345 Old Orchard Grove, Toronto Proceeds will be used for renting the Aurora Arena on Saturday mornings for the beneï¬t of Oak Ridges boy hockey players. THERE’S A 18 WITH A CHALLENGE A local girl with the right qualiï¬cations and the right outlook can have it. It isn’t a “softy†job. It doesn’t pay any too much money to start with. Sometimes it entails a lot of overtime. It calls for hard work, application, shrewd- ness and, above all, the ability to “play ball†and meet and treat members of the public as human beings and friends . That’s the tough side. The other is up to the girl herself. If she wants to she can get a training in an interesting profession. What she can grow up to â€" what she can make â€" depends on the girl herself. Her letter of application will show to a certain ex- tent whether she has what it takes. It should be writ- ten to sparkling entertainment, listen to "The Voice of tin Anny"- Wednesday eveningsâ€" Dominion Network HELP THE YOUNGSTERS BOX 33, THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL A EUCHRE & CRIBBAGE For both large and small businesses Regular calls in Richmond Hill and Distirct For full information call GORDON KENNEDY Sponsored by Oak Ridges Lions Club To Be Held At Oak Ridges Public School At 8 pm. ON MONDAY, JANUARY 15 ACCOUNTING SERVICE ICIKNADIAN ARMY ACTIVE FORCE/guy By Attending Telephone REdfern 3E Victor H. Storey, of Toronto, has been appointed acting Bell Tele- phone manager at Newmarkeu and Will have supervision of the com- pany’s business office at Richmond Hill, it was announced this week. He succeeds C. E. Blosdale who has been named manager at Mark- ham. Bell Telephone Co. Announces District Manager Appointment In 'addition to Richmond Hill, Mr. Storey will have supervision or the company’s offices at Newmarket, Aurora, Beeton, Bradford, Roche’s Point, Sutton, Thornhill and Tott- enham. Mr. Storey has had more than 27 years’ experience in the tele- phone business. Born and educat- 1‘1,†ed in Toronto, he joined the com- pany there in November, 1923, as a clerk. During the succeeding years he gained a wide variety of experience in the commercial de- A food demonstration entitled “Let’s Cook It Rig .t†will be spon- sored by Edgeley Women’s Insti- tute at 1.30 p.m. on January 16, and at 10 am. and 1.30 p.m. on January 17. ' These demonstrations will be held in Edgeley Hall at Edgeley and all women of the community are cordially invited to attend the three sessio s, Edgeley W. I. Plans Cookery Instruction Miss Elaine Found, Home Econ- omist of the Women’s Institute Branch and Home Economics Ser- vice of the Ontario Department of Agriculture will conduct the meet- ings. “Sugar and Spice Ciub" met at the home of Mrs. L. Wainwright, Pem‘berton Road, on Thursday ev- en‘ing at 8,15. Ten members were present but sorry to say four ab- sentees. Winners of cards were as follows: lst Mrs. M. Fenwick, 2nd Miss M. Murphy; consolation, Mrs. ‘. Holmes. _Tl:1é girls all enjoyed CORRESPONDENT â€" MRS. M. BLACKBURN. Yongehurst Rd. Telephone Richmond Hill 137R13 NORTH RICHVALE NEWS partment in both sales and business oï¬ice work. In 1943 he was apâ€" pointed a. public office manager at Toronto, and in 1948 he became as- sistant to the Central Ontar a DS- trict Manager, the position he leaves to become manag- Mr. Blosdale is well known to residents of Newer ' 2 for he was manager at Newmarket from February, 1943, untxl May, 1948, as well as for the past sever- al months, and has resided in New- market for many years. A native of Delaware, Ontario, he joined the company as a salesman at Guelph in 1926, and before his Newmark- et appointment in 1943, he served in staff positions in Windsor, Kit- chener and London. He was em- ployed in the company’s general offices in Toronto from May, 1948, to June, 1950, when he returned to Newmarket as manager. Modern methods of cooking fam- ily meals will be the theme 01' the demonstrations. Wrong methods of cooking are extravagant and often destroy the health value 0f foods. Much has been learned about this phase of cookery in re- cent years. The demonstrations will include modern ways of preparing many types of foods such as meat, ï¬sh, vegetables, soups, salads, salad dressings, sauces, flotfr mixtures and desserts. A booklet; with many tested recipes will be given to each person attending the demonstra- tion. the refreshments served by Mrs. R. Cartier. Sorry to hear Mr. J. Robertson is in the Western hos-pita] with rheumatic fever. ‘Oak Ridges,L.Wi|cox Ratepayers Discuss iProtection Methods We are pleased to know Mm. W, Costoï¬â€˜ of Yonge Street is feeling better the last few days. The baby is progressing nicely. Canadian Legion W.A. anch 375, are holding a meeting at the home of Mrs. S. . .rbon, May Ave., on January 15, at 8 p,m. Children attending Richvale ser- vices, be at the corner of Yonge- burst at 2.45 Sunday afternoon. Bus will take the dhildren to Sun day school returning at 4.15. 011. A aper collection is to be under- takt by the Scouts, Cubs, Guides and Brownies. February 10 is the date set for collection and will cov- er district from May Ave. to Rouse- velt Drive east and west of Yonge Street. Compliments to those respon- sible for the success of the com- munity Christmas tree party and a reference to the good reception given to the deputation which re- cently saw Hon. George Doucett, Minister of Highways, regarding the protection of the Oak Ridges school crossing, were made by President E. L. McCarron at the recent meeting 0 the Oak Ridges- Lake Wilcox Ratepayers Associa- tion. Much of the time of the meeting was taken up with a further dis- cussion on ï¬re protection in the area, with pictures of available equipment of a new character be- ing shown to those present. British carpet exports in 1950 method for producing blood plasma from seaweed. Named Laminarin, one ton is produced from about 100 tone. of seaweed. PRODUCING BLOOD PLASMA Like Some “Pin Money†Because of the rapid growth of its district The ‘Liberal is always on the look-out for bright, alert friendly correspondents who can cover the local news of their immediate area. TLe “Thing†will be coming out 1 Friday. Here’s a chance for some of the ladies, who like the friendly, human contacts to render a service to their community and at the same time to make some “pin money.†If you’re interested write ‘â€" do not telephone, please. â€" to The Editor, The Lib- eral, Box 300 Richmond Hill. There are several op- portunities at the present moment. See if your dis- trict is included 'among them. Arrival of the Richmond Hill ï¬re brigade and opening of the build- ing disclosed that the smoke was caused by three salamanders â€" large metal barrels containing wood and briquettes â€" which had been left by workmen to dry out the building and keep it warm for the men engaged in its reconstruc- tion. Smoke From Driers Leads To Belief Church On Fire Heavy smoke pouring from the tower, doors and Win- dows of Thornhill’s historic Trinity Church just beore 5 p.m. 1ast Monday at ï¬rst indicated that it was badly on ï¬re. False Alarm Presumably banked down for the night, the fuel had flared up and caused dense clouds of smoke to ï¬ll the building. When ï¬remen ar- rived sparks were also flying from the salamanders. So heavy was the smoke that clouds were still rolling from the chUrch'an hour after its doors and windows were opened, No heavy material dam- age was caused as walls were still in a state of construction. Grave dissatisfaction was ex- pressed by Wilfred R. Dean, recent- ]y re-elected as one of the village’s board of trustees and likely chair- man for 1951, over inability to make use of the protection presum- ed to .be afforded by Thornhill’s new swimming pool, opened last June after a. major campaign stag- ed by tihe Thornhill Lions Club. It The T.T.C. report on the opera- tion of the North Yonge bus lines for the ï¬rst eleven months of 1950 showed an operating proï¬t of $30,- 744.26 compared with an operating proï¬t of $42,109.16 for same per- iod in 1949. Passenger revenue for the eleven month period show- ed an increase over the previous year of $26,839.80 or 11 per cent. but due to increased costs and an increase in the bus mileage, the Bus Line Profits Down Again As Increased Costs Recorded Cleaners and Dyers Two Lomtions 78 YONGE STREET SOUT RICHMOND HILL BOND AVENUE ‘ OAK RIDGES For prompt pick-up and delivery anywhere in the district TWO PART-TIME ASSESSORS to assess property and business in the Township of Vaughan in a manner similar to that during the past years. PHONE RICHMOND HILL 625 Phone â€" evenings â€" King 94R34 For Your Cleaning Needs Be Sure and Try Reids THREE DAY SERVICE w A N 'I' E D ASSESSORS for the TOWNSHIP of VAUGHAN 0R ONE FULL-TIME ASSESSOR to assess property and business in the Township of Vaughan in a manner. similar to that during the past years. Written applications to be made to the Township Clerk, Municipal offices, Maple, on or before January 15, 1951, stating qualiï¬cations and salary expected. J. M. McDONALD, Township Clerk “We regret very mudh that people in the neighbourhood were disturbed by the threat of me,†Said Rev. S, A. R. Wood, rector of the church, following the alarm. took twenty-ï¬ve minutes to ï¬nd someone who could operate the pumps which make the reserve supply of water in the pool avail- able for ï¬re protection, he said. He explained that the salaman- ders had been in use for a month and that heavy smoke had been created on a previous occasion. “As a matter of fact,†he sajd, “with this system there has been smoke in the church quite a good deal.†Emphasizing that the contain- ers were covered and that there was no danger of ï¬re, he stated that Quebec heaters were being in- stalled instead to prevent further alarms. “The salamanders are not ligth- ed until workmen are ready to leave for the evening,†he added, “and perhaps because of the leng- thening days the presence of smoke, formerly unseen on dark evenings, has become more ob- vious." proï¬ts show crease. The statement shows an oyera- ting proï¬t of $2,955.21 for the monbh of November compared to a. proï¬t of $5,284.94 for November 1949; Passenger revenue for No- vember was $24,908.52 compared with $23,552.82 in November 1949, an increase of 5.76 per cent. Oper- ating expenses for November snow an increase of approximately $3,- 680 over November 1949, a considerable de- THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thurs., January 11, 1951 a \\\| \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\u\‘ \\n\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ ‘ \\| WWfl/ W WWW CANADIAN SPORTS PARADE 2 1 who deserves the title of “Greatest of the Half-Century" in various sports. You may recall that this came about at the request of Canadian Press, who invited all and sundry to name the Dominion’s outstanding performer in lacrosse, basketball, hockey, etc. etc. For the greatest hockey player we sug- gest Edward ‘Eddie' Shore of Qu'Appelle. Saskatchewan. who was born just two years after the turn of the present century. Generally accepted as the greatest defence- man in the game. Eddie Shore an very well be considered as the greatest hockey playerâ€"periodl Never a gentle- man to the point of losing the puck or a goal. Shore nevertheless brought a tremendous amount of colour and talent to the game. 1a! o‘dï¬u' HERE'S been a lot of ink spilled on sports pages recently about who deserves the title of “Greatest of the Half-Century" in various Despite any Ofï¬cial verdictâ€"and the fact that a flat-footed choice can cause a lot of argumentsâ€"this comeg' has a deï¬nite urge to nomina ~te three of its favourites for the mythlcal awarda, As a player. Eddie Shore built his hockey career the 'hard way'. follow- ing the ice game through the Melville Millionaires in 1923, through Regina and Edmonton and ï¬nally to the Boston Bruins. Where he literally ‘sold' the game to the casual Bos- tonians. And incidentally the Boston management seem to need someone to do the job over again in 1951. but that is another story. In his ï¬rst year with Boston. the dynamic Shore pulled the Bruins up by their bootstraps. from a cellar position in the N .H.L. of the two previous yearsâ€"to second place in the American section of the league in 1926. He is the only player to ever win the Hart Trophey four times. and is now. of course. elected to hockey's Kingston Hall of Fame. Eddie Shore did nothing “for fun". he asked for and got his price. That he was always worth the money he commanded no employer ever dues- tioned. for Shore played hockey like a frantic machineâ€"at top speed and eflort. g“ WWW/z WWW/4 \‘ The Board of Trustees of Township School 'Area No. 1, Markham and Vaughan, invites application for the position of secretary to the Board. QUALIFICATIONS Shorthand and typing ability essential. Some kpnwledge of book-keeping desirable. Use of car is also desirabla The position is on a part-time basis. Preference will be given, all other things being equal, to a resident of the school area. Applications should be submitted by Saturday, Jan- uary 20, 1951, to Box 32, The Liberal, Richmond Hill. Specially prepared by a prominenf Canadian :porfs aulhon‘fy for The Hockey Award Female Secretary Wanted The Rugby Crown Farm machines kept in this CONCRETE BLOCK shed, sheltered {mm the weather and easily repairable under cover, last much' longer, require less maintenance. It's quickly built in the size WWeL .. Phone Stout‘fville 381W1 for complete details. We deliver. IMPLEMENT SHED GORMLEY, ONT. Tel. Stouï¬ville 381W] GORMLEY BLOCK 00. For the greatest football playerâ€"we nominate Dave Sprague of the Tigers and Ottawaâ€"for his long-playing excellence and powerful contribu- tion to the game. MEETS'ALL A. 3.1. MfWSPECIFICATIONs ALL SIZES 0F CONCRETE BLOCKS, SAND AND GRAVEL Admittedly. other player! have proved as strong. as courageous and sometimes almost as roughâ€"but few of them all of these things. for so Very long a time. We think of Brian Timmis. Ted Reeve. Joe Wright Senior, Lionel Conacher. Orm Beach. Royal Copeland and before all of themâ€"Smirle Lawson. We think of linemen and backï¬elders, runners and kickers and smashersâ€"and we still come up with Big Dave Sprague, with his sixteen touchdowns while 15 years of age at Delta Collegiate in Hamilton â€"to his last Eastern Canadian Championship with the Rough Rider. in 1940 a: thirty year: of age! Dave Sprague was ï¬rst, Ian and always a rugged football player. and his driving, knee-high, plunging sprint could be counted on for sixty-minutes of every game he played. Asking no quarter, he was offered none and his scars are well and honorably won. As for the greatest oarsmanâ€"we nomin- ate Joe Wright. Senior. Following in the great tradition of Ned . V V >_ I Hanlan, ‘Big Joe' can tied Canada’s colourl "’â€" proudly skimming along the waters of the world and increased the Dominica's sporting prestige. During his 23 years In a towing craft. Joe Wright. Senior won 130 championship races here. there and everywhere. He won 12 United States championships; he was the first Canadian to win a heat in the famous Diamond Sculls and the first Canadian to win the coveted Bedford Cup. Although the Diamond Sculls eluded the big man throughout his own career. he coached his son Joe." Junior to many championships and On July 7th 1928. he realized his last ambition in rowingâ€"when the name ‘Joe Wright' was inscribed on the Diamond Sculls. So itsâ€"Shore and Spraqu and Wright. Your nominationl pleasel and farm 'shop! The Rowing Laurels n \V 356