For Quick Classified Ad. Service Phone Richmond Hill 9 pair pair skat Grocer’s self-computing scale in‘ A1 condition. International Bus- iness Machines make. Government tested. 30 lb. capacity. Telephone Rl~limoni llill 9. \ *lw‘l‘l GIRL'S SKI JACKET with hood green wool suit; both size 16; I pair of skis with poles 65 IL; i A BARGAIN FOR QUICK SALE stair hand rails, ï¬re dogs, ï¬re screens and acetylene welding. A p- ply T. Elliott. Oak Avenue, Rich- vale, phone Richmond Hill 1r5. ATTENTION: Soft wood slabs. $12.00 cord; Hardwood slabs. $17. cord. All wood is dry and clean. Wilson’s Wood Supply, phone Richmond Hill 441.}. tch) ORNAMENTAL PORCH R L. Milne, May Ave†Hill. Call in cvcnings SNOW FENCE, $14.00 per 100 ft. roll; 7 ft. Stelco steel posts. 68c each. Complete line of wire. fence materials. We deliver. Phone 50?. Norman Bone, 2 Elizabeth St. Richmond Hill. c1w22 and tank, com Capacity 225 g 1» TRUE TEST BAKING, Christmas Cakes to order 75c 3 1b., decorated; bread, Ipics, cakes, pastry. Apply Mrs. Down, May Ave., Richmond Hill, phone 2371'12. *3w22 LECTRIC RANGE, 4â€"burner, 'arming closet and oven, very éheap. Apply by phone, Richmond Hill 481W. c1w22 size 5; also 1 pair Skates, size 5. Fr price for ï¬gure $5 VC OIL SPACE HEATER, used one year, 7 stove pipcs; with taps; 45 gal. 1 2'41M Richmond Hill. supplying power £03 5 lamps\ Apply Egjfotk‘ a1 00., Richmond Hill. TRACTOR TIRE CHAINS, Xian} duty, 10 x 28. Apply Sumue Winger, Maple, phone 62122. 1 PAIR WHITE TUBE SKATE. 1 BED, 1 6 condition; as new. .~.r mond Hill. SMALL G 4J Phone Maple 31 QUEBEC HEATER, medium size, good condition, $15.00. Phone 359 .r11 Richmond Hill. *lw22 54r31 FOR Rb 10 PIGS, 8 weeks old .Maskintcr, R. R. 2 Map 12 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Thursday. Dec. 1, 1949 COOKER SPANIELS, 6 weeks :i, black, 3 male and one female. lone 2731‘14 Thornhill. 4 Roose- lt Drive, Stop 20A. c1w22 ! CLASSIFIED FOR SALE and WANT ADS .CASH RATES, ï¬rst insertion, 2c per word, Min. charge .. ‘35c ' Second and suosequent insertions if wording r uni-hanged, 23¢ per word, min. charge . . . . . . 25c IF CHARGED, 3c per word, minfcharge, all insertions .. 50c FOR BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of 25c (‘ARDS 01“ THANKS, 1N MEMORJAM, BIRTHS, DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES, per insertion $1.00 Classiï¬ed advertiscn‘nents should be in as early in the week as possible but not later than noon on Wednesdays. y HCV and l on. . MAN har'dwcod fl Wcst on m FOR SALE AL ESTATE, phone Fenn A( CLA SSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES 1 ’meta] Venetian Jm or steel baked ny eu'our of tapes. pair ofï¬vhite ï¬gure Price for tube $4, 8 $5. *lw22 :U’I'Y 1- :m 2 8; 1 pair black in S.All in good 164 Spruce Ave. c1w22 ACE HEATER, size. Phone King K bungalow, six ours; hot water I, New Wil'- 00 or best of- , white, $7.00; camp stove. coats, one ne navy blue l0. clean and me Thornhill ' c2w21 inst Riv: wool. Come 1- prices are sets old. Thos. Maple, phone *1w22 3,, $1.00 bus. Wilbur Kef- c2w21 ne china novelties pump gun. shells, $75. b. *' L». oil barrels oil. Phone oil b “'3 A ppiy W. Richmond ma tfc14 All open tfc35 tfc19 1 W tfc46 ner SOFTWOOD Slabs, $12.00; hard- wood slabs, $17.00; hard« wood limbs, $18.00; body hard- wood, ï¬replace logs $21.00 per cord. All wood clean, dry and cut to length. Taylor’s Sawmill, Rich- mond Hill phone 463, Aurora 84r32. tfc9 AT BARGAIN PRICES: Big B Brand overalls. smocks, work pants; plaid shirts, work shirts, Penman's work and dress‘ socks. Durie's Variety Store, Stop 22A Yonge St, Richvaie. Open Tues- Fri., Sat. evenings until 9 p.m. for your convenience. tfch red foxes, red fox capes, brown mink, blue silver mink, brown and grey squirrels and. some others at very low prices; Apply John Don- aid. Elgin Mills, phone Maple 49r22. » ‘4“‘19 A LARGE BUNDLE of clothing ï¬'hich my children have outgrown. Will ï¬t girls 6 to 9 yrs., coats, dresses. skirts, blouses. AH for $5 or what have you? Call .Rich- mond Hill 1r3. élw22 FUR NECK PIECES; silver and Christmas, 3 wire haired terriers, 6 weeks 01d, thoroughbreds. Apply phone Richmond Hill 11-5. 226 Oak Ave†Richvale. c1w22 60 MINK BOXES, 10 breeding cages, 1 nwsh 16 gauge 36x48 in 150‘ rolls, British Bear Brand. AP? ply Mr. Kris Petrofl', May Ave., Richvale. ~ *3w21 BUY THAT BOY A PUP for STOVE, Beach, wood and coal, white enamel, black trim, good condition,~n1ust be sold, $70, ow- ing to moving. ‘Call evenings. Phone King 45W. c1w22 HAND WASHING MACHINE, with wringer; ladies skates and boots, size 7; boy’s clothing, size 12-13. including ‘ Scout pants. Phone Richmond Hill 3461‘4. ‘1w22 ER, large model, like new; fast suite, cream and red. Yongehurstg Rd., Stop 24, St. QUEBEC COOK STOVE, reason- able, in good condition. Apply G. Smith, 189 Spruce St., Richvale, phone 12 Richmond Hill. *1w22 COLEMAN OIL SPACE HEAT- ONE MAN’S Station Wagon coat, size 46, mouton collar, quilted lin- ing, like new, reasonably priced. Phone Thornhill 451‘13. c1w22 WASHING MACHINE, in good condition, Gain-A-Day, medium size. Apply N. H. Mathewson, Maple. r *1w22 2 REAR USED FORD TRACTOR TIRES. Apply Endean Nurser- ies, phone 61W Richmond Hill. FENCE POSTS. anchors, brace posts, square posts, hydro and clothesline poles. Taylor‘s Saw- mill, Richmond Hill 463. tfc20 2 PAIR SKATES. ladies, size 6, men‘s size 9, both black; also dressing table with bench. Apply 37W Richmond Hill. _ c1w22 COLEMAN OIL SPACE HEAT- ER and 250 gal. tank, used two seasons $70.00 complete. Phone 193M Richmond Hill. c1w22 FINDLAY Oval Cook Stove, good condition. M. Farquharson, 'Vic- toria Square, Stouffville 66103. ER, medium size, used 2 seasons; also Thayer Pram cheap. Apply Richmond Hill 441‘13. , c1w22 2 CURLY BLUE PUPPIES, malé condition, exchange for pbultry. Phone Thornhill 191r41. 'c1w22 SABLE COAT, size 16, reasonable I’hone 3721-24 Richmond Hill. Mrs. Jim Tinkler J11, Y‘ongehurst Rd., Stop 24 Yonge St. *1w22 RAY THERMO.SPACE HEAT- 3-PIECE CHESTERFIELD suite, maroon. Apply Mrs. Cecil Walk- er, King. c1w22 RANGI‘JTTE. practically new, 48 Yonge 81.. Richmond Hill. Phone 363r21 Richmond Hill. 'c1w22 OIL HEATER, perfection type, new, $7.50. Apply L. Barter, 358 r14 Richmond Hill. c1w22 GENERAL ELECTRIC' Hotpoint range. in good condition, $65. Ap- ply Thornhill 103W. c1w22 QUEBEC HEATER, good condi- tion. Apply phone 'Thornhill 1921‘2. ' clw22 CONCRETE BRICKS. Mr. W. Cole Phone Richmond Hill 309W. *2w21 2 HOLSTEIN, springers. Apply E. Hadwin, Maple R. R. 1. c1w22 BABY TENDA, $8.50. Crawford, 1 mile east, Stop 28. *1w22 ALL MANTEL RADIO, good break- Yonge ‘1w22 c1w22 c1w22 2w22 PART TIME linotype Operator. Work would suit operator employ- ed in city and available for few hours spare time weekly as and when required. Phone Richmond Hill 9 for interview. tfc21 FULL OR PART TIME WORK by man experienced in banking and municipgl office duties. Will do bookkeeping and clerical work. Please write Box 55 The Liberal. c1w22 WORK ON FARM, life time ex- perience with stock, can drive a tractor, Irish. 27 years old, can furnish references. M. Daly. cjo W. J. Orr, Maple, phone 31r13. time nursing, massage, facials; $1 per hour, plus transportation. Ap- ply Box 33, The Liberal. *1w22 WORK WANTED QRADUAIE NURSE, full or part THREE GOOD MEN for steady work wood-working- in factory, good wages. Apply at factory, 19 Centre St. E. (rear) Richmond Hill. ’1w22 OLD HORSES. $15.00. We will pay you $15.00 for your old horse at your farm. Campbell Mink, phone Agincourt 18J12.Collect. ALL KINDS of poultry wanted, best market prices, will call im- mediately upon request. A Magee, King, phone 351-14. ‘28w52 ANYONE having used\ Brownie uniforms not in use, please contact Mrs. N. Anderson, 24 Arnold St. Phone 455J. ‘2w21 PRACTICAL WOMAN to care for semi-invalid, full or part time. Jarman, Spruce St., phone 136r12 Richmond Hill. clw22 TRANSPORTATION available, leaves Richmond Hill 7.30 a.m., ar- rives at Richmond Hill 6.00 pm. Apply Maple 621-11. *1w22 2 matched Dalmations. Phone'Ma- ple 101W. c1w22 TO BUY HOSPITAL BED, urâ€" gent. Apply phone 243.1 Rich- mond Hill. clw22 GIRL‘S FIGURE SKATES, size 11 or 12. Apply phone 297'Rich- m‘ond Hill. c1w22 size 10. Apply Mrs. Connors, Regent St., Elgin Mills. *1w22 SPECIAL XMAS OFFER -â€" de- light your wife with a new Elec- trolux vacuum cleaner,‘ beautifully wrapped, only 315 down, ï¬rst monthly payment, Feb. 1. For a demonsjration contact your local dealer, S. J. Carlisle, phone 394W Richmond Hill. c1w22 HOUSE wanted to rent in or near Richmond Hill. *2w21 TRANSPORTATION offered six days weekly to Yonge and Eglin- ton, then to Duï¬erin and Eglin- ton. Heated. Leaving: Elgin Mjlls 6.40. No return trip. Telephone Richmond Hill 4413. *1w22 A GOOVDiFINE KIND HOME, for ROLLER SKATES & BOOTS, for rent, or we will sand and ï¬nish your floors. Phone for all infor- mation Richmond Hill COSW. Wall- paper Shop. c13w20 ALL KINDS FURNITURE re- pairs, upholstering, cabinet work, wood carving. Estimates given. N. S. VanDyke, 33 Hunt Ave., Richmond Hill. tfc CUPBOARD DOORS'and drawers made to order. Made of ï¬rst class material. Phone orders taken, Phone 36r3 Thornhill, Eric R. Hook‘ Thornhill. *2w21 FLUOR SANDING MACHINES A. O. THORNE, specializing in Fire, Accident, Auto and Liability Insurance. Brooke St. Thornhill, phone Thornhill 199J. tfc14 FRAME AND SASH, also storm sash and storm doors made to or- der. Phone Thornhill" 257r3. SAND AND GRA'VEL, crushed stone, loam and ï¬ll. E. Charity, Richmond Hill, phone 372r5. tfc42 You say it’s early to order? Not at all. We're agents here, and can quote prices and take your order. Markets for poultry and eggs are pretty well established. We are sure you cannot get bet- ter chicks. Start 1950 with Big- 4. Cull your flocks, get some good-payers. Wesley Clark, R. R. 2, Gormley. _ 10 VOLUMES “Journeys through Bookland,†world’s best literature for children, leather bound, new condition. Original price $89.00, will sell for $40. Apply 66 Hor- sham Ave., W llowdale. Step 9, or phone Thornhill 2571-12. c1w22 toes, present price $1.25 per bag. Call at the farm anytime 6 days a week. Eldon Folliott, miles west of Oak Ridges. *4w21 KITCHENER BIG-4 CHICKS FOR REAL ESTATE, phone Fenn, Thornhill 168 GOOD GRADED Katahdin pota- MISCELLANEOUS WANTED c4w20 tfc2 tfcll R. D. LITTLE & SON Ltd. Ford & Monarch Sales & Service PHONE 174, RICHMOND HILL Formerly of Gerrard Heintzman Work Guaranteed, Free Estimates $1,375.00 1947 FORD DE LL‘XE TUDOR FRIDAY, DEC. 16 -â€" Auction Sale of farm stock, implements, regisâ€" tered and grade Holstein cattle, horses, pigs, milk cooler, furniture at Lot 1, Con. 3, Whitchurch at Gormley, the estate of the Fate fred Schelke; also at the same time and place will be oï¬ered if not sold before 68 acre’farm. with bank barn, 10-roomed brick house, good cellar, plenty of water and milk house. Terms on property made known day of sale. Proper- ty sold subject to reserve bid. No reserve on chattels. Terms cash. Sale*at 1 pm. L. Turner, clerk. A. S. Farmer_ auctioneer. FIRE. ACCIDENT. AUTO AND LIABILITY INSURANCE Brooke St., Thornhill Phone Thornhill 199J SAT. DEC. 3 -â€" Important exten- sive auction sale of household goods, dishes, glassware, electric stoves, also a number of good cook stoves, heaters, etc. Property belonging to the Estate of the late D. F. Williams. and consignment of others, on Main street, Mark- ham, Ont. Sale at 2 pm. Terms cash. No reserve. Ken and Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. stock and implements, cattle, hor- ses and pigs, Ford-Ferguson tracâ€" tor and equipment, new threshin“ machine, hay and grain, at lots 24 and 25, con. 9 Pickering, the prop- erty of Harold Elson. No reserve as farm is sold. Terms: cash. Sale at 1.00 pm. Lloyd Turner, clerk. A. S. Farmer, auctioneer. RED STEER, 3 years old, 1000 lbs, from lot 13 concession 7 King, Reward. Phone Fred Dew, King- 37. ' c3w20 SATURDAY, DEC. 3 â€"- Farm 1 AYRSHIRE HEIFER, last seen on the 3rd of King. Apply Mrs. B. Riddell, phone King 2r21. c1w22 VACANCIES for room and board, with conveniences in Richmond Hill. Phone Mrs. Carlisle, Rich- mond Hill 336M. *1w21 fast available, Yonge St. at Elgin Mills. Phone 178J Richmond Hill LARGE HEATED CABIN. suit one or two, for rent. Phone 178J Richmond Hill. c1w22 ROOM WITH BOARD or break- 1948 PONTIAC, new; 1947 Stude- baker, in good condition; 1948 Dodge Custom, just like new, 10000 miles; 1939 Chevrolet Sedan; De- livery 1/2 ton truck, good condition; 1946 Chev. Coach in perfect con- dition. Apply Mabley’s Garage, phone 233 Richmond Hill. c1w22 HALF TON G.M.C. panel truck, 1940 model, 1947 reconditioned mo- tor. In ï¬rst class mechanical con- dition. Brand new radiator, new brake linings, etc. Telephone Thornhill 40W. *1w22 $950.00 1946 FORD ','2 TON PICKUP Good condition RELIABLE USED CARS 1939 MERCURY 4-door sedan. Good condition. Complctely win- terized. Phone 103 Richmond Hill. *2w21 1935 FORD PANEL TRUCK Birch Avenue, Richvale. Ask for’ Mike Gajowski, Saturday only. CARS & TRUCKS PIANO TUNING SALE REGISTER .A. O. THORNE 1947 1 TON EXPRESS Heater, Small Mileage and Repairing $425.00 1937 J’ORD TUDOR Tel. 9, Richï¬ond Hill Phone' Liberal Office S. Hoffman Specializing in $1,175.00 TO RENT LOST c1w22 ‘3w22 Phone Willowdale 8-845 Join our Layaway Club now Radio & Appliances 6002 Yonge St., Newtonbrook WOMWO GOODS SATISFACTORY OR MONEY REFUNDED RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE Phone 426 The Mothers’ Auxiliary to Cubs and Scouts are holding their Dec- ember 8 meeting in the Municipal Hall at 7.00 pm. in the form of a pot luck supper and Xmas party. All mothers are cordiallflr invited. A special welcome was given to the members by‘the District Pres- ident, Mrs. Taylor. The audience was favoured with a piano duet by two of the lady members and by an interesting address by Mrs. Rochell on “Radio in Home and School. An inspiring talk given by Mrs. McClelland was received with much pleasure. A tour through the collegiate followed by refreshments served by the hosts ended a very interest- ing and informative evening. BOY SCOUT NEWS Miss Marshall, Principal of the Thornlea Public School, along with Mr. and Mrs. Jackson, Mr. Richan, Mrs. Jefferson, Mr. and Mrs. Gage and Mrs. Gribble attended the York Council meeting of the Home and School Association held in Forest Hill Collegiate on Thurs- day evening, November 24. Mr. Hannigan of Leaside was guest at the October meeting- and gave an interesting and inspiring talk on V“A Happy Community through Healthy Recreation.†Attend York Meeting Wally Hodgins The May meeting was favoured with a visit by the Magistrate J. L. and Mrs. Prentice of Toronto. His honour gave a very interest- ing talk on ‘Juvenile Delinquency.’ At the April meeting Mr. Mcâ€" Killop, School Inspector, was the gd'est speaker and his topic “In- fluence of the School Life of the Child" was very much appreciated. Mrs. George Jackson was elect- ed president, with Mr. K. Richan vice president, Mrs. N. Gage, sec- retary, and Mr. Crawford as the treasurer. Thirty members were enrolled. ' On March 2, 1949, a "group of parents met at the Thornlea School and the Home and School Assoc- iation was organized by Mrs. Ten- nant, district organizer, and Mrs. Campbell, convener for the Prov- ihce. > Cause of the blaze is unknown. When the ï¬re was discovered it had gained such a hold that neith- er North York or Ricmond Hill Fire Departments could do any- thing. The building was com- pletely destroyed and, with the lost machinery, will _1'epresent i‘a loss of approximately $25,000 to $30,000. Correspondent: Mrs. C. H. Bolton TEIephone Thornhill 239.1 Home & School Association Occupied by the Brikcrete As- sociation of Canada. the building cortained brick-making machinery and a new three-ton truck. The machinery is practically irreplac- able as it comes from the United States and is difficult to import into Canada. The four partners in the company, which manufac- tures a. special type or ornamental crating for 4 months and have biult up business for some months erating for months and have built up a business for severl months to come, said Jim France, one of the partners. , 7 highway half a mile west of Thornhill at 10 pm. on Tuesday night. u will SAVE MONEY Tragedy came to four men when ï¬re destroyed a large b-arn on the property of Ronald Fenn on No. Thornhill Fire Kills Hopes Of New Business Budget Terms Available Rebuilt General Electric Rangette used 2 months On These Guaranteed Reconditioned Radios Thornlea News $9.95 and up Trade-Ins $79.50 Washer $49.50 THE ' Richmond Hiil Cafe Yonge St. Richmond Hiii ’WOOOQQOWONOQ As for the food â€" we invite you to come and try it for your- self. N0 expense has been spared to pro- vide the best of equipment. The old coffee urn has gone and has been replac- ed by modern caffee maker. No longer can dust settle on the cream â€"â€" it’s dispens- ed by a modern serv- ing machine. That’s what we are proud to tell you about the Richmond Hill Cafe and its food. ‘OWOWWOO B.F.Goédrich It’s Clean and It’s Good ! MEL P. MALTBY’S Service Station BUDGET PLAN 3. Pound for pound, skim milk contains as much protein. a little more carbohydrate and ‘as much calcium, phosphorus, iron, the B. vitamins and vit~ amin C. as whole milk. CARL E. HILL, M.D., M.O.H 1. Family disagreements,‘ lecturing of children. or; threats of punishment shouldl Be forgotten at mealtime, ad- vises the Department of Nat- ional Health and Welfare. Emotional upsets at such times tend to upset digestion. 2. A good lunch, well plan- ned and well packed, pays div- idends in health and morale». The lunch should be planned to ï¬t in with and supplement the other meals of the day. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH TWP. OF NORTH YORK ‘ Health Hints ‘ 1. Fami1_\v disagreements. Enjoy cash prices . . . low down payment and convenient, eco- nomical terms . . . Buy Now . . . Pay Later. RICHMOND HILL TELEPHONE 12 USE THE 1 6 O mun»00000ouooooouoowoooouwouom 06060000669000OOOOOOOOOMOOOQOMOOOW 1 PHONE 27 - - vv vvvvvvvvvvvvwvvvwvw §' For All Year Enjoyment § EASY _ :oeooqmumoooomow Oarryi F. Zanuck plesenb " ‘ ' THE POIGNANT Low: .120 $70!" on amt. WHO .“~"w--‘ ‘ usuo ron warm"! run-ma IN LUMBER, TRIM, SASH, DOORS, ASPHALT PRODUCTS, GYPROC, TEN TEST, INSULATION SHEPPARD & GiLL LUMBER C0. g .Eyesight Specialist WILL BE AT Austin’s Drug Store Wed., December 14 and the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of eachmonth FROM 9.30 AM. TO 12 NOON EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED OPTICAL REPAIRS BROKEN LENSES REPLACED 6 ElizabetH St. OIL BURNING SPACE HEATERS STROMBERG-CARLSON â€" Friday, Saturday â€" December 2, 3 2 FUN-PACKED DAYS STARTING FRI., DEC. 2 PLAZA 5373 JEANNE CRAIN - ETHEL BARRYMORE ETHEL WATERS ‘ WILLIAM, LUNDIGAN nooucw av DARRYL F.2ANUCK DIIICTID Iv ELIA KAZAN "AIIING SERVING RICHMOND HILL AND DISTRICT BATTLE OF THE COWBOYS MAPLE BLOCK & TILE LTD. MARKHAM In Thrilling Color! A ISO-minute Jamboree of Sagebrush THRILLS! SONGS! Fun and Romance! " ;â€" l CONCRETE BLOCKS CONCRETE BRICKS L CINDER BLOCKS - †BACK-UP TILE ° 0 QUALITY - ECONOMY {BEAUTY ° Prescriptions for Glasses Filled For Appointment Phone Richmond Hill 33 RADIQS AND COMBINATIONS quplled and Guaranteed MON, TUES., WED., THURS. DECEMBER 5, 6, 7, 8 by FERGUSON MAPLE, ONTARIO PHONE MAPLE O â€" KENWOOD M FOR ‘19 YEARS Phone 148 LIMITED F. L. LOWRIE, R.0. RICHMOND HILL § Doors Open 6.45 p.m. Show Starts 7.00 p.m. Mon. to Sat. Matinee Sat at 2.00 p.m. New Winter Policy