III-IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII} : PHONE _ THORNHILL 256W I I'll-III.III-III-IIIII’IIIIIIIIIIII-l glmmmumu“um“\mummummmuullnunmqummu\\1\mm\ml\11\1umu1muunuummuuu\muuuumnumnmuunnunmunmumy We specialize in re-rooï¬ng, Cedar and Asphalt Shingles, Insul Brick Siding Estimates cheerfully given. Insulating. TOMENSON, SAUNDERS, SMITHX: GARFAT LIMITED Insurance Brokers ANNOUNCE THE REMOVAL OF THEIR OFFICES TO LARGER PREMISES AT 220 BAY STREET TORONTO 1 TELEPHONE PLAZA 7671 TORONTO 1 24 Elizabeth St. N., Richmond Hill RE - ROOFING The entire livelli‘hOOd of your chicks for the ï¬rst few weeks, must come from the chick starter bag. So make sure of feeding a starter that does the job and does it Many successful poultrymen have proven that the job is done RIGHT when you feed HERBERT R. BUTT C. RIDDELL . DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVE RIGHT. Telephone 25R RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. S. W. Hirtle. B. A.. Minister SUNDAY, JANUARY 28, 1:151 10 am. â€" The Sabbath School 11 a.m. â€"â€" Public worship. Thurs., Feb. 1, at 3 pm. The W. M.S. at the home of Mrs. L. W. Zuefelt, Centre St. W. Rev. 11 RICHMOND BILL UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. B. Brethen. B.A.. Minister SUNDAY, JANUARY 28. 1951 9.45 am. â€"â€" Sunday School for all ages and Adult Bible Clasa. 11 am. â€" Morning Worship Rev. J. O. Totton will conduct the service ST. MARY’S ANGLICAN CHURCH ' Rev. W. F. Wrixon, L. TIL, Rector Sunday, January 28. Sexagesima. 8.30 am. â€" Holy Communion 9.45 a,m. -â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€" Morning Prayer 4 p.111. Holy Baptism 7.30 p.m. â€" Evening Prayer All are welcome. Monday, Jan. 29 â€" Vestry Meet- mg SUNDAY, JANUARY 28, ,1951 Hope. - Sunday School . . . . . . . . .. 10 am. Public Worslhip . . . . . . . . . . 11 am. Edgeley Sunday School . . . . . . . . 1.30 pm. Public Worship . . . . _ , 2.30 pm. Maple Sunday School . . . . . . . . 10.30 am Public Worship . . . . . . . . . . 7 p.111 Rev. E. E. Kent, Minister Sunday Service . . . . . . 2.30 pm Sunday School . . .. .. . 10 am THORNHILL UNITED CHURCH Rev. E. E. Kent, Th. D., Minister SUNDAY, JANUARY 28, 1951 11 am. â€" ‘Morn‘ing W-orship Sunday School Nursery Department 7.30, pm. â€"â€" Dramatic recital of the “Book of Ruth†'by Rev. Al- bert Lott. Mrs. A. Lott, guest soloist. Friday, January 26 8 pm. -- Annual congregational meeting. OARRVILLE UNITED CHURCH BRETHREN IN CHRIST CHURCH, VAUGHAN Sunday School 10 am. Worship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 gm. Sunday School at Concord School House at 10 am. CHURCH OF CHRIST Meeting in Concord School Home Each Lord’s Day at 11 am. Gospel message and Communion Service Tune in CKEY (580) at 9.15 1.11:. Sunday Hebrews 10:25: “Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is.†LANGSTAFF BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor, Rev. A. R. Jones Services Sunday, 11. am. -- Bible School ' classes for all ages 7p.m. â€"â€" Gospel Service. Wed., 8 pm. â€"â€" Prayer Meeting Thurs., 2 pm. -â€" Women’s Mis- sionary Meeting. Fri., 8 pm. â€"â€" Young t'eoples Soc. 3 RM. SUNDAY SC'HOOL Boys and girls of all ages and of any affiliation are welcomed. “For the Son of Man is Come to have that which was IOSt. Even so it is not the will of your Father which is in Heaven. that one of these little ones should perish.†Mt. 18: 11, 14. MAPLE CHURCH NOTICES Rev. P. J. Lambert, B.A., B.D., minister THORNHILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ev. S. W. Hirtle, B.A., Mimster SUNDAY, JANUARY 28, 1951 L a.m. â€" Public worship The Minister 1.30 a.m. â€"â€" The Primary School 2:10 pm. â€"- Dr. Glen’s Bible class Come and Worship. Speaker: Mr. J. H. Street Hear this business man and lay- man preacher from Toronto, who heped to organize the Christian Commando League. Come every soul by sin oppressed There’s mercy with the Lord And He will surely give thee rest By trusting in His word. Woof" p.m. â€" Evening Worship The choir will provide another Special Service of Music under the leadership of Mr. Adelmo Melecci. Miss Jean Roe of Toronto will assist as special soloist. lllllh. d EVAN GELICAL SERVICES E. J. HINSON Elm Grove 7 RM. 'GOSPEL SERVICE All are welcome. Interior & Exterior Decorator MASONIC HA LL RICHMOND HILL King 17R4 Held in “COME â€" - ISAIAN LIB MATT. “.18 Ridges Mrs. J. E. Smith spent the wéek end in Ottawa. 5 Master Tommy Evans, son {of Mr. and Mrs. Norm. Evans, uncle‘- went an operation on Mondayflt the Sick Children’s Hospital, TOT- onto, for the removal of an abscéss on his leg. Tommy is progressihg favourably. Mr. Len Clement has returéed home after a three week visitfto Ayr, Scotland. .1 Mrs. D. M. McAllister, Ml-s. Walter Smith, Mrs. Adrian Garn- ble, Miss Marion Scrivener, MSS Miss Marion Scrivener and M55 Gladys McLatchy are entertaining guests before the annual Guild Dance to be held in the Public School Auditorium on Friday, J i - uary 26. I SUTTON â€" Mr. and Mrs. R. Sut- ton. Lansing, are happy to anâ€" nounce the birth of a son, John Phillip on Thursday, January 18. a brother far Jimmy, at his great grandmother’s Nun-sing Home, Elgin Mills. c1w30 COLLIER â€" Mr. and Mrs. Mel- fort Collier (nee Joan Thompâ€" son) are happy to announce the arrival of a baby brother for Johnnie on Tuesday, January 23, at Grace Hospital, Toronto. PARKINSON â€" In loving mem- ory of my dear grandfather, Harry Parkinson, who passed‘ away January 29, 1950, also my‘ loving grandmother, Ber‘o‘x-a‘ Parkinson, who passed away May 1, 1944. l They are gone but not forgotten And as dawns another year, In my lonely hours of thinking Thoughts of them are always near. Days of sadness still come o‘er me Friends may think the wound is healed But they little know the sorrow That lies within my heart conceal- ed. â€"â€"Sad1y missed by granddaughâ€" ter Arlene. ' c1w30 EVANS â€" Wm. Evans, at his home in Buckinghamshire, Ens;â€" land, father of Mrs. H. Stanford, Richmond Hill in his 100th yea“. c1w30 Richmond Hill Social and Personal Veteran of ï¬ve year’s service in the last war, Joseph Edwin Weav- er of Maple died in Sunnyumok Hospital, Toronto, on January 11. Joséph E. Weaver He was born in Fleming, Sask., in 1912, later moving to Brantford, Ontario. During the war he ser- ved from 1940 to 1942 with the Royal Canadian Corps of Signals. In the latter year he was second- ed to the Transport Command of the Royal Air Force and ferried bombers to many parts of the world, including India and Africa, serving as Radio Officer. While stationed in London, Ontario, he helped in testing Mosquito bomb- ers. For the last two years Mr. Weaver had been with the Deâ€" partment of Lands and Forests at Maple. He was a member or An- tiquity Lodge No. 1 Mon/tread, and a Masonic service was held on Sunday, January 13, when his fun- eral was held from the chapel of Wright and Taylor, Richmond Hlll, with interment in Richmond Hill cemetery. Besides his wife, the former Virginia O’Connor of Huntingdon, Quebec, he is survived 'by his fa- ther, F. E. Weaver of Brantford and by two sisters and two broth~ ers â€" Mrs. Morley Abrams, Nut Mountain, Sask., Mrs. R. G. Bak- er, Cooksville; Mr. Russell and Mr. Robert Weaver, both of Brantford. r CARD OF THANKS Mrs. John A. Greene and family express their gratitude to everyone for the kind expressions of ’sym- pathy and floral tributes extended during their recent bereavement. , c1w30 COLIN RENTON GARDEN AVENUE Langstaff Thornhil] 2141'24 “The earth is but one country and mankind its citizens.†â€" Baha’u’llah For information & literature Telephone Richmond Hill 9 Richvale Sunday School BAHA’I WORLD F LHTH IN MEMORIAM 3 RM. At preseni in Masonic Hall Richmond Hill Bus calls at Community Hall, Richvale at 2.45 p.m. Return Trip at 4.15 BIRTHS You are welcome. DEATH c1w3‘0 Home and School Your correspondent would like to draw the attention of all those who are intersted in Home and School Clubs to the special ï¬lm “Family Circle" which is to be shown at The Richmond Theatre next alon- day and Tuesday, January 29 and 30. John Bradshaw Speaker Thornhill Horticultural Society feels fortunate to have been able to get Mr. John Bradshaw to speak at its ï¬rst meeting of the year which is to be held on Monday, February 12, in Thornhill United Church. Mr. John Bradshaw is well known by his Saturday gardening column in a Toronto paper and D37 his farm broadcast at 6 am. on week-days. This was the only date the speaker :had available and in view of his being so much in de- mand, the directors of the society hope that as many members as possible, and others who are in- terested, will make a special effort to attend. This will also be the annual meeting for election of officers and receiving of reports. Guide News In an impressive ceremqny wnicn took place at the last meeting of the lst Thornhill Girl Guide Com- pany, Nancy Simpson, Sandra Sowden and Penny Reid were -n- rolled as Guides, after successfully completing their Tenderfoot or pro 'batiEm. ’fhe Divisional Commiss- ioner, Mrs. D. R. Gunn, oï¬icated at the enrollment. ' There are at present a few vac- ancies in the Guide Company. u'irls between the ages of 11 and 14 are eligible and those interested can see the Guide Captain, Miss Joy'ce Healey, at the Scout Hut on Satur- day mornings at 10 o’clocx, at which time the regular meetings begin. A skatng party at Richmond Hi‘. Arena is planned for next SaturL day, January 27. Brownie News At the last meeting of the Tnorn~ hill Brownie Pack Linda. L‘Aven- On January 18, 1951, the ladies of Thornhill Women’s Institute presented Mrs. E. G. McKean with an embossed non-tarnishing silver tea tray, in recognition of the way she carried out her duties during the time she ,was president and catering convenor and in appl’ecia- tion of the great amount of her time which was involved. Mrs. David Kennedy of Thom- bank Road was admitted to St. Mi- chael's Hospital last week for an operation. We are glad to report that on Monday he was making a little improvement. Ralph Nuttall had his tonsils re- moved on Tuesday of last week and is at home now enduring the painful stage which lasts so much longer for grown-ups than for children. Many loaal residents will mourn the loss to the community of a well-loved and wonderful personan ity in the passing on Sunday, Jan- uary 21, 1951, of Mrs. J. R. Pearce Robinson at her home in Thornhiil. Mrs. Robinson, the former Cat‘- rie Elizabeth Elson, was born at Headford almost 86 years ago. Fol- lowing her marriage, she set up house with her husband on the 3rd concession of Markham, where they farmed until they moved to the house next door to the United Church Parsonage on Yonge Street; Mr. Robinson passed away in Aug- ust of 1943. Mrs. Robinson’s cousin, Rev. Al- bert Elson from Hyde Park, Lon~ don, Ontario, conducted the fun- eral service on Tuesday, assisted by Rev. E. E. Kent, and interment was made in Thornhill Cemetery. The palI bearers were a nephew, Percy Elson of Watford; Gordon Topping of Oriole; Alvin Robinson and Joe Robinson of Thornhili! Earle Buckle of Queensville and Carson Robinson of King. Thornhill Social and Personal 000 needed immediately. 3 to 8 rooms, priced from $3,000 to $10,- 1570 Avenue Road CORRESPONDENT -â€" MRS. STAN. V. WORSDALE Telephone 257R12 THORNHILL NEWS Brick, insul-bric, and frame homes PRGPERTIES WANTED Telephone Thornhil] 257R12 . LINDSAY v Real Estate ture was invested as §ixer of 'the Gnomes. Further Seconders to re- ceive stripes were Sharon Burgess, Shirey Dean, Caroline Richan and Elaine Pretzel. Another feature of the mee‘tEg was the presentation of Service Stars as follows: 151. Year: Mary Adlam, Sharon Burgess, Marion Davis, Anne O’- Brien, Helen McNeice, Barbara Newman, Carol Payne, Bonnie Rob- ertson and Jane Simpson. 2nd Year: Catherine Carruthers, Shirley Death, Martha MacNezl, Elaine Pretzel, Carol Richan and Nancy Lee Short. 3rd? Year: Linda. Bresnehan, Ca- therine Harvie, Linda L'Aventurr, Jill Wishard and Catherine Wood. Golden Hand Onâ€" Monday7 evening, January 29, the Annual Vestry meeting of Trinity Church will be held at 8.15 Jill Wishard is the ï¬rst Brownie to earn her Golden Hand this year. Vestry Meeting At this meeting reports willybe received from the Church Officers and from the various organizaâ€" tions dealing with every phaue of Church life during the year 1950. Officers for 1951 will be elected aï¬d plans presented for the new year. At a recent meeting of the Parish Council, the last for 1950, ï¬nancial reports were received, and the budget for 1951 vvas pre- pared. The Council is made up of all Church Oï¬'icers and two represen- tatives from each of the organiza- tions. Parish Council A report was received from the organist, Mr. C. R. Devey, and the organ builders, Lye Bros. showing that the organ could be replaced in the church only at; a cost which would be prohibitive considering its age and its utility in the very much enlarged church. A report was organisations. The Council decided that the organ should be rebuilt usmg everthing possible in the ’old orâ€" gan, and that it should be consid- erably enlarged and improved, with an electric action and thrée new stops. A sub-committee, compOSed of the Rector and Wardens, Messers Devey, Ross and Healey, and Mrs. Len Wood, was. st up to deal with ways and means and to report to the vestry 9n January 29th. The first meeting of the Parish Guild was held at the Rectory on Tuesday, January 16th. Plans fOr 1951 were discussed and the Guild decided that 115 first venture would be to sponsor a Cookery School which would last three evenings and will be put on by Robin Hood Flour MilIs. The dates will be April 17, 18 and 19th. The sale of tickets will be man- aged 'by a Committee convened by Mrs. Bill Lennox. Parish Guild Substantial sums of nioney were voted towards the expenses on the rebuilding of the Church or- gan and towards new equipment in the kitchen. Grade 3 Pupils Visitors To Plant Ten girls from Miss E. C. Shav- er's class of the Public School, which is now located in the mun-i icipal Building, visited the Liber- al’s plant last Tuesday afternoon and were taken on a tour of the composing room, where they saw the current issue of the paper be- ing prepared for publication. The visiting group, all of whom are in Grade 3, were Doreen (:uest, Ruth Cannon, Jean Cole, Phyllis Harding, Ruth Percival, Ilga. Bet- erson, Helen White, Ruth Guppy, Katherine Koenig, Ardelin Wyer. They were accompanied by Miss Shaver. rinity Church Thornhill received from the RE 4836 STUART PAXTON THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thurs., Jan. 25, 1951 WIRING LINE WORK Phone Richmond Hill 359r11 LOAM FILL GRADING . PHONE THORNHILL 141J MR. STEWART ' 20 Elmwood Ave., Willowdale \mummmmnl1ll\l1lmmnuuumnm\mm\m\\mmmmummunule Richmond Hill Telephone 242 umumnumunmumuu“mum1ummummmwmmmumummum ummmummmmm“nummumm1mm\mlItum1“muummmnmm Phone Richmond Hill 414M lmummumumunmmwmmqumummmmuuunnummnmmnn AUSTIN SALES 8: SERVICE Repair shop open until 10 p.m- for ser'vice and repairs on all makes of cars. ' Phone 12 Richmond Hill wwumo JAMES J. WALL OAK RIDGES, ONT. Plumbing & Heating Coptraqtor MEL. MALTBY We solve your deep and shallow well pressure system troubles. Phones King 111 Aurora 46.] NORTH END EXCAVATORS Authorized Dealer for Richmond Hill and District Painting Paperhanging First Class Work Reasonable Rates DELCO PUMPS AND Arcoflame Oil Burner Cement Septic Tanks Cities Service Garage ne 12 Richmond Hill 'I‘HORNHILL, ONT. Everything Electrical House and Farm Wiring 3 Specialty Work done by Licensed Electricians. G.E. Oil Burners Sales and Service Residence 296W Thornhill ' Electrician YEREX ELECTRIC AND TELEVISION WE HAVE THE RECORDS YOU WANT ROLLINSUN CITIES SERVICE PRODUCTS HARVEY BROWN TELEPHONE : WILLOWDALE 2507 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Agent for CEMENT WOR|\< - BLOCK WORK BASEMENT FLOORS - FDOTINGS PLASTER.NG . SlDiWALKS GENERAL CONTRACTOR JACK BALE GRAVEL SAND SPECIALS CHOICE QUALITY Corm CROWN 0R BEEHIVE Corn Syrup 2 lb. Tin Spaghetti LIBBY’S AYLMER Tomato Catsup 131:“ 17c SHERRIFF’S Gingerbread Mix sz- 29c TIDE OR OXYDOL Soap Powder {$21 40c ESE"? GOOD LUCK Margarine FANCY QUALITY Spys - McIntosh 1353i: 69c CALIFORNIA Carrots FLORIDA PASCAL Celery Stalks CALIFORNIA IV‘IAVEL Oranges 2005 D01. JANUARY 25, 26, 27 216 KNGSDALE AVE WILLOWDALE Self Serve RICHMOND HILL MORLEY’S 31c 20 oz. Tins 15 oz. Tins Bunches Lge Size CREAM STYLE 5 1b. Tin 17c 40c 29c 27c BUNCH NEW 25c 69c 79c