Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 4 Jan 1951, p. 6

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6 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill,, Thurs., January 4, 1951 Packed With Savings in Timely Automotive Accessories and Supplies, Sporfing Goods, Workshop Equipment, Etc. Ask for Your Free Coov. U n 1 v e rsal. with mounting bracket. For qufck starting. 45 Old Orchard Grove, Toronto mirrmu ......-... . Put Moto - Master “Gas-Flow" In your can tank â€"- prevents Irozen fuel Dumps. carburetors. etc. Bottle 94 mmnou Em?“ 9°"- soman 2.98 Prevent Gas-Lino Freeze-Ups! GAS FLOW mew Ion-ma m. cmmé For both large and small businesses Regular calls in Richmond Hill and Distirct For full information call GORDON KENNEDY ACCOWTTNGâ€"SER'VIC E. "Perms - Fill" â€"â€" C o n centrated Ethylene Glycol; save safely. Qungci Gallon "Super" â€" No “boll - away" at normal engine t e m peratures: prevents rust and corrosion. Positive protection. New Low Price ! Quart Gallon 1.19 £19 P r e v e n t s o 1 1 t u m e a entering our interior. De- creases oll dilu- tionâ€"helps keep motor clean. T0 at. most cars and trucks. Only I79 .745 1.49 Neoprene rubber â€"â€"flt straight or angle plugs. Seal out moisture. frost and fog: keep spark plugs dry. Set of 6 Set of 8 DEF ROST FAN Vacuum type, no battery drain. High-Speed. em. cient. C. '1'. C. Super-Value Mob-Master ANTI-FREEZE Grankcase BHEATHER Spark Plug GUARDS 3.65 Trico thick. soft Sport Robe â€"- Warm All-Wool Tartan Plaid â€"- large size. fringed ends . . . . . . . . 7. 98 HARD-WEARING, Tough, thick, lustrous black vubbehâ€"looks well in any car. Buy them singly or in pairs. Keep original floor mats looking new â€" hide shabby, worn spols In old man. Simply lift out to shake :leun. Keep feet dry â€"- up off mud, snow and slush. Use as "kneeling pads” when changing fire: or chains; also as "fraction mats” In mud or snow. Convenlent site -- 20" 1: 10/2". - A AUTO- MAM lsloflflailiiriyr-Priced for Savings! Takes me un- Dleasant chill of! the steer- lnz wheel. MOTOR HOBES WHEEI: MUFF And you too can enjoy a restful break from wintry winds and snow. The bus trip is an added treat, with sightseeing all the way, .39 ROBERTS’ RADIAl STATION Chevrolet Chrys., Desolo Dodge Oldsmobile Plymouth Ford "A" Ford "V3" Dodge Chevrolet Ford "VE‘ Olds. "6" Plymouth Original Equipmentâ€"Qualify â€"at prices that save you up to 970 Replace lesky, rusted-out muffler: nowâ€"tor sate Winter driving! MOIO‘IHHSIER MUFFLERS and PIPES TAIL AND EXHAUST PIPES '34-48 (most) 2.85 2.90 [9: ‘35-39 (most) 3.50 3 89 ’40â€"48 3.85 3.55 d "VB" (most) 2.35 3.15 s. "6" '35-48 3.35 3.30 mouth '35-39 3.55 3.75 '40-48 3.55 3.95 For cars and trucks not listed enquire for prices 4.59 Unlversa! elec- tric model ._ with long cord and plug. JACKSONVILLE MIAMI . . . . . . . . LOS ANGELES . ENGINE HEATER 4.55 '29-32 {ioâ€" 34.43 ("10502.85 ‘35-39 (most) 3.50 ’40â€"48 3.55 (most) 2.35 '35-48 3,35 3539 3.55 Telephone REdfern 3139 MUFFLERS '29-32 4.10 '33-34 Master 8.85 '35-50 5.98 h '36-48 (most) 9.60 '35-38 (most) 5.30 '39-48 (most) 9.60 (Comp. easy) 1.98 ‘32-40 (most 5.15 '41-48 6.75 '36-48 7.65 (many models) 9.60 Raund Trip - Subied to Chung.) 'HONE I77 FARES ARE LOW BO-cycle Keeps your battery fullyabharsed. Easy to Install: low open-mm: cost. 25-cycle Battery CHARGER Reliable. 10 n 3 life. For most cars and trucks. From 1.25 ACCURATE THERMOSTATS 2.20 2.26 Tail Exhaust 11.95 33.60 $48.15 $59.65 $87.15 Figure Skating Classes Will begin on SATURDAY, January 6th IN RICHMOND HILL ARENA Weather Permitting Senior Girls . . . . . . 8.45 a.m. Junior girls . . . . . . 9.45 a.m. C. STUNDEN Richmond Hill Phone 320W Septic Tanks Pumped Drains Cleaned and Repaired 24 Hour Service An executive meeting for nich- mond Hill scout Mothers Auxiliary was held at the home of Mrs. E. Gardner, Mill Road, on Tuesday evening, Janary 2nd. Programmes for 1951 were discussed and much business accomplished. Refresh- ments were served at close of the meeting. Gordon Legge of Mill Rd. is the new Telegram carrier for this dist- rict. Frank Martin formerly had this route, 0n Wedneday evening, Dec. 27th, the Canadian Legion branch 375 held a men’s executive meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arbon, May Avenue. Comrade Leech Was welcomed into the branch as a new member. Meetings were discussed and planned for the coming year. Canadian Legion branch 3%, held a Xmas tree and party for member’s children at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Titshall, May Avenue Wednesday evening Dec. 27th, The Sunday School bus will pick up the children attending Richvale Sunday School at 2.45, at corner of Yongehurst Road. Pupils will be returned about 4.15. Glad to see Donna Wainwright is fine again after her visit from Dr. Wilson on Sunday last. Little Arva Ball of Yongehurst Road had her tonsils removed just after (Christmas. She is coming along nicely_ Mr. and Mrs. Gender and sons of Gravenhurst spent Christmas Sunday with the Blackburn family. Among the other donations which were used to fill the stocking and as gifts for the kiddies were the following: crate of oranges, Stan Hart; Coco-Cola Co. book covers, ‘pencils, ruler and a small story book for each stocking. Aurora General Store, seven snow suits, Marshall Rank. Aurora, cash dona- ation; Fishers SC to $1 Store. Aur-- era, 50 plastic cars; War Surplus Store, Aurora, 3 girls outfits (skirt and sweater); and 3 boys helmets; Ardills Store, Aurora, box of as- sorted toys; Cousins Dairy and Aurora Dairy 100 Dixie cups each and Mr. George Gourlay 2-00 Dixie cups, Each child received a gift valued at $2 and when bills were paid the committee was able to re- -port a surplus of $25.00. Mrs. M. Holmes, of Yongehurst Road spent four days of the Christ- mas seas-on with her son in Toronto Mr. W. Hope and family spent New Year’s Day in Toronto. Neil and Leslie Waddell of Cal- gary, Alberta, visited for several day with Mr. and Mrs. Nels An- derson. Sanitary Contractors The success of the party would have been impossible without the thoughtful loan of three stoves which heated the Community Hall. These were loaned by the Windmill, Mr. McIvor and Dave Acheson. Ivan Daniels of Aurora set up 3. RA. sy- stem and contributed generously to the program. Among those who donated articles whidh were ruffled to augument the fund were: Hesses Drug Store Aurora, 3 bottle of per- fume, two chickens, E. L. McCar- ron; a turkey from Mr. and Mrs. James Gilchrist and a cardigan and two sweaters from Mrs. Beatrice Geddies. The members of the committee in charge of the Lake Wilcox San- ta Claus party for the children of the district acknowledge with grat- itude the generous donations which contributed to the outstanding suc- cess of the Christmas treat spon- sored by the Ratepayers Associa- tion. ’lihe committee members were: Mrs. William Ashby, Mrs. Clifford Weston, Mrs. Freda Smith, Mrs. Daphne Newhall, Mrs. Daphne Geddie,, Stan. Hart, L. Bowman, and Bob Sharpe. CORRESPONDENT â€" MRS. M. BLACKBURN_ Yongehurst Rd. OAK RIDGES & LAKE WILCOX NEWS GIRLS CORRESPONDENTzâ€"MRS. DOROTHY BARKER NORTH RICHVALE NEWS Telephone Richmond Hill 137R13 Telephone Aur6ra 534J ary 15 for caretaker of» S. S. No. 4 King Twp. Apply Mar- vin Hunter, secretary-treas- urer, R. R. 2 King. A meeting for Mothers of 13mm- ies and Guides is to be held at the home of Mrs. R. Paul, Spruce Ave., on Thursday, January 11, at 8 p.m. A11 mothers are urged to attend to get plans underway for the com- ing Mother and Daughter banquet. Watch: â€"- The Thing is coming closer. Pauline Paul of S-pruce Avenue, was chosen to ride in the Horse Show at Toronto Friday afternoon, December 29, Pauline is to be congratulated on her fine riding. The Wainwrights and Blackburns along with many others attended a New Year Eve party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fenwick, Yonge Street. Games, dancing and re- freshments all helped to make the party a very happy occasion. Unless there was a two-thirds attendance on Monday, January 8, gaid Dr. Urquhart, the school would remain closed. fy opération and is progressing as well as can be expected. Oak Ridges school was opened only long enough Wednesday morning to inform the children that classes would not continue until Monday. This action was recommended by the school board and confirmed by Dr. Urquihart because of the number of cases of measles among the students. The Gamble, Woolnough and Coon families are numbered among those who have been attacked by the measles germ. Mr. Frank Legge, chairman of the Oak Ridges ‘Public School Board, has undergone an emergen- Mr. E. L. McCarron’s election committee met at the Ashby home following his election as Council]- or for Whitchurch Townghip to wish their candidate success in his new field of endeavour. Mrs. William Ash‘by who worked all New Year’s Day as one of Mr. E. L. McCarron’s election commit- tee suffered a relapse of nervous exfnaustion Monday evening and will be confined to bed at her home until her doctor feels sure that this time she is well on the way to recovery, Jim Wall’s many friends will re- gret to learn that he has been ad- mitted to Newmarket Hospital suf- fering from pneumonia. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Graham of Clarkson spent their Christmas holâ€" idays with their daughter, Mrs. Nels Anderson. of Mr. McCarron and spent his New Year’s Day at Lake Wilcox assisting in getting out the vote. Mrs. Stan Hart and dangnter Pauline spent New Years with Mr. Hart’s parents at Churchill. Mr. Hart was an enthusiastic suppvrter Tenders received till Janu- TWENTY THREE YON GE STREET SOUTH RICHMOND HILL HILLTOP ELECTRIC WASHING MACHINE REPAIRS AND RADIO SERVICE Telephone 292 TENDERS On No. 11 Highway 11/2 miles north of Richmond Hill Our new and large dining room at Summit View is avail- able for banquets. Call us for reservations. that Sunday dinner can be an “extra special” treat if you have it at Summit View Drive- In or Thom .View Restaurant. Give the family a change this Sunday â€" let them enjoy a steak, fried chicken or pork chop dinner with us. No fussing around getting it ready -â€" no bother cleaning it up. And, of course, the best of foods, carefully pre- pared, topped off with our fa- mous coffee. The other age groups are taken care of through the Young Peop- le’s Union and the Adult Fireside Group. Letters will be mailed to the parents explaining the plan. In the meantime, it is sufiicient to say that the Nursery for 2 and 3 year olds will be housed as usual in the kitchen. All other children will join in the worship of the church: the 4 to 11 group will retire early for their programme and classes in the Sunday School Hall; the 12 to 14 group will be dismissed just prior to the Sermon and will go to the Vestry for class discussion, joining later with the others m the closing exercises; and this Unified programme will be known as Sun- day School. At a meeting of Thornhill Un- ited Church Junior Congregation leaders, Sunday School teachers and Nursery leaders held Tuesday, December 26, 1960, it 9215 decided in spite of the limited accommoda- tion, to inaugurate a new pro- gramme beginning the first Sunday in January, This will integrate the separate programmes into one complete unit, allowing for a more intensified programme and great- er efficiency. YOU KNOW A new resident of this district, Dr. Cicely Wilson, pictured here- with, has the distinction of having been at one time the only practis- ing woman veterinary in Western Canada. That occurred while she was living in Winnipeg, where she spent a year after coming over from England. Dr, Wilson is a graduate 01 the Royal Veterinary College, London, England and first practised her profession in that country, where she was with the National Canine Defense League. After coming to Canada she took the Manitoba Board examinations on- abling her to carry on in that pro- Vince. New Sunday School Plan SUMMIT VEW DRIVE - IN FOR BANDUETS T00 THDRN VIEW RESTAURANT Thornhill United Church News Thornhill Afternoon Auxiliary (W.M.S‘) The Young People’s Union will meet at thf Parsonage on Monday evening, January 8, at 8 pm, ' The Afternoon Auxiliary (W.M. _S.) will meet in the Sunday School Hall Tuesday afternoon at 2.30. Mrs. W. Heath entertained the Choir members and their husbands and wives at a social gathering at her home on Friday, December 29. Adult Fireside Group Young People’s Union For the past year she has been associated with Dr. Alan Secord of Toronto and now, in co-operation with him, has set up a veterinary practice on the former Archie Sav- age farm on the Elgin side road be tween Bathurst and Dufl'erin. There she will specialize in the treatment of small animals and through her association with Dr. Secord will have available for her clients‘ top grade animal hospital facilities, to- gether with X-rays. A registered nurse will serve as her anesthetist when required. Dr. Wilson’s pro- gram will include office hours in the morning, with visits in the after- noon. Her husband is connected with E. L. Ruddy Co, of Toronto. Choirs Entertained The Adult Fireside Group will meet on Sunday evening at 8 p.111. There will be a film and dicussion. t/l;¢////////V RICHMOND HILL I PIODUC' OI [DID 03 (All A R. D..Little 8801: Ltd. Ford 8 Monarch Sales 8 Service“ Ashley & Grip-pen pipes 1 DeLaval milking machine 3 DeLaval milking units All piping of plumbing in the barn . Number of Silo-rods for 14’ and 12’ Silos F. D HUBERT, Downsview, Ontario. PHONE - (Day) EL 1672 (Night) Weston 569W3 All Beatty equipment below or any part of it with-the building or the building separate, to be taken away before April 1, 1951. . 40 cow stanchions and 40 single stalls 26 Beatty waterbowls complete 1 bull pen 2 calf pens 2 Silo roofs “ 3 cow pens 1 watertrough 8’ 200’ manure carrier rails 1 manure carrier pole complete 1 deep well pump & 1 h.p. electric motor 300 gals. tank with approx. 180’ rods and Cleaners and Dyers 78 YONGE STREET SOUTH BOND AVENUE Thornhill, Ont For prompt pick-up and delivery anywhere in the district PHONE RICHMOND HILL 625 Phone -â€" evenings â€" King 94R34 For Your Cleaning Needs Be Sure and Try Reids THREE DAY SERVICE John C. Love Lumber Company, Ltd. BARN SALE M. .....umuuc unit designed a obtain the MOST gasoline. It automati Yonge Street At Woodward Avenue (Just North of Stee1e’s Corners) See Love For Lovely Lumber REIDS Two Locations RICHMOND HILL OAK RIDGES Telephdne Thornhill 350 Telephone 174

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