Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 19 Apr 1951, p. 3

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News William Henny ~ Ralph Morgan - Gene Lockhart Directed by Paul H. Sloane - Screen Play by Paul H. Sloane THE- BIG MUSICAL! ON THE SCREEN AT LAST! Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday â€"â€" April 23, 24 & 25 V PRESTON FOSTER ELLEN DREW o ANDY DEVAINE Shows Daily at 7 and 9 pm. Saturdays & holidays continuous from 6 pm. PARKING AT REAR 0F THEATRE _ EntrancERfEEm Church Street. Walkway on north sxde of Theatre Building Saturday: Matinee at 2 pm. 1r. Rlcbmmal Telephone Richmond Hill 500 News Friday & Saturday April 20 & 21 Thursday & Friday â€"â€" April 26 & 27 rmmwmm ' Wyn», Cartoon Doors open at 1.30 pm- Cartoon “YANKS AHOY" WITH ME SAWYER AND WILLIAM TRACY â€"â€" Plus â€"- «Mimm'w Featurette Holding there should be some curb on indiscriminate parking in the municipality, council voted to have Solicitor Lucas draw up a by-law that would provide for a maximum of two-hour parking on all streets in the municipality with the exception of Yonge Street. (Continued from page 1) council will further study the mat- ter. Want Parking By-Law The by-law will also provide for making it illegal to park in front of driveways, Reeve Neal claim- ing that this latter practise Was pretty common and ought to be checked. Deputy Reeve Taylor, who presided over ,the meeting. felt that the parking restrictions should apply all over the‘village as well as in front of driveways. Councillor.Middleton asked the council what action he should take With respect to a case on Hall St. in which a permit for a building had been issued three years ago and beyond excavating for a cell-. at. the owner had gone no further. It was felt the permit should be cancelled. The council gave its approval‘t-o a bylaw to issue $10,000 in de- bentures to cover the cost of fre- quency standardization extensions in the local Hydro system. Call For Tenders Clerk Lynett was instructed to get prices on the cost of a new linoleum for the floor of his office. He said it was impossible to keep the present floor clean. Reeve Neal James Butler cept the post ordinator. (Continued from page 1) ing‘ what the home hobbyist wuld make from their partly prepared moccasins and figurines, while their representative swiftly fash- ioned glamorous pins and earrings "from metal foil. Booth Converters Convening the different booth. st the Fair were: Miss Clara Mason, Mrs. E. W. Banks, Mrs. Douglas Boyd, Miss Phyllis Casement, Mrs. B. W. Wark, Mrs. Woodburn Thomson, Mrs. Derek Mills, while Mrs. Norman Todd was in charge of the tea room. Door prizes were won as follows: Miss Dorothy Banks, Langstafi; Mrs. A. G. Savage; Miss Elsie Langstafi‘; Mr. Denis Undernill; Mrs. G. E. Clubine, Miss Joanne Roy, Miss Isobel Clarke. Large Crowds Miss Susanne Ball, Richmond Hill won the rafile on the dressed doll. The Lucky Draw winners were as follows: Radio. Mrs. Doreen Sweeny; Trilight lamp, Mrs. Ruth Ellis, Toronto; flowers, Mr. Bruce Chamney; cup and saucer, Miss Lorine'Henderson. London, Ont.; case of soaps, Mrs. I. Ross, and other prizes by Mr. Grinnell, Mr. A. E. Patton, Mrs. Sutton, Toronto, Mr. J. Hollowell. (Continued from page 1) to two and earned the right to move into the OHA senior B final against Brantford Burtols. All together approximately $600 was made for the Parish at the Fair. While RUSS Robertson again came through in the clutch with Markham’s fifth and winning goal after 9.58 minutes of the last per- iod' it was the ambidextrous Mr. Stunden Who stood on the burning bridge and successfully fought off the shower of rubber Nylons fired during the final hectic five min- utes. It was a, ‘great comeback for Markham’s goalie. His over-an- xiousness to play defense, as well as goal during the first period, had given Kingston the opportunity to break out with a 3-1 lead. The Millionaires didn’t do so well in the finals, taking an 11-2 shellacking at the hands of Brant- ford Monday night but that’s an- other story. When he’s off the ice, Norm is employed in the composing room of The Liberal. Local Athlete Window Cleaning And Storm Windows Removed Screens & Awnings Erected JACK CHIRM Richmond Hill Phone 299w Notice To Creditors AND OTHERS All persons having claims ag- ainst the Estate of William John Moses, late of Elgin Mills, Ontarâ€" io. who died on or about the 18th day of January, 1951, are required to file particulars of the same with the undersigned on or before the 17th day of May, 1951,,after wnich date the Estate will be distributed having regard only to claims of which the Administratrix shall have notice. DATED at Toronto this 18th day of April. 1951. Sarah Elizabeth Moses, Administratrix, by WILL: Richmond Street West, Toronto, her Solicitors herein. 1AM COOK AND WAL'SH, 85 announced that had agreed to ac- of civil defense co- The annual charter and ladies night of Maple Lions was held in Maple Villa Thursday evening, April 12. A good attendance en- joyed very much the excellent din~ ner and programme planned by the committee, Mr. Reginald Rouse, Mr. Howard Knight and Mr. Cal. Miller and they are to be com- mended for the fine results. Table favors of a phial of des- ert flower perfume were received by the ladies. A lucky draw was won by Mrs. Donald Allen. At the close of the dinner a daintily dec- orated birthday cake in the form 0f a horseshoe was cut and served. A piano solo by Mrs. William Grierson and community singing was enjoyed. The Benny Silv‘er- ton Trio, entertainers, gave many clever numbers and the response showed how very much they were enjoyed. The evening ended with a dance with music by Ross Knight Lions Charter Night Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Baker_ dau- g‘hter Eva and Ruth Winger left for Kansas on April 6. They ex- pect to be gone over two Sundays. Mrs. Jesse Baker and Bertie ac- companied them as‘ far as Indiana. The latter returned on the train. Rev. and Mrs. Jog. Cober, Mr. and Mrs. William Reaman and Rev. and Mrs. P. J. Wiebe attended the funeral of Mrs. E. A. Ditson 1n Collingwood on April 12. Rev. E. J. Rohrer, Ohio, began a revival meeting on the Fourth of Markham last Sunday. Busy Bees Mission Band The attendance at the Busy Bees Mission Band, at the home of Isa- belle Leece on Saturday, April 14, was thirty-one. The president, Marlene Orr. presided. The meet- ing opened with hymn 763, Nancy Gudal, Carol Downing and Patric- ia Lund read the scripture and El- eanor Blakelock led in prayer. Af- ter the usual business, hymn 766 was sung and the Story of Miss Lucy Baker was read, closing with hymn 419 and the benedictiOn. A sumptuous lunch was served by Mrs. Leece and Isabell. To Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rumble on Friday, April 13, in Mrs. Hoover’s Nursing Home. Maple, a daughter. Congratulations to the happy par- ents. Rev. Lambert and a number or the Young People of Maple United Church attended the Spring Rally of the Young People of Toronto Centre North Presbytery. on Tues- day, April 10, in Richmond Hil‘: United Church. Rev. D. C. H. Michell and Mrs. Roy Burt of King called on Mrs. Heber Cook and Mrs Isaac Wat- son last week. EVERYTHING POINTS TO THE FACT Beef is going to be in Short Supply and More Expensive too! OUR SPACIOUS FROZEN FOOD LOCIKERS ENABLE YOU TO BUY AT THESE LOWER PRICES AND ENJOY IT WHENEVER YOU WANT. o SERVE T-BONE STEAK AT THE PRICE OF HAMBURG o HIND QUARTER BEEF RICHMOND HILL WE ARE TAKING ORDERS FOR NEW LOCKERS PHONE 588 AND RESERVE ONE NOW E HAVE ABIG LOT ON THE WAY AND THEY’RE GOING FAST Richmond Hill Cold Storage CORRESPONDENT -â€" MRS. D. ALLEN MAPLE NEWS Phone Maple 19R BUY YOUR BEEF AT LOW PRICES ' N o w Mrs. Heber Cook and aac Watson have been ill improving nicely. Miss Marilyn Snider was a guest at the Mother and Daughter banquet of the C.G.I.T. at Rich- mond Hill. Mrs. James Rae is very ill in the General Hospital, Toronto, with pneumonia. It is hoped she is soon well and able to be home again. Miss Marilyn Snider was the speaker at Victoria Square C.\..I.T. on Monday, April 16, the topic be- ing “Camping.” ' Thirty lady bowlers of the Lions, Tanes and Oddfellows had a trip to the fun parade on Tuesday, Ap- til 10, where one of the bowlers, Mrs. Herbert Joslin was success- ful in winning some prizes, one a lovely wool housecoat and an e1- ectric egg cooker. Lunch was had in the Diet Kitchen, Toronto. They all voted 3 very enjoyable evening. Lady Bowlers Teston Friends of Mrs. Harry Ireland, Teston, will be sorry to learn that. she is very ill at her home. A spee- dy recovery is wished for her. Charivari Party A number of friends met in the Vellore Hall on Friday, April 13, to honor Mr. and Mrs. Hovis at a charivari party when the happy couple, recently, married, were presented with a coffee table. Mrs. Hovis, the former Mrs. Ham lived in Teston prior to her marriage. A group of some 75 friends ga- thered in the Royal York Hotel last Wednesday evening for the annual birthday party of William Davies, Richmond Hill retail mer- chant. Mr. Davies was 80 years old. Stan Francis, well-known radio personality, acted as master of ceremonies and felicitations were extended to the guest of honor by Reeve William Neal of Richmond Hill, J. E. Smith, M.P., for North York, Controller John Innes of Toronto and Cy Mack, Toronto ra- dio star. ' Enjoyable Party ls Held For Richmond Hill Octogenarian Following a very sumptuous dinner, the evening was spent in music and dancing with entertain- ment by the two radio men inter- spersed With some local talent. Guests present from Richmond Hill, Toronto, Aurora and many other communities united in ex- tending hearty wishes for contin- ued good health to the active octO- genarian. DURING THE COMING MONTHS BETTER BE PREPARED AND Telephone 588 Cut into roasts, steaks or whatever you prefer. This includes cutting, wrapping and quick freezing. No other charges. n‘e THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thurs., April 19, 1951 amulumulmu “l\{i“lll\“m“Mum\ll\\lll\\1lllll11\l\l\\\\lllll1l\\\1\\\lllllll\\\l\\\l\mlllllllllll\l\\\\\lllIlll1l\“111\ll“\l‘“\lllllll“llllll\l\\\l\\\\\l\|\l\llll\\\Ҥ filumummmun1mIInmmnmumnmlmmuunumnmmuuInlmm\umm“mulumun“mum1mmllmInIlnlIIlIIl1mmummmmmumuumfi PLAZA MAPLE BLOCK & TILE LIMIIED Beginning April 30, this store will open on Monday at 1 o’clock, and will remain open all day Wednesday. For Service at it’s Best - - Try Your Friendly Local Dairy RICHMOND HELL DAIRY 7% AT lTSDElIéIOIJS 5557/ M E. Walker & Son , MAPLE Groceries, Dry Goods Donald Allen Meats * 5373 TELEPHONE RICHMOND HILL MAPLE â€"â€" ONTARIO MARKHAM ROAD 69clbo MAPLE 6

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