Whenever they appear in the ring there’s always a burst of applause for lit- tle Anne Rowe of Oak Ridges, shown above with her twenty-year-old mount, Judy. The two have ridden their way together to many awards. Anne is one of the mem- 2 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill,, Thurs., January 4, 1951 But, Whatever the individual outlook, lthey bring in the total a picture of a dis~ Do the ï¬gures make pleasant read- ing? That is a question which can be answered only from the viewpoint of the individual who studies them. To mem- bers of school‘boards they bring the prob- lems of a greatly increased school popu- lation. To municipal councils they mean more demands in the way of services. To merchants they bring a delightful picture of new customers â€" increased business. And when on top of that it is realized that nearly eleven hundred new residences are covered by the two-year ï¬gures the comparison With a complete new town is justiï¬ed. J. E. SMITH, M.P., Publisher When it is realized that the assessed value of Richmond Hill â€"â€" not the real val- ue but the assessed value â€"- for 1950 was $1,895,000 it takes little ï¬guring to indi- cate that the equivalent of a new Rich- mond Hill has grown up within a radius of a few miles in the last couple of years. They show that in 1950 a total of $4,- 781,660 was issued in building permits. In 1949 permits issued by the three corpora- tions totalled $2,934,215. Together they make the respectable total of nearly eight million dollars. Any doubt as to the northward spread of population â€" if such still exists â€"â€" should be dissipated by the ï¬gures cover- ing buihhng pernï¬tsissued in the three municipalities of Vaughan, Markham and Richmond Hill in 1950' and reported in this issue. It is a particular tragedy that death .has claimed Dr. Hoggat such an early age. He had already accomplished great things in his chosen science â€" the promiSe of even greater lay ahead. His life’s work was of a character little understood by the average man. Few can even begin to think in the terms understood by Dr. Hogg and such men and women as make advanced astronomy their life work. The import and implication of "his work was as far beâ€" yond the ken of the average man as the We little thought at that time that within a few days it would become necess- ary to again bring the name of Dr. hogg into these editorial columns -â€" to emphas- ize in an even broader sense the outstand- ing qualities which he possessed â€" and to express regret that such an Outstanding Canadian has passed from the earthly scene. It is only a few days since we received a card from Dr. Frank Hogg expressing appreciation of a recent editorial in which tribute was paid to the services which he had rendered as a member and as chair- man of Richmond Hill High School Area Board. An Independent Weekly â€" Established 1878 Subscription Rate, $2.00 per year; To the United States $2.50 Member Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association Oak Ridges Prize Winner 1113112 liberal Dr. Frank Hogg Telephone, Richmond Hill 9 Big Stuff bers of the. Oak Ridges \Riding Club, head. ed by Marilyn Hawman, which includes many juniors of the district among its members and in which the youngsters look after their own affairs. Our own rights are most secure when we respect the rights of others and most in danger when we try to infringe on those rights. ' At Whitby, Ontario, a distillery Work- er explained to a court that he had made a still “just to see if I could do it myself.†Yet he was ï¬ned $100.- Apparently there are in Canada forms of private enterprise which are not free. All this isn’t to suggest that tuere is any need to say to Toronto “Move ovâ€" er.†Not just yet, anyway. It is, however. enough to make us realize that 1945 concepts have gone out of the window. The “good old days†have gone forever. Like it or not, a new chall- enge is facing us â€" a challenge inexor- able in its demands on local government, local industry, local imagination. But the best part of the whole situation is that this district can, as it has proved abund- antly during the past year, meet that challenge and make something of it. trict which is on the march from semi- urban, semi-rural, category to a near- metropolitan one. That latter phrase may sound a. bit ambitious â€" study of the ï¬gures will reveal that a continuance of the trend could make it a bit less extrav- agant than it sounds at ï¬rst. That, we are sure, will be an unbound- ing consolation to those Whom he has left to mourn him â€"- and to whom this com- munity extends its deepest sympathy. Be that as it may, his life was well spent. He brought hdnour to his native land by the position which he achieved in the world of science. He contributed much to a younger generation by his labours on their behalf as a member of the High School Board. His was not a long life â€" but it was a full and productive one. ' Dr. Hogg, like many more men of ambition and energy and foresight, has fallen a martyr to the driving urge of modern times -â€"â€" times in which it seems that the challenge to greater labour can never be fully met. A never-ceasing worker, there can be little doubt that his activities on behalf of the world which he served so well contributed, as it has done in the case of so‘ many others like him, to his early death. stars which he studied â€" and in the study- ing of which he contributed much to the slow but sure progress 0f mankind toward an understanding of the universe. Editorial Opihions F. J. PICKIN G, Managing Editor The term “reaching assist" sounds a bit technical, doesn’t it? actually a “reaching assist†is anything that can be handed or Md out to the victim of an ice accident. A long pole, a. lad- der, 3 plaï¬k, a tree branch, a rope, or a sti‘ong piece of mater- ial will serve the purpose. Last year a young boy, by throwing: out his scar’f as a “reaching 5.5- “Mr. and Mrs. C. Graham, for- merly of Vaughan Township mov- ed last week to Richmond Hill. “It was suggested at last coun- cil meeting that the village should consider the construction of the water main on Benson Ave. as a relief for local unemploy- ment conditions.†'. “Richmond Hill A. F. & A, M. enjoyed a memorable evening last Wednesday when David Hill and his four sons, P. C. Hill, L. A. Hill, C. E. Hill and A. R. Hill had charge of the degree work In the lodge room and also acted as hosts at the fourth degree. It was an event unique not only in the history of Richmond Lodge but in the annals of Masonry,†“A Richmond Hill rink skipped by Scott McNair journeyed to Thornlhill last Saturday afternoon and returned with the coveted Davlson Challenge trophy for cur- ling, Other members of the rink Were J. E. Smith, James McLean and Gid‘Moodie. The cup was defended for Thornhill by skip R. Wice and his rink J. Oliver, C. 0. Munroe and S. Findlay.†The champion plowmen are 28-year-old Hugh A. Les- lie of Georgetown, Out, and 27-year-old Herbert Jarvis uf AgincourtrOnt†gold medal- lists in the Esso Trans-At- lantic tractor and horse plowing classes respectively Herbert Jarvis The fourth team of cham. pion plowmen in as many years will sail January 5 to take part in matches and to observe agricultural methods and conditions abroad. Six leaders of labor take an informal time out from the General Conference of the International Labor Organization (ILO), which met recently at Geneva. The Conference of ILO, a United Nations Specialized Agency, brings together representatives of labor. man- agement and government from more than 50 countries. Shown here are (left to right) Syndolpho de Azevedo Pequeï¬o, of Brazil; John J. Moreschi, U.S.A., Building and Common Laborers' Union; J. H. Oldenbroek, the Netherlands, International Confederation of Trade Unions; Fernando Ibaï¬ez Aguila, Chile; George P. Delaney, U.S.A., American Federation of Labor; and Paul Finet, of Belgium. (Excérpts from the LIBERAL ï¬les of January 22, 1931 ‘f Way Back When Hugh Leslie by v. c. PORTEOUS *-Direcfor ___QNTARIO “A CANADIAN PLOWMEN ABROAD “ ‘Mac†Cooper, son of Mr. and Mrs. Reg, Cooper, Centre Street west, who suffered painful injury to his leg while skating at the ar‘ena last week is making favor- able progress toward recovery.†sist†saved the life of his mum. If using a rope as a means of rescue it should be knotted so that it will not slip from the hand. Always before going skat- ing, it is a wise precaution to be sure simple rescue equipment is available. A moment’s thought beforehand may often save a life. Next week I’ll give you a list of “DONT’S†that DO mean a safe and happy winter. “At the annual meeting of the Library Board the Librarian Treasurer gave his 9th report for 1930, showing receipts $637. and disbursements of $594.†. “An illustrated lecture enutled “With Submarines in the Great War†will be given by Wm. G. Carr this Friday evening, under the auspices of the Home and School Club." “The tax rate for Rich..ond Hill village was ï¬xed at 54 mills for the year 1931. This is based on the assessment of $924,086.00 which is an increase of $65,194.00 over last year.†“Don’t forget the hockey game at the arena tonight 8. 8.15 â€" Or- illia vs. Richmond Hill lst. Ad- mission 2'5 and 15 cents." February 5, 1931 Mr. Graham is the local Massey- Harris representative.†For all members of the plowing team this will be their ï¬rst overseas trip. All are anxious to see how things are done on the other side of the Atlantic and to visit the many points of historic in- terest there. They will fly back to Canada about Feb- ruary 16. as team manager. The three sail from New York aboard the Queen Mary for a month’s tour of the United Kingdom as guests of Imperial Oil, sponsors of the Trans-Atlantic plowing classes. Before taking part in the British matches they will spend two weeks on the Continent at their own ex- pense. at the International Plowing Match held near Alliston last October. V. C. Porteous, former parliament member and past president of the On- tario Plowmen’s Association, will accompany the plowmen as team manager. Willy The We terduck ASSOCIATION maple trees \iiiilE-be‘uplnlnted i*n Churchill Avgï¬ï¬wï¬tï¬fhgï¬l, Kent, as a link with'-¢é§xl§ial~jVï¬61fe, who 4» ,g- ,.. "r, ;: was born in" éfffl-‘Jlage; and as a tribute to; iï¬qfl'anadi‘an forces stationed 16call‘y41uring the war. This project s 15ml; of the local Festival of Bgitain activities. A number Ifbquï¬fifliiï¬' Silver CANADIAN MAPjQEF FOR WESTERHKï¬ All this happened more than one hundred years ago, but in that part of Africa. they still re- fer to Livingstone as “the man who kept hig word.?' Livingstone had given his sol- emn pledge that he would bring all the boys back again, and no longing for home could make him break that promise. So once again he and his party began the long journey home, which they reached after an absence of two and a half years. They received a great welcome, and Living- stone’s boys were regarded as heroes. They proudly walked around the village in clothes bought in Luanda. To their friends they said “We went on till we ï¬nished the whole world. We turned back only when there was no 'more land." “No good life has ever been lived without sapéï¬ï¬gq a_nd "§uf- fering.†:3 -w_ The warship returned to Brit- ain without the missionary. The officers could not undertandhis attitude. They thought he was both foolish and stubborn. Strange to say, that warship struck an uncharted rock and all her crew perished, Our quotation today is by El. wood Worchester: There was a British warship in the harbour. The commander had been sent to take the great miss- ‘ionary hack to Britain. He was both astonished and disappomted when Livingstone declined to go. He said, “Queen Victoria has ur- ged you to come, all Britain is waiting to do you honour. You must come.†out help. ‘The carriers also suf- fered a gdod deal,“ Still they pressed 0 for Livingstone’s cheerful spi and courage gave them streng ‘1' Althoughgyomeiflg‘ipes were hos- tile, Liviqï¬ï¬‚tjéfléï¬ï¬kmneu and kindness 'conqil'e'i‘ed them, and no ï¬ghting took place. Whenever he had an opportunity, he preached to them, and much good resulted. He had a magic lantern and of- ten showed pictures. The natives were greatly interested and some- time afraid because it was new and strange. At long last the harbour of Luanda was reached, and Livingstone’s boys got_their ï¬rst glimpse of the sea. Their astonishment left them almost speechless, They cried, “All at once the world said to us, ‘I am ï¬nished; there is no more of me.†Sekéietï¬â€˜and many others ac- companigd’LiVing‘stone and the carriers . flattoflthe way,~then said goodflge,‘ ï¬nd returned to their villagéflyï¬tlijgome fears. No one had 16v rzm‘l’gd'ertaken such a long and dangerous journey. Would the £135th "over return? The johrhefï¬iï¬s’ b0 and dangenbus; 2-7175 ‘_y hungry and thirafy; fnd so exhausted ‘ “that ( cely mov' forw 75d“ S ers and 'ï¬ee'jyï¬â€˜ulls'v them, a =' sharp thor jungle _ 'hg'themfl I suffered *uc'h fr‘o'mfe caused hiih to ache a that he could not stanl out help. ‘The carrier: fered a gdod deal, pressed 0 for Li‘ cheerful spi a_nd_ got them streng †"' THe native’s had great reapect for the missionhry. They knew he was a man. his word. And so whkrg.hegr’sai_dlf‘lf you give me your 50115;:ng ï¬e journey, I pro- mise to return-With them and de- liver 1thve fgWï¬eir homes and parentsg‘flï¬y'life will be as a pledge,†‘Ythey knew he would keep his Sekeleturr’th-‘e ‘éhieff; gathered his men tg'ggthï¬fa I consulted them. :mn‘yï¬Ã© at; at Living- stone‘Tand hi's ers would nqt I n ey, a'nd othersf' med that he would sgil forrh homeland and the keys woulql left to return 2.10159. David Livingstone arriVe'd-‘fin Africa in 1841, and afteljï¬qge’ than twelve years of déi’" =‘ad-‘ venture and devoted servic' ' heart of that vast'~cqh€x" ' decided to visit thiggm'; tlli’caï¬st and maybe return _to'. landifor a visit, He wouldfly eed‘. some “boys†â€" the nan‘ie'jinensto na- tives by their chigi help him 4 on the perilous $5034" ylof more than one thougain'd‘gi‘fgs-ithrough .i J ' dense junglel,f ‘ ‘t’fll‘ 91‘ airp thorns in the the-mm; Livingstone fr‘a'm'i'fever, which ) aphq' all over so not. stand pr with- : cï¬r‘riérs also suf- deal,†Still they I for Livingstone’s 1 and courage gave “WINCH thorns ‘Livingstone’s gourage gave both difficult 2y were omen nd sometimes could scar- Swollen riv- confronted Mum Cartoon Wednesday & Thursday â€"- January 10 & 11 1“ ews ï¬xturday: Matinee at 2 pm. ‘ Shows Daily at 7 and 9 p.m. ‘ Saturdays & holidays continuous from 6 pm FREE PARKING AT REAR OF THEATRE gEnt;ancé from Church Street. Walkway on north side 01 'Q' ;‘ Theatre Building . Telephone Richmond Hill 500 Distributed by RKO Radio Pictures Adapted from Washington Irving’s "on Hoodlou Horsemen, “The legend of Sloepy Ho Kennolh Graham's "The Wind In OII. MN Monday & Tuesday â€" January 8 & 9 GABlE MAKES NEWS ‘GAIN! mm b) TECHNICOLOR Distributed by'RKO mm PICTURES,IINC. ‘ Friday & Saturday - January 5 & 6 KEY TO THE CITY 3:516 énd WALT \\ KR: // :9" the bang-up tale of SULLIVAN - MIRANDA ' CALHERN - BEE AROBERT z. LEONARD PRODU N m MARILYN MAXWELL' FRANK MORGAN ., JAMES GLEASON-LEWIS STONE-RAYMOND WALBURN BARRY ny KKU Radio Pictures, Inc. \. ashington Irving's "My about the , “The legend of Sluepy Hollow," and 'I "The Wind In 0h. Willow" about Wild-life thrills in mountain fore;st A METRO-GOLDWYN-MAYER PICTURE CARMEN â€" Plus ~â€" fell the bang-up fale of The Headless Horseman! with- lOUIS In her an, st Doors open at 1.30 p. "I. Magniï¬gcm eaturette VEll. ' ERN Cartoon MI. Toad.