12 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thurs, April 19, 1951 CLASSIFIED FOR SALE and WANT ADS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES CASH RATES, ï¬rst insertion 3c per word, min. charge ,. 50c Second and subsequent insertons if wording unchanged, 3c per word, min. charge IF CHARGED, 4c per word, min. FOR BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of .. 40c . . . . 65c 25c charge, all insertions COMING EVENTS NOTICES: per type line 12c; min. charge 75c CARDS OF THANKS, IN MEMORIAM, BIRTHS, . DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES, per insertion $1.00 Classiï¬ed advertisements shOuld be in as early in the week as possible but not later than noon on Wednesdays. ARTICLES FOR SALE OLD HISTORY of County of York. Phone Thornhill 278R21. tfc40 3 CEDAR POLES, 24 ft. long. Thornhill 63R41.' c1w42 CHEST OF DRAWERS, medium size. Thornhill 95M. c1w42 __________â€"â€"â€" 2 PANES of glass, size 4’ x 8’. Phone Maple 27. *1w42 ____â€"______â€"- B.S.A. MOTORCYCLE, 350CC., in perfect condition. Mileage 2,500. Phone 541J Aurora. *1w42 _________.-._-._.â€"- ICE BOX, modern, white, all met- al capacity 65 lbs. Thornhill 511‘5. ' c1w42 ,___________â€"â€"-â€" PORTABLE GARAGE, 12’ x 18 it, corrugated iron. Thornhill 278R21. tfc40 ,USED BRICK, uncleaned $15.00 per thousand delivered. Phone Thornhill 257R3. c1w41 BEES. 7 hives. extractor, all equip- ment. Phone 47R24 Richmond Hill. 61w41 _________â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" RASPBERRY CANES, Strawberry Plants, best varieties. Phone Rich- mond Hill 324W. *8w41 ________..-._._.â€". CLINTON OATS and Timothy seed Alfred Bagg, Edgeley P.O. Phone Maple 112R3. c2w41 SEED OR TABLE POTATOES, Cobblers. Apply S. Mashintery Lot 31, Con. 2 Vaughan. *3w40 WELL TILE and culvert tile. Phone A. Valcourt, Richmond Hill 1R2. tfc10 GALORE Seed Barley; also re- cleaned Timothy Seed. N. Brodie, 47R21 Richmond Hill. *1w40 c2w41 ‘â€"____._.__â€"â€"â€"â€"-- 1 LADIES and gents set of golf clubs. fully reconditioned, bargain. Phone Richmond Hill 13‘4R42. c1w42 .â€"â€".â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€" ,‘1 PINE FRAME barn 30x50; 1 cement block silo. 10x25, with lad- ‘d'er. Phone Wm. Watson, 50R12 Maple. *2w42 11 WINDOWS, approx. 48†long, 24†Wide, new condition. $4.75 each. Apply George Cox, Elm Grove Rd. Lake Wilcox. *2w41 WEE, bufl‘et, six chairs, kitchen table, 4 chairs; also 4 doors 6’ 8in. x 2’ 8 in. thone Richmond Hill 146. *2w42 â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- PARLOR TABLE_ rocking chair, porcelain-top kitchen table, library table; white enamel range, oil burner, large oven. Thornhill 116. ' c1w42 TEAM of good work horses; man- rure spreader, hors drawn; 6 collie .‘pups, 2 months old; 1 Holstein cow, due. Phone E. Fierheller, Maple 79R3. *1w42 ASPARAGUS PLANTS, Vineland 35; year old Strawberry plants. Frank Whittamore, Lot 38 Bath- urst St., Vaughan. Maple 28R24. *4w42 CLINTON SEED OATS, grown from certiï¬ed seed, cleaned and treated. Apply Clifford L. Winger, Gormley. Phone Stouf’r‘ville 61509. C2w42 REFRIGERATOR, new, large freezing compartment, new motor, 7 cubic feet. Perfect condition. 51 Highland Park, Phone Thornhill 303R13. c1w42 USED TREADLES and electric sewing machines, rebuilt" guaranâ€" teed, with free sewing course, new machines as low as $30.50 down. Singer Sewing Centre, 5249 Yonge St._ Willowdale, phone 8129. c1w42 ___._ FETIME all metal Venetian linds, aluminum or steel naked enamel ï¬nish any colour of tapes, free estimates and installations. Phone 755 or write box 496, 40 Ontario St. West, Newmarket, Ont. Plea:e reverse phone charges. tfc32 ALFALFA No. 1 grade, Czech or- igin, a hardy strain from eastern Europe, $35.00 per bushel. Agri- cultural Service, Otto Pick, R. R. 1 Richmond Hill. Phone 617, 1 mile north of Richmond Hill on No. 11 just south of Orange Home. tfc42 CEDARS, beautiful nursery grown any size. Perennials, shrubs, trees. etc., very low prices as we are clearing out all this stock. Clifford, Clarke and Seccomoe St., 1 mile east of Stop 14A Yonge. *4w41 ATTENTION FARMERS: Per- manent pasture mixtures well proven; Alfalfa. Canadian grown: Alfalfa, Czech origin, a hardy strain; Red Clover, Ontario grown; Red Clover. English or- igin; Sweet Clovers, Ladino cer- tiï¬ed, Birdsfoot. Forage Crop seeds of every kind, certiï¬ed seed grain. We specialize in all new and rare varieties in the line of grade seeds. Agricultural Service, Otto Pick, R. R. 1 Richmond Hill, I phone 617, 1 mile north of Rich-‘ mond Hill. ’. QUANTITY of Katahdin Seed Po- tatoes grown from Foundation “A†For Sale Continued 1 PAIR of Silver Fox Furs. Apply at Gunnar Tailoring Co., 50 Yonge Street. ‘1w42 Elkâ€"BY CARRIAGE, blue convert- ible, good condition, reasonable. Phone 32J Richmond Hill. c1w42 ASTRAL Frigidaire; small rang- ette new condition, reasonable. Phone 32R Richmond Hill. *1w42 RASPBERRY CANES, $2 a nun- dred. Apply Walmer Road, phone 314R2 Richmond Hill. tfc42 THRESHER drive belt, 100 ft. 7 inch, 5 ply‘ hardly used. Taylors Sawmill, Richmond Hill 463. *1w42 WASHING MACHINE, enamel, 60 cycle. Cheap for quick sale. Phone Thornhill 264J. c2w42 COLEMAN oil space heater. Prac- tically new. Phone Richmond Hill 589R31. c1w42 3-PIECE WALNUT Bedroom suite with Marshall spring mattress, good condition. Phone Maple 64R4. ' c1w42 JUNIOR BED and matching dress- er, $40.00; girl’s custom-made 3â€"piece spring outï¬t 4-6 size, $8. Phone 321J Thornhill. c1w42 3 HOREPOWER Simplicity Gar- den Tractor, with implements. C. Higgs, Steele’s Ave. W., Stop 13 Yonge St. c1w42 SOFTWOOD Slabs $14.00; Hard- wood Slabs, $18.00, cut to length. Taylor’s Sawmill, Richmond Hill 463. *4w42 COLOSSAL Strawberry plants; Latham, Taylor and Columbia raspberry canes; also Asparagus, Vineland. Jim Johnson, John St., Thornhill 19J. *4w42 seed. Apply F.‘ C. McKay, Lot 8, Concession 4, Markham Twp. *2w42 4-BURNER Westinghouse Range, perfect condition, $45.00, oven un- derneath burners; one ice box $10; one ice box 320. Paris Auto Sup- ply Ltd., Richmond Hill. phone 86. c1w42 .â€"â€" LADIES’ C.C.M. Bicycle, parcel carrier, chain guard, good condi- tion. 5 Dutferin St., Richmond Hill 486M after 4.30; also wooden ice box. capacity 50 lbs. reason- able. *1w42 BUS in running condition, suitable for home builder or for cottage; also leather covered foam rubber seats, various sizes. Apply Bruce Mountjoy. Sussex Ave. and No. 7 Highway. *1w42 3-PIECE Chrome Studio Lounge Suite, upholstered in rust mohair, $75.00; 3â€"piece bedroom suite, white, spring-ï¬lled mattress and spring, single size $75; Westing- house console radio $60.00; some odd occasional tables, cheap. Phone 390R12 Thornhill. c1-w42 HOME OWNERS: If you want a nice and truly permanent lawn, buy your seed from a man who knows seed. Lawn mixtures for shady or. sunny location; Milorganite, Bone Meal, and all other organic fertil- izers, chemical fertilizers; garden Seeds of every kind. We specialize in all new and rare varieties in the line of seeds. Agricultural Serâ€" vice, Otto Pick' R. R. 1 Richmond Hill. Phone 617, 1 mile north of Richmond Hill on No. 11 just south of Orange Home. tfc42 THIS MERCHANDISE still avail- able without tax: Astral Refriger- ator, new model, $159.50; the large 9.2 cu. ft. G. E. Refrigerator, most space for the money, still $429.95; R.C.A. Console Television Set, bautiful cabinet, $429.95; C.G.E. 4-plate apartment size range, $229.95. C.G.E. 3-plate apartment size range. $199.95; C.G. E. 3 plate apartment size $159.95. Thor sink unit with automatic clothes washer built-in, a real buy, $419.95. General 6 cu. ft. Refrigerator runs extremely quiet $279.95 Radios, rangettes, polishers, vacuum clean- ers. ï¬xtures still without tax. Bud- get terms on all merchandise. Buy now and save. Yerex Electric, phone 242J Richmond Hill. c1w42 POULTRY FOR SALE EGG MARKETS in late summer, early faII.Bray has started pullets, also dayolds, at reduced spring prices. Fine investment. They’va also mixed chicks â€"â€" dayold, start. ed. Ask us for new spring list. Fred Wise, Bray Brooder Rich- mond Hill. , m LATE CHICK BUYING? 'lnat’s OK if they‘re Kitchener Big-4. Ask us for spring prices. You’ll ï¬nd good markets ahead. Remember -â€" this Hatchery has been operat- ing for 30 years. Watch Big-4 Chicks grow these warm days. Ag- ent Wesley Clark, R .R 2 Corni- tfc42 ley. MISCELLANEOUS LAWN MOWERS and saws sharp- ened; window screens and doors. Phone 498R Richmond Hill. tfcw39 SAND AND GRAVEL, crushed stone, loam and ï¬ll. E. Charity, Richmond Hill, phone 372r5. tfc42 FLOOR SANDERS, rentals. Eddy’s 55 Yonge Street North. Phone 458J Richmond Hill. tfc31 CEMENT MIXERS, gasoline and electric, free delivery and pick-up within reasonable distance. Willett, phone Thornhill 257R3. clw41 CUSTOM FARM PLOWING. cul- tivating, tilling and discing. Mr. H. Gooderham. Phone Willowdale 2508. *30w41 HOUSE MOVING, machinery, steel, heavy loads hauled any- where. Charles Matthews, Thorn- hill 73, Langstaï¬'. c12w31 INSULATION, rock wool, blower method, try our prices, easy terms. For free estimate phone Richmond Hill 585W. tfc33 EINBODEN & SON concrete con- tractors, septic tanks, drains, floors. Phone Richmond Hill 364 R5, Will. 466. c26w40 REFRIGERATION Sales and Ser- vice, Domestic and' Commercial. Repairs to all makes. Don Chalk, Telephone King 26r5. tfc38 PAINTING and paperhanging, ï¬rst class work, reasonable rates, sam- ple books and free estimates. A. Rollinson, phone Richmond Hill 414M. tfch DRABES, Curtains, Bed Spreads, made to measure. styled to make your room beautiful. Phone for appointment Thornhill 108R3. *2w42 ALL KINDS FURNITURE re- pairs, upholstering, cabinet work, wood carving. Estimates given. N. G. VanDyke, 33 Hunt Ave., Richmond Hill. tfc GORDON YOUNG LIMITED will be pleased to pick up dead or crip- pled farm animals and pay highest prevailing prices. Telephone collect Woodbridge 6J or Toronto, Empire 3-3636. *43w32 SEWING MACHINE REPAIRS, all makes, treadles converted. New and used machines. Convenient terms. North York Sewing Machine Co., phone Richmond Hill 625. Reid’s Cleaners and Dyers, 78 Yonge St. South. tfc35 LIVESTOCK » FOR SALE GREAT DANE pup, male, regis- tered. Reasonable. Maple 149. *1w42 11 YOUNG PIGS. Apply C. Higgs, Steele’s Ave. W., Stop 13 Yonge Street. c1w42 FREE TO GOOD HOME collie dog male, one year old, housebroken. Phone Willowdale 2012. c1w42 COCKER Spaniel puppies, 7 Weeks old. female. Phone Thornhill 261R6. *1w42 FOUR BLACK Cocker Spaniel puppies, 5 weeks old. $10 male, 85 females. Apply R. Reid, 93 Rum- ble Ave., Richmond Hill. *1w42 TROPICAL FISH, neons, bettas, red sword tails, Zebras and others, reasonable prices. Fred Hare, Temperanceville, phone King 26R 12. ‘3w41 OLD HORSES $15.00 AT YOUR FARM Also DEAD & CRIPPLED Hourly Pick-up Phone collect Agincourt 18112 CAMPBELL MINK STOCK WANTED 2 BOARDERS Phone Thornhill 259W. in modern home. c1w42 HOUSE on 2 acres, price around $6,000. Will pay cash. Apply J. Ridgeway, 519 Glengrove, Toronto. c2w41 USED WASHERS and refrigera- tors wanted. Paris Auto Supply Ltd. Richmond Hill, phone 86. c1w42 â€"HELP WANTED FULL TIME and part time help- ers. Phone Nursing Home Thorn- hill 306. c2w42 ONE OR TWO MEN to work as laborers with opportunity to learn carpenter trade. Phone Richmond Hill 636W. c1w42 WOMAN WANTED to do weekly laundry in her own home. Laun- dry will be taken and called for. Phone King 67W. c1w42 HOUSE MOTHER and laundress for the Orange Home. Richmond Hill, to live in. Phone Richmond Hill 279. c1w42 COOK GENERAL for family good home in North Toronto area. Highest wages to suitable person. Phone Orchard 2982. c1w42 COUPLE for country home 35 miles from Toronto, wife to look, man for gardener, separate quarâ€" ters. Phone 226J Thornhill. c1w42 USED CARS AND TRUCKS 1935 FORD. $200, heater. 480M Richmond Hill. Phone "Iw-12 1934 FORD V-R Sedan, good ures and body, $125.00. A. Moses, phone King 2R4. c1w42 FORD SEDAN, heater, ex- Phone 370R34 *lw42 194T cellent condition Richmond Hill. 1949 METEOR Tudor, heater" ra- dio, 17,000 miles. Bill Whitehead Richvale P.O. *1w42 1950 AUSTIN A40 â€"â€" 8,500 miles, good condition, $400.00 below list or best offer. A. Morton, Thorn- .hill 49J. tfc40 FOR SALE 1945 2-TCN Ford truck ten foot platform, hoist, good run. ning condition. Phone Maple 12W. ctfn29 HUDSON 4-door Sedan, 1939, 4 new tires, new battery, $200 cash, $75 in payments or trade for sta- tion wagon or panel truck. *1w42 ’37 DODGE COUPE, fair condition new battery and tires. K. Critten- den, Essex Ave., Richmond Hill. *1w41 1948 CHEV. Fleetline Torpedo, new tires, motor reconditioned. Will take trade in. $1,400. Ap- ply Nelson Bone, 76 Centre St. E., phone 38 Richmond Hill. c2w42 TRAILER, $50, side racks_ new tires that cost over $40 dollars. Nice condition. Clifford, Clarke and Seccomoe St. 1 mile east of Stop 14A Yonge. *2w41 1934 STANDARD Chev. Sedan, in good condition; 1947 Willys Station Wagon, excellent condition. Apply Ted’s Supertest, Henderson and Clarke Ave., Doncaster, Thornhill. c1w42 TO RENT CEMENT MIXER for rent, gaso- line. day or week. C. Higgs, Steele’s Ave. W. Zone 8-627. tfcll FLAT with all conveniences and garage. Business couple preferred. Phone Thornhill 207R21. c1w40 2 UNFURNISHED ROOMS, heat and water, at Oak Ridges. Phone 3R13 King. rfc42 ONE ROOM, with board. Call 44 Church St. north Richmond Hill. *1w42 SINGER Electric portable sewing machine, $6 per month, free pick- up and delivery. Singer Sewing Centre, 5249 Yonge St... Willow- dale, phone 8129. c1w42 HIGHLAND PARK,‘ 2 bright un- furnished rooms. private, 2-piece washroom, new home, close trans- portation. Phone 390R13 Thornhill. c1w42 THREE HEATED rooms, IwWIy decorated. Must have references. Call after 6 pm. or Saturday. 96 Roseview Ave., Richmond Hill. ‘ c1w42 SINGER Electric Portables for rent by month $6.00, free pick up and delivery. Singer Sewing Cen- tre, 5249 Yonge Street, Willow- dale. Phone Zone 8129. tfc31 ONE ROOM or room and board, if desired. to business couple or to lady or gentleman, house priv- ileges. Phone Willowdale Zone 5-495. Very handy to 12C Bus Stop. c1w42 4 CUBIC FT. Concrete Mixer, non- tilt. Calibrated water supply with hose connection. Feed Hopper. On rubber. $7.50 per day. Also Craftsman’s Skil-‘Saw $2.50 per day. Phone Richmond Hill 528J 0r 288W. tch41 WANTED TO RENT COTTAGE at reasonable rent beâ€" fore September by North York teacher and family. Box 18 The Liberal. *3w40 HOUSE OR COTTAGE for small family anywhere within commut- ing distance of Toronto. Abstain- ers, references. Richmond Hill 83R. Box No. 11. *1w40 TORONTO business man wants 1 or 2 rooms on a farm, with r without meals and shelter for car, about 25 miles north of Toronto. A. C. Stuart_ 259 Inglewood Drive, Toronto. c3w41 COTTAGE at reasonable rent be- fore September by North York teacher and family. Box 18 The Liberal. *3w41 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR REAL ESTATE, phone Fenn, Thornhill 168 tfcll BRICK HOUSE, 6 rooms, all con~ veniences, quiet residential street in Richmond Hill. Possession dune 1. Apply J. R. Harrington, Rich- mond Hill. ctfc37 FOR REAL ESTATE, phone Fenn, Thornhill 168. tfc46 SMALL HOUSE, 3 rooms, new cabinets, tile floor; Kelvinator i'e- frigerator; elec. stove; work shop; good well, good garden space with strawberries, raspberries and other fruits, complete with all furniture, electric saw and tools, chickens, $3,200. 247 Oak Ave. Richvalc. c1w41 FRI., APRIL 20 â€" Auction sale of horses, dairy cattle_ pigs, I.H.C. tractor, Ford tractor and attach- merits, hay, grain‘ etc, also the 112 acre farm with extra good buildings, hydro, etc; at lot Ii. con. 8 East Gwillimiiury, the property of the late John F. Dean, 11 miles south of Mount Albert. Terms on farm made known day of sale. Chat tles cash. No reserve. Sale 1 pm. sharp. H. Pearson_ clerk. Sellers and Atkinson, Auctioneers. FRI“ APRIL 20â€" Auction sale of Dairy Cattle, Clydesdale Horses, riding horses, pinto ponies, Ford Tractor, farm stock, implements, grain, furniture, etc. on lot 68 Con. 1 Whitchurc'h on east side of Yonge St. at Oak Ridges. Property of S. Acheson. Sale at 1 p.m. Terms cash. No reserve. Prophet- tor quitting farming. D. Goulding, clerk. Ken and Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. SAT., APRIL 21 â€"â€" Auction sale of farm implements and furniture, property of J. Bruder, 76 Yonge Street South, King Township. post- poned from April 13. Sale at 1 p. m. Terms cash. F. N. Smith, auctio eer. Newmarket 187J. \ *1w42 SAT., APRIL 28 â€" Auction sale of complete lot of household furniture, late model Ford car, garden trac- tor tools, garden tools, etc, on part of lot 11, con. 6 Markham Twp. on No. 7 Highway. Property belong- ing to Estate of the late Wm. Gil- more. Sale at 1.30 pm. Terms cash. No reserve as house is sold. Jas. Smith, clerk. Ken and Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. SAT., APRIL 21 â€"â€" Auction sale at the new Stouffville Livestock Sale Arena, selling livestock our spec- ialty: fresh cows, springers, heif- ers, sheep, caIVes, pigs, horses. (Pick-up and delivery can be ar- ranged.) Come early, bring some- thing to sell. This is your commun- ity sale. “You bring it, we’ll sell it.†Sale every Saturday at 1 p.m. D.S.T. Make this your market where buyers and sellers meet. Sell- ers and Atkinson, auctioneers. tfc WED, MAY 2 â€" Auction Sale of 40 Ihead of vaccinated Guernsey cattle, farm stock, implements, tractor, threshing machine, milk- ing machine milk cooler' hammer mill, hay and grain, straw and en- silage, etc. Lot 13, Con. 4 Scar- boro, 1% miles east of Brown’s Corners. Property C. H. Berner, Sale at 12.30 D.S.T. No reserve. Terms cash. Sellers and Atkinson, auctioneers, Agincourt 201W'2 Stouffville 76W2. SAT., MAY 19 â€"â€" Auction Sale of herd of registered and grade Hol- stein cattle, pigs, threshing ma- chine. new Ford Tractor, farm stock, implements, furniture, etc. on lot 12, con 8 Vaughan Twp“ on No. 27 Highway, 1% mile north of No. 7 Highway. Property of Mrs. F. Murray. Sale at 12.30 noon sharp. Terms’cash. No reserve, farm sold. Ken and Clarke Pren- tice, auctioneers. Markham, Ont., phone 346. EMPLOYMENT WANTED MALE BOOKKEEPER wants part time work. Apply Box 6 Liberal. c2w41 2 LABORERS for job in Richmond Hill. Apply 499J Richmond Hill. c1w42 OEFICE WORK Wanted, part time. experienced. Phone 601 Rich- mond Hill. c1w42 HANDYMAN wishes part time work, evenings. Phone Thornhill 6R13. c1w42 SINGLE or married man, market gardening help‘,’ free house, must be good tractor man. Apply Har- vey Mashinter, R. R. 3 King, phone 3R13 King. tfc 42 POULTRY WANTED POULTRY WANTED. Best mark- et prices. Any quantity. Will call immediately on request. Phone A. Magee, King 29R14. *25w29 CAPONS, roosters and few], high- est prices paid. Don’t sell until contacting W. S. Appleton. Oak Ridges Poultry Grading Station. Phone King 59R14. tfc17 LOST ONE RED PLYTVOOD end rack for truck on Elgin Rd.-Bathurst Street, Maple Sidei‘oad, Yonge St, or No. 7 Highway east of Yonge. Chas. Hooper. Buttonville, phone Agincourt 41J4. c1w42 E. J. HINSON Interior & Exterior Decorator Elm Grove Oak. Ridge: or King 17R4 _â€"â€"__.â€"â€".â€"_ -â€"‘IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII†iTELEVISION ..nIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIvI'.IIIIIIIIIITIIIIIIIIIiIIiIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIE SOLD & SERVICED E IIIIIIIIIIIIIII “I QUALITY USED CARS AND TRUCKS 1949 PONTIAC MAROON COACH Radio. Heater Very nice clean car $1,725.00 0 1948 PONTIAC. COACH radio and heater. very clean 30 day guarantee $1,425.00 0 1949 MERCURY '2 TON PICKUP 30 day guarantee $1,125.00 0 1949 GMC i TON PICKL'P 30 day guarantee $1,200.00 0 1949 DODGE CUSTOM SEDAN fluid drive, custom radio white wall tires 90 day guarantee $1,895.00 O 1949 FORD 4-I)OOR SEDAN an exceptionally clean car with low mileage 30 day guarantee $1,595.00 0 Bradshaw Motors LTD Buick, Pontiac, G.M.C. Trucks Phone 488 Elgin Mills Phone 653 RELIABLE USED CARS SPECIAL THIS WEEK 1950 PONTIAC ’“Chieftain†5 PASSENGER COUPE Spotless condition 120" wheelbase, small mileage 30 Day Guarantee $1,695.00 1949 PLYMOUTH SPECIAL DeLL'XE SEDAN Exceptional condition $950.00 1946 FORD DeLL'XE SEDAN $525.00 1947 FORD I"; TON PICKUP $250.00 1932 FORD MODEL “B†TUDOR Economical transportation $175.00 1936 FORD TUDOR R. D. LITTLE & SON Ltd. Ford & Monarch Sales & Service PHONE 174, RICHMOND BILL WEEK - END EXTRA SPECIAL CHERRY VALLEY CHOICE RED PTTED CHERRIES For Pie 0r Dessert 2O OZ. TIN 276 I O HELEN’S GROCETERIA 21 YONGE Si. N. BLACKBURNS' RICHMOND HILL Phone THORNHILL 161 Phone Richmond Hill 8 OWMNOMW TINSMITH EAVESTROUGHING EW FINDLAY AND PEASE FURNACES Parts and Repairs f0!" all makes of furnaces PAUL DUBOIS Richmond Hill Telephone 5-J ARE YOUR INSURANCE NEEDS COVERED ? I My Thirty Years Of Experience is i=3IIIITIIIIIIIIII“III“hillI“IIIIIIEllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII“IIII“IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII" PORTRAITS For FIREâ€"AUTOMOBILEâ€"HEALTH AND ACCIDENT BURGLARYâ€"PLATE GLASSâ€"COVERAGE â€"â€" SEE â€"â€" IN THE HOME BY With three photographs one miniature will be given complimentary. CHILDREN A SPECIALTY Phone HY. 3405 Toronto Display at JUNE’S GIFT SHOPPE 80 Yonge St. S., Richmond Hill Enquire Within IIIIIIIIIlllllllllllllllllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIIIIIIIIIllllllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllIlI'IIlIlI'IlIIi Tum STORE YOUR WINTER GARMENTS SAFE FROM FIRE - THEFT - MOTHS . ‘(FULLY INSURED) Chester Cleaners & Dyers, Ltd. 1 739-743 Broadview Ave., Toronto ARTHUR J. WELLS Telephone Maple 99 Maple Don’t Wait For The Spring Rush CALL NOW P. M. TONNER CLEAN, FINE WORK PAINTING AND DECORATING PHONE RICHMOND HILL 438W F. L. LOWRIE, R. 0. . Eyesight Specialist WILL BE AT Clarke’s Pharmacy Wednesday, April 24 and the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month FROM 9.30 A.M. TO 12 NOON EYES .EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED BROKEN LENSES REPLACED a OPTICAL REPAIRS in} - . Prescriptions for Glasses Filled " For Appointment Phone Richmond Hill 33 Home Office 3242 Yonge opp. Park Theatre -â€" Hu, 8949 = g i" s 5 z E - 2 Z 5 s s 5 g a; z s s 2 5 5 a i. g E E i; E To NORM BOORE, AGENT 99 Hunt St., Richmond Hill, Phone 99W I TI Message To Home Owners And Garden Lovers ' This spring we have again a nice variety of Evergreens, Flowering Shrubs, Rose Bushes, Shade and Ornamental Trees. A large stock of Fruit Trees, Small Fruit Bushes and a good supply of 5-in-1 Apple and Pear Trees, also Bearing Age Apple Trees. Before you plant anything, for good results, be sure to prepare your soil with ï¬ne “Granulated Peat Moss†which is available in bags or by cubic yards. Landscape work and planting done by experts. Our prices are reasonable. We appreciate your visit anytime. DONCASTER NURSERY Stop 14A Yonge St. Thornhill Phone 340 '+-â€"â€"â€"râ€"â€"__â€"_=â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"/=