Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 15 Feb 1951, p. 7

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iDAVID McLEAN SELLS REAL ESTATE 78 YONGE STREET SOUTH RICHMUL‘ BOND AVENUE OAK For prompt pick-up and delivery anYWhere district For wedding pictures â€" for birthdays â€" for the many anniversaries which de- makes all the difierence between an or- ; serve recording -â€" for the artistry which i dinary photograph and a portrait â€" visit PHONE RICHMOND HILL 625 Phone -- evenings â€" King 94R34 For Your Cleaning Needs BefSure and Try Reids THREE DAY SERVICE 3 to 8 rooms, priced from $3,000 to $10,- 000 needed immediately. 1570 'Avenue Road w, 7 V ammmm“mm\uuummumumlmuuuuuuunu\\llllm\\\\l\\mmmmmum\mnmmummmmmmwmg HARVEY BROWN . GENERAL CONTRACTOR ~ TELEPHONE : WILLOWDALE 2507 Cleaners and Dyers Brick, insul-bric, and frame homes CEMEN1 WORK - BASEMEN1 FLOORS PLASTERING - The entire livelihood of your chicks for the first .few weeks, must come from the chick starter bag. So make sure of feeding a starter that does the job and does it - RIGHT. Many successful poultrymen have proven that the job is done RIGHT when you feed PROPERTIES WANTED PORTRAITS REIDS . LINDSAY or rlner Real Estqte 216 KINGSDALE AVE WILLOWDALE BLOCK WORK FOOTINGS S ID i WALKS Two Locations RICHMOND HILL OAK RIDGES RE 4836 in the RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCd Rev. S. W. Hirtle. B. A., Miniatet SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1951 10 am. â€"â€" The Sabbath School 11 a.m. â€" Public worship. Rev. Neil G. Smith, M.A Everybody welcome. Rev. C. B. Brethen. BA SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 9.45 am. â€"â€" ages and Adult Bible Class 11 am. -â€" Morning Worship 7 pm. â€"â€" Evening Worship Monday 6.30 pm. â€" Men’s Club Ladies’ Night Rev. W. F. Wrixon. L. TIL, Rector Sunday, February 18. Lent 2 8.30 am. â€" Holy Communion ' 9.45 a,m. â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€" Morning Prayer Subject, “01d Doppines Restated," 2. SIN. 7.30 p.m. â€" Evening Prayer - Subject, “The Christian Life,” “I am the Vine, ye are the branch- MAPLE CHURCH NOTICES Rev. P. J. Lambert, B.A., B.D., minister SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1951 Hope Sunday Sohool . . . . . 10 am. Public Worship .s........ 11 a.m. Edgeley Sunday School 1.30 pm. Public Worship .. Maple Sunday School Public Worship .. THORNHILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. S. W. Hirtle, B.A., Minister SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1951 11 am. â€" Public worship Mr. A. L. Sutherland, B.A., Knox College 11.30 a.m. â€"- The Primary School 12:10 pm. â€" Dr. Glen’s Bible Ulass Come and Worship. CHURCH OF CHRIST Meeting in Concord School Home Each Lord’s Day at 11 a.m. Gospel message and Communion Service Tune in CKEY (580) at 9.15 am. Sunday I Peter 4:11: “If any man speak let him speak as the oracles of ' God. ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH (2 miles south of Maple) E. J. Fisher, pastor Ser’vice on Sunday, February 18, 2.30 pm. Lenten Service every Thursday evening at 8 o’clock ST. MARY’S ANGLICAN CHURCH SUNDAY SCHOOL Everyone Welcomed to this 'hour- long children’s program of hymn singing and bible stories. V‘thilldren, obey your parents in the“ Lord: for this is right. Honour thy father and mother.” Eph.-6: "‘Beware that thou forget not the Lard thy God." Deut. 8:11. GOSPEL SERVICE Special Speakr: Mr. Jack Wilkin- son, Willowdale, Ont. I John 5:13. “These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God: that ye may KNOW that ye have eter- nal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God.” WWNW RICHMOND BILL UNITED CHURCH B. Brethen. B.A., Minister EVAN GELICAL SERVICES All are welcome. You are welcome. E. J. HINSON Interior & Iktez'ior Decorator Elm Grove 4w. Ridges Held in MASONIC HALL RICHMOND HILL P'IiékU'ARY' 18, ‘951 Sunday School for all es. 1) King 17R4 COME‘ ' * . . . 10.30 3.111. 1.30 pm. 2.30 pm. Mr. J. H. Rice, Richmond Street. has been elected director of the Toronto Real Estate Board for a second term. Mrs. E. Kirkland left Monday for her home in Parry Sound af- ter spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Cook, Roseview Ave. Mr. and Mrs. W-m. S. Hare, Temperanceville, will be at home to their friends and neighbours on February 20 from 3 to 5 and 7 t0 9 pm. The occasion being their Golden Wedding Anniversary. Mrs. Russell Lynett, past presi- dent of the Scout Ladies’ Auxil‘ iary, is convenor for the Father and Son Banquet being held for the Scouts and Cubs at the United Church, Thursday, February 22. The Liberal congratulates Mr. W. H. leks. son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Mylks, Yonge Street, who has been promoted to the position of manager of the Lake of the Woods Milling Co. Branch in Toronto. He was formerly manager of the branch swick. The choir of St. Mary’s Anglican Church entertained their families and friends at a very enjoyable social on Wednesday evening, Jan- uary 31, in the Parish Hall. Mr. Robert Cross, local High School teacher showed moving pictures and Mr. Jack Large sang two bari- tone solos. Refreshments were ‘served with Mrs. Wrixon presiding at the tea table. Richmond Hill Social and Personal The Richmond Hill United Church Men’s Club will be best to their ladies on Monday February 19, to supper and entertainment. Senior Major Herbert Wood of the Salvation Army, a returned miss- ionary from Africa will be the guest speaker. He will be accomâ€" panied by his two sons who will entertain with musical numbers. Miss Lola Jones will also render a solo. All members of the church are wel- come to c'ome and bring their lad- ies. Highlight of the Business and Professional Women‘s February meeting held at Summit View Drive-In on Tuesday evening was the puppet show written and ar- ranged by Mrs. J. Rabinowitch and Miss Eleanor Shaver. The show was entilted “Richmond Hill B & [P Women In Action,” and was a take-off on a waiting room for the village, one of the Club’s projects. Miss E. Izzard gave a paper on “Freedom of the Indiviâ€" dual” and read the “International Declaration of Human Rights" during the meeting’s International half hour. LEVER -â€" In loving memory of my dear parents who passed away on February 7, 1947 and February 31, 1941. A silent thought, a secret tear, Keeps their memory ever dear. Telephone Richmond Hill 9 â€"; Sadly missedrby their loving daughter, Ann, ‘ - c1w33 GIFKINS â€"- In loving rhemory of our dear mother, Rose Gifkins, who passed away February 6, 1950. A faithful mother, one of the best, May God grant her eternal rest. ; Ever firemembered by her son Jack, daughter Hilda and grand- children. *1w33 CARD 0F THANKS Many thanks‘l are extended to the people of Richvale for their whole- hearted support of the'recent pap- er drive, special thanks are due to Modern Kitchen Installations for the use 'of their truck and gasoline. c1w33 CARD 0F THANKS Mrs. William Neal, Agnes and Donald desire to express their thanks and appreciation for the many kindnesses extended to them in their recent bereavement through the death of their father. Daniel McCallum. c1w33 IN MEMORIAMS Correspondent : Mrs. Sydney Steventon Edgeley, out. The Young Peoples Fellowship Group of Edgeley United Church met at the parsonage on Friday evening, February 9. There were 16 members present and three vis- itors, also Rev. P. J. Lambert and family. Visitors were Stewart Star, from Newmarket and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Fisher, Aurora. Bible Study started for those who wish to join the church. The group is invited to a skating party at Queensville on Friday, February 16. Also on March 28 the Young People are going to visit the Globe and Mail. fw’i‘hernéxt meeting wiil be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Burns on February 23. The regular monthly meeting of Edgeley W.A. will not be held beâ€" cause of the hydro change-over, but Will be held on Thursday, Feb- ruary 22, at the home of Mrs. Geo. Bagg. It will be a quilting and all ladies are cordially invited. Several ladies are planning to attend the annual Pl'esbyterial meeting of the W.A. on Friday, February 19, in Toronto. in St. John’s,7New Brun- EDGELEY NEWS We welcome to our community Mr. and Mrs. Cartwright of M111 Road. The Cartwright family are occupying the former home of Mr. and Mrs. Price. The many friends of Mrs. G. Skippon of Yongehurst Road will be sorry to hear that-she is on the sick list. Very sorry to. lose the Price family from our neighbourhood. Mr. and Mrs. Price and Bobby are now living in Torontp. Canadian Legion branch 375 held a euchre at the home of Mrs. Sims on Thursday evening, Febâ€" ruary 8. Winners were: Ladies, Mrs. W. Adams, Mrs. R. Arbuth- not, Mrs. Sims; men J. 'L'ltshall, G. Legg, S. Arbon. Refreshments were served. Sorry to hear Margo Ball ls ill with the measles. We all wish her a speedy recovery. Scouts and Cubs are now tak- ing orders for Hot Cross Buns, which will be delivered Thursday â€" the day before Good Friday. If not contacted, and you wish to order same, please phone Mrs. mcc Richmond Hill 367R13. Richmond Hill Auxiliary Despite the cold weather, there was a good turnout for the regu- lar meeting of the Ladies’ Auxilâ€" iary for Scouts and Cubs, held last Thursday evening. Mrs. Gardner, president, gave a report on the Tea and Sale held last month. A committee was formed to assist Mrs. R. Lynett, convener for the Fahter and Son Banquet, February 22, and further plans made for the annual St. Pat- rick’s Dance to be held Friday, March 16. Business disposed of the even- ing became a social one.‘ The game of “Twenty Questions” was played with much hilarity on the part, of the audience and great concentra- tion by the panel of experts. This was followed by talented Gary Blackburn who sang, and clever Michael Butt who performed his magician’s tricks, assisted by Graeme Bales. Refreshments were served, this :pgart of the evening being capably handled by convener Mrs. Arthux; Leech and her committee. Scoutersf Get-Together CORRESPONDENT â€" MRS. M At a meeting held in St. John’s Parish Hall, York Mills, on Friday evening last the Scouters and Group Committeemen‘ were wel- comed by Jackson Taylor on behalf of the York Central Executive Board. The meeting was then turn- ed over,to John Snow,‘ Assistant District Commissioner for York Central, who introduced the guest speaker, Douglas McConney of Ontario Scout Headquarters. His subject was “Plan Achievement.” and what it meant to Scouters, and the parts the Committee and the Ladies’ Auxiliaries have to play. Evening Auxiliary (W.M.S.) The Evening Auxiliary (W.M.S.) met at the home of Mrs. F. Rich- ardson, Arnold Avenue, on Tues- day evening with the president, Mrs. A. Morton in the chair. The devotions were taken by Mrs. G. Russell and Mrs. D. Davidson. Mrs.‘ G. H. Craig was in charge of the programme and read from letters from her aunt, Miss Bertha Cass- idy, a missionary of the Seventh Day Adventist Church, formerly’of China and now in Japan. High- lights of the trip to Japan were given and proved of great interest to those present. The members of the Auxiliary felt that they would like to take a personal interest in the Welfare of Miss Cassidy and decided to send Overseas Parcels to her. The Sunday School Hall was ap- propriately decorated for the Valâ€" entine season with streamers and hearts when the Evening Auxiliary held its annual Valentine afternoon tea. and bake sale. It was well patronized and netted a profit of over $60.00. ‘ Ladies’ Guild The Ladies Guild met in the Sunday School Hall on Thursday evening with the new president, Miss Muriel Dean -in the chair. Mrs. W. Anstey introducea the guest speaker of the evening, Miss Graham of Chatelaine Institute. Miss Graham interested the group with her explanation of “the seal of approval” on recipes and prod- ucts. With Pancake Tuesday close at hand her main recipe was for pancakes. »The speaker was thank- ed by Mrs. E. B. Sharpless. Mr. T. Pherrill was present: to discuss with the young people the Young Peoples Uniqn The members of the Y.P.U. met at the home of Miss Virginia Jones, Thornbank Avenue, on Tuesday evening for a Valetine Soâ€" cial which was held of course, in the recreation room. NORTH RICHVALE NEWS Thornhill United Church News Telephone Richmond Hill 137R13 BLACKBU RN_ Yongehurst Rd. Guides and Brownies would like to thank everyone for helping to make the Thing such a success. On Saturday, February 17, the Scouts, Cubs, Brownies and Guides are holding a Hobby Show and Bake Sale in Richvale School at 1 pm. The Scroll and Log Book will be on display from 1.30 to 3.45 -p.m. Mothers are asked to have their baking at the school Saturday morning. a“ Don’t forget the Canadian Le- gion Dance and Floor Show, Feb- ruary 23 in the Public School Aud- itorium, Richmond Hill. Watch coming events for full details. Canadian Legion Branch 375 are holding a euchre on Thursday ev- ening,_ February 15, in the Rich- mond Hill public school at 8 pm. Refreshments will be served. Ev- erybody welcome. A meeting was held at the home of Earl Lambert, Yomgehurst Rd., Saturday, February 10, regarding the school situation. It was de- cided to send a deputation to meet the school board regarding build- ing a school in Upper Richvale; in the meantime to have a bus pick up pupils on respective streets rather than Yonge. District Scout and Cub News Emphasis was laid on letting the Scout in on all plans so that he feels that he too has a part to play in his great democracy of ours. Plans Were made for the forma- tion of an Akela Club fox Cub Leaders and their assistants. After the speaker’s remarks the meeting broke up into grotbs for discussion of what each group hop- ed to accomplish in 1951 and later re-assembled for a social hour. Those present were: Frank Worth, District Commissioner; John Snow, Assistant District Commissioner; Terry Jackson, District Cubmaster; R. T. Will? iams, A. Davis, M. B. Warren, L. Woodger, G. W .Hansen, Douglas McConney, Ontario Scout Head- Quarters, J. K. Bingham, J. Lea, B. Smith, M. Millard, C. G. Baker, ‘C. E. A. Smith, A. E. Rosevear, Jackson Taylor, L. D. Clarke, L. Keen, J. Fry, E. McKind, P.-E. Woodger, E. Pearce, J. Boyes, S. Heptinstall, George Harvey, F. C. Walker, J. C. McKendry. Thornhill Following a track laid down by Archie Kent, Jeff Jackson and Ron- nie Grifl'in, “A” Pack and “B’ Pack of Thornhill Cubs had an exciting hike last Sunday. On their return, the boys were served hot chocolate prepared by the leaders. At the last meeting Doug Jack~ son rceivd his first star. All the boys are working hard preparing their programme for the Parents’ Night which is to be held in Willowdale Community Centre on February 23. possibiIity of putting on a. play in the near future. This was met with enthusiasm, and so we may look forward to seeing a play pro- duced by home talent. Installation of the Stewards E1- ect took place in an impressive cerâ€" emony during the morning service on February 11. Those installed were Stewards F. Richardson, M. Sloanl K. Duncan, S. G. Lunau and C. Jones and Elders M. J. Johnston, A. Martindale and H. Gent. The minister was assisted by Dr. E. M. Honey, Chairman ofvthe Board of Stewards and Mr. L. Hicks, Clerk [of the Session. EVERY DAY: Remember than the Coming Events column is a cheap and effective way of telling others of your dance or bazaar or other money-making event. It’s an ef- fective way, too, of making sure of good attendance by reminding members of date of meetings.3w22 lmm1ummumunmumuum“uxtu“\muu\“um\\\m\\\u\\u\\\mum FLOWERS FOR 'EVERY OCCASION RICE’S FLOWER snap 44 Yonge Street South Richmond Hill Tel. Richmond Hill 490 Nights and Holidays Telephone Thornhill 207R6 \mummum“mummmumm“muml\\\\\\u\\\\\u\m1mm THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thurs., February 16, 1951 STUART PAXTON WIRING LINE WORK Phone Richmond Hill 359r11 LOAM FILL GRADING ’ PHONE THORNHILL 141J MR. STEWART 20 Elmwood Ave., Willowdale Ii“\munmmmummmm\\n\1mmnm11mm“\\m“munummuuuuu Phone Richmond Hill 414M Richmond Hill ’ Telephone 242 \l“mull“\\\\\l\\“\\l\\\\\\lllmm“\1“\\\lll“H\\\\\\\ll“llll\lll\\\\\l1\l\\“\\ll\ mmIuuumuummmmm\uummum“\lmmlm1lu1\\\uu\\\1\mm\m We solve your déep and Shallow well pressure system troubles. Phones King 111 Aurora 46J unmuu\\\mm1mm1mumlmm1xI\IImmmumunmmmmm AU STI N SALES 8: SERVICE Repair shop open until 10 pm. for service and repairs on all makes of cars. Phone 12 JAMES J. WALL NORTH END EXCAVATORS Painting Paperhanging MEL. MALTBY First Class Work Reasonable Rates Authorized Dealer for Richmond Hill and District Electrician OAK RIDGE‘S, ONT. Plumbing & Heating Contractor Agent for DELCO PUMPS AND Arcoflame Oil Burner Cement Septic Tanks HOMES BUILT Stop 17-A Yonge St. PHONE 40-1 ROLLINSUN WE HAVE THE RECORDS YOU WANT YEREX ELECTRIC AND TELEVISION A good television antenna installation is the secret of good picture reception Consult us before you buy your Televis- ion set. A-u-_ . ._ i 7 ER ELECTRIC STOVES . . $159.50 WASHERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $144.50 REFRIGERATORS FROM . . . $344.00 Cities Service Garage ne 12 Richmond Hill CITIES SERVICE PRODUCTS Repairs to ARPENTRY GRAVEL STEELES CORNERS Phone Zone 5177 LT - ALTERATIONS ESTIMATES ON REQUEST. SAND H. J. JUHL all electric appliances SPECIALS FANCY PINK Salmon 23c CLOVER VALLEY Link Cheese EVAPORATED Libby’s Milk GOOD LUCK Margarine ‘ $.32: 40c MORLEY Soap Flakes MAPLE LEAF HEINZ Tomato Ketchup $1.“ 250 YORK FANCY Tomato Juice FIRM RIPE Tomatoes FANCY SPY Apples 3 m 29c Bananas u» 19c GOLDEN YELLOW NO- 1 NEW Potatoes MORLEY’S Self Serve RICHMOND HILL FEB. 15, 16, 17 golllb. 296 48 oz. Tin Lge. Pkg. Tall Tins Cello Pkg. lbs. 36c 27c 27c 27c Thornhill, Ont. 25c REPAIRS-

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