g1|lmm“!mummimmmml\11“p\lmmmmmnmunml\ummmummmnlmlmumnmuumu“n\In\‘iuuuuumnunuummunnuiï¬ â€™HONE 10 E For Wedding pictures â€"- for birthdays â€"- for the many anniversaries which de- serve recording â€"â€" for the» artistry which 'makes all the difference between an or- dinary photograph and a portrait â€"- visit GET READY NOW m NEXT YEAR’S CHICKS mmmmnnmmummmmn\n\ll1\1n\qu\umuuumummuumuum1\l\u\nmmuu\l\x\um\uuuuumulmumunuummluuuuuum 1 Our service to you combineq expert a_dvice on your Insurance problems with a complete englneering service. Distrlct Representatlve Your 51......» vv ï¬lMENSO-NTSAUNDERS, SMITH & GARFAT LIMITED 12 Wellington St. E., Toronto, Ont. Phone AD. 0467 13 Elizébéth St., Richmond Hill, gin now to prepare for the hatching season. ‘ t more eg 3, increased hatchability, greater livability in aby chicks with FUL-O-PEP INSURANCE Edmund Soame Telephone REdfem 1911 for an appointment The polar bear is the largest in Canada. An adult polar bear increases his weight 800 times from the time of birth. The polar bear may attain a weight of over, 1600 pounds. But at birth, the tiny young weigh only two pounds. His diet consists mostly of seals, but is sup- plemented .with ï¬sh. This series of advertisements has been designed to intro- duce you to some of nature's unusual features . . . and to promote interest in the conservation of our wildlife. Which is Canada’s largest bear? BREEDER MASH! I. D. RAMER & SON Announcing A New Master Dairy Feed MASTER TEST COW RATIUN THIS IS A COMPLETE FEED OF VERY HIGH QUALITY FOR USE IN THE FEED. PORTRAITS HERBERT R. BUTT TORONTO YOURS TO PROTECT YOURS W0 ENJOY CARLING’S IHE GAMING BREWERIES lIMITED “ THE STUDIO" 1720 Avenue Road OI†rlner WITEIlOO. ONTARIO Ont. ' Telephone 25R is our business RICHMOND HILL 2â€"H UNITLU t Rev. C. B. Bre‘her SUNDAY, JAer} 11 am. â€" l Rev. W Sunday 9.45 a,m. â€"â€". Sunday scnom 11 am. â€"- Morning Prayer 7.3-0 p.m. â€"â€" Evening Prayer Please note change of time for Sunday School and Evening Ser- Vlce‘ RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. S. W. Hirtle. B A.. Minister SUNDAY, JANUARY 14, 1951 10 am. â€" The Sabbath School 11 am. â€" Public worship. Mr. W. J. Graham, B.A., SUNDAY, JANUARY 14, 1951 Hope Sunday School . . . . . . . . .. 10 a.m. Pu'blic Worship . . . . . . . . . . 11 a.m. Edgeley Sunday School .. . . . . . .‘ 1.30 p.m. Public Worship . ... . . 2.30 p.m. Maple Sunday School . . . . . . . . 10.30 a.m. Public Worship '. . . . . . . . . . 7 p.m. THORNHILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. S. W. Hirtle, B.A., Minister SUNDAY, JANUARY 14, 1951 OARRVILLE, UNITED CHURCH Rev. E. E. Kent, I Minister Sunday Service . . . . . . 2.30 pm Sunday School , , . .. . . 10 a.m THORNHILL UNITED CHURCH Rev. E. E. Kent, Th. D., Minister SUNDAY, JANUARY 14, 1951 11 am. â€" Holy Communion and Reception of Members Nursery Dept. (2 and 3) Sunday School Classes 7.30 10.711. â€" “Child of Bethlehem", 8. religious sound ï¬lm. A ser- vice for the family to enjoy.' Sunday School Worship . . . . . . Sunday School House Tune in CKEY (580) at 9.15 a.m. \ Sunday Hebrews 10:25: “Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is.†Meeting in Concord School House Each Lord’s Day at 11 a.m. Gospel meSSage and Communion Service 3 .P.M. . SUNDAY SCHOOL Calling all boys-and girls to be- gin attending regularly at Sunday School. Points are being given for faithful attendance in 1951. “Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth,†Eccl, 12:1 7 PM. GOSPEL SERVIC‘E Speaker: Mr. George Selkirk Message: “Are these the Last Days tlhat we are living in? '3 ?†“This know also that in the last days perilous times shall come.†. V II Tim. A Hearty Welcome extended to all WWO LANGSTAFF BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor, Rev. A. R. Jones Services Sunday, 11 am. â€"- Bible School classes for all ages 7p.m. â€" Gospel Service. Wed., 8 pm. â€" Prayer Meeting- Thurs., 2 p.m. â€" Women's Mis- 45 a.m ThurS., é p.m. â€" Women's Mis- sionary Meeting. Fri, 8 pm. â€"- Young 1 eoples Soc MAPLE CHURCH NOTICES Rev. P. J. Lambert, B.A., B.D., minister . “The earth is but one country and mankind its citizens.†â€" Baha’u’llah For information & literature Langstaff Thornhi11214r24 Illillfluflhnhgfllil 30 a.m :10 pm. BAHA’I WORLD FAITH ST. a.m Knox College, 0 Come, Let Us Worship BRETHREN IN CHRIST CHURCH. VAUGHAN EVAN GELICAL SERVICES E. J. HIN SON CHURCH OF CHRIST COLIN RENTON GARDEN AVENUE Elm Grove . â€"â€"/Public worship The Minister. .m. â€" The Primary School um. -â€" Ur. Glen’s Bible Ulass Come and Worship. RICHMOND HILL MARY’S ANGLlCAa CHURCH F. Wrixon. L. Th.. Rectqr January 14. Held in MASONIC HALL RICHMOND HILL Interior & Exterior Decorator 1 Sunday School Morning Prayer â€" Evening Prayer Morning [Worship The Lord. King 17R4 ï¬lk’ [111L115 . . . . . . . . . . 11 am. at Concord School at 10 am. _“C6ME â€" - â€"- ISAIAH LIB _ MATT. “.25 h.A., Minister RY 14, 1951 School for all me Epiphany 2. midges Mrs. O’Connor of Syracuse, N. Y. is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Savage, Yonge Street. Mrs. Savage fell recently on the stairs and sprained her ankle, and al- though on crutches now, is pro- gressing favora'bly. There was a large attendance of members at the annual meeting of the York County Holstein club held here in the Masonic Hall on Thursday. Guest speaker was Dr. H. L. Patterson, Director of the Farm Economics Branch of the Ontario Department of Agrlcul- ture. At the inaugural meeting or the Separate Sdhool Board held on Monday, January 8, the officers el-‘ ected for the coming year Were: Clive Bettles, chairman; 'Dheo Van, Wieringen, treasurer; Mrs. E. L. McCullough, secretary. The ï¬nan- cial statement was read and the board approved the suggestion that a copy of this report be sent to every Separate School Ratepayer in the school area. . Rev. Mr. Wrixon announced that commencing next Sunday and until further notice, the evening s(a.v1ce will be held one half hour later ~â€" 7.30 pm, He said that he had been thinking of the mothers who had to put the children to bed and the fathers who had the dishes to wash, and was anxious to help them to get to church. Several parents had spoken to him of the help the extra half hour would be to them and promised to come. Moving pictures of beautiful 0n- tario and Quebec were shown by Mr. R. Cross to members of the Presbyterian Evening Auxiliary held last Thursday evening. I‘he following officers were elected for 1951: President, Miss Mary Daw- son; vice-president, Mrs. Harry Bourne; secretary, Miss Margaret Ireland; treasurer, Miss Mable Mackey; bale convenor, Mrs. H. Rigby; card convenor, Mrs, R. Ross. A committee headed by Mrs. Bourne was named to pro- vide the congregational supper on January 15. Mr. and Mrs, Charles Greenley of Edgeley announce the engage- ment of their daughter Muriel Joan to Arthur Bradley Chapman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Chapman, Richmond Hill Social and Personal Pine Grove, the marriage to take place Saturday, January 13, 1951. c1w28 NESS, Harvey P. -â€" Suddenly on Thursday, January 4, 1951, Har- vey Ness, lot 26, con. 3, King Twp., beloved husband of Min- netta Hilts and dear father of Mrs. John Baker (Helen) Maple, Ont., in his 60th year, Funeral held on Saturday, January 6. In- ‘terment Thornhill cemetery. DOHERTY ~â€" In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Hugh K. Doherty who passed away January 13, 1948. As it dawns another year Thoughts of you are ever near. â€"§ad]y miésed by wife Ann and children Keith, Lois, Leorge, Beu- lah. c1w28 ROBINSON â€" In loving memory of a loving husband and father, Charles Robinson, who passed away suddenly on January 7, 1945. Sometimes it’s hard to understand Why some things have to be, But in His wisdom, God has plan- ned Beyond our powers to see. God gave me stength to ï¬ght it, And courage to bear the blow, For what it meant to part with him No one will ever know. â€"â€" Ever remembered by his Wife and two sons, Victor and Henry. c1w28 CARD 0F THANKS We sincerely wish to thank all our friends and neighbours who expressed their sympathy at the time of our sad bereavement. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas‘Carter *1w28 and family Mrs. Harvey Ness and family wish to express their sincere thanks to friends and neighbours for their many acts of kindness and words of sympathy during their recent bereavement in the loss of a 10v- ing husband and father. c1w28 CARD OF THANKS CARD 0F THANKS Mrs. Frank Scott Hogg, Sally, David and James wish to express their deep appreciation of the many acts of kindness by their Richmond Hill friends during their recent bereavement. clw28 BROWNIE NOTES The Richmond Hill Brownies will meet on Tuesday, January 16. All girls between the ages of 8 ad 10% are welcome. IN MEMORIAMS Telephone Richmond Hill 9 ENGAGEMENT Girl Guide Notes DEATH c1w28 Carrville United Church will read a. very appropriate reading hold Holy Communion on Sunday, “Greeting the New Year," and January 14, at 2.30 pm. Any de-‘ Mrs. Wm. Ferguson gave a paper siring‘ to unite with us kindly com on “The ever rolling stream.†Miss tact the minister prior to thiszMary Read favored us with u pi- date. Iano solo entitled “Star of the Sea.†The Women’s Association met on Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. Adam Reads. There were eleven present, Miss Shep- pard presided. Following the op- ening exercises Miss Sheppard should be in Richvale on Friday morning. Look out for it. It may be the very thing you’ve been wanting. ' Auxiliary Meets A post-Christmas social eVening was enjoyed at the home of Mrs. A. Baskerville on Thursday even- ing when the Ladies’ Auxiliary of the lst Richvale Troop met to hold their postponed December meeting. The regular meetings, held on the third Thursday of each month, will be resumed on January 25, at 8.30 pm. There will be a. waste paper drive in the district on Saturday, Feb- ruary 1-0, and everyone is asked to please tie up bundles of clean, un- wanted newspapers for the Boy Scouts, Girl Guides, Brownies and Cubs who will be around to call for them on that date. Mrs. McKenzie and Miss L. Mc- Kenzie of Toronto were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Wilson on New Year’s Day. Little Miss Loralie McDennott is getting along nicely after having her tonsils removed in Newmarket last week. Mr. and Mrs, C. G. Baker left for a three-day trip to Windsor this week. Mrs. J. H. Smith from Woodville has come to pay an extended visit at the home of Iher son, Rev. Neil Smith and family, Oak Avenue. Baby Maureen Carol Mercer was born December 22, to Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Mercer, the former Jean Reid of Richvale and congratula- tions are extended to the proud parents. The new executive for the Vau- ghan Women Wot-kers elected at gnu“ vv umcu u u; nm 3 ‘ , . a e t e . . a . their annual meeting on Tuesdayl The Strand in London will bloom is: President, Mrs. E. Petting; with red and yellow plastic flowers vice-president, Mrs. Stan Woods;'during the Festival of Britain. secretary, Mrs. Walter LeCa‘ir; and They will be larger than life, but treasurer, Mrs. George Franks. [they will look like real flowers, GUIDE NOTES: The “THING†Corresponden}: Mrs. J. J. Taylor Tel. Richmond Hill 367R22 PERK UP YOUR WINTER HAIR-DO WITH A PROFESSIONAL RAZOR-CUT HAIR STYLE OR PERM BY CALLING J ENNY’S HAIRBRESSING JUDY GARLAND EDDIE BRACKEN MON., TUESJ WED., _ JANUARY 15, 16, 17 LANA TURNER RAY MILLAND DORIS DAY EVE ARDEN COMIN'G THURS, FRI., SAT. â€" JANUARY 18, 19, 20 RICHVALE Phone: Thornhill 162-M Open Tuesday and Friday evening Closed all day Monday “A LIFE OF HER OWN†Adult Entertainment Plus all-star cast (ARRVILLE NEWS Conn: Mrs Bert Middleton “TEA FOR TWO†Telephone Maple 1301-3 Matinee Saturday 2 pm. Color by Technicolor â€"â€" Starring â€" Color by Technicolor â€" Stirring â€" The W.A. decided to raise money again this year by the cent 2. day plan. A report was given by the corresponding secretary as to the Christmas treats sent and cards. The meeting was brought to a close followed with refreshments served by Mrs. A, Read the nost- ess and Mary Read, assisted by Mrs. W. Wynn and Miss E. Shep« pard. The February meeting will be an afternoon meeting at the home of Mrs. Bert Middleton and will be in tea. ‘ He worked in the mines in Nor- lthern Ontario until joining the army, in which he was stationed at Petawawa, After his discharge he worked in Northern Ontario as a rigger wiflh Hydro. I Returning to Richmond Hill to .live with his parents he worked in Willowdale for some time, lately being engaged as a steepleâ€"jack. The congregational annual meet- ing is to be held in Can-ville Un- ited Church on Friday evening, January 19, at 8 pm. The min- ister would like all reports in his hands by Sunday, January 14. That is Sunday School, W.A., and Fellowship Group. Sincere sympathy is expressed to Mrs. John A. Baker and her mother, Mrs. Harvie Ness of Snowball in the recent death of a dear hus‘bad and father in the per- son of Mr. Harvie Ness. Home and School Association will meet in the school on Thurs- day, January 11, at 8 pm. I‘he guest speaker is Mrs. Gibson. school nurse. She will speak on the “Health Unit" at Maple and ivtwis éiï¬Ã©â€™c’ted Mr, DeWhit will be there with appropriate ï¬lm. Bar- ents and friends are asked to be present. Gilbert Carter Killed by a fall from a. scaï¬â€˜old in Toronto last week Gilbert Car- ter. son of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Carter of Hunt‘s Lane, would nave 'been 32 years old next April. He was born in Huntsville in 1919 and attended Public School there until going to Porquis Jun- ction with his parents in 1933. VH; is UsuEVived by his mother, father and two brothers. LET’S ALL G0 DOWN THE STRAND GENE KELLY GLORIA DeHAVEN the form of a Valentine GORDON MacRAE S. Z. SAKALL THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thurs., January 11. 1951 STUART PAXTON WIRING LINE WORK Phone Richmond Hill 359r11 LOAM FILL GRADING PHONE THORNHILL 141J MR. STEWART 20 Elmwood Ave., Willowflale nmuunmum\\11l1mummmummmu\uuuummummmumnu“mun Richmond Hill Telephone 242 mmumumnum1m1mmmmummuunmunnunnlmnnuummmmn uumuunuummumumuumumuuml1111lllxxumumnuummmmu Phone Richmond Hill 414M We solve your deep and shallow well pressure system troubles. Phones King 111 Aurora 46.1 lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll AUSTIN SALES & SERVICE Repair shop open until 10 p.m- for service and repairs on all makes of cars. A. ROLLINSUN JAMES J. WALL Authorized ‘Dealer for Richmond Hill and District NORTH END EXCAVATORS Painting Paperhanging First Class Work Reasonable Rates OAK RIDGES, ONT. Plumbing & Heating Contractor Agent for DELCO PUMPS AND Arcoflame Oil Burner Cement Septic Tanks Electrician YEREX ELECTRIC AND TELEVISION WE HAVE THE RECORDS YOU WANT H A R V E 3' B R O W N GENERAL CONTRACTOR TELEPHONE: WILLOWDALE 2507 CEMENT WDRK - B-OCK WORK BASEMENT F_OORS - FOOTINGS P-ASTERING GRAVEL SAND DOMESTIC OR JEWEL MORLEY’S SPECIALS Shortening It» 33c TOP OF THE MORNING Coffee HEINZ Tomato Ketchup MONARCH Pastry Flour ESE 47c??? $1.53 HABITANT Pea Soup HEINZ INFANT & Junior Foods GRAPEFRUIT Juice 2 i212" 25c FLORIDA Juice Oranges WASHED AND GRADED Carrots 3 "5% 19¢: N0. 1 GRADE Cooking Onions 5 ms» 19c Iceberg Lettuce FIRM CRISP 216 KINGSDALE AVE WILLOWDALE JANUARY 11, 12, 13 Size 220’s SI DEWAL.<S 13 oz. BtL OCK WORK 28 oz. Tins 5 oz Tins Large Heads Freshly Ground 91c 25c 29c 27c 29c 39c