10 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thurs., February 8, 1951 EUANTITY of horse manure. Phone 481-24 Richmond Hill. c2w32 ELECTRIC Room Heater, like new. Phone King 3R13. *1w32 ICE BOX, White, in good condition. Phone 376M Richmond Hill. c1w32 WELL TILE and culvert tile. Phone A. Valcourt, Richmond Hill 1R2. tfclO 61/2 FT. MAPLE SKIS, hamess and poles. Reasonable. Phone 224M after 7. * 1w32 2' CANOPY TARPAULIN, g f_t. _x mond Hill. ONE RANGE‘TTE “McClary†like yew; one Quebec heater, used six months. Phone RichmOnd Hill 309J. *1w32 2 QUEBEC HEATERS, 1 medium and 1 large; 1 Findlay Oval Cook Stove with warmer and reservoir, 'medium size; 1 Coal Burning Chick Brooder, 1000 capacity, 1,500, with pipes, drinking foun- tains and feeders, all in good 01'- der. Phone King 43 ring 23. DONCLIFF PARK: choice building lots in beautiful parkâ€"like area. All lots haVe lovely trees. Reasonable ,i‘estrictions good roads, etc. Clif- ford, Proctor Ave., ï¬rst road north 10f Steele’s on Bayview. *6va9 :i'anch style clapboard bungalow, iarge living-room, modern kitchen, $10,800 â€" RICHMOND HILL. ue- §irable Yonge St. frontage with 7 foom brick duplex. Two self-con- tained modern apartments, steam heated with oil; yearly rental $1,440 - $4,800 cash. Call Fred Norman Thornhill 12, David Mc- Lean, Limited, Realtors. c1w32 2. GERMAN roller 'canaries, club rung, $12 each; gas range. Apply 110R4 Maple. ' c1w32 5 it, o'nre new and oner slightly used, will sell cheap. Phone Thorn- hill 247, tf928 1930 CHEV. SEDAN; Coleman ipace heater; 1 Simpson’s bicycle; all in A1 condition. Apply Thorn- hill 192R2 after 6. *1W32 HOT WATER BOILER, 121 Gum: AJPPLES, six varieties, $2 a uush- e1, No. 2’s $1.00. Bring your empty baskets, north-east corner Steele's and. Keele. Phone Maple 110r13. c2w32 DESIRABLE residential lot for sale in Richmond Hill 100’ x 210'. Central, restricted. Apply omler. Box 11 Liberal. , *1w32 3 Hedroonï¬; only $2,100 cash. Call ‘William Oliver, Thornhill 12. Dav- id McLean, Limited. Realtors. $9,500 â€"â€" RICHMOND HILL, new 1‘ BUFFET and Extension dining room table, black walnut veneer. Phone 251 Richmond Hill. c1w32 1â€": (75; 8"; 2 double hung sash, 2’ 2 in. x 5 ft. 2 in. Phone 331 Rick :éy, gdod condition; 25 feet 1%" galvanized pipe. Phone 134r42 Richmond Hill. c1w32 1 HOSPITAL BED in good condi- tion; 1 space coal heater, "Good Cheer", -good condition; 1 space oil heater “Colemanâ€, near new. Richmond Hill 134R12. c4w31 LIFETIME all metal Venetian Blinds, aluminum or steel naked enamel ï¬nish any colour of tapes, free estimates and installations. Phone 755 or write box 496, 40 Ontario St. West, Newmarket, Ont. Plea:e reverse phone charges. tfc32 FOR REAL ESTATE. phone Fenn, $7,500 â€" oXK RIDGES, 5 rpom ‘ï¬ve room white clapboard, 1% 's‘torey, large living-room, modern kitchen, four piece bath, hot water heating. Early possession. $2,500 down. Call John McGinnis, Thorn- ‘hill 12. David McLean, Limited, Realtors. , cnv32 i" SIX PANEL DOOR, 2 it. gs it} HERD HEALTH IMPROVES and milk flow increases when stock is on fresh green pasture. QuAkel' Ful-O-Pep Fitting Ration provides all year round many of the vita- min beneï¬ts of fresh pasture. I. D. Ramer and Son, Dealers. c1w32 Thornhill 168 ideal equipment for crop and grass land. Ask for folder and price list. Otto Pick, R. R. 1, Richmond Hill, phone 102R6. '4w31 FOR REAL ESTATE, phone Fenn BRITISH CHAIN HARROWS, the ‘Thornhill 168. CASH RATES, ï¬rst insertion 3c per word, min. charge .. 50c Second and subsequent insertons if wording unchanged, 3c per word, min. charge 400 IF CHARGED, 4c per word, min. charge, all insertions . . .. 65c FOR BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of .. 25c COMING EVENTS NOTIC’ES: per type line 12c; min. charge 75c CARDS 0F THANKS, IN MEMORIAM, BIRTHS, DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES, per insertion $1.00 Classiï¬ed advertisements should be in as early in the week as possible but not later than noon on Wednesdays. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE CLASSIFIED FOR SALE and WANT ADS ARTICLES FOR SALE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES c1w32 *2w31 c1w32 tfcll tfc46 1939 PLYMOUTH, custom radio, heater, slip covers. Apply 347M Richmond Hill. *1w32 1946 PONTIAC COACH, excellent condition} heater, new tires, best offer. Maple 64r14. c1w32 ent condition, dccessories. 575W Richmond Hill. minor repairs, make offer. 359R32 Richmond Hill. FOR SALE 1945 2-TON Ford truck ten foot platform, hoist, good run. ning condition. Phone Maple 12W. ctfn29 1950 FORD % ton pick-up, mile- age 4,000. Price $1,350. Would trade for ’47 or ’48 model car in good condition. Apply M. Mc'l‘agâ€" gart. / Phone Richmond Hill 521 r23. *2w3l 1940 DODGE Deluxe Coach, excell- 1932 DODGE SEDAN, needs 1947 CHEVROLET COACH, low mileage, undercoated, new ures, completely overhauled, perfect con- dition, one owner, private, $1,195. Phone 346R22 Richmond Hill. DAYS GETTING LONGER. Ear- ly chicks gr'ow towards the best markets â€" Grade A Large eggs â€"extra body weight for broilers. Kitchener Big-4 Chicks available in breeds and crossbreds, dayold and started. Breeders Canada Ap- proved, backed by a breeding pro- gram on AHatchery’s own large farms. Early chicks catch the best markets. Get pricelist, particulars from agent Wesley Clark, R. R. 2 Gormley. ' c1w31 BRAY CHICKS. Dayold, started, prompt shipment. Pullets, cock- ers, mixed. Standard bleeds, crossbreeds. Some bargains in started. Bray 1951 catalogue and pricelist â€" see you have our copy. A-gent Fred Wise, Bray Brooder, Richmond Hill. c1w32 GREAT DANE, male, 3 years, regâ€" istered show dog, black mask, gen- tle, fawn, Sire, Champion Tan- Tann of Tyldesley; Dam, Shir- Van’s Carol; value $400. Best of- fer accepted. Phone Richmond Hi1} 4311‘4. c2w32 LARGE OR SMALL ORDERS. All the Same when its Kitchener Big-4 Chicks. Variety breeds and crossbreeds, dayold, started. Breed- ers Canada Approved, backed by a breeding program on Hatchery's own large farms. Early chicks catch the best markets. Get price list, particulars from Wesley Clark R. R. 2 Gormley. c1w32 ‘PURE BRED Cocker Spaniel, red, 8 months old. Apply Don Stevens, Roselawn Farms, phone MSW Richmond Hill. c1w32 CAPONS, masters and fowl, high- est prices paid. Don’t sell until contacting W. S. Appleton~ Oak Ridges Poultry Grading Station. Phone King 59R14. . tfcl7 POULTRY WANTED. Best mark- et prices. Any quantity. Will call immediately on request. Phone A. Magee, King 29R14. *25w29 2 OR 3 ROOMS in Richmond Hill; Apply 8A Yonge St.,‘ Robert Reid. '1w32 4 0R 5 ROOM COTTAGE, close to transportation, reasonable rent. Apply Box '71 The Liberal. c2w32 house or bungalow by two respon- sible adults and school child, will pay good rent for right place. Ap- ply Box 51 The Liberal. *1w32 acres with good stream for camp- ing. Box 173 Terminal A ’I‘uron- to 1. c2W30 WILL BUY OR RENT approL. 25 SELF-CONTAINED apartment, USED CARS AND TRUCKS Hourly Pick-up Phone collect Agincourt 18112 DEAD & CRIPPLED STOGK OLD HORSES $15.00 AT YOUR FARM REAL ESTATE WANTED CAMPBELL MINK LIVESTOCK FOR SALE POULTRY FOR SALE WANTED TO RENT POULTRY WANTED Also Phone '1w32 small, Phqne c1w32 c1w32 HOUSEKEEPER, live in, will con- sider Woman with child, must be neat, liberal ltime ofl’. Apply Box 8 The Liberal. ‘1w32 030K GENERAL for family with 4 children in Alexandra Wood ar- ea, North Toronto, highest “ages to suitable person, own bath, bed- sitting room and radio. Apply Box 35 Liberal. c1w32 EXPERIENCED farm help, mar- ried man, separate house, with hy- dro and water, school on the farm, work to commence April 1. Apply E. L. McCarron, Pine Grove Farm, Wellington St. E., Aurora. c1w31 ONE FURNISHED' ROOM, with board. Phone 278R14 Thornhill. c1w32 BLACK WALLET, between Stop ‘24A and Richmond Hill, driver's license, identiï¬cation card inside. If wallet returned ï¬nder may keep money. Apply 314R5 Richmond Hill. - c1w32 SMALL BROWN DOG with white marking on chest, part terrier. Name Spikey. Reward. R. Kirk, Carrville Road, Maple 13'0R2. ‘1w32 CEMENT MIXER f3“ rent, gaso- line. day or week. -C. Higgs, Steele’s Ave. W. Zone 8-627. tfcll SINGER Electric Portables for rent by month $6.00, free pick up and delivery. Singer Sewing Cen~ tre, 5249 Yonge Street, Willow- dale. Phone Zone 8129. . tfc31 SA'1., FEB. 10 â€" Auction Sale at the new Stouffville Livestock Sale Arena, selling livestock our spec- ialty: fresh cows, springers, heif- ers, sheep, calves, pigs, horses. (Pick-up and delivery can be ar- ranged.) Come early, bring some- thing to sell. This is y3u1 commun- ity sale. “You bring it, we’ll sell it.†Sale every Saturday at 1 pm. D.S.T. Make this your market where buyers and sellers meet. Sell- ers and Atkinson, auctioneers. tfc THURS, FEB. 15 â€"â€" Impm-cant extensive Auction Sale of: 40 Head Guernsey Cattle, M-H Tractor, Milking Machine, Farm Stock, Im- plements, Hay, Grain, etc., on lot 5, con. 3, King Twp. Property be-V longing to Ray Bowen. Sale at 12.30 noon sharp. Terms cash. No reserve, farm is sold. Ken and Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. SATURDAY, FEB. 17 â€"- Auction sale at the New Stouï¬'ville Live- stock Sales Arena, selling livestock our specialty, fresh cows, spring- ers, heifers, sheep, calves, pigs, horses.Come early, bring something to sell â€" make this your market where buyers and sellers meet ev- ery Saturday at 1 pm. Phone us for pick-ups. Phone Stouï¬'ville 290W2. Sellers and Atkinson, auc- tioneers. THURS, MARCH 8 â€"â€" Auction sale of farm stock, implements, etc. on Lot 20, on. 1 North York Twp., on Finches Ave., 1%, miles west of Yonge St., property of Cooper BroE. Sale at 1 pm. sharp. Terms cash, no reserve, farm sold. Ken & Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. SAT., MARCH 10 -â€" Auction sale of farm stock, implements, hay, grain, etc., on Lot 21, Con. 1, Pick- ering Twp., just west of Pickering Village on Kingéton Road. Proper- ty of Chas. White. Sale at 12.80 noon. Terms cash, no reserve, farm sold. - Ken‘ and Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. TUES., MARCH 13 â€" Important extensive auction sale of 40 head of cattle, threshing machine, farm stock, implements, hay, grain, fur- niture, etc., on lot 57, con. 1 Vau- ghan Twp., 11/4 miles north of E1- gin side road on 2nd of Vaughan. Property of George McNair. Sale at 12 noon. Terms cash, no reserve farm sold. Ken & Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. ' e THURS, MARCH 15 â€"â€" Important auction sale of Registered Holstein cattle, farm stock, implements, hay grain, etc., on lot 5, con. 2AKing T\vp., on King side road at Temâ€" peranceville, property of Carson Robinson. Sale at 1 pm. Terms cash, no reserve, farm sold. Ken & Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. WED, MARCH 14 â€" Auction sale of farnxrstock, implements, poul- try equipment, etc., Con. 3 North York Twp., 1 mile north of Oriole, property of Henry Hill. Sale at 1 p.m. Terms cash, no reserve, farm sold. Ken & Clarke Prentice, auc- tioneers. FRI., MARCH 16 â€"- Important auction sale of dairy cattle, farm stock, implements, hay, grain, etc., on lot 24, con. 7 Markham Twp. Property of Bert Cleverton. Sale at 1 pm. sharp. Terms cash, no reserve, farm sold. Ken & Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. SAT., MARCH 24 â€"â€" Important auction sale of Reg. Holstein Cat- tle, farm stock, implements, nay, grain, etc., on lot 23, con. 6 Vau- ghan Twp., property of Jas. Brownlee. Sale at 1 pm. sharp. Terms cash, no reserve, farm sold. Ken & Clarke Prentice, auction- eers. SALE REGISTERS HELP WANTED TO RENT LOST PAINTING, light carpentry, minâ€" or house repairs, good work. Phone Richmond Hill 372r22. *1w32 FLOOR SANDERS, rentals. Eddy’s 55 Yonge Street North. Phone 458.1 Richmond Hill. ‘ tfc31 CHILDREN’S dresses smocked. Phone 358 Thornhill. .c2w32 INSULATION, rock wo'ol, blower method, try our prices, easy terms. For free estimate phone Richmond Hill 585W. ' tfc33 PAINTING and paperhanging, ï¬rst class work, reasonable rates, sam- ple books and free estimates. A. Rollinson, phone Richmond Hill 414M. tfc16 SAND AND GRAVEL, crushed stone, loam and ï¬ll. E. Charity, Richmond Hill, phone 372r5. tfc42 HOUSE MOVING, machinery, steel, heavy loads hauled any- where. Charles Matthews, Thorn- hill 73, Langstafl’. c14w31 CHIMNEYS and Fireplaces built and repaired. Also minor carpen- try work; kitchen bupoards, Phone 339.] Thornhill. c4w29 REFRIGERATION Sales and Ser- vxce, Domestic and Commercial. Repairs to all makes. Don Chalk, Telephone King 26r5. tfc38 HAVE YOUR LAUNDRY done at HAVE YOUR WASHING, ironing, home. Bring it to 81 Ruggles Avenue, just off Roseview Street. "‘3wa ALL KINDS FURNITURE re- pairs, upholstering, cabinet work, wood carving. Estimates given. N. G. VanDyke, 33 Hunt Ave., Richmond Hill. tfc plain sewing, knitting or mending done at 13 Benson Ave., also av- ailable for baby sitting any hours. Phone Richmond Hill 591W. c3w32 Stop 20A Yonge St. to Sick Child- ren’s Hospital arriving 9 a.m., leav- ing 5 pm. Thornhill 212R12. ‘1w32 ALL MAKES of industrial and domestic sewing machines serviced and repaired. Pick up and deliv- ery. Twenty y'ears experience. Work guaranteed. Telephone Rich- mond Hill 249R21. tfclO GORDON YOUNG LIMITED will be pleased to pick up dead or crip- pled farm animals and pay highest prevailing prices. Telephone collect Woodbridge 6.] or Toronto, Empire 3-3636., *43w32 TRANSPORTATION wanted from MARRIED FARMER wants job on dairy or beef cattle farm. Life ex- perience, capable of taking charge. Familiar with maintenance of mod- ern farm machinery. Good refer- ences. Box No. 10. '1w32 BOY BILLIARD CHAMPION TRANSPORTATION 16-year-old Emlyn Warren Par- ry, a heart victim, is British boys’ open billiards champion. Emlyn has spent most of the past six years in hospital but took up bill- iards as a mild form of exercise. He can play only 2 hours at a stretch and was coached to cham- pionship by retired Rhondda Valley coal miners. . ‘ 1950 PONTIAC CHIEFTAIN mileage 23,000, an exception- ally clean car 2500 series, 4-door sedan 1949 Pontiac DeLuxe Sedan has had eXceptional care, clean inside and out New 1950 G.M.C. 2 Ton Cab and Chassis 161†wheel base, 825x20 10- ply tires, complete with heater and Prestone 1948 Oldsmobile Coach Radio, Sun Visor, Slip Covers An exceptionally ï¬ne car Bradshaw Motors LTD. Buick, Pontiac, G.M.C. Trucks 178 Yonge St., Richmond Hill Phone 488 MISCELLANEOUS 1949 Meteor 2-Door Actual mileage 21,000 heater and white-wall tires EMPLOYMENT WANTED QUALITY USED CARS AND TRUCKS E $1,750.00 $1,650.00 $1,595.00 $2,200.00 $2,150 A new social centre in the area. was formally opened last week when eight enthusiasts braved the snow storm to attend the ï¬rst ev- ent held at the Black Diamond Ri- ding Academy. Bill Hanna broke trail into the ranch with his tow truck. Little Bonny Pallister, dis- appointed in being too young to participate in the sleigh party planned for the evening. had her fondest Wish granted. Black Dia- mond, the Academy mascot, was saddled and led into the large liv- ing room where Bonny had the ride she had been begging for. Happ'sy and satisï¬ed, she was put to bed and the adult members of the party hitched the horses to the sleigh and spent some time bucking drifts on the side road. Later they returned to the ranch for hot refreshments. Mrs. hanna made the white bridles adorned with black diamonds which she presented to Mr. Gowan, owner of the stables. Three new members have been added to the roster of the Lions Club. They are Ed. Pallister, Bert Comfort and E. A. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hanna had dinner Sunday with the Gowans. Mrs. Hanna is still feeling the shock of a series of unfortunate experiences and has been told by her doctor that she should have a complete rest. The resignation of Frank bcew: ardson from the Lions Club has been accepted with regret. Oak Ridges Riding Club is planning for its ï¬rst show which will take place at Oak Ridges some time in April, weather permitting. The children will manage the en- tire show themselves. It will be conï¬ned to pony classes including hunter and saddle entries. The club, despite the winter weather, is growing rapidly with eight youngsters from Toronto, three from Richmond Hill and two Irom Richvale adding to the local num- ber. Teddy a fat pony on loan from Eaton Hall farm is on a re- ducing diet with the youngsters taking turn exercising him to re- duce his girth. C. L. Stephenson, president of the Lions Club, had the pleasure recently of presenting deputy dis- trict governor, Fred Thompson of Newmarket, with a silver tray at a meeting which he addressed. During the course of his remarks he told of the new Lions City ‘which is being built twenty-ï¬ve miles from Chicago. The innova- tion of “The Lions Meat†a regu- lar bulletin, is receiving many complimentary comments from the members. It had its second issue distributed recently. Mr. and Mrs. McKenzie, who have been engaged on the teach- mumt\u\mlmmuumxlu\1mumuummmmmummumm“mnmmmnmmuummmuuuummnmvg OAK RIDGES & LAKE WILCOX NEWS 1950 Meteor Coach 1948 1/2 Ton Chev. Pick-up GURDON’S GARAGE 1948 Chevrolet 1949 Chevrolet Radio, air conditioner, Like new, low mileage USED CARS radio, air conditioner new tires, like new CORRESPONDENTzâ€"MRS. DOROTHY BARKER KlNG Phone 50 like new Telephone Aurora 534.] ing staï¬â€˜ of Oak Ridges school are at; present commuting from Tor- onto. Next week they will stay with Mr. and Mrs. Gamble until they can ï¬nd one or two house- keeping rooms invthe viciniLy of the school. They arrived in Can- ada. from Scotland just recently. Mrs. Clifford Shier of Tomnto is the guest of Mrs. Gerald Gam- ble. Despite the fact that the desks had not arrived grade ï¬ve was es- tablished in the newly decorated basement room at Oak nges School Monday with Mrs". McKen- zie in charge. Mrs. Ed. Foerster who suffered an acute illness Monday is pro- gressing favourably. A moonlight ride has been plan- ned by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gow- an for Thursday night. Eight of their friends have been invited in anticipation that old man winter will co-operate. Phone 111 Richmond Hill BAKER SALESX: SERVICE IDEAL FOR FISH LOAVES 1-2 lb. TIN SALMON WEEK - END EXTRA SPECIAL HELEN’S GROCETERIA 21 YONGE ST. N. RICHMOND HILL Phone Richmond Hill 8 USED CARS 1 1949 HILLMAN Excellent condition FANCY PINK 23c Richmond Hill $1,200.00 LIMITED 220 Bay St., Toronto, Ont. TOMENSDN, SAUNDERS, SMIIH 8. SAN“ . Our service to you combineq expert advice on your Insurance problems with a complete englneermg servxce. Dlstrlct Representative Your Centre St. 18 Elizabeth St., Richmond Hill, Ont. Telephone 25R TEN-TEST MASONITE HARDWOOD FLOORIN G YONGE sr. ANSWELL LIMITED PHONE THURNHILL LUMBER THORNHILL170 ROUGH & DRESSED LUMBER TRIM SASH WINDOW FRAMES Valentine Dance gas-“no {mamm.“-bw;.:eu:coaa WE'D LIKE TO STATE, TO MODERNIZE AND INSULATE ! ‘ v m ;\\\\\ W '5 ALWAYS WISE, LESSON F63. 160mm Home Office 3242 Yonge opp. Park Theatre â€" Hu. 8949 Under auspices of Richmond Hill Bowling Club And when you think of lumber think of Answell’s To keep your flock vigorous, healthy and octive--- to obtain higher egg production in winter months, build your poultry house with CONCRETE BLOCKS. It’ll be‘warm and dry and proof against rats and vermin. «none Stoufl‘ville 381W1 for complete details We deliver. SAND, GRAVEL, CRUSHED STONE, LOAM & FILL FOR HEALTHIER CHICKENS and better egg production! INSURANCE" FROM 9.30 AM. TO 12 NOON EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED BROKEN LENSES REPLACED OPTICAL REPAIRS , Prescriptions for Glasses Filled. For Appointment Phone Richmond Hill 33 GORMLEY, ONT. Tel. Stouï¬â€™ville 381W] HERBERT R. BUTT GURMLEY BLOCK CD. PUBLIC SCHOOL AUDITORIUM Admission $1.50 per couple FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 16 PHONE THORNHILI. 247 L. W. REID MEETS ALL A. S.T. M. SPECIFICATIONS ALL SIZES OF CONCRETE BLOCKS. SAND AND GRAVEL and the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month â€" in the â€"â€" F. L. LOWRIE, R.0. Eyesight Specialist WILL RE AT Clarke’s Pharmacy Wednesday, Feb. 14 FOR DOORS is our business Phone Plaza 7671 Thornhill PLYWOUD