NEW (ON HAND FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY) Tractors (Various Sizes) Clipper Combines Forage Blower Front End Loader Rubber-Tired Wagons Hay Loaders Tractor Mounted Mowers 2 Massey-Harris “201†Tractors 1 Massey-Harris “102†Super Tractor 2 Massey-Harris “102†Junior Tractors 1 Massey-Harris “10)2†Junior Tractor (with new tires 1 Massey-Harris “81†Row Crop Tractor with Row CrOp Cultivator 1 Massey-Harris “Pony Tractor 2 Threshers FARM IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE RECONDITIONED 13-run Drills 1 Stiff Tooth Cultivator 1 Spring Tooth Cultivator 1 Packer 1 Judson Fertilizer Sower 1 Corn Planter 1 Double Disc Manure Spreaders Grain Grinders Hay Loaders Mowers Tr‘actor I YOUR LOCAL MASSEY-HARRIS DEALER YONGE STREET, RICHMOND HiLL TEL HAROLD W. MORTSON Let us have your lawn mower NOW. We’ll have it sharpened 'and set, ready for you when you need it. It’s Spring ! ! AVOID THE RUSH 24 Yonge Street South Richmond Hill Phone Richmond Hill 426 We Deliver Roofing Special 45 lb. $2.29 55 : Make your screen Windows now while our stock is complete. All sizes. Green and Bronze. Also screen 7 mouding. RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE (FORMERLY EVERITT‘S) 93 YONGE STREET SOUTH NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS BILL‘S SNACK BAR den Rollers . . . . $1.50 per day Extension Ladders $1. per day Tar Paper $1.79 Building Paper $1.29 Tr‘éctor Plows TO RENT 90 lb. $4.69 Red or green Cultivators Spike Tooth Harrow‘s One-Way Discs Tractor Plows Manure Spreaders Side Rakes Horse Rake side Rakes 55 lb. $3.29 TEL. 93 Wedding Anniversary Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Salmon, Oak Avenue, who celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Wm. Fras- er in Toronto, recently. Mrs. A. Manilla, of Edgar Aven- ue, a resident of Richvale for 15 years celebrated her 60th birthday with a party on March 17. Be- tween 60 and 70 guests were pres- uvvccu Vv u...â€" .- ent, many of whom came from Toronto and Lake Wilcox. The par- ty began at dusk and lasted alm0st till dawn, with dancing to the mus- ic of an accordion. Lovely gifts and flowers were showered upon the guest of honour, which included a radio. and from Finland a. basket of three dozen Talisman roses and spring flowers. The beautiful, “1.. ~.-- L-» ayn. nub . . w . . . _ _ V three-tiered birthday cake was bak- Thornhill Oub News \qu A.' The Thorrihill .Cub Packs 01» tained over 500 orders for Hot Cross buns and delivered them last Thursday. ‘This was a very suc- cessful venture and. the Leaders and Cubs were extremely pleased with the results of their efforts. This week no regular pack meeting is being held as the Lead- ers are taking the Sixers and Sec- onds to the Coliseum on Thursday to see the Scout and Cub Cyclorâ€" ama. Thornhill Scouts Nineteen members of Thornhil Scout Troop hiked out Bathurst Street last Friday, cooked their lunch outdoors and passed several tests. After a full day of woods- men's activities they returned in the evening to the Scout Hut where Mrs. Bill Hansen and Mrs. Peter Woodger had Hot Cross Buns and drinks ready for them. The Patrol Leaders took a Bronze Al'rowheau course at. Xork Mjlls on Monday. The course lasted the whole day and the ad- vanced knowledge gained by the boys will help them in the run- ning of the troop. Richvale Doncaster Doings MRS. E. A. WATTS I Correspondent: 178 Powell Avenue Telephone Thornhill 243R2 Mr. and Mrs. George Alkins of North Bay are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Steele, Morgan Ave. , Mr. and Mrs. Sealley of Seccom- oe Ave. spent the Easter week-end with Mrs. Sealey's sister and bro- ter-in-law, Reeve and Mrs. Ogden of' Stouffville. Thornhill Horticultural Society extend a welcome to all Doncaster residents to their meeting tonight, Thursday, March 29, at 8 pm. to be held in the Thornhill Umted Doncaster Ratenavvrv’ Association Is to hold its regular euchre at Masonic ham, 1.â€...M1, '.‘-.' _', March 30. Would the ladies kind- ly provide sandwiches. ‘ur, Church. March 30. Would the ladies kind- ly provide sandwiches. Welcome back to Mr. and Mrs. Bill Adkins and family, Clarke Avenue. Mrs. H. Mizen of Seccomoe Ave. entertained at a shower in “honor of Miss King daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas King. After present- ing the bride with many lovely and useful gifts, 9. delicious lunch was served. IN THE ESTATE OF JOHN JOS- EPH ALFRED iGREENAEi, EATE OF THE VILLAGE 015 RICH- MOND HILL, IN THE COUNTY OF YORK, MERCHANT, DE. CEASED. Creditors of the above-named deceasedl who died at the Village of Richmond Hill, in the County of York, on or about the 17th day of January, 1951, are hereby notiï¬ed pursuant to The Trustee Act to send to the undersigned proof 01: their claim on or before the 30th day of April, 1951, after which date the assets of the Estate will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which the under- signed will then have notice. Notice To Creditors DATED at Newmarket this 27th day of March, AD. 1951. Vivian May Keyser, Executrix by her Solicitors, Mathews, Stiver, Lyons ard Vale, Newmarket, Ontario. Septic Tanks Pumped Drains Cleaned and Repaired ‘24 Hour Service Richmond Hill Phone 320W VRichvale Scouts and Cubs would Sanitary Contractors CORRESPONDENT: MRS. JACKSON TAYLOR , Phone Richmond Hill 367R22 C. STUNDEN RICHVALE NEWS ed by Mrs. Manilla’s daughter John Fisher, Edgar Avenue. Spruce being built by W Burnes was begun this week. Reverend Neil Smith and Mrs- Smith and their three children, John, Catherine and Elizabeth are moving to West Hill. They will be very much missed here and the good wishes of the community 3° with them to their new home. District SCOUt and CU!) News Miss Dorothy Dejean of Chicago and Mrs. R. C. Findlay of Buffalo. were guests of the J. J. Taylor5 during the héliday. .A special speaker, Mr. John Kirk from International Water Supply, is expected to address next meet- ing of the Ratepayers, April 5. like to thank all who bought Hot Cross Buns and contributed to the very successful sale. They would appreciate any extra wire coat hangers anyone could spare. The boys will be calling for them from time to time. The date for the paper drive to be April 14, all being well. bcout and Cub mothers are reminded of tonight’s meéting at the home of Mrs. A. Baskerville, Oak Avenue, at 8.30 o’clock. Excavaton for Equipment, accessoriel, and trim illustrated aubjacl to change without! notice. ‘Oldamobilo Hydra-Matte Drive optional at extra coat on all modell. r a. new house On built by Wilfred New . . . new . . . all the way through! It’s Oldsmobile’s glamor- ous new Super “88†. . . the smartest â€" the most exciting â€"- the most advanced “88†ever! It’s new outside â€"with brand-new beauty from the smart free-flowing lines of its brilliant new Body by Fisher! It’s new insideâ€"with interiors that are deep, luxurious and more spacious than ever before ! It’s new under- side, too â€" with a rugged new chassis, ï¬rm foundation for the new “Rocket†Ride! NEW SUPER "-88" OLDSMOBILES . . . NOW ON DISPLAY! Mr and Mrs. John Forest and family spent Easter week-end vis- iting relatives in Kingston. Mrs. Harry Johnson, Woodward Avenue, entertained at tea on Thursday afternoon. Those pres- ent were: Mrs. Harry Harris, Mrs. E. Cumming, Mrs. Margaret Ross, Mrs. Betty Hansen, Mrs. Joan Fox_ Mrs. Marie Anderson, Mrs. Geraldine Ritchie, Mrs. Bill Met- calfe and Mrs. Helen Bigelow. Mrs. Ernie Thompson is pro- gressing favorably after {her re- cent operation. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson Jr. of Hunt’s Lane are leaving our neigh- bourhood shortly, Their new ad- dress will be Reaman Ave., Rich- mond Hill. OORRESPON DENT â€" MRS. M. BLACKBURN, Yongehurst Rd. Telephone Richmond Hill 137R13 Congratulations to Mr. and Mrsuat 8.15 sharp. G. Hopper of Yongehurst Rd. on * * * * the birth of a son at the Grace A birthday party was held at Hospital, Tuesday, March 20. ~ the Blackburns in honor of Mr. A. * * * * Blackburn Sr. on Sunday, March Mr. and Mrs. Thompson Jr. of 25. Friends and relatives attend- Hunt’s Lane are leaving our neigh- ed and helped out the large birth- Congratulations to Mr.'and Mrs. Don Stevens of Yonge St. on the birth of a son at the Toronto General Hospital. Come and support your Legion and attend euchre and social eVen- ing at Mr. and Mrs. Skippon’s, Yonghurst Rd., Friday, March 30, The Fox family GORDON’S GARAGE CORRESPONDENT: â€" MRS. H. BIGELOW 41 Drury Avenue, Highland Park Telephone Thomhill 398R2 HIGHLAND PARK NEWS NORTH RICHVALE NEWS and the Han- sen family are newcomers .to Woodward Avenue. We would llke to extend a. sincere welcome to both. engéi'izained Mr. and Mrs. Ken Thomson of Thornhill on Sunday Mrs. Harry Harris has been asked to look after a. year book for the Highland Park Ratepayâ€" ers Association. This book will be a record of the development of Highland Park. Anything read- ders have of interest in the way of newspaper clippings, photo- graphs, etc. will be much apprec- iated by Mrs. Harris. day cake. Mr. and Mrs. Sykes and family spent Easter _h91ifla_ys in Buffalo. Larry Shier, son of Mr. and Mrs. Shier of Mill Rd., had his tonsils out on Thursday last in the New- market Hospital. “Where pnces meet purses" -â€" in the classiï¬ed ad. section. Tele- phone yours to Richmond Hill 9. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Harding And it’s new in power, too! Yes, the eight-cylinder “Rocket†Engine is new! Famed for its flashing action the new 135 horsepower “Rocket†is engineered for even greater gas savings in 1951 1 Of course there’s wonderful Hygra-Matic Drive,‘ too â€" and even it is improved! . . . gives you still easier operation and “Instant Reverseâ€! Come in and see this all-time great Super “88†today! THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, Mar. 29, 1951 Q SPECIALIST IN OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY wishes to announce the opening ‘of his branch office in Thornhill WEDNESDAY, AFTERNOON APRIL 4 from 2-6 pm. Open house for general public in the locality to inspect the suite of offices. Located just over Harley’s Drug Store in ‘the MacNeil- Anstey Building, Thornhill Rice’s Flower Shop Yonge & Arnold Sts., Richmond Hill and the new CORAL URNS Milk and Butter Coolers Ralph’s Hardware Yonge St., Richmond Hill See them there this week . A. CRAWFORD are now on display at The Famous are on display at Above .- Oldsmobile Super "88" De Lnxc 4-Dnor Sedan. Oldmwbile alla oï¬eu new Series “98" modell for 1951-