Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 4 Jan 1951, p. 1

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News From Next DOOI‘ OODBRIDGE: Work is progress, g according to schedule on the. ew Memorial Arena which is to opened early this month. The uilding is expected to hold a ousand people. 3 fl . O ING: Police Village Commiss- ners have approved a plan for stallation of new brackets to arry the street lighting to be in- talled early this year unless the teel shortage interferes. C C . C VOODBRIDGE: Master of L.O.L. o. 28 Woodbridge for 1951 is ordon Evans. 0 O C O UTTON: Cubs of the Sutton and istrict Pack are collecting coat angers as their most recent pro- ect. ttit EWMARKET: The recount of ouncil votes last week confirmed : e defeat of Mrs. Violet Robinson acNaughbon. Mrs, MacNaugh- on trailed Mr. Frank Bowser, low- x st successful candidate, by three ,otes on election day. The recount ncreaSed his lead by one vote. The tony of the situation is found owever in the new totals. The ecount added 11 votes to Mr. owser’s total to raise him from ixflh to fourth place in the ballot- ng, and added ten votes to Mrs. acNaughton’s total to tie her ' ith the fifth place candidate, Mr. . Renzius, and gave her more otes than Mr. L, Paynter. who I ad placed fifth on election day. 0 U 7' t LINDSAY: For the Fire and P01- fce Department the holiday did not bring too much work. Only one call was received by the fire De- partment, and three minor acci- dents in which no person was in- jured were looked into by police. ’I I t I NEWMARKET: Admissions at York County Hospital during the month of Novemlber were high, numbering 254. There won: 89 A new plant, expected to scheduled to be in operation a mond Hill by May 1st. The information is contained in a statement made by V. S. Mur- ray, general manager of Creaghan and Archibald, Ltd., concrete fab- ricators of Fleet Street West, Toronto. The firm has already taken out a $60,000 permit for the erection of a plant on Yonge St,, on the east side south of the Carr- ville Road, and work has com- menced. operations, 62 births and 394 X- rays. Figures showed that ad- missions averaged close to ten a day. Buildings in the new plant, says Mr. Murray, will include 8. works building eighty by one hundred and twenty feet. Kilns eighty-five by eighty feet will also be erected, with a boiler house twenty-five by forty feet. Offices will oceupy a space of fifty by twenty-five feet. it’ll. LINDSAY“: This year there is an increase of 83 names on the voter’s list. Last year there were 5,350 eligible to vote and Bhis year there are 5,433. Running for Mayor ag- ain for 1951, Charles Lamb de- feated R. A. Wainman. 1 fl . t # AURORA: The Lions Club has made a record during 1950 for Christmas Fund subscriptions and Burglar Alalm & Fas f ‘ \ for distribution of baskets of cheer for-needy families in Aurora, King and Wlhitchurch townships. The total collection is valued at $400.00 with so e_ _148 members of canines unending. 1‘. 0 i l” UXBRIDGE: Reeve Isaac Calib- erwood and Deputy Reeve Berton Tindall were re-elected by acclama- tion at the nomination meeting last week for the township. _ o e a a AURORA: The Banner celebrated its 91st birthday last week. This newspaper was in existence before -Aurora itself was incorporated as a village. t O t O AURORA: Postmaster George Walker estimated that there was a 10.per cent increase in. outgoing parcel mail, and no less than 25 per cent increase in outgoing letter imail during the Christmas rush. Six additional assistants were em- ployed over a period of 57 days preceding Christmas Day. From December 10 to December 26, 133,- 507 outgoing letters and cards were mailed. By OPP Stop T For the second time within a few o'~ - situated in the MacNeil-Anste scenebf a breakâ€"in at. 2.50 Thursday Sitting in the office of the. Pro- vincial Police detachment in the same block Contable W. Dewar of OJP.P., making out his reports, heard the recently installed burg- lar alarm ringing. Investigating, he found the front door of the fur store had been jimmied and was: just in time to see the robber dis- appearing through this back uoor. lmaking their escape in the dark- employ abouy short distan 1‘. 79‘ view". ‘ f They will be pre- cast concrete. ,,_' The firm spefifi ufacture of prgfifi. and floor slabs; _ structural fraig‘tflfi" " a part in the E e of large jobsni ow ob: dred thousand’fitfi -' ' big Columbia plant in Brit' V, 1 With the men who wil . firm exlpectsl‘i our. The si chased is a for water i present tim C.N_R. is to, age man- .lte roof and . played _ ~ number ve hun- i in the er Mills V ecently. its own th it the l E , horn I ill Furs, y Block was the when furs) 5,000 were taken, They ' ered With- out any loss when the truck in which they were being remOVed by' the robbers was dhased by police and abandoned near Bathurst St. and Wilson Avenue, the thieves ness. Vigilance of neighbours at that The thief dodged around cars parkâ€" time resulted in the alarm being ed at the back of the building and I given as the truck employed in the made his escape in a car whichf was apparently parked on Yonge; Street. Constable Dewar, foliow- robbery was being loaded at the door of the Adam Reiter estab- lishment, with police scouting local ing the trail down Yonge Street, roads until they made contact with stopped a car near Steele’s corners it and chased it. driven by Herbert Varley, 40, of 40 Gloucester Street, Toronto. Bur- glar’s tools were found in the car and Varley was arrested on a breaking and entering charge. The Thornhill Furs store was broken into some six weeks ago Removal Of Tennis Court MootEll Parking Solution Movement of the tennis court to the village park ,from its present location in rear 10f the Municipal Hall was suggested to Richmond Hill village council at its inaugur- al meeting by Reeve J. A. Greene. In its place, he said, a municipal parking area could‘be established. “The tennislcourt properly be- HeaVy Vote Of Oak Ridges & L.Wilcox longs in the park,” along with other sports activities," said the reeve. Pointing out that the installa- tion of sewers during the coming year would make the parking problem on Yonge Street even more difficult, the reeve said that he would bring the subject before council at an early date, Council To Meet Twice Monthly This year Richmond Hill municipal council will meet twice monthly on the first and third Monday of each month, rather than once monthly as in the past. This was decided Wednes- day evening on suggestion of Councillor Wesley Mid- dleton who pointed Out that he thought the increasing volume of municipal busi- ness made such a move necessary. Reeve Greene and all members of council concurred in the suggestion which was adopted unani- mously. i "In Essentials, Unity,- lcling Pcrmts ___â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€" Rate ‘ayers Sends McCarron To‘Council ‘ For the. v: time in memory the Oak Ridges-Lake Wil- cox area su ded W hitchurch McCarron, p . nominee for 'will be the o The five ma council seats 5 heading the pol S. Legge secon McCarron thir cessful candida ham with 558 = 555. Striking fea was the heavy polls in the La ges area. In Wilcox Lake, Ii “P a total of 48‘ contest for the R. C. Baycroft ith 779 votes, P. ith 776 and E, L. ith 689. Unsuc- were Delos Gra- J. A. Clarke with of the election e turned in the Wilcox-Oak Rid- and 1B, both at McCarron rolled tes as compared in. electing a direct nship Council on January 1st, when E. L. ident of the Ratepayers Association and its ouncil seat, won third place on the ballot. He new member of the council. T representative to to 425 given to all other candidates combined. Before receipt of the report on those polls Mr. McCar- ron had secured a general vote throughout the township but was trailing badly, A big stafi‘ of vol- unteer workers operated all day in the IA and IB polling sub-divisions getting out voters. At the nomination meeting Ivan McLaughlin, former deputy reeve, was given the reeveship by accla- mation. Fred Timbers, former councillor, became deputy reeve by acclamation. ln Non-essentials, Liberty; In all Things, Charity." RICHMOND HlLL, ONTARIO,, THURSDAY, JANUARY . "A Shown handling some of the many thousands of items which flowed through the Richmond Hill Post Office during the Christmas rush are (in the top picture) Mrs. Eileen Schrader, Mrs. E. Masters and Mr. W. Scrivener. Part of the mountain of parcels which Additional Team To Play In Local Bantam League As usual, weatherwill be the principal factor in deter- mining the success of the Richmond Hill Hockey Club. The human element is all prepared â€"- Mother Nature will have to do the rest. Growth of player interest is in- dicated by the fact that this year there will be five bantam teams in the league instead of four. The i new team will be Boston and will be'coached by Jack Hollowell. The other teams are Maple Leafs,‘with Elgin Barrow as coach; Detroit, in charge of Dick Mills; Canadiens, with Tim Saul doing the coaching; Chicago, which will be coached by Harold Mills. Tim Saul is presi- dent of the club this year, with Dick Mills as secretary. About sixty boys up to fourteen years of age will play in the var- ious teams. Games will be at the Arena, weather permitting, on Tuesdays and Fridays from 6,30 to 8.30 p.m. There will be no charge for admission but collections will be taken in order to help provide the youngsters with equipment. The season’s schedule is as follows: Tuesday, January 2 Maple Leafs vs. Canadiens Detroit vs. Chicago Friday, January 5 Boston vs. Detroit Chicago vs. Maple Leafs Tuesday, Jauary 9 Boston vs. Maple Leafs Detroit vs, Canadiens Friday, January 12 Chicago vs. Detroit Canadiens vs. Boston with Miss Ge to get it into dressees. to take a load Tuesday, January 16 Canadiens vs. Maple Leafs Boston vs. Chicago Friday, January 19 Canadiens vs. Chicago Maple Leafs vs. Detroit Tuesday, January 23 Detroit vs. Canadiens Maple Leafs vs. Boston Friday, January 26 Maple Leafs vs. Chicago Canadiens vs, Boston Tuesday, January 29 Detroit vs. Boston Canadiens vs. Chicago Friday, February 2 Boston vs. Chicago Detroit vs. Maple Leafs Officials Named For 1951 Allan W. Walker, who has serv- ed Richmond Hill as auditor for the past 27 years, was re-appointed at the inaugural meeting Wednesday. His salary is $250, Other appoint- ments made by council were: W. S. Pocknell, rte-appointed asses at an annual salary of increase of 350; m 1‘ Library Board, Garfield Y rex; weed in- spector, Leslie Baker"; fence view- crs, N. Malloy, Chas. Graham, W. L Cpok‘; sheep valuafor, L. H. Clem- '_ sffltgmfialief officer, J. A. Mabley. ssucd ,OOO - Shows Bi Markham Township Tops With Nearly Hall Total involves 1100 New Homes Santa’s Richmond Hill Post Office Helpers 4th 1951 - «m. xx from a pow-Laid to a poster w whatever your needs may be in printing â€" The Libel"- ni's job printing dc- partment can take care of them. Call Iichmond Hill 9 and we'll gladly discuss your problems. Figures issued by officials Permits totalled $4,781,660, with Markham Township issuing $2,490,- 710 of that amount. Township’s building inspector, H. C. H. Miller, announced issuance of $1,581,335, with Richmond Hill's village clerk, Russell Lynett, giv- ing that municipality’s figure as $709,615. Vaughan Permits issued showed a spec- For the tacular jump for 1950. year 1949 the total for the three municipalities was $2,934,215, in- dicating an increase of approxim- atrly $1,800,000. Even that figure does ont show the true increase as in 1949 Markham Township septic tank permits were listed with the building permits and no separate total kept. If the septic tank per- mits were taken out of the actual 1949 figures the actual building figure would probably be another fifty or sixty thousand greater, Vaughan Figures Stewart and Mrs. Dorothy rolled in at the rate of thirty to forty big bags daily is seen in the bottom picture, r Mrs. Edith Turner working the hands of expectant ad- rtrude Love With them is Mr. E. Reesor, courier on R. R. 1, Richmond Hill, waiting to the outlying district. Coming Even ts DECEMBER 31 - JANUARY 21â€"â€" Mid-winter revival services at Gorâ€" mley United Missionary Church. Speaker Rev. E. J. Wilson, Ottawa. Services week nights at 8 pm. ex- cept Saturday. Sundays at 2.45 and 7,30 p.111. *1w27 JANUARY 8 â€"â€" Monday: Meeting of Langstaf’f Ratepayer's Associa- tion at Langstafi' Card Company plant on No. 7 Highway, c1w27 JANUARY 9 -â€" Tuesday: Rich- mond Hill Branch No. 375 Canad- ian Legion B.E.S.L. will hold its next regular meeting at the home of Comrade Frank Titshall on May Avenue, Stop 24A Yonge‘ Street, Richmond Hill, at 8 pm. sharp. *1w27 JANUARY 17 â€" Wednesday: A meeting of Langstaff ratepayers (Vaughan) is to be held at the home of S. Worsdalc, corner of Langstaff Road west and Fairview Avenue, at 8 pm. EVERY DAY: Remember that the Coming Events column is a cheap ect' way of telling others ou- uance or bazaar or other money-making event. It’s an ef- fective way, too, of making sure of good attendance by reminding members of date of meetings.3w22 Liberal Classified Advertisements Bring Results a Examination of figures of indiv- idual municipalities shows that in 1950 Vaughan Township issued per- mits for the construction of 158 new residences valued at $1,171,- 500. Rising building costs and the construction of a better type of house are reflected in a compari- son with 1949 figures when 165 residence permits were valued at $969,650. Building Inspector H. C. H. Mill- er also issued permits amounting to $187,300 for commercial build- ings, compared to $163,385 in 1949. Residential alterations and access- ory buildings called for issuance of $87,535 in 1950, comparable 1949 figure being $77,670. Permits for other buildings t0- of the three municipalities -â€" Richmond Hill, Vaughan and Markham Townships, reveal , that during the twelve months whichflended on December 31 building permits which were issued in that period would give the equivalent of a new town. tailed $135,000. $101,000 of that amount was for the new Thornhill. Public School on Powell Avenue; $24,000 covered the movement and. rebuilding of the old Trinity An- glican Church, and $10,000 was for sundries. The hundred thousand figure compares with $16,500 in 1949, Markham Nearly Double A big jump was shown by Mark- ham Township where, says Build- igg Inspector Ross Norton, 348 permits were issued covering buildings valued at $2,490,710. 465 new buildings were included in that total. 247 permits covering that number of septic tanks, valued at $68,000, were issued as well. In 1949, 393 permits were issued, construction covered by them hav- ing a valuation of $1,368,660. As peviously stated, this amour“; in- cluded septic tanks. Richmond Hill Increases Showing the biggest figure in its history, Richmond Hill issued per. mits valued at $709,615. A large part of the increase from the $338,. ‘ 350 figure in 1949 was caused .by the $300,000 permit issued for ad- ditions to the High School and for the new Bell Telephone Company dial exchange. $414,000 of the to. tal, was given by Clerk Russell - Lynett under the heading of alters ations, additions, stores and officc es, with forty new residences to- talling $291,650 and eleven private garages amounting to $3,915. Reflecting the increasing scar- city of building lots Within the acu tual confines of the village, new residence permits dropped from the 1949 figure of 58 with a, valuation of $320,009. Dunlap Ohserv Dr. Frank Hogg Dr. Frank S. Hogg, director of the Dunlap Observatory at Rich- mond Hill, died Monday as the re- sult of a heart attack. He was 46. A past president of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, he headed the University of Toronto’s department of astronomy and was one of the leading men in his field in Canada, Dr. Hogg Was born in Preston, son of the late Dr. James Hogg, a physician. He graduated from the University in England, and then Harvard University where he ob- tained master of arts and doctor of philosophy degrees. Awarded a travelling fellowship, he studied for a year at Cambridge Univerity in England, and then was engaged as a professor and re- search worker at Amherst College in Massachusetts. For three years Dr. Hogg was astronomer at the Dominion Astro- New Hockey Outlit Plays First Games During Next Week Richmond Hill’s new hockey team, an entry in the O.M.H.A., first games next will play its week. Sponsored by the Richmond Hill the juveniles who will later play ii. a league in which Port Perry, Sun- and Lindsay will also be entries, will play ag- ainst Newmarket Juvenile B at Newmarket on Tuesday and ag- ainst Unionville Juvenile A on Fri- Business Men's Association, derland, Stouffville day. atory Director Dies Suddenly Physical Observatory in Victoria, BC. In 1935, when the Dunlap Observatory was opened, he cams to Toronto as associate professo! of astronomy at the university. In 1946 he became a full profy essor and was named director of the Richmond Hill observatory, sue. ceeding Dr. R. K. Young, who re- tired. Most of Dr. Hogg’s time at the observatory was spent in calculat- ing the radial speed at which stars travel to or away from the earth. Dr. Hogg’s widow, the former Helen Sawyer, worked with him in Richmond Hill since they came here from British Columbia. Sh! was formerly on the astronomical staff of Harvard University. His death came just as he had completed a term as chairman of the Richmond Hill High School Area Board, . Rated as a C class team, the Besides his widow, who lives a1 boys will meet stiff competition in 98 Richmond Street, Richmond Hill their initial tourncys but, says Dr. Hogg leaves a daughter, Sally, Committee Chairman Jack Hart at university, and two sons, DaVid and Manager Grant Nighswander, this will give them a good shake- down. and James, attending high sclhool. He also leaves a brother, Dr. John Hogg of Arthur, and three sisters:

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