The story is as current as to- day’s headlines, and centres around the modern French Foreign Le- gion. The Legion, in the past, has been the basis for many romantic rand colorful ï¬lms. The locale is Indo-China and the lot is backgrounded by the Viet am rebellion against the French government. Battles in tropical swamps between Legionnaires and guerrillas are highlights. Bing Crosby, a stranger in town, gets an enthusiastic welcome from lovely Joan Caulï¬eld in Paramount’s “Welcome. Stranger,†show- ing at the Richmond Theatre on November 9 and 10. Bing ï¬nds the whole town think- ing‘ as Barry does. He puts the Crosby personality to work, adds some skillful doctor-ing and four melodious new tunes, and soon the community is ready to declare a “Dr. Crosby Week." All that re- mains is for him to help fulï¬ll Barry’s dream of his own hospital, end to win Miss Caulï¬eld. Then Bing is ready to hang out his shingle and roam no more. “Rogues’ Regiment†is heralded as a fastâ€"paced adventure ï¬lm with a story that parallels the hunt by military intelligence units for Martin Bormann, last of the high- ran-king Nazi war criminals still not brought to trial for wartime atrocities. “Rogues’ Regim'ent†is on at the Richmond Theatre on Monday and Tuesday, November ’7 and 8. George Brent has an unusual starring part sans romance, as the hard and relentless Mathew Bos- tel, father of Miss Blyth. Brent goes all out; to make the role con- virncing, as he tries to curb his spirited daughter and control her romantic entanglements. Comedy in droll western style is well handled by such screen favor- ites as Edgar Buchanan and Jane Darwell. Buchanan plays Duff’s slde-kick, a lovable, blundering old sourdough. Miss Darwell is seen as Anne's crochety aunt. Bing is cast as a doctor, but a most unprofessional sort of doc- tor. He’s gay, he loves to sing' and he hates settling down. When he does agrep to take over Barry Fitzgerald‘s small town practice while the latter vacations, it is only, he insists, for two months. And when Barry gets a look at his flashin dressed, cityâ€"wise substi- tute. that‘s two months’ too long :for him. Starring Ann Blybh, Howard Duff and George Brent, “Red Can- yon†comes to the Richmond The- atre on Friday and Saturday, Nov- ember 4 and 5. Universal-Intern-ational has ad- apted Zane Grey's novel “Wildï¬re†to the screen in the same tempo of excitement and on the very loca- tions described by the author. The ï¬lm shows popular Mr. Dufl" in a romantic role for the ï¬rst time. But he is still-the he-man of action which brought him screen atten- tion in “The Naked City†and “Brute Force.†His capture of the wild horse as well as his gun battles with a murderous gang of horse thieves, keep him in the kind of portrayal his fans admire. On top of that both groups can get together for when “Welcome Stranger" comes to the Richmond on Wednesday and Thursday, Nov- amber 9 and 10, Bing and Barry and Joan will all be in it. Miss Blyth is more attractive than ever in her ï¬rst Technicolor picture, and has an entirely new assignment as the madcap sageâ€" brush queen who rides the danger- one black stallion in a race for love. She portrays the heroine and sweetheart of the picture with a performance that may well aston- lsh fans who marveled at her re- cent “Mermaid†role. For those who} like this writer, Went a little bit “nutty†over the combination of Bing Crosby and Joan Caulï¬eld in “Blue Skies†when it showed at the Richmond Theatre recently there is a spec- lal treat in store. And for those who got a real kick out of the screenâ€"history- making combination of Bing and Barry Fitzgerald in “Going My Way†there is another thrill com- lug. A synopsis of pictures to be shown locally in the near future, for the information of movie-goers. Church are holding a Rummage and Home Baking Sale at The Ridge Inn, Oak Ridges, on 'I‘ues- day, November 8. Sale starts at 3 p.m. *1w18 NOVEMBER 8 â€" The Woman’s Association of the Richmond Hill United Church will hold their regular monthly meeting Tuesday, November 8, at 2.30 in the Sunday School room. All members and 1a- NOVEMBER 4 â€" Final Wrestling Match will be held in Richmond Hill arena, featuring Spider Shackleton, Ed Mangotich, Bobby Jordan, Tom “Junior†Cooney, A1 Orlando, Jeff Parsons, Glen Yoe; 3 other all star bouts. Sponsored by G & C Athletic Club. NOVEMBER 7 â€" The evening group of the Richmond Hill Un- ited Church W.A. will meet Mon- day, November 7, at 8 pm. Miss Rumball and Miss Stagge, inter- ior decorators from Eeton’s will present ï¬lm; Members bring a friend. Bazaar gifts required. EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT -â€" Enjoy your winter dancing at Bolton Casino every ,Saturrday night. Mé‘rrymaker’s 9-pieéé or- chestra. *3w18 NOV. 8 â€" The WA. of St. John’s The meeting, which was under the chairmanship of Jackson 'Tay< lor, was addressed by Reeve John Hostrawser of Vaughan township. He explained the steps being tak- en in connection with the planned development of the township and stated that, with the township un- dergoing a building boom without precedent, it was necessary to con_ trol to a certain extene just where and how new residents could lo- cate. This, he said, had to be done with respect to the individual rights of the persons involved and had to, at the same time, take into consideration adequate roads and other facilities. Seven Man Board NOVEMBER 4 -â€" A bridge and euchre party will be held on Fri- day, November 4, in the High School Gymn, 8 p.m., under com- bined sponsorship of the Women’s Institute, the Women’s Auxiliary, of the Veterans, and the Mothers Auxiliary of the Boy Scouts. This party is being held to raise money to buy chairs and other equipment for their new room it the Munic- ipal Hall. Everyone welcome. Tickets 50c. Good prizes. 3w16 NOVEMBER 7 â€" Mccting of the Anglican Men’s Club at St. Mary’s Anglican Church Hall, Richmond Hi'v‘. at 8 p.m. Television demon- stration by Wally Winn. To Pay Tribute Due to the large and varied area which it has to cover the townâ€" ship planning board has found it impossible to have a ï¬rst-hand knowledge of the problems which it; is called on to solve. Conse- quently auxiliary planning boards composed of local citizens have been established. The formation of the Richvale board brings to three the number of 'such auxiliar- ies in the toWnship, the others be- ing at Maple and Thornhill. NOVEMBER 4 â€"â€"'- The Mission Band will meet Friday afternoon, November 4, at 3.30 pm. in the United Church Sunday School Room. 1w18 McClure, M.D., F.R.C.S. (Edin), F.I.C.S., Medical Missionary and Field Director of the international Red Cross in China will be guest preacher at Richmond Hill United Church All are lelcome. 1w18 vernber 6, at 11 am. Dr. “Bob†NOVEMBER 6 â€" r On Sunday, No- VOLUME LXXI. NUMBER 18. Auxiliary Planning Board Formed For Richvale Area Richvale is now the proud posâ€" sessor of an auxiliary planning board. Commemoration Service On ' November 6th Following Friday ls Declared A Holiday Honour The Dead By Caring For The Living Wear A Flanders Poppy On Remembrance Day Coming Events 1w18 NOVEMBER 10 â€"- All Saints’ Church are holding a turkey sup- per, at the Masonic Hall, King, Serving from 5 pm. till past 8 p.m. Supper,'folk dances, sing- ing, by Latvian Artists. Instru- mental numbers as presented at the ONE. Tickets $1.25 inclusive. Children 75c. 1W18 NOVEMBER 25 â€" The Deanery‘ of West York is sp-nsoring a Missionary meeting to be held in St. Mary’s Anglican Church, Rich- mond Hill, on Friday, November 25 at 8 'p.m. when the bublic will be given an opportunity to hear a distinguished Indian the Rev. Em- ane Sambayya. As this will be the only occasion that missionary hearted people of this pert of the country will have to hear‘ Mr. Sambayya, all are urged to make a note of the .‘ate. 1w18 Let a classiï¬ed ad be your sales- man â€" inexpensive, but a “go-. getter.†Telephone Richmond Hill 9 and put one to work for you. NOVEMBER 9' “â€" éharivari dance in Lasknay W. 1. Hall for Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kirby and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Walker of King. Ladies provide. - c1w18 dies of the congregation are cor- dially invited. 1w18 NOVEMBER 10 â€" The regular meeting of the Evening Auxiliary of the Presbyterian Church will be held at the home of Mrs. Hugh Yerex Markham Rd., on Thursday evening, November 10, at 8 pm. Miss Hurst will be the guest speaker. Articles for the bazaar will be received. 1w18 Upwards of 125 residents were present in Richvale school for the meeting with Vaughan Township council being represented by Reeve John Hostrawser, Deputy Reeve Marshall McMurchy, Councillors Robson, Shaw and Rutherford. NOVEMBER 19 â€" The Richvale Anglican W.A. are holding a bazaar in Richvale School on Nov. 19, 1949. Fancy work, aprons, homemade baking table, ï¬sh pond candy table, white elephants. Af- ternon tea will be served. Every- one welcome. 2w18 It was decided that the area to be covered by the Richvale Auxil- iary Planning Board would be from Langstaï¬ side load to Maple side road and from Yonge Street to the east side of Bathurst street. It was also decided that the board would consist of seven members to be chosen from different parts of the area. ' Chosen as members were Don Stewart of the Boyle section; Douglas White of Edgar Avenue; Cyril Baker and Edwin Perring- of the Carrville Road district; Earle Lambert of the Yongehurst Road area; Brian Bailey for the Bath- urst district and Mr. S. Woods. for the Roosevelt Avenue section. The ï¬rst meeting of the new board will be on November 7. Indignation was expressed by many of those present at the meet- ing‘ over the condition of side roads. Members of the township council said that this was due to proper equipment not being avail- able and to heavy traffic. NOVEMBER 12 â€" A bazaar un- der the auspices of the WA. of the Richmond Hill United Church, will be held on Friday, November 12, at 3 pm. Baking, aprons, children’s wear, Christmas gifts will be on sale. Afternoon tea wil' be served. c2w18 NOVEMBER 12 â€"â€" Bazaar of the Ladies Guild of Thornhill United Church at 2 p.m. at the Sunday School rooms. Baking, handmade goods, afternoon tea. 2w17 [£11m mmm "In Essentials, Unity; In Non-Essentials, Liberty: RICHMOND HILL, 0NT., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1949 I Pictured here is DAVID E. BAWDEN, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Bawden of Rich- mond Hill, who has just been awarded the James Scott Scholarship in Mathematics in Honour Matriculation at Upper Canada College. He won ï¬rsts in algebra, geom- etry, trigonometry, chemis- try and physics. David is a member of St. Mary’s Anglican church, Richmond Hill, and is now attending the Physics and Engineering course at the School of Practical Science, University of Toronto. He received his ï¬rst school- ing at S. S. No. 4, Markham, and has been at Upper Can- ada for ï¬ve years. Additional new features for readers will be found In forthcoming issues. Startâ€" ing shortly will be a High School column, designed to cover. theaactivitiesv of stu_â€"_ dents at that institution. Recognizing the service rendered by those who in times of peace prepare themselves for the defencu of their country, another new column will feature activities of members of C Squadron of the Queen’s York Rangers, in which a number of district men have an interest. Those classiï¬ed ads, market place of the district, will be found in their new position on page 10 â€" the back page. They have been moved to this spot in order to be readily av- ailable to the many readers who make use of them con- sistently for buying and selling. While the change was made last week, attention is drawn. to the fact that “Coming Events,†that cheap, convenient and ef- fective method of notifying readers about forthcoming events in which they might be interested is now to be found on the front page. In order to provide the best possible service to both ad- vertisers and readers it Is planned to keep it there as far as possible. The answer is given, at least partly, in a feature article based on an exam- ination of local exchange conditions and problems which, together with pIc- tures, will be found on page Why is telephone service in the area .so slow at, times? In This Issue Scholarship Winner The Guide leaders were gvien a' ‘splendid day’s‘ training by Miss P. ‘Echlin while leaders of the Brown_ _ie groups enjoyed a program un- E-der the supervision of Miss M. F‘meett. 'With the remarkable fall ‘weather still favouring the district Famed Medical Missionary Is United Church Speaker Next Sunday, November 6th One of the most talented and dynamic medical missionaries and probably more intimate than any other Canadian with recent events in China, Dr. “Bob†McClure comes as guest Speaker to Richâ€" mond Hill United Church for the service next Sunday at 11 am. “Bob†McClure, himself the son of one of the pioneer missionaries in China, received his education in Toronto, graduating from the University of Toronto in Medicine in 1922.' He received the coveted degree F.R.C.A. from Edinburgh In 1937 he was loaned by the Honan Mission of the United Church of Canada to the Interna- tional Red Cross as Field Director for Central China during the Sino- Japanese conflict. Fro some time he was in charge of the transport of medical supplies from abroad to various areas i" Southwest and West China. and for ï¬ve years he was Medical Director of the Friends Ambulance Unit in China. Dr. “Bob†McClure is constant- ly being sought as guest speaker for conferences, assemblies and service clubs and his visit to Rich- A feature of the day was the luncheon with Mrs. D. R. Gunn ad- dressing the assemblage. Mrs. Gunn advised the group that it would be of great beneï¬t to the association if a Guider’s Club were formed and suggesting that a club of this sort could do invaluable work by having a meeting every two months or so whereat prob- lems could be discussed and solved. Discussion was also held regarding in 1931. In 1934, he spent the summer in Europe in the study of radiology and for a time was the only medical missionary in all in- land China with radium for the treatment of cancer. Subskquentâ€" 1y he studied public health in Sweden. it was possible for the girls to spend the majority of thelday in the open, which added considerably to the pleasure of the occasion. Sappers Club From Toronto To Parade With Local Mon November 11 has been declared a public holiday again this year by the village of Richmond Hill and the township of Vaughan councils, for the ï¬tting observance 0f Remembrance Day. Joining in the veterans’ parade will be the Sappers Association of Toronto, with its Colour party. Richmond Hill and King branches of the Legion, Vaughan and Rich- mond Hill Veterans, Markham Veterans, Unionville Veterans will With arrangements completed for the Remembrance Day ser- vice to be held on Sunday, Nov- ember 6, a large turnout of vet- erans and citizens is expected. Guide And Brownie Leaders Given Worth-while Tr’aining ' At York County Conference The York County Divisional Training Conference, which was held last Saturday, October 29, in the ‘Rich‘mond Hill High School, was well attended and in addition was most instructive. It was en- joyed by the many Guide and Brownie leaders present. In All Things, Charity; Tenders for the removal of the old North Yonge radial tracks have been called for by the Tor- onto Transportation Commission. Closing date is November 7. Dr. Frederick P. Ide, member of the faculty of the Zoology Depart. ment of the University of Toron- to, has purchased the property at 112 Carrville Road, Richvale, owned by Herbert Smith, the sale being negotiated by David Mc- Lean, realtor, Thornhill. Dr. Ide also works in co-operation with the Department of Game and Fisheries engaging in investigation and research regarding the re- stocking of trout streams. Tenders Arev Called For Track Removal mond Hill is so signiï¬cant as to deserve community-wide attention. The Men’s Club of the United Church will attend in a body and will occupy seats reserved for them. A full wttendance of all ladies and youth organizations is also expected and a cordial inviâ€" tation is extended to the general public. U. of T. Faculty Man Buys Richvale House To conclude the day’s activities the ladies of Richmond Hill Aux- iliary served coffee and cookies during which the Divisional Train- ers, Miss Echlin and Miss Willet were presented with bouquets of roses in appreciation for their ex- cellent work. led by tion A At t? At the conclusion of the service at the War Memorial the parade will reform and Will move south on Yonge Street to the Markham Road. Making a U turn there, it will move north on Yonge Street, passing the Post Office, where the salute will be taken by Lt.-Col. F. J. Picking, and then proceed via Dufferin Street to the Arena. a weekend at Camp Samac. This is to be acted on and upon comple- tion’ of plans all Guiders will be informed. It was also announced at the conference that arrangements are being completed for a pre-Warrant correspondence course and all Guiders who are interested in this were requested to contact Mrs. R. F. Paul, Training Chairman for York County Division, in care of Richvale P.0. In the afternoon a Ladies’ Aux- iliary Conference was held under the leadership of Mrs. Gunn. As a. result of this conference Miss Izzard, District Commissioner, Richmond Hill, stated arrangeâ€" ments will be made for copies of auxiliary meeting procedure to be sent to each district. ‘ and Army the c‘ I will the ‘ be on parade trade will f0 1 of the villvz will move off ‘ 1e West Tor< y sixty-piece conclusion of ill form a a village a 'e off at 2.4 ; Toronto : piece band on of the s Lorial the 1 , Girl Orange . at the 5 at 2.30 2.45 pm. 0 Salva- Guides Home Twenty growers competed again this year and second place goes to Douglas Campbell of Mount Al- bert with a yield of 549 bushels per acre. Andrew Williams of Shadlow Lake Farm, Stouï¬â€˜ville comes in third with 543 bushels, Norman Payne, Maple 537 bushels for fourth and Cliff Wallwork of Stouffville ï¬fth with 516 bushels. The average for the twenty ï¬elds was 432 bushels. The committee will be meeting Seven hundred bushels of po- tatoes per acre is a lot of spuds to grow any year but in spite of the severe drought one member of the York County 500 Bushel Potato Club was only 11 bushels short of that yield. For the third time in succession Herb Jones of Maple whose farm is in the “Honey Pot†district of Vaughan has won the contest, this year with the stag- gering yield of 689 bushels and the judges say that had the check diggings been taken across the best end only it would have run close to 1000. It has been sug- gested this district should be re- named the “Potato Pot.†Herb Jones of “Honey Pot†District Wins Potato Contest For Third_Time First -â€" but certainly not the lastâ€" Maple citizen to appear in the “Know Your Neighbour" series is Major J. A. McGINNIS, recently appointed Officer Commanding C Squadron of- The Queen’s York Rangers (lst American)‘ 25th Armoured Regiment with headquarters at Aurora, York County’s “own†regiment. v He moved to Maple four years ago from Midhurst, Out, and purchased the former Robeson general store, which he and Mrs. McGinnis have completely renovated since and to which they expect to make further changes soon. In fact, he says, either construction or demolition seem to have been the order of the day constantly since the McGinnis famin moved to Maple. - But before deciding to call Maple “home†he had put in six strenuous years in the service of his country. Joining at the start of the war, in September, 1939, he began his car- eer as a. trooper in the infant Armoured Corps. From then until he was given his commission he hEld every non-com- missioned rank but one on his way up the ladder. He speca ialized in gunnery, was promoted to Captain, and for a time commanded a gunnery school in England, later becoming an instructor in tactics. Posted to the British Columbia, Reglc ment he served with that unit in the ï¬eld until the end of the war, and was discharged in October, 1945. is the “boss?†However, things seem to be so nicely bal-Z anced in the partnership that there hasn’t been any scrap’ about it yet. Two children, Diane, aged six years and Jon,f aged three, round out the group which has decided that it; likes Maple so much that it hopes to make it home for many; years to come. . Two years later he joined the Queen’s York Rangers as second-in-command of C Squadron at Aurora. â€" the unit which he has recently been appointed to command. It would seem that running a. store and commanding a squadron should be enough to keep any man occupied but In addition he ï¬nds time to be a member of the Maple Lions Club, secretary of the Maple Subsidiary Planning Board, a member of the Board of Managers of Maple Presbyterian Church. He is also past president of King branch of the Canadian Legion. t The McGinnis family consists of Mrs. McGinnis, the: former Margaret Scott of Brussels, and who takes such an; active part in aï¬airs that there is some question as to who’ The photo of Major McGinnis, like all others in thé “Know Your Neighbour†series, was taken by Edmund; Soame, “The Studio,†1720 Avenue Road. Ignow Your Neighbour HOME PAPER OF THE DISTRICT SINCE 1% In addition he gave the students a. short talk dealing with the gen. erating of power and showed how important it was in the daily lives of all citizens. Through the chil- dren he asked for help in their homes in the conservation of pow. er. I Coinciding with the Liberalls ofl‘ice window display of autom. atically projected slides illustrat- ing development of new pawer plants in Ontario, R. J. Cooksley visited all Richmond Hill schools on October 27 and presented a ï¬lm entitled “Niagara. the Powerful." Mr. Cooksley is with the promo. tion department of the Hydro El. ectric Power Commission. Hvdrn Film. Show“ .4 _- ._ ____ At Local Schools shortly to arrange for the annual banquet and presentation of prizes. In the meantime it is an pected that those growers with the higher yields will enter the cham- pionship class for the C.I.L. Spec- ial at the Royal Winter Fair. can handle it for you â€"-‘ speedily â€" smartly. Tele- phone Richmond Hill 9. Job Printing Deparrzment poster â€" The Liberal's From a postcard to a