Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 10 Nov 1949, p. 5

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1 men’s FLOWER snap Yonge St. A cordial invitation is extended to all citizens interested This week, for Sunday dinner or at any time you want a real honest-to-goodness meal, try our . VALEDICTORY ADDRESS: Dr. A. G. Lewis, Dean of the Ontario Col- lege of Education are, as always, a “leader” in popular favour. For a. full course meal â€"â€" for a quick lunch -â€" for an evening snackâ€" you’ll find Summit View ready to serve you to your satisfaction.- For the benefit of those many customers who have en- joyed it â€" and with an invitation to those who haven’t to drop in â€" we are glad to announce that the television set which was installed some time ago will now be a permamnt fixture. We shall be glad to have you see it â€" and we shall be ‘. glad to see you. SUMMIT VIEW DRIVE-IN SGfld ; CENTRE ST. W. To RICHMOND HILL . MOTHER PHONE 490 Illlrl' THE HIGH SCHOOL GYMNASIUM PRESENTATION OF Graduation Diplomas, Honour Graduation Diplomas Intermediate Certificates Academic Prizes and Scholarships Athletic Awards and Others Musical Selections by students of the High School. in the work of the school to attend this function. Your Canada Savings Bonds FRIDAY EVENING, November 18, 1949 COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES Richmond Hill High School P”: MOTHER o 0R SWEETHEART ! On Yonge Street two miles North of ' Richmond Hill DOHERTY ROADHOUSE & C0. FRIED CHICKEN DINNERS’ FROM OUR AGENT Wm. NEAL - BUY- T-BONE STEAKS And, of course, our TELEVISION ‘3 NIGHTS AND HOLIDAYS at 8.15 pm. in Funerals, Weddings and corsages Flowers for all Occasions, Richmond Hill 522r6 RICHMOND HILL UNITEL CHURCH Rev. C. B. Brethen, 8A., Minister Sunday, November 20 10 a.m, â€" eginners, Primary, Jun- ior, Intermediate Sunday School and Adult Bible Class. 11 am. â€" Baptismal Service and Morning Worship. 7 pm. â€"â€" Evening Worship with Special Music. All are welcome. Presbyterian Churches, Rev. C. H. Bowman, B.A., Minister St. Paul’s Presbyterian Public Worship . . . . . . . . . . 11 a.m. Sunday School . . . . . . . . 10.20 am. St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Divine Service .. .c . . . 2.30 pm. Sunday School . . . 1.30 pm. Special Missionary Service 7 pm. Speaker: Mrs. A. S, Curr, presi- dent of Toronto Presbyterial LANGSTAFF BAPTIST CHU ROI-I DEATH RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. S. W. Hirtle, B. A.. Minister Maple United Church Divine Service . . . . . Sunday School . . . . . . , Study Group 7p2m. â€" Gospel Service. Mon. 8 p.m. â€"- Girls Missionary Sewing Class. Wed., 8 pm. â€"- Prayer Meeting Thurs., 2 ixm. â€" Women’s Mis- GRAHAM â€"- At Toronto, on Sat- urday, November 5, 1949, Thom- as Alexander (Sandy) Graham, dearly beloved husband of Bessie Scrivener, 459 Milverton B1vd., loving father of Dorothea. Fun- eral service Tuesday with inter- ment in Mount Pleasant ceme- tery. Missionary Sunday 8.30 a.m.â€"â€"Holy Communion. 10 am. â€"- Sunday School. 11 a.m. â€"â€" Morning Prayer. Preacher: Rev. S. A. R. Wood, B.A., Thornhill. 7 pm. â€" Evening Prayer Preacher: Rev, D. C. H. Michell, LL. B., King. Friday, November 25 â€" Deanery Missionary Rally, Speaker, Rev. Emani Sambayya, M.A., B.D., from Calcutta. CHURCH OF CHRIST Meeting in Concord School House Each Lord’s Day at 3 pm. Tune in CKEY (580) at 9.15 am. Sunday Everybody welcome. Edgeley United Church Public Worship . . . . . . Sunday School . . . . . . . This midâ€"afternoon Sunday School is designed to reaeh and teach the Bible to boys and girls of Richmond Hill and vicinity who have no place to go or are unoc- cupied on Sunday afternoons and could come out to learn more about the Lord Jesus Christ. Any boy or girl is welcome, without any obligation. Sunday, November 20. 1949 10 a.m. â€" The Sabbath School 11 a.m. â€" Public Worship. Everybody welcome. Sunday, November 27, 1949 United Churches, Rev. P. J. Lam- bert, B.A-, B.D., Minister. Hope United Church Divine Service 11 am. Sunday School . . . . . . . . . 10 a.m. Pastor, Rev. A. R. Jones Services Sunday, 11 am. -â€" Bible School classes for all ages 8.15 pm. â€"â€" Teen-age Bible Rev. W. F. Wrixon, L. Th., Rector Sunday, Nov. 20. Before Advent. sionary Meeting. Fri., 8 pm. â€" Young Peoples Soc. Taken by “Students of the Emmaus Bible College, Toronto” Everyone Welcome GOSPEL LIGHTHOUSE Sunday, November 20 AFTERNOON SERVICE 2.30 Hearty welcome to all. Rev. Peterson and Young People’s Group in charge An exposition of local talent Instrumental and vocal, etc. Come and worship. Pastor: F. T. Johns Yongehurst Rd. Stop 24 Richvale MAPLE CHURCH NOTICES THE GOSPEL LIGHTHOUSE 8.15 p.m. AFTER-CHURCH SERVICE ST. MARY’S ANGLICAN ' CHURCH EVANGELICAL SERVICES 3 RM. SUNDAY SCHOOL MASONIC HALL RICHMOND HILL Held in ....... 10.30 a.m ISAIAH me M11. “.18 2.30 1.30 Mrs. James Ley of Richmond St., is visiting relatives in Rodney this week. On Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. White, the family of Mr. Giles gathered to wish him birthday greetings, Mr. Giles hav- ing celebrated his 89th birthday on Thursday, November 10. Present were Mr. and Mrs. T. R, Robson of Scotland, Ontario, Mr. and Mrs. W. White and Steven of Hanover, and Miss Jean Craig of Toronto. Dr. Taylor’s Sunday morning Adult Bible Class of the United Church enjoyed a most delightful evening, November 14, at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Ira D. Ramer, Roseview Ave. Mrs. Styrmo gave an interesting talk on her recent trip to Norway. Mrs. Rose Suth- erland gave two vocal selections and Miss Joyce Perkins gave her prize-winning speech on her trip east. New members welcome. BROWN -â€" To Mr. and Mrs. Doug las B. Brown (nee Ruth Smith) on Tuesday, November 15, the gift of a son, at Grace Hospital, Toronto, We wish to extend our heartfelt thanks and appreciation for the acts of kindness, messages of sympathy and beautiful floral of- ferings received from our many friends during our sad bereavement in the death of our son, Thomas E. Cooney. WITNEY â€"- In loving memory of my dear father, Edward Witney, who passed away November 16, 1948; and also a dear brother, Cecil, who passed away, Nov. 22, 1931. Till memory fades and life departs You lie forever in my heart. CARD 0F THANKS We extend our sincere thanks to H, J. Mills, Ltd., for the beautiful flowers which added so much to the appearance of our store at our official re-opening on November 12. CGTTRILL â€"â€" Mr. and Mrs. James C. Cottrill wish to announce the birth of their son, Robert John, on Friday, November 11, 1949. On behalf of my father, Mr. John Giles, I wish to express my sincere thanks to the many friends and neighbors for flowers and cards he received while in hospital, also flowers, candy, fruit juice and fruit and birthday cards he re- ceived for his 89th birthday. Mrs. Arthur C. White I“1w20 At St, Mary‘s Anglican Church, Richmond Hill, on Saturday, Nov- ember 12, Bernice Gourlie and Raymond Duncan Patterson, both of Richvale, were united in mar- riage by the Rev. W. F. Wrixon, rector of the Church. â€"- Sadly missed byrson and bro- ther, John. CARD OF THANKS CARD 0F THANKS REID â€"â€" To Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Reid, on November 12, at Mrs. Stanford's Nursing- Home, ‘Rlch- mond Hill, a baby girl, a sister for Jimmy. Mother and baby PATTERSON-GOURLIE 2 pm. â€" Sunday School Family Hour 7 RM. â€" EVENING SERVICE “Travels in the Gospel by St. John” plus your Gospel Singer from the British Isles STOVE & FURNACE PIPE VOCAL FACULTY Royal Conservatory Of Music SPECIALIZING IN YOUNG VOICES, EXAMINATIONS, . COMPETITIONS Richmond Hill 7 Social and Personal RICHVALE COMMUNITY CHURCH UNDENOMINATIONAL SUNDAY s‘ERVICES For Information Phone 21M Richmond Hill or Mr. Melecci 58J Richmond Hill weII. IN MEMORIAM Telephone Richmond Hill 9 JEAN INNES (Richvale School House) MR. GORDON BOND RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE WEDDING The F. Y. W. Brathwaite Hardware Get Yours At BIRTHS Phone 426 Mr. and Mrs. Cooney *1w20 This week we are going to men- tion an amazing feat. It was the occasion of the first banquet ever to be held in the community of Richvale. The event took place last Friday evening, November 11, and marked the first anniversary of the formation of the lat Rich- vale Boy Scout Troop and Cub Pack. It was in the form of a Father and Son Supper and over ninety persons including guests sat down to a feast fit for a king. Comes now the most amazing part â€"- the dinner was a hot one and there isn’t a community kit- chen in the area. The ladies of the auxiliary under the leadership of Mrs. Harold Ince and Mrs. A. B-askerville each cooked part of the repast in their homes and then hurried it to the school. The tim- ing was such that there was no waiting and the servi'ce would have put our larger hotels to shame â€" right down to apple pie and ice cream. Correspondent: Norm McDermott, Phone Richmond Hill 364113 Corporal Brawn was everything a boy looks for in a stalwart of the Mounties and they couldn’t have been more thrilled if Chris Kring- le himself walked in. The Corporal has a. special job in the force and that is youth training and welfare. His interest in the future citizens of the Dominion made him an in- stant friend of the young lads present. After the banquet Cub- masters Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Millard were invested into the Boy Scout Association by Assistant Commissioner Dick Ed- munds as were the Group Com- mittee. Now for the evening’s program, Mr. Geo. Selkirk, the leader of the Sunday School, opened with Grace followed by the dinner after which the guests of the evening were in- troduced. I Present were Mrs. Ter- ry Jackson, York Central District Cubmaster; Jack Atkinson, Prov- incial Commissioner of Boy Scouts; Mr. Clarke Locke, District Com- missioner of Boy Scouts; Mr. Dick Edmunds, Assistant District Com- missioner; Mr. John Snow, York Central District Scout Master and Mr. A. B-askerville, president of the East Vaughan Ratepayers As- sociation. Also present was Cor- poral Wm. Brawn, I.,C.M.P., who proved of great interest to the boys. The proudest boy of the evening was Cub Jack Underhill who was presented with the shield which is given annually to the most outâ€" standing member of the Cub Pack. This includes his actions during cub meetings, his behaviour at school and also his deportment at home. Jackie’s grandmother, Mrs. Sparks, who was serving with the ladies’ auxiliary, was so thrilled she would not have changed places with the Queen_ To round the evening out Cor- poral Brawn showed a film in col- our of the training- and duties of the Mounted Police. A hearty vote of thanks is here- by given to Mrs. Ince and her la- dies of the Auxiliary and also to Messrs. Jackson Taylor, Cec. Turnbull, Ken Hough, A. Basker- ville, Harold Ince and Cliff Nunn of the Group Committee for the success‘ of the evening. Tea and cakes are going to be served and what can be nicer than a refreshing spot of tea after a weary session with the kiddies at Santa’s parade. Do drop in on your way home, be refreshed and then take home a msterpiece of the culinary art for Sunday's din- Vocalists Last Saturday we thought the Leslie Bell Singers or perhaps a wayward group of angels had dropped into the school basement however upon investigating we found that it was the Girl Guides and Brownies vocalizing in prep- aration for their Christmas Con- cert. Very nice it was indeed and the community is really in for a treat during the Michaelmas sea- son. More about this later. This Saturday, November 19, in the school basement, the Anglican Women’s Auxiliary of Richvale is presenting a bake sale and bazaar. the affair gets under way at 2.30. and includes a lucky fish pond for the children, ner‘ The ladies auxiliary of the Boy Scouts will meet in the school basement, on Thursday, November 24, at 8.30 p.m. W. A. Bazaar Boy Scout News New Members in UN. Security Council RICHVALE we have available a quantity of clean newsprint, in 94 pound bun- dles, consisting of one thousand sheets each, size 29% by 43 in- ches. It would make excellent covering for banquet tables, etc. While it lasts the price is $3.76 per bundle. Telephone the Liberal office, Richmond Hill 9. FOR THAT’CHUiRCH SUPPER The Sadler’s Wells Ballet en- gagement in Toronto next week emphasizes the popularity of bal- let .with audiences in Canada. It also serves as a ‘reminder that music written for ballet is a col- ourful addition to a record collec- tion. Choose from such RCA Victor Albums as: Sheherezade, Sleeping Beauty, Swan Lake, Les Sylphides, or from single RCA Victor Red Seal records â€"â€" Afternoon‘of a Faun, one 12” rec- 0rd The Swan â€" 'one 10” record Faust â€"~ Ballet Music -â€" two 12" records Dance of the Hours â€" one 12” record A new album of the First Piano Quartet includes lively dances from ballet. Y‘EREX ELECTRIC “We Supply The Music You Enjoy” Richmond HilliiiPlloingézliz PLUS NEWS § RECORD CENTRE A MEAL FOR FOUR Green Beans Cabbage . Peas 81 Carrots MARGARINE Margene AYLMER BULMAN’S OHOICE HARVEST SHELLED HALVES SHELLED Almonds CHOICE QUALITY Yams, T c SWEET FULL OF JUICE Pecans FRESH GREEN N0. 1 WASHED AND WAXED KRAFT DINNER 2 17c 1"), AYLMER 37c Raspberry Jam 315’" 370 TOMATOES 211:" 33c . 33c 15 Roses Flour 1212' 49¢ SLICED PEACHES T1: 16c Florida Oranges Pkg. 3 oz. THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, Nov. 17, 1949 5 Head om Royal Theatre AURORA OZ. lbs. Tin 15 oz. Tin 20 oz‘ THURS., FRI. â€" 2 DAYS â€" NOV. 17, 18 MARGUERITE CHAPMAN, WALTER BRENNAN, ROBERT PAIGE “THE GREEN PROMISE” MON., TUES. â€" 2 DAYS .- NOV. 21, 22 Meet The Killer, Boris Karloff” “Bud Abbott and Lou Costello Showing at 7.30, 9.30. Last complete show 9.00. PLUS “GRANDFATHER’S FOLLIES” PLUS NEWS, CARTOON AND INTEREST 23c 27c 12c 17c 19c 19c WED., THURS. â€" 2 DAYS â€" NOV. 23, 24 HUMPHREY BOGART “KNOCK ON ANY DOOR” ‘6 PENNY SINGLETON, ARTHUR LAKE BLONDIE IN THE DOUGH” SATURDAY ONLY â€" NOVEMBER 19 A Grand Double Feature. Show Sardines Grapefruit Carrots E. D. SMITH’S Catchup . TASTE TELL MARSH SEEDLESS Corn Fab The Story of a Horse. Showing at 6.20, 8.50. Last Complete Show 8.40. Matinee Saturday 2.00 pm. FABULOUS SUDS ALL PURPOSE BRUNSWICK N0. 1 WASHED “BLACK EAGLE” Showing at 7.35, 10.20. â€" Plus â€"- Showing at 7.20, 9.20 Adult Entertainment Showing 7.15, 9.15 Cream Style Size 96's Size 288’s 13 oz. Btl. 23c Lge. Pkg Doz. lbs. Tins 20 oz. Tin 35c 29c 19c 19c

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