Treasurer Lynett Reports Big Drop In Tax Arrears 1949 Taxes Well Paid Up 83% of Richmond~hill taxpay- ers have taken care of their tax bills for the year, Village Clerk and Treasurer Russell Lynett re- vealed on the night of November 28, when he made his annual re- port to electors at the meeting called for nomination of next year’s councillors and school trus- vau. Only twenty taxpayers owed taxes back of 1949, he added, the amount being $915.65. He com- pared this with the situation as at. January 1, 1942, when taxes in arrears amounted to $26,935.69. tees. A total of $13,170 for a general average of $387 was realized on the sale of 34 head of purebred Holsteins at the dispersal of the Doncrest Herd of Porter Ems. held at the farm, Richmond Hill, Ontario, on November 24. Income for the village for the year to the present date was $103,702.73, Mr. Lynett’s report indicated. Major items included Top price\was $700 paid by Findlay Dairy Farms, Toronto, for Doncrest Lonelm Rag Apple a six- year-old cow. L. F. Flaska, Un- ionville, paid the second highest price of $610 for a three-year-old heifer. While there were no ex- ceptionally high prices the entire herd sold well. Highest price for a bred heifer was $410 which ï¬gure was reached twice, ï¬rst on the bid of Alvin B. Snider, Brampton, and again on the bid of 'W. J. Vrooman, Odessa, Ontario. Snider was the big buy- er of the day taking ï¬ve head in all. John Rutherford, Scarboro Jct., paid the highest price for a heifer calf of $300 a :1 also pur- chased another heifer calf at $290. Top price for an open yearling Local Holsteins Bring High Prices was $335 paid by N. Brodie. GO!“ mley, Ont. With the end of November here, farmers of Ontario are again be- ing asked to supply facts about their farms in order that statis- tics can be prepared by the On- tario Department of Agriculture. These ï¬gures include details of the number of live stock and cost of hired labor The survey is made annually by the Agriculture Divis- ion of the Dominion Bureau of Statistics in co-operation with the Ont. Department of Agriculture. Forms are distributed to farmers by rural school teachers. Farmer’s Aid Being Sought For Survey Success of the survey, and ac- curacy of agricultural statistics published by the Bureau and var- ious Provincial Departments, de- pend on co-operation by the far- mers iii ï¬lling in the question- naires. A widespread response from all types of farmers is re- quired in order that statistics can be based on a. large number of reports from a representative group of farms. Statistics obtained thus are us- ed extensively during the year, by governments, farm organiza- tions and industry in planning fu- ture operations. International organizations such as the World Food and Agricultural Organiza- tion depend on the survey for vi- tal facts. “This survey has absolutely no connection with taxation," an official emphasizes. The individ- ual form is seen only by workers in the statistical offices and the farmer is protected by law ag- ainst wrong use of his return. The Ontario Department of Agriculture ho es that all far- mers will givekflneir full support to the undertaking by carefully ï¬lling in the form and returning it promptly. The Women’s Fellowship is to meet this week at the home of Mrs. Ross, Garden Ave., Langstaff at 2 pm. wot 1m Y.P.S. on December 2, is in charge of Mr. Orville Knights and Miss May Brooks is the speaker and narrator of pictures she is showing of the missionary work she has been doing in Northwes- tern Ontario. This should be very interesting and we extend a hear- ty welcome to all. The service next Sunday even- ing, December 4, is to be a little out of the usual when the Young People take charge. The shield recently won by the Langstafl" Y. P.S. is to be oï¬icially presented to them and the speake- htat ev- ening is to be Mix Don Hickson, president of the F.B.Y.P.A. of Ontario. A hearty invitation to all. The ’teen age girls missionary gropp meets every Monday even- ing and is Very busy sewing for a new hospital in South Africa in charge of Dr. R. Foster. We con- gratulate Mrs. LaRich and the girls on this very worthy cause for which they are so willingly Langstaff Church Notes in this amount were $44,422.17 from taxes; debenture payments in connection with the school area, $5,787.56; income from the arena, $3,316.77; the new deep well fund, $16,181.59; North YOnge Railway proï¬ts, $7,533.46. $2,000 was re- ceived from the townships for ï¬re protection. ' Income from Hydro, the treas- urer’s report reveled, was $28,- 504.88. Expenditures amounted to $29,306.69, decreasing the bank balance by $802.. But, out of the arrount expended, no less than $8,759. was capital expenditure for new lines, service and other matters in connection with the in- creased number of properties in the municipality. This was a ‘Herd without a bull’ having been serviced entirely by the Maple Artiï¬cial Breeding_Un- it for some time. It was here, also, that the famous Doncrest Peg Top Burke was_bred. A few years ago Peg Top established a World Record of 31,791 lbs. milk containing 1108 lbs. fat on twice- a-day milking in the herd of Mrs. E. L. Brown, Stoufl’ville, Ont. The milk record still stands but the fat record is now held by another York County Holstein, Lynnden Hartog Daisy owned by Jack Wauchope, Schomberg. “Daisy†produced 1324 lbs. fat. Many of the cattle sold at the Doncrest sale were related to “Peg Top." Seventeen milkinp females av- eraged $449; 6 bred heifers $365; four open yearlings $260; seven heifer calves $263. There was a crowd of 300 on hand despite stormy weather. The auctioneer was L. F. Franklin, Brantford, with George C. Jackson, Downs- view, making the pedigree an- nouncements. (Continued from page 1) scnior‘governments can not be ap- proached, although there is no guarantee that they would supply funds. (3) The village engineer has es- timated the cest (f connecting houses to the main sewer system at $2 per foot. (4) Laundry tubs in the base- ment could be connected to the sewerage system if desired by the property owner. I am not in a position to estimate cost as this would depend to a great extent upon individunl conditions. (5) The question of septic tanks in the rear of a property is, again, something which- would de- pend to a major extent upon in- dividual conditions but which should not constitute any major engineering problem. (6) The village council has not taken medical advice concerning the situation if sewers are not in- stalled. It has, however, given consideration to this angle and has relied on the commu- 1-sense atti- tude that sewage. if not properly disposed of, will without doubt constitute a serious hazard to pub- lic health. I am informed by The Liberal, however, that the Medical Officer of Health for Richmond Hill has expressed an opinion and that it is the paper’s intention, in the interests of all taxpayers and to give full and disinterested information regard- ing all angles, to publish Dr. Wil- son‘s letter. - Dr. Wilson's Letter The Editor of The Liberal. Dear Mr. Editor: Now that a vote is to be taken on the question of sewers for the village kindly allow me space to urge that the decision be decidedly in favor of this much needed im- provement. There is no more vexatious method of sewage dis- posal than the coznmon septic tanks. They are the cause of more ill feeling between neighbors than any other sanitary problem in the village. Some say that the expense ‘in- volved in the installation of a mod- ern sewage disposal system would be almost crippling to the village. Rather than an expenditure it would in fact be a wise investment which would pay handsome divi- dends in creating a more sanitary condition in the village and in in- ducing prospective home builders to locate here. One frequently hears the remark “I would like to live in Richmond Hill if there were sewers, but septic tanks -â€" not for me.†\ : Nearly thirty years ago it was argued by some that the expense of waterworks would ï¬nancially ruin the village. The fact is that in the very near future the last of the waterworks debentures will be paid and during these thirty years the population of tht village has doubled. A similar reaction might reasonably be expected to follow the installtion of :. modern sewage disposal system. ' Without further encroaching on your valuable space may I urge that on election day the village council be given a very deï¬nite mandate to proceed with this much needed improvement. you every week Taxpayer’s Letter The classiï¬ed ad page is you ,rgain counter â€" delivered t‘ Medical Officer of Health Richmond Hill “I Counci||ors Agree TTC Operation Plan For Buses Is Good The new agreement between the Toronto Transportation Commis- sion and the municipalities of Richmond Hill village, North York, Vaughan and Markham townships covering the operation of North Yonge buses was di3cuss- ed by members of the Richmond Hill village council at a. special meeting held on November 23. Expr-essing complete satisfac- tion with the way in which the T. T.C. had handled the affairs of the transportation system for the townships in the past councillors unanimously approved the agree- ment, which will- be further dis- cussed at a meeting of the-board of directors of the system and Commission officials later. Revealed during the discussions were the facts that the Transpor- tation Commission operates the line for a management charge of 7% on gross expenses â€"â€" a ï¬gure which councillors termed “very fair†â€" and the fact that the municipalities still own properties such as the ticket office in Rich- mond Hill and the property used for turning the buses at the nor- thern end of their run. These were not disposed of when other radial properties were sold recently. Vaughan Township Eating Piaces To Be Licensed Discussing the sewerage prob- lem relating to Thornhill, mem- bers of the Vaughan Township Council decided at a recent meet- ing to follow the recommendation of the Board of Health and to li- cense restaurants, lunch counters and similar ventures. The Town- ship clerk was instructed to pre- pare the necessary by-law. It also directed that a survey of ex- isting establishments to be made in order to show the changes which would be necessary if the by-law were passed. .14 n... n--- L .7- Dr. R. A. Biéfoï¬, Medical Of- ï¬cer of Health for the township, was present at the meeting gpd Snow Removal Contracts Awarded By Vaughan Twp. One contract was awarded to the Armstrong Brothers Construc- tion Company for two Internation- al trucks with Frink plows, rate to be $4.50 per hour plowing time with standâ€"by time at $6.00 per day. discussed councillors Tenders for snow plowing dur- ing the coming winter have been awarded by Vaughan Township Council. The second contract was given to Paul Street and covers the em- ployment of a Walters snow ï¬ght- er at $6.00 per hour plowing time and $5.00 per day stand-by time. Five tenders in all were receiv- ed. Correspondent: Mrs. Allan Doner, Phone Stouï¬ville 67104 Last Thursday evening a num- ber of friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Klinck to tender a shower to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cober who were mar- ried recently in Stayner. We ex- tend our congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Cober. Mrs. E. Doner spent last Thurs- day with her mother, Mrs. G. Hilts. We are pleased to see Mr. Jas. Stevens able to be around again after several days’ illness. Miss Doris Hoover of Toronto was a, guest of Mrs. M. Sudayko over last week end. Mr. and Mrs. F. Warwick of Thornhill had Sunday evening supper with Mr. and Mrs. A. Leek. Miss Jackman, school teacher of White Rose school, spent last week end with Miss Arvella For- rester. Misses Ivadel and Elva Hunking spent last week end with Miss Ruth Hunt. The annual Bridge and Euchre of the Richmond Hill Lawn Bowl- ing Club, will be held this year in the spacious auditorium of the Public School on Wednesday, Decâ€" ember 7, at 8.30 pm. This event is looked forward to each year by both bridge and euchre players, and it is expected that one of the largest crowds ever to attend will be present. A grand array of prizes has been donated and before the evenâ€" ing starts it is expected that they will number close to forty. The main prize is a turkey and tickets will. be sold in the auditorium and only persons present will be elig- ible to win. The prizes will be on display in The Liberal oï¬ice win- dow this week end. The executive wish to thank all those who kindly donated prizes for this event. . street or highway hey Bowling Notes JD 2 children an 1 the street once relax your vigil GORMLEY the matter with the ha for are bound to in a while. over them. protection. y being any An active evening of training and other activities took place at “C†Squadron on Tuesday night. Lieut. Collins’ (G.M.T.) Class was introduced to the intricacies of map-reading, much to their be- wilderment. At the end of the evening Lieut. Collins was the picture of grief and frustration, but he says that if the road is signed well enough the should be able to ï¬nd their way from Aur- ora to Toronto now without get- ting lost. I think, however, that this was an exaggeration on his part, because, as I saw it, the G. M.T. boys are rapidly becoming expert map users. The Gunner-Operator’s Class, under the direction of Lieuten- ants Gold and Allen, was busily engaged netting in No. 19 Wire- less sets, and passing wireless messages. After the training period was over a Mess Meeting was held, and we elected a new slate of of- lcers for the coming year. Con- gratulations are in order to the following: Mess Pres., Sgt. Ernie Sherwood; vice-pres, Cpl. Gerry Barker; secretary, Tpr. Pete Styr- mo; treasurer, Cpl. alter Bunn; Mess committee, Capt. John Mac- Iver, SQMS Howard Bunn. With this group in control, we are ex- pecting big doings in the Mess this year. Special congratulations are due to Capt. John MacIver, who has recently received his promotion, and is now our Squadron 2nd in command. He can be found any training night buried under reams of paper in the Orderly Room, as Squadron Administration is his special chore. How did you like travelling on Thursday night? Well, we did- n’t like it either, and only a few of the hardiest souls made the grade- However, bad as the wea- ther was we got a new recruit. Most of our spare time the last couple of weeks has been devoted to fueling up and preparing our tanks for a week-end scheme at the Squadron Training Area. Come rain, or snow, or zero weather, we are going out this Sunday. So, hope for the best in weather for us, will you? Lots of big things are in the offing for “C†Squadron, so Why don’t you join us and partake of a bit of exciting life, a life that will earn you money, valuable training, and new friends. Richmond Hill’s new well is now in operation and results are proving to be satisfactory. For a short period after the new system was brought in water was a little cloudy but this is now reported to be cleaned up. Be a soldier Regiment. New Well In Operation Has 300 Gallon Flow The new well is pumping at the rate of 300 gallons per minute. In time of emergency the total de- livery of water from the village’s pumps could be brought up to a flow of 600 gallons per minute or more from old and new wells. EVaughan Township Elections VAUGHAN TOWNSHIP POLLING SUB-DIVISIONS Sub-division Number The Armoured Column MONDAY, December 5th, 1949 POLLING HOURS â€" 12 NOON TO 8 RM. Polls will be open in the following places: (By Blitz) in your County Thomhill Patterson Maple Pine Grove Edgeley Nashville Purpleville Elders Mills Kleinburg Richvale Vellore Teston Elgin Mills Place Langstatf Public School Open Night. Before this important occasion becomes a fading memory. there are several points which deserve mention. First, the staff, Prin- cipal D. Smith, Mrs. Poulson, Mrs. Stephenson and Miss Mac- Intosh were very glad to meet so many of the parents, and felt that the eveningrwas a success; they hoped the visitors experien- ced the same satisfaction and that the further knowledge gain- ed was mutual. They were sorry that a few parents were not able to attend, because in some cases, it is their children the teachers are particularly anxious to un- derstand better and give extra help. The interior of the school was a surprise to those who were see- ing it for the ï¬rst time and many remarked on how attractive it ldoked. The standard of work displayed on the desks was some- thing to be proud of and the art work on the walls and the spec- ial projects in each room had to be seen 'to be believed; one could not help thinking- how much en-' thusiasm and thirst for detail must be brought; out, how much more interesting school must be and how much more must be learned by the present methods. The teachers drew attention to some very ï¬ne handwork done by children who are not good stud- ents in order to prove that if they do not do well in one direction, they excel in another, and it is for them as well as to balance the development of the scholarly types that they would like to see more facilities for manual train- ing. Langstaff Home and School As- sociation is glad to report that the sale held last Saturday was the most successful yet, and by Tues- day $97.00 had been accounted for, with one or two small amounts still to be received. The club wishes to thank all those who con- tributed to this success by giving and buying and looks forward to using this money for the children and the school. The final total will be reported when known. H & S" Association Much of the success “of such a venture is due to the organization and once again Mrs. Jack Cooke did an excelelnt job as convenor. Too numerous to mention are the names of the executive members who convened the various tables assited by others and members. Non-members cannot know, un- less told, of the help and co-op- eration constantly given the as- sociation by Mr. Heslop, who is always interested in anything which concerns the children; this was another occasion when his help was greatly appreciated. He and Mrs. W. Little of arden Ave. are the Honorary Members. Many thanks are due to the latter for her teacup reading, an experience which always seems to be enjoyed and adds just that something ex- tra to the afternoon. we are glad to report that Mr. George Hale, No. 7 Highway, was progressing “slowly but surely,†following the accident he had last week When snow on his shoes caused him to fall down stairs. Fortunately the damage done was not as bad as it could have been and was at ï¬rst suspected and we Cooney’s Service Station Women’s Institute Hall Don Head Farm Office LANGSTAFF NEWS J. Hamilton’s House Omar Devin’s House Roy Wilson’s House CORRESPONDENT â€" MRS. S. W. WORSDALE Telephone Thornhill 2571-12 Pony Crest Lodge Temperance COmmunity Stumpf’s House Township Hall Masonic Masonic Hall Location Hall Hall Hall hope to hear soon that he is back at,work. Mrs. R. J. Spanton, Yonge St., was visited last Thursday by her niece, Mrs. Shirley Ogilvie of Toronto, who came to look after her as she was feeling “under the weather." To provide the change that often dispels that “low†feeling, Mrs. Ogilvie took her aunt to Buffalo for the week-end. Saturday evening at the Town Casino Lanny Ross’s singing pro- vided the “tonic†that completed the cure. 25 Cards from $2.25 See Samples at Our Office Order early to avoid disappointment Your name and address printed on each card Tel. 9 -â€" Richmond Hill Christmas Cards THE LIBERAL PERSONAL For combined heating and cooking We now have a new type of Silent-G10 Burner in Stock Thornhill OIL IS NOW MORE PLENTIFUL THAN IN RECENT YEARS YOU CAN ECONOMIZE BY USING VERN. W. GRIFFIN SILENT - GLO OIL BURNERS Price $47.50 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, Dec. 1, 1949 WOO“ MMâ€OWW g Body Work § Simonizing ; THORNHILL, ONT. PHONE 76 g «www.0me :«uummmoummmommmoumool COLLISION WORK For Cook Stoves GORMLEY, ONT. Phone Stoulfville 381W1 for complete details. We deliver. When you build it of CONCRETE BLOCKS you get all this-Jim safety, low upkeep cost, easy financing, termite proofness. built. in insulation and much more for your money. A DUPLEX GORMLEY BLOCK CO. FISHER BODY SHOP Telephone Thornhill 13 MEETS ALL A. S.T.M. SPECIFICATIONS ALL SIZES OF CONCRETE BLOCKS, SAND AND GRAVEL Tel. Stouffville 381W] Spray Painting Lettering for income!