses. She was attended by the groom’s cousin, Miss Kathryn Bryson, as maid of honour, wearing a floor- length gown of dark turquoise moire, of design almost identical with that of the bride and carry- ing a bouquet of briarclifl’e roses and stephanotis. For a honeymoon trip to Louis- ville and Lexington, Kentucky, and to Corydon, Indiana, the bride travelled in a dress of cocoa brown wool tricotine, dark green coat and brown hat and accessor- ies. On their return, they will reside on the Cameron homestead at Vellore where they will be the fourth Mr. and Mrs. Archibald Cameron to occupy this farm which has been in the Cameron name since 1842. The groom was assisted by his cousin, Delbert Bannon of Malton, and the ushers were Carlyle Cunâ€" diff of Mount Dennis, only brother of the bride, and the groom’s couâ€" sin, Mr. Bruce Maltby of Wood- bridge. The wedding music was played by Miss Mary Lillow. “Through the Years" and “Be- cause"’were sung by the soloist, Mrs. Winnifred Boyd. The reception was held in tlie church parlours and later in the home of the bride’s parents. Mrs Cundiff received her guests wear- ing navy needlepoint crepe with navy accessories and a corsage of Talisman roses and bouvardia. Mrs. Cameron received with her wearing Queensborough blue crepe and corsage of Talisman roses and bouvardia. About sixty guests partook of the wedding dinner. Following the reception 9. very pretty gesture on the part of the bride was the presentation of her bouquet to the groom’s great-aunt Mrs. Louie Taylor of Weston, who, previous to a. second. marriage, as Mrs. Archibald Cameron, resided also on the same homestead. Out of town relatives and friends were present from Woodbridge, Markdale, Wareham, Dundalk, Maple and other points. Twenty-one members of Rich- mond Hill Women’s Institute vis- ited Buttonville Women’s Institute on Thursday, October 20. Mrs. McLatchy was guest speaker and gave many valuable hints on the making of clothes. Mrs. C. Hard- ing, as usual, delighted all pres- ent with her vocal selections.- Dates to remember: Bridge and Euchre â€"- Friday, November 4. Next Meeting â€"â€" November 10. The roll call is to be answered with a donation of dried fruits or something for Xmas baking to be sent to the Women’s Institute at Queensferry, Wales, for distribuâ€" tion to their members. .DAILV SERVICE YO All. CANADIAN AND USA. POINTS .CHARTERED BUSES OFFEI IDEAL SERVICE FOR AN. GROUP TRAVEL TICKETS AND INFOIMAHON M E. J. Roberts, Radial Station Phone 177 Area. Convention â€" Royal York Hotel â€"â€" November 9, 10 and 11. VOCAL FACULTY Royal Conservatory Of Music SPECIALIZING IN YOUNG VOICES, EXAMINATIONS, COMPETITIONS For Information Phone 21M Richmond Hill or Mr. Melecci 58J Richmond Hill Richmond Hill Women’s Institute JEAN INNES WEDDINGS Beynons Observe Silver Wedding Comment on a recent phase in record buying, noted recently in Down Beat magazine, admitted western or folk music is outselling popular hits and jazz. This trend in popularity has been obvious for many months in Richmond Hill and district, and 'it iL interesting to ï¬nd that a representative comâ€" munity can reflect country-wide public taste. “Slipping Around" by Ernest Tubb, Western star on Decca rec- ords is in great demand these days and his latest release, “My Filip- ino Rose,†promises to be equally popular. “We Supply The Music You Enjoy†- Red Foley's latest release, “Ten- nyessee Polka,†coupled with “I’m Throwing Rice,†is another pop- ular western hit. Dpn Messer and His Islanders record exclusively on Apex rec- ords â€" distributed By Decca Rec- ords. ‘ YEREX ELECTRIC Richmond Hill Phone 242 Shredded Wheat 2 sssss 27c Javex Tomato Soup GLEN VALLEY IDEAL SWEET Tissue HEINZ Dinner NABISCO CONCENTRATED PUREX KRAFT Bananas Cabbage SNOW WHITE GOLDEN RIPE FIRM GREEN AYLMER 16 15c [Cleanser . 2 “M 236 Ht]. PORK 8 BEANS 3 $3.13“ 19c MIXED PICKLES it†27c . 2 gig-(is 25c lSpinach. CAULIF LOWER HONEY DE‘V 370 per 1b. Pkgs. Rolls PEAssm z . TY 20 oz. 3 7 c THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, Oct. 8", 1949 10 oz. Tin To get acquainted with the quality of Rexall Prod- ucts stop in during this Sale and buy any one of the products at the price shown in this advertisement and receive another just like it for One Cent. It’s your chance to know Rexall and save money. Rexall a Symbol of Value and Quality for over 33 years. All Rexall Products Guaranteed THE TORONTO STAR OF NOVEMBER I WILL CARRY A FULL LIST OF ONE-CENT SALE ITEMS. Save it and mark your requirements, or Ask for Sale Bill at the Stq‘e. This is your chance to save on many of four household remedies. RICHMOND HILL One-Cent Sale 23c WED., THURS., FRI. & SAT. NOV. 2, NOV. 3, NOV. 4, NOV. 5 11c 18c SCOTCHMER’S REXALL DRUG STORE The Fall Rexall Strawberry Jam 3:,“ 43c Dog Meal . . Currants Sweet Potatoesz 19c GAINE’S RECLEANED Cherries 2,;- 15c 1;;- 31c Spinach. . . 2 AYLMER DALTON'S Cut Mixed Fruit 51:; 21c FRESH CURLY LEAF OLD DUTCH IMPORTED RED GLACE LARGE HEAD lb. 2 lb. Pkg. PHONE 71 -,f 25c 33c 18c