FEMALE HELP WANTED: I have an opening for a married lady in Richmond Hill and district for part time afternoon or evening Work, demonstrating “Tupper†the new American Nylon Plastic to groups of ladies 7y pre-arranged appointments only. This is pleas- ant work and will bring you ex- ceptionally ï¬ne earnings. Use of car essential. Write Mrs. Robert Behan, 7 Percival Street, Port Hope. tfc19 AUTOMOBILE MECHANIC licen- sed, steady job for right man. Ap- ply Thornhill Garage, phone 81 Thornhill. c1w27 vicinity of King, good wages and living accommodation. Phone Plaza 4577 or write Box 12 Liberal. c1w27 MARRIED COUPLE for country home in vicinity of King, Ont, woman to work in house" man to help out on farm, good wages and living accommodation. Phone Plaza 4577 or write Box 27 Liberal. FEMALE HELP WANTED for part time work, 18 or over, single, preferred. Apply Box 9, Church Street, Richmond Hill. *1w27 MAID FOR COUNTRY HOME, in EXPERIENCED Latvian farmer family: man 46, wife 40, son 16, daughter 11, want steady job on farm starting March or April of this year. For particulars write F. Peterson, Elgin Mills, Ont. HOUSEWIFE desires part time work, eveningsy office work, no typ- ing, in Thornhill vicinity. Phone Thornhill 278R6. c1w27 breeders Canada Approved, backed by a breeding program on this large Hatchery’s own, farms, on which they have been raising chicks for more than 25 years. Get those dh'icks early, growing towards the good meat and Grade A large egg markets. Price list, agent Wesley Clark, R. R, 2 Gormley. EXPERTS think there are good markets ahead for poultrykeepers. Early and wise planning gets your chicks ready for flhe better egg and meat markets;- Bray Chicks, day- old some started, prompt shipment Price list, Fred Wise, Bray Brooder Richmond Hill. KITCHENER BIG-4 CHICKS have LIFETIME all metal Venetian Blinds, aluminum or steel baked enamel ï¬nish any colour of tapes, free estimates and installations. Phone 755 or write box 496, 40 Ontario St. West, Newmarket, Ont. Plea:e reverse phone charges. tfc32 WESTINGHOUSE refrigerator, guaranteed, new unit, $195.00. Terms. Paris Auto Supply, Rich- mond Hill. c1w27 ernaire, only in use a short time, reasonable. A-pply Ernest Ridout Real Estate Office, c1w27 HARD AND SOFT WOOD slabs, cut and delivered. John Allen, Regent Street, Elgin Mills, phone Richmond Hill 134R41. *lw27 1 OIL SPACE HEATER, South- 8 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill,, Thurs., January 4, 1951 phone Richmond Hill 343112. HOCKEY BOOTS and skates, size 8, not size 11 as advertised last week. 60 Yongehurst, Stop 24 Yonge. *1w27 BEAUTIFUL brass bird cage, 33 Apply Liberal Office. c1w27 5000 UNIT Coleman Space Heater used two months, Apply Eyres, phone T‘hornhill 35R. c1w27 PAIR OF GIRLS’ white ï¬gure skates, size 7. Phone 3 Richmond Hill. c1w27 ESSOTANE MAGIC-CHEF stove, WELL TILE and culvert Phone A. Valcourt, Richmond 1R2. 'RYOTHERM SPACE HEATER complete with pipes. Telephoné Richmond Hill 114. *1w27 DEAD & (‘RIPPLED STOCK Hourly Pick-up l‘hone collect Agincourt 18112 HELP WANTED r CASH RATES, ï¬rst insertion 3c per word, min. charge .. 00c Second and subsequent insertons if wording unchanged, 3c per word, min. charge 406 IF CHARGED, 4c per word, min. charge, all insertions . . . . 65c FOR BO‘X NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of .. 25c COMING EVENTS NOTICES: per type line 12c; min. charge 75c CARDS OF THANKS, IN MEMORIAM, BIRTHS, DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES, per insertion 31‘00 Classiï¬ed advertisements should be in as early in the week as possible but not later than noon on Wednesdays. OLD HORSES $15.00 AT YOUR FARM EMPLOYMENT WANTED CAMPBELL MINK LIVESTOCK FOR SALE CLASSIFIED FOR SALE and WANT ADS POULTRY FOR SALE ARTICLES FOR SALE CLASSIF'IED ADVERTISING RATES Also c1w27 tile. ‘ Hill tfclO SAT., JAN. 13 â€"â€" Auction sale of the new Stouffville Livestock Sale Arena, selling livestock our spec- ialty: fresh cows, springers, heif- ers, sheep, calves, pigs, horses. (Pick-up and delivery can be ar- ranged.) Come early, bring some- thing to sell. This is you1 commun- ity sale. “You bring it, we'll sell it.†Sale every Saturday at 1 pm. D.S.T. Make this your market. where buyers and sellers meet. Sell- ers and Atkinson, auctioneers. tfc SATURDAY, JAN. 6 â€" Auction sale at the New Stoufl‘ville Liveâ€" stock Sales Arena, selling livestock our specialty, fresh cows, spring- ers, heifers, sheep, calves, pigs, horses.Come early, bring something to sell -â€" make this your market where buyers and sellers meet ev- ery Saturday at 1 pm. Phone us for pick-ups. Phone Stouï¬ville 290W2. Sellers and Atkinson, auc- tioneers. FARMS WANTED: We invite the listing of your farm. We have buyers waiting. Assuring you of the SfJiI‘it of Good Service. Joseph Anderson, Broker, 35 Lascelles Blvd,, Toronto 12, Ontario, phone Hyland 6776. c1w27 POULTRY WANTED. Best mark- et prices. Any quantity. Will call immediately on request. Phone A. Magee, King, 29R14. *28w52 CAPONS, roasters and fowl, high- est prices paid. Don’t sell until contacting W. S. Appleton, Oak Ridges Poultry Grading Station. Phone King 59R14. tfc17 FARM HOUSE with hydro three miles from Richmond Hill for very reasonable rent to small family, part of the house to be used as a ski club on week-ends. State num- ber in family and references. Box 16 The Liberal. c1w27 FOR SALE OR RENT: Frame bungalow, 5 rooms and bath, hot and cold water, Lakeland Ave“ Wilcox Lake, Farquharson, King 97R'2. *1w27 NEW ATTRACTIVE 3% room house, .‘hydro, water, phone, gar- age, $50 monthly, adults only. Phone Thornhill 41r6. c1w27 WINTERIZED two room cabins, oil heater, furnished, apply Wind- mill Inn Garage, Oak Ridges. Ph. King 3R22. . tfc22 3 ROOMS in basement of new home, no objection to one infant. Phone Richmond Hill 4311-23. TWO ROOM APARTMENT, south side Lake Wilcox, 34 mile from Oak Ridges. Apply to A. Ako, south side Lake Wilcox. *2w27 persons, home cooking, on Yonge Street near Stop 19, Thornhih 211 1‘5. *1w27 4 ROOM COTTAGE, with garden land. Apply Box 101 Richvale, P. 0. \ *1w27 CEMENT MIXER for rent, gaso- line. day or week. C. Higgs, Steele’s Ave. W. Zon‘e 8â€"627. tfcll ROOM AND BOARD, suit two CHAMBERS & MEREDITH Limited 24 King St. W. -â€" Plaza 3921 Real Estate Brokers NORTHOLT SUBDIVISION North of Thornhill West of Stop 21, Yonge Street A lot of 100 ft. frontage or greater will provide the ideal setting for that home in your future. Beauti- ful rolling landscape, adequate, yet reasonable restrictions; all roads in and paid for. Priced as low as $6.50 per foot. Let us show you these desirable lots at your con- venience. J. M. FARGEY, EVGS., JU. 6509 c3w25 FURNISHED ROOM, suit two Phone Thornhill 102. Phone Thornhill 261R5. FURNISHED ROOM and a fodt, iwiater and hydro available. Apple Fred J. Dew, phone 37 King. tfc33 LTTTS FOR SALE, $3.50 to 735.700 FOR REAL ESTATE, phone Fenn, Thornhill 168. tfc46 SALE REGISTERS FOR REAL ESTATE. phone Fenn, Thomhill 168 tfcll REAL ESTATE WANTED REAL ESTATE FOR SALE POULTRY WANTED TO RENT board. c1w27 c1w27 c1w27 Correspondent: Mrs. Sydney Steventon Edgeley, Ont. Food demonstration entitled “Let’s Cook It Right" will be. spon- sored by Edgeley Women’s Insti- tute at 1.30 p.m. on January 16, and at 10 am. and 1.30 p.m. on January 17. These demonstrations will be held in Edgeley Hall and all women of the community are cordially invited. The Woman's Association of Edgeley United hutch met at the parsonage, Maple, on Thursday evening with Mrs. Arthur Avery presiding. Slate of officers and the arrangement for the meeting for the ensuing year was presented by the secretary. The next meet- ing of the group will be held at the home of Mrs. Roy Phulips, Woodbridge on January 18. Lunch was served. Formerly of Gerrard Heintzman Work Guaranteed, Free Estimates COUPLE, 2 children, will rent 3 to 4 room unfurnished cottage or bungalow, vicinity Thornhill or Richmond Hill. Write Lloyd Craig, 282 Silverthorn Ave., Toronto or phone JU. 0741. c3w26 HOUND, white and black speckled, tan head, split in right ear, last seen near Concord, Saturday, Dec- ember 23. Apply HU. 2214, c1w27 HOUSE 0R COTTAGE for small reliable family anywhere within commuting distance of Toronto, Abstainers, references, Box 25 The Liberal. ~ *1w27 1938 DeSOTO SEDAN, heater, good condition. Phone 363R12. DRIVER to alternate by wéek â€"â€"‘ arrivingat College and University 7.45 to 8 a.m., leaving at 5 pm. Phone Richmond Hill 19'5r2. ALL MAKES of industrial and domestic sewing machines serviced and repaired. Pick up and deliv- ery. Twenty years experience. Work guaranteed. Telephone Rich- mond Hill 249R21. tfc10 LEATHERCRAFT courses will start Mid-January. Make hand- bags, wallets, etc, See Miss Liver- sedge January 10, 2-4 pm. at 45 Yonge Street North, Richmond Hill or write Box 18 Langstaï¬'_ Hill. LATHING CONTRACTS wanted. Lath available. Phone Richmond Hill 44R3, R. H. Dennis. tfc26 REFRIGERATION Sales and Ser- vice, Domestic and Commercial. Repairs to all makes. Don Chalk, Telephone King 261-5. tfc38 CHIMNEYS and ï¬replaces built and repaired, general maintenance repairs. Apply phone 339J Thorn- hill. c4w24 PAINTING and paperhanging, ï¬rst class work, reasonable rates, sam- ple books and free estimates. A. Rollinson, phone Richmond Hill 414M. tfc16 ’34 STANDARD CHEV. COACH, in good condition. Apply Roy Coo. per, R. R. 1 Maple. c2w27 OIL’BURNERS and space heaters installed and serviced. D. Giï¬â€˜en, Richmond H11, phone 399M. *2w26 1935 FORD TUDOR, heater, good condition, needs battery, $100.00. Apply phone 363R12 Richmond §AND AND GRAVEL, crushed stone, loam and ï¬ll. E. Charity, Richmond Hill, phone 3721-5. tfc42 ALL KINDS FURNITURE re- pairs, upholstering, cabinet work, wood carving. Estimates given. N. G. VanDyke, 33 Hunt Ave., Richmond Hill. tfc MISCELLANEOUS USED CARS AND TRUCKS PIANO TUNING E. J. HIN SON Interior & Exterior Decorator Elm Grove {151E Ridges and Repairing EDGELEY NEWS Tel. 9, Richmond Hill Phone Liberal Office S. Hoï¬man WANTED TO RENT WANTED King 17R4 LOST c1w27 c1w27 ‘1w27 c1w27 R. D. LITTLE & SON Ltd. Ford & Monarch Sales & Service PHONE 174, RICHMOND HILL At the Thornlea Home and School Association meeting which will be held Wednesday evening, January 10, at the school, the guest speaker will be Mr. Haskell of the Better Business Bureau of Toronto. The topic willbe “Fashâ€" ions in Fraud," also a movie will be shown. A cordial welcome is extended to all in the district to attend. On New Year's day, Mr. and Mrs. J. Gribble and family visited with Mr. and Mrs, L. Hickman and later visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. Wicksey and family in Toronto. Sympathy of the district goes to Mrs. James Woodruf‘f of No. 7 Highway, Langstafl“, and to Mr_ and Mrs. Gordon Woodruï¬â€˜ of Bayview Avenue in the less of .a husband and brother who passed away early Sunday morning from injuries he received when he was struck down hear his home by a hit and run driver. $140.00 1931 “MODEL A" FORD TUDOR The Thornhill Library Board wishes to remind neighbours in Thornlea that the new library will be opened on Friday, January 5, in the MacNeil building. Discussion cleared up many ques- tions regarding school area. and school ï¬nancing under the area. Mr. L. Hutchison answered many of these questions in his report in which (he said that all of the trus- tees of the schools which were joining the area, made tours to each school and ï¬rst hand knowâ€" ledge of the works in other schools was acquired. Mr. Hutchison said ï¬hat much had been done in the way of improvements to classrooms inide and out by repair work and painting. Mr. C. N. Gage, in his report added ï¬re extinguishers had been installed and ï¬re drill was being carried out regularly, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard W. Wood of Johnson St. entertained Sun- day afternoon before Christmas in honour of Mrs, Wood’s aunt, Mrs. A. C. Jewell of Pasco, Washington. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mumford, Miss Mary Mumford, Mr. and Mrs. W. V, S. Mumford, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. L. Sarge and Mr. W. Roland Kent, all of Toronto. On New Year’s Day dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard W. Wood, were Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Kent and Miss Bar- bara Kent of Ajax, and Mr. W. Roland Kent of Toronto. The last annual meeting of S. S. No. 1 Markham ratepayers, prior to the school area. board tak- ing over, was held in Thornlea school, on Wednesday, December 27. 1950. Mr, Geo. Jackson was elected to the chair and Mrs. C. N. Gage as secretary. The minutes of the an- nual meeting of 1949 and two apec- ial meetings early in 1950 were read and adopted. 'Dhe treasurer‘s report showed a substantial balance with which to start the new year, Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs. George Jackson of Bayview on the arrival of another son Thursday at the General Hospital, Toronto. All-IIIIIIIIIIIIII RELIABLE USED CARS 'Are You Fat? The British Medical Journal says that a man 90 pounds ov- erweight is twice as likely to die in the next year as one of normal weight. Controlled diet under supervision of a physic- ian is the best way to reduce. Obesity â€"â€" the state of being overweight â€" is dangerous to health. However, improper dietâ€" ing to lose weight can be dan- gerous. So, if you want to re- duce consult a physician â€"â€" be- cause selfâ€"imposed diets often weaken the body without get- ting rid of much weight. CARL E. HILL, M.D., M.0.H. 1946 FORD '/z TON PICK-UP DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH TWP. OF NORTH YORK Mrs. J. Gribble Correspondent: Telephone Thornhill 36:31 Thornlea News $495.00 1930 DODGE SEDAN New motor recently $250.00 1935 FORD TUDOR $225.00 1936 FORD TUDOR $1,225.00 1947 CHEV. COACH $850.00 %tmu1111mmmummmmmmumnuummmuumnnmnmummmmmmmmunmmmmmmmmummmm‘é §Richmond Hill Cold Storage ' muil\luuuuminï¬uumuuu1lttwinkIlllmun“nmummulImum“111mm“umnmnmuxunmmmmummmmnmmmmwg Operation “Spruce Gum†was the term applied by Montreal Boy Scouts and leaders to a Christmas good turn. They helped the Mon- treal School for the Blind sell some 30,000 Christmas trees by acting 'Dhe executiVe committee is look- ing for the full suppprt of all mem- bers in the many activities planned for the coming year and would particularly appreciate the assist- ance of’members in reporting cases of illness of veterans, either at home or in hospital, to the Sick Committee, Please contact the chairman, Frank Titshall, May Avenue; J. D. Sanders, Richmond Hill or the branch secretary. More Doing Less â€" Better 15 Ottawa they have taken the Chief Scout seriously. Since Sep- tember, 1950, some 65 adults have voluntarily joined the movement as leaders, bringing the Ottawa Scout leadership total up to more than 250. Operation “Spruce Gum†AKER SALES & SERVICE The next regular meeting of the branch will be held on the Second Tuesday of January, the 9th. Time and place will appear in the Comâ€" ing Events column of The Liberal. The business part of the meeting will be brief and will be followed by an informal social. “Plan Adhievementâ€, a. personal challenge to each of Canada’s 115,- 000 Boy Scouts to make real pro- gress in Scouting in the next three years, was officially launched ac- ross Canada on January 2 by Jack- son Dodds, C.B.E. Deputy Chief for Canada. Challenges Boy Scouts Lord Rowallan Empire Chief Scout, stressing the need for in- creased support of the Boy Scout Movement, said: “We want more pegle doing less -â€" better.†THE LEGIONNAIRES Branch 375 Canadian Legion, B.E.S.L. Richmond Hill Markham Road Richmom JUST HALF A MILE FROM YONGE Telephone Richmond Hill 588 Proposed installation of a sewerage system has brought many enquiries from city residents. Now, if you are thinking of selling, is the time to list your property.. And, of course, the man to list it with to make sure of the best possible sale is 2 Yonge Street North WE CAN BEAT THEM FOR YOU “The highest food prices in history are likely to be seen in 1951†-â€" said an authority recently. But there’s a silver lining to the cloud. Modern methods â€" a little forethought â€" can help to beat them for you. Enquiries for houses and building lots in Richmond Hill and district have never been so heavy as they are today. It would be worth a few minutes of your time to drop down to our cold storage plant on Markham Road, Richmond Hill and let us show you how we can save you That’s worth saying, isn’t it? There are other sav- ings too. Isn’t it worth your while to investigate? See us or phone us. Phone 111 Richmond Hill DEMAND EXCEES SUPPLY USED CARS 1949 Hillman excellent condition 1949 HILLMAN $1,250.00 $1,350.00 1939 Ford $295.00 20% ON THE PRICE OF MEAT R. H. KANE Telephone Richmond Hill 411 Realtor District SCOUt and CUb NEWS Canada’s present 115,235 Boy Scout membership total constitutes a new record, Of this total New- foundland [has 678; P.E.I. 806; N. S. 6,289; N.B. 4,486; Que. 9,085; Ont. 53,249; Man, and N.W. Ont. 6,937; Sask. 5385; Alta. 7,470; B. C. 14,246; and La Federation des Scouts Catholiques de la Province de Quebec 6,604. as tree stackers, selectors and by making hot cocoa for the chilled workers at the tree saes stands. More “Scouts†Than Ever GRAPEFRUIT Size 96 MARSH SEEDLESS HELEN’S GROCETERIA 21 YONGE ST. N. RICHMOND HILL Phone Richmond Hill 8 WEEK - END EXTRA SPECIAL Phone Richmond Hill 86 OFFICE OR STORE SPACE FOR RENT APPLY J. PARISI Richmond Hill PER DUZEN Richmond Hill North of Stop Light, west side of Yonge Phone: Thornhill 162M ,.unmuuuumum“mmmmuuummuumunmmlmum“ummum“\ummmuummuumunnmuummuuuunmnu\l\mmmummmmumm uuununu- \\l\l\\\l\\\\ll\\lll|l\\\k 1,31llll1ll\\lm\\R\“l\llll“l\\1m1\\ll\\\l““Ml“Rll“|\\“\\\\l\l\\\l\\ll\\1\\\\\\\u“i“llll1l\\\\\\\l\l\“Rm“lRllIll““llllll1lkflmlilflllllluï¬lllllmnfllmm 0F DRESS-ES, SKIRTS, SLACKS, HOUSECOATS & CHILDREN’S WEAR TEN-TEST MASON ITE HARDWOOD F LOORIN G YDNGb-STANSWELI. LIMITED PHONE THURNHILI. LUMBER THORNHILL 17o THE JENNY SHOP, Thornhill WINDOW FRAMES ROUGH & DRESSED LUMBER TRIM SASH JANUARY CLEARING SALE FOR SPEEDY PICK-UP PHONE BANNER RENDERING & PACKING 00., LTD. Richmond Hill 47R4 Toronto LY. 6237 HORSES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7.00 each CATTLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5.00 each SMALL ANIMALS REMOVED FREE Maple FIREâ€"AUTOMOBILEâ€"HEALTH AND ACCIDENT BURGLARYâ€"PLATE GLASSâ€"COVERAGE -â€"â€" S E E -â€"-â€" ARTHUR J. WELLS Telephones - Richmond Hill 156 - Willowdale 682 Let The Street Fleet Coal - Coke - Wood -‘:s:1t1‘p,.>mom M1’6Lâ€"‘9â€".;B DE All Prices Drastically Reduced This is your chance to get 1947 values with your 1951 dollar Come in and look around Budget terms at no extra charge ARE YOUR INSURANCE NEEDS COVERED ? Notice to Farmers And when you think of lumber think of )Answell’s C. Street 8: Sons 'x+v+z Mil-9 “" 5 H PM WE'LL GLADLY HELP YOU ESTIMATE WHAT IT WILL crosg'r,’ Highest Prices Paid For Dead or Crippled Animals My Thirty Years Of Experience is AT YOUR SERVICE Eyesight Specialist WILL RE AT Clarke’s Pharmacy Wednesday, January 10 and the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month FROM 9.30 AM. TO 12 NOON EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED BROKEN LENSES REPLACED OPTICAL REPAIRS FOR For DOORS WE'LL GLADLY HELP YOU ESTIMATE. WHAT IT WILL cos-r, so MAKE A DATE! Deliver Your Heat Telephone Maple 99 PLY'WOUD