Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 22 Feb 1951, p. 8

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III "II-I-I-I-IIIUBHWBH:Mad-H9. I PHONE â€" THORNHILL 256W I III-IIIIIIII-IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!! 8 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thurs, Feb. 22. 1951 We specialize in re-roofing, Cedar and Asphalt Shingles, Insul Brick Siding Estimates cheerfully given. Insulating. C. RIDDELL Used on most homecrm power tool equipment, washing machines. etc. Bum-phase start. induction tannins. Dependable power for Form, "an. or Shop â€" The“ rugged, quiet-running Electric Mofon cm up quality construction throughout. Engineered for long llfo and efficient opnrcflou. Choose “in motor for your specific requirements (m Canadian 1119': WHO You-f1 â€" They on all exceptional value! )5 hp. SINGLE GBOOVBV"V" FULLEYSâ€" Die cast; acéliniely bored' 333 ad amped. Outside diameters ll below: Size 33. Size :53 5-" :56 5'" :33 Also in“ 6". 8". 10" Ind 12" sizes. TWO-STEP "V" PULLBYâ€"Prom 3" £0 2": 54" or 56" bore. Each .51 FOUR-STEP “V” PULLlYâ€"Prom 4" 3%". 2%". 1%" outside diameters. ’25". 96" or it" bore. Bach 1.29 Pulleys â€" V-Belts â€"- Lineshafl Equipment "v" BELTSâ€"Pot hon“ nppflanees. power tools. em. with 3,4" driven. Available in an no tr nu: trom 20" to l00"-â€" super Sov- lacs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .63 to I.” RE - ROOFING Brand New â€" Fully numbed â€" Al 8J8. Savings SINGLE-END SHAFT SLEEVE DEALING “Hard. 2 BALL BEA mm. 1 7.80 20. 75 25. 05 21.80 25-07“. ROBERT? RADIAl SIATION Double-end shunâ€"for line-shat! or operating two machines from thus one mount; ball bearing equipped. Silage“, 951313 25 -eycle Sm LINE-SHAFTâ€" l‘th. ’A" diam. 95 " dim % ” dlfiflh 2‘ .30 .43 .52 4' .59 .85 1.19 6' .85 1.25 1.75 8‘ 1.10 1.85 2.29 FLEXIBLE SHAFTâ€"50" Iona: an 15" mow! shaft. Includes mow: eounllns and adapter with 59" than; to take xrlndlnz. b1111an wheels. etc. Complete . . . . . . 11.98 GRINDING STANDâ€"Heavy duty. for use with Iflndlnz. polishing, bumng wheels. etc. owns: bronze bearing: with 2" "V" pulley. 35" bore 2.89 any Wuhan pggrlnz: my; *- 25. 75 30.: I'- 30.05 - - - CAPACITATOR TYPE DOUBLE-END SHAFT JACKSONVILLE $48.15 MIAMI ........ $59.65 LOS ANGELES . $87.15 FARES ARE LOW (Round Trip - Subiul to Change) PHONE I77 i336 30.25 The regular meeting of Maple Women’s Institute was held on February 14, at the home of Mrs. Andrew Snider, with the presi- dent, Mrs. Norman Payne, presid- ing. The roll call “Bring an an- tique" was well responded to, and members enjoyed viewing the ar- ticles and pictures of long ago. Mrs. Payne thanked the com- mittee and members for their res- ponse in making the baking and apron sale such a success. The sum of $54.00 was realized. A discussion was held as to whether Maple branch would compete in the quilt competitiOn, quilts to be first shown at the district annual then the prize winners to go on to the convention area in the fall. It was decided to compete and the committee in charge of this are Mrs. D. Allen, Mrs. A. Snider, Mrs. Dahl. Maple women’s Institute Mrs. A. Snider and Mrs. W. Noble visited with Edgeley W. I. when they presented a short course The topic “Historical Research and Current Events” was ably tak- en by Mrs. F. S. Rumble. One of the items spoken of in her paper was the murder of Mr. Kinnear and his housekeeper in 1843 On his farm on Yonge Street across from the Orange Orphanage. She read a letter Written by Mr. Kinneur to a friend and also showed his snuff box which had a coat of arms on the cover‘ The murderers were caught as they were heading for the States and were the maid and hired man of Mr. Kinnear. The hostess’and the committee served lunch. ' on “Lets'c'obk It Right.” Mrs. A. Snider gave a. short talk on this. Mrs. Pete Wagner of Toronto called on Mr. and Mrs. Heber Cook during the week. A joint meeting of Thornlea and Langstafl“ Home and School Assoc- iations was held in Victoria Hall, Thornhill. Mr. T. H. Covell, Thorn- lea president, gave a welcome to the newly formed Powell Road and Thornhill associations. Incidentally Thornhill is the one hundredth Home and School Association to be formed in the York Council. Mr. H. LeMasurier, president of Lang- staff Home and School, welcomed Mrs. P. McClelland, York Council president, who presided for the ev- ening, and gave timely counsel and advice, by saying “as neighbours so close together â€" we can band together for a stronger organiza- tion.” Dr. D. Tanner introduced Dr. Robert King, our M.O.H. for YorkCounty Health Unit, who ex- plained what the Health Unit is. A film shown by Mr. N. Gage, il- lustrated how a public health cen- tre was being operated in British Columbia. Pupils from Richmond Hill High School and Thornlea Public School provided good entertainment. Dion Leno gave two very delightful pi- ano solos. Olga Zubyk gave a. charming Ukrainian falk dance in costume, accompanied by Jane Twanbiw at the piano. Two Scottish lassies in kilts, Dorothy Fraser and Elaine Cousins from Thornlea school delighted the audience with their Scottish dances, accompanied by Mrs. G. Fraser at the piano. June Ross gave two very amusing readings “Clarence at the ball game’ and “Archie’s reading less- on.” Mrs. LeMasurier conducted the impressive candle lighting. Mrs. P. Poole and Mrs. Cudmore lighted the candles for Langstaff and Mrs. A. Caesar for Thornlea. Mrs. LeMas- urier lit her candle for the Future. Tribute was paid to the memory of the founder of Home and School as- sociations, Mrs. A. Courtice, who organized the Home and School on her home in 1916. Mrs. P. McClel- land cut the birthday cake. Mrs. Hunt of John St. gave a birthday party on Saturday in honor of Richard,- who was three years old. Richard, with sister Karen’s assistance entertained the little guests, who said “it’s the best party ever.” Those who at- tended to Wish Richard 3. happy birthday were Wayne, Sharon and Janice Robinson from Woodbridge; Susan Ball, David Wright, Ellen and Stephen Jackson, Jean and Linda Gilbert of Thornlea. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Robson visited With Mr. and Mrs. Hunt. Mrs. Thomas King of John St. has received the exciting news that her parents and brother have left England on. the way to Canada. Mrs. Gribble, Dorothy and Er- nest visited with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Goodwill at their home in Woodbridge on Sunday. Those responsible for the even- ing’s success were Mrs. Guy Fraser and Mrs. J. Curtis for Thornlea and Mrs. Bell and her committee for Langstafi‘. Please keep in mind the month- ly euchre and social which Will be held in Thornlea school on Friday vening, March 2, at 8 p.m.~‘ Mr. and Mr§. George Jackson and family of Bayview visited with Mr. Jacksons parents at Lakefield on Sunday. Telephone Thornhill 36:31 Thornlea News Correspondent: Mrs. J. Gribble CORRESPONDENT â€" MRS. D. ALLEN Phone Maple 19R MAPLE NEWS Mrs. Joshua Manning is again confined to her bed. Mrs. George with her for a. Mrs. Mel White is home Irom hospital and doing nicely. Mrs. R. G. McKay of Tiverton spent a few days with Mrs. R. A. Bigford. Busy Bees Mission Band The Busy Bees Mission Band held its Valentine meeting at. the home of Peggy Joslin last Satur- day. The devotional was taken by: Scripture Carol Downing and Cath- erine Johnson, prayer Helen Cal- der. Joyce Keffer was preScuteo with the last seal for her junior membership certificate. Included in the programme was a story by Patricia Lund, a duet by Heather Miller and Phylis Cooper, poem by Mary Lou Lund, solos by Joyce Kefl‘er and a piano solo by Patric- ia Lund. Mrs. Joslin and Peggy served unch and Marlene Orr gra- ciously thanked the hostess. St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Choir enjoyed an evening of skating at Woodbridge Arena, Saturday, Feb- ruary 17. Following this they were entertained at the home of Mrs. A. Lawrie, who served lunch. Professor Boswell has returned home and is improving favourably after undergoing an operation in General Hospital recently. Mrs. A. W. Clarke visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sinceerbeau of Forest Hill, New York. St. Andrew's Presbyterian C‘hoir Pupis of Mrs. Roy Clegg who passed their piano exams at the Toronto Conservatory of; Music are: Grade 1, Honors, Catherine John- son; Gnade 2, lst c'lass honors, Ma- rion Bishop, Honors Barry Lloyd, pass, Donna Reid; Grade 3, Hon- ors, Helen Calder, Marilyn Down- ing; Grade 4, Honors, Marilyn Watson, Peggy Joslin, pass, Isobel Bishop, Nora Lund; Grade 5, Hon- ors, Sylvia Kerr. Sympathy is extended tn the family of the late Mr. Arthur Ev- ans Who passed away at his resi- dence, Concord, on Saturday, Feb- ruary 17. Misses Lillian and Alice Miller entertained at a buffet supper, on Saturday evening in honor of thelr mother's, Mrs. Bernard Miller, 79th birthday on Sunday, February 18. Those attending were her immed- iate family, Mr. and Mrs. George Miller and family, Maple; Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Crooks, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Crooks, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Miller, all of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Cal Miller and Michael Miller of Map- le. Many friends of the commun- ity called to congratulate and wish her many happy returns of the day. A speedy recovery is wished for Miss Eliza Watson, who is ill at her home. Birthday Congratulations A record number attended the Lions Valentine Dance held in the Maple Concert Hall, February 14, with music supplied by Charles Hannigan and his mountaineers. Lucky draw prizes were won by R. Mabley, Richmond Hill; Betty Graham, Maple; Irma Babcock of Kingston. Maple Lions Thomas Jackson has returned home from the hospital and is ma- king steady improvement. Bill Parks had his car broken in- to in Toronto and valuable belong- ings. taken. Mr. Bruce Jones of Galt spent th: week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Jones and cele- brated his 215C birthday on Satur- day, February 17. No service will be held on Sun- day evening nex_t, February 25, at St. Stephen’s Anglican Church, Maple, in order to allow the con- gregation to attend the confirma- tion service at All Sain‘ts, King, at which the Bishop of Toronto will ofl‘iciate at 7 pm. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING LINE WORK DOMESTIC & INDUSTRIAL Septic Tanks Pumped Drains Cleaned and Repaired 24 Hour Service PHONE RICHMOND HILL 292 23 YONGE STREET SOUTH C. STUNDEN Richmond Hill Phone 320W HILLTOP ELECTRIC Sanitary Contractors Manning has been time. We welcome a new little resident of Highland Park. She was born on St. Valentine’s Day â€"â€" congratula- tions to Frances and Bob Priest- man and to Bobly Junior on her safe arrival. Congatulations also to Roy and Jean Simpson on the safe arrival of their daughter. She was born on Thursday, February 15. Brother Ronnie will be proud or her. The ladies of Drury Avenue meet on Thursday afternoons for tea. We do manage a little knitting in spite of our chatter. If anyone is interested in having tea. with us, just telephone Edna MacCallum at 40iR4. You would be most wel- come and you could get to know your neighbours. CORRESPONDENT: MRS. E. A. WATTS 173 Powell Avenue, Telephone Thornhill 2-43R2 Mrs. Gain of Henderson Ave., evening. Winners: Firs fell on the ice on Tuesday evening dies, Mrs. R. Sealey; si and fractured her wrist. I“. Mizen; gents first M Congratulations to Jimmy Per- rault, Clarke Ave.. and to Mrs. Mason of Dudley Ave. on winning Mrs. Richardson’s cakes. A successful euchre, was put on by two members of the Doncaster Ladies Club. Mrs. G. Morrison and Mrs. A. Morrison last Friday The Women’s Association held its February meeting at the home of Mrs. Bert Middleton on February 14. There were fifteen present who ventured out over slippery roads which made walking very bad. Miss Sheppard, the presi- dent, was in charge. Mrs. J. Bar- ton read the scripture and explan- ation, the theme of which was “The Pharisee and the Publican.” Mrs. R. Kirk read an interesting paper. It was decided to use the one cent a day plan for raising money this year. As well there will be several extra. social affairs. The Thornhill Woman’s Assoc- iation will be visiting the Carrville ladies sometime soon. The possi- bilities now are that it will be in April; also some representatives from Toronto Centre Presbytery. This is to be an afternoon in the church. Mrs. D. K. McLaren was wel- comed into the association as a member. Mrs. A. Read and Miss Mary Read and Mrs. J. Clement assisted the hostess in serving refresh- ments. Mrs. E. Bone, Mrs. R. Kirk and Mrs. J. Barton also brought refreshments to help make the valentine tea successful. The March meeting will be an afternoon meeting at the home of Mrs. J. Barton. Mrs. Delbrocco and Mrs. Oliver will be in charge of the devotions, the theme being “Easter.” Miss Reaman and Mrs. J. Clement are social conveners. A St. Patrick’s tea. will be served. Mrs. C. Nunn and Mrs. B. Mid. dleton attended the joint founder‘s day social evening of the Langstaff and Thornlea Home and School As- sociations, held in the Masonic Hall at Thornhill. Dr. Robert M. King, Director of the York-County Health Unit, was guest speaker. Mrs. P. A. McLel- land, president of York County Home and School Council presided. Following short meetings held by Langstafl’ and Thornlea Associa- tions a varied programme was en- joyed. Mrs. H. E. LeMasurier was in charge of the lighting of the can- dles on the birthday cake in cele- bration of. the 215i; anniversary of York County Home and School, and in memory of its founder, Mrs. A. C. Courtice. Refreshments were served to bring a pleasant evening to a close. Home and School There will be an executive meet- ing of the Home and School at Mrs. Nunn’s on Friday evening. Fellowship Group meeting will be held in the church on Wednes- day evening, February 28. Films Made in Richmond Hill The quality is tops -â€" the price is right For that club or association meet- ing or your party try doughnuts for a change. Your guests will like them if they are 80 Yonge Street N., Richmond Hill Telephone Richmond Hill 58R mmmmummmummnmuunuu\llmmmnmmm\mu\m lllllll“llllll|ll“lllll\1lll\\\ll“\lll“llllll“ll\\\\lllll‘llllll\\lll\l“\\llll\\l\\{w Residents of Highland Park ex- J ACK’S HONl-DIP‘I‘ DO~NUTS \X/E DELIVER CORRESPONDENT: -â€" MRS. H. BIGELOW 41 Drury Avenue, Highland Park HIGHLAND PARK NEWS DONCASTER DOINGS (ARRVILLE NEWS Com: Mrs. Bert Middleton Telephone Thornhill 398R2 Telephone Maple 13013 tend their thanks to Mr. Gordon Learn. the principal uf Powell Rd. School for the interst he has taken in our children. The youngster (ev- en the oldsters) particularly enjoy the Friday night movies and we would like to thank Mr. Learn for all his work in this respect. The householders on Drury Ave. are working on a petition to have the name of their street changed. Refreshments will be served at the next meeting of the Powell Rd. Home and School Association on Monday, February 26. This will be the first official meeting, we hope they will have a good turnout. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Cumming and Gail are spending this week-end at their parents’ home in Moonstone, rear Midland. evening. Winners: First prize la- dies, Mrs. R. Sealey; second Mrs. Ruth daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roly Evans, Clarke Ave., who has been very ill, is a little better. I“. Mizen; gents first Mr. H. Stev- enson; second Mr. D. Mizen. Mrs. Quartermass arriv England last week to spe: months with her daughter1 Schofield, Clarke Ave. will be shown. The group A to L will be in charge of refreshments. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Wellman and son Billy and Tenn Robertson of Queensville had tea Sunday ev- ening with Mr. and Mrs. Bert. Middleton and family. Social Further notice of the Fellowship Group is that Mr. George De Witt of the National Film Board will present' the films at the meeting on February 28th. Congratulations ’00 Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Keffer on the birth of a daughter in Grace Hospital, Toron- to. “Where prlces meet purses” â€" in the classified ad. section. Tele- phone yours to Richmond Hill 9. Warren Willett and Miss Helena McCarthy are home from hespital and doing fine. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Williams and children of Toronto visited on Sat- urday night with Mr. and Mrs. A. Hayter. STAN TROYER Oak Ridges King 94 R24 m 849/58 (‘lfflflff #5” I»! max RANGE No more ashes, soot, dirt, fires the! die out in your kitchen range! Five Year éuaranleo 6 make". Over 400,000 in use to ay. PARIS AUTO SUPPLY LIMITED f’odels RN4 RM30 RM35 RMZO RM60 RICHMOND HILL FRIGIDAIRE ELECTRIC RANGES T0 SUPPLY 0 YOUR KITCHEN NEEDS 0 MAKE YOUR COOKING CAREFREE WITH THESE BEAUTIFUL FRIGIDAIRE RANGES arrived ‘ spend Price Payment P: 229.75 49.75 269.75 59.75 299.75 59.75 329.75 69.75 389.75 79.75 }.M.A.C. EASY PAYMENT PLAN Mrs from 1 few HAROLD MORTSO! RICHMOND HILL TELEPHONE 93 0mm SEE IT ON DEMONSTRATION AT THE BELL TELEPHONE Here you have the very lad word in Automatic Waxh- on â€" more efficient and practical than any other. MORE EFFICIENT â€" be. cause it not only washes MUCH cleaner, but needs hardly half the HOT water. cause it does not need to be installed, does not have (a be bolted down, mom- ble on casters. It is simpler, stronger, more durable â€" MORE PRACTICAL be- AND SO IT COSTS FAR LESS. A sensational washer at a SENSATIONAL PRICEI Genemus allowance for your old washerâ€"the balance on easy terms. By the month it costs but little more than an ordinary washer. CLEAN, FINE WORK PAINTING AND DECORATING Don’t Wait For The Spring Rush CALL NOW AUTOMA TIC WASHER P. M. TONNER PHONE RICHMOND HILL 438W “It saves me time and steps; keeps me in touch with my family and friends; is always ready in emergencies.” Cash AND ITS VALUE keeps growing all the time. With more and more families get-ting telephones, you can reach twice as many people as you could ten years ago. And the traditionally friendly service is being steadily improved. For Yet today your telephone actually takes a smaller part of your family budget than it did some years ago! Friendly and efficient telephone service, at a reasonable price, is one of today’s big bargains. If you haven’t yet got servico'J You can be sure your neighbou hood will be served, and your plus on the list protected. Taking care of people without service as quick- ly as possible is one of our biggcsl and inost important tasks. COMPANY OF CANAD‘ PHONE 86 Payments 11.20 13.07 14.94 16.18 19.27 Monthly,

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