Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 15 Feb 1951, p. 8

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8 THE LIBERAL, Richmond 1-1111, ’l‘hurs., b’ebruary 15, 1301 Regular calls in Richmond Hill district 345 Old Orchard Grove, Toronto BENCH SAW' Heavy duty: in)! benign dflvo whack: 12" x 12" Mb]. mm to 45 den.: ’12" throat; adjustable 53¢“? 5": overall height Elk-spear designed to: shop Droéucuon I n d mama: work. Puts (lacy Odie: on um. tops. cuts picture mould- g'. etc. ‘6" x 18" _ Ne; sodod-l’or-Iuo ban (3) “INTER-PLANE! Bundles All Main: and mflacinz operations. plus menu: to 98". Lane adjustable uble: cum“ knives occurer hold by chin bunker. Bun-bearing. 49.00 Lg men SAWâ€"Cut»- to 2%”: Tut-table 15” I )3" with a mac m- tlpvhl. mnertn: 3nd cross-cutting . . . . ikkiil 'céi‘b'liafiéi'ilééo. . . . . . . . Av Abe”, Compin- rm: ladth .. "N M.“ OWN“! “Wm M I:ng you a full-six. power tool that‘s a real pm" to use: It- chumcy lot: you handle a wider iob range. Nn-typu m Mode diam-m 'im "micro-dial" not to cutting depth â€" up to 2 "' Tilting Tabb 16"xll" (with ext-mien: 14":16”)-â€"a super-size Inn on ovulkblc at a much higher prko. Boltâ€"bearing «nipped. with with Mitre 66qu with oxtcnlon arm, rip .85 knee, cross-cut , m Mod. guard, splitter and 3" Chrome Nickel thlna. Bled-A TMIFFFMFT" Mn- gqgg‘sAsmyA‘L quLm 3mg} >SAWâ€"Deslrgneiddvifih “’8 non: HM WITH “MSTERGRAFT” HIT-A8303 BENCH SAWâ€"awry duty! 8" blade um and the table remains m in no“ money Ind convenience. Table with extensions 25" x 18". Iowan-with all necessary nines. nudes. mutton mud. 8" umbinanon blade and extensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I manna snw ‘2) SHAPEI 49.00 GORDON KENNEDY PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Wll/‘ Hcavy duty Grindln: or Bulfins’ Stand with 96" shalt turned down to ’h" worklns diam: omen bronze bur-Inn. Length ot_slnlt 8": with V- Hula? A wigs nntg ol_(_}rln_flyc 81.36 ' “7nd "M‘iEâ€"drâ€"Js'. stirdy honking irrglth dust-moot 8K1? beulncs. 19" mm. 2’s" u- as" (8) covde IAIDREL 48" than: with 6" lace Ind 5" dum. crown Dana. Extra large bab- bflt bgujna’, surfaces. Heavy Du” Hindu]â€" sum sin 24" x I": tutu a“! an to 16" dfnm. 9.40 (C9 POLISHING HEAD (5) SAW MAHDBEL 112336 cmcvm SAW BLADES 56". i" and ii" bore: combina- tion. mucut and up. ROBERTS’ RADIAL STATION diam. . 2.88 7" diam. . 1.68 B" diam. . 3.10 IO“ diam. 3.90 Manuela" "Holhw Ground" Oom- bhatlon Blades â€" 6 to lo" diam. SUNDRIDGE .... HUNTSVILLE . . COLLINGWOOD GRAVENHURST (Round Trip - Subied lo Chang.) FARES ARE LOW Handles flat. curved and Irrezular surfacing. Wm: 4" x 34" belt and 6" diam. sanding disc; 01]- less bronze bushings: V- pulley. 9.30 Heavy duty. production type. Drills to centre of 12" circle. Jacobs' key- type chuck: can. 0-’m’": Spindle travel 3"; table she 88%" x 9": variable speed. (Less motor.) PHONE 177 Bomeenfl Drill Pressâ€" Drflll to centre of 7" circle . . . . . . . . . 15.75 Soo tho complete Masterorm Power Tool line-up for the Homeownerâ€" :U) NIB. SANDER 8-inch Rafi-Bearing (8) DRILL PRESS 18.75 78.50 RE. 3139 41.45 cuts {5.1'5 $8.50 $7.05 $4.45 $5.15 She spoke of the great need of sending help to the Christian Span- ish. Spreading the gospel is their chief work amongst the Spanish people. Ladies of Zié'x'l Lutheran, United, St. Stephens Anglcan and Pres- byterian congregations met in St. Stephen’s Anglican Church on Fri- day, February 9, for the “World’s Day of Prayer”. Those taking part in the service were Mrs. John Jul- ian, Lutheran; Mrs. George Ma- theson and Mrs. A. E. Snider, Presbyterian; Mrs. Lambert and Mrs. Kirkpatrick, United; Mrs. James Martin, Anglican. Guest speaker wa Mrs. Carlis, secretary of Spanish Christian Missions, whose husband is direc- tor of Spanish Christian Missions. They had recently returned from Spain. St. Stephen's Anglican Church The following officers were e1- ected: Mr. James Martin and Mr. Charles Hannis, Wardens; Mr. H. Bryan, treasurer; Mrs. H. Bryan, Vestry clerk; Miss Margaret Ram- say and Mr. ~Stenis Hue, auditors; Mr. Wills Maclachlan was elected lay delegate to the Synod. Several new members were wel- comed into the congregation. Presbyterian W.M.S. 0n V§ednesday, February 7, St. Andrew W.M.S. met at the home of Mrs. George Matheson. The de- votional was taken by Mrs. nlmo Kefi‘er and Mrs. Wilfred Hodge. Two piano duets by Mrs. E. Wade and Mrs. Hodge were greatly en- joyed. The subjert “Presbyterian Work in Canada” was given by Mrs. Eric Brice, with readings b3? Mrs. V. Orr and Mrs. G. Matheson. Plans were made to celebrate the sixtieth anniversary of the society in April. Refreshments were ser- ved by the hostess and committee in charge. World’s Mrs. Gordon Orr favoured the group with a solo. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. John McMahon on the birth of their son, born on Thursday, Feb- ruary 8, at Mrs. Hoover’s Nursing Home, Maple, and to Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Bryson, a daughter on Sat- urday, February 10, also at Mrs. Hoover’s Nursing Home. The tries,” horny was a dustry read and S! personally e: appreciation : sick folk. A reminder Vellore Senior Women's Institute held its February meeting at the home of Miss Annie Kerr. A reminder of the district course to be held in Maple Masonic Hall at 8 pm. on February 20, was given. For her part of the program Mrs. B. Farr presented Mrs. Bagg who gave an interesting demons- tration of cake decorating and al- so showed how leaves and flow- ers were made. The cakes decor- ated for Valentine’s Day, were greatly enjoyed for tea during the social time held at the close of the meeting. ’ Mrs. Watson, District President, and Mrs. Harris, District Secret- ary, were guests of the afternoon. Mrs. Harris, a member of Vell- ore Institute and one of the pro- gram committee for the afternoop, gave a paper on current; events. In her capacity as district omcer, she presented gleanings from the Federated News and emphasized the importance of Citizenship Day and National .Health Week and spoke of other aspects of Institute work. Mrs. Watson expressed her pleasure at being present at the meeting. She spoke of the 50th birthday meeting which will be held at Thistletown this year. Her remarks were based on the motto “Let us be friendly,” making spec- ial reference to those coming to Canada from other countries. She urged an effort be made to attend every Institute meeting and to ex- plain the Institute work more clearly to new members. The March meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. R. Julian. The topic is “Book Review” and the roll call, “Name your favourite magazine.” Mrs. Bishop read a paper on the motto and a poem “Only a work- ing girl.” Mrs flower Kerr. At the close of the meeting lunch was served by the hostess and committee and a social half hour was enjoyed by all. Mrs. William Bailey and John The topic was “Canadian Indus- ies,” the motto “Blessed:are the ,rny hands of toil”. The roll call as answered by naming an in- lstry in York County. Several “Thank you” notes were ad and some of the members :rsonally expressed thanks and >preciation for_boxes received by E. Witherspoon conducted a contest for Miss Annie Day 0; Prayer VELLORE CORRESPONDENT â€" MRS. D. ALLEN MAPLE NEWS Ianadian Blessed .m Phone. Maple 19R 1 Indus- :are the roll call an in- visited at the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Browning of Noble- ton, last week. “The veterinary in public health" was the subject of Dr. C. R. Reeds when he spoke to the Maple Com- munity and School Club on Wed- nesday, February 5. The growing importance of the veterinary’s pro- fession was stressed by Dr. Reeds who showed how 'great a part the health and welfare of the domestic animal plays in our health. The academic course in veterinary med- icine has grown from one to five years in approximately fifty years. The veterinarian has progressed from the old time horse doctor with only his primitive medicines and his love of animals to the modern practitioner with the best in science at his hand. The girls of the C.G.I.T. attend- ed the service in Maple‘United Church on Sunday evenind‘ as did the members of the Young Peoples Union. Rev. P. J. Lambert prea- ched the sermo and was assisted in\the service by Mrs. Verna Flet- cher. The choir under the direc- tion of Dr. Goodwin with Mrs. Clog-g at the organ, rendered spec- ial music. Mrs. Goodwin was the soloist. After the service a. Fireside Hour was held in the Sunday School under the direction of Mrs. Edward Walker assisted by Dor- othy Jarrett. Mrs. Fletcher led in a short devotional exercise assist- ed by Miss Morley, Olaf Dahl, and Kenneth Bice. The annual meeting of the Club will be held in the school on Wed~ nesday, March 5. Election of of- ficers will be hela and committee reports given. C.G.I.T. “Miracle drugs” play a large part in placing difficult and sometimes incurable diseases on the easily treated list, he said. Mr. Ross Knight brought his movie projector and showed the fine religious film “Faith Trium- phant". A large congregation was present and many stayed to participate in the Fireside hour. Maple Community and School Club Mr._and Mrs. Sandy McDonald of Gravenhurst visited with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wells, over the week-end. Sympathy is extended from Map- le and the surrounding commun- ities to the family of the late Dr. F. W. Routley, who passed away at Private Patients Pavilion, Gen- eral Hospital, Toronto, on Monday, February 12. Mr. and Mrs. George Metcalfe and three wee daughters visited with Mr. Frank Line and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Clegg. The W.A. of Maple United Church will meet at the home of Mrs. E. Hemphill on Wednesday, February 21, at 2.30 pm. A good attendance is requested. Mrs. Harold Dament, who was confined to her home through ill- ness last week is now progressing favourably. Miss Edith Jackson of Bradford visited with Mrs. C. H. Snider last week. V CORRESPONDENT Mrs. Raymond Stuart R. R. 1 Maple Telephone Maple 110r3 Mrs. Harold Maddon returned to her home in Montreal on Wednes- day after visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Macdonald. Capt. Arthur W. Hughes and Mrs. Hughes (formerly Lady Rob- erts) of Moon Pine Ranch are tak- ing a trip to Britain during which they plan to visit Mrs. Hughes’ an- cestral castle in Scotland. The farm of Mr. Albert Jackson was sold last week to Mr. Atkinâ€" son of Toronto and a stock and im‘plement sale will take place on Saturday, March 31. Made in Richmond Hill The quality is tops â€" the price is right A miscellaneous shower was held on Friday evening for Miss Pat Clapham who will be married on Saturday, March 3. The next Farm Forum meeting will be held on Monday, February 19, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Jackson. A crokinole party will be neld in the Elia United Church Thurs- day evening, February 15. For that club or association meet- ing or your party try "doughnuts for a change. Your guests will like them if they are 80 Yonge Street N., Richmond Hill ll“lll“\\l\lll\lll\l\l\\ll\ll\IllWWW“ll[\ll“\lll“\llll\\\ll\\\{\l\\l\l\l\l\l\ll\l llllllllumllll“\\1l\l\l\ll1lll\l\\l“lllum“\\\l1“ll\\lll““lm\ul\\“\l\lm\\\m“ Telephone Richmond Hill 58R J A CK’ S HONl-DIPT 'nomurs \X/E DELIVER CONCORD Mrs. D. W. Watts. Correspondent Telephone Thornhill 243R2 Mrs. MacAlpine of Morgan Avenue is out and about again af- ter her recent attack of bronchial pneumonia. The executive of Carrville Home and School met at the home of Mrs. Clifford Nunn on Monday evening. It was decided to have a social event around the last of March. There will be a lucky draw on a quilt. Watch the Coming Events column for further notice. .Mrs. Watterson of Clark Avenue is expected home from hospital some time this week. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. F. Barrett of Morgan Ave. on the birth of a girl, Friday, January 9, in Grace Hospital. COngratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Byers of Morgan Ave. on the birth of a daughter. Watch for notice in “Coming Events” regarding change of even- ing from Friday to Wednesday for meetings of Doncaster Ratepayers Association. We all missed_ Mr. Eric Shulver our Doncaster Ratepayers Associa- tion secretary on Friday evening last, absent owing to illess. We extend good Wishes for a speedy recovery. Home and School Owing to so much sickness and weather conditions there will be no meeting this month, but there will be a meeting March 8. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Evringnam and daughter Barbara of Toronto visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Wood. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bone had dinner in Toronto on Sunday even- ing with Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Risebrough and family. The Local Association of Guides and Brownies wishes to thanx all who so nobly supported “the Thing” on its trip through Rich< vale recently. At last Thursday’s hockey match which was gamely played by the Senior Boys of Thomhill and Richvale in spite of the zero temperature, Alan Bestard scored Richvale’s singleton, and Ronnie Griffin and Peter Zinkan scored one each for Thornhill. The Ladies Auxiliary of First Richvale Troop is again planning to sell Ho‘l; Cross Buns this year, to be delivered the Thursday be- fore Good Friday. The Cubs will be calling for orders. The School will Be open to re- ceive all contributions of Home Baking for the Sale to be held in connection With the Hobby Show, from ten o'clock in the morning on Saturday, February 17. Sale starts at 1 pm. The Girl Guides and Brownies, Boy Scouts and Cubs, and the sup- ,iorting adult groups, extend an invitation to everyone to attend the Hobby Show and Home Bak- ing Sale to be held in Richvale School this Saturday afternoon, “Thinking Day”, February 22, is the day set aside when Girl Guides the world over bethink themselves of their sister Guides in every corner of the globe. It is certain that friends and Richmond Hill 23 YONGE ST. SOUTH TELEPHONE 292 All you do is drop in the bread. Broad lowors "so" auto. mutuallyâ€"go levers to push. Toes! raises ilsolf silently with- out popping or banging. And what toastâ€"every slice alike from first to last. Come in and see it. HILLTOP ELEClRIC mm Bel/W W! 173 Powell Avenue, Telephone Thornhill 243R2 CORRESPONDENT: MRS. JACKSON TAYLOR CORRESPONDENT: MRS. E. A. WATTS DONCASTER DOINGS (ARRVILLE NEWS RICHVALE NEWS Phone Richmond Hill 367R22 Corn: Mrs. Bert Middleton Telephone Maple 1301-3 tradespeople coming into Doncas- ter will appreciate the new num- bering of houses. It is understood Doncaster Rate- payers Association has applied to Council to have the sideroads, Dud- ley, Willowdale, Henderson and Lillian, made up. The regular meeting of the Don- caster Ladies Club was held at the home of Mrs. Russel, Proctor Ave., on February 6 with eighteen mem- bers and one visitor present. The evening was spent discussing the year’s activities and money made. Names were picked for nomination of officers, which will take place next meeting. The hostess with the help of her aides served lunch. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. A. Mizen, Sec- comoe Ave. Mr. N. Millar, Morgan Ave., is up and around after his recent ill- ness. Little Lynn Turner’s playmates wish her a speedy recovery from an attack of pneumonia. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wynn Vis- ited on Friday evening at High- land Creek with Mr. and Mrs. A. Reid. Mr. Eric Shulver has recovered after a week in bed with the flu. Mr. W. Wynn was guest speak- er one evening recently at a Lea.- side plant. ' Mr. Frank Lamb celebrated his birthday Friday and friends and relatives from Toronto called. Mr. Lamb’s granddaughter, Rhoda Lamb, stayed for the week-end at her grandfather’s and had a, grand time skating on a nearby ponu and sleigh-riding on Saturday after- noon. The Carrvllle Girls Club expect to hold a euchre the end of Feb« ruary. There will be furthe. an- nouncement next week. There will be another l-nper Drive on Saturday, April 14. Those who were not called on this time and any who wish their papers picked up before this date are in- vited to call Richmond Hill 368 R14 or 364R4. February 17, commencing at 1 o’â€" cloek. A special feature will be the Scroll and Log Book from the Girl Guides .of Great Britain to Canada which will be officially re- ceived at 1.30 o'clock, and which will be on display until 3.45 p.m. It's much easier and cheaper to telephone Richmond Hill 9 and in- sert a. notice in the “Coming Ev- ents” column than it is to address and stamp a lot of envelopes. Try it. Clothes Care Some girls always seem to be dressed just right, uon't they? There is Bets with all her buttons sewed on, her' skirt pressed and her collar crisp and white. Every. day she has that bandbox look, not just on Sun- day. How does she do it? It’s not; a secret â€"â€" it’s a. system. When you go to work, the meticulous care of your person and your clothes is a. ‘must’ that you will have to observe if you are to stack up in the keen com- petition you will meet. CARL E. HILL, M.D., M.0.H. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH TW'P. OF NORTH YORK PARIS AUTO SUPPLY LIMITED Models RMSO RM35 RMZO RM60 RICHMOND HILL FRIGIDAIRE ELECTRIC RANGES T0 SUPPLY ‘ 0 YOUR KITCHEN NEEDS o ' I MAKE YOUR COOKING CAREFREE WITH THESE BEAUTIFUL FRIGIDAIRE RANGES Cash Monthlyl odels Price Payment Payments N4 229.75 49.75 11.20 M30 269.75 59.75 13.07 M35 299.75 59.7 5 14.94 P120 329.75 69.75 16.18 Man 2520 '75 79.75 19.27 Price Payment P: 229.75 49.75 269.75 59.75 299.75 59.7 5 329.75 69.75 389.75 79.75 G.M.A.C. EASY PAYMENT PLAN DAVID McLEAN SELLS REAL ESTATE PHONE 10 Why rs'blue coal'blue? â€"â€" AARA Thornhill, Ont. Window hes For Brick and Frame Construction Cellar Frames Sash Storm Windows Check Rail Sash » Casement Sash Door Frames Colonial Door Frames for Brick & Frame Construction Octagon Window Frames and Sash Combination Doors â€" screen and glazed Screen Doors and Window Screens WINDOW & DOOR FRAMES telephone 33 Like Fast Efficient Service? c|arl<c’s pharmacy OIL CHANGE (4 Qrts. Oil) CAR WASH - . - Why not make an appointment NOW? Willowdale 5177 Expert repairs on all‘English cars Authorized Austin Sales & Service John C. Love Lumber Company, Ltd. Special from Feb. 19 to Feb. 23 Guaranteed Lubrication by experts your physician’s prekcription will be accurately dispensed at I. D. IAMER 8 son AUBREY NICOL Try LINDSAY’S Bâ€"A ELGIN MILLS Telephone Richmond Hill 184:31 Yonge Street At Woodward Avenue. (Just North of Steele's Corners) See Love For Lovely Lumber Telephohe Thornhill 350 richmond hill PHONE 86 ‘4 RICHMOND HILL‘ $3.95

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