is THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thurs., February 8, 1951 . Guernsey Cow, 6 years old, fresh, calf by side ,.2. Guernsey Heifer, fresh, calf by side '8. Guernsey Heifer, fresh, calf by side *4. Guernsey Heifer, freslh, :alf .5 by side :5. Guernsey Heifer, fresh, calf .. by side Guernsey Heifer, fresh, talf In by side T7. Jersey Cow, 3 years, fresh, ; calf by side 8. Jersey Cow, 8 years, fresh. "‘ calf by side P9. Guernsey Cow, 6 years, supâ€" , posed to calf February 22 :10. Guernsey Cow, 6 years, sup- ; posed to calf March 11 :11. Guernsey Cow, 4 years, sup- ? posed to calf March 15 :12. Guernsey Cow, 5 years, sup- nu. H «I . 318. i :19. i €20. i 921. I posed to calf March 17 Guernsey Cow, 4 yrs., supposed to calf March 17 . Registered Guernsey Cow, sup- posed to calf April 1 . Guernsey Heifer, supposed to calf April 10 Guernsey Cow, 5 yrs. suppos- ed to calf May 13 Guernsey Cow, 5 yrs., suppos- ed to calf May 19 Guernsey Cow, 5 yrs., suppos- ed to calf May 24 Guersey Cow, 5 yrs., supposed to calf May 29' Guernsey Cow, 5 yrs., suppos- ed to calf July 8 Guernsey Heifer, supposed to calf July 31 3 Guernsey Heifers not bred, rising 2 years ‘1 Black Gelding Percheron :1 Black Gelding {Percheron “Above team are well matched 3’le .4 Yorkshire Sows, due to fhlrow '* in March :An EHORSES CATTLE '23. 24. ,. _.,._., -, , Above tearï¬ a)“: weH matched 1 Mow of Good Mixed Hay PIGS Approx. 100 bus. Fall Wheat 4. Yorkshire Sows, due to fth'OW Approx. 600 or 700 Bus. of Oats in March Quantity of Ensilage TERMS CASH. NO RESERVE. FARM SOLD. SALE AT 12.30 NOON SHARP. M. Wilson, M. Hunter and J. Walkington, C‘lerks ' KEN & CLARKE PRENTICE, Auctioneers 'Mnrkham P.0. ph. Markham 346; Milliken P.O. ph. Agincourt 52W3 AUCTION SALE OF 40 HEAD OF GUERNSEY CATTLE, FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, HAY, GRAIN, ETC. _0N__ 7 Guérnséy Yearling Heifers Registered Guernsey Bull, ris- ing 3 years. above mentioned cattle are vac- cinated and blood tested Dependable pow-r fa Farm, Home or Shop -â€" Thou rugged, quiet-er Elam: Moron m to, quality construction Ilmwghouf. Engineered for I009 m. and efflflm operation. Choou flu motor for your 1 me requirement hull Canadian 11rd: wide "View â€" “any are all except one! vulm! Used on non homecntt power he! equipment, washing machines. etc. Split-phase start. induction runnlnt. SLBBVI BEARING (hp-BM! Mn}. 2 54 M 11.30 1 *5 M- 2o.7s 1 V: M 25.05 . Capacity TWOâ€"STEP "V" PULLBYâ€"Prom 3" to 2": ‘5" or 'Kx" born. Each .57 FOUR-STEP "V" PULLBYâ€"Prom 4" 3’4". 2‘6". 1%" outside diameters. Va" 9E" or %†bore. Bach 1.20 Pulleys â€" V-Belts â€" Lineshafl Equipment "V" BELTSâ€"Pot homn appliances. power tools. etc.. with ‘5" drives. Available In :11 DO ulsr sizes from 20" to IONâ€"at super sav- mgs . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . ‘ .03 to 1.9! SHAFT BEARINGSâ€"Die east secur- smly machined to assure I {no runnlns shaft. .25 9G†.1. '1." .33 SHAFT COLLARâ€"th nu mew. ’ï¬" .13 5i" .1. %" Brand Nu â€" Fully unnmd â€" At 6.7.0. Savings SINGLE-END SHAFT Thursday, February 15, 1951 â€"- PROPERTY OF â€" MILE EAST OF KING CITY ON HIGHWAY Cow, 6 years, supâ€" calf February 22 Cow, 6 years, .sup- calf March 11 Cow, 4 years, sup- calf March 15 Lot 5, Con. 3 King Twp. ROY BOWEN 21.80 25.25 flank FURNITURE 1 McCIary Cook Stove, cream en- amel, near new ' Number of other articles IMPLEMENTS Massey Harris Tractor 101 Senior twin power, complete with start- er, lights, pulley, power take-ofl', etc., in perfect condition 1 2-Furrowed Oliver Tractor Plow 1 Set Massey-Harris Gable Double Discs, new 1 Set Tandem Disc Harrows 1 M-H 16 tooth Cultivator, tractor hitch, near new 1 Set 3-Section Spring Tooth Har- rows 1 Cockshutt No. 4 Manure Spreadâ€" er, good 1 M-H 7 ft. Cut Binder, complete, good 1 M-H 13-Disc Drill, near new 1 Fertilizer attachment to ï¬t any 13-run drill 1 McCormick-Deering Mowex, oil bath, No. 7, 5 foot cut 1 Steel Land Roller 1 Set of Outthrow Disc Harrows 1 Set 4 Sec. Drag Hal-rows, light 1 Set 4 Sec. Drag Harrows, heavy 1 M-H Hay Tedder 1 M-H Corn Cultivator Massey-Harris Hay Rake, 10 1t. 1 No. 12 Fleury Walking Plow 1 Rubber Tired Farm Wagon gear 1 Hay Flat Rack, 16 ft. 1 Set Sloop Sleighs with rack 1 Cutter MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES 1 Mâ€"H Riteway Milking Machine, complete with 2 single units and piping for 23 head 1 General Electric 6-Can Elntric Milk Cooler 1 Gem Oat Roller, near new 1 Root "Pulper M-H 1 Set Scales, capacity 2000 lbs. 1 Set Stewart Electic Stock Clip- pers 1 Set Team Breeching Harness 1 Single Set Harness, heavy 1 Extension Ladder, 32 ft. Forks. shovels, pails, chains Whiï¬letrees and numerous other i articles GRAIN AND HAY Double-end shutâ€"hr Hne-shaft or openth two muhinea from the one motor: ball hem-1n: equipped. cunde Mycle 25-eyele V‘ hOI- 22.80 26.80 3‘ h!- 25. 75 30.25 1/5 In... 3035 , . . . . m up nndat heavier lads: for heavy woodwork!“ tools, industrial use. etc. Ban bearing. _Cpp_uit1 “Luck FLEXIBLE SHAFT â€" 50" lent: nu 1,5" motor shaft. Includes motor coupling and tdlDtef with 95" (louse: to uke mndlnl. butllnl wheels. m. Complete . . . . . A 11.08 Gmmc STANDâ€"Hen! duty. for use with Inndlng. polishing. bufï¬ng wheels. etc. Gilles; bronze beeï¬ng: with 2" "V" pulley. IA" ban 2... SAW MmWB." bearing: m- ud}: constructed. ’5 " or '1; " shah . . . . ‘ . . . . . . , , . . [.95 '- ' 22.36 56; " 25. 75 30. v. 3035 , . . CAPACITATOR TYPE DOUBLE-END SHAFT ZS-cyele Richvale The drive at Richvale will be starting at nine o‘clock in the morning, and if the bundles of pa- per could be left just outside the door there would be .a great sav- ing in time and this courtesy on the part of the householders would be greatly appreciated. At last week’s meeting of the Cubs Robin Wood received his ï¬rst Star and his Gardener’s Badge and Richard Valcourt hi third Se'rvice Star. Brian Taylor, in absentia, received his second Star. The scouts and cubs had an ex- cellent turn-out for a church ser- vice on Sunday, February 4. Mr. Wrixon very generously donated the entire evening collection'.to the Scout and Cub Building Fund. The boys sincerely thank Mr. Wrixon and the congregation for their 3th- erosity. Re: Paper Drive, Sat, Feb. 10 Richmond Hill Just a reminder about the plper collection on Saturday, February Correspondent : Mrs. Sydney Steventon Edgeley, Ont. ‘ The Young People’s Fellowship Group will meet at the United Church parsonage, Maple, on Fri- day, February 9, at 8 pm. Dur- ing the evening time will be set aside to begin the studies for the Young People to become church members at Easter Lime. On Sunday, February 4, Mr. Lorne Peebles of the Youth Tem- perance Federation of Torontu was the special speaker at Edgeley Un- ited Church. His talk on Temper- ance was very interesting and greatly enjoyed by all present. Congratulations to Mr. Ali Buzz and son of Edgeley on their re- ceiving the Certiï¬cate of Merit for having the longest continuous membership in the TB. tested herds. The presentation was made at the Royal York Hotel on Mon- day, January 29. Mr. and Mrs. Alf Bagg,~ Mr. and Mrs. John Devins, Mrs. Elliott and Mrs. Harrison departed on Mon- day, February 5, for St. Petersâ€" burg and will be visiting in other places during their three or four weeks’ stay in Florida. Cookery Course The many friends of Mrs. .Eidon Fierhellet are glad.\to know she_is much better after her illness. Mrs. Homer Whitmore is now improving a little after her illness. The Short Course “Let’s Cook It Right†held in January under the auspices of Edgeley Women’s In- stitute proved very interesting and successful. 7 Miss Elaine Found, Home Econ- omist from the Women's Institute Branch and Home Economics Ser- vice of the Department of Agriculf ture was demonstrator. Everyone enjoyed the pleasant and refresh- ing manner with which Miss Found conducted the course. Many-tasty and nourishing dishes were pre- pared by Miss Found and her as- sistant, Mrs. Paul Snider, and those present enjoyed generous samples of the meals prepared. Twenty-two ladies attended the course and of this number seven- teen were outsiders. The Short Course being for all women of the community, it was gratifying to have so many non-members take advantage of this service. Women‘s Institute The regular meeting of Edgeley Women’s Institute was held Feb- ruary 1 at the home of Mrs. Chas. Greenley. Due to bad weather the attendance was small, but the meeting was an interesting'one. In the absence of the president, the second vice-president, Mrs. F. Locke was in the chair. The pro- gram was in charge of the Home Economies and Health Convenor, Mrs. R. Stuart. The Roll Call “Aids to Relaxa- tion†was well responded to and an interesting discussion resulted. Taken from a magazine an article “Why Can’t I Relax†was divided into ï¬ve parts and read by various members. The motto “He who has health has hope, and he who has hope has everything,†was preâ€" pared by Mrs. Stuart and read by Mrs. J. Bagg. Mrs. A. Bagg and Mrs. Greenley added sparkling variety to the programme with tWo piano duets. Attention ladies: The District Conference “Foods That Healthy Children Like†will be held in the Maple Masonic Hall on February 20 at 8 pm. This will be worth while attending The March n Women’s Institt March 1, at the Snider. D. GIFFEN Phone Richmond Hill 399M Oil EDGELEY NEWS Burners Installed meeting . Space Heaters te will be held on home of Mrs. Paul Serviced of Edgeley 7 District Scout and Cub News 10. Please have all the papers. magazines and old telephone books available when the scouts and cubs call on Saturday morning. The senior scouts are very glad to welcome Tim Hawkins and Pete Large as two new members. The following will be invested as tenderfoot scouts on Thursday, February 8: Brian Devine, Graeme Bales, Michael Butt, Peter Smith, Parents are cordially invited to attend. During the same evening Laurence Johnston and Charles Webster will be presented with their Second Class badges. Thornhill Thornhill “A†Pack “Cub Sports†were-just that in a thrilling game with the “Flying Dutchmen†of “B†Pack last Saturday morning. With Carl Beeston and Jack Robe- son refereeing under the supervis- ion of Mr. D. Smith, the ï¬nal score was 5 to 1 in favour of the “Flying Dutchmen.†“B†Packs goals Were scored by John Bol- weil 3; John Spence Land Sandy Kelson 1 and “A†Pack’s by Ray- mond 'I‘h‘irgood. The leaders and boys,are very grateful to the Lions Club and to Mr. P. McTnggart-Cowan who heads its Rink Committee for al- lowing them to use it. The teams w'ere made up 35 fol- lows: “A†Pack "Cub Sports": Acting captain, Bruce Barker; Bill Strntton, Ian Ross, Bill Ball, Douglas Jackson, Raymond Thir- good and Bill Gage. “B†Pack, “Flying Dutchmen": Captain Sandy, Kelson; John Bol- well, Barry Hansen, Bob Lyon, Jim Bentham, Nelson Edwards, Alan Findlay, Greg Harley, Don Gibson, David Iverson, Terry Juhl, John L’Aventure, Alan Shyard and John Spence. The Mothers Auxiliary supple- mented the lunches the Cubs had taken with hot chocolate and cook- ies' and in the afternoon boxing matches were held. These were supervised by Group Committee Chgirmnn Mr. Bill Hansen and Scoubmaster Peter Woodger. Mnde in Richmond Hill The quality is tops â€" the price is right ' Y.P.S. is at night at 8 pm. The special speaker is Rev. A. Greer of Weston. Mr. Greer is a splendid speaker. . Next Friday November 9, is the World‘s ay of Prayer and the churches of Thornhill are meeting with us at Langstafl' Baptist Church for this special service,each churchtaking a part in the progrém, at 3 pm. We ex- tend la cordial invitation to 111 women to come. A new 247-mile highway, con- necting Wlhitehorse with Mayo, Y. T., was completed in 195-0. The all-weather road was built by the federal government to aid mining development in one of the largest lode-mining areas in Yukon Ter- ritory. for a change. Your guests will like them if they are For that club or association meet- ing or your party try doughnuts 80 -Yonge Street N., Richmond Hill WWWMW MWNWHNNMMMNNMWNNM Telephone~Richmond Hill 58R JACK’S HONl-DIP'I‘ f nomu'rs All you do is drop in the bread. Brad lowm mm m mmkcflyâ€"no levers to push. Tun rum: in." Mlonfly with- out popping or banging. And what toastâ€"every slice alike from ï¬rst to last. Come in and see it. HIlLTUP ELECTRIC Mm Bel/ml W! Richmond Hill 23 YONGE ST. SOUTH TELEPHONE 292 WE DELIVER Langstaff Church Notes The regular meeting of Maple Young People’s Union was held in the Sunday School room on Jan- uary 31. The president, Mrs. Ed- ward Walker was in charge. r’rac- tice has been started on the play “W'hile The Toast Burnes" which Will be entered in the Drama Fes- tival. Dr. Archer Wallace, guest speaker. gave an interesting all: on the Bible. William Hodge of United Nat- ions Field Service spent the week end at home, after returning from Tokio, Japan. He left Sunday af- ternoon for Toledo, Ohio, where he will take a special course, before returning to United Nations Head- quarters at New York. Greetings were brought to the society from Toronto Centre North Presbytery by the president, Doug. Fisher of Aurora. Native Returns From Tokio F.O. .Ronald Kyle has returned to R.C.A.F. duty and is stationed at Trenton. He spent the week end of February 3 with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Kyle. United Church Y.P.U. Mr. and Mrs. Linklater of Dun- dalk, James and Bruce Jones spent the week end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Jones. Friends of are sorry to the hospital. Mr. William Dollar of Port Elgin has joined the staff of the Bank of Commerce, being moved here from Galt. Archie Cameron Jr. was opera- ted on for appendicitis Sumhy, January 28. Women's Institute The Women‘s Institute of West York, are sponsoring a lecture and demonstration “Foods that healthy children like" by the nutrition sec- tion of Women's Institute Branch and Home Economics Service to be held in Maple Masonic Hall on Tuesday evening, February 20. at Presbyterian Church A joint Communion Ser‘iice of St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Maple and St. Paul’s Presbyterian Church, Seventh Concession, Vaughan, was held on Sunday, February 4, at 11 pm. Rev. C. H. Bowman officiating. FIREâ€"AUTOMOBILEâ€"REALTH AND ACCIDENT BURGLARYâ€"PLATE GLASSâ€"COVERAGE â€"â€" 5:: â€"â€" Maple Let The Street Fleet De'iver Your Heat Coal - Coke - Wood ARE YOUR INSURANCE NEEDS COVERED ? elephoncs - Richmond Hill 156 BAKER’S SALES & SERVICE WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF PARTS FOR ALL MAKES OF ENG- LISH CARS. OUR FULLY LICENSED MECHANICS USE ONLY THE MOST MODERN EQUIPMENT ON YOUR CAR TO ENSURE YOU OF BETTER RESULTS AND PEAK PERFORMANCE OF YOUR CAR THESE COLD WINTER DAYS. YOUR CAR WILL BE PICKED UP AT YOUR RESIDENCE AND DELIV- ERED AT NO EXTRA CHARGE TO YOU AND IS FULLY INSURED WHILE IN THE HANDS OF OUR EMPLOYEES. OPEN FOR SERVICE 7 AM. TO 12 PM. . 7 DAYS A WEEK ANYWHERE 24 HOUR TOWING SERVICE ANYTIME FROM 12 RM. TO 7A.M. PHONE RICHMOND HILL 364R22 or THORNHILL 219R22 RICHVALE, ONT. CORRESPONDENT - MRS. D. ALLEN Dr. Fred Routley hear he is again in . Street 8: Sons My Thirty Years Of Experience is AT YOUR SERVICE MAPLE NEWS ARTHUR J. WELLS Phone Mable 19R HILLMAN 8: HUMBER HAWK ' DISTRIBUTORS. For Women's Institute Maple Women's Institute will hold its regular meeting on Feb- ruary 14 at the home of Mlo. A. E. Snider. The topic Historical Research will be in charge of Mrs. F. S. Rumble. Roll call “Bring An Antique‘ Committee, Mrs. M. Palmer, Mrs. Jennings, Mrs. J. Rumble and Mrs. N. Payne. A large number of Maple folks enjoyed the Oyster Supper and entertainment in Edgeley Com- munity Hall on Friday, February 2. “Peck’s Bad Boy" and other movie ï¬lms were shown by Geo. Agar. In the report of- the Members of Session of Maple United Church in last week’s issue the name of Mr. F. P. Rumble was omitted. Commencing Sunday evening next, February 11, the evening service at St. Stephen’s Anglican Church, Maple, will be held at 7.30 pm. instead of 7 as formerly. The holy communion will be ad- ministered at the evening service this Sunday. The Ladies Auxiliary held a suc- cessful euchre on Thursday, Feb- ruary 1, in the Public School Aud- itorium. With the approach of the Spring season a full program of events is being arranged. The big event is the old time and modern dance and stage show in the Richmond Hill Public School Auditorium on Fri- day, February 23. At the next regular meeting of the Branch some important busi- ness items are to be brought for- ward. Progress is being made through the co-operation of its members and executive. Congratulations to 2nd Viceâ€" president Comrade Blake Nash, Ed- gar Avenue, Richvale, on the birth of u son. THE LEGIONNAIRES Branch 375 Canadian Legion, B.E.S.L. Richmond Hill Telephone Maple 99 WiHowdale 682 Regular calls in Richmond Hill district 345 Old Orchard Grove. Toronto Window “.05 For Brick and Frame Construction Cellar Frames Sash Storm Windows Check Rail Sash Casement Sash Door Frames Colonial Door Frames for Brick & Frame Construction Octagon Window Frames and Sash Combination Doors -â€" screen and glazed Screen Doors and Window Screens WINDOW & DOOR FRAMES telephone 33 Our experienced staff are at your ser- vice. Thornhill 1'2 BUYING or SELLING ? To Vendors â€" We can help you secure the best current market price for your property. ' To Purchasers â€" We can supply 3 var- iety of listings covering a Wide price range from Aurora to Lansing and can now offer a selection of Toronto listings. Wm. Oliver Helen Sanderson Samuel Carlisle Frederick Norman John McGinnis Margaret Bates Clarke's pharmacy David McLean Limited TOWN AND COUNTRY REALTORS MEMBERS TORONTO REAL ESTATE BOARD chocolate in special valentine wrappings - by l1unt, smiles'n chuckles, neilson, moir at AUBREY NICOL PHONE R.H. 111 Telephone Richmond Hill 1341'31 GORDON KENNEDY PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT After hours and holidays: ELGIN MILLS Thornhill Office richmond hi†Aurora 429R“ Richmond Hill 421W Richmond Hill 394W Willowdale 3488 Maple 156W HYland 6015 WA. 4338 RE.‘ 3139