Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 1 Dec 1949, p. 1

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DREAMY expressions mean Cary Grant and Myrna Loy are thinking of home they build in “Mr. Blandinge Builds Hie Dream House." ‘ Many of the scenes in the film were taken in the park at Blen- heim Palace, where Winston Churchill was born. Others were taken at Prague, where great co- operation was given by the Czechs. many of whom took part in the filming. Stewart Granger and Joan Greenwood play the unhappy lov- ers_with distinction and charm. Francoise Rosay ives a perform- ance of great merit as the ambit- ious Electress Sophia and Flora Robson is incomparable as the jealous, scheming Countess Plat- en. "Suraband for Dead Lovers" is a film of colour. depth and move- ment made with great attention to detail and accuracy. Their romance rocked the thrones of kings. It ended in tragedy and in a mystery that was unsolved for years. Because of it, Sophie-Dorothea’s husband had her imprisoned for life and tried to erase her name from the pages of history. It is a masterpiece of filmcraft and another triumph for Ealing. Adapted from Helen Simpson’s historical novel, “Saraband for Dead Lovers” is the story of Sophie-Dorothea, the princess who was married for political reasons to George-Louis of Hanover (after- wards George I of England), and who fell in love with the Swedish soldier of fortune, Count Philip von Konigsmark. Cary Grant, as the woe-begone Mr. Blandings in RKO's happy comedy, “Mr. Blandings builds his Dream House,” playing at the Richmond Theatre on December 5 and 6, saves his job, his newly- built home and his family’s secur- ity by finding the right slogan 101‘ advertising campaign. Blandings is an advertising man in the film, who must supply his office with new slogans for a ham called “Wham.” In the midst of his dreams Mr. Blandings has to face reality when ’he finds that his lawyer, played by Melvyn Douglas, was his wife’s (Myrna Loy‘s) old beau. One of the funniest comedies in a long, long time, the picture should have a special appeal ‘to the many in this neighbourhood who are going through problems similar to those of the Blandings. Few pictures have been able to convey a feeling of great drama as movingly as Enling Studios’ first Technicolor production “Suraband for Dead Lovers", starring Stew- art Granger, Francoise Rosay, Joan Greenwood, Fora Robson. The picture revolves around the Blanding's decision to give up their cramped apartment and to rebuild an old farmhouse in Connecticut. W-hen, after many vicissitudes, the Blandimzs move into their new home, there is no heat, no win- dows, no furniture. An English film of unusual dis- tinction comes to the Richmond Theatre on December 7 and 8. The picture opens aboard the American merchant vessel, Olive Branch, shortly after the begin- ning of the War of 1812. The 01- ive Branch has been on the seas, homeward bound from the Orient, for 108 days and is unaware of the war on the high seas. She is captured by a British naval vessel and during the fighting, the Cap- tain is killed and his daughter, a high spirited, forceful young lady, as well as the rest of the crew are captured. When, however, the 01- ive'Branch is recaptured by an American vessel, Corunna, the Captain’s daughter takes over. Al- though she is deeply in love with Captain Caution, played by Victor Mature, Corunna has him put in chains because he laughs at her plans to get a commission and to take part in the war. From then on to the smash hit climax in French waters, the story of “Captain Caution” fills the screen with scenes of tense ex- citement, red-blooded action and thrilling romance. When the Olive Branch finally sails into her home port, there is a dramatic denou- ment which draws the picture to a stirring and unforgettable end. The famous novel written by Kenneth Roberts, “Captain Cau- tion” makes its screen appearance at the Richmond Theatre on Dec- ember 2 and 3. A synopsis of pictures to be shown locally in the near future, for lthe information of movie-goers. DECEMBER 3 â€" Thornhill Wo- men's Institute bazaar at Law- rence Memorial Hall at 3 pm. of- ficial opening by Mrs. Sayers, Richmond Hill W. I. Dolls, doll clothes, fancy goods, hooked rugs, baking, candy, used clothing, “White Elephant” sale, afternoon tea, tea cup reading, novelty sales. 1w21 DECEMBER 5 â€"â€" The evening group of the WA. of the United Church Richmond Hill are hav- ing a Christmas party, Monday, December 5, at 8 pm. in the Sun- day School room. Brim: your DECEMBER 3 â€" The Women's Auxiliary Branch 375 Canadian Legion are holding a euchre on Friday night, December 3, at the home of Mrs. Titshall at 8 pm. Everyone welcome. 1w'22 DECEMBER DECEMBER 3 â€" Don’t forget St. Mary‘s Anglican Bazaar in the Parish Hall on Saturday, Decem- ber 3, at 3 pm. clw22 DECEMBER 2 â€" Friday, 3 Eu- chre will be held in St. Mary's parish hall, starting at 8.30 pm. Convenors will be Mrs. D. E. Car- ter and Mrs. N. Carter. Everyone welcome. c1w22 In brief speeches at the nomin- ations for positions on the vill- age's governing bodies on Novem- ber 21, all those nominated de- clared their intention of running. Trustee Armstrong, who has ser- ved on the board for three years, expressed his appreciation of the co-operative way in which affairs had been conducted. Trustee Len. Clement said that he felt it wias his duty to offer himself again and to play his part in making With three to be elected, five candidates are in the running. They are: Len. Clement and An- drew Armstrong, members of last year’s board; Albert C. Bar- be‘r, Marwood Cunningham and John Williamson, new contenders for office. With Reeve John Hostrawser and Deputy Reeve Marshall Mc- Murchy returned by acclamation, electors in Vaughan Township will be required to elect three coun- cillors on December 5. Although nominated for deputy reeve and for council, Councillor Carl Shaw withdrew for reasons of health. Consequently only two members of the 1949 council have to appeal to the electors -â€" Counâ€" cillors James H. Robson and Al- bert Rutherford. Five in Race For Three School Board Vacancies Wit'n Trustee Duncan Chamney retiring and two members of the public school board up for re-el- ection, a lively race is pron‘ised for positions ' as Richmond Hill public school trustees. Six in all have qualified and their names will appear on the Six Candidates Contest Vaughan Councillorships Two Old Members In Race VOLUME LXXI. NUMBER 22. All Seats To Be Contested In Richmond Hill Vaughan Reeve & Deputy Win Acclamation Hostrawser Returned Voting Day - December 5th 1297 voters are entitled to ballot on reeve and members of council. At the last election held two years ago the number was 1161, of whom 714 went to the polls. Property owners who are entitled to vote on the sewerage plebiscite in Richmond Hill number 825, Village Clerk Russell Lynett reports. 825 Can Vote On Sewers Coming Events Bring your DECEMBER 10 â€" Combination bridge, euchre. cribbage and bingo contest in aid of completion of Richvale Community Hall, at the Richvale School. 1w21 School Christmas Concert ana Tree in the Public School Auditor- ium, Richmond Hill. 4w20 mas gifts you have been making for display. There will be carol singing and a report of the area convention. 1w22 DECEMBER 9 â€" Friday, Decem- her 9, St. Mary’s Anglicéh Sunday DECEMBER 7 â€" Annual bridge and euchre of Richmond Hill Lawn Bowling Club, in Public School Auditorium, on Wednesday, Dec- en~ber 7, at 8.30 pm. sharp. Prizes galore. Refreshments. Come and bring your friends. c3w19 DECEMBER 8 â€"- The December meeting of the Richmond Hill Women’s Institute will be held on Thm‘sday, December 8, at 2.30 pm. Please bring in the Christ- gift. All ladies invited. DECEMBER 6 â€" Regular mon- thly meeting of Vaughan and Richmond Hill Veterans at Mun- icipal Hall, Richmond Hill. 1w22 Few men around this district have had more to do with wells than Albert Jones of Elgin Mills. When The Liberal asked him if such an occurrence was common, Mr. Jones said that on several oc- casions he had struck small pock- ets from which gas could be smelled. To strike a pocket of such size that it would light was, he said, something new in his ex- perience. Is Yongehurst Road, south of Richmond Hill, to become inde- pendent of Hydro restrictions? Will gas supplant electricity there? That’s just a bit too optimistic, but nevertheless the fact remains that a property on the street hai recently produced a supply of nat- ural gas. Nomination meeting held at the Township Hall at Vellore on No- vember 25, the day after the big storm, brought out only a fair at- tendance and proceedings were brief and quiet. No controversial matters were brought up either by members of the 1949 council or by new candidates in their addresses to the gathering. Chairman James Pollard was called on to speak by Village Clerk Russeil Lynett, who ofl’ic- i-ated at the meeting, although he is not up for re-election, having another year of his term left. He spoke hi'khly of the manner in which all members of the board had pulled together and of the progressive work which had been done. Drilling for water on the prop- erty of Mrs. Bolton, gas was struck at a depth of 170 feet. When lighted, the gas burned in a four foot high flame and, as this issue goes to press, is still alight. Drilling Well Discover Gas ballots. They are: William J. Agar, farmer; Cyril G. Baker, salesman; Herbert A. Phelps, civil servant; James H. Robson, farm- er; Russell Rowntree, farmer; Al- bert H. Rutherford, farmer. arrangements for the new school which would soon be necessary. fil‘é‘f filmeth “In Essentials, Unity; In Non-Essentials, Liberty; 1w22 RICHMOND HILL, ONT., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1949 However, the questions which arise in my mind are as follows. (1) The bulletin quotes an ap- proximate figure of $275,000 for the installation in the Village. 13 this estimated cost a guaranteed firm price? Does it include the cost of a disposal plant? If the approximate figure of $275,000 does not include these items it could well be that the final cost to the taxpayers could be in the neighbourhood of $500,000, with a frontage tax up to 40¢ per foot and an increase in the general tax rate up to say 15 or 20 mills. (2) Has the Village Council applied for Government assis- tance? If so, what is the dollar value of this assistance? (3) What is the estimated cost First of all may I congratulate the Village Council on their most excellent bulletin of 7th Novem- her, which has laid out very clear- ly the problem before the prop. erty owners. It should be stressed that the letters and replies express the opinion of the writers â€" that they have not been solic- ited by this publication â€" and that they are printed in order to place all possible information in the hands of ratepayers previous to next Monday’s election. Dear Mr. Editor: â€" There are several questions in my mind which might well have a decided bearing on the electors’ decision in the forthcoming Mun- icipal Elections, consequently I am writing to you in the hope that some of these problems may be clarified and publicized. to the property owners of connec- ting the house to the sewage sys- tem at the street line? (4) In some houses where laun- dry tubs are in basements they are not connected to septic tanks. Would these continue to be drain- ed into the open ditches or would they be connected to the sewage The Liberal has received the following letter from Mr. D. C. Smith of 3 Arnold Crescent, Richmond Hill. Because of the fact that it asks some questions which we believe to be of particular interest to taxpayers at the present moment we are reproducing the letter in full. In or- der that these questions could be answered in such a way that the information will be of value to electors we have ask- ed Reeve Percy C. Hill to make replies thereto, and these follow Mr. Smith’s letter. After living for fifteen years in Lansing Jack Bayley, veteran of the Royal Canadian Air Force, has taken over the" Pony Crest Lodge Air Force Veteran I To Run Pony Crest“ Lodge, Elgin Mills We have also received a letter regarding sewers from Dr. J. P. Wilson, M.B., Medical Officer of Health for the vill- age of Richmond Hill and, as a matter of public service, that letter is being published also. Helping him operate it will \be Mrs. Bayiey, who has had a long experience in high-class catering. During the war Mm Bayley was a radio instructor, serving both western and eastern Canada and in Iceland. Taxpayer’s Letter, Reeve’s Remy Give Infomation On Sewerage Vote Medical Officer Expresses Opinion “To Be, Or Not To Be . . And please don't wait outside in the cold. The office door will be open and we shall be glad to we]â€" come anybody who cares to come in. We refer readers to the special listing of candi- dates which appears on page 8 of this issue, with space for marking results. Points reported will in- clude Richmond Hill â€" where the results are not likely to be known until late on account of the fact that the sewerage plebis- cite votes have to be count- ed as well â€"â€" Vaughan Township. Markham Town- ship, King Township. North York Township and Woodbridge. Results of local munici- pal elections will be posted in The Liberal's office win- dow on the night of Dec- ember 5 as received. Election Returns (4) In some houses where laun- dry tubs are in basements they are not connected to septic tanks. Would these continue to be drain- ed into the open ditches or would they be connected to the sewage system? If they must be connected there is an additional cost to the property owner, for which I would Just twenty-five years ago on this date WALTER SCOTT pictured above, took over the principalship of Richmond Hill’s public school. Today, still holding the same responsible position, he is in charge of pupils who are the children of the pupils he taught when he first came to the I, Back in 1924 the public'school «badlseven rooms, with an ox'ferflow class being held' in the Munlcipal Hall â€" a sharp contrast to today’s school attendance of- 437, quartered in eleven classrooms. But before Mr. Scott took over the post in which he has earned the respect and affection of many thousands of school children, their parents and, indeed, all citizens, he had Hill. Admonitions to get the children’s teeth taken care of early in life have been heeded by Mr. and Mrs. Wilf. Burns of Spruce Av- enue, Richvale. They have already had those of their daughter, Linda Susan, looked after by Dr. Mason of Richmond Hill. Not much news in that, perhaps. But there is when it is noted that said Linda Susan was born on November 21. The brand new Miss Burns arrived with two teeth. Know Your Neighbour In All Things, Charity." Precocious! (Continued on page 7) (2- The village council has not applied for government assistance. Reference has been made in re- cent days to the securing of gov- ernment assistance in the 1930’s. It must be remembered that this was in depression days when Fed- eral and Provincial funds were being used for relief. No such situation exists today. It is, in my opinion, doubtful if either government would supply funds for local improvements under pres- ent conditions. Reference has al- so been made to the fund set up by the Ontario government for assistance to municipalities. It should be remembered that this fund is for the purpose of LOAN- ING money to municipalities whose debenture position is such that they could not borrow through the usual channels. This situation does not exist in Richmond Hill. There is no reason, however, if the majority of taxpayers express a desire through the plebiscite for the installation of sewers, why the (1) The figure of $275,000. is an estimated cost. It was sup- plied to the village council by Mr. W. B. Redfern of Proctor, Red- fei'n and Loughlin, consulting en- gineers, who is the village engin- eer. Mr. Redfern assured the council that the estimate is an outside figure and should not be exceeded. It includes ALL opera- tions including the disposal plant. (6) Lastly, but of very major importance, what medical advice has the Village Council recoived concerning the possibility of an epidemic of infectious diseases if we do not have a sewage system? (5) In some cases septic tanks are in the rear of the houses and would present an additional prob- lem in making connections to the sewage system. You may publish all or part of this letter, as you so desire. D. G. Smith. Reeve P. C. Hill Replies like an estimate. (Continued on page 9 At the recent meeting of the Canadian Guernsey Breeders’ As- sociation held in Toronto on Novâ€" ember 18, Mr. D. G. McAllister, well known Guernsey breeder from Richmond Hill, was highly honoured by being elected as Pres- ident of the Association for 1950, a position for which Mr. McAll- ister is very well qualified, hav- ing been a member of the Board of Directors for tome years. Mr. Some time was spent by Reeve Percy C. Hill in paying tribute to village officials. An especial com- pliment was given to Village Clerk Russell Lynett. “The time is coming fast," said Reeve Hill, “when we shall have to give him some assistance, even if it means putting another mill on the taxes.” W. S. Pocknell, the village assess- or, was also given a special “pat on the back,” Reeve Hill asserting that the fact that not a single ap- peal against assessments had been received was a tribute to the con- scientiousness of his work The fire brigade, P. C. Frank Moore, Les Baker and the staff of the works department also were praised by the Reeve. Challenging some of the statements made by Mr. Greene in his nomination address, Mr. Hill stated that taxes now were the same as they were in 1943 and that the new pumping D. G. McAllister New President A typical Middleton "crack" was his description of his working arrangement with the village’s Medical Officer of Health. “If people call me,” he said, “I refer them to thé M.O.H., and if they call him he refers them to me.” But, in spite of his somewhat joking approach to municipal prob- lems, he conveyed to the gathering a seriousness of purpose which earned for him the biggest round of applause given to any candidate. station had been installed at much smaller cost than the one built in that year. He described Running a close second if ap- plause is any criterion, was Councillor‘ Ken. Tomlin who smoothed waters which at times showed indications of becoming troubled. Pulling few 'punches, Councillor Tomlin emphasized the fact that the council was elected by citizens as a whole to admin- ister their afiairs and was not afraid to take responsibility when decisions had to be made. the new library and negotiations with regard to the bus line as part of the satisfactory work per- formed by the 1949 council. He also invited ratepayers to Visit the municipal hall and see the pic- tures of former] reeves which had. been placed therein. There had only been thirteen reeves in sevs Speaking of his reodcd while in office, Mr. Greene asserted his beâ€" lief that the municipality should have a sewerage system. “I’m in favour," he said, “but can we af- ford it? I doubt it very’ very much." He referred to the days when he was in office and said that at that time the Dominion and Provincial governments would have borne a large part of the cost. “It’s impossible for people who are only paying for their houses now to carry an additional load," he said, stating that if he was elected he would try to get other governmental bodies to as- sist in installing a. sewerage sys- tem. Introduced as the member of council in charge of streets- and sidewalks, the councillor took in a lot of territory in des- cribing his further activities with regard to sanitation and allied problems and kept the audience in a ripple of laughtev as he described in humorous but down-to-earth fashion the activities of the council of which he was a member. V A typical Middleton “crack” _was his description of his In a concise report Councillor Tom Taylor â€"â€" who will be offic- ially listed on the ballots as W. J. Taylor â€"â€" laid stress on the work which had been done in providing“'the ‘village “With a'n‘ld: equate water supply â€" a depart- ment which comes under his juris- diction. Emphasizing population growth, he recorded that 62 new water services had been installed this year. Although he had stated his in- tention of retiring a few weeks ago, Councillor Cec. Mabley told electors that he had reconsidered and was willing to run for the 1950 coyncil. He described the work which had been done during the year in connection with the park and arena. Candidates For Reeve ' The two candidates for the reeveship, Reeve Percy C. Hill and former Reeve John A. Greene, were both given good receptions. Stiff Fights Are Indicated In All Local Municipalities Many Candidates Quaify Hit of the evening at Richmond Hill's nomination meet; ing was Councillor Wes. Middleton‘s address to the gathering of electors which filled the Masonic Hall. ‘ HOME PAPER OF THE DISTRICT SINCE 1878 Tomlin who which at times ; of becoming g few ’punches, The list of candidates who have qualified and whose names will appear on the ballots will be found on page 8 of this issue. All members of the 1949 coun- cil were nominated and. in additv ion, Ned C. Hill and Floyd Per- kins. The two latter spoke brief- 1y. stating that they would cone sider acceptanc'e in the next twenty-four hours. ’ McAliister is well known to Guer- nsey breeders all over Canada and is at the moment president of the Guernsey Cattle Breeders’ Assoc- iation of Ontario. Don has one of the highest production Guernsej herds in Canada and has develop- ed many real cows. He has been untiring in his efforts and unspar? inz of his time in the interests of Acting as returning officer first and later as chairman of the meet- ing, Mr. Lynett referred to the Hood attendance at the meetin~ . He recalled that the first year he took office nobody but movers and seconders were present. He rel. ferred also to the small number of citizens in arrears with their taxes, emphasizing that the villa age‘s affairs were open to all tax; nayers. Nominees Speak Mr. Len. Clement, nominated for the council and also for public school trustee, said that he felt it was his duty to stay with the school board. the Guernsey breeds. is only tentative." said Mr. Lyn";- ett, intimating that it would nfi be signed until all controversial points had been cleared up. Again Councillor Tomlin came to the rescue and defended the Reevé’l right and ability to act as tl‘fe village’s legal representative in protecting its transportation in; terests. ' station had been installed at A much smaller cost than the one built in that year. He described the new library and negotiations with regard to the bus line as part of the satisfactory work per- formed by the 1949 council. He also invited ratepayers to Visit the municipal hall and see the pic- tures of former, reeves which had been placed therein. There had only been thirteen reeves in may: enty-five years, he stated. Buses and Sewers “There is no legislation by which we can get money from other governments for sewersfi’ aaid- Councillor Tomlin-"1n rtepr ing to Mr. Greene. "That," he stated, "is our own responsibil- ity.” He emphasized the facl‘: that ratepayers Were not being asked to vote on the installation of a. sewerage system but instead were being asked to record an opinion. through a plebiscite, for the guidance of the village coun- cil. “People are entitled to know what is in the agreement between the municipalities and the Toron- to Transportation Commission it was stated from the audiencg when the bus question was raised. “Do we give up the franchise af-’ ter the expiration of ten yaers?” was another audience question. Former Reeve William Neal ask- ed if it would not be advisable to postpone signing of the new ag- reement until the new council could deal with it. To those statements and questions Reeve Hill asked Village Clerk Russell Lynett to reply. “The agreement They provide the answer to many problemsâ€"those inexpensive insertions which help you find the lostâ€"put you in touch with buyers and sellers, as occasion requires. They‘re easy to place. Just. telephone Richmond Hill 9.

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