Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 18 Jan 1951, p. 9

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For letting people know about Your euchre or bridge try the "gaming Events” column of The Elberal. Telephone Richmond Hill Funeral Chapel 4812 Yonge St. Willmvdale 8744 (At Sheppard Ave.) Lansing THORNHILL' and UNI'O'NVILLE Counties of York and Ontario Farm Stock, Implements, House hold Furniture, Real Esi'ate Sales 8. specialty At Fair and Reasonable Rates "Dual service for the price of one. Milliken P.O., ph. Agincourt 52w3 Markham P.0., ph. Markham 346 No sale too big or too small Prentice AUCTIONEERS Licensed and Authorized, for Athe ;:~.;_Elocution, Public Speaking 'rmutform Department, Dramatic ‘ Axt 26 Years Experience York County, Uxbridge and ' Pickering Townships' Ftrm Stock and Furniture Sales ' a Specialty Telephone Stoufiville 67312 Address: Gormley P.O. We have them on 'hand in our @hornhill, Ont. Wino, OREâ€"iii :{Hd THEORY 'Far infarmation phone Mrs.'Mylks "Richmond Hill 58J 108 Yonge St. firm the .Toronto Conservatory of WMusic w111 accept a. number of ' 41311911} in Barrister, Sdlicitor, Notary Public :{Richmond Hill 398J 36 Centre W Lang, Michener, Day & Cranston 50 King St. W., Toronto Waverley 2931 fiartister, Solicitor, Nota'ry Public ‘ Mortgage Loans Arranged Office .Hours_â€"_â€" Dajly 19 71:9 5 p.81. Barristers, Solicitors, etc. John F. Walsh Fergus P. Walsh Toronto Office, 912 Federal Bldg., 85 Richmond Street West Richmond Hill, Thursday afternoon Maple, Thursday afternoon Money To Loan At Current Rates Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public ‘93 Yonge Street Richmond Hill {Every Thursday afternoon ":‘Phone 87 -â€" Richmond Hill Wonto Office â€" 18 Toronto St. Phone Adelaide 5877 3 Dr. W. J. Mason - DENTIST 55A YONGE ST. SOUTH Phone '70 Richmond Hill Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries N. Mathews, K.C. K. Stiver, B.A. p. E. Lyons, B.A. Joseph Vale NEWMARKET OFFICES 100 Main St. 6 Botsford St. Phone 126 Phone '20 How’s Your Supply Of Counter Check Books? FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE Enenings: Thursda'y, 8-10 pm. Other evenings by appointment. 40 Yonge, Richmond Hill 229W J. Rabinowitch, BA: The Robert 8. Kane Richmond Hill, Telephone 15 Branch Officu at Wright & Taylor Rates for insertion in this section are available at The Liberal olfice â€" phone Richmond Hill 9. Marguerite Boyle Stuart P. Parker FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE ST‘RV’ICE Mchaughton & M acN aughton PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY Mathews, Stiver, Lyons & Vale . Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Cameron MacNaughton, K. C. Alex M. MacNaughton McKinnon Building Melinda St. Toronto, Ont. " The Liberal Adelmo M elecci Ken & Clarke “HOMEWOOD HALL" JOB PR1- ITING DEPARTMENT T. C. Newman A S. Farmer AUCTIONEERS Villiam Cook and Walsh LEGAL MUSICAL DENTAL Phone 89w Life, Fire, Automobile, Liability. Hail, Accident and Sickness Farm Insurance 9. Specialty King City Telephone 28. REAL ESTATE Farms, Suburban Properties, etc. INSURANCE Fire, Automobile, etc. Telephone 411 Richmond Hill Telephone 360W Hours 10-12 am. Weekdays oniy 40 Yonge Richmond Hill Plate Glass, Hospitalization Phone 82 General Insurance MAPLE Centre St. E. Richmond Hi1 Hours: 9-11 am. and by appoint ment Telephones: Ofi‘ice 24 Residence 513, Rich-10nd Hill SECORD ANIMAL CLINIC Dr. Cameron Cowan BY APPOINTMENT 106 Yonge St. N.. Richmond Hill Telephone 100 Dr. Jas. R. Langstafi Roy V. Bick Life, Fire, Automobile, etc. INSURANCE 26 Adelalde St. w. Toronto AD. 0311 J. Roy Herrington NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCER GENERAL INSURANCE (Fire, Automobile, Etc.) 41 Yonge Street South Richmo'nd Hill Office hours 2-4 p.m. daily Tuesday & Thursday evenings: 6-8 p.m. Other hours by appointment Telephone: Richmond Hill 306 Jack Walkington GENERAL INSURANCE Life, Fire, Automobile, JAMES F. SWEEN‘Y BROKER 45 Yonge Si. N. ‘ Phone 170 H. Clhrke Smith, Thornhill Dr. J. T. Sheppard W. SCHURMAN 25 Grandview Ave, Thornhill Phone Thornhill 388R5 Elgin Mills Side Road West Dr. Cicely Wilson Office Hours 12 to 2 pm. and 6 to 8 p.m by appointment Dr. Wm. D. Howe Dr. R. A. Bigford VETERINARY SURGEON VETERINARY SURGEON Dr. JO P. Wilson Richmond Hill, Ont. '. W. Allan Ripley Telephone Maple 49R2' REAL ESTATE Or by appointment R‘ HwKane INSURANCE VETERINARY Telephone 87 Phone 407.1 Richmond Street Branch Ofiice Phone 236W MEDICAL ‘At Dufl’erin â€"ANDâ€" Centre” Street Richmond Hill Maple, Ont. PHONE 3 we have available a quantity of clean newsprint, in 94 pound bun- dles, consisting of one thousand sheets each, size 29% by 43 in- ches. It would make excellent covering for banquet tables, etc. While it lasts the price is $3.76 per bundle. Telephone the Liberal ofi’ice, Richmond Hill 9. FUR THAT CHURCH SUPPER Pick-up and Delivery For All Occasions Phone orders delizacd anywhere in North Yonga St. District 2518 YONGE ST. (at St. Clements) Telephone MAfair :245-6 Helen Simpson Lynett, J.F. Lynett W. J. SMITH & SON Phone 372r5 Richmond Hill A. G. Savage INSURANCE AGENT Richmond Hill Telephone 118 Painting Interior and Exterior Paper Hanging Phone Richmond Hill 343r6 213 Oak Ave., Richvale With the increase of fire hazards property owners should review their insurance policies, and due 1: the increased cost of materials would be well advised to increase the amounts of insurance. Also car owners who think it will never happen to them re caught som time or other without protection. The cost is a minor amount to what it will cost if an accident happens. Expert Designing Phone Richmond Hill 399M Oil Burners, Space Heaters Installed, Serviced W. J. Aldridge SANITARY CONTRACTORS Septic Tanks, Disposal Plants, Slaughter Houses Pumped Out and Repaired If it’s sanitary work we do it. Out of town Jay or night emergency service Phone Willowdale Zone 8288 Maple 721-23 SCHOOL DAYS Leave Maple 8.10 am. Leave Richmond Hill 9.10 am. Leave Maple 3.00 pm. Leave Richmond Hill 4.30 p.m. Yerex Electric RICHMOND HILL INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS Storage, Cleaning SAND and GRAVEL Crushed Stone Loam and Fill ADAM REITER For appointment Phone GENERAL BUSINESS FURS Coaches For All Occasions Langdon’s Coach Lines Ltd. Radio Repairs D. GIFFEN INSURANCE Cont. E. CHARITY Thornhill 345 ORDER HELEN SIMPSON FLOWERS Telephone King 56 Phone 242J Consult The training school for nurses was established in 1886.‘ Nurses’ residence was opened in'1905, the most modern of its time. There are now graduate nurses in many countries holding responsible pos- itions. Pablum food for infants was the result of research work carried. on by doctors at the hos- pital. The first children’s hospital was opened in 1875 in a twenty-fivé dollar a month ten-roomed house. It was cold that winter and a stove was needed, so the women knelt in prayer during their meet- ing, and they received money which helped them obtain a stove. Some of the things taken from children’s stomachs and lungs at the ‘hospital are: nail files, schew drivers, a very large piece of lin- oleum and peanuts. Peanuts are very dangerous for young child- ren to eat as one sucked into the lung causes pneumonia. The oil in a peanut irritates the lung. The topic “Home Economic: and Health” was in charge of Mrs. A. E. Snider, who {had as guest speak- er, Miss Margaret Wilson, super- visor of the county branch of the Hospital for Sick Children at Thistletown. Miss Neilson who is a graduate of the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, gave a very interesting talk on four different phases of the hospital, the build- ing, achievements, nurses and pat~ ients. The early minutes tell us that work and prayer were c102er con- nected in establishing the Hospi- tal for Sick Children. From pictures shown and a Jery constructive talk, the children Maple Uniteti Church Y.P.S. The topic given 'by Mrs. Walker was the story of “Reuben, the boy with the lunch.” Rev. P. J. Lam- bert sang “The Stranger of Gal- ilee." Several items of business were discussed. ~A fireside to follow the regular church service was plan- ned for February 11. The Maple C.G.I.T. are planning a Home Nursing study for three consecutive Monday evenings with Mrs. Blake Yake as instructor. The Maple Y.P.U. have decided to com- pete in the drama festival spon- sored by the Presbytery. Mrs. Verna Fletdh'er will direct the play. The Maple Women’s Institute met at the [home of Mrs. hurry Jennings, Wednesday evening, January 10, with a. very good at- tendance. The roll call “A written supper dish" was well responded to. During the business session it was decided to hold a baking and apron sale on January 27, at 3 p. m. in Walker’s Store. Any mem- ber who has not turned in an ap-l ron for the sale can do so before January 27, to Mrs. Jennings. 20 aprons were received at the meet- ing. Mr. Richard Lund of Weston and formerly of Maple is very ill in Weston Hospital. _._..,...- ..--‘ v"--- .. _...,. The regulgr meeting of Maple United Church Y.PS. was held at the parsonage, Wednesday eveningI January 10. The president, Mrs. EdWard Walker, was in charge. Mrs. Lorne .Wells was the soloist at Maple United Church on Sunday evening. There was a. large con- gregation present. Langstafi Athletic Association with a lot of help from its female supporters, Will hold a eudhre next Wednesday, January 24, at the home of Mrs. J. W. Little on dar- den Avenue, 8 pm. sharp. Let’s see lots of you there. Langstaff’s Pee-Wee Boys’ team got the Inter-School Hockey Lea- gue started on Monday, January 15, in a very good game with Rich- vale played on the Thornhill Park rink. Both teams played well, Ridhvale being the winner by a score of 3 to 2. Sports Went to see the Richmond Hill entry in the O.M.H.A. Juvenile Group C, play Unionville’s very strong Group A aggregate last Friday. Particular interest W85 our three Langstafl' boys, Morty Charles, Tommy White and 0011 Watt, who 'all put up a great show against heavy odds. Don scored both of the Hill’s goals. Wlhen the team plays locally, or not too far away how about getting out, amp- porting the lads, and having a good evenings entertainment. This paper is printing the schedule elsewhere. School News A committee was chosen to be- gin work on fihe play “While the Toast Burned,” which the society hopes to enter in the Drama Fes- tival in March. Games Were played and lunch was serviced by Mrs. Lambert. Women’s Institute E. J. HINSON Interior & mterior' Decorator Elm Grove in. nidges or King 17R4 CORRESPONDENT â€"- MRS. STAN. V. WORSDALE LANGSTAFF NEWS CORRESPONDENT â€" MRS. D. ALLEN Phone Maple 19R MAPLE NEWS Telephone Thornhill 2571-12 During World War I the Choc- taw language, as spoken from tent tottent among the tribe, was used as, an army code. Sounding like an ancient bag‘pipe lesson it can be mastered by Europeans who are often defeated by other redskin tongues. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Manning of Guelph spent Sunday with the former’s mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Manning. CANADIAN CHOCTAW CODE have a very interesting life in spite of physical handicaps. A vote of thanks was expressed by all pres- ent and the address will long be remembered by all who heard it. Meeting closed with the Mizpah Benediction and the hostess. and committee served lunch. A business meeting of both the branch and the Ladies Auxiliary will be held at the home of the pregident, Steve Arbon, on January 18. York County Health Unit with headquarters at Newmarket has made an urgent appeal to all or- ganizations to help emphasize the importance of the immuniwtion program now ‘being carried out. This branch of the Legion is ready to co-operate to the fullest possible extent and therefore brings this to the attention of its members and to all veterans. Full information about the program appears in The Liberal. Mrs. Joshua Manning, who has been ill with a. heart condition. is now up and much improved. She extends thanks to friends and neighbours for kindness received. Mrs. Odum of Hamilton, visited with: her niece Mrs. Wlliam Noble. Miss Marilyn Higgins of Toron- to, visited over the week end, with Mrs. George Bailey. Congratulations to Dr. Phil Mc- Farlane and Mrs. McFarlané on the birth of their son, Sunday, January 7, in Brampton Hospital. We were sorry to learn that Mrs. Riches thad‘been aweyfrom school for over a week and hope that she will be quite well and back with her young pupils very shortly. Mrs. Burke is acting as supply teacher during her absence. 'Ilhe youngsters are so enthusias- tic about hockey that they nave been practicing mornings between 7.30 and 8 o’clock at Thornhill. Last Friday morning the four teams, 60 players in all, practiced on the ar- tificial ice at Unionville. The rent of the rink was met partly by the children themselves and partly from the funds raised by their Christmas card sales. The school does not have a rink this season but practice at shooting on goal is had on the shooting range which is approximately 15 feet by 6 feet. Langstafi' School has a team en- tered in the four sections of the league, that is, Pee-Wee, Junior Boys, Senior Boys, and something entirely new this year, a girl's team. Mrs. V. Riches will be coaching the Pee-Wees, Miss E. Kent, the Girls' team and Mr. D. Smith, the principal will probably look after the Junior and Senior Boys. THE LEGIONNAIRES . Branch 375 ~ Canadian Legion, B.E.S.L. Richmond Hill D. M. Houston», 0.5.11. Congratulations to Mr. Eric Rus- ‘sell Hook. John Steet. and his bride EMiss Jean Audrey Webb of Rich- [mond H11, who were married on I Friday. Eric is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hook, John St. Mr. Jackon introduced the spec- ial speaker for the evening, Mr. A. R. Haskell, general manager of the Better Business Bureau of Tor- onto, w!h.o spoke on “Fashions in Fraud." Timely advice was given in “Before you give, get the facts” and “Shop before you buy ,â€" not after." Thornlea Home and School As- sociation met at the school Wed- nesday evening for its monthly meeting, with Mr. T. H. Covell pre- siding and Mrs. Gage as secretary. The meeting opened with “0 Can- ada” with Mrs. D. Morrison at the piano. Reports were read by the convenors. ' A new category of film designa- tion has been established in firit- ain â€" Category “X”. Category “X” films will be' those havmg a definitely adult theme or treatment and those now classified as "nor- rific." Children under 16 will not be allowed to see “X” films. “What is under the label? was the film shown by Mr. Gage, also a travelogue picture showing the beauties of Mount Riding Park in Manitoba. Mrs. Rivers thanked the speaker and refreshments served by Mrs. Curtis closed a very interesting meeting. He also explained how rackets have been going on since 1400 AD. and the safest measure was to deal with legitimate firms. Mr. Jackson and Mr.‘ Gage were appointed as a committee to ap- proach the Area School Board re- garding a rink for training school teams and also to find a coach who would be interested in training the boys and looking after transporta- tion to and from the rink. Invitations to York Council birthday party to be held January 25 at Ryerson Institute, Toronto, also to join Langstafl’ Home and school and the School Area for the February 14 meeting were reau. Visitors last week at the heme of Mr. and Mrs. John Gribble were Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Beggs, Humber Summit, and Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Farr of Woodbridge. Telephone Thornhill FILMS Thornlea News The Canadian Bank of Commerce Mrs. J. Gribble Correspondent: Richvale Baker’s Sales 8 Service 1951 HUMBER HAWK Game In am! See IT’S HERE! "2 A Product of Routes Group Now On Display At 361'31 "The Commerce" THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thurs., January 18, 195 PHONE 10 Anthracite burns more completely and cleanly than other fuels. No greasy deposit or oily smell with An- thracite . . . no soiled furniture or curtains.. Lower cleaning bills! 4. Anthracite CAN’T SMOKE under any conditions i 5. SAFE heat â€" no worries about possiblé‘ explosions “ People with other fuels often worry about “some- thing going wrong” â€" leaks or explosions â€" perhaps during the night or when there’s no one home. But not people in Anthracite homes â€" they enjoy peace of mind. ‘ 3. Anthracite Heat is CLEANER heat ‘â€" leaves no greasy film on drapes or furniture â€"â€" no odor Anthracite is the perfect fuel â€"-â€" burns 'so‘ efficiently that it gives no smoke whatever. Makes for cleaner homes, cleaner neighborhoods! Try a ton, see the saving. Your Blue Coal dealer can "supply you with this Anthracite coal Other fuels heat in “bursts,” result in varying tem- peratures. But Anthracjte fire gives you steady, even, dependable heat all the tlme! Widely varying temperatures you get with other fuels create cold areas in home â€" “cold pockets” â€"â€" a danger to health. (A cold pocket behaves like a vacuum â€"â€" draws air to itself, causes. drafts.) But with STEADY Anthracite heat you’re safe with Blue Coal! 2. You get HEALTHFUL heat with An- thracite Blue Coal -â€" Not “up and down” heat â€" NO “cold pockets” CANADA’S BEST FUEL BUY IS ANTHRACITE BLUE COAL Anthracite is a Better More Efficient Fuel - 1. You enjoy greater COMFORT 'Wiih STEADY Anthracite Heat I. D. RAMER & SON Not all towns have a blossom time but most have a Commerce branch. And the men and women there are good people to know And serving that industry . . . and us . . . is the bank .1. . a branch of The Commerce. In Our town you go to your banker as naturally as you go to your grocer. No banking service is too large or too small to expect of your Commerce manager. Blossom time in our toWn is a promise of the harvest to come. The bountiful crops from our orchards and vineyards have made our town grow in wealth and industry. YOUR COMMERCE BRANCH Keystone of Main Street flu}! [haw/d 6m Phone Richmond Hill 111 because RICHMOND HILL

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