COLEMAN Space Heater in won- derful condition, cost $130.00, will sell pipes and stove for $68.00. water reservoir, 4 gal.'capacity $4. Mrs. A. Macklem, Duffel-in SL, 1} miles north of No. 7 Highway, name on mail box. c1w39 ONE WHITE ENAMEL \Vingham Classic cook stove with waterfront Perfect condition. Reasonable. One Coleman Space Heater, small size, uséd only one season. Reasonable. Phone Newtonbrook, 1130J, apply Box 16 The Liberal. *1w39 1 20’ Length of 1114†black piye; 1 single steel bed with springs, like new. Barter’s Machine Shop, Rich- vale. Phone Richmond Hill 368R2. *1w39 2-SMITH Mother Nature Brooder Lamps, never used, $6.00 for' both, 8150 complete Plans and Instruc- tions Building Book, $1.00. Apply Miss A. Hutley, Richvale P. O. 12! 1950 DE LAVAL 7 cu. ft; electric refrigerator 60 cycle, new $299.00; glso 1933 Dodge Coupe, running condition $150.00. Phone King 3R 13. c1w39 1 WHITE ENAMEL Wingham Classic cook stove, good condition, reasonable; 1 Colenï¬an Space Heat- er, small size, used only short time. Box 9 Liberal. ' *1w39 ICE BOX, good condition, $10.00; $150 M-H cream separator 550 lbs. uap.; M-H tractor grinder. Phone Willowdale 2264. D. Davidson. A TRUNKFUL of everything for you at The thite Elephant Stall, he Evening Guild Spring Fair, asonic Hall, April 14. - c1w39 SEEDS, bulbs, plants, etc., for Ap- ril gardening, from the ‘TRELLIS‘ gt the Spring Fair, Masonic Hall, April 14. c1w39 centre drawer ves, matching: Richmond Hill APARTMENT-SIZE desk with artment size‘, N9rge,, 60 cycle, in excellent running order. Maple 37R24. c1w39 ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR, ap- 60 cycle motor. 4 Bridgeford Stf, come),- Centre St. W., Richmond Hill, phone 450.]. *1w39 BEAT'EFY IR-ONER,_A:-2_l cqnditifm, Hili. chest, clothes wringer, Eatonia. Agply 103 Lucas St, RichrporEg CABINET, sink, Chesterï¬eld and chair, wine; extension table and four chairs, in good condition. Phone Richmond Hill 511M. *1w39 COSSACK Alfalfa Seed, produced 'in Peel County and free of Sweet Clover. W. H. Noble, Maple, phone ‘10R3. *1w38 COMBINATION WARDROBE, ‘EFRICAN VIOLETS, several col- .ors, large plants in bloom. Mrs. J. Butcher, phone Thornhill 2'07R 21. c2w39 :fore Saturday. ’with oven and broiler, like new $80.00. Phone Thornhill 257R41 be: WASHING MACHINE, enamel, 60 cycle motor, small ice box, both reasonable. Phon Thornhill 264J. c2w38 ESSOTANE STOVE, 4â€"burner, ‘PEKIN DUCK EGGS, $10 per ihundred. C. Higgs, Steele’s Ave. West, Stop 13 Yonge St. c2w39 i‘RAME BARN, e‘o’x30', steel roof stables. Apply Clark Smith, Thorn~ ,hill 236W. *2w39 YOUTH’S navy blue blazer coat, brown spring coat, size 36. Pnone 90.1 Richmond Hill. c1w39 green studio couch $20.00; both almost new. Phone Hy. 6513. c1w39 TTUBE, tire and wheel Size 900 x 20, R. Chenery, Thornhill 192R4. c1w39 .TCANNING MACHINE $13.00; If LARGE TRICYCLE like new, will sell for $12.00. Phone Maple 34J. ‘ ‘ _ *1w39 T9378 DOMINION Trailer with 5th wheel, 18 ft. box. Phone Richmond Hill 134R41. v *2w39 WELL TILE and culvert tile. Phone A. Valcourt, Richmond Hill 1R2. tfclO 6 BICYCLES, boys’, fepainted, re- built. Phone Willowdale '99‘2. 2 VOIL SPACE HEATERS. Apply Manager Summit Golf Club. c1w39 QUANTITY OF MIXED I!ij Fhone Aginconrt 335W2 10 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, Mar. 29, 1951' CASH RATES, ï¬rst insertion 3c per word, min. charge .. 50c Second and subsequent insertons if wording unchanged, 3c per word, min. charge 40c IF CHARGED, 4c per word, min. charge, all insertions . . .. 65c FOR BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of .. 25c COMING EVENTS NOTICES: per type line 12c; min. charge 75c CARDS 0F THANKS, IN MEMORIAM, BIRTHS, DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES, per insertion $1.00 Classiï¬ed advertisements should be in as early in the week as possible but not later than noon on Wednesdays. CLASSIFIED FOR SALE and WANT ADS ARTICLES FOR SALE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES and two book shel- chair. Phone 376W *1w39 c1w39 *1w39 c1w39 c1w39 *2w38 2w38 FARM WANTED, 100 acres or more, within 30 miles of Toronto. Must be on good open road. Please give full details to: R. E. Moule, EMpire 3~2761z Evgs.. ROdney 1595. T. S. H. GILES, Realtor, 19 Melinda St., Toronto. c3w36 YOUNG Married Man desires work on farm, separate house needed. ex. perienced with all farm machinery and milking machines. Write CONTRACTOR for concrete or steel septic tanks; also floors and sidewalks laid and drains dug. N. Dolson 48R25 Richmond Hill. Richmond'Hiu P.O. Boxâ€"106; phone Richmond Hill 481‘33. LANDSCAPE WORK, gardening, cleaning. Apply Box 8 Liberal. c1w39 I WISH WORK after’ 5.30 pm. and Saturdays after 12.30 pm. Garden. ing or any kind of job. Andry. Phone Richmond Roses 16. "1w39 FOR SALE 1945 2-TON Ford truck ten foot platform, hoist, good run. ning condition. Phone Maple 12W. ' ctfn29 GRAHAM PAIGE, good condition, new battery, best offer. Apply Maltby’s Garage, Richmond Hill. *1w38 1949 FORD Custom Fordor, pri- vately owned, in excellent condi- tion, 15,000 miles. Thornhill 261 1937 FORD Fordor Sedan in A1 shape. Price $325. Apply Nelson Bone, 76 Centre St. East. Phone Richmond Hill 38. c2w39 1949 CHEVROLET DeLuxe Sky- line, good condition, 19,000 miles. Phone C. Henshaw, King 33R23. *1W39 ’50 CHEV. 2â€"door Deluve, 1 owner, new car condition, air conditioning, white wall tires, radio, visor, etc. Richmond Hill 618. *1w39 1940 FORD Station Wagon $200, take over twelve 324,00 payments. clean, excellent condition. Maple 8‘0R24 anytime. *1w39 1936 PLYMOUTH SEDAN, radio and heater. Apply 241 Oak Ave., Richvale. c1w3-9 1932 FORD .Roadster, good condi- tion, good tires. Phone 15 Rich- mond Hill. *1w39 JERSEY COW, young, exception; ally quiet and good milker. Good udder $300. E. Lambert, Yonge- hurst Road. Phone Richmond Hill 553R2. *1w38 TROPICAL FISH, neons, bettas, red sword tails, Zebras and others, reasonable prices. Fred Hare, Temperanceville, phone King 26R 12. *3w38 FREE to good home, collie, _2 yrs†friendly, good with children Apply H. C. Philpott, Dawes Rd., Pleas- ant View Drive. Agincourt. c1w39 Good udder. Big teats. Due April 13. Leo McDonald, R. R. 2 Aur- ora. Phone King 59R12. *1w39 YOUNG JERSEY COW for sale CLYDESDALE VGEVLDING, 6 my, sound and, well broken, about 1550 lbs. Phone Maple 37R24. c1w39 LIFETIME all metal Venetian Blinds, aluminum or steel baked enamel ï¬nish any colour of tapes, free estimates and installations. Phone 755 or write box 496, 40 Ontario St. West, Newmarket, Ont. Plea:e reverse phone charges. tfc32 BLACKSMITH FORGE $15.00; rangette with oven, perfect condi- tion $25.00, $10 cash-$2.50 weekly; Frigidaire Coldwall, 9 cu. ft. floor demonstrator, reg. $429.75, special $399.75. Our AC terms. Paris Auto Supply Ltd. Phone Richmond Hill 86. c1w39 SINGER SEWING MACHINE Phone 271 Richmond Hill. c1w39 DEAD & CRIPPLED STOCK Hourly Pick-up Phone collect Agincourt 18112 CAMPBELL MINK USED CARS AND TRUCKS For Sale (Continued) REAL ESTATE WANTED EMPLOYMENT WANTED _0LD HORSES $15.00 AT YOUR FARM LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Also *1w39 Cuw38 c1w39 USED FARM MACHINERY auc- tion sale, all makes and models of tractors, combines and most other machines, Saturday, April 7, 1 p. m., on corner of N01 12 and 47 highways, Ux-Spring Farms Ltd., Uxbridge, Ontario. c3w38 line. day or week. C. Steele’s Ave. W. Zone 8~627. tfcll SINGER Electric Portables for rent by month $6.00, free pick up énd delivery. Singer Sewing Cen- trP, 5249 Yonge Street, Willowâ€" dale. Phone Zone 8129. tfc31 GARAGE, Centre St. w. Richmond Hill. Phone 115 Richmond Hill. CEMENT MIXER owdale, with small buildings. Phone Thornhill 397W. c1w39 3 0R 4 ROOM HOUSE, near Wili- RETIRED English couple want small bungalow cottage reasonable rent. Phone Willowdae 5509. *1w39 IT’S NOT ENOUGH to buy ‘just’ chicks â€" now. You want Big-4 ‘Chicks. For 30 years the choice of large and small poultry-keepers. They've variety of breeds, crosses; dayolds, some started. Canada Ap- proved, plus their own intensive program of breeding over the years Ask us, Wesley Clark, R. R. 2 Gormley. l THERE ARE good values in Bray Chicks. Prompt shipment dayolds, started, various breeds and crosses. All signs point to good markets late summer-fall. Ask us for prices Fred Wise, Bray Broader, Rich- mond Hill . manent pasture mixtures, well proven; Alfafa, Canadian grown, Alfalfa, Czech origin, a hardy strain; Red Clover, Ontario grown; Red Clover, English or- igin; Sweet Clovers, Ladino cer- tified, Birdsfoot. Forage Crop Seeds of every kind, certiï¬ed seed grain. We specialize in all new and rare varieties in the line of grade seeds. Agricultural Service Otto Pick, R. R. 1 Richmond Hill, phone 617, 1 mile north of Rich- mond Hill. c1w39 ATTENTION FARMERS: Per- nice and truly permanent lawn, buy your seed from a man who knows seed. Lawn mixtures for shady or sunny location; Milorg‘anite, Bone Meal, and all other organic Ltettil- izers; chemical fertilizers; garden seeds of every kind. We specialize in all new and rare varieties in the line of seeds. Agricultural Service, Otta Pick, R. R. 1 Richmond Hill. Phone 617, 1 mile north of Rich- mond Hill on No. 11 just south of Orange Home. c1w39 all makes, treadles converted. New and used machines. Convenient terms. North York Sewing Machine Co., phone Richmond Hill 625. Reid’s Cleaners and Dyers,‘ 78 Yonge St. South. tfc35 HOME OWNERS: If you want a be pleased to pick up dead or crip- pled farm animals and pay highest prevailing prices. Telephone collect Woodbridge 63' or Toronto, Empire 3-3636. *43w32 SEWING MACHINE REPAIRS, GORDON YOUNG LIMITED will ALL KINDS FURNITURE re- pairs, upholstering, cabinet work, wood carving. Estimates given. N. G. VanDyke, 33 Hunt Ave., Richmond Hill. tic PAINTING and paperhar.ging, ï¬rst. class work, reasonable rates, sam- ple books and free estimates. A. Rollinson, phone Richmond Hill 414M. tfc16 REFRIGERATION Sales and Ser- vice, Domestic and Commercial. Repairs to all makes. Don Chalk, Telephone King 2615. tfc38 INSULATION, rock wool, blower method, try our prices, easy terms. For free estimate phone Richmond Hill 585W. tfc33 HOUSE MOVING, machinery, steel, heavy loads hauled any- where. Charles Matthews, Thorn- hill 73, Langstafl‘. c14w31 FOR‘ GENERAL DELIVERY Phone Richmond Hill 48R24. MASONRY and carpentry, altera- tions, repairs, new work. Phone Thornhill 339.}. . c4w37 FLOOR SANDERS, rentals. Eddy’s 55 Yonge Street North. Phone 458J Richmond Hill. tfc31 FOR GENERAL TRUCKING. C. W. Cook, 48r24. LAWN MOWERS and saws sharp- ened; window - screens and doors. Phone 498R Richmond Hill. tfcw39 stone, loam and ï¬ll. E. Charity, Richmond Hill, phone 372:5. tfc42 SAND AND GRAVEL, crushed MISCELLANEOUS IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE WANTED TO RENT POULTRY FOR SALE TO RENT phone Richmond Hill *3w37 for rent, gaso- *ZWeI *3w37 ‘SAT., APRIL 28 â€" Auction sale of complete lot of household furniture, late model Ford car, garden trac- tor tools, garden tools, etc, on part of lot 11, con. 6 Markham TWP on No. 7 Highway. Property belong- ing to Estate of the late Wm. Gil- more. Sale at 1.30 pm. Terms cash. No reserve as house is sold. Jas. Smith, clerk. Ken and Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. WED., APRIL 18 â€" Auction Sale of farm stock, implements, horses, pigs, 1 cow, 1 New M-H Tractor No. 30, done very little work; Fav- orite Threshing Machine, 24-36 in.; ï¬rst class condition; 1 Chev. Truck 1935 1/.» ton with good tires; hay, grain, household furniture, at lot 20, con. 3 Whitchurch, 21/; miles east of Aurora on Highway. The property of James Wright. No re- serve ls farm sold. Sale at 1 pm. Leslie Mount, clerk, Alvin S. Far- mer, auctioneer, phone Stoufl’ville 67312. *3w39 TUES., APRIL 17 â€"- Auction sale of New Case tractor, farm stock, implements, grain, furniture etc., on lot 11, con. 7 Markham Twpâ€, just west of Markham Village on No. 7 Highway. Propertyof 1-1, W. Pip‘her. Sale at-l p.m. Terms cash. No reserve, farm sold. Jas. Smith, clerk. Ken and Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. TUES., APRIL 3 â€" Auction sale of registered and grade Jersey cat- tle, horses, pigs, poultry, new 1950 Cockshutt ‘40’ tractor, Papec for- age harvester, new, threshing ma- chine, and full line of tractor equipment, hay and grain, at lot 24, con. 9, Pickering Twp“ the property of Sid J. Dunning. No reserve as farm sold. Terms: cash. Sale at 12.30 pm. sharp. moyd Turner, clerk. A. S. Farmer, aucâ€" tioneer. ' KEN & CLARKE PRENTICE, SAT., MAR. 31 â€",_'Auction sale of the new Stouffville‘Livestock Sale Arena, selling livestock our spec- ‘ialty: fresh cows, springers, heif- ers, sheep, calves, pigs, horses. (Pickâ€"up and delivery can be ar- ranged.) Come early, bring some~ thing to sell. This is yam commun- ity sale. “You bring- it, we’ll sell it.†Sale every Saturday at 1 pm. D.S.T. Make this your market where buyers and sellers meet. Sell- ers and Atkinson, auctioneers. tfc SAT., MARCH 31 â€" Auction sale of Registered Holstein Cattle, farm stock, implements, hay, grain, household furniture, etc. on lot 25, con. 3 North York Twp., west 01 Yonge Street, 1% miles soum OI No. 7 Highway. Property of Albert Jackson. Sale starts 12.30 noon. Terms cash, no reserve, farm sold. Mortgage sale under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in two certain mortgages which will be produced at time of sale by pub- lic auction at Prentice’s Auction Rooms, Franklin House,~Markuam, Ont., a farm within‘ 5 miles of Markham, described as the east quarter of lot ï¬ve and the east half of the south-east quarter of lot six, concession ten, Markham Twp., :containing seventy-ï¬ve acres (75) acres more or less, on the property there is said to be a dwelling house and suitable farm buildings. The property will be offered subjut to a reserve bid. Terms 10 per cent of the purchase price to be paid down on day of sale and enough to make up one-third of the purchase price‘ to be paid within 15 days. Balance; to be secured by mortgage at 5] per cent per annum. For furtheri particulars apply to Canadian‘ Farm Loan Board, 1 Montgomery: Ave., Toronto, Ont. Sale at 2 p.m. Ken & Clarke Prentice, aucâ€" tioneers, Markham, Ont., phone Markham 346. FRIDAY, MARCH 30, 1951 â€" CAPONS, rousters and fowl, high- est prices paid. Don’t sell until contacting W. S. Appleton, Oak Ridges Poultry Grading Station. Phone King 59R14. tfc17 POULTRY WANTED. Best mark- et prices. Any quantity. Will call immediately on request. Phone A. Magee, King 29R14. *25w29 PUPPIES any breed, state sex and price. Box 52 Haviland P.O. leaving Richvale at '7.20 to Eglin- ton and Yonge, arriving 7.50. Leav- ing Eglinton and Yonge at 5.10 p. m. Phone 136R33 Richmond Hill. c1w39 TRANSPORTATION available, SALE REGISTERS BRICK HOUSE, 6 rooms, all con~ veniences, quiet residential street in Richmond Hill. Possession uune 1. Apply J. R. Herrington, Rich- mond Hill. ctfc37 TRANSPORTATION FOR REAL ESTATE, phone Fenn, Thomhill 168 tfcll Thornhill 168. FOR REAL ESTATE, phone Fenn, REAL ESTATE FOR SALE POULTRY WANTED WANTED cb‘w35 tfc46 KEMP’S English Biscuits WARWICK WAFERS CARLETON CREAMS SHURIBREAD BISCUITS BOURBON CREAMS , MAN for nursery garden work; must be able to drive truck. Write North Toronto Nursery, Langstaff years old at least, must. be honest, careful and courteous. Apply Box 11 The‘Liberal. *2w38 Phone Richmond Hill 8 Per Pkg. HELEN’s GROCETERIA 21 YONGE ST. N. RICHMOND HILL FULL TIME DRIVER, aliéut 25 APPLIANCE Salesman, salary and commission. Paris Auto Supply Ltd. Phone 86 Richmond Hill. TRUCK DRIVER. Apply EndeJn Nurserie‘s, Yonge St. Elgin Mills. Phone 61W Richmond Hill. c1w39 Easter’ Sunday was memorable for Edgeley United Church. The choir, under the direction of Mrs. Sydney Steventon’ with Mrs. Alt. Bagg at the organ, rendered special music. Those singing special numbers were Mrs. Kerr-Taylor and Mrs. Burns, who rendered a dut. Sydney Steventon sang a so- lo. A male chorus consisting of Roy Avery, Larry Burns, Gordon Mitchell, Sydney Steventon took the special parts in the anthem. Beautiful Easter flowers, the gift of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Poole, were in the chancel. . At the Com- munion service twelve young peop- le were received into full member- ship. Rev. P. J. Lambert gave the ï¬nal address to twelve young people coming into church membership on Easter Sunday. After the meeting four young womn received the rite of baptism, June and Margery Young, Esther Stanley and Mrs. Don Mitchell. During the business meeting ‘5 was decided to visit the head office of the Globe and Mail, Toronto, on next Wednesday evening. The Young People’s Fellowship Group met at the church on Friday evening, March 23, with Don Mitâ€" chell, president, in the chair and in charge of opening devotions. He was assisted by Jack Burns, Bar- bara Freeman and Shirley Avery. In the evening there was a good congregation present for the re]- igious ï¬lm “The Great Com'mandl ment†which was very well re- ceived. Mrs. W. Heath, in her H. A. Connell. The congregation completely ï¬lled the chum: for the .morning service, which was very impressive. The Junior Choir sang- numbers, “Sweet Bells of Easter Time†and “Good Joseph ‘had a Garden.’ The Senior Choir ioï¬â€™ering was “In Joseph’s Lovely Garden†by Dickinson, and Miss Phyllis Waterson, soprano, ren- dered a solo, “I Know that My Redeemer Liveth†by Handel. The glad note _of Easter was sounded by the congregation as they joined in the joyous season’s hymns. The minister’s theme was “The Em- maus Road, a Road of Fellowship,‘ of Victory and of Life.†WEEK - END EXTRA SPECIAL On Sunday the front of the church was beautifully decolated with Easter lilies placed there by Mrs. N. L. Morton in loving mem- cry of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D,’ preached a very inséiring mon on “The Cross’flat tho votional Service at which was attendance on Good Friday. Easter Services Rev. D. Morris, B.A., B HELP WANTED 25C CORRESPONDENT: Mrs. Raymond Stuart Telephone Maple 110R3 Thornhill United Church News EDGELEY NEWS c2w38 clw39 ser- De- fair Ford & Monarch Sales & Service PHONE 174, RICHMOND HILL R. D. LITTLE 8: SUN ltd. $395.00 1941 DODGE DELUXE SEDAN Immunization for infants and pre-school children against dipth- eria, whooping-cough, Iock-iaw and small pox will begin in Edge- ley school at 2.30 p.m. on Apr. 3. On Thursday the children enjoy- ed a party, complete with pro- gramme, refreshments, and a fish pond, before closing the school for the Easter recess. Classes will re- sume on April 2nd. A pot luck dinner at the school on Wednesday, ended the serving of hot school lunches for the sea- son. The reading of farm publications, daily and weekly newspapers; lisâ€" tening to farm radio programmes, and even “looking over the neigh- bor's fence†were mentioned as other excellent ways in which the farmer could become better inform- is the personal contact of the far- mer with his district agricultural representative when in need of in- formation. The weekly Farm Forum meetings have come to an end for this season. Good programmes, capable lead- ers, and the regular attendance of members contributed to the success of these meetings 1945 FORD 1 TON EXPRESS 1941 FORD SUPER DELUXE COACH. RELIABLE USED CARS 1948 FORD SUPER DELUXE SEDAN r Radio and heater, low mileage $975.00 1946 FORD DELUXE COACH The extension services of the Canadian Departments of Agricul- ture, both Dominion and Provincial, the Provincial Universities, farm organizations, the National Film Board, etc., aid the farmer with their bulletins, ï¬lms, etc. The topic “Pipelines of Informa- tion,†and the discussion on .agri- cutural services was, more or less, an outline of the means by which information on the latest develop- ments in farming practice -is made available to the farmer. The regular weekly meeting of the Farm Forum was held Monday evening, March 19, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Chapman with 25 present. Miss Marian Puterbaugh, with some of her former bank staff, at- tended the Ray Thompson - June Palmer wedding in Mount Dennis on Good Friday afternoon. in the home of Mrs. Alf. Bagg' on Thursday, April 5, at‘2 pm. The convenors of standing committees are requested to make ready their reports to be given at this meeting. Special This Week The annual meeting of the Edge- Iey Women’s Institute will be held The Edgeley Young PeopIe’s Fellowship will meet with the young people of Hope United Church on Friday vening, April 6. Besides this course, activities of the C.G.I.T. group since Christmas have included the moulding and painting of plaster of Paris mod- els, and a Bible study course an titled “Courageous Living.†1949 GMC V2 TON PICK-UP The course in Home Nursing which the group has been taking during the past four weeks under the direction of Mrs. Tamblyn, R. N., was concluded on March 21 by a test with Mrs. A. D. McKerey, R.N. of Toronto as examiner. The three girls awarded the highest marks were Marilyn Clapham, Morey Hony and Carol Smith. Robert William, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Rouxell, Colborne St.; Daniel Robin, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Linklater, Johnson Street; Katherine Blake, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. K. S. Duncan, Arnold Street; and Cynthia Anne Louise, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Holmes, John Street. rich contraltp voice, added much to the service with her rendition of “Open the Gates of the Temple†by Knapp and ‘The Easter Hymn.’ At the ‘morning service, the fol- lowing children were baptized by Rev. E. E. Kent: 1950 PONTIAC DELUXE .4-DOOR SEDAN 9,000 miles, radio, heater, directional signals, etc. Radio and Heater Exceptionally nice $1,195.00 $575.00 $7 50.00 $1,095.00 . R. 1, Maple 80 Yonge St. 8., Richmond Hill Enquire Within E alliilu1\nIl\n11mIn1uumllli\mmmul\\mm\\\mmmummnmumumunmmmummmuunmuummummmmnunuuummum“uuuv11qu “ mmm\\umuunmumum1mu1lnulmummuuuuumuum1mummmumuummuuuuuuuumummmmuumn1111111111mm“mmummuuw: Stop 14A Yonge St. Thornhill Phone 340 and a good supply of 5-in-1 Apple and Pear Trees, also Bearing Age Apple Trees. Before you plant anything, for good results, be sure to prepare your soil with ï¬ne ' This spring we have again a nice variety of Evergreens, Flowering Shrubs, Rose Bushes, Shade and Ornamental Trees. 99 Hunt St., Richmond Hill, Phone 99W A Message To Home Owners And Garden Lovers STORE YOUR WINTER GARMENTS SAFE FROM FIRE ' - THEFT - MOTHS (FULLY INSURED) Chester Cleaners & Dyers, Ltd. With three photographs One miniature will be given complimentary. I. Maple DONCASTER NURSERY FIREâ€"AUTOMOBILEâ€"HEALTH AND ACCIDENT BURGLARYâ€"PLATE GLASSâ€"COVERAGE â€"â€" S E E â€"â€"- nRTHUR J. WELLS ARE YOUR INSURANCE NEEDS COVERED ? which is available in bags or by cubici-xyards. Landscape work and planting done by eiiperts. Our prices are reasonable. We appreciate your visit anytime. “ CLEAN, FINE WORK PAINTING AND DECORATING Fruit Trees, Small Fruit Bushes 739-743 Broadview Ave., Toronto Don’t Wait For The Spring Rush CALL NOW MARGARET PLOMLEY JUNE’S GIFT SHOPPE PORTRAITS “Granulated Peat MOSS†NORM BOORE, AGENT PHONE RICHMOND HILL 438W My Thirty Years Of Experience is AT YOUR SERVICE CHILDREN A SPECIALTY . M. TONNER Phone HY. 3405 Toronto Display at IN THE HOME BY A large stock of For For Telephone Maple 99