Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Mortgage Loans Arraï¬ged Ofl’ice ngrs â€" Daily 10 to 5 p.0- Evemngs: Thursday, 8-10 pm. Other evenings by appointment- 40 .Yonge, Richmond Hill 229W Barristers, Solicitors, etc. John F. Walsh Fergus P. Walsh Toronto Office, 912 Federal Bldg., 85 Richmond Street West . Richmond Hill, Thursday afternoon Maple, Thursday afternoon _ Money To Loan At Current Rates Barristers, Solicitors, Notaties N. Mathews, K.C. K. Stiver', BIA. p E. Lyons, B.A. Joseph Vale , NEWMARKET OFFICES 100 Main St. 6 Botsford St- Phone 126 Phone 20 Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public 93 Yonge Street Richmond Hill Every Thursday afternoon Phone 87 â€"- Richmond Hill Toronto Oï¬ice â€" 18 Toronto St. Phone Adelaide 5877 19 Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Richmond Hill 398J 36 Centre W Lang, Michener, Day -& Craqstdn 50 King St. W., Toronto “ ‘Waverley 293]; Dr. W. J. MaSon' " DENTIST ‘ 55A YONGE ST. SOUTH Phone '70 Richmond Hill From the .Toronto Conservatory of :Music W111 accept a number of ,,pppi_1.s in . mrvï¬nfl‘7 PEANo, ofdilif éï¬d THEORY For information phone Mrs. Mylks Richmond Hill 58J 108 Yonge St. Elocution, Public Speaking Platform Department, Dramatic Art “HOMEWOOD HALL†Thornhill, Ont. Phom Counties of York and Ontario ‘ Farm Stock,~Imp1ements, Houseâ€" hold Furniture, Real Estate Sales 3. specialty At Fair and Reasonable Rates Dual service for the price of one. Milliken P.O.. ph. Agincourt ‘52w3 Markham P.O., ph. Markham 346 - ' Prentice ; AUCTIONEERS . Licensed and AumqrizgdA fpr_the 26 Years Experience York County, Uxbridge and ~ Pickering Townships Farm Stock and Furniture Sales . a Specialty Telephone Stouffville 67312 ‘ ‘ ‘ Addiess: Gormley P.O. Rates for insertion in this section are available at The Liberal office â€" phone Richmond Hill 9. Richmond Hill, Telephone 15 Branch 0 law at THORNHILL an UNIONVILLE . Funeral Chapel 4812 Yonge St. Willowdale 8744 (At Sheppard Ave.) Lansing For letting people know about your euchre or bridge try the “Cuming Events†column of The Liberal. Telephone Richinond Hill '. Rabinowitch, 3.4, We have them on hand in our FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE Mathews, Stiver, Lyons & Vqle V. How’s Your Supply 0f Counter Check Books? WNaughton & M acN aughton Stuart P. Parker Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Cameron MacNaugh’con, K Alex M.‘MacNaughton McKinnon Building ' Melinda St. Toronto, ( Marguerite Boyle The Robert 8. Kane No sale too, big or too small Wright & Taylor RDFESSIONAI. AND BUSiNESS DIRECTORY Adelmo M elecci FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE STRVICE Ken & Clarke William Cook and Walsh '. C. Newman A S. Farmer AUCTIONEERS JOB PR1- (TING DEPARTMENT The Liberal LEGAL MUSICAL DENTAL 'fi‘b'fbï¬'to, Ont. Phone 89w Dr. Jas. R. Langstafl’ pr. Cameron Cowan , BY APPOINTMENT 106 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill Telephone 100 MAPLE Centre St. E. Hours: 9-11 :1 Telephone 360W Phone 82 Hours 10-12 SECDRD ANIMAL CLINIC -R( H. Kane- -REAL ESTATE.» Fafms, Suburban Propgrii-es, etc. ' ‘ . INSURANCE, 1. Fire, Automobile, étc. Telephone 411 Richmonfi Hill 1 z ‘ ‘41 Yonge Street South Richmond Hill Office hours‘ 2-4 p.m. daily Tuesday & Thursday evenings 6â€"8 p.m. Dr. W. Allan Ripley VETERINARY SURGEON Life, Fire, Automobile, Liability. Hail, Accident and Sickness Farm Insurance 3 Specialty King City Telephone 28 mentr Telephones: Office 24 Residence 513,.Rich-‘1ond Hill Other hours by appointment Telephone: Richmond Hill 306‘ 12 1:02 Dr. J.'T. Sheppard J. Roy Herrington "NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCER GENERAL INSURANCE Life, Fire, Automobile, etc. INSURANCE- 2_6 Adelalde St. W. Toronto ‘ AD. 0311 Dr. Wm. D. Howe (Fire, Autumobile, Etc.) Plate Glass, Hospitalization {General Insurance 40 Yonge Richmond Hill Dr. CicelymWilson Or by appointment Elgin Mills Side Road West AtvDufferin VETERINARY SURGEON Richmond Street ‘ . ‘ ‘4'5rYlon'ge SLINQ . .Phdne 170 H. Clarke Smith, Thornhill Phone 236W ’ Dr. J o P. Wilson Jack Walkington GENERAL INSURANCE 25 Grandview Ave, Thornhill Phone Thornhill 388R5 Life, Fire, Automobile, W. SCHURMAN Telephonngaplg. 49112 ' INSURANCE Richmond Hill, Ont. REAL ESTATE- VETERINARY Office Hours 2 pm. and 6 to 8-p.m by appointment Roy V. Bic]: MEDICAL â€"ANDâ€"- Branch Office Telephone 87 Phone 407.] a'.m. Weekdays only . Bigford b3; appointment Richmond Hi1 and by appoint Centre Street Richmond Hill Maple, OnL PHONE .3 With the increase of ï¬re hazards property owners should review their insurance policies, and due t the increased cost of materials would be well 'advised to increase the amounts of insurance. Also car owners who think it will never happen to them _1e caught sum time or other Without protection. The cost is a minor amount. to A. G. Savage INSURANCE AGENT Richmond Hill .10 Yonge St. N what it happen. W. J. SMITH & SON Painting Interior and Exterior. Paper Hanging Phone Richmond Hill 343r6 213.0ak Ave., Richvale For All Occasions Phone orders 'delizaed anyWhero in North Yonge St. District 2518 YONGE ST. (at St. Clements) Telephone MAfair 2245-6 Helen SimpsonLynett, J.F. Lynett INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS Leave Maple Leave Richmond ‘ Leave. Maple Leave Richmond Phone 372r5 Richmond Hill Pick-up and Delivery W. J. Aldridge SANITARY CONTRACTORS Septic Tanks, Disposal Plants, Slaughter Houses Pumped Out and Repaired If» it’sqsanitary work we do it. : Out of: town lay or night V emergency service Phone Willowdale Zone 8288 Maple 72r23 RIDING ACADEMY Opened Up For Business GENERAL BUSINESS Expert Designing RICHMOND HILL Langdon’s Coach Lines Ltd. " E. CHARITY Coaches For. All Occasions INSURANCE Cont. SAND and GRAVEL Crushsd Stone Loam and Fill Yerex Electric Storage, Cleaning ADAM REITER Radio Repairs For appbintrhent Phone FURS FOR HIRE $1.00 PER HOUR 163 SPRUCE ST. STOP 22A RICHVALE itww‘ï¬l EOE-"if an accident ORDER HELEN SIMPSON FLOWERS Teléphone King 56 SADDLE HORSES Thornhill 345 SCHOOL Phone 242.] Consult DAYS 8.10 am. Hill 9.10 31.111. 3.00 pm. Hill 4.30 -p.m. This is “Thinking Week" a"... -p .. ..._._._. During the recent successful paper drive the number who had securely tied their papers was “0‘ ted with much appreciaton. The next paper drive will be held in April, but during the middle 0f March there will be another pick- up to assist those who may have difficulty in storing their papers and magazines until the April date. The Scroll and Log Book for Canada with the beautiful hand- written pages, many embellished with original paintings and line drawings, drew many interested persons who literally risked _\life and) limb to attend the showing. and the joint Hobby Show put‘on by the Guide and Scout organiza- tions, last Saturday. A full story appears elsewhere in this issue. The Ladies’ Auxiliary of the 131: Richvale Troop will elect its offi- cers for the coming year atcthe meeting this (Thursday) evening at 8.30, in the home of Mrs. A. Baskerville, Oak Avenue. gm Februa;y 28, at 2.30 in the af- ternoon. ' Richvale Anglican W.A. will hold its next meeting at the home 'of Mrs. George Allison,, Oak Avenurg. Ratepayers are asked to get out and vote at the next regular meetâ€" ing on Mar‘ch 1 in the school when the election of officers will be held. Please note that-the time is half past eight. TWO CONTINUOUS SHOWS NIGHTLY STARTING 7 I’.M. The “Pee Wees played a good Fri. & Sat. Feb. 23 & 24 Thurs., Fri., Sat. March 1, 2, 3 It’s here at last â€"-â€" a pro- gram for young and old Walt Disney’s Plus Walt Disney presents ‘Treasure Island’ Thurs., Fri., doors open at 6.30, show starts 7.00 Sat. doors open 5.30 show starts 5.45 Please make careful note of these times NO RESERVATIONS FOR THIS SHOW SO PLEASE COME EARLY Special Matinee Sat. 2 p.m. Plus “Jerry & The Lion†‘Beaver Valley’ Matinee Sat 2 pm. a true 1T5 AURORA Mon. Tues., Wed. Feb. 26, 27‘, 28 3 DAYS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. JACKSON TAYLOR Phone Richmond Hill 367R22 w MA; IL' Plus 'SiANWYBK ADOLPHE MENJOU RICHVALE NEWS GABLE BARBARA 'Eaventï¬â€™e in MGM's CLARK game With Langstafl" Pee Wees on Thursday. . There were two ten minute periods, and ï¬nished up 1-0 in favour of Richvale. Robbie Mar- tin scored the goal with an assist from Bill Baskerville. On Friday the Senior Boys play- ed Langstaï¬' to a 3-all tie. Rich- vale seemed to have the play over Langstafl‘ and had two men out on penalties When Langstaff tied it up, in the last period. Richvale goals were scored by Frank Martin with two assists from Donald Rob- inson and one by Norman Sutclifl’e. The Langstaff scores were made by David Ellison, Carl Beeston and Jack Robeson. 0n Thursdays’ game with Lang- staï¬ the Senior girls played to a one-a-ll tie, Betty Garner scoring for Langstaff and Norma Turnbull for R'ic‘h‘vale. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Dul‘ie and Beverley were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Case in Aurora last Wednesday. Mr. Fagan is making good pro- gress since his return from the hospital. Among those who have been quite ill recently is Mrs. A. Bas- kerville. Mrs. Percy Sparkes is around again after a month’s illness. Richvale School is doing very well in the midst of the various epidemics currently raging. The principal reports that only about ï¬fteen per cent of the children are absent at present. David Ince suffered a slight con- cussion folllowing a tobogg‘an ac- cident last week. There is so much illness around just now that a list of the names and addresses would read like a street dirctory but we do hope that the ’flu attacks being endured will be short ones, that the premature spring (7) will last and that everyone will soon be out enjoying it. Co_ntinuing last week’s Item about babies which should have been entitled “a new Day is born,†we’re glad to say that mother and 10- lb. son came hcrme after staying in the hospital only four days, and that both- are aoing well; Mrs. Day’s mother has‘been taking care of things for her. After a month in bed, Mrs. Er- nie Brennan is looking forward to getting up soon. Several years ago she injured her back in a fall, and her present condition is a recurrence‘of the trouble. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Duffy, mnose daughter was born on February 10, have named her Susan Mary. Skinnymeflgwamen gain5,10,15bs. Get New Pep, Vim, Vigor CORRESPONDENT â€"- MRS. STAN. V. WORSDALE Telephone Thornhill 257:12 Yes, our Canadian towns are great places . . . and the men and' women , at your Commerce branch are good people to know. LANGSTAFF NEWS And serving that industryâ€"and usâ€"is the bank . . . a branch of The Commerce. Our manager is your friendâ€"he knows how to give the type of service that comes with long acquaintance. Keystone of Main Street The towns of Canada are great places. town was a fur trading outpost in the early sun-pole" look. Thou; studs 9! glrlu.'womén, men. who never could gam be- fore, are now pioud of shapely; healthy} okinu hodles. They thank t a spe- cill vigor-building. flesh- bulldlng tonic. Oszrex. 1L5 tonics, stimulants. invigom- tors, iron, vitamin Bl. cnl< clum. enrich blond, improve Appetite and digestion so {and gives you more strength and nourishment; put flesh on bare bones. limbs ï¬ll out; ugly hol- lows nu up; neck no longer scrawny: bad! loses halt-starved, sickly g What. a. thrm! Bony 5.40. 15 or 20 lbs. you need for normal weight. Costs llme. New "get acquainted" size only 00c. Try famous Ostrex 'mnlu Tablets for now vigor and added mounds, this very day. At all. druggisls. Get Lovely Curves ‘ Don't fear gemug '1‘00 fat, Sim) when you've gained mg daysâ€"now it is pal-t of a great forest industry. YOUR COMMERCE BRANCH The World Day of Prayer ser- vice was held in Brown’s Corners Church with ladies from Victoria Square and Headford joining in the service. Mrs. Geo. Kelly and Mrs. W. Craig were in charge of the ser- vice, the theme of which was “Per: feet Love Casteth Out Fear.†Mrs. F. Leaf gave an informative talk on “What Your Money does" which told the purpose for which the \col- iections taken at these services was used. Mrs. A. Stephenson pleased with the solo “Dear Father, whom we cannot see.’ At the end of the beautiful Ser- vice of prayer three ladies were put in charge of tthay of Pray- Ear for~ next year. They were Mrs Huston, Mrs. Acreman and Mrs Baker. Buttonville Women’s Institute met at the home of Mrs. Purvis for a. delightful social evening. Court Whist was played and those winning were Mrs. Francy, Mrs. Craig and Mrs. J. Robinson. Lunch was served by the social committee after which the preaen- tation of a life membership pin and a large picnic basket was made to Mrs. J. Rodick as a small recog- nition of her sixteen years of faith. ful service as secretary-treasurer of the Buttonville W.‘ 1. Mrs. J. Rob- inson read the presentation ad- dress, Mrs. R. Boyington present- ed the pin and Mrs. McGimpsey presented the picnic basket. This basket was completely outntted with knives, cups, plates, etc., for six people. Members of‘the W.I. were re- minded to send in ideas on the W. I. Essay which is being compiled at the present time. It is entitled, “Democracy Begins With You.’.' We are sorry to learn that Ted North of Boyle Drive is seriously ill and is at present in Sunny- brook Hospital. Homemaking Club The regular monthly meetings of the Langstafl’ Homemaking Club will resume on Thursday, March 1, when the entertaining hostess will be Mrs. M. Holt, No. 7 High- way. Mrs. L. Campbell, Com- munity Activitiesund Public Re- lations convener will be in charge of the programme and for roll call members will be asked to name a project they would like to see the branch carry but. Mrs. Robert Hamblyn the form-‘ er Sylvia Thompson received many lovely gifts at a combined shower and television party' held last Thursday at the home of Mrs. W. Blackburn, Essex Avenue. Assist- ing hostesses were Mrs. M. Holt, Mrs. M. Holmes and Mrs. S.‘Wors- dele. Guests included Mrs. A. Dun- can, Mrs. F. Stottl, Mrs. M. Roy, Mrs. F. Nicholson, Mrs. W. Kirby, Mrs. H. B. White, Mrs. VanHorn, Mrs. R. McArthur‘, Mrs. G. Eagle- so'n, Mrs. C. Thirgood, Mrs. H. Su- ter Jr., Mrs. D. McClure, Mrs. M. Holmes, Mrs. G. Mills, Mrs. A. Matthews, Mrs. A. Watt, Mrs. S. .Lockhart, Mrs. E. Bichard, Mrs. N. Hicks and the Misses Doris and Ethel Williams. ' Mr. and Mrs._W. Harris had their daughter, Mrs. F. E. Wise, and four-year-old grandson, Bryan with them last week until Mr. Harâ€" ris recovered from the bad turn which he had taken. They left “Ch‘arnwood†on Sunday and re- turned to their home in Elmira. Mr. Han-is was able to go to work on' Monday. ' Langstalf Social and Personal The Canadian Bank of Commerce Correspondent: Mrs. Walter Craig Phone Agincourt 353.11 Phone ThornhiIl 2571'12 BUTTONVILLE "The Commerce" THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thurs., Feb. 22, 1951 Thornhill, Ont telephone 33 Order now to he sure of early delivery! 1 Standard “77†Oliver Tractor, complete, live power take-off for modern farming ‘ 1 Oliver 2-Wheel Rubber Tire Manure Spreader, 75 bus. 1 Oliver Tractor Power Mower, 7 ft. 1 Oliver Tractor Double Disc, plates, trip control 1 Smalley Hatchet and Hammer Mill combined, with bagger and screens _ _ 3 Fleury Bissell Tractor Double Discs, three sizes 1 Fleury Tractor Cultivator 1 Buelher Heavy Duty Wagon, timken barings 3 Buelher Tractor Cultivators. 10 ft., less tires 2 Ezee Flow Fertilizer Spreaders, 10 ft. 1 1941 Oliver “70†Standard Tractor, new tires on rear, front_tires good, starter, lights, power takeofl', in good condition 1 1936‘ Allis Chalmers Model U on‘steel, in real good condition, approx,v20-30 h.p i1 Ezee Flow Fertilizer Spreader 1 1949 Chev. 4-door Styleline Car in excellent condition PHONE MAPLE 102 John C. Love Lumber Company, Ltd. ROBSON’S GARAGE you,†Find . . . .. a carlton greeting card For all occasions at Iarke’s pharmacy DON’T WAIT T06 LONG! Yonge Street At Woodward Avenue (Just North of Steele’s Corners) NEW - - Now Available See Love For Lovely Lumber USED RESIDENCE MAPLE 76M Lorna H. Bout/24rd, ARCA. Telephone Thornhill 350 richmoncJ hi†184-5â€