3 For wedding pictures -â€" for birthdays 2 â€" for the many anniversaries which de- 3 serve recording â€" for the artistry which E makes all the diflerence between an or- , dinary photograph and a portrait â€" visit agummmmmll“I“\“mlln\ll\mm“\\l\l\\\\l\ll\\1m“l“\ll\ll\\\ml“\ll“1mllll\\l“\\“l\\“\\l\“ml“mmll“\llVl\\\\mlllll“llllllllllllllllulmlllll1“th telephone 33 umm“\\\1\\\\\mm\\m\mmmmummmmul\\\\u\m\\n\\m\i“1mmm\\lmm“l“mun\“umumn\l\mlmmummuumumuuumummuuu[mg Order your fencing materials now. A complete line of farm and garden fence in stock. steel and cedar posts, .farm gates, barb - wire. ' ‘ Erection‘ done on all types of fence. .WE DELIVER Attention Fan-mg? when it comes to needs For Your baby you'll find them at Iarke’s pharmacy TELEPHONE: WILLOWDALE 2507 HARVEY a BROWN GENERAL CONTRACTOR NORMAN BONE Edmund Soame Telephone REdfern 1911 for an appointment BUILD GOOD PULLETS FOR PROFIT- ABLE EGG PRODUCTION BY FEEDING Master Confinement Growing Mash AFTER YOUR CHICKS HAVE BEEN FED Master Chick Starter FOR SEVEN FULL WEEKS In this way your pullets will have the fullest opportunity to develop body size, solid fleshing, big bone, stamina, and healthy egg producing organs. Don’t let your pullets shift for themselves but rather feed the Master way, for it’s results that count. CEMENT WORK - BASEMENT FLOORS P L A S T ER l N G -, PORTRAITS 30 Elizabeth St. S. Phone 507 Richmond Hill TORONTO 'Ol‘ rmer 5’ THE STUDIO" 1720 Avenue Road ‘21 6 KINSSDALE AVE WILLOWDALE SIDiWALKS BLOCK WORK rickmond hi†FOOTINGS Rev. S. W. Hirtle. B. A.. Mini-u: SUNDAY, APRIL 15, 1951 10 a.m. â€" The Sabbath School 11 a.m. â€"- Public Worship. 0 Come, Let Us Worship Rev. W. F. Wrixon, L. TIL, Ke Sunday, April 15. East 8.30 am. â€" Holy Communion 9.45 a.m.â€"â€"Sunday School 11 am. â€" Morning Prayer 7.30 p.111. â€"â€"‘EVening Prayer. All are cordial-1y invited. RICHMOND BILL UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. B. Brethen. B.A., Minister SUNDAY, APRIL 15, 1951 10.45 am. -â€" Sunday School, Ad- ult Bible Class 11 am. â€"â€" Morning Worship con- ducted by Rev. G. D. Petrie, 0f Burford, Ontario. 7 pm. â€"â€" Evening Worship THORNHILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. S. W. Hirtle, B.A.. Minister SUNDAY, APRIL 15, 1951 11 a.m. â€"â€" Public Worship Mr. L. Sutherland, B.A. 11.30 a.m. â€" The Primary School 12:10 pm. â€" Dr. Glen’s Bible class Come and Worship. Meeting in Concord School Home Each Lord’s Day at 11 am. Gospel message and Communiop Service Tune in CKEY (580) at 9.15 3.11:. Sunday I Peter 4:11: "If any man speak let him speak as the oracle: of God. Rev. E. E. Kent, Minister Sunday Service . . . . . . 2.30 p.m. Sunday School . . . . . . . . . . 10 mm. OARRVILLE UNITED CHURCH Sunday School . . . . . . . . , . 10 mm. Worship . . . . . . . 11 am. Sunday School at Concord School House at 10 am. LANGSTAFF BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor, Rev. A. R. Jones Services Sunday, 11 am. â€"- Bible School classes for all ages 7p.m. â€"- Gospel Service. Wed., 8 pm. â€" Prayer Meeting Thurs., 2 p.m. â€" Women’s Mis- MASONIC HALL RICHMOND HILL 7 I’.M. SUNDAY. APRIL 15, 1951 THE GOSPEL CHOIR SINGERS 28 Voices SPEAKER: Robert. Renfrew From Scotland During the past years the Gospel Chbir has broadcast over 9 Can- adian Stations as well as HCJB, Quitol Ecuador Everyone invited. WOOWW CONTRACTOR FOR CONCRETE 0R STEEL SEPTIC TANKS ALSO FLOORS & SIDEWALKS LAID AND DRAINS DUG- RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURLII W. G. BOWES, R.R. 2 MAPLE or by writing direct to CANADIAN C0-0PERATIVE WOOL GROWERS LIMITED 217 Bay Street, Toronto, Canada ST. MARY'S ANGLICAN CHURCH . W. F. Wrixon, L. TIL. Rector WESTON. ONT. Reliable Grading Prompt Settlement Shippers may obtain sacks and twine without charge from SHIP COLLECT T0 Our Registered Warehouse Wool Growers' Organization WOOL BRETHREN IN CHRIST CHURCH, VAUGHAN hone 48R25 Richmond Hill CHURCH OF CHRIST N. DOLSON Rev All vening Worship 1. 'J. O. Totton , are welcome. ;asrer McLean, Secretary of the Ontario Council of Christian Edubation, spoke gt'the regular‘meeting 0f the Young Adult Group in the Sun- day ~School room of the United Church. Mr. MéLean gave an in- teresting and Ihelpful talk on Adult Education. At the next meecmg on May 14,,Mr. A. V. Silk, a We“ known Industrial Insurance execu- tive,’ will speak on “Things you should know about your Household ;Insuvrance Policies.†' Mr. Bill Zuéfelt left NIbndgyior Calédon East' where he has accep- ted a position at the C.N.R. de- pot. Mrs. A. R. W. Uren, Yonge St. entéi‘tained‘ last Thursday evening in honor of her daughter Janet and Jill Pritchai'dxwho celebrated their birthday on the same day. Mr: W. 'J. Robértg ha§ left the village to ‘spénd > the next few montlhs ait Windermere. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Bert Keyser of Toronto are holidaying in Florida. Mr. and Mrs: J. S. Pirrie, Patric- ia and Donna Jean, formerly of 75 Richmond Street, have takeg up residence in Maple village. Mrs. G. Moorleyy Mrs. Gray, Mrs. K. Blanchard and Mrs. L. W. Zue- felt attended the 60th anniversary of the Women’s Missionary SOC- iety of St. Andrew’s C'hurch, Maple, last Wednesday afternoon. Two carloads of members of the local Women’s Institute attended the Charter Night of the Mark- vaun Women’s Institute at Lang- staï¬â€˜ on Thursday evening. Mrs. C. C. Clarke of Wilmette, Illinois, has returned to her home after spending three weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Moore, Yonge Street. Mr. Russell Tilt of the Depart. ment of Lands and Forests, Maple“ Ontario, presented two sound ï¬lms‘ at the regular meeting of the Ev- ening Auxiliary of the Presbyterian Church last Thursday evening, Api‘ Richmond Hill Social and Personal Ti 5. One ï¬lm dealt with wild life in National forests and the other with the sewage disposal problem. of particular interest at this time in Richmond Hill. It was decided to hold a tea and bak- ing‘ sale on Saturday, May 5, and {committees were appointed to take ‘charge. Last Monday evening, Rev.’E. SMITH â€" Lyman and Eva Smith, Richmond Hill, Wish to announce the birth of Barbara and Bobby’s little brother, Alan Lyman, on Monday, April 9, 1951 at the York County Hospital, New- market. . c1w41 BOWEN â€"â€" Violet and William Bowen, Langstaff, are happy tc announce the birth of their son, on Thursday, March 29, 1951, at St. Michael’s- Hospital. Both well. c1w41 ROSS-McK ENZIE On Friday, April 6, 1951, at 7 o’clock in Richmond Hill, by Rev. W. F. Wrixon at the rectory. Georgevlrving Ross to Margaret McKenzie, both -of Richmond Hill. C'ARD 0F THANKS HARBINSON', Elizabeth McRob- erts â€" at the Toronto General Hospital, Sunday, April 8, 1951, Elizabeth McRoberts, beloved wife of Robert Harbinson of Oak Ridges and dear mother of John and Mary. 'Service in Wright and Taylor’s Funeral chapel on Tuesday, April 10. Interment in Richmond Hill cemetery. Mr. R. Harbinson and family wish to thank flheir many' friends, neighbors and relatives, far tneir kind expressions of sympathy and floral tributes. extended to them during their recent bereavement in the loss of a dear wife and mother, especially thanking Dr. Cowan of Richmond Hill, Drs. Squires, Wightman and Gunton of Toronto General Hospital, Rev. Mr. Hirtle, Rev. Mr. Michell, Oak Ridges and pail bearers Mr. Switzer, Mr. Mus- son. Mr. Sims, Mr. McCoomb, Mr. Wilson and Mr. Duncan. Telephone Richmond Hill 9 THORNHILL - LANDSCAPE GARDENERS & TREE EXPERTS SODDING & GRADING 0F FLAGSTONE & STONE WORK WE PLANT ONLY HARDY CANADIAN EVERGREENS & SHRUBS ART GOODCHILD Will 738 Phone 14R2 Thornhill WEDDINGS 25 Years Experience SHINGLING 01d and New Work ROOF REPAIRS BIRTHS DEATHS C. BRETT 35 Newton Dr. Newtonbrook Is chirping about the Pirate’s loot which buffeted the high seas right straight from Treasure Island to the Spring Fair, and the thite Elephant is a sight that .even the Ma- haraj'ah would give anything to see, to say nothing of the monsters in the Fish Pond, that have to come 'up‘for air it’s so crowded in there, and tots’ tan togs have gone all out for the sun on April 14, for Spring is busting out all; over the “Trellis†at the Fair,‘ and Mum doesn’t have to bakel that day, she’ll buy it right there while the kids are stuf- ï¬ng themselves at the Candy Bar, and- then washing it down with ‘pop’. Oh 'it’s a wonderful feeling to sit and chat over a cup of tea and what delicious sandwiches you’ll have too, but the little sparrow in the tree-top is get- ting tuckered out, now, so, young folks and old folks come to the SPRING FAIR THE SPARROW IN THE TREE-TOP Saturday, Apr. 14 2.30 to 6 pm. ’Ilhe Sick Committee of Richvale‘ have to report with regret the ill- ness of the following who are con- ï¬ned to their homes and under the doctor’s care: Comrade EdWard Clark, Edgar Ave., Ridhvale; Com- rade Geo. J. Brummell, Oak Ave., Richvale. ' From all reports the Kit Carson Trail Blazers 01d Tyme and mod- ern dances held in the Public School Auditorium, April 6, under the auspices of the Canadian Leg- .ion Branch 375 and Ladies’ Auxil- iary. was a vefy delightful event with a record attendance. ’clievhneiness men of Richmond Hill and to the general public our most sincere thanks for their gen- erous support. Branch members please note: Special meeting at Newmarket, April 15, at 2 pm. when Zone E2 Will elect officers who will liold of- ï¬ce as from August 23, 1951 for a period of two years. On April 13, the next regular euchre will be held at Comrade Skippon’s home on Yonge‘hurst and Avenue Road starting sharp at 8.30 pm. This is the week the lucky ticket is drawn for the goose. Next euchre will be on the 20th of April, same time, same place. One of our members, Comrade H. Arbon celebrates his 49th wedâ€" ding anniversary on April 13. Con- gratulations go out to Mr. Arbon and [his wife. . THE LEGIONNAIRES Branch 375 Canadian Legion, B.E.S.L. Richmond Hill RACHEL JANE MORTSON Mrs. Rachel Jane Mortson pass-l ed away very suddenly in the T011, onto Western Hospital on March 22, 1951. She was born in Bran- don, Manitoba, daughter of the late William and Eliza Jane Bakâ€" er. She married Russell T. Mort- son in 1907 and farmed in SasKaL chewan with her husband, later moving to Ontario living in and‘ around Richmond Hill. Mrs. Mortson was predect-ased by her husband, Russell, in May 1949. She is survived by two sons, ‘Cecil of Queensville. Arnold of Vic- ltoria Square, seven grandchildren, two sisters, Mrs. N. Embury' of Brandon, Manitoba; Mrs. P. Wells, Ryerson, Sask.; four brothers, Fred, Bert and Martin of Brandon, Man., and Elwood of Fernie' B.C. Services were held in Wright and Taylor’s Chapel, Monday, March 26' Rev. Huston in charge. The pallbearers were Herman, Hal‘- old and Gordon Mortson, Harold Carruthers,‘ Louis Nic‘hols, Clar- ence Stong. Interment was at Vic. toria. Square cemetery. To advise people of 1 special eV- ent at your church or school or club use a “Coming Events" notice in the special section in The Liber- al. It's cheap and easy. Telephone Richmond Hill 9. No need to send a lot of notices about that function your club is staging. Use 3 “Coming Events†Telephone Richmond Hill 9. it will command much attention. notice in The Liberal. Low in cost, OBITUARY Model A Ford $50.00 35 Ford Coupe . . . . $245.00 41 Chev. Sedan .. $550.00 40 Ford Sedan .. $495.00 38 Nash 'Coach .. $395.00 50 Morris Minor $1,275.00 50 Chev. Panel '/z $1550.00 47 Ford 3 Ton . . . . $950.00 47 Int]. Dump .. $2450.00 - Many more bargains General Contractors 0 Concrete Work . Building 0 Alterations and re- - pairs T. '& H. Construction Telephone Richmond Hill 528J or 288W Drop in and see that great little TRACTOR THE FARMALL CUB your CAR? EDDY will be sure glad to take care of all your CAR SERVICE NEEDS with his full line of TEXACO products, along with TIRES, BATTERIES, etc. etc. l\\W1“111l“ll\l\\1l“l“l\lll1Illlll\\llllll\l\l\mlll\\ll\llllnlllml“lllullllmll“ CASH 0R TERMS LARGE ASSORTMENT 0F SPRING FLOWERS STOP! RICE’S FLOWER SHOP 44 Yonge Street South Richmond Hill Tel. Richmond Hill 496 Nights and Holidays Telephone Thornhill 207R6 m1ulmuuumul\\munummmmmmummmmmnum"unnum- KITCHEN CUPBOARDS AND HOME GARAGES BUILT FARMERS & GARDEN- I: by the way How’s about SPRING-ER-IZINQ Phone Thornhill 390R12 LES. HULL 535-R Richmond Hill DROP IN AND SAY HELLO TO GUY AND EDDY GUY PENNYS NEW AND USED CARS. TRUCKS & TRACTORS 13A Yonge Street FLOWERS FOR EVERY OCCASION ATTENTION TRACTOR MEN’S, LADIES’V& CHILDREN’S WEAR COMPLETE LINE MEN’S & WOMEN’S FOOTWEAR AND RUBBERS Parisi’s Family more Boy’s Satin Eisenhower Jackets, in grey, wine, blue sizes 30 to 36, at . . . . . . . . . . . . '. . . . . . . . . . . $7.95 each Boys’ Covert Cloth Drapes, sizes 24 to 36, at $4.95 to $5.95 pair Boys’ Rayon Gabardine Drapes, sizes 30 to 34, $8.95 pr. Penman’s Work Sox at . . . . 69c, 75c, $1.00, $1.19 pair We have just received our supply of Sisman’s Scampâ€" ers for children, men, boys and Sisman’s Thoro-bilt work boots from $4.95 to $8.95 pair. So bring the fam- ily in and treat them all to a pair of shoes or scampers this week end. If it’s a Shirt, Overalls, Work Pants or Jeans COME TO PARISI’S FOR ALL YOUR NEEDS Mel Parisi will help you save those hard earned dollars PHONE 508 RICHMOND HILL, oNT. ERS 36 Yonge St. South THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, 'April 12, 1951 STUART PAXTON WIRING LINE WORK Phone Richmond Hill 3591‘11 LO AM FILL GRADING PHONE THORNHILL 141.] MR. STEWART 20 Elmwood Ave., Willowdale \u\u\\\\\\\munmu“\mmuumumummun\\\\1m“mun\uuuumluuu Richmond Hill Telephone 242 mnmmnmmnnmmnmummmummunmnmmmmm un\\u\mu\1\1\\\|\u\\u\m\uml\m1\umummummmmmmmnmu Phone Richmond Hill 414M We solve your deep and shallow well pressure system troublem Phones King 111 Aurora 46.] mmmmmmmmmmnnmmmmm AUSTIN SALES & SERVICE A. ROLLINSON Repair shop open until 10 pm. for service and repairs on all makes of cars Phone 12 JAMES J. WALL OAK RIDGES, ONT. Plumbing & Heating Contractor. MEL. MALTBY NORTH END EXCAVATORS Authorized Dealer for Ricï¬â€˜mond Hill and District Painting Paperhanging First Class Work Reasonable Rates Agent for DELCO PUMPS AND Arcoflame Oil Burner Cement Septic Tanks Cities Service Garage ne 12 Richmond Hill Electrician YEREX ELECTRIC AND TELEVISION WE HAVE THE RECORDS YOU WANT CITIES SERVICE PRODUCTS GRAVEL SAND Richmond Hill SPECIALS Floor Wax HAW E’S OXYDOL, TIDE Rinso - Fab THE PERFECT CLEANSER %k&hm MARGE‘RINE Margene Egg, Allsweet 45c SWEET TREAT Pineapple Juice CLARK’S FANCY Tomato Juice CALIFORNIA SUNKIST Sweet Oranges é‘fg 49c Doz- MORLEY IMPORTED NO. 1 Tomatoes FLORIDA GREEN Pascal Celery ONTARIO NO. 1 Potatoes APRIL 12, 13 & It! Self Serve RICHMOND HILL MBRLEY’S Cello ‘ Pkg. lib Lge. 10 Th. 20 oz. Tins 25c 20 oz. Tins Lge. Stalks 49c 41c 25c 21c 25c 25c 21c