For Quick Classified Ad. Service Phone Richmond Hill 9 SEWING MACHINE, New Wifâ€" iams, drop head, $25.00 or best of- fer; kitchen cupboard, white, $7.00; 2-burner Coleman camp stove, $4.00; boy’s or girl’s coats, one b‘rown size 10 $3.00, one navy blue chinchilla size 9, $5.00, clean and in good condition. Phone Thornhill 264J. c2w21 FOR THE LADIES: Bone china cups and saucers, 3 sets open stock dinnerware, gifts, novelties. 30 colors in knitting wool. Come in and look around, our prices are right. Durie’s Variety Store, Stop 22A Yonb: St., Richvale. LIFETIME all metal Venetian Blinds, aluminum or steel baked enamel ï¬nish any colour of tapes, free estimates and installations. Phone 755 or write box 496, 40 Ontario St. West, Newmarket, Ont. - tfc32 stair hand rails, ï¬re dogs, ï¬re screens and acetylene welding. Ap- rply T. Elliott, Oak Avenue, Rich- vale, phone Richmond Hill 11'5. ATTENTION: Soft wood slabs, $12.00 cord; Hardwood slabs, $17. cordu All wood is dry and clean. Wilson's Wood Supply, phone Richmond Hill 441J. tfclO :and tank, complete with ï¬ttings. Capacity 225 gallons. Apply W. L. Milne, May Ave., Richmond Hill. can in evenings. tfc19 ORNA MENTAL PORCH RAILS, fsuppIying‘ power fos seven 100 w. flamps. Apply Bedford Park Flor- :al 60., Richmond Hill. c2w21 REGISTERED BEAGLE PUPS 'Hill WINTER con, dove grey hand _hilorod with cilvor fox detachable ooflar, size 14. Apply 193W Rich- .Inond Hill. c1w21 EHNDLAY coal Ind wood range, like new. J. Harvey. 142 Mill St., Richmond Hill. Telephone 232R. for sale. four months old, female. :Apply A. H. Adams, Yongehurst ZRd., or phone 1371'23 Richmond El TRUE TEST SPACE oil burner GURNEY electric tableâ€"top one man’s dress winter coat, die 42, in good condition. IN. I. Saigeon, Maple 108.]. SMALL GENERATOR, capable of gble, in good condition. Apply G. Smith, 189 Spruce St. Richvale, phone 344r21 Richmond Hill. c1w21 liBED, 1 dresser to matchin g00d condition; ltrunk, large size, good at; new. Apply 42 Church St., Rich- mond Hill. ‘2w21 QUEBEC COOK STOVE, reason- Storm sash, assorted sizes, cheap. Apply phone 876W Richmond Hill. c1w21 THORNHILL, brick bungalow, six :i'ooms hardwood floors; hot water heating. West on No. 7 highway. Phone Fisher Auto Body 76, c4w19 Maple crib, spring mattress, ex- cellent condition. Apply Rich- mond Hill 451R. c1w21 QUEBEC COOK STOVE, and CHILD’S TRICYCLE, C.C.M.; SILVER-SHINE -â€"â€" it’s new, it’s different, to clean your silverware. Send 25c to Box 380 Richmond Hill. c3le 2 iSNOW TIRES, 60-0 x 16, prac- tically new, $15.00 the pair. Apply Richmond Hill 491W. *1w21 "C.c.M. MAN’S BICYCLE, a bar- gain at $15.00. Phone Richmond Hill 28. . c1w21 PERSIAN LAMB COAT, size 16, like new, reasonable. Apply The Liberal Office. '1w21 1 PAIR MEN’S SKIS, with harness and poles, hearly new. Phone 498J Richmond Hill. c1w21 ITHACA 12 gauge pump gun. Use'd one season. with shells, $75. Apply phone 28r5 Maple. *2w21 Thornhill 168. Hall, Maple R. R. 1. Phone369r13 Richmond Hill. c1w21 RABBITS, Flemish giants, bucks and does, two and four months old. Apply 87 Yonge St. *2w21 Phone Maple 31r14. Wilbur Kefâ€" fer. c2w21 141 Yonge St., Richmond Hill FOR REAL ESTATE, phone Fenn, BABY TENDA. Apply Mrs. Art KITCHEN TABLE, 3 chairs DELICIOUS APPLES, $1.00 bus BABY TENDA. Phone Thorn- hill 2851‘14. clw21 KITCHEN CABINET. Apply 10 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, Nov. 24, 1949 u CLASSIFIED FOR SALE and WANT ADS CASH RATES, ï¬rst insertion, 2c per word, Min. charge .. 35c Second and subsequent insertions if wording unchanged, 2c per word, min. charge . . . . . . 25c IF CHARGED, 3c per word, min. charge, all insertions .. 50c FOR BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of .. 25c CARDS 0F THANKS, IN MEMORIAM, BIRTHS, DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES, per insertion $1.00 Classiï¬ed advertisements should be in as early in the week as possible but not later than noon on Wednesdays. 5 FOR SALE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES c1w21 tfc14 stove; black, Apply c1w21 tfc35 "1w21 *1w21 tfc46 SIX-ROOM HOUSE“ with one- quarter acre of land, on paved highway eight miles from Toron- to. Regular bus service to city. Hydro, storm windows and doors. Possession by the ï¬rst of Decem- ber, $5,500. Call in or phone Glenn Smith, realtor (Dewar and Free- man office) Markham, phone Mark- ham 245 or Stouffville 61515. *1w21 tion, White Loghorn hers and pul- lets in full lay, for sale on account of owners failing health, $1.25 each, in quantities to suit pur- chaser. Apply Wimperly, No. 7 Highway, 1/; mile straight east of Langstaff P.O. Phone Thornhill 207r12. I‘1w21 300 TRAP-NESTED, high produc- SOFTWOOD Slabs, $12.00; hard- wood slabs, $17.00; hard- wood limbs, $18.00; body hard- wood, ï¬replace logs $21.00 per cord. All wood clean, dry and cut to length. Taylor’s Sawmill, Rich- mond Hill phone 463, Aurora 841-32. tfc9 Brand overalls, smocks, work pants; plaid shirts, work shirts, Penman’s work and dress socks. Durie's Variety Store, Stop 22A Yonge St., Richvale. Open Tues- Fri., Sat. evenings until 9 p.m. for your convenience. tfch dies. Transfers Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck and all those funny characters right from the news- paper. Ideal for Christmas stock_ ing. Send 25c to Box 380 Rich- mond Hill. c3w19 red foxes, red fox capes, brown mink, blue silver mink, brown and grey squirrels and some others at very low prices. Apply John Don- ald. Elgin Mills, phone Maple 491‘22. ‘4w19 TRANSFER LIQUID for the kid- HOTPOINT Electric Stove, left side oven, grey and white enamel, $40.00; also Hostess electric re- frigerator, $150.00. Both in splen- did working condition and other furniture; Apply Zone 5158, 115 Ellerslie Ave., Willowdale. '1w21 tube skates and boots, white, size 3; one pair of girl’s ï¬gure skates, size 5. Apply 9 Lucas St. or phone 827W Richmond Hill. c1w21 KITCHEN CABINET, dinette set, in ood condition; oal oil stove, al- good condition; coal oil stove,al- most new, three-burner, with ov- Howard, Markham Rd., Richmond Hill, phone 35923 Stouï¬ville. FUR NECK PIECES; silver and AT BARGAIN Christmas, 3 wire haired terriers, 6 weks old, thoroughbreds. Apply phone Richmond Hill 11-5. 226 Oak Ave., Richvale. c1w21 SPRING FILLED MATTRESS, in good condition; a. small size man’s tuxedo, size 36. Apply 71 Mill Rd., phone 365r21 Richmond Hill. c1w21 and Firestone, sizes 650 x 15, $5 each or 2 for $9. Phone 342W or call at corner Arnold and High- land Lane. *1w21 1 PAIR OF GIRL'S SKATES; 2 WHEEL sidewalk bicycle, suitâ€" able for girl 7 to 12 years, like new $22.00. Apply Cérol Mansâ€" bridge. Phone 478J Richmond Hill. ‘1w20 BUY THAT BOY A PUP for 60 MINK BOXES, 10 breeding cages, 1 mesh 16 gauge 36x48 in 150’ rolls, British Bear Brand. Ap- ply Mr. Kris Petrofl', May Ave.y Richvale. *3w21 logs; buckwheat; table squash; capons. Apply Joe Snider, Vel- lore. *1w21 NEW 7 CUBIC FOOT refrigera- tor with Kelvinator unit. Apply Robson’s Garage, Maple. Phone Maple 102 or 76M. *1w21 16x600, new. Apply 19 Roseview Ave., or phone 319W after 5 pm. c1w21 el, delivered. Apply Stewart Rumble, phone Richmond Hill 471‘ King. *1w21 FENCE POSTS, anchors, brace posts, square posts, hydro and clothesline poles. Taylor’s Saw- mill, Richmond Hill 4'63. tfc20 Phone Richmond Hill 309W. *2w21 QUEBEC HEATER, A1 condition, HUBBARD SQUASH, by the bush- CONCRETE BRICKS. Mr. W. Cole GOOD QUEBEC HEATER, 38 in very reasonable. Apply Room 4, 96 Yonge St. c1w21 SMALL HAY STACK; elm saw high. N Phone 42.]. 7 YORKSHIRE PIGS, 8 weeks old Franke Rolfe, telephone 541-12 *1w21 GOOD USED TIRESâ€, Goodyear PAIR FIRESTONE Snow Tires, N. J. Smellie, Thornhill, J. ' c1w21 PRICES: Big B c1w21 A classiï¬ed ad. is ready, will- ing to get results for you. Tele- phone yours to Richmond Hill 9. with goat~skin wallet inside, glass- es, legal papers, driver’s licence, in the vicinity of Gamble’s side- road, the Second or Elgin Mills Rd.. reward. Apply 62521 Stouï¬- ville. Mrs. Britnell. clwfl NAVY BLUE CLOTH PURSE GASOLINE TANK CAP and ring of keys, license tag No. 60663, in or around Maple. Leave at Frank Robson‘s Garage, Maple, if found. RED STEER, 3 years old, 1000 lbs, from lot 13 concession 7 King, Reward. Phone Fred Dew, King 37. c3w20 Hill. HOUSE, Yonge St, Elgin Mills, with stables, chicken house, sheds, garage, etc. Apply J. H. Naughton, Elgin Mills, phone 127 Richmond VERY MODERN new bungalow with garage. Rent by month, therefore rent is most reasonable. Give full particulars in ï¬rst letter. Box 81, The Liberal. ‘1w21 ROOMS, furnished, private home, Yonge St., Oak Ridges, opp. Wood Groceteria, King 59r4. *1w21 VACANCIES for room and board, with conveniences in IRichmond Hill. Phone Mrs. Carlisle, Rich- mond Hill 336M. ‘1w21 SINGLE ROOM and board avail- able. Phone 409W Richmond Hill. meals optional, Brookside Rd. 3721'24 Richmond Hill. c1w21 pairs, upholstering, cabinet work, Wood carving. Estimates given. N. S. VanDyke, 38 Hunt Ava, Richmond Hill. tfc light your wife with a new Electro' lux vacuum cleaner,‘ beautifully wrapped, only $15 down, ï¬rst monthly payment, Feb. 1. For dem' onstration contact your local deal- er, S. J. Carlisle, phone 394W, Richmond Hill. ‘1w21 IF YOUR WATER SUPPLY is short, phone us immediately. We also haul sand, gravel, loam and ï¬ll. For quic‘.:, dependable service, phone Orval Jones, Thornhill 217r21. tfc7 FURNISHED ROOMS left to place your orders for Avon Cosmetic Gifts for Christmas or- der. Apply phone Mrs. Roy Horne, Maple 84W. . cZWZQ for rent, or we will sand and ï¬nish your floors. Phone for all infor- mation Richmond Hill 308w. Wall- paper Shop. c13w20 LLL KINDS FURNITURE re- CUPBOARD DOORS and drawers made to order. Made of ï¬rst class material. Phone orders taken, Phone 361-3 Thornhill, Eric R. Hook. Thornhill. *2w21 SPECIAL XMAS OFFER â€" de- MANURE, well rotted, also rich loam any quantity. Apply Bill Poulton Maple R.R. 1. Phone Map- le 37r24. c3w19 FLOOR SANDING MACHINES THERE ARE JUST 3 WEEKS FRAME AND SASH, 111$ storm sash and storm doors made to or- der. Phone Thornhill ‘257r3. A. 0. THORNE, specializing in Fire, Accident, Auto and Liability Insurance. Brooke St. Thornhill, phone Thornhill 199J. tfc14 stone, loam and ï¬ll. E. Charity, Richmond Hill, phone 372r5. tfc42 Acme white enamel annex stove; one electric rangette;’ one Frost King ice refrigerator, almost new; one bucksaw with extra blade; one Swedish saw; one 10 ft. 3 inch down pipe; 2 chimney flue linings. Phone 368112 Richmond Hill be- tween 6 and 7 pm. c1w21 Thornhill 168 RADIO combination record player with matching record cabinet, part- ly new. Richmond Hill 463. *1w21 GOOD GRADED Katahdin pota- toes, present price $1.25 per bag. Call at the farm anytime 6 days a week. Eldon Folliott, 134 miles west of Oak Ridges. *4w21 APPLE BUTTER, 18¢ 3 lb. in your own containers, no delivery. Wm. Vanderbent, a mile south of No. 7 Highway, 3 concession Markham. c1w21 HOUSE, new, reasonable price, part down payment, by arrange- ment. Downstairs 5 rooms. All conveniences, 1 full basement, large lot, fruit trees, Apply own- er, 48 Edgar Ave., Bus Stop 22, Yonge St. *2w20 2 SHEETS of WIRE LATH;‘ one WELL DIGGING. Repairing con- crete well cribs. Tom Jerrett. Phone Richmond Hill 511W. clw21 SAND AND GRAVEL, crushed FOR REAL ESTATE. phone Fenn, MISCELLANEOUS T0 RENT LOST for rent, '1w21 c1w21 ‘1w21 c4w20 tfcll LITTLE BROTHERS Ford & Monarch Sales & Service PHONE 174, RICHMOND HILL Thornhill, $10,700. Ideal country location on one acre, modern ï¬ve room brick house, oil heating, tiled bath and kitchen, very attractive buy. Phone Mr. Overbury, Thorn- hill 12, evenings 48W. ’48 CHEV. COACH, good condition -â€" sell for cash, trade or terms. 1938 International panel truck, good condition, $295, trade or terms. Apply Bert Comfort Map- le Grove Ave., Oak Ridges. *1w21 ton, just like new; 1948 Dodge Custom, just like new; 1938 Ply- mouth Coach; 1936 Packard Coupe; 1934 Ford Coupe, with radio and heater; 1942 Dodge ton truck. Ap- ply Mabley’s Garage, phone 233 Richmond Hill. tfc17 1939 MERCURY 4-door. sedan. Good condition. Completely win- terized. Phone 103 Richmond Hill. *2w21 PART TIME linotype operator. Work would suit operator employ- ed in city and available for few hours spare time weekly as and when required. Phone Richmond Hill 9 for interview. tfc21 cheap. Apply Fergus Houlihan, Buttonville. c1w21 SEMI-RETIRED machinist or boy who is mechanically inclined to learn handling of specialized ma- chine. Apply Flex-O-Loc Prod- ucts, Yonge St., Richmond Hill. ton pick-up. Phone Richmond Hill 309W. - ‘1W21 1949 STUDEBAKER Pick-up 1/2 OLD HORSES, $15.00. We will pay you $15.00 for your old horse at your farm. Campbell Mink, phone Agincourt 18.112 Collect. 1931 MODEL “A†FORD, Ralf 1929 FORD MODEL A Coach, TRANSPORTATION wanted, from Stop 23 to Eatons, daily, leaving 7.30 and returning 5.15. Box 136 Richvale or 129 Carrville Road. TO RENT 4 to 6 room house in the vicinity of Richmond Hill and Langstafl’ area. Apply Mr. Shep- pard, Thornhill 300 after 5 pm. ' *1w21 CARS & TRUCKS WAITRESSES wanted. Good working conditions and pay. Apply Richmond Hill Cafe, Yonge St., Richmond Hill. c1w21 ANYONE having used Brownie uniforms not in use, please contact Mrs. N. Anderson, 24 Arnold St. Phone 455.1. *2w21 WOMAN for cleaning, for offic'e and bachelor apartment. Apply David McLean, Thornhill. c1w21 WELL DIGGER to dig well and brick it. Apply 365r3. Richmond LAUNDRY to do at home, hand washed, reliable, pickâ€"up and deliv- ery. Phone 309W Richmond Hill. tfc22 ALL KINDS of poultry wanted, best market prices, will call im- mediately upon request. A Magee, King, phone 35114. *28w52 HOBBY HORSE, good condition, not over $5. Apply phone Richmond Hill 370r5. c1w21 Hill $1,425.00 1947 FORD Sl'PER DE LUXE TUDOR Radio, Heater, Small Mileage HOUSE wanted to rent in or near Richmond Hill. *2w21 Phone Richmond Hill 1021'4. c2w20 LABOURER to help brick layer. Phone Richmond Hill 102r4. c2w20 BRICK AND BLOCK WORK $950.00 1946 FORD F2 TON PICKUP Good condition RELIABLE USED CARS FOR SALE David McLean Real Estate $1,175.00 1947 1 TON EXPRESS THORNHILL, ONT. $425.00 1937 FORD TUDOR WANTED ‘1w21 c1w21 tfc17 tfc2 Join our Layaway Club now Radio & Appliances 6002 Yonge St., Newtonbrook Tel. 9, Richmond Hill III-IIIIIIIIIIIIIII Formerly of Gerrard Heihtzman Work Guaranteed, Free Estimates Phone Liberal Office S-AT. DEC. 3 â€" Important exten- sive auction sale of household goods, dishes, glassware, electric stoves, also a number of good cook stoves, heaters, etc. Property belonging to the Estate of the late D. F. Williams, and consignment of others, on Main street, Mark- ham, Ont. Sale at 2 p.m. Terms cash. No reserve. Ken and Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. SATURDAY, DEC. 3 â€" Farm stock and implements, cattle, hor- ses and pigs, Ford-Ferguson trac- tor and equipment, new threshing machine, hay and grain, at lots 24 and 25, con. 9 Pickering, the prop- erty of Harold Elson. No reserve as farm is sold. Terms: cash. Sale at 1.00 pm. Lloyd Turner, clerk. A. S. Farmer, auctioneer. GOODS SATISFACTORY OR MONEY REFUNDED RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE FIRE, ACCIDENTIAUTO AND \ LIABILITY INSURANCE Brooke St., Thornhill Phone Thornhill 199J THURS, DEC. 1 -â€" Important auction sale of 40 head of high- grade Holstein cattle, springers, -;fresh cows and calves, DeLaval milking machine, 3 units, stainless steel pails, 45 tons baled hay, 25 feet of ensilage, at lot 33, con. 3 Scarboro, 1 mile west of Agincourt and 1 mile north, the property of Geo. Symons. Don’t miss this sale of good Holstein cattle. 'No reserve as giving up milk business due to labour and health. Terms: cash. Sale at 1 p.m, Lloyd Turner, clerk. A. S. Farmer, auctioneer. WED., NOV. 30 â€"â€" Auction sale of Holstein dairy herd, fresh and springers, milking machine (near- ly new), Allis Chalmers tractor, implements, hay, grain, straw, poultry, etc., the property of Bur. ton Daniels at Lot 3, Con. 5 Whit- church, 375 mile north of townline. Terms cash. No reserve. Farm sold. Sale at 1 pm. sharp, stand- ard time. Ross Ratcliff, clerk. Sellers and Atkinson, auctioneers. *1w21 THURSDAY, DEC. 1 â€" Impor- tant Auction Sale of Dairy Cattle, Farm Stock, Implements, Hay, Grain, Roots, Furniture, etc., on lot 5, con. 6 King Twp., 2% miles west of King. Property of Boys Bros., a. real genuine farm stock sale, all without reserve. Terms cash. Sale at 12.30 noon. Ken & Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. SAT., NOV. 26 â€" Auction sale of household furniture, dishes, glass- ware, garden tools, etc. Property belonging to the estate of the late John Tidball, on Main St., Mark- ham, Ont. 2.30 pm. Terms cash. No reserve. Property sold. Ken and Clarke Prentice, auction- eers. Wally Hodgins FRIDAY, NOV. 25 â€"- Auction sale farm stock, implements, grain, hay, straw, etc. The cattle were T.B. tested in April and will be tested again before the sale making them eligible for export. The property of M. Blanchard, Lot 1, Con. 4. East Gwillimbury, 2 miles east of Newmarket. Sale at 1 o'clock D. S.T. Terms cash. No reserve. L. S. Mount, clerk. F. N. Smith, auctioneer. *2w20 SAVE MONEY Budget Terms Available Rebuilt General Electric Rangette used 2 months Phone Willowdale 8-845 PIANO TUNING SALE REGISTER On These Guaranteed $9.95 and up Reconditioned Radios A. 0. THORNE and Repairing S. Hoffman Specializing in Phone 426 Trade-Ins $49.50 $79.50 Washer MONDAY DECEMBER 5th Thornhill, $9,500. A pleas- ant seven room village home designed for comfortable liv- ing. Hot air heating, hard and soft water pressure, mod- ern conveniences on high well treed lot half block from ev- erything. Small down pay- ment. Phone Mr. Oliver, Thornhill 12W. Evenings Aur- ora 429124. David McLean ELECT It will give your heart a lease on life.... JEANNE CRAIN WILLIAM HOLDEN COUNCILLOR Charles H. MONDAY, TUESDAY, NOV. 28, 29 The Big One Is Coming RICHARD WIDMARK LINDA DARNELL MARKHAM TOWNSHIP FOR SALE THUR, FRI., SAT. NOV. 24, 25, 26 All Happiness Musical DENNIS MORGAN DORIS DAY THORNHILL, ONT. “Slattery’s Hurricane†Adult Entertainment “It’s A Great Feeling†WED. THURS. NOV. 30, DEC. 1 MARKHAM “Apartment For Peggy†In Technicolor In Technicolor Real Estate For in flickvale, _Ont. g Phone 148 g WWWâ€.me "On a Friday early last March." writes Mr. Mann. “we set our in our Hillman lrom London. Onr.. {or one of our regular weekend trips. We stayed in Ottawa overnighr, and reached Sr. Jovire in the Laurentians next morning. after a lovely scenic drive over snowy mountain rOads. We thor- oughly enjoyed a strenuous ski-ing weekend. then left {or London at 8 p.m. on Sunday, arriving at 10.50 next morning. Much of the credit for this wonderful winter trip goes to our Hillman! Even in deep snow. we cruised serenely along with ample power and traction. We covered a total of 1150 miles. at an avenge speed of 48 mph. Average gas con- sumption was a very welcome 39' miles per gallon!" The Hillman Minx performs magniï¬cently in the most exacting winter driving conditions. as thousands ol'HilIman owners know. A permanent network of dealers provides Hillman pans and service from coast to coast in Canada and the U.S.A. Askyour local dealer for a Hillman demonstration ride. fl '1: och dai- “u to 35 mlu per .allon.‘ 09 WNW How does a Hillman go In Snow? IOOTES MOTORS LIMITED: 170 Bay Street, Tovomo . . . MoMreal Airport, Dorval 509-10 Regan Bldg., Glanvillc 59., Vancouver PHONE 27 IN LUMBER, TRIM, SASH, DOORS, ASPHALT PRODUCTS, GYPROC, TEN TEST, INSULATION SHEPPARD & GILL LUMBER C0. OIL BURNING SPACE HEATERS STROMBERG-CARLSON â€" 6 ElizabetH St. For All Year Enjoyment EASY â€" If THRIFTY IN '50 READ WHA‘ A ABOUT ONE 0 With ibe New "PLUS POWER" MOTOR FEATURES IB ADVANCED REFINEMENTS FOUND OH NO OI’HER BRITISH (AR IN ITS PRICE RANGE PLAZA 5373 SERVING RICHMOND HILL AND DISTRICT MAP-LE BLOCK & TILE LTD. BAKER SALES & SERVICE CONCRETE BLOCKS ‘ CONCRETE BRICKS ’ CINDER BLOCKS ° BACK-UP TILE ‘ A ' QUALITY ° ECONOMY ‘ BEAUTY ° :9 HILLMAN MINX RADIQS AND COMBINATIONS Supplled and Guaranteed by FERGUSON MAPLE, ONTARIO PHONE MAPLE 8 FOR 19 YEARS LIMITED Phone Richmond Hill 358r13 RICHMOND HILL Richmond Hill, M r. Doug/d1 Mann, 1!!- iug ("lbw/Ml and/arm" Canadian Champion, u'bmc I!!!" i: 0"! 0/ many lurit'rrI/ronl buppy Mil/man owutry. KENWOOD 5373