do tumuv-vv"---_,l Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Mortgage Loans Arranged Successor to B. B. Jordan Office Hours -â€"â€" Daily 10 to 5 pm. Evenings â€"â€" Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 8 to 10 And by Appointment 40 .Yonge, Richmond Hill Ph. 229 Barristers, Solicitors, etc. Wm. Cook, KC. Ralph B. Gibson, K.C. J. A. Gibson Toronto Office: 912 Federal Bldg. 85 Richmond St. West Richmond Hill, Thursday forenoon Maple, Thursday afternoon Money to loan at Current Rate ALEXANDER MacGREGOR, K.C. ALBERT J. WILSON, M.A. BARRISTERS 614 Confederation Life Building ELgin 5029 Toronto M acGregor & Wilslâ€! Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public 4776 Yonge Street, Lansing, Ont. Zone 8-337 Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries N. L. Mathews, K. C. K. M. R. Stiver, B. A. B. E. Lyons, B.A. Joseph Vale NEWMARKET OFFICES 100 Main St. 6 Botsford St. Phone 126 Phone 120 19 Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Richmond Hill Every Thursday _ afternoon 93 Yonge Street Immediately north of Masonic Hall Phone 87 â€"â€" Richmond Hill Toronto Oï¬ice -â€" 18 Toronto St. Phone Adelaide 5877 7.]. Rabinowitch, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Richmond Hill 398.1 36 Centre W. Lang. Michener, Day & Cranston 50 King St. W., Toronto DENTIST ‘ YONGE AND ARNOLD sung? Phone ‘70 Dr. P. R. MacFarlane DENTIST Closed Wednesday all day GAS EXTRACTION -â€"â€" X-RAY From the _Toronto Conservatory of Music wlll accept a number of flpppits in. ‘PIANO, OR‘GAN and THEORY JEAN INNES, VOCAL For information phone Mrs. Mylks, .108 Yonge Stage} Thornhill, Ont Elocution, Public Speaking Platform Deporlment, Dramatic Art Miss Sylvia Mecredy Miss Alice Mecredy P I A N O Phone Richmond Hill 1021'13 Licensed and Authorized for the Counties of York and Ontario Farm Stock, Implements, House‘ hold Furniture, Real Estate Sales 8 specialty At Fair and Reasonable Rates Dual service for the price of one. Milliken P.O.. ph. Agincourt 52w3 Markham P.O., ph. Markham 206 No sale too big or too small 26 Years Experience York County, Uxbridge and Pickering Townships Farm Stock and Furniture Sales 3 Specialty Telephone Stouï¬â€˜ville 67312 Address: Gormley P.O. THORNHILL and UNIONVILLE House, farm and $.11 electrical alterations, also all makes of washing machines serviced. Rates for insertions in this section are available at The Liberal office â€"â€" phone Richmond Hill 9- PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY I Wier S. Jenkins mthews, Stiver, Lyons & Vqle _ M acN aughton & M acN aughton Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Cameron MacNaughton, K. C. Alex M. MacNaughton McKinnon Building Melinda St. Toronto, Ont. Stuart ‘P. Parker mic & Gibson Marguerite Boyle FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE STRVICE Richmond Hill, Telephone 15 Branch Offices at Dr. W. J. Mason Phon'e' 'Richm'ond. Hill 58.1 Wright & Taylor Adelmo M elecci AUCTIONEERS Phone 242 T. C. Newman Phone Woodbridge 172 Yerex Electric “HOMEWOOD HALL" Ken & Clarke ELECTRICAL WIRING A S. Farmer MUSICAL LEGAL DENTAL Whverley 2931 Prentice AUCTIONEERS Richmond Hill Richmond Hill Phone 89w Dr. Jas: R. Langstaff MAPLE Dr. Geo. A. Thompson BY APPOINTMENT ONLY 122 Yonge St. Richmond Hill Telephone 100 Dr. W. D. Howe Centre St. E. Richmond Hill Hours: 9-11a.m.; 2-4 & 6-8 pm, Holidays and Sundays: Emergeu cies and appointments only Telephone 24 Richmond Hill Dr. A. J. MacKinnon VETERINARY bURGEON Centre St. W. Richmond Hill Office phone 360W Res. 360J Phone 82 Office 411 9-10 a.m.; and by 1 For All Occasions Phone orders delivered anywhere in North Yonge St. District 2518 YONGE ST. (at St. Clements) Telephone MAfair 1145-6 Helen Simpson Lynett, J.F. Lynett L. H. Clement SALES; 'AN FOR R. H. Kane REALTOR, RICHMOND HILL Farms, Suburban Properties, Acreage, Building Lots, etc. Phone Richmond Hill Windows and Door Frames Window Screens, Storm Sash Bathroom Cabinets, Cupboard Doors, Berry Crates, Rose and Garden Trellis, Lawn Mowers sharpened and Repaired Leave Maple 8.10 am. Leave Richmond Hill 9.10 am. Leave Maple 3.00 pm. Leave Richmond Hill 4.30 pm. W. J. SMITH & SON Veterinary Surgeon 46 JOHN ST., rI‘_H‘QRNHILL Dr. R. A. Bigford Phone Richmond Hill 343r6 REAL ESTATE‘\ LIMITED Niels AE. Andersen 84 Yonge St., Richmond Hill Phone 455W â€" 455J Toronto Head Office 1172 Bay Princess 3324 Dr. J. T. Sheppard Septic,Tanks, Disposal Plants, Slaughter Houses Pumped Out and Repaired If it’s sanitary work we do it. Out of town day or night emergency service Phone Willowdale Zone 8288 Maple 72r23 Harry E. Palmer REAL ESTATE VETERINARY SURGEON; Dr: W. ‘ J. Aldridge SANITARY CONTRACTORS REAL ESTATE Langdon’s Coach Lines Ltd. VETERINARY Coaches For All Occasions G R A D I N G BY BULLDOZER 213 Oak Ave., Richvale Phone Richmond Hill 1341'31 Chas. J. Greenley PHONE MAPLE 116 Interior and Exterior Paper Hanging CELLARS Pione Thbmhill 250 ORDER HELEN SIMPSON FLOWERS MEDICAL Woodworking Aub. Nichols Telephone King 56 ERNEST IDOUT SCHOOL DAYS Oï¬ice Hours â€"ANDâ€" Painting .2-2 & 6-8 P-m- appointmgzltfln ERNEST and ‘. Wilson Residence 176 Maple, Ont. PHONE 3 REAL ESTATE Farms, Suburban Properties, etc INSURANCE Fire, Automobile, etc. Telephone 411 Richmond Hill With the increase of ï¬re hazards property owners should review their insurance policies, and due to the increased cost of materials would be well advised to increase the amounts of insurance. Also car owners who think it will never happen to them .re caught some time or other without protection. The cost is a. minor amount to what it will cost if an accident happens. Richmond Hill Jack Walkington GENERAL INSURANCE Life, Fire, Automobile, Liability, Hail, Accident and Sickness Farm Insurance 3 Specialty King City Telephone 28 J. Roy Herrington NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCER GENERAL INSURANCE (Fire, Automobile, Etc.) Richmond Hill, Ont. Telephone 87 INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS Maple Tinsmith & Plumbing Supply Gurney Gas Ranges for Essotane Furnaces â€" Air Conditioning Pressure Systems Life, Fire, Automobile, etc. INSURANCE 26 Adelaide é_St. W. Toronto AD. 0311 16 Centre St. West Phone 55 Richmond Hill Phone 3721-5 Richmond Hill Prompt Personal Attention Box 100 Maple Phone 100 Plate Glass, Hospitalization General Insurance 40 Yonge Richmond Hill Life, Fire, Automobile Barn & Stable Equipment Sold and Installed _ 431r14 SAND and GRAVEL Crushed Stone Loam and Fill I W. SCHURMAN Life, Fire, Automobile, INSURANCE Andrew Snider GENERAL BUflDER and CARPENTER Residential and Farm Buildings 'A. G. Savage ' INSURANCE AGENT Telephone Maple 102 Residence 621'32 E. BARTLETT E. CHARITY R. H. Kane General Insurance Roy V. Bick L. HOUSE & Casualty Phone 407J Consult Richmond Hill Telephone 118 Congratulations to Mr. and MrS‘. Howard Charles, “Whitehaven,†Sussex Avenue. Mrs. Charles ar- rived home from Grace Hospital on Monday, November 21, with Week- old Ronald Wilfred. There are two other children, Judy who is six and Gerald, four. The Howard Charles’ family moved to Langstaï¬â€™ from Toronto just over a year ago and live immediately opposite the long- er-known Charles family whose sons have taken such an active part in all the community’s ath- letics. This is our ï¬rst opportun- ity to mention the newer family and “via. the grape-vine†we hear that they are the helpful neigh- borly type that any developing at- ea welcomes in its heart, though it may be slow in out-and-out saying Mrs. William Pearson of Garden Avenue fell and broke her wrist last week. On Monday, When we enquired of her neighbour, Mrs. Crawford, we were glad to learn that it is mending nicely. Born on the same day as Ronald Wilfred Charles, was Linda Jean Robeson. Linda Jean has three brothers and she too has left the hospital and is at home on Boyle Drive with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Robeson. Nicholson Old Country Trip By Air Was Enjoyable Event As promised last week, the fol- lowing are a. few of the highlights of the recent trip to England made by one of Langstaff’s oldest resi- dents, Mr. Ernest Nicholson of Church Street. The flight going- took 19 hours with changes or stop-overs at Mon- treal, Gander, Prestwick (Glas- gow), then on to London. The re- turn journey included a stop at Iceland where the temperature was almost zero and actual flying time was 17 hours 10 minutes. Mr. Ni- cholson was not the least aitsick, found the flight very smooth and enjoyed the delicious meals served. By way of interest, the distances are Montreal to Gander, 939 miles; Gander to Prestwick 2158 miles‘; Prestwick to Heathrow Airport, London. 337 miles. While in London, Mr. Nicholson made his headquarters at the home of his sister, Miss Minnie Nichol- son at Wynnslay Gardens in South Kensington. He was amazed at how easy it is to get about this great city, and how fast, visiting many of the famous and historic places. He particularly enjoyed seeing the King’s silver and the crown jewels in Buckingham 'Pal- ace, and the walk down Pall Mall past Princess Elizabeth’s house, although on that particular day Prince Charles was not out in! Green Park as usual. Of course he went to Westminster Abbey and St. Paul’s Cathedral; “the latter he found surrounded by about a square mile of open space, many narrow streets and muchof Fleet Street having gone up in flames during this past war’s ï¬re-bomb- ing. There is now little evidence that a bomb went through St. Paul’s but fortunately did not ex- plode. He was surprised also to ï¬nd the large departmental stores as modern as the most upâ€"to-date here. He went to see the roof garden at John Barker’s which he understood was one of the ï¬nest in the world. One of his general impressions was that the ladies were very smartly dressed, he ‘couldn’t help noticing that some- how they managed to match their accessories. In all, he spent about a week and a half in the metrop- olis, some of it visiting relatives at Tottenham, Walthamstowe and other districts in the Greater Lon- don a‘rea. In The Country .... .. His country journeyings began with a train journey from Liver- pool Street Station through the Fen District, famous for its [mark- et gardens, to King’s Lynh, about 20 miles from Hunstanton in Nor- folk. Ely Cathedral was what im- pressed hlm most. ‘ Crimplesham, a. small village, was actually his WILLOWDALE BUILDERS SUPPLY 4706 Yonge St. Zone 5766 JAMES J. WALL We solve your deep and shallow well pressure system troubles. Phones King 94r22 Aurora 46.] CEMENT, LIME. GYPROC, TILE, BRICK, ETC. DELCO PUMPS AND Arcoflame Oil Burner Cement Septic Tanks OAK RIDGES, ONT. Plumbing & Heating Contractor LANGSTAFF NEWS CORRESPONDENT -â€" MRS. S. W. WORSDALE Agent for Telephone Thornhill 2571'12 Regarding the Home and School Sale which starts in .Langstaff Public School at three o’clock this Saturday afternoon, Mrs. Jack Cooke, the convener, will be glad 'to give any additional information which may be required by anyone. ’Phone 78J. Last week at the Royal Winter Fair, Mrs. Wes Blackburn of Es- sex Avenue, won second prize for her junior doe white angora rab- bit entry. Her senior doe placed ï¬fth out of a class of thirty-six. Mrs. Blackburn attended the an- nual dinner for exhibitors, which is by invitation only. Mrs. Martha. Minorgan, a resi- dent of Langstaï¬' for the past two and a half years, passed away at her home on No.:7 Highway on Friday, November 18. Interment was made in Sundridge Wednesday afternoon, November 23. She is survived by a sister, Mrs. Francis Hatch in San Diego, Californian brother, George in Sarnia; brother Charlie Church at Dilke, Sask.; sister, Mrs. Stuart at Chamberlain, Sask.; and daughter-in-law, Mrs. Margaret Reynolds, also grandson, J. A: Minorg~an, boih of iangstaï¬â€™, to whom goes the sincere sym- pathy of the community. destination, and he had a wonder- ful time visiting relatives and old friends. Something out of the or- dinary there was the pulpit being on the right hand side instead of the left in the ancient parish church. Another trip was made by bus, comfortable, roomy and very fast, to Bedford. He spent a night in the village of Pertenhall and a week at Upper Dean near Huntingdon Where he lived for 24% years before he came to Can- ada. He visited the thousand ac- re farm where he used to look af- ter the heavy horses. At Coving- ton, where his grandparents lived and died, he went over another large farm belonging to friends; here, horses were no longer in use, there was every possible kind of mechanical farming equipment in- cluding a Massey-Harris disc drill, a combine which threshed the wheat and tied the straw in one operation, and a drying machine for drying the grain before it was bagged. The newer methods gave this particular farmer a yield of about 60 bushels to the acre, just double what it was formerly. A large herd of Hereford cattle which was kept outdoors looked as though it was ready for the Royal Winter Fair. , Short visits were made in the town of Kimbolton and the village‘ of Tillbrook, with a week at Knot- ting Green in Bedfordshire and another week in the market town of Wellingboro, Northants., where he saw Guy Fawkes Day celebrated wth the usual masquerading and ï¬reworks display. 0n the way to Kettering â€"â€" whose ancient church is famous for its eight bells and 350' high steeple, he stopped off at Raunds to see Mrs. Nunnelly, sis- ter of Mrs. Will Harris, No. 7 Highway, Langstaff. - Mr. Nicholson was away just ov- er ï¬ve weeks and concluded by spen ing the week~end of his return ith his daughter Vera, and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Berridge Newell, at their home in Toronto. what your correspondent would like to know is who said “Life be- gins at forty.†Your name and address printed on each card 25 Cards from $2.25 See Samples at Our Office Order early to avoid disappointment Tel. 9 â€" Richmond Hill PERSONAL Christmas Cards THE LIBERAL We invite you to come to Lang- staff Young Peoples Society at 8 pm. Friday, November 25, rwper} a picture of the Work accomplished by the Toronto Bible College will be shown. This should prove to be a. very interesting evening. We invite anyone who is interested. In spite of the nasty evening last Saturday there was a good attendance at Youth for Christ. “A Slow Boat To China" is al- right in some ways â€" but for fast: buying and selling try a Lib- beral Classiï¬ed Ad. Telephone Richmond Hill 9. Springers, Freshrpgwsignd Calves “Nunsuu, -.--.. w"- _.._ W. ,_ DeLAVAL MILKING MACHINE, 45 TONS BALED HAY, 25 FEET ENSILAGE The property of GEORGE SYMONS Lot 33. Con. 3, Scarboro One mile west of Agincourt and one mile north ' 14. Holstein Cow, fresh, 6 weeks 15. Holstein Cow, fresh 2 months 16. Holstein (30w, bred July 17 17. Holstein Cow, fresh 5 weeks 18. Holstein Cow, fresh, calf by side 19. Holstein Cow, bred May 30, full flow 20. Holstein Cow, fresh 9 weeks 21‘. Holstein Cow, bred July 18 (artiï¬cial) 22. Holstein Heifer, fresh 6 weeks 23. Holstein Cow, bred July 21, full flow 24. Holstein Cow, bred October 24, milking 25. Holstein Cow, bred May 30 26. Holstein Heifer, fresh, calf by side 27. Holstein Cow, fresh, calf by side . 28. Holstein Cow, bred April 7, (artiï¬cial) 29. Holstein Heifer, fresh, calf by side 130. Holstein Heifer, bred April 26 31. Holstein Heifer, 2nd calf, fresh, calf by side 32. Holstein Cow, due time of sale 33. Holstein Cow, due time of sale 34. Holstein Heifer, due time of sale Above Cows are large size with good udders. All T.B. tested and clean. Number of cows are bred artiï¬cially. All Heifers are vac- cinated. Two-year-old Holstein Bull 5 Yearling Heifers 1.Bull, 6 months old 1 DeLaval 3-unit Milking Machine 1 Stainless Steel Pail, in ï¬rst class condition About 25 ton of wire baled, out of barn, Timothy Hay, ï¬rst class About 20 Ton of Pick-up Baled Mixed Hay, will be sold by ton About 28 ft. Good Ensilage Sale at 1.30 sharp. Terms Cash. Owner giving up milk business due to labour and health. DON’T MISS THIS SALE A. S. FARMER, Auctioneer Lloyd Turner, Clerk AUCTION SALE 0F 40 HEAD OF GRADE HOLSTEIN C'A'I‘TLE H4 Langstaff Church Notes PIPE CUT AND THREADED RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE IMPORTANT For combined heating and cooking We now have a new type of Silent-G10 Burner in Stock Thornhill Phone 426 Cow, fresh. 6 weeks Cow, fresh 2 months Gow, bred July 17 Cow, fresh 5 weeks Cow, fresh, calf by OIL IS‘ NOW MORE PLENTIFUL THAN IN RECENT YEARS YOU CAN ECONOMIZE BY USING VERN. .W. GRIFFIN SILENT - GLO OIL BURNERS bred April 24 fresh 2 months fresh 9 weeks bred April 25 fresh 5 weeks, THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill, Thur " ay, Nov. 24, 1949 I Price $47.50 Afternoon Tea Fancy 'Work, Children's Knitted Goods, Ada MacKenzie Sportswear, Touch and Take, Candy, Pantry Shelf Treasure Table, Fish Pond, Etc. Room 2213, "C" Bld ., lllgar St, OTTAWA, M. No. 5 Parsunnel anol, Artillery Park, Bagel Sh, KINGSTON, Onl. No. 6 Personnel Depol, Charley Park, Douglas Dvlvo, TORONTO, Onl. No. 7 Pcnonnel Depot, Wolsely Banach, Ellzabolh 50., 1 LONDON, 0M. lisien io "Comrade: In Arms†every Wrerdnesday nigh! on One Dominion Network Science is playing an increasingly im- portant role in Canada's new Army. In heavy anti~aircraft, for example, com- plex radar equipment predicts to with- in a fewgfeet exactly where the target is and will be. The gunners, their backs to the target. ï¬re with amazing accuracy by instrument. Training men in the use of modern scientiï¬c equip- ment is a major requirement in Canada's new Army. Thousands of young men are attending some of the ï¬nest schools in the country, specializing in electronics, radar, radio and telephone. In addition, there are openings for clerks, drivers, mechanics and many other trades. For Cook Stoves SATURDAY, Dec. 3rd New higher pay, good food and quarters, trades train- ing and the opportunity for advancement make the Canadian Army Active Force one of the most attractive careers open to young men today. You are eligible if you are 17 or over and can meet Army requirements. Visit your nearest recruiting ofï¬ce soon for full details. Bring certiï¬cates of birth and education with you. BAZAAR 5 glANADIAN ARMY ACTIVE ram/guy ST. MARY’S ANGLICAN W. A. EVERYONE WELCOME PARISH HALL Telephone Thornhill 13 3 pm. to 6 pm. C'IG-O THE CANADIAN ARMY "INSURANCE FOR PEACE†Home Baking