Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 1 Feb 1951, p. 10

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*â€" uox UILLALlUJN FARMS and suburban properties ‘- A.“ . ‘ mâ€" for waiting clients. Ken Love, TRANSPORTATION Wanted to salesman for A. E. LePage, 1045 University and Queen, leave 7.15 Avenue Road Toronto, phone MA leave city 5.15, 5 days. Phone 0336 or Weston 703W12. ’2w30ThornhiIl 52. ¢1w31 4‘OR 5 ROOM Cottage, close to transportation, moderate down payment or will rent. Write Box 71 The Liberal. c1w31 WILL BUY OR RENT apprOA. 25 acres with good stream for camp- ing. Box 173 Terminal A Toron~ to 1. c2w30 1950 FORD 17$ ton pick-up, mile- age 4,000. Price $1,350. Would trade for ’47 or ’48 model car in good condition. Apply M. McTag- gart. Phone Richmond Hill 521 1:23. 0 *2w31 ’35 FORD V-8 COACH, defroster, heater, 2 extra wheels, 6 good tires, body good condition $200. ca'sh. Mr. E. Cooper c/o D'oug Luff, Stop 24 Yonge St. c1w31 1946 MONARCH SEDAN, 36,000 miles, excellent condition, radio, heater, slip covers, undercoated, low pressure tires $1,095. Phone 287.1 Richmond Hill. c1w31 FOR SALE 1945 2-T0N Ford truck ten foot platform, hoist, good run. ning condition. Phone Maple 12W. ctfn29 1936 CHEV. Standard, goodghape, exchange for lot or small truck. Richmond Hill 359R32. c1w31 1935 CHEV. COUPE, goga tires, heater, rumble seat, other extras, Maple 28R12. *1w31 1950 MORRIS Oxford Sedan, low mileage, priced for quick sale. [Phone Stoufi‘ville 67114. ‘zw30 2 QUEBEC HEATERS, 1 medium and 1 large; 1 Findlay Oval Cook Stove with warmer and reservoir, medium size; 1 Coal Burning Chick Broader, 1000 capacity, 1,500, with pipes, drinking foun- tains and feeders, all in good or- der. [Phone King 43 ring 23. LIFETIME all metal Venetian Blinds, aluminum or steel baked enamel finish any colour of tapes, free estimates and installations. Phone 755 or write box 496, 40 Ontario St. West, Newmarket, Ont. Please reverse phone charges. ‘ tfc32 FIREPLACE, can be removed, mantle of light stained wood, stone work varied colors, size 4 it high by 5% ft. length, width of mantle 1 ft. Phone Thornhill 2611224. MANS lblue Chinchilla overcoat, size 38; skates ladies’, size6; men’s speeders, size 9; all in perfect con- dition. Phone mornhill 285R23. 1 HOSPITAL BED in good condi- tion; 1 space coal heater, “Good Cheer”, good condition; 1 space oil heater “Coleman”, near new. Richmond Hill 1341212. c2w31 2 SPACE HEATERS, large size Coleman, $75.00 each. S. C. ‘Fleury, Florist. Phone 598 days, Richmond Hill, Bayview and Carr- yillo Road. c1w31 1 FINDLAY Super-Oval Uook Stove with water tank and warm- ing closet. Ivory enamel in ex- cellent condition. Phone Stouff- ville 65215. W. J. Valliere. I"1w31 USED CARS AND TRUCKS GAS RANGE, Norge, 4-burner, table top, $160.00 or best ofier. Apply 47 Ridge Road, Downsview, Weston 65W3. c1w31 WASHING MACHINE, “Easy” new condition, 60 cycle, reasonable Mr. E. Cooper, c/o Doug Luff, Stop 24 Yonge Street. c1w31 'FAW'CETT Oil 'Space Heater, nearly new, also modern demgn coal and wood stove, good condi- tion. lPhone King 244125. c1w31 2 CANOPY TARPAULIN, 6 ft. x 8 it", one new and one slightly used, will sell cheap. Phone Thorn- hill 247, tfc28 ready for stove, in. Lawrence Ave. W., REAL ESTATE WANTED Phone A. Valcourt, Richmond Hill 1112. tfc10 STANDING and falleh timber, :hard and soft, suitable for fire- wood. Telephone Aurora 210. ectric stove $60. Excellent condi- tion. Phone Thornhill 50M. c2w30 USED REFRIGERATOR $1()U; el- ‘WELL TILE and culvert tile. 8 CORDS HARDWOOD, split, " CLASSIFIED FOR SALE and WANT ADS 10 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, Feb. 1, 1951 CASH RATES, first insertion 3c per word, min. charge .. Second and subsequent insertons if wording unchanged, 3c per word, min. charge IF CHARGED, 4c per word, min. charge, all insertions . .. . FOR BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of .. COMING EVENTS NOTICES: per type line 12c; min. charge CARDS OF THANKS, IN MEMORIAM, BIRTHS, DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MRRIAGES, per insertion $1.00 Classified advertisements should be in as early in the week as possible but not later than noon on Wednesdays. ARTICLES FOR SALE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES woodshed, 1154 Toronto. ‘1w31 ‘2w31 c1w31 c1w31 ‘1w31 FEMALE JUNIOR Stenographer for a North Toronto office. Ex- cellent office. Pleasant surroundg ing. Opportunity for promotion. Canadian Farm Loan Board, 1 Montgomery Ave., Toronto 12, Telephone Hy. 1406. c1w31 TRANSPORTATION YOUNG LADY for typing and clerical position in the Richmond Hill village. Appy stating quail- fications. Box 66 The Liberal. clw31 CLEANING SERVICE; male or female, for local office. No fur- nace. Telephone Richmond 11111 3 to 4.30 pm. *1W31 EXPERIENCED beauty operator, full or part time, personal mter- view. Apply phone 310 Richmond Hill. c1w31 CLERK for general store at Map- le. Phone Maple 23 or contact D. McCoWan, General Store. c1w31 SINGER Electric Portables for rent by month $6.00, free pick up and delivery. Singer Sewing Cen- tre, 5249 Yonge Street, Willow- dale. Rhone Zone 8129. tfc31 ROOM, 2 minutes from bus stop, no cooking, references requared. Phone 354J Richmond Hill after 7 pm. c1w30 3 ROOMS, unfurnished or parth} furnished, 1,5 mile off Yonge St. Write Box 78 The Liberal. ‘1W31 FURNISHED BEDROOM, 5 two girls. Phone Thornhill 102. CEMENT MIXER for rent, gaso- line. day or week.‘ C. Higgs, Steele’s Ave. W. Zone 8-627. tfcll CAPONS, roasters and fowl, high- est prices paid. Don’t sell until contacting W. S. Appleton Oak Ridges Poultry Grading Station. Phone King 59R14. tfc17 at prices. Any quantity. Will call immediately on request. Phone A. Magee, King 29R14. *25w29 POULTRY WANTED. Best mark- 1BRAY' CHICKS, prompt ship- ment cockerels, mullets, mixed dayold, started. It’s “smart” to buy early â€"- it’s good business too. Ask us for price list, par- ticulars, Fred Wise, Bray Brooder, Richmond Hill. c1w31 DON CLIFF PARK: dhoice building lots in beautiful park-like area. All lots have lovely trees. Reasonable restrictions, good roads, etc. Clif- ford, Proctor Aye., first road north of Steele’s on Bayview. *6w29 FOR REAL ESTATE, phone Fenn; Thornhill 168. tfc46 FOR REAL ESTATE, phone Fenn, Thornhill 168 tfcll HELP WANTED GERMAN :Shorthaired Pointer puppies, registered, sire and dam both champions, excellent pros- pects for show, hunting and com- panion. M. Thomas, Richmond Hill 461-21 nights. c1W31 aughébreds, also Airedales, best of stock and papers. Phone 17‘R21 King. ‘1w30 WIRE HAIRED TERRIERS, thor- 2 REGISTERED Jersey heifers, 1 just fresh, other fresh 2 weeks, herd fully accredited. Stewart Bros. King 41:12. c1w31 A. Robillard, Langstaff, Cuurch Street. ‘1w31 COLLIE PUPS, good breed, male or female. Phone Richmond Hill 4451123. clw31 2 GEESE and 1 GANDER. Apply Hourly Pick-up Phone collect Agincourt 18112 DEAD 8E CRIPPLED STOCK REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OLD HORSES $15.00 AT YOUR FARM CAMPBELL MIN K POULTRY FOR SALE POULTRY WANTED TO RENT LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Also c1w30 suit 65c 25c 75c 50c A classified ad. is ready, will- ing to get results for you. Tele- phone your: to Richmond Hill 9. The‘ Elia W.A. held a crokinole party in the Elia United Church on Friday evening, January 26. Mrs. Jos. Keffer and Mr. Tom Kefl'er visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ho'iles and family on Sunday. Ken- neth Hoiles was injured recently while playing hockey. A number of fine fish were caught during- the fishing trip to Lake Simcoe on Saturday by Jos. Kefl’er, Ronnie Keffer, and Mervin Robb. The next Farm Forum meeting Will be held at th‘e home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Snider on Monday evening, Februay 5. On the fol- lowing Monday, February 12, the meeting will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Darlington. Officials from the Ontario Farm Forum office attended the 10th anniversary meeting of the local Farm Forum groups Monday even- ing. A film on the subject of “Trees” was shown through the courtesy of the Department of Lands and Forests. A social time was spent during which a number of games rounded out a pleasant evening. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Snider, Mrs. Geo. Poole and Miss Norma Poole attended the “Family Nite” party in the Edgeley Community Hall on Friday evening. ’ Several of the ladies who at- tended the recent two-day cooking demonstration “Let’s Cook It Right” were Mrs. Geo. Poole, Mrs. The demonstration was conduct- ed by Miss Eulaine Found, home economist, Ontario Dept. of Agri- culture. H. Clapp, Mrs. R. J. Darlifigton; Mrs. C. H. Snider, Mrs. Geo. Sni- der and Mrs. Macdonald. CONCORD CORRESPONDENT â€" Mrs. Raymond Stuart R. R. 1 Maple â€"- Tele phone Maple 1101-3 Mr. and Mrs. James Hollowall are vacationing in Florida. WOMAN wants work by day 9 to 5 in Richmond Hill and Willow- dale. Phone Richmond Hill 430 r34. *1w31 ELDERLY experienced man will do chores and light work on farm. Apply Box 47 The Liberal Oxfice. "1w31 DAY WORK by reliable woman, good references. Phone any day. Richmond Hill 1341142. c1w31 CLERK for store in Richmond Hill Must be a reliable young girl and quick at figures. Apply in writing to Box 35. c1w30 the hour, evenings. Phone Rich'- mond *Hill 383W. *1w30 REED ORGAN suitable for small church. Write Box 96 The Liber- nl. ‘2w30 RELEABLE BA'BY SITTING, by EALL MAKES of industrial and domestic sewing machines serviced and repaired. Pick up and deliv- ery. Twenty years experience. Work guaranteed. Telephone Rich- mond Hill 249R21. tfclO ORGAN, Richmond Hill 460, Mrs. Costoff Sr. 'c1w31 ALL KINDS FURNITURE re- pairs, upholstering, cabinet work, wood carving. Estimates given. N. G. VanDyke, 33 Hunt Ave., Richmond Hill. tfc PAINTING and paperhanging, first class work, reasonable rates, sam- ple books and free estimates. A. Rollinson, phone Richmond Hill 414M. tfc16 CHIMNEYS and Fireplaces built and repaired. Also minor carpen- try work; kitchen bupoards, Phone 339J Thornhil]. c4w29 REFRIGERATION Sales and Ser- vice, Domestic and Commercial. Repairs to all makes. Don Chalk, Telephone King 261-5. tfc38 HAVE YOUR LAUNDRY done at home. Bring it to 81 Ruggles Avenue, just 03 Roseview Street. *3w60 INSULATION, rock wool, blower method, try our prices, easy terms. For free estimate phone Richmond Hill 585W. tfc33 HOUSE MOVING, machinery, steel, heavy loads hauled any- where. Charles Matthews, Thorn- hill 73, Langstafl’. c14w31 FLOOR SANDERS, rentals. Eddy’s g'rm‘el, fill, manure Richmond Hill 48R24. C. W. Cook. *3w29 55 Yonge Street North. Phone 458J Richmond Hill. tfc3‘1 GENERAL TRUCKING. Sand, stone, loam and fill. E. Charity, Richmond Hill, phone 372:5. tfc42 SAND AND GRAVEL, crushed MISCELLANEOUS EMPLOYMENT, WANTED WANTED R. D. “THE & SON ltd. Ford & Monarch Sales & Service PHONE 174. RICHMOND HILL $1,195.00 1947 CHEV. STYLEMASTER COACH PHONE RICHMOND HILL 292 23 YONGE STREET SOUTH RELIABLE USED CARS ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING LINE WORK DOMESTIC 8: INDUSTRIAL A Vacouver friend of Britain’s Prime Minister, Mr. Attlee, has sent. a, gift of 1,300 lbs. of sweets to be distributed among old peop- le and children of Stepney, Lon- don. SWEETS FR 0M VAN COU VER Mrs. J. Gribble Correspondent: Telephone Thornhill 36r31 Thornlea and district was shock- ed an grieved by the sudden death of one of its.popular youths, Harold George Thommson, 1beloved eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Thompson, and brother of Audrey, and Alvin, who passed away suddenly on Friday morn- ing in his 19th year. Harold was known for his wonderful person- ality and made many friends. High esteem and respect for Har- old and his family was shown in the many beautiful floral tributes} received. It seemed a, perfect set-u ting for one who had taken an interest in working amid the flow- ers he loved. Harold was a keen lover of sports, especially hockey and baseball, our hearts go out in deepest: sympathy to his parents, sister and brother. $1,250.00 1948 FORD DeLUXE TUDOR HILLTOP ELECTRIC $1,095.00 1949 FORD l/z TON PICKUP BLACK COCKER Spaniel, wear- ing- black and silver collar, an- swers to name of “Toughy”, Sat- urday. Reward. Apply McCleade, 29 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill. c1w31 THURS, FEB. 15 â€" Important extensive Auction Sale of 40 Head Guernsey Cattle, M-H Tractor, Milking Machine, Farm Stack, Im- plements, Hay, Grain, etc., on lot 5, con. 3, King Twp. Property be- longing to Ray Bowen. V Sale at 12.30 noon sharp. Terms cash. No reserve, farm is sold. Ken and Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. the new Stouffville Livestock Sale Arena, selling livestock our spec- ialty: fresh cows, springers, heif- ;ers, sheep, calves, pigs, hor§es. (Pick-up and delivery can be ar- ranged.) Come early, bring some- thing to sell. This is your commun- ity sale. “You bring it, we’ll sell it.” Sale every Saturday at 1 pm. D.S.T. Make this your market where buyers and sellers meet. Sell- ers and Atkinson, auctioneers. tfc THURSDAY, FEB. 8 â€" Auction sale of 50 acre farm, all under cul- tivation, bank barn, brick house with both, new Case tractor, farm stock, implements, hay, grain, fur- niture, etc., on lot 26, con. 2 King Twp. Property belonging to the Estate of the late Harvey Ness. Terms cash, no reserve. The farm will 'be sold subject to reserve bid terms made known on day of sale. Sale at 12.30 noon sharp. Ken 8;1 Clarke Prentice, auctioneer, Mark-l lham P.O., phone 346; Milliken P.O., phone Agincourt 52W3. SAT., FEB. 10 â€"-â€" Auction Sale at SATURDAY, FEB. 3 â€" Auction sale at the New Stouffville Live- stock Sales Arena, selling livestock our specialty, fresh cows, spring- ers, heifers, sheep, calves, pigs, horses.Come early, bring something to sell â€"â€" make this your market where buyers and sellers meet ev- ery Saturday at 1 pm. Phone us for pick-ups. Phone Stoufi‘ville 290W2. Sellers and Atkinson, auc-‘ tioneers. $1,650.00 1949 MONARCH SPORTS SEDAN SALE REGISTERS $50.00 ' 1934 FORD TUDOR Running condition $250.00 1935 FORD TUDOR Thornlea News LOST Nanl\nmuuuummmnumumunmmmm A large number of replies to an ad for two teachers were received by G.0.T. Gamble, secretary of Bill Hanna had the misfortune of being involved With a hit and run driver last week. He was tow- ing an Aurora car owned by Miss Emma. Gowan through Richmond Hill when the vehicle was hit by a car driven by Lawrence Wood of Keele Street, Toronto. Wood, on his way south through the village hit a truck parked on the east side of Yonge Street, owueo by Albert Rollinson of Richmond Hill, glanced off and struck another truck parked on the west side, owned by H. B. Inglis of Jeffer- son. It was after he hit the sec- ond truck that he clipped the car being towed by Bill Hanna. He did not stop to see what damage he had done but continued on down‘ No. 11 Highway. One of the truckl drivers and a. car following himj got his number and reported it to police. He was later picked up by Toronto police at his home. Thursday, after a night in the Don jail he was charged with danger- ous driving, careless driving and failing to remain. Magistrate Hollinrake remanded his case one week. Constable Al Houldsworth investigated. Markham Road la'ds. Oak Ridges Lions who have the never failing- faculty of mak- ing a success of all their endeav- ours, provided an enjoYable even- ing Monday when seventeen tab- les of euchre and five of cribbnge were played by enthusiastic sup- porters of the Lions most recent undertaking, hockey for the local TO MAKE SURE OF GETTING IT ..TO MAKE SURE OF SAVINGS IN". YOUR FOOD BILL . RESERVE YOUR LOCKER NOW IT DOESN’T PAY TO DEFER ACTION Richmond Hill Cold Storagé The supply is likely to be very short. You may not be able to get a locker when you want it unless you reserve it NOW. Mrs. Sam Jarvis, Miss Margaret Watkin and Mrs. Gerald Gamble have joined the pottery classes be- ing conducted in the old town hall, Aurora, under the direction of Mrs. B. L. Stavert. These classes are sponsored by the Aurorg Re- creation Commission and also in- clude classes in leather, felt and a course of lectures on “Home Beautification.” If you have been considering the renting of a cold storage locker in the spring â€"- which isn’t many weeks away â€" we suggest that you advise us IMMEDIATE. That situation is bad, and likely to get worse. Not only will it afl’ect the production of cars, stoves, and similar items. It will apply also to cold storage lockers. Brought back from Shel-blocks, P.Q., after being arrested by pol- ice there for local authorities, a Sixteen-year-old youth, who was disclosed to have been operating under three aliases, was remand- ed in custody in Juvenile Couxt in Toronto this week. He was charg- ed with the theft of a truck from William Hanna, Oak Ridges ser- ‘vice station operator. At the time he left the neighbourhood, it was alleged, he had also rifled a, pin- ball machine and had left the children of Mr. and Mrs. hammer1 unattended while supposed to be‘ looking after them while the par-1 ents went out. It was also reveal- ed that St. Catharines police hold warrants for his arrest on charges of car theft, theft of revolvers and escaping custody. The case was investigated by Constable Charles Case of the 0.P.P. who brought the lad back from Sherbrooke af- ter his arrest there. Nobody has to be told at the present moment that a difficult situation exists in connection with anything in which the use of steel is involved. 1950 Meteor Coach It Doesn’t Pay GORDUN’S GARAGE KING Phone 50 1948 Chevrolet OAK RIDGES & LAKE WILCOX NEWS 1949 Chevrolet Radio, air conditioner, Like new, low mileage USED CARS radio, air conditioner new tires, like new CORRESPONDENTzâ€"MRS. DOROTHY BARKER Telephone Aurora 534.! __ J{mg}: from SherblvokeJ the Oak Ridges School E TELEPHONE 588 mmwmmmmmnmmmmmmmummwg Phone Richmond Hill 8 Douglas Stephenson has been recently appointed to the staff of the Imperial Oil Company and is attaohed to the Toronto ofi‘ice. HELEN’S GROCETERIA 21 YONGE ST. N. RICHMOND HILL James C. Brown, veterinary, at present employed at, the Ontario Hospital, Langstaff, was convict- ed last week by Magistrate 0. S. Hollinrake of failing to signal for a left hand turn. An accident was the result and involved a car dri- ven by Roy Folliott of Temper- anceville when Brown turned into his driveway on the King side road. Brown was fined $5 and costs. On Friday Miss Anne Stephen- son won second place honors with the high mark of 88 in the sop- rano class for girls 21 and under at the Toronto East Music Festi- val held last. week at Glebe Un- ited Church. Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Gamble and children Nini and Fergus vis. ited the Gerald Gambles Sunday. FEARS Mrs. Bob Woolley, who has been ill, is reported to be progressing favorably. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Leslie, Tor- onto, and two sons who attend St. Andrews College had dinner Sunday at Valley Field Inn. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Bond and two children, Judy and Bruce, have moved into their new home on Yonge Street. the Oak Ridges School Board. In- terviews were arranged for Wed- nesday night. WEEK - END EXTRA SPECIAL CHOICE DESSERT CULVERHOUSE Richmond Hill 23c 20 oz. CAN TEN-TEST MASON ITE HARDWOOD FLOORING YONGE ST. ANSWELL LIMITED PHONE THORNHILL LUMBER THURNHILL170 WINDOW FRAMES ROUGH & DRESSED LUMBER TRIM 'SASH 8.8. 2 Langstaff Public School . S. S. 1 Thornhill Public School . -. . . . . . . . . .Powell Road Public School . . iN COLD WEATHER YORK COUNTY HEALTH UNIT FOR INFANTS & PRESCHOOL CHILDREN A G A I N s T Diphtheria, Whooping Cough Tetanus <Lo_ckjaw> and Smallpox TOMENSON, SAUNDERS, SMITH & GARFAT LIMITED Insurance Brokers ANNOUNCE THE REMOVAL OF THEIR OFFICES TO LARGER PREMISES AT I 220 BAY STREET TORONTO 1 TELEPHONE PLAZA 7671 24 Elizabeth St. N., Richmond Hill IMMUNZATION Let The Street Fleet Deliver Your Heat And when you think of lumber think of Answell's Coal - Coke - Wood Centre St. 'elephones - Richmond Hill 156 - Willowdale 682 WILL BEGIN AT THE FOLLOWING TIMES AND PLACES SAND, GRAVEL, CRUSHED SIDE, LOAM & FILL C. Street 8: Sons HERBERT R. BUTT DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVE PHONE THORNHILI. 247 FOR DOORS ‘. REID 3 p.m. 1 Feb. . 10.30 a.m. 2 Feb. .. 3.30 p.m.. 2 Feb. Telephone 25R PLYWOOD Thornhill

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