MONTREAL $14.25 It's the friendly way to travel. 3. You see all the sights along the' way. You have more to spend 0 other things because fares are low] VANCOUVER . $87.15 WINNIPEG .. $49.55 10 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, April 5, 1951 f: as n Telephones - Richmond Hill 156 - Willowdale 682 Let The Street Fleet Deliver Your Heat O Tires so marked are Standard Quality â€" and regular Super-Lastic Lifetime Guarantee â€" plus Road Hazard Insurance. Coal - Coke - Wood 05000 . . . . . 0.7.5....3565655 54555 I I I I 1 . . . . -///.// 5055500000 7.5222.00.055 4455566665 0 o 6.50/16 6.50/16 6.70/15 6.70/16 7.00/16 7.00/16 7.10/15 7.60/15 4.40-4.50/21 - Size Price List: "Super-Lastic" Tires Regular calls in Richmond Hill district Old Orchard Grove. Toronto C. Street 8: Sons GORDON KENNEDY, List Average Your Ply Price Allowance Nel- Cost PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT $16.60 17.50 18.20 27.95 22.20 21.85 21.05 28.90 37.40 35.45 25.95 35.55 46.35 32.00 32.75 40.75 52.45 35.70 39.05 You get a Brand New Tire â€" in case of failure from any cause â€" (as outlined below) NPER-LASTIC TIRES ARE SAFETY. BUILT! They are guaranteed for life against defects in workmanship and ma- terials and in addition are insured against Class Cuts, Accidents, Blow-Outs, Stone Cuts, Accident or Collision Damage. etc. In case of failure from any specified cause YOU GET A BRAND NEW TIRE, paying only for the amount of tread worn, plus l‘/z% per month ageing charge. dating from the guarantee. Super- Lastic Regular Line Tires carry the same guarantee and are adjusted on a basis of U6 for each two months of service. (See complete guarantee form for full particulars.) wâ€"AND GET THE BEST THAT MONEY CAN BUY Save Guaranteed Without Time Limit CANADA'S FINEST FlRSI-lINE “RES ROBERTS’ RADIAL STATION M NRHHMHHH .NWPW @mL‘DWhQQ UiUlUIUIU‘IUIUI qufl carry the One-Year PHONE I77 $3.45 4.25 4.45 3.80 4.90 4.90 4.80 4.80 4.80 5.85 5.90 5.90 5.90 5.85 5.90 6.40 6.40 6.05 6.35 List Your Price Cost Save Safely Tubes 58-49 RE. 3139 A very pleasant social half hour was spent when several of the la- dies served refreshments. Mr. Johnny Baker on behalf of the ga- thering thanked Dr. Walker for the use of his lovely home for the During the evening, Mrs. John A. Baker read a very appropriate address in which she said in the words of the song “So long â€"â€"- been good to know you†but hoped that the time wouldn’t be too long before they came back to see their friends. Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson were then presented with a beauti- ful seven-piece chrome dinette ouite and buffet. These lovely‘ gifts were given in token of the esteem in which Mr. and Mrs. Fer- guson are held. They were taken very much by surprise and tuank- ed the friends and hoped they would come to visit them at Schomberg. A farewell party was held at the home of Dr. Walker, Dufferin Street. in honour of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ferguson who are leaving this neighbourhood to take up a new home at Schomberg‘. There were over forty Carrville and Concord friends present. The evening was spent in euchre and crokinole and friendly happy chatter. Farewell Party A conference was held in the evening for rural schools under the leadership of Mrs. J. D. anC- Intosh of Kingston. This was very helpful and informative. One of the topics was on “Health†and we in York County must be very proud and must recognize oun- Health Unit as there are a great many counties who want one and can’t seem to get one. On Tuesday afternoon the sess- ion opened with “O Canada.†and prayer. A short business session and reports of convenors followed. After a panel- discussion on “A Child’s Bill of Rights†under lead- ership of Mr. L. A. Kelis of Belleville, Religious Education was taken by Mrs. Eva Gordon Pankin of Ottawa. A play “Scattered Showers" was presented by the Midland players followed by a demonstra- tion study group led by Professor Alan Klein, University of Toronto. The Thirty-second Convention of Ontario Federation of Home and School Associations, Inc., was held at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, on March 27, 28 and 29. The theme of the convention was “Par- ents are Education.â€_ Mrs. E. Per- ring and Mrs. B. Middleton rep- resented Carrville Home and School Association and Mrs. E. Lewis attended the evening session also. Mrs. M. D. McLellan of Brant- ford and President of Ontario Federation of Home and School Associations welcomed the dele- gates in her most pleasing and ï¬t- ting manner. l After the minutes were read and (approved, Mrs. Bert Middleton in- troduced the guest of the evening, ,Dr. J. P. and Mrs. Wilson of Rich- mond Hill. Dr. Wilson expressed pleasure at being invited to come and show the slides and ï¬lms tak- en on his trip to the British Isles and Holland last year. The pic- tures were very lovely and some quite colourful. Dr. Wilson spoke on the various highlights of the trip and was most interesting in- deed. Mrs. Kirk moved a vote of thanks to Dr. and Mrs. Wilson for giving us the privilege of seeing these pictures as most of us will not likely have the pleasure of such a trip; seeing the pictures .was certainly next best to going. Refreshments were served by the M to Z group and a pleasant social half hour was spent. Home and School The Felowship Group met in the Carrville United Church on Thurs- day evening, March 29, at 8 p.m. with about 30 present. Rev. Kent called the meeting to order and op- ened with hymn and “Lord’s Pray- er. †Fellowship Group The stork paid two visits to Con- cord last week and delivered 8. ba. by boy to Mr. and Mrs. Whaley and Miss Marian Poole together with 74 girls of the office staff of the Workmen’s Compensation Board travelled by bus to Washington D. C. during the Easter weekâ€"end. They also visited Alexandria, Virâ€" ginia and other places before re- turning home o'n Monday. On Friday, March 30, at, the home of Miss Norma. Poole, a group of young people presented Miss Lippet with a. tri-light floor lamp and a mirror. Those visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Bolen Henderson during the week are Mr. and Mrs. Bert Henderson, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Henderson and daughter, May, and Mr. C. Oliver of Corbetton. Those entertaining last week in honor of Miss Jean Lippet, popular brideâ€"to-be, were Mrs. Clark and Mrs. Keen who arranged the mis‘ cellaneous shower given on March 22 in the home of Mrs. Fred Lip- pet. Mrs. Gordon Johnson of Willow. dale gave a cup and saucer shower, and the office associates a miscell- aneous shower in the home of Mrs. Del Medico, College St., Toronto. Honor Bride-To-Be CORRESPONDENT: Mrs. Raymond Stuart, R. R. 1. Maple CARRVILLE NEWS CONCORD NEWS Com: Mn. Bert Middleton Telephone Maple 1301-3 Telephone Maple 110R3 Admission $2.00 per couple Make up a party and come and enjoy yourselves Norm, Burling & His Orches- tra Sponsored by Richvale Area Boy Scouts at Richmond Hill Public School Auditorium The next time of immunization is to be May 1. Quite a number of parents were there with their pre-school children Tuesday, April Frinds from Carrville Commun- ity had a very pleasant evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clar- ence Read at Stoufl‘ville on Mon- day evening, April 2. There were about 30 in the group. The men enjoyed the evening- playing eu- chre and the ladies were given a nylon demonstration. The nylon display was very lovely and in- teresting. The hostess assisted by several of the ladies served re- freshments. Keep April 6 open and come to '>Carrville Public School for the “Gala Night" put on by the Can-- ville Home and School Association. All are assured of a good time. Sorry Mrs. Walter Bone has been under the Weather. We cer- tainly hop she will be her own jolly self before long. Home and School Miss Marion and Gretta Middle- ton had lunch on Friday with Miss Inez and Drew Wood. Mrs. I. Hiltz of Toronto is vis- iting with- Mrs. Adam Read for a few days. Mr. Harold Ince deserves much credit for the effort he put in dir- ecting this show. To those who didn’t see it certainly missed a good entertainment. It just goes to prove what a community can do if there are enough interested folk to help. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. James Adams, Birch Avenuo, on the birth of a son Sunday, April 1' in Grace Hospital, Toronto. Miss Inez Wood had dinner Sunâ€" day evening with her sister and brother-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Fred Broom Jr., Richvale. Members from several Carrville Show in Richmond Hill on Friday or Saturday evnings, put on by the Richvale people in aid of their Boy Scout work. Those who attended certainly had lots of good laughs and she singing and music were really good. Friday, April 13, 8.30 pm. Birthday greetings to Mr. Albert Hayter who celebrates his 85th birthday on April 5. Mr. Hayter is enjoying fairly good health. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ferguson en- tertained Mr. and Mrs. Fred Broom Jr. of Richvale at dinner on Friday evening. party to which he replied with very ï¬tting and humorous re- marks; and he said while he is a newcomer to this district he had encountered wonderful friendship here. The evening closed with the singing of “Auld Lang Syne." Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Wallis Moriarty on the birth of their daughter at Mrs. Healey‘s Nursing Home, Elgin Mills. MODERN DANCE Mr. and Mrs. Roy Keï¬'er and Mr and .Mrs. Klinck attended the funeral of Mr. Albert Krowder of Heidelberg last Tuesday. Mr. Albert Line passed away last week. Burial took place on Wednesday. The Hamilton Conference of Lu- theran ministers and laymen met in the church on Tuesday. Sherwood News Sunday, April 8, 1951, Ziol. Lu- theran Church Sunday school at 10 am. and church service at 11 am. A send-off party in the form of a dance and euchre for the younger Andersons was given in the Elia school house last Week by the Young People‘s Union. Bob and Douglas were presented with a pen and pencil set and Dorothy with a lamp. The Anderson family mov. ed last week to Harriston, Ont. a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Darl- ing. Mrs. W. J. Honey of Norham visited with Mrs. P. D. Snider last week. Mrs. Edgar Crozier of Is- lington visited with her mother, Mrs. Chtirch, and her sister, Mrs. Paul Snider on Sunday. OLDE TYME and Mr. and Mrs. Percy Puterbaugh, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Bowes, Miss- es Marian and Ruby Puterbaugh of Maple, Mr. and Mrs. Benson Myers of Stoufl’ville, had evening dinner with Mr. and Mrs. J. Harvey Houch and family at Cashel on Friday. We are happy to report that Mr. Chas. Peelal‘ is able to be home from the Toronto General Hospital. Edgeley United Church, Sunday, April 8th. Sunday School at 1.30, Church Service at 2.30. Aniong the nineteen ladies who attended the “Tupper†nylon de- monstration at the home of Mrs. Ray Witty were Mrs. Shropshire and her daughter, Ivy, of Orange- ville, and others from Toronto and neighbourhood. After the show, a dainty luncheon was served by the hostess. ‘ Miss Edwar'ds' spéht a few days with Mrs. C. Stong during Easter week. Mrs. Earle Tate, with her son Neil from Newmarket had dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Puter. baugh on March 28th. Mr. Stuart Scott. geologist, and Mrs. Scott rendered a couple of selections on their flute-like instru- ments. These instruments were made by Mr. Scott out of bamboo. He also showed very interesting pictures of his prospecting tour of Nova. Scotia, Newfoundland and Quebec. Pictures were also shown of the city of Ottawa and of the Santa Claus parade in Toronto. Sandwiches, pie and ice-cream were then served by the ladies. Dancing followed to the music of Miss Christiansen and John Herâ€" mansen, accordianists, Stuart Scott violinist, and Mrs. Chas. Grubbe, pianist. After the summaries given on the air by each provincial secret- ary across Canada, they were en- tertained by Mr. Jas. Store who showed pictures of the Emery and Edgeley Farm Forum members taken in Edgeley Hall on January 29 â€" the 10th Anniversary of Farm Radio Forum. These pic- themselves on the screen for the tures were greatly enjoyed by the audience, many of whom viewed ï¬rst time. The Edgeley Farm Forum met through invitation with the Farm Forum of Emery in the Emery Hall on the 26th, with over 50 present. p Josephine Hull - m1 Kelli“! - wale Ford "1 Peggy Dow The members of the Young x’eoâ€" ple’s Fellowship had an interesting trip to the offices of the Globe and Mail on Wednesday evening. On arrival they were divided into two groups under the leadership of two university students. During the tour they saw every phase of com- posing and printing Toronto’s morning newspaper. On their de- parture from the office each was given a copy of the paper which now has a. special interest to them because they had seen it produced. TWO CONTINUOUS SHOWS NIGHTLY STARTING 7 PM. ZONTINUOUS SATUR- DAY TO MIDNIGHT. MATINEE SAT. 2 pm. MN Wlflfl JEAN HAEEN ~JflHN MdNTlRE ASAM W000 WUCIIIIN _ Correspondent: Mrs. R. Stuart. R. R. I'Maple Tel. Maple 110R3 FRIDAY, SATURDAY APRIL 6, 7 MARKHAM MON., TUES., WED. APRIL 9, 10, 11 EDGELEY NEWS A Ume ‘mnunmu w:qu will: A reception was held for the im- mediate families at the Prince Ar- thur Housel Toronto; afterWards the happy couple left on a trip to New York; when they return, they will resids in Toronto. The bride who was given in mar- riage by her father, wore a ï¬avy wool suit with navy and yellow ac- cessories and wore a corsage of purple orchids, and carried a, white Bible. Miss Phyliss Waterson of Thornhill attended the bride, and she wore a grey wool suit with grey accessories and wore a cor- sage of purple orchids. A brother of the groom was best man. The marriage of Rosemary King, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas King of Thornhill to Mr. Robert Mair, son of Mrs. M. Mair and the late Mr. Mair of Toronto took place quietly in St. Paul’s United Church, Avenue Road, Tor- onto with the Rev. Gordon W. Por- ter officiating. On Tuesday, Mrs. N. Gage and Mrs. J. Gribble attended The On- tario Federation of Home and School Associations Convention held at the Royal York Hotel, Tor- onto. The theme was “Parents are Educators.†At the luncheon, Mrs. M. D. McLellan of Brampton, president of the Ontario Feueraâ€" tion of Home and Schools, gave an inspiring talk, and gave good counsel to the members. On Wed- nesday Mrs. K. Richan attended the sessions accompanied with her guest, Mrs. Haythorne from 0t- tawa. Mr. M. J. Johnson of John St. spent a few days last week at Midland, visiting his sister and also his son, Mr. Vern Johnson. Mair-King The last euchre for the Season will be held at Thornlea School, Friday evening, April 6. A cor- dial welcome is extended to all. If any one has any news of im- portance of social, would you please let your correspondent know so it can be sent in to our column. The regular monthly meeting of Thornlea Home and School will take place Wednesday evening, April 11, at 8 pm. at the school. There will be a. musical program and reports from the convention. This is an important night for the nomination of officers fo: the coming year. Mrs. Ness, Green Lane, enter- tained her neighï¬oours on Monday evening to a. Wear-ever Brush demonstration. Visitors at the ham of Mr. and Mrs. K. Richan, Johnson Ave., were Mr. and Mrs. G. Haythorne of Ottawa, who also attended the Home and School and 0.E.A. con- ventions in Toronto. V W/ Correspondent : Mrs. J. Gribble Telephone Thornhill 361-31 01m "mum Thornlea News The most important development in washer cle- sign in years -tl1e new stainless steel inner tub of the Beato Washer wins instant approval wherever shown. You know that stainiess steei gives a long lifetime of satisFactory use. Won't you come and see it, :00" lull mm: m “m In 7/“ 3m; 7 ? ? I §\ Samuel Carlisle Frederick Norman J. A. McGinnis Helen Sanderson Wm. Oliver Noxman Porter Margaret E. Bates N. G. Gregorash S. M. Sinclair Thornhill 12 Twelve fully experienced salesmen familiar with their areas can otfer an unparalleled service in all propâ€" erty matters. , We are desperately in need of all types of Real Property due to our ever increasing sales volume and continuous enquiries from all parts of the Province. Window Planes For Brick and Frame Construction Cellar Frames Sash Storm Windows Check Rail Sash Casement Sash Door Frames Colonial Door Frames for Brick & Frame Construction Octagon Window Frames and Sash Combination Doors â€" screen and glazed Screen Doors and Window Screens WINDOW & DOOR FRAMES LANDSCAPING SERVICE David McLean Limited MEMBERS TORONTO REAL ESTATE BOARD H®U$E§ WANTED RICE’S FLOWER SHOP 44 Yonge Street South, Richmond Hill Telephone Richmond Hill 490 Nights, Sundays and Holidays Thornhill 207R6 §\\\\\\“ General Landscaping In AI] Its Branches Estimates Free AUBREY NICOL W ELGIN MILLS Telephone Richmond Hill 1341'31 E. Iglvmismcn After hours and holidays} FE. JUST Pill! AND IT STOPS! ...JU QWEMWA ST PUSH!!!) IT WINGS Vhomhill Office Richmond Hill 394W Willowdale 3488 Maple 156W Richmond Hill 421W Aurora 429R24 Bradford 189 Hyland 6015 Brampton 1249\V Stoutfville 67913 WA. 4338