Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 15 Dec 1949, p. 10

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For Quick Classified Ad. Service Phone Richmond Hiil 9f SOFTWOOD Saabs. $12 00; hard- Wood slabs. $17.00: hard~ vaoud limbs. $18.00: body hardâ€" wood. fireplace logs $21.00 per qyrd. Al'l wood clean. dry and cut to length. Tavlor’s Sawmill, Rich- mond Hill phone 463, Aurora Riv”. tfc9 green wool suit; both size 16; 1 b'a'ir of skis with poles 61,43 ft.; 1 fiéir black skates and boots, size GIRL’S SKI JACKET with hood 8;- All in good condition. Apply 164 Spruce Ave., Richvale. c1w‘24 ESED BEDDING and rssortment of used clothing in good condition. new towels with crotcheted edge, also rustic Christmas ornaments. 'Apply Thornhill 2141-13. c1w‘l4 §:CHOICE HOLSTEIN Springers, 390d size, suitable for export, heavy producers. Apply G. Stong, .1086 Sheppad Ave. E., Willow~ dale 913. *1w‘24 ONE QUEBEC COOK STOVE, “15.00; one electric rangetle. with “ck, $15.00; one (Perfegtion) coal oil stove, $5.00. Apply phone 414)! Richmond Hill. . c1w24 :HAND SPUN ANGORA YARN, 50¢ a. quarter ounce; also hand knit 'angora garments: white or color- léd. 39 Elmhurst Ave., Lansing. :Willowdale 2508. *2w23 BOY'S LEATHER JACKET. bea- V‘Iér lamb collar, like new, $8.00; also rain coat $2.00, size 12-14 3981‘s. Apply Thornhill 2571‘12. :MODERN NORGE GAS STOVE, ilargesize, for bottled gas, like .‘Féw; also Oil Space Heater, med- ium size. Reasonable. Apply phone 55113 Richmond Hill. c1w‘24 ATTENTION: Soft wood slabs, $12.00 cord; Hardwood slabs, $17. :cord. All wood is dry and clean. .Wilson’s Wood Supply, phone Richmond Hill 44L). tfclO ;BAKING, Christmas Cakes to :9rder 75¢ 3 1b., decorated; bread, :pies, cakes, pastry. Apply Mrs. Down, May Ave., Richmond Hill, phone 237r12. *3w22 also ski boots feet condition. PIANO AND BENCH, in new djtion, Henry Herbert apart size. Apply Thornhill 2121‘5 FENCE POSTS, anchors, brace posts, square posts, hydro and clothesline poles. Taylor’s Saw- mill, Richmond Hill 463. tfc20 Hill. LADY’S SKIS '1- PAIR of Men's Hockey Boots ind skates, size 9, nearly new. Apply Nelson Burns, phone 507 Richmond Hill. "1w24 good condition. Apply Mrs. Frank Boyle, Hunt’s lane, Richmond TWO MILK TRUCKS, route and PCV licgnses. Apply R. E. San- derson, Unionville or telephone Stoufi'ville 65204. c1w24 NEW HAMP. pullets, 6 months old, laying. Apply 22 Oak Ave., Richvale. Richmond Hill 3691‘2. TWO. HOLSTEIN HEIFERS vac~ cinated; also 3 tons baled wheat straw. Leslie Glass, phone King 9r23. c1w24 BATTERY RADIO. Admiral, in If new. Used only a few months. Agply J. Glenn, Oxford St., Elgin Mills, phone 10411. '1w24 “‘3', white enamel, modern $15.00 Apply Mrs. Turner, Thornhill. DALMATIAN PUPPIES, 8 weeks qld. pure bred stock. Phone Wil- lawdale 8â€"132. *1w24 ELECTRIC Washing Machine’ $25.00. in good condition. Apply 1-20 Yonge St., Richmond Hill. REFRIGERATOR, 50 lbs. capac- 61L SPACE HEATER, practical- LARGE TRICYCLE, like new, $12.00. Phone 287j Richmond Hill at 21 Yonge St. *1w24 is T0 20 CORD of good stove length wood. Phone 54112. SPECIAL SALE Canaries, guar- anteed singers, all colors, also hens. Phone Aurora 4291'5. clw24 FRAME STABLE, 18’ x 20’; also hmnll hen house. Apply Box 145 Thornhill. c1w24 BOYS’ SKATES, sizes 1 and 2. Good condition, $3.00 a pair. Phone 362w. ' *1w24 FOR REAL ESTATE, phone Fenn, Thornhill 168. tfc46 10 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, Dec. 15, 1949 CASH RATES, first insertion, 2c per word, Min. charge .. 35c Second and subsequent insertions if wording unchanged, 2c per word, min. charge . . . . . . 20c IF CHARGED, 3c per word, min. charge, all insertions .. 50c FOR BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of .. 25c CARDS 0F THANKS, IN MEMORIAM, BIRTHS, DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES, per insertion $1.00 Classified advertisements should be in as early in the week as possible but not later than noon on Wednesdays. CLASSIFIED FOR SALE and WANT ADS FOR SALE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES lENUl-i, in new con- Herbert apartment with cable harness size 7 or 7;. Per- Phone King 24r11. c1w24 "1w24 c1w24 c1w24 c1w24 c1w24 *2w24 mixed Maple c1w24 Put pep in the pocket-book by putting profitable classified ads on the job. Telephone Richmond Hill 9-for fast service. WILL SWAP one battery radio, with battery, one electrical radio, floor model, for electric train and record player, or sell. Apply Rich- mond Hill 24914;. c2w24 sairs rooms unfurnished in Maple district. Phone Maple 721-13. c1w224 BOARD AND ROOM, or rooms to rent. Apply 11 Richmond St., Rich- mond Hill, Mrs. C. Stoutenburg. *1w24 TRANSPORTATION ofl’ered, hea- ted and radio, leaving Elgin Mills 6.40 am. arriving Yonge and Eg- linton 7 to 7.05 Six days weekly. Telephone Richmond Hill 4413. WANTED TO RENT: 2 or 3 up- SNOW PLOWING, lanes and pri- vate drives, W. H. Gouderham, I39 Elmhurst, Lansing, phone Willow- dale 2508. ‘12w23 FLOOR SANDING MACHINES for rent, or we will sand and finish your floors. Phone for all inforâ€" mation Richmond Hi1; ;08\v. Wall- paper Shop. ' c13w20 ALL KINDS FURNITURE re- pairs, upholstering, cabinet work, wood carving. Estimates given. N. S. VanDyke 33 Hunt Ave., Richmond Hill. tfc SAND AND GRAVEL, crushed stcne, loam and fill. E. Charity, Richmond Hill, phone 3721-5. tfc42 A. O. THORNE, specializing in Fire, Accident, Auto and Liability Insurance. Brooke St. Thornhiil, phone Thornhill 199J. tfc14 SEWING, knitting and smocking, reasonably priced. rrs. Arthur Fleet, phone King 21M. c3w24 NOW, about 1950 chicks. Start off with the best. We're agent here for Kitchener Big-4. Customers all over think they’re pretty good. Early producers, steady; vigorous; healthy. It’s none too early to order. Early chicks get into pro- duction for Grade A. Large when prices are best. Get price list from us, save bother by ordering here. Wesley Clark, R. R. 2 Gormley. COMPLETE Walnut Dining Room Set, nine pieces; extension table, six leather seated chairs, buffet, china cabinet, in perfect condit- ion as if they came from store, for half price. Apply and see them at Wilbur L. Keffer, 4th of Vaughan, near Maple. *2w23 NORTHERN SPY apples, $1.75 per bushel. All hand-picked from sprayed orchard. Good now and for winter storage. Free delivery in Aurora and Newmaket. C. Po- gue, Vandorf, phone Aurora 80r13. ‘1w24 LIFETIME all metal Venetian Blinds, aluminum or steel baked enamel finish any cuiour of tapes, free estimates and installations. Phone 755 or write box 496. 40 Ontario St. West, Newmarket. Ont. tfc32 LADY'S OR GIRL’S used cloth- ing, including two winter coats, suits, skirts and dresses. Size 14 and some 16. All in good condition. Very reasonable. Phone King 241- 11. clw24 BOY’S HOCKEY SKATES, size 12; slip covered Chesterfield, mat- ching armchair; lady's bicycle; damask drapes and homespun drapes. Apply 28314 Richmond LADIES’ BICYCLE (Bentley) ex- cellent condition; generator and carrier attached, $35.00 cash. Phone evenings at Maple 121, Keele SL, Maple, opposite school (Jenkins). c3w23 ORNAMENTAL PORCH RAILS, stair hand rails, fire dogs, fire screens and acetylene welding. Ap- ply T. Elliott, Oak Avenue, Rich- vale, phone Richmond Hill 115. FULL SIZE CRIB, inner spring mattress, child’s table with 2 chairs; boys’ skates, size 3; hot plate; wind-up phonograph, por- table. Apply 3 Highland Lane, or phone 536W. .*1w24 GOOD GRADED Katahdin pota- toes, present price $1.25 per bag. Call at the farm anytime 6 days a week. Eldon Folliott, 13/1 miles west of Oak Ridges. *4w21 Hill. FOR REAL ESTATE, phone Fenn, Thornhill 168 MISCELLANEOUS TO RENT c1w24 1w‘23 tfc35 tfcll S. TUMLINSON MARKHAM RD. Phone Richmond Hill 359r4 Snow Ploughing LANES, DRIVES, SERVICE STATIONS, ETC. Formerly of Gerrard Heintzman Work Guaranteed, Free Estimates Phone Liberal Office In the Estate of MARY ANN SMITH, late of the Township of North York in the County of York. Widow, Deceaseu. ALL persons having claims against the Estate of the late MARY ANN SMITH, who died on July 15, 1949, are required to send in particulars of their claims to Oscar Howard Smith, the executor of the estate, on or before the 3rd day of January, 1950. After that date the estate will be distrib- uted without regard to any claims of which no notice has been re- ceived. DATED this 8th‘day of Decem- ber, 1949. Messrs Tender must‘ include certified cheque for the full amount of the tender price. All buildings or all parts thereof to be removed with- in (30) days of acceptance of ten- der. Tenders will close on Dec- ember 29. 1949 at 12 o’clock noon. Elections to take place Wednes- day, January 4, 1950, in St. Mary’s School also, from the hours of 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. or after one hour has elapsed without any votes be- ing polled. Highest or any tender not nec- essarily accepted. Notice To Creditors TO CATHOLIC RATEPAYERS Nominations for Trustees to the Separate School of Richmond Hill will be held at noon, 12 am. to 1 p.m., Wednesday, December 28, 1949 in St. Mary's School. PART TIME linotype operator. Work would suit operator employ- ed in ci‘ty and available for few hours spare time weekly as and when required. Phone Richmond Hill 9 for interview. tfc21 PUNCH BOWL, soup tureen, jard- iniere, baby’s high chair, play pen for charitable purposes, reasonâ€" able. Phone 342W Richmond Hill. ‘1w24 OLD HORSES, $15.06. We will pay you $15.00 for your old horse at your farm. Campbell Mink, phone Agincourt lSJlZ Collect. BABY SITTING, by University student. day or night. Pone Union- ville 30W4. c1w24 or piano. Write Box 42 The Lib- eral. c2w24 WANTED FOR CHURCH, organ LAUNDRY to do at honlc, each one individually. Reliable. Pick-up and delivery. Phone 309W Rich- mond Hill. tfc23 BA BY SITTER, capable High School girl or woman. Apply Mrs. Clarke, Stop 22A, Yonge St. phone Richmond Hill 344r3. c1w24 PUPPIES, any breed, state price and sex. Box 52 Lansing P.0. c1w24 RELIABLE WOMAN for occas- ional daytime baby sitting in Map- le. Apply Maple 39J. c2w23 GIRL OR WOMAN to aSSist in home on Christmas day or Christ- mas week. Apply Richmond Hill 163W. c1w24 ALL KINDS of poultry wanted, best market prices, will call im- mediately upon request. A Magee, King, phone 351‘14‘ *28w52 FOR SALE OF BUILDINGS ON LOT 67 EDGAR AVENUE RICHVALE PIANO TUNING OSCAR HOWARD SMITH, 5421 Yonge Street Willowdale, Ontario. by his solicitors, rs. Proudfoot, Tisdall & Lo- and Repairing g3“, 5 Richmond Street W TORONTO 1, Ontario Tel. 9, Richmond Hill S. Hoffman NOTICE J. M. McDonald Clerk Vaughan Township Maple, Ont. TENDERS WANTED W., c3w24 r) .1 R. D. LITTLE & SUN Ltd. Ford & Monarch Sales & Service PHONE 174, RICHMOND HILL III-IIIIIIIIIIIIII $1,125.00 1947 FORD ONE TON EXPRESS END OF SEASON CLEARANCE 0N USED CARS BARGAINS! BARGAINS! All The boys continued their series of exhibition basketball games by playing Earl Haig Collegiate last Monday. It was the first game the two teams had played together this The “MightyMolecule” wasgpub- lished for the first time last Tues- day.‘ This paper is to replace the “Keyhole Gossip,” published by the “Half Century Club.” The “Molecule” contains social and sports notes, jokes and form news. A special feature was a picture )f Richmond Hill's own “Wrong-way Corrigan." This column will be discontinued until after the New Year. So read- ers, A Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year from the R.H.H.S. Ed- itorial Stafi'. Boys’ Sports Richmond Hill High‘School is beginning the year 1950 with a dance, sponsored by the Literary Society, Markham, Aurora and Newmarket High Schools will be guests of Richmond Hill. The mus- ic will be provided by Max Boag’s orchestra. Dress is to be optional. FRIDAY, DEC. 16 â€"- Auction Sale of farm stock, implements, regis- tered and grade Holstein cattle, horses, pigs, milk cooler, furniture at Lot 1, Con. 3, Whitchurch at Gormley, the estate of the late fred Schelke; also at the same time and place will be offered if not sold before 68 acre farm, with, bank barn, 10-1‘oomed brick house, good cellar, penty of water and milk house. erms on property made known day of sale. Proper- ty sold subject to reserve bid. No reserve on chattels, Terms cash. Sale at 1 pm. L. Turner, clerk. \. S. Farmer_ auctioneer. $1,750.00 1949 FORD (‘L'STOM TL'DOR 1937 CHRYSLER Imperial, 8 cyl- inder; 1936 Buick seda:.; 1937 De Soto Sedan; 1929 Pontiac Coach; 1929 Chev. Sedan; 1948 Ford Se- dan, new motor. Trade terms or cash accepted. Apply Acme Garâ€" age, Richmond Hill, phone 496W. c2w23 $150.00, 1930 NASH, in good con- dition. Phone Thornhill 86. c1w24 1940 PLYMOUTH SEDAN, pri- vately owned. Apply 179 or 404 Richmond Hill. *2w‘23 1938 DeSOTO CAR needs a little body work, $275.00, or best of- fer. Apply E. Giles, Reaman Ave., Richmond Hill. c1w24 1935 FORD PANEL TRUCKy Birch Avenue, Richv.le. Ask for Mike Gajowski, Saturday only. CARS & TRUCKS Good vision often saves a life, Look to your eyes and treat them right; At work, at play and in the home, Use every means to save your sight. CARL E. HILL, M.D., M.O.H. 1946 FORD '2 TON PICKL'P 18,000 miles. Perfect condition Don't mingle with coughers or sneezers; Get plenty of slumber and rest; Relax and keep fit â€" then you’ll ‘ rarely Have a cold in your head or your chest. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH TWP. OF NORTH YORK 1947 PLYMOL'TH SPECIAL DELUXE SEDAN SALE REGISTER cars completely reconditioned Don’t Be Short-Sighted $1,375.00 1947 FORD TL'DOR Black, 11,000 miles Highschool Highlights $1,550.00 15,000 miles $950.00 Avoid Colds 3w22 The Mr. and Mrs. R. Perkins and Coral had tea Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. G. Mortson and family. Mr. and Mrs. V. Westbrook spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. N. Marlow and family of Toronto. The S. S. No. 7 Markham con- cert will be held on Tuesday even- ing, December 20, at 8.15. Silver White Gift Service at Hope Un- ited Church, Sunday, December 18 at 11 am. Maple C.G.I.T. candle light ser- vice in United Church, Sunday ev- ening at 7. ’ VICTORIA SQUARE Congratulatons to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Empringham on the birth of a daughter. There will be no Sunday School at Edgeley United Church on Sun- day December 18. Church service will be at 7.30 in the evening. Please note change of time. Don’t forget Maple United Sun- day School party December 21. We are informed that Mr. Alex Forrest, the member whose term is expiring is unable to run again due to ill health. As you all know it is in the interest of the entire community that an able person be chosen if the school is to carry on its planned programme of im- provement. t is of paramount im- portance to“ us all that our child- ren receive the best education possible within the means of the district, because children are ~ul- timately the community of the fu- ture. The club has undertaken to serve lunch at this meeting. The December meeting of the Maple Community and School Club was held in the school Wed~ nesday evening, December 7. Guest speaker \va Mrs. Orma Gibson, Public Healt nurse. Mrs. Gibson outlined the general routine checks given the children during the year and the nature of hEr work. She is very interested in the school children and we are sure the general health of our children is in capable hands under our Public Health Service. General reading of the play selected by the play committee will be held at the home of Mrs. W. Weir, Maple Ave, Wednesday evening, December 14, at 8 p.m. The purpose of this meeting is to hear the report of the Board of Trustees of the school and select a new member. ollection Mrs. J The Maple Community and School Club wish to draw the an- nual ratepayers’ meeting to your attention. It will be held in the school on Wednesday, December ‘28, at 8 pm. St. Andrew’s Presbyterian W. M.S. met at the home of Mrs. D. Allen on December 7, with the president, Mrs. Geo. Matheson in the chair. The scripture lesson was read by Mrs. Allen and Rev.- C. H. Bowman led in prayer. The closing chapter of the study book was given by Rev. Bowman. Mrs. Milton McDonald gave a reading. A contest on familiar hymns was conducted by Mrs. V. Orr. A donâ€" ation of jam was received for Deaconess work. After the meet- ing the hostess and committee served lunch. Community and School Club - At the close of the meeting, Mrs. Orr and Marlene served a very delicious lunch. Birth The following officers were el- ected fo the coming year; Pres- ident, Catherine Johnson; 1st vice president, Gloria Weir; 2nd vice president, Grethe Dahl; secretary Marlene Orr; ass’t sec. Ruth Weir; treasurer, Peggy Joslin; assistant treasurer Phyllis Cooper; pianists Joan Neufeld and Mrs. Cal Miller. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Palmer on the birth of a son, Saturday, December 10, at Mrs. Hoover’s Nursing Home, Maple. ' Presbyterian \V-M.S. On Saturday the Mission Band held its last meeting of the year, at the home of Marlene Orr, with Dorothy Jarrett in the chair. Mrs. Cal. Miller took the study. A Christmas play was presented. Dorothy Jarrett read a couple of poems, Carol Downing sang, Nora Lund played a piano 5010, Jill Neufeld and Paticia Lund sang. Gloria Weir read a story and Heather Miller conducted a game. St. Andrew‘s Presbyterian Sun- day School Chl'iSEmab Supper will be held on Frida'y, December 16, in the Sunday School Room at 6 pm. The ‘congregation is invited. ed. Mission Band 1nda The Lions Club is giving a Christmas party for the children of Maple and vicinity, Friday ev- ening, December 23, at 7.30 p.m. sharp. Santa will be there also movies and magic. To be held in Maple Concert Hall. Maple Public School The Maple Public School Christmas Concert will be held in Maple Concert Hall, on Tuesday December 20, at 8.30 p.m. St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Lions Club The annual White Gift [1 be held during the hool service this Sunday The Sunday School conc‘ held December 23, at 8 Correspondent: Mrs. D. Allen Phone Maple 19R Corr: Miss Helen Boynton 1's. J. Lunau of Richmond is spending a. few days with and Mrs, R. Perkins. be several films, a Free for the children It will be held in the MAPLE 1'0 om concert will at 8 o’clock. service; Sunday Gifts, if any, generally were the form of utilitarian mitter mufflers or home-made boots. Christmas in some places meant a bobsled ride or perhaps a square dance, often followed by a turkey dinner costing 25 cents. In the isolated cabins it wasn‘t so easy to gather one neighbors to celebrate. There were wolves in the timber and being caught in a sud- den storm on the pioneer trails spelled death. For goodies, no complete without i corn and ropes of In rare cases there of candy. Children who received a slate pencil or a shell-box, a little affair covered with shells and containing a small mirror, were the special favâ€" orites of Santa. It was a lucky boy who awoke Christmas morning to find a new jack-knife in his stocking; a lucky girl who received a string of beads or a calico doll from Santa Claus. But that doll, made from spare strips of bright cloth, probably was more treasured than any modem doll than can say “Mama,” go to sleep and perhaps require a diaper. Homeâ€"made sleds and sleighs skimmed over the snowy country- side with sleigh bells jingling ac- companiment to the caroling of “Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells." Except in the rorest- regions, few children enjoyed the sight of a Christmas tree. But always they hung up their stockings, an old cus- tom of their forefathers. On Christmas Eve the pioneer folks would gather in a crude little church or schoolhouse where chil- dren recited their pieces and sang songs about the birth of the Christ Child. Santa would hand out mos- quito-bar sacks of candy. 'a golden orange or an apple to each one, and childhood rapture would make that meager offering truly a gift of gold and frankincense. There was more meaning then in the words of The Book concern- ing shepherds in a certain country watching their flocks by night. The solitudes, the closeness of the stars. the virginity of the new world and its humble people made one feel that time had stood still. Chris- mas in those days somehow seemed much closer to that first Christmas. Those bleak plains could be the ones the Wise Men crossed, this the Night and you sleeping village. Bethlehem. The faith of the trail breakers was that of the Wise Men. Christmas on the frontier. as new bands of pioneers pushed ever westward to carve an empire out of virgin plains and wildernesses, was in marked contrast to the present holiday. Christmas 0n Frontier Was Without Luxury Commercial and Domestic All makes guaranteed. Refrigerators, Domestic, Deep Freezers, Walk-ins and Counters in stock. Washing Machines Pumped Out and Repaired Tile Beds Renewed 24 Hr. In or Out of Town Emergency Service Sundays & Holidays Included REFRIGERATION REPAIR SERVICE Sanitary Contractors SEPTIC TANKS Toronto Hu, 3455 The Green Promise Wed., Thurs., Dec. 21, 22 Double Feature Mon.. Tues., Dec. 19, 20 STEWART GRANGER VALERIE HOBSON Fri.. Sat., Dec. 16, 17 GLENN FORD WILLIAM HOLDEN Adult Entertainment The Man From Colorado C. “Don” Chalk KING Song of India Blanche Fury MARKHAM In Technicolor In Technicolor Phone 2611') and Christmas was s pans of popâ€" molasses taffy. might be a bag For All Year Enjoyment EASY â€" FLOOR POLISHERS. VACUUM CLEANERS, WASHERS OIL-O-MAGIC FURN A FF. (“1' RITPN’F‘DQ 99999999999999 Thornhill 197 -5 Liberal Trade In Allowance - Budget Ta WALLY HODGIN§ RADIO & APPLIANCES 6002 YONGE ST. NEWTONBROOK Phone Willowdale 8845 “9900999006000” For All Year Enjoyment EASY â€" FLOOR POLISHERS. VACUUM CLEANERS, WASHERS IL-O-MAGIC FURNACE OIL BURNERS O QUAKER â€"â€" . 3 O 6.0%..“0.6”.”OOOMOOOOOOOOOOQOOW {IN LUMBER, TRIM, SASH, DOORS, J ASPHALT PRODUCTS, GYPROC, % TEN TEST, INSULATION PHONE 27 SHEPPARD & GILL LUMBER C0. and the 2nd and 4th W:dnesday of each month FROM 9.30 A.M. T0 12 NOON EYES EXAMINED " GLASSES FITTED OPTICAL REPAIRS BROKEN LENSES REPLACED Prescriptions for Glasses Filled For Appointment Phone Richmond Hill 33 OIL BURNING SPACE HEATERS STROMBERG-CARLSON â€" 6 ElizabetH St. SERVING RICHMOND HILL AND DISTRICT TRY US FOR EXPERT RADIO SERVICE RADIOS AND COMBINATIONS Supplled and Guaranteed by FERGUSON FOR 19 YEARS Phone 148 LIMITED F. L. LOWRIE, R. 0. Eyesight Specialist WILL BE AT Austin’s Drug Store Wed., December 28 RICHMOND HILL Richmond Hill, get Terms

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