For Quick Classified Ad. Service Phone Richmond Hill 9] WE’RE AGENTS HERE for Kit- cll‘ener Big-4 Chicks. Vernon Mc- Quay, Beeton, says “Pullets we gpt from you are doing simply Wonderfulâ€. “Nicest birds we e‘ver had†says customer J. Braehâ€" 1h, Breslau. Join these satis- ï¬d customers. Cull your flocks, start off with vigorous, paying, gtock. Canadian approved, bree- ders pullorum tested. Wesley Clark, R. R. 2, Gopmley. USED ROTO-TILLER, new last gear. Paid $2940. Today's price Clue to exchange on U.S. funds and increased cost is $3500. Id- éal for’ onion or potato ground, Host in light soil. Will sell for {8500. Selling fcr ï¬nancial rea- s'pns only. Phone 197 Aurora for further information. c1w23 . FETIME all metal Venetian “ï¬nds, aluminum or steel baked qnamel ï¬nish any colour of tapes, free estimates and installations. Phone 755 or write box 496, 40 Ontario St. West, Newmarket, Out. tfc32 G‘IRL’S SKI JACKET with hood; green wool suit; both size 16; 1 gair of skis with poles 6; ft.; 1 pair ski boots, size 8; 1 pair black skates and boots, size 8.A11 in good (gondition. Apply 164 Spruce Ave. Richvale. c1w22 iGENTLEMAN’S Grey Suit, and jwinter overcoat; lady’s brown winter coat, sable collar and mufl'; man’s otter cap, collar and cuffs. All good as new. No deal- ers. Phone 77M Maple. "1w‘33 One two-year-old Collie, for good farm home, good watch dog; one Spaniel pup, $500. Apply phone 3441-3 Richmond Hill, Stop 22A Yonge St., Moore’s Lane. Mrs. Clarke. c]\v23 ltair hand rails, ï¬re dogs, ï¬re humans and acetylene welding. Ap- ply '1‘. Elliott. Oak Avenue, Rich- vnle, phone Richmond Hill 1r5. Child’s tricycle; boy’s full size bi- gycle, equipped with back carrier, ood condition. Apply Robertson, rnold Ave., Thornhill, 3rd house, north side. c1wZ3 oRNAMENTAL PORCH RAILS, IDEAL CHRISTMAS PR ESENTS EBAKING, Christmas Cakes to 3rd» 75¢ 9. 1b., decorated: bread, 713i“, cakes, pastry. Apply Mrs. Down, May Ave., Richmond Hill, phone 237r12. *3w22 ATTENTION: Soft wood slabs, $12.00 cord; Hardwood slabs. $17. card. All wood is dry and clean. Wilson's Wood Supply, phone Richmond Hill 441J. tfclO pondition; felt boots, size 10, and tuxedo suit, size 40. Apply phone 113 Richmond Hill, 12 Centre St. W. "1w23 year, 7 stove pipes; 2 oil barrels with taps; 45 gal. of oil. Phone 241M Richmond Hill. c2w22 MAN’S MACKINAW, in perfect TRACTOR TIRE CHAINS, heavy duty, 10 x 28. Apply Samuel tWinger, Maple, phone 62r22. ,OIL SPACE HEATER, used one RANGETTE. practically new, 48 Yonge St, Richmond Hill, phone Maple 5312 between 9 and 4.30 Monday to Friday. c.1w23 OIL BURNER (Imperial Oil) in Quebec Heater, complete $25.00. Apply E. J. Roberts, Bus Termin- al, Richmond Hill. *1w23 éNE PAIR LADIES‘ SKATES ihd white boots, size 5%. Worn qnly few times $6.00. Mrs. Ab- bott, May Avenue. "1w23 'SIMPSON'S COTTAGE car and mattress, nearly new. Phone 494W Richmond Hill. clw23 FENCE POSTS, anchors, brace 'po‘sts, square posts, hydro and clothesline poles. Taylor’s Saw- mill, Richmond Hill 463. tchO bNE SINGLE HORSE trailer, in good condition,l very reasonable. Phone Agincourt 42r2. c1w23 EAIR of men’s speed skates and boots, gbod condition, cheap. Phone 78 Richmond Hill. c1w23 STUDIO COUCH (blue), good pondition $23.00. 79 Edgar Ave., (Stop 22) Thornhill 2181'32. c1w23 LARGE TRICYCLE, like new, $12.00. Phone 2873' Richmond Hill at 21 Yonge St. *1w23 GIRL's C.C.M. BICYCLE, reason- ible. Phone Richmond Hill 453.] RABBITS, Flemish giants, bucks and does, 2 and 4 months old. Apply 87 Yonge St. *1w23 FOR REAL ESTATE, phone Fenn, Thornhill 168. 10 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, Dec.‘8, 1949 j (m FOR SALE aw CASH RATES, ï¬rst insertion, 2c per word, Min. charge .. 35c Second and subsequent insertions if wording unchanged, 2c per word, min. charge . . . . . . 25c IF CHARGED, 3c per word, min. charge, all insertions .. 50c FOR BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of .. 25c CARDS OF THANKS, IN MEMORIAM, BIRTHS, DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES, per insertion $1.00 Classiï¬ed advertisements should be in as early in the week as possible but not later than noon on Wednesdays. FOR SALE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES '2w22 tfc35 tfc46 SOFTWOOD Slabs, $12.00; hard- wood slabs, $17.00: hard. wood limbs, $18.00; body hard- wood, ï¬replace logs $21.00 per cord. All wood clean. dry and cut to length. Taylor’s Sawmill, Rich- mond Hill phone 463, Aurora 84r32. tfc9 5-RO0M FRAME BUNGALOW, 4~piece tiled bathroom, stone ï¬re- place, picture window, hot water convection heating, lot 75' x 230’ located in Richmond Hill. Phone Richmond Hill 468W. c1w23 toes, present price $1.25 per bag. Call at the farm anytime 6 days a week. Eldon Folliott, 1313‘ miles west of Oak Ridges. *4w21 2 MEN’S OVERCOATS, size 36, perfect condition. reasonable; also 3-piece brown Kroehler chester- ï¬eld suite. Apply Richmond Hill 248r4. c1w23 60¢ a quarter ounce; also hand knit angora garments, white or color- ed. 39 Elmhurst Ave., Lansing. Willowdale 2508. ’2w23 GOOD GRADED Katahdin pota- COAL AND OIL Space Heater, large model, new condition, very cheap, terms to responsible per- son. 60 Yongehurst Rd., Stop 24, Yonge St. ‘1w23 HAND SPUN ANGORA YARN, tap, 6 drawers, 1 cupboard, 16 x 24, enamel sink with back; also flat rims 20 x 30 sink, enamel. Apply phone Zone 5-158. c1w23 ï¬t, complete with ï¬ve welding tips and cutting torch. Apply Alvin Caseley, 19 Benson Ave., Rich- mond Hill. *1w23 work, priced to sell. Apply Mason Fletcher, R. R. 8, Woodbridge, phone. Woodbridge 511-4. c1w23 Davidson ’45, new tires, motor overhauled, cheap for quick sale. Apply Richmond Hill 137r3. 2 YOUNG HORSES, ready to PIANO â€"â€" suitable for a beginner, $50 if sold at once. 39 Elmhurst Ave.. Lansing. Willowdale 2508. l‘lw23 KELVINATOR Electric Refriger- ator, 9 cubic ft. size, 1935 model, running well, $135.00. Phone even- ings Maple 49r12. *1w23 TWO BABY CRIBS, natur-al ï¬n- ish, one large, one small. Tele- phone Richmond Hill 486W any- time after 3 p.m. c1w23 McCLARY Coal and Wood range, almost new; 1 oak kitchen table; also 1 kitchen table, drop leaf. Phone 240M. c1w23 1 CHILD’S C.C.M. tricycle, good as new, size up to 8 years, $10.00. Apply phone 75R Richmond Hill. c1w23 HAND WASHING MACHINE, with wringer; ladies skates and boots, size ’7; boy’s clothing, size 12-13, including Scout pants. Phone Richmond Hill 3461-4. *1w22 60 MINK BOXES, 10 breeding cages, 1 mesh 16 gauge 36x48 in 150’ rolls, British Bear Brand. Ap- ply Mr. Kris Petrofl', May Ave., Richvale. *3w21 MOTORCYCLE, ’42 1 ACETYLENE WELDING Out- KITCHEN SINK UNIT, swing SKATES, boys’ tube, size 4 and 8; girl’s white ï¬gure skates, size 5%. Price reasonable. Apply 88 Mill St. or phone 267. *1w23 FINDLAY Oval Cook Stove, good condition. M. Farquharson, Vic- toria Square, Stouï¬ville 66103. SKI BOOTS, boy’s, size 7, nearly new; cost $12.50, sell for $7.50. Apply 88 Mill St. or phone 267. *1w23 ONE COAL COOK STOVE; one coal heater. Phone Richmond Hill 296. c1w23 Thornhill 168 CHILD’S TRICYCLE, large size. Reasonable. Phone Richmond Hill 369r21. c1w23 STEEL SEPTIC TANK, new, 15 Markham St., Richmond Hill. FOR REAL ESTATE, phone Fenn, 23 NEW HAMPSHIRE pullets, laying, priced reasonable. Phone Richmond Hill 391W. *2w23 lbs. capacity. Phone Unionville 65. *1w23 1 MAN’S WATERPROOF Wrist Watch. Apply Thornhill 18r5. BIRD CAGE, like new, phone 222 Richmond Hill. *1w23 1 PAIR of girl’s white tube size 7, in good condition. Richmond Hill 276W. ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR, 500 Harley- c1w23 *2w22 skates Phone c1w23 c1w23 c1w23 tfcll Thornhill. Capable young woman to look after 9 month old twins from 1 to 5 p.m. one day a week. Must be able to stay later on oc- casion. $2.50 for the afternoon, 35c per hour after 5 p.m. Apply Box 45 The Liberal. c1w23 PART TIME linotype Operator. Wonk would suit operator employ- ed in city and available for few hours spare time weekly as and when required. Phone Richmond Hill 9 for interview. tfc‘Zl FEMALE HELP “'ANTED WORK ON FARM, life time ex- perience with stock, can drive a tractor, Irish, 27 years old, can furnish references. M. Dal)", cfo W. J. Orr, Maple, phone 31213. ienced in all office routine; eithev private secretary or complete of- ï¬ce managment. desires position immediately. Phone Richmond Hill 137r3. c1w23 EXPERIENCED high school tea- cher attending University of Tor- onto oï¬'ers services as tutor in most academic subjects, evenings week-ends and holidays. Apply Richmond Hill 248r4. c1w23 DRIVER WANTED by young couple going to city 7 a.m. with possibility of return trip in the evening. Apply Richmond Hill 137r3. c1w23 haved 2~year-old child seek un- furnished house in Richmond Hill. Apply Oxford 9248, No. 2 Glen- fern Ave., Toronto. c1w23 YOUNG MAN, 19, would consider day or part time service as store help till Christmas. Best of ref- erences. Apply Box 22 Liberal. clw23 YOUNG WOMAN (25), exper- RELIABLE WOMAN for occas- ional daytime baby sitting in Map- le. Apply Maple 39J. c2w23 pay you $15.00 for your old horse at your farm. Campbell Mink, phone Agincourt 18J12 Collect. state sex and price. Box 52 Lan- sing P.O. c1w23 LAUNDRY to do at home, each one individually. Reliable. Pickâ€"up and delivery. Phone 309W Rich- mond Hill. tfc23 YOUNG COUPLE and well be- WANTED FOR CHURCH, organ or piano. Write Box 42 The Lib- eral. c2w24 mattress. Phone 296 Richmond Hill. WANTED TO RENT: 2 or 3 up- stairs rooms unfurnished in Maple district. Phone Maple 72R13. OLD HORSES, $15.00. We will 2 bred by Maple Breeding Assoc- iation and about to freshen. Price $175 and $190 respectively, each. Also 4 pure bred young sows, ready for ï¬rst breeding, $60 each; 20 geese $6 each; 30 ducks $3.00 each. May be seen at Graybrook Farm, King, south of Eaton Hall Farm. *1w23 PAIR of girls white skates, ab- out size 2. Apply Thornhill 18r5. c1w23 WANTED PUPPIES, any breed, ,size 5, used once. Boxed suitable for Christmas gift; also girl's ski suit, size 12; ski boots, size 4; pair men’s Romeo slippers, 11. Apply Thornhill 193r2. c1w23 COMPLETE Walnut Dining Room Set, nine pieces; extension table, six leather seated chairs, buffet, china. cabinet, in perfect condit- ion as if they came from store, for half price. Apply and see them at Wilbur L. Keffer, 4th of Vaughan, near Maple. *2w23 ROOM AND BOARD in vicin- ity of Maple. Box No. 62 The Liberal, Richmond Hill. *1w23 ONE SINGLE BED, without ALL KINDS of poultry wanted, best market prices, will call im- mediately upon request. A Magee, King, phone 35r14. *28W52 4 HOLSTEIN COWS, 2 milking, boys or girls, one brown size 10, $3.00; one' navy blue chinchilla, size 9, $5.00. Clean and in good condition. Phone Thornhill 264J. c1w23 MISSES’ WHITE FIGURE Skates CHILDREN'S WINTER COATS INLAID GLASS TOP Walnut Tea Table; 1 Oriental Runner Rug; 9- tube Canadian General Radio; 1 Sunnoco Battery Radio (used 2 months); 1 Walnut Magazine Stand. Phone 523W. *1w23 1 NEW ICE REFRIGERATOR (Monarch) cap. 75 lb. of ice; also a number of young geese, a num- ber of Bantams, two different breeds. Phone Maple 18R4 after 6 mm. *1w23 LADIES’ BICYCLE (Bentley) ex- cellent condition; generator and carrier attached, $35.00 cash. Phone evenings at Maple 121, Keele St., Maple, opposite school (Jenkins). c3w23 STUDIO COUCH, color wine, good as new. Mrs. Charles Gor- don, King phone 103W. c1w23 WANTED c1w23 c1w23 tfc2 W22 19y FORD ONE TON EXPRESS $1,125.00 R. D. LITTLE & SON Ltd. Ford & Monarch Sales 8: Service PHONE 174, RICHMOND HILL The Canadian National Rail- ways carries as much as 86,000,000 tons of freight in a year and 21,- 000,000 passengers. To do the job it maintains more than 5,000 s’ca- tions, extensive yards, round- houses and shops; innumerable offices; owns 2,595 locomotives, 105,024 freight cars, and 3,319 END OF SEASON CLEARANCE 0N USED CARS BARGAINS! BARGAINS! passenger cars. 1943 CHEV. TRUCK, actual mile- age 8000, a new truck two years ago, complete with spare tire, chains, Prestone, platform and racks, seats and cushions, new tires. Reason for selling, we have just bought another with snow plow attached. Phone Maple 69r15. c1w23 A COMFORTABLE HOME, con- sisting of two rooms and use of kitchen, garage available. Glen Mar, Step 17A Yonge St, Thorn- hill after 7.30 p.m. c1w23 Yonge St., phone 248r4 Richmond ton pick-up. Phone Richmond Hill 309W. c1w23 4 door Sedan; 1939 Sedan Deliv- ery; 1947 Studebaker coupe; 1949 Chev., brand new. Mabley’s Gar- age, Richmond Hill. c1w23 1937 CHRYSLER Imperial, 8 cyl- inder; 1936 Buick sedan; 1937 De Soto Sedan; 1929 Pontiac Coach; 1929 Chev. Sedan; 1948 Ford Se- dan, new motor. Trade terms or cash accepted. Apply Acme Gar- age, Richmond Hill, phone 496W. c2w23 ately owned. Apply 179 or 404 Richmond Hill. clw23 Hill. for rent, or we will sand and ï¬nish your floors. Phone for all infor- mation Richmond Hill 308w. Wall- paper Shop. c13w20 pairs, upholstering, cabinet work, wood carving. Estimates given. N. S. VanDyke, 33 Hunt Ave., Richmond Hill. tfc TRANSPORTATION offered, hea- ted and radio, leaving Elgin Mills 6.40 am. arriving Yonge and Eg- linton 7 to 7.05 Six days weekly. Telephone Richmond Hill 44r3. 1940 PLYMOUTH, 4 door sedan, best cash offer, phone 289M Rich- mond Hill. ‘ c1w23 1935 FORD PANEL TRUCK, Birch Avenue, Richvfle. Ask fof Mike Gajowski, Saturday only. 1939 CHEVJ SEDANT1941'DodEe All 1931 MODEL “A†FORD, half SNOW PLOWING, lanes and pri- vate drives, W. H. Gooderhqm, 39 Elmhurst, Lansing, phone Willow- dale 2508. *12w23 FLOOR SANDING MACHINES ALL KINDS FURNITURE re- 1940 PLYMOUTH SEDAN, priv- CARS & TRUCKS FURNISHED ROOM, Stop 22A A. 0. THORNE, specializing in Fire, Accident, Auto and Liability Insurance. Brooke St. Thornhill. phone Thornhill 199.1. tfc14 sash and storm doors made to or- der. Phone Thornhill 257r3. WELL DIGGING, cleaning an'i repairs. year round. Apply T. Jer- rett, Richmond Hill 511W. *1w23 SAND AND GRAVEL, crushed stone, loam and ï¬ll. E. Charity, Richmond Hill, phohe 3721-5. tfc42 FRAME AND SASH, also storm 1949 FORD CUSTOM TUDOR Black, 11,000 miles MISCELLANEOUS 18,000 miles. Perfect condition. $950.00 1946 FORD "2 TON PICKUP 1947 PLYMOUTH SPECIAL DELUXE SEDAN cars completely reconditioned 1947 FORD TUDOR TO RENT $1,750.00 $1,550.00 $1,375.00 15,000 miles c1w23 *3w22 *1w23 c4w20 FRIDAY, DEC. 16 â€"- Auction Sale of farm stock, implements, regis- tered and grade Holstein cattle, horses, pigs, milk cooler, furniture at Lot 1, Con. 3, Whitchurch at Gormley, the estate of the late fred Schelke; also at the same time and place will be offered if not sold before 68 acre farm, with bank barn, 10-roomed brick house, good cellar, plenty of water and milk house. Terms on property made known day of sale. Proper- ty sold subject to reserve bid. No reserve on chattels. Terms cash. Sale at 1 pm. L. Turner, clerk. A. S. Farmer, auctioneer. We trust there will come to con- tributors and workers alike 3 sense of real satisfaction in the fact that they have helped us in such a practical way with our work for others. May ng bless one and all. Very sincerely yours, (Morgan Flannigan) Major Public Relations Representative The Richmond Hill Lion’s Club gladly took on the task of can- vassing for this Campaign and we are certainly indebted to this ï¬ne group of men for their practical assistance. DEAR MR. EDITOR: It was quite a night from many angles and another enjoyable par- ty is in store for Guild members on December 13, but don’t let the date scare you, for 'tis Xmas time and the time to be gay so come along with a present for some- one and get into the spirit of Yuletide. The Citizens of Richmond Hill have again responded splendidly to"the Red Shield appeal of The Salvation Army in recent days. Co-incidence entered into the swing of things too by hanging over the head of Tom T for the second time at the Guild functions, and being such a. good sport he made the incident fun for every- one and gladdened the heart of the Refreshment Committee by the distribution of his well-bought prize. By Glad McLatchy It was quite a bid that the Ev- ening Guild made last Tuesday evening, and no less signiï¬cant was the lead the happy throng of guests responded with, for all hearts were trump which helped the Guild to fulï¬l its contract at the successful Social. FIGHT Poultry Colds e W" \‘i 4" WED., THUR., DEC. 14, 15 It’s a Whopper of a Show! CARY GRANT JOAN FONTAINE MON., TUES., DEC. 12, 13 RANDOLPH SCOTT ELLA RAINES 1n The Walking Hills and 100 STARS IN ACTION SALE REGISTER FRI., SAT., DEC. 9, 10 Some of the Best PENNY SINGLETON ARTHUR LAKE VICTOR McLAGLEN BORIS KARLOFF of your nearest dealer Bl‘ondie’s Secret The Lost Tribe and Johnny Weissmuller ' in i MARKHAM Guild Gossip Lost Patrol Gunga Din and For Drinking Water A IiHlo HTH-ls In drinking wuier make: It safe and helps pro- venl slime. The only “floating powder", dry Chlorin. lor dufling poul'ry ugainfl breathing du- orders. Jufldun flavor hirds' hands. HTH-IS ls soflnaly dividodmul ll senles slowly - pro- longing treatment. IIIIEIIIIIIIIIIIII Blousing is one of the most pop- ular methods of breaking the line in the new 1950 fashions, although it is interpreted in many different ways, both on coats and suits. In the Doreta collection shown re- cently in London, the effect was that of a panel from shoulder to skirt-hem, with a single button ap- parently fastening it on the right- hand shoulder. This fullness is usually pouched softly at the waist-line above a. narrow three- quarter or half-belt, and occasion- ally emphasized by gathers .below a straight cut yoke. Classically tailored coats sometimes give a hint of blousing through a series of open darts above the waist-line. In the ï¬tted coat group the class- ic type in worsted and ï¬ne, ï¬rm- handling materials are considered very important, since the recent swift fashion changes, says the “Fashion Trade Weekly,†retail buyers report increasing demands from customers for “dateless†styles. ~Then there are the casual coats which have deep-cut arm- holes, and may be worn loose or held with a tie belt Swaggers are still in evidence, although fullness is pruned down, but there is a continued feeling for centre back swing rather than the side or boxy coats -â€" and also short boy- ish jackets, are worn over; slim suits or skirts. Odd jackets in straight boxy lines are a popular buy for the spring, usually in at- tractive pastel shades which are deeper than those chosen for dress- es. “A Slow Boat To China†is alâ€" right in some ways â€" but for fast buying and selling try a Lib- beral Classiï¬ed Ad. Telephone Richmond Hill 9. Formerly of Gerrard Heintzman Work Guaranteed, Free Estimates Phone Liberal Office What a thrilli Bony limbs all out: ugly how all up: neck no longer scrawny; body lose. - starved. sickly "bean-pole" look. Thousandl of girls women, men. who never could gain More. are now proud oi aha ely. healthy-looking bodies. They thank the specie Vigor-bmldlng. flesh-building tonic. Ostrex. Its Ionics, stimulants invigoratore. iron, vitamin Bx. calcium, enrich blood. improvo appetite and digestion 50 food gives you more strength and nourishment: put flesh on burs bones Don't fear getting too fat. Stop when you‘ve sued the 5. 10. 15 or 20 lbl. you med for normal wei ht. Costa little. New "get quunlnted" size only 0c. Tr; famous Ostrex Tome ablets for new vigor Ln added pounds. this ve day. At all drugglatl. SUITS AND mATS ARE “BLOUSED†Skinny memwmmn gain 5,3), 15 lbs. B.F.Ghé&rich PIANO TUNING BUDGET PLAN MEL P. MALTBY’S Service Station Enjoy cash prices . . . low down payment and convenient, eco- nomical terms . . . Buy Now . . . Pay Later. Get New Pep, Vim, Vigor RICHMOND HILL TELEPHONE 12 and Repairing Tel. 9, Richmond Hill S. Hoffman USE THE Liberal Trade In Allowance - Budge WALLY HODGINS RADIO & APPLIANCES COMMWOMMOOOWOW :OOOOMâ€Nâ€OOMOOMOMâ€â€œOWW WWMOMOWOOOMOOOMW NOW! MUSIC M and the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month FROM 9.30 A.M- TO 12 NOON EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED OPTICAL REPAIRS BROKEN LENSES REPLACED SHEPPARD & GiLL LUMBER (10.! PHONE 27 IN LUMBER, TRIM, SASH, DOORS, ASPHALT PRODUCTS, GYPROC, TEN TEST, INSULATION F. L. LOWRIE, R.0. Fvncimklâ€" ann:n]:of SERVING RICHMOND HILL AND DISTRICT 6002 YONGE ST. TRY US FOR EXPERT RADIQ SERYICE Prescriptions for Glasses Filled For Appointment Phone Richmond Hill 33 Phone Willowdale 8845 FOR 19 YEARS LIMITED Eyesight Specialist WILL BE AT Austin’s Drug Store Wed., December 14 RICHMOND HILL { NEWTONBROOK BudgEt Terms